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The Epistle

The Epistle - September, 2014

St. Pauls Lutheran Church,

417 Howertown Rd,

Catasauqua, PA 18032


Fax: 610-264-5732

Child Care: 610-264-0190

Sunday Worship

8:00 am Holy Communion

9:00 am Sunday School

10:30 am Worship

1st & 3rd Sunday Holy Communion


Church Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00am-3:00pm

Sunday School

September-Penetcost 9:00am

Child Care Center

Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm


Church Staff:

Pastor: vacant

Pastor Emeritus:

Rev. Dr. Hartland H. Gifford

Dir. Music: vacant

Office Admin: Charleen Burik

Treasurer: Paul Peters

Financial Sec: Debbie Stewart

Dir. Child Care: Margaret Bossons

Sexton: Norbert Huber

Congregation Council

Robert Bastian

Tom Danner

Kerry Lewis Vice President

Doug Newhard- President

Laurie Perna

Robin Ruch

Helene Sterner - Secretary

(5) vacant

Dear family & friends of St. Pauls,

In last months Epistle, we asked the question, can we trust God to the point where we can move ahead with Him but not hurry ahead of Him?

One month later, the answer is YES. Yes, we can and do trust Him. Granted, at times each of us may have felt a little disconnected, lost or even uncertain, especially dealing not only without having a pastor, or an organist, but unfortunately, we were also faced with not having a sexton due to health issues. But during all these trials, we have been certain of one thing; God did not leave us. In fact, He has made us stronger as we learn to lean on Him in prayer and trust Him more to guide us through this uncertain time.

Already we have seen Gods amazing work in so many areas of St. Pauls. Who would have thought we would ever be asked to sing acapella on an occasional Sunday morning when a supply organist was not available; but you said YES and it was great! Who would have thought when our sexton suddenly turned ill, it would be possible to continue without him with this large building to take care of; but you said YES, and it was thanks to amazing volunteers who come in every night to help either sweep, mop, or clean the bathrooms. Not only did people come forward to help clean, but you also opened your hearts and pocketbooks to give generous donations of food and money to assist his family. When we were suddenly faced with the possibility that vacation bible school might have to be cancelled due to not having a Christian Ed. Director, who would have thought we could pull it off in such a short time frame; but you said YES, and again it was thanks to the dedicated members of St. Pauls who realized we could not and would not let the children down. It was with that kind of dedication and love, we are proud to say so many children of our church and community came each night to hear and experience Gods amazing grace! And last, but not least, when an elder of our church passed away, who had been a member for 60 years and her family inquired if it was possible for us to arrange to have a funeral luncheon (at the last minute) for her, there was never a moment of doubt you said YES! And yes you did - it was amazing to see all the love and support from so many volunteers who baked, cooked and came out to honor one of our elders with an amazing feast.

No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Currently, our Synod is actively searching for an interim pastor for us and ultimately, a new pastor. They did warn us this could be a long process and well do our best to keep everyone informed along the way. In the meantime, God has blessed us with wonderful supply pastors and supply organists who lead us through worship and prayer each week. Rest assured, St. Pauls is moving forward as it is evident in all the blessings that God has graced us


with so far. So members of St. Pauls, in answering the above question again, we proudly say YES, we ARE trusting God to the point where we ARE moving ahead with Him but not ahead of Him. Were doing this by standing strong in our faith and by re-committing ourselves to Him. By reaffirming our love for Him, not only through prayer, but through thought, word, and deed as well.

In the days ahead, were asking you to please take some time to think of ways that you can keep the light of Gods love shining in and through you and St. Pauls. ~~~

St. Pauls Congregational Council

July Highlights

* A motion was made and carried to have all donations from VBS (cash & food) go to Norbert Huber.

* Synod representatives met with Council to discuss the procedure of starting the call process. Whole process may take 1-18 months. They currently are looking for an interim pastor for us. Council questioned if it was a good idea to keep or sell the parsonage and Synod suggested it would be a good idea to keep our options open until we find a pastor.

* It was discovered St. Pauls was given ownership of 2 graves at Cedar Hill Memorial Park in 2005.

* Council agreed Pentecost will be the last day for both Sunday school and Confirmation classes.

Treasury Report

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver

2 Corinthians 9:7

Jan-July YTD Financial Update

Weekly Envelopes

Budgeted: $110,000.00

Received: $ 51,464.25

Actual YTD

Income: $ 335,061.29

Expense: $338,364.54


Endowment Fund Loan: $63,339

Balance: $42,557




Average weekly

attendance for July


9:15am 38


Child Care Center News

September is here and we begin a new school year here at St. Pauls Child Care Center. We look forward to a busy but fun school year for the children. All of the classes will begin with a topic on All About Me, and making new friends. They will also expand and talk about their families. Most of the classes will talk about apples and the different colors and tastes. Kindergarten will also have to learn new school rules and bus rules. With everything the children will be learning, they will still have time to be creative and make crafts to go along with their themes. We will also spend time outside every day to observe the changes in the season to come.

Deadline: September 12

Epistle Volunteers: September 19

If you would like to put an article or announcement in our newletter, please contact Charleen. Request: If you are able, please E-mail your articles to Charleen, Office Admin at

E-Mail me the Epistle!

Help us cut down the cost of postage by getting your Epistle newsletter by e-mail Just send your request via an email to church office at

For all you Smartphone users: We can easily email your Epistle directly to your smartphone (PDF format) so you can enjoy it anytime, anywhere. Just email us at or call church office and let us know where you want us to send it.

Dont forget you can also get our EPISTLE newsletter and up-to-date church information on our website too and.

check St. Pauls Facebook page too!

Happy September,

Margaret Bossons,

Child Care Director

For more information about our Child Care Center, go to our website and click on Child Care Center button. Also there, you can check out their link to their new Facebook page.

He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need. Ephesians 4:28

Congratulations &

Gods Blessings!

Baptism A special prayer for Gods loving guidance; blessings & happiness as Lilian Snyder was recently baptized

Condolences We remember the family of Elsie Strausser, who recently went home to be with our Lord on July 23, 2014. We pray that the family will find comfort and peace during their days of


Property Committee

THANK YOU to the many faithful members of St. Paul's for answering to God's call in helping to clean our building during the absence of our sexton Norbert Huber. Norbert suffered a severe stroke that caused paralysis of his left side. He is undergoing rehabilitation and has a positive attitude that he intends to return to his position as sexton. The church members were stunned hearing of his stroke and have supported him and his family with donations of gift cards and money to help them in this crisis since he didn't have any insurance.

We praise God for all these gifts of love to the Huber family and ask for God's continual presence and healing so that Norbert will at some time be able to return to what he so enjoyed.

The absence of Norbert has put a demand on all of us and since we have a Child Care Center here, we need to see that this place is cleaned every day. We have decided to hire a part-time person to do the bare needs of this process for the time being. Tara Crogan, a church member, mother of three, and a Brownie leader here at St. Paul's has been hired. There may be times that we need volunteer assistance in this cleaning process.

May God's richest blessings be with the Huber family and St. Paul's.


The Fundraising Committee is looking for cooks & bakers to help with their Chicken Dinner Fundraiser to be held on October 4. If you can spare the time and would like to help out in the kitchen, please contact the church office at 610-264-3221

Fundraising Committee

Looking ahead: Please reserve the following dates as we have a fantastic lineup of fundraisers.

September 13: Annual Apple Fest. 10am-2pm.

October 4: 2nd Annual Chicken Dinner Theatre. 4:30-6:30pm with entertainment starting at 6:30pm

October 12: Longaberger Basket Bingo

November 23: Thanksgiving Basket Raffle

November 29: Annual Holly Fair. 9am-2pm

December 21: Christmas Basket Raffle


Altar Guild Committee is looking for volunteers, if you can help, please contact Jackie Younger.

Lectors are needed to read lessons for Sundays second worship services. If you can help, please contact Judy Donchez.

Greeters are needed! Please check the sign-up charts in the Narthex


*To Sherry Miller and Tricia Huber for helping out in the church office during the week I was on vacation - Charleen

*To everyone who gave so much of their time and talents during VBS week. To all the parents and congregation members who generously gave donations and especially to all the volunteers who, without their dedication, VBS would not be as successful as it has been

* To luncheon volunteers for preparing the delicious lunch for the funeral of Elsie Strausser, It was greatly appreciated! It was also very nice of all of you to take the time to do the luncheon. Gods Blessings, Paul Strausser, Otis, Nancy Wallhofer & Family

St. Pauls Lutheran Church Basket & Bags Bingo Fundraiser

Sunday October 12th, at 2:00PM

(doors open at 12:30PM)

20 games of Bingo $20 a Ticket

To sponsor a basket or designer bag, contribute or just help out, please complete the bottom and return to the church office or place in the offering plate. For questions, please contact Linda Gier (610/966-1540) or the church office (610) 264-3221


Please write the sponsor names(s) as you wish it to appear in the Bingo Program

Sponsored amount:

$10.00_________ $15.00_________

$25.00_________ $20.00_________

$30.00_________ $40.00_________

Other (please indicate amount ___________

Average cost of each basket or designer bag for a regular game of bingo is $75 - 90.


Childs Name: ________________________________________________________________

Childs Address: ______________________________________________________________


Phone Number: __________________________ Date of Birth: _________________

Has the child been baptized? (Circle one) YesNoIf yes, date of baptism? _________

Grade in School: _________________ Sunday School Grade: _______________

Known Allergies: ______________________________________________________________

E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________________


Mothers Name: ______________________________________________________________

Phone Number: __________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________


Fathers Name: _______________________________________________________________

Phone Number: __________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________


Whom shall we contact in case of emergency? Name and phone number, please:

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardians Signature: ___________________________________________________

Upcoming Events

St Pauls Committees &

Volunteer Directory

Acolytes: Laurie Perna

Altar Guild: Jackie Younger

Child Care: Len Witt

Christian Ed: vacant

Communion Assist: Laurie Perna

Epistle: Charleen Burik

Finance: Brynn Layton

Fundraising: Bob Bastian

Greeters: Kay Muehlberger

Lectors: Judy Donchez

Memorials: Betty MacHose

Prayer Chain: Bette MacHose

Property: Bob Bastian

Scouts: Al Renn/Mark Weaver

Social Ministry/Evangelism: June Hahn

Stewardship: Laurie Perna

Worship: Kerry Lewis

Saturday, September 13th is Applefest - There will be a little something for everyone at this festival: games, contests, music, entertainment, crafters, food, and did we mention apples?

Confirmation classes begins on Sept. 14th at 9am in the Fellowship Hall with breakfast and get together. After breakfast we will get together in the chapel to talk about Confirmation and the requirements. If your child is in seventh, eighth, or ninth grade and has not been confirmed, please contact the church office as soon as possible. Confirmation will take place on May 24, 2015 during the 10:30am worship service.

Sunday School will begin another exciting year on September 14, at 9 am. We will begin in Fellowship Hall for breakfast. Come join us in learning about Jesus and how to follow him every day.

Hospital Visits

Pastor John Hart, from Holy Trinity is our Synod designated Visitation Pastor.

If you or someone you know is admitted into the hospital or rehabilitation facility, it is very important to notify the church as soon as possible. You can do this by either

- calling the church office directly or

- inform the hospital upon admittance that you are a member of St. Pauls and they will list you under our Pastoral Code 312.

Ways to help St. Pauls & Our Community

Catasauqua Food Bank Needs:

Drop off your donations for the Food Pantry in the shopping basket in the Church Narthex

Peanut butter, jelly, fruit cups, pudding/jello cups, breakfast bars, and cereal

Inkjet Cartridges: Help St. Paul's itself by bringing in your used printer & fax machine cartridges! We trade them in & receive store credit-$2.00 for every qualifying print cartridge. Not only will it contribute to fundraising at St. Paul's, but it keeps these things out of landfills & helps protect the environment! Everyone wins!

Volunteer Coordinator: Susan Vrablic

Drop in at Redners in Whitehall or Northampton and get a free Save-a-Tape card. Present it at the register when you pay for your purchases, then bring your receipts to the church. Every $5,000 in Redners receipts earns St. Pauls Church $50!

Volunteer Coordinator: Julie Stauffer St. Pauls can earn a donation every time you search the Internet and shop online! Search the web with Yahoo-powered and theyll donate a penny to our church each time you search! Shop at more than 600 merchants including Amazon, Best Buy, Toys R Us, and others, and a percentage of each purchase will go to our church! For searching go to:

Miller Keystone Blood Center

Is currently experiencing lower than normal inventory levels due to the inclement weather and illness. We are in need of all blood types.

We want to thank all who have donated recently. Remember to say youre giving for St. Pauls whenever you donate blood!

Soda Tabs: For the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. The PRMH provides housing to the families of patients in the local children's hospitals, and the soda tabs are a huge boost to the charity's finances. Bring your tabs to worship on Sundays, or to the church office any day of the week, and help with this important program!

September Celebrations

Jesus said, I am the Light of the World. May the birthday candles that represent the years of your life be a reflection to others of your love for Christ.

9/1Jason Kesack

9/1Katelyn Lawlor

9/1Barbara Roth

9/2Jason Mengel

9/3Paula Kesack














9/5Corey Hersh

9/6Lisa Bauer

9/6Megan Kurtz

9/6Maggie Phillips

Special Birthdays

A few of our seniors will be celebrating birthdays this month. Please take the time to remember them with a card or note

9/5Raymond Kunkle82

2021 Westgate Dr, Bethlehem, PA 18017

9/6Shirley Teets 80

449 Bridge Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032

9/8Katherine Buss80

907 Race Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032

9/8Dorothea Walck83

1519 Walnut St, Apt 217, Allentown, PA 18102

9/10Lorraine Reitz81

255 Main Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032

9/12Joseph Bauer 80

125 Chestnut Street, Allentown, PA 18101

9/12R. William Younger 81

316 St. John Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032

9/14Hilda Tameler94

245 Main Street, Rear, Catasauqua, PA 18032

9/15John Bechtold 86

1450 Deer Path Dr., Walnutport, PA 18088

9/22Sally Chromiak82

823 Breinigs Lane, Catasauqua, PA 18032

9/26Harold Steitz 92

6160 Irving St, Allentown, PA 18109

9/17Wilmer Burrows92

232 Church Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032

9/18Margaret Corcoran88

337 Bridge Street, Catasauqua, PA 18032

9/18Nancy Steitz 83

6160 Irving St, Allentown, PA 18109

9/20Violet Butler 85

1961 Maria Lane, Allentown, PA 18104

9/7Sandra Osiecki

9/8Norma Bauer

9/8Benjamin Szewczak

9/10Boyd Chamberlain Jr.

9/10Crystale Ungiran

9/12Richard Ackerman

9/12Jacob Sutter

9/13Al Renn

9/16Adriane Strohl

9/18Brittany Steidel

9/19Belle Chambers

9/19Erin Dolan

9/20Raymond Laubach

9/21Tammy Bastidas

9/21Cory Daddona

9/22David Eck

9/22Paul Peters Jr.

9/22Sara Santos

9/23Philip Ginder

9/23Alicia Roth

9/24Jacob DeAngeles

9/25Deborah Price

9/25Donna Sheckler

9/25Alan Shook

9/26Louis Kuhns

9/27Debra Hoffman

9/27Alyssa Rushatz

9/28Mason Forstoffer

9/28Kathleen Witt

9/30Carole Cardona

9/30Tammie Englert

9/30Kaitlyn Kulp

9/30Emily Reiner

9/3John & Phyllis Bechtold

9/4Alan & Stephanie Shook

9/5Lewis & Kathy Heller

9/9Anthony & Amy Wright

9/13Christopher & Stephanie Winkler Sr.

9/14Vane & Suzanne Smale Jr.

9/19Wendy & Barry Panasik

9/24Keith & Jamie Willever


Church Office Closed



Property Meeting



Cadette Troop





8:00 Holy Communion

9:15 Holy Communion


7:00 Worship Meeting



6:30 Fundraising Meeting


Cadette Troop








Services in Sanctuary

8:00 Holy Communion

9:00 SS Breakfast

10:30 Worship

8:00 Holy Communion

9:00 Sunday School

10:30 Holy Communion


7:00 CYSA


7:00 CCC Meeting



Cadette Troop



Finance Meeting







8:00 Holy Communion

9:00 Sunday School

10:30 Holy Communion


7:00 Council Meeting




Cadette Troop





8:00 Holy Communion

9:00 Sunday School

10:30 Worship













Dont forget you can view our calendar on-line by visiting our website and click on Calendar link

The Autumnal Equinox

The word equinox comes from the Latin words for "equal night."

The fall and spring equinoxes are the only days of the year in which the Sun crosses the celestial equator.

From here on out, the temperatures begin to drop and the days start to get shorter than the nights

Volunteers Serving at St. Paul's in September


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Honor a loved one, give thanks for an anniversary or accomplishment, or commemorate a loved ones birthday or death by sponsoring flowers for our altar or by sponsoring our church bulletins. If you would like to celebrate in this way, please fill out a Altar Flower and/or Bulletin Dedication form along with payment of $40/$15 & submit to church office. Dedication forms are in the Narthex







Called to Community

Jesus says, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them" (Matt. 18:20). In these Sundays after Pentecost, we are repeatedly reminded that God has not abandoned us and that Christ's resurrection and ascension are a beginning for us, not an end. We need to focus on the practical work of the gathered Christian community: turning from sin to repentance, from conflict to reconciliation. The question is as relevant today as it was for the disciples and the first Christians: how do we live together, work together, as the body of Christ? We have been saved by grace, liberated by God's love to love one another. What does it mean for us and for our community to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 13:14) and to clothe ourselves in love?

We keep asking these questions because the way we gather as Christians continues to be profoundly countercultural. We do not gather as a social club, drawn and kept together only by shared demographics and interests. If church is only a social club, there is no reason to continue to gather if conflict arises, if uncomfortable issues are raised, or if "the way it's always been" begins to change. If church is only a social club, there is no reason to do the hard work of reconciliation and forgiveness.

God calls us into community knowing that being in community is hard. In scripture we can find practical guidance for gathering through good and hard times. The Holy Spirit is always at workin, though, and among usto gather and regather us again. In community we meet and become Christ's body in ways that are impossible for us as individuals; all the commandments are fulfilled in this call to neighbor-love (Rom. 13:9).

September Worship Services

Sept 7th13th Sunday after Pentecost

8:00 a.m. Spoken Holy Communion

9:15 a.m. Holy Communion

Sept 14th 14th Sunday after Pentecost

Services resume in Sanctuary

8:00 a.m. Spoken Holy Communion

9:00 a.m. Sunday School Breakfast

10:30 p.m. Worship

Sept 21st 15th Sunday after Pentecost

8:00 a.m. Spoken Holy Communion

9:00 a.m. Sunday School

10:30 a.m. Holy Communion

Sept 28th16th Sunday after Pentecost

8:00 a.m. Spoken Holy Communion

9:00 a.m. Sunday School

10:30 a.m. Worship

The Epistle

A monthly publication of

St. Pauls Lutheran Church

417 Howertown Road

Catasauqua, PA 18032


Church Office Hours Sunday School Child Care Center

Monday-Friday September-Pentecost Monday-Friday

9:00am-3:00pm 9:00am 7:30am-5:30pm

God of autumn, the trees are saying goodbye to their green, letting go of what has been.

We, too, have our moments of surrender, with all their insecurity and risk.

Help us to let go when we need to do so.


If you move, changed phone or cell numbers, email addresses, or add members to your household, it is very important that you let the church office know so we can update all our information! Its costly to have mail returned to the church due to incorrect or insufficient addresses. Even if the mail is forwarded, the church will be billed for the forwarding process. If you need to update any of your information, please stop by church office or call 610-264-3221


9/78:00 AM8:00 AM8:00 AM8:00 AM

-Bob BastianAndrew KalynychJ. Falko

R. Ruch

9:15 AM9:15 AM9:15 AM9:15 AM

Bob TeetsJudy BussGavyn MacHoseT. Bastidas

L. Miller

9/148:00 AM8:00 AM8:00 AM8:00 AM

-Bob BastianCalla Shander

-Robin RuchAllison Mengel

10:30 AM10:30 AM10:30 AM10:30 AM

Jessica Kirkpatrick-Gavyn MacHose

Brian Panasik

9/218:00 AM8:00 AM8:00 AM8:00 AM

-Pat GerberAlyssa CantrelP. Gerber

Paula KesackAdam ReinhartD. Stewart

10:30 AM10:30 AM10:30 AM10:30 AM

Libby BussDoug NewhardCalla ShanderB. Rabenold

Judy BussAndrew KalynychD. Williams

9/288:00 AM8:00 AM8:00 AM8:00 AM

-Bob BastianEddie Forstoffer

Robin RuchAllison Mengel

10:30 AM10:30 AM10:30 AM10:30 AM

Trajano Bastidas-Calla Shander

Gavyn MacHose

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