the epiphany of the lord sunday, january 4, 2015 joy to ... · the epiphany of the lord sunday,...

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The Epiphany of the Lord Sunday, January 4, 2015

If you have someone in your family or a friend who is not able to come to church and

would like a visit from one of our clergy, please call the office at 731-4721

Holy Father’s Jan Prayer Intentions Pope Francis requests all the Catholic faithful unite in prayer for:

Universal That those from diverse religious traditions and

all people of good will may work together for peace.

Evangelization That in this year dedicated to consecrated life,

religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal.

Mass Intentions for the Week

Saturday January 3 The Epiphany of the Lord 5:00 pm + Theodore Novak and Mary Socha

Sunday January 4 The Epiphany of the Lord 9:00 am + Mary Delvillan 11:00 am People of St. Ann Parish

Tuesday January 6 Christmas Weekday 8:00 am + Amalia Derda

Wednesday January 7 Christmas Weekday 5:30 pm + David and Bob LaMere, Sam Giocina

Friday January 9 Christmas Weekday 8:00 am + William Clancy, Chris and Claire Mackay

Saturday January 10 The Baptism of the Lord 5:00 pm + Violet Czuk

Sunday January 11 The Baptism of the Lord 9:00 am People of St. Ann Parish 11:00 am + Scott Kuhnert

………………………………………………... Mass intentions are a way to pray for the deceased

or someone in need of special help. Call the office 731-4721 or drop your intention in the collection.

Please pray for the family & friends of St. Ann Parish who are in need

or who are sick

Ellen Andary, Don Andre, Tom Arnold, Kim Benoit,

Eugene Burgwald, Mikki Boulac, Mark Bryant, William Burke,

Brenda Carl, Ann Carpenter, Mike Chojnowski,

Josephine Crawford, Clare English, Floydine Epperly, Joy Flook,

Amy Gajor, Christina Gilchrist, Kenneth Gilchrist, Allison Ginsberg,

Thomas Godde, Barbara Hawthorne, Christi Hazaga, Peg Hogan,

Julaine Kalisz, Loretta Kalisz, Rose Kalisz, Sharon Keierleber,

Frank Kuchmek, Tiffany Laing, Michael Vincent Lunardini,

Tom Macknosky, Leonard and Connie Mayotte, Daniel McKee,

Patrick Morin, Robert Pennock, Fred Peters, Shirley Peters,

Nancy Preston, Agnes Schulz, Gary Schulz, Melia Sepeta,

Joanne Stenson, Gerry Valella, Betty Weemes, Bernice Weist,

Robert Wilson, Dana Winchester

Spend a few minutes this week reading next Sunday’s Gospel reading.

It’ll change your experience at Mass.

Sunday, January 11—Mk 1: 7-11

“Jesus came to John, and received baptism at his hands. Could anything be more wonderful? The boundless river

that gladdens the City of God is washed by a few drops of water. The source without limits that engenders life

for all mankind and is beyond all understanding is covered by the poor waters of this world.”

-St. Hippolytus

Cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 535-537 on the meaning of Christ’s baptism; 456-460 on why Christ came among us; 430-451 on the names of Jesus and how they incite us to know, love, and imitate him

Next Sunday

Joy to the World

All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me. - Mt 25:35

Please Help Welcome Our Visitors

Do You See a New Face at St. Ann?

Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic community, and to make a commitment to

the life of the St. Ann parish community. Being a registered parishioner makes the process much easier

when it is time for baptisms, religious education program sign-up, weddings, when asked to be a baptismal or Confirmation sponsor, and even funerals.

If you would like to register in the parish, please fill out the form below and return it to the parish office.

Name _________________________________________

Address _______________________________________

City/Zip ________________________________________

Phone _________________________________________


I would like to enroll as an active parishioner

Please change my address to that shown above.

I would like to offer the name of a Catholic who is home bound or seriously ill and is not being visited:


Are You Registered at St. Ann?

The Epiphany of the Lord Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas 2014 News From Saint Ann School


Christmas is the perfect time to orient the children to the person of Jesus.

We want to encourage the children to wonder at the mystery of incarnation -

God loves humanity so much that God chose to become human and live as one of us.

The children become familiar with the Angel Gabriel's

visit to Mary to tell her she will be mother to Jesus, Mary's visit to Elizabeth, the birth of Jesus and

the visit of the Shepherds.

We have many beautiful materials to help even the youngest children extend their meditation

on these rich narratives - each includes 3-D figures and a simple environment to explore.

Often an adult (or another child) will read the scripture while the child moves the figures.

Before break, we celebrated the coming of Christmas

by looking at the birth of Jesus. We are always moved by the children's ability to sit in quiet joy and contemplate scripture,

particularly at this exciting time of year!

ENROLLING FOR JANUARY If you have questions about St. Ann School

or are interested in taking a tour, please call 269.731.2721.

saint ann school

Faith Learning Virtue

a CATHOLIC learning community


All young women, ages 4th grade—high school, are invited to a formal tea on Sunday, January 25th

from 3—5pm.

Join us in your “Sunday Best” for a formal tea as we celebrate the opportunities to serve our Lord

as young women of St. Ann Catholic Church.

Calling All Young Ladies

Pack the House

returns this Wednesday,

January 7, 2015

5:30 Holy Mass

6:00 pm Dinner

6:30 pm Religious Education


We have changed our cancellation policy. We will no longer cancel solely based on Gull Lake Schools.

If there is to be a closing at St. Ann due to weather, we will make a decision by noon and post it to the website and

Facebook and email it to the parish email list.

If you’re not on the email list but would like to be, send us a note at

Father Adams

would like

to understand

how the parish

can better support

the homeschooling

families at St. Ann.

Please save the date

to join him in conversation

on Thursday, January 15th at 7:00pm.

Invitation for Homeschooling Families

The Epiphany of the Lord Sunday, January 4, 2015

News for Knights

K of C Regular Business Meeting Tuesday, December 2nd

All Knights and are welcome to pray the Rosary at 6:30 pm in the Church. Our regular business meeting will start at 7:15 pm in the meeting room behind the Library.

Please note that our regular business meetings are always held the First Tuesday of every month at 7:15 pm

and all Members are invited to attend.

Parish Council Meeting This Week

The St. Ann Catholic Church Parish Council will meet

Thursday, January 8th from 6—7:30pm

Parish Council meetings are open to all parishioners. The council meets in the room behind the old library.


7:00 PM

Under Construction What’s next? We’ll be installing electrical and plumbing updates before installing the new kitchen cabinets, bathroom fixtures and floor covering.

We will also be repairing the plaster where walls were removed and mold was found. What can I do to help? If you have experience with electrical and plumbing and are interested in volunteering your time, please call Deacon Mike at the parish office. The plaster repairs will be completed after the electrical and plumbing, then we will need painters. In addition, we will be installing the interior doors, trim, floor covering, bathroom fixtures and cabinets, kitchen cabinets and counter tops. If you have an interest in providing skilled labor, or in making a

monetary donation to help fund the renovation, please call the

parish office.

We’ll continue sharing brief updates in the bulletin. In addition, we’ve created a page on our website where you can check for further updates and photos. Please visit Look for “Under Construction” found in the “News and Information” section.

The SVdP Committee meets every Wednesday at 1:00 pm. Interested parishioners are welcome to attend.

Our shelves are a bit bare. Please help stock our in-house food pantry.

Items needed:

Laundry Detergent * Dish Soap *

Bleach * Bar Soap

Peanut Butter * Jelly

St. Vincent de Paul Society

THANK YOU to all those

who contributed to our annual Giving Tree

We collected 23 gifts for residents at the Laurels,

9 gifts for Catholic Charities and 326 gifts for DHS!

To each and every one of you,

we thank you for your generosity

News From Around the Diocese

100 adult volunteers needed from around the diocese for the PRESENCE RETREAT, February 6—8 for areas such as Eucharistic Adorers, kitchen help, set-up/tear-down, night watch, etc. If you’re interested in helping please contact or visit

Annual Boy Scout Troop 239 Christmas Tree Pick-up Fundraiser, pick-up date: January 10 for Richland and nearby areas, suggested donation $20, 100% proceeds build men of character through leadership and camping experiences, email

The Newman College Project announces two courses

beginning January 12, 2015 a Ambrose House of Studies: Introduction to New Testament Greek (Mondays, 5—6:30pm) and Humanities Seminar, The Middle Ages (Mondays 7—9pm). Both scheduled for January 12—May 4 and cost $150 each to register. For more information, call 269.343.2010.

Join Catholics across America in a nine-day period of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage from January 17-25, 2015 for the healing and conversion of our nation and people impacted by the culture of death. Go to for more information or to subscribe.

The Epiphany of the Lord Sunday, January 4, 2015

Pastor: Fr. James Adams

Deacon Mike Carl 207-7365

Parish Secretary:

Pat Lawrence 731-4721

Book Keeper: Deb Cruzan

Religious Education:

Pat Vanderpool 731-0295

Preschool: Megan Schopf 506-2074


Don Davis & Dawn Rogers 731-4721

Music Ministry: Martha Reid 629-7228

Knights of Columbus:

Dale Boone 616-283-4273

St. Vincent de Paul: Connie Clark 731-0294

Office Hours: Monday thru Wednesday

10 am to 12 noon

Respect for Life: Lesley Bodary 731-2323

Pastoral Council Members: Bill English,

Mark Gentilia, Lori Green, Melon Lasich,

Paul Schab, Brenda Sinkovitz

Finance Council Members:

Patrick Gallagher, Diane Phillips,

Conrad Sutter, Charlie Young, Tom Zavitz

Bulletin Deadline: Monday

Abuse Victim Hotline: 1-877-802-0115

St. Ann Catholic Church 12648 East D Avenue * Augusta * Michigan 49012

Phone 269-731-4721 * * Fax 269-731-4147 *


Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Tuesday and Friday: 8:00 am Wednesday: 5:30 pm Office Hours Monday thru Friday 9am-4pm.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00-4:45 pm Sunday: 8:30-8:50 am; 10:30-10:50 am Anytime by appointment

Sacrament of Baptism: Celebrated First Sunday of the month. Preparation required for parents.

Sacrament of Matrimony: Contact Fr. Adams at least 6 months in advance. Contact parish office for an appointment.

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