the enso teleconnection to the tropical atlantic ocean...

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4530 VOLUME 14J O U R N A L O F C L I M A T E

q 2001 American Meteorological Society

The ENSO Teleconnection to the Tropical Atlantic Ocean: Contributions of the Remoteand Local SSTs to Rainfall Variability in the Tropical Americas*


Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, New York

(Manuscript received 8 March 2001, in final form 5 July 2001)


Recent developments in Tropical Atlantic Variability (TAV) identify the El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)as one of the leading factors in the interannual climate variability of the basin. An ENSO event results in Tropic-wide anomalies in the atmospheric circulation that have a direct effect on precipitation variability, as well asan indirect effect, that is, one mediated by sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies generated in the remoteocean basins. In order to separate the relative contributions of the atmospheric and oceanic components of theENSO teleconnection to the tropical Atlantic Ocean, results from two ensembles of atmospheric general cir-culation model (AGCM) experiments, differing in oceanic boundary conditions, are compared. AGCM integra-tions performed with the Community Climate Model version 3 (CCM3), forced by global, observed SST during1950–94 reproduce the observed ENSO-related rainfall anomalies over the tropical Americas and adjacentAtlantic. A parallel ensemble of integrations, forced with observed SST in the tropical Atlantic only, andclimatology elsewhere, is used to separate the effect of the direct atmospheric teleconnection from the atmo-sphere’s response to the ENSO-forced SST anomalies in the Atlantic basin.

It is found that ENSO-related atmospheric and oceanic anomalies force rainfall anomalies of the same signin northeast Brazil, of opposite sign in the Caribbean basin. The direct atmospheric influence of a warm ENSOevent reduces model rainfall as a whole over the tropical Atlantic basin. This observation is consistent with thehypothesis that an ENSO-related Tropic-wide warming of the free troposphere forces the vertical stabilizationof the tropical atmosphere. ENSO-related atmospheric anomalies are also known to force a delayed (relative tothe mature phase of ENSO) warming of tropical North Atlantic SST through the weakening of the northeasterlytrade winds and consequent reduction of surface fluxes. It is found that this delayed oceanic component forcesa northward displacement of the Atlantic intertropical convergence zone, resulting in increased precipitationover the Caribbean and reduced precipitation over northeast Brazil during the boreal spring following the maturephase of ENSO.

1. Introduction

ENSO’s impact on tropical Atlantic climate has re-ceived increasing attention in recent years. Studies haveinvestigated the association of anomalously warm SSTin the central and eastern equatorial Pacific with warmerthan average tropical North Atlantic SSTs (Curtis andHastenrath 1995; Enfield and Mayer 1997), and withrainfall anomalies in the tropical Atlantic, the Carib-bean, and Central America (Enfield 1996; Waylen et al.1996; Chen et al. 1997; Enfield and Alfaro 1999; Gi-annini et al. 2000, hereafter referred to as GKC), andthe Nordeste region of Brazil (Nobre and Shukla 1996;Uvo et al. 1998; Chiang et al. 2000a, 2000b). The linkbetween ENSO and West African rainfall has also

* Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Contribution Number 6241.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Alessandra Giannini, AdvancedStudy Program, NCAR, P. O. Box 3000, 1850 Table Mesa Dr., Boul-der, CO 80307-3000.E-mail:

gained more credence (Janicot et al. 1998; Ward 1998).With the exception of the Nordeste (Hastenrath andHeller 1977; Hastenrath et al. 1987; Aceituno 1988;Ward and Folland 1991; Hameed et al. 1993) and north-ern South America (Ropelewski and Halpert 1987,1989, 1996; Kiladis and Diaz 1989), ENSO’s impact onthese regions had not been previously considered reli-able. Now the ENSO teleconnection to the Atlantic iscoming to be recognized as a fundamental mode of At-lantic climate variability (Saravanan and Chang 2000;Sutton et al. 2000).

Previous studies of the ENSO teleconnection focusedon the impact of the tropical Pacific warming on theatmospheric circulation of the Northern Hemisphere ex-tratropics during winter (see reviews in Glantz et al.1991; Trenberth et al. 1998; Wallace et al. 1998, andreferences therein). Because the extratropical atmo-sphere exhibits a high degree of internal variability, es-pecially during winter, connecting its dynamics to asteady tropical heat source like the ENSO system prom-ised increased predictability.

15 DECEMBER 2001 4531G I A N N I N I E T A L .

In fact, the tropical atmosphere responds almost si-multaneously to the establishment of anomalous SSTsin the central and eastern equatorial Pacific (Fig. 1).This adjustment manifests itself as a zonal seesaw insea level pressure (SLP), active from the summer ofyear (0),1 shortly after the onset of an ENSO event,through the mature phase during the winter of year (11).In a warm ENSO event SLP is lower than average overthe warm waters of the central and eastern equatorialPacific, and higher than average over the equatorial At-lantic (Fig. 1; GKC). Related to this anomalous seesawin SLP is a weakening of the meridional SLP gradientin both hemispheres of the Atlantic basin, consistentwith reduced trade winds at subtropical latitudes (Fig.1, right column). During boreal winter, the weakeningof the meridional SLP gradient is reinforced at sub-tropical latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere by a lowpressure center over the southeastern United States andsouthwestern North Atlantic, related to the Pacific–North American (PNA) wave train (Horel and Wallace1981; Wallace and Gutzler 1981). The end result is theoceanic component of the teleconnection: a warming ofthe tropical North Atlantic Ocean surface that peaks inboreal spring, that is, with a delay of about one seasonwith respect to the attainment in winter of maximumSST anomalies in the tropical Pacific (Enfield and Mayer1997; Fig. 1, bottom-left panel).

Caribbean/Central American rainfall is reduced dur-ing summer and fall of year (0) of a warm ENSO event(GKC). The circulation in the basin is divergent at thesurface, along a southwest to northeast axis, with con-vergence to the southwest, onto the eastern PacificITCZ, and weakened northeasterly trade winds in theNorth Atlantic (Fig. 2). During winter, dry conditionspersist over northern South America, while PNA-relatedwetter than average conditions extend from the south-eastern United States to Cuba and the Yucatan peninsulain Mexico. In spring of year (11), at the start of a newrainy season, rainfall anomalies in the Caribbean reversein sign. The warmer than average SSTs in the tropicalNorth Atlantic are associated with an anomalouslynorthern location of the Atlantic ITCZ; hence, wetterthan average conditions in the Caribbean, and drier thanaverage conditions in the Nordeste region of Brazil dur-ing the local rainy season. Dry conditions in the Nord-este can be exacerbated by the atmospheric circulationassociated with persistent anomalous SSTs in the centraland eastern equatorial Pacific, as in the prolonged ENSO

1 Throughout this study we use the phrases ‘‘warm ENSO event,’’and ‘‘El Nino’’ interchangeably, to denote the warm phase of theENSO phenomenon, characterized by positive SST anomalies in thecentral and eastern equatorial Pacific, the Nino-3 region, between 58Sand 58N, 1508 and 908W. ‘‘Cold ENSO event’’ and ‘‘La Nina’’ referto the opposite sign SST anomaly. We follow Rasmusson and Car-penter (1982) in denoting by ‘‘year (0)’’ the year of the onset of thewarm (cold) event, which typically starts in the spring, and by ‘‘year(11),’’ the year that begins with the mature phase and soon afterwitnesses the decay of the event.

events of the most recent two decades (Chiang et al.2000b). Hence ENSO affects rainfall in the tropicalAmericas in two ways—directly via an ‘‘atmosphericbridge,’’ and indirectly by first changing tropical At-lantic SSTs that subsequently impact tropical Atlanticrainfall.

In this study we compare two ensembles of AGCMintegrations differing in boundary conditions to showthat the ENSO-related atmospheric bridge, in its tropical(the SLP seesaw, GKC) and extratropical (the PNA, Lauand Nath 1994, 1996; Lau 1997) components, and re-motely forced Atlantic SSTs play complementary rolesin forcing rainfall anomalies over the tropical Americas.The two mechanisms can act constructively (e.g., north-east Brazil), or destructively (e.g., the Caribbean). Thisstudy presents many similarities, but also interestinginterpretational differences with the study of Saravananand Chang (2000, hereafter SC). The ensembles of in-tegrations analyzed are the same. We follow the evo-lution of the mechanisms by which ENSO affects rain-fall variability in the tropical Americas during the courseof an entire ENSO life cycle, thereby extending SC toseasons different from the spring immediately followingthe ENSO event. The summer of year (0) and the winterof year (11) are best suited to characterize the tropicaland extratropical components of the atmospheric bridge,respectively. In the real world, this atmospheric bridgeis also responsible for the development of anomalousSSTs in the tropical North Atlantic that peak duringspring of year (11; Enfield and Mayer 1997). We cau-tion that the choice made in SC of the northern tropicalAtlantic (NTA) SST index as representing tropical At-lantic variability might not be the most appropriate,since NTA is not independent of ENSO, especially inboreal spring (Giannini et al. 2001, hereafter GCK). Weinclude the SST anomalies in the tropical North Atlanticthat follow an ENSO event in our picture of ENSO’simpact on tropical Atlantic climate.

The model used and methodology followed are out-lined in section 2. Features of the model’s simulation ofthe annual cycle of rainfall are briefly compared to ob-servations in section 3. The main results from a com-parison of ensembles of integrations forced with differentoceanic boundary conditions are described in section 4.A summary and conclusions are drawn in section 5.

2. Data and methods

a. Model

We use the Community Climate Model, version 3(CCM3), a state-of-the-art atmospheric general circu-lation model developed at the National Center for At-mospheric Research (NCAR), and described in detail inKiehl et al. (1998). The integrations used triangular trun-cation at spectral wavenumber 42 in the horizontal, and18 vertical levels. For each configuration of SST bound-ary conditions, five integrations were performed (SC),

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FIG. 1. Regressions of the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis (Kalnay et al. 1996) surface temperature (left column), mean SLP (right column,contours), and surface winds (right column, vectors) onto the Dec (0)–Jan (11) Nino-3 index (1949–99) (top panels) Jul–Sep (0), (middlepanels) Jan–Mar (11), (bottom panels) Apr–Jun (11). Contours are 0.28C in the left column, 0.2 mb in the right column.

each 45 yr long (1950–94). The two configurations werethe Global Ocean Global Atmosphere (GOGA), wherethe atmosphere is coupled to observed SSTs (Smith etal. 1996) prescribed everywhere, and the Tropical At-lantic Global Atmosphere (TAGA), where the atmo-sphere is coupled to observed SST in the tropical At-lantic only, and to monthly climatology elsewhere. InTAGA the full, interannually varying SST were pre-scribed between 208S and 208N, and smoothed to cli-matology in a 108 latitudinal band. The two ensembleshave already been analyzed by Saravanan and Chang

(SC; Chang et al. 2000), who kindly provided access tothe output.

Interensemble discrepancies in the boundary condi-tions in the tropical Atlantic, where the anomaliesshould be exactly the same by experimental design, werenoted only after completion of the integrations. Theywere a posteriori explained as an undesired outcome ofthe interpolation scheme used to smooth tropical At-lantic observations to the climatological fields imposedelsewhere. In briefly reporting on these discrepancies,which will be made the subject of some speculation in

15 DECEMBER 2001 4533G I A N N I N I E T A L .

FIG. 2. Regressions of the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis (Kalnay et al.1996) surface divergence (shading) and surface winds (vectors) ontothe Dec (0)–Jan (11) Nino-3 index (1949–99). (top panels) Jul–Sep(0), (middle panels) Jan–Mar (11), (bottom panels) Apr–Jun (11).Light shading indicates negative values, or convergence; dark shadingindicates positive values, or divergence.

the continuation of this study, we note that these werecorrected in integrations carried out subsequently bySaravanan and Chang, and that in a preliminary analysisthese corrections do not appear to affect our conclusions(R. Saravanan 2001, personal communication). Com-posites of the anomalies of warm and cold ENSO eventsduring the spring following mature ENSO conditions,the season when local SSTs are hypothesized to play arelevant role in rainfall variability in the tropical Amer-icas, are shown in Fig. 3. Tropical North Atlantic anom-

alies are of the same sign as the equatorial Pacific anom-alies, but are much smaller and peak with a delay ofabout a season (Enfield and Mayer 1997) in spring (11).GOGA–TAGA differences are largest in the westernequatorial Atlantic and along the northern coast of SouthAmerica. Although these differences are typically of theorder of 0.18C or less, they occur in a very sensitiveregion, as will be discussed in section 4c.

We compare model output to the monthly precipita-tion dataset of Xie and Arkin (1996, 1997), which coversthe period 1979 to the present, and was obtained bymerging satellite and rain gauge observations [providedby the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-tion’s (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center, and availableonline at].

b. Methods

Since the principal rainy season in the Caribbean/Central American region lasts from May to October, andrainfall in the Nordeste region of Brazil is limited toboreal spring, we focus our analysis on the following:

R the summer of year (0), average of July–August–Sep-tember [JAS(0)], when we expect only the tropicalcomponent of the ENSO teleconnection to be at work,manifest in the zonal seesaw in SLP between the Pa-cific and Atlantic, and in the associated weakening ofthe trade winds in the tropical North Atlantic;

R the winter of year (11), average of January–Febru-ary–March [JFM(11)], when the PNA-related lowSLP center in the western subtropical North Atlanticfurther weakens the meridional SLP gradient, andstrengthens the SST response in the tropical NorthAtlantic;

R the spring of year (11), average of April–May–June[AMJ(11)], when we observe the delayed SST re-sponse in the Atlantic, and the local response of theatmosphere to it.

For each variable, we create a time-dependent(GOGA or TAGA) ensemble mean field by averagingtogether the five ensemble members, for each one of the540 months in the integrations. We divide seasonal av-erages for summer, winter, and spring into three cate-gories: warm ENSO events, when the December(0)/Jan-uary(11) Nino-3 index is greater than 18C, cold ENSOevents, when the same index is less than 20.758C, andthe remaining neutral years (see Table 1). The thresholdfor cold events is smaller to reflect the skewness in thedistribution of Nino-3 SSTs. Separate consideration ofwarm and cold events has the advantage over correlationor regression maps in that the response to SST is notassumed to be linear (Hoerling et al. 1997). Also, iden-tification of features common to events of either signcan help separate out features that reflect local climatevariability rather than ENSO. To compute the statisticalsignificance of the differences between warm, or cold

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FIG. 3. SST anomalies in GOGA (top row) and TAGA (bottom row) during the spring following warm (left) and cold (right) ENSOevents. Contour is 0.28C. Shading represents statistical significance greater than 95%.

TABLE 1. Characterization of the ENSO events during 1950–94. The columns (column number in parentheses), list from left to right: 1)warm ENSO events; 2) cold ENSO events; 3) the phase of the NAO during the winter of year (0), in parentheses, and during the winter ofyear (11); 4) the amplitude of the Nino-3 index during the spring of year (11) [AMJ (11)]; 5) the sign of the tropical South Atlantic (tSA)SST index during the same spring of year (11).

Warm ENSO Cold ENSO NAO phaseAMJ(11)





(1) 2





1967–68(2) 2






(2) 2

(1) 1







(1) 2(1) 1






(1) 2(2) 1

(1) 1(1)




15 DECEMBER 2001 4535G I A N N I N I E T A L .

FIG. 4. The seasonal averages of rainfall in observations (Xie–Arkin 1979–94) (top left) summer, (top right) spring; and in the model’sGOGA ensemble mean, averaged over the same period (1979–94) (bottom left) summer, (bottom right) spring. Contour is 2 mm day 21.

ENSO and neutral conditions, we apply Student’s t-test(Fisher 1970) to these differences.

3. A comparison of CCM3’s rainfall climatologywith observations 1979–94

The ability of CCM3 to realistically simulate the an-nual cycle of precipitation in the Tropics varies greatlyby region (Camargo et al. 2001; Fig. 4). The most strik-ing failure is not in our region of interest, the tropicalAmericas, but over sub-Saharan Africa. The observed,spatially coherent pattern of Northern Hemisphere sum-mer rainfall that extends across the African continentfrom its Atlantic to its Indian coasts is longitudinallyconfined in simulations between 108 and 308E. The re-gion of maximum rainfall remains confined to this lon-gitudinal interval all year long, moving latitudinally fol-lowing the sun to central Africa during fall, and to south-eastern Africa during winter. In contrast, over the trop-ical Americas both the spatial extent and meridionalmigration of the rains between the Amazon and Carib-bean basins are well captured.

The model has a wet bias over the Caribbean, evidentduring the May–October rainy season (Fig. 5, leftpanel). The double-peaked shape of the observed rainy

season, with the characteristic summer dry spell be-tween spring and fall peaks (GKC), is not captured.Instead, rainfall in the model peaks in July–August–September. It is difficult to offer a satisfying explanationfor this behavior, given that the observed features of theannual cycle of rainfall in the Caribbean/Central Amer-ican region have not been fully explained to date. Theannual cycle of rainfall over the Nordeste region ofBrazil (Fig. 5, right panel), is better captured, in patternand magnitude, though the model shows a slight wetbias in this region too. The rainy season is limited tothe three months of March–April–May, when the At-lantic ITCZ reaches its southernmost position in con-junction with the reversal of the climatological merid-ional gradient of SST between the southern and northerntropical Atlantic.

4. The ENSO teleconnection to the tropicalAmericas in CCM3

To separate the effects on rainfall of the atmosphere’sdirect response to Pacific SSTs from the local responseto remotely generated anomalous tropical Atlantic SSTs,we compare the GOGA and TAGA integrations. Weexpect the GOGA ensemble to reproduce the ENSO

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FIG. 5. Comparison of the observed and modeled (GOGA) annualcycles of rainfall over (left) the Caribbean region (58–258N, 908–608W), and (right) the Nordeste region (08–108S, 458–158W), in themodel (solid line) and in observations (dashed line). The averageannual cycle was computed over the same period (1979–94). (Units:mm day21.)

teleconnection in its entirety, and the TAGA ensembleto depict only the local atmospheric response to thetropical Atlantic SSTs that are remotely forced byENSO. We expect significant differences between thetwo from the summer of year (0) through the winter ofyear (11), that is, for as long as the SST anomalies inthe central and eastern equatorial Pacific drive an anom-alous atmospheric circulation in GOGA, but not inTAGA. With the decay of the Pacific SST anomaliesand the consequent demise of the atmospheric bridgein spring of year (11), we expect the local SST anom-alies to take charge and effect changes in the atmo-spheric circulation common to the two ensembles.

a. The tropical seesaw in sea level pressure

The tropical component of the ENSO teleconnectionto the Atlantic basin, the ‘‘other lobe’’ of the SouthernOscillation, is part of the global rearrangement of airmass that follows the anomalous eastward extension ofthe Pacific warm pool during an El Nino. It is presentfrom onset to decay of an ENSO event, but the summer

of year (0) is the best season to isolate its effect onrainfall in the tropical Americas, because this is the onlyactive component of the ENSO teleconnection at thistime. In the summer hemisphere the propagation ofRossby wave trains to the extratropics is hindered bythe poleward extension of easterly winds (Tribbia 1991),hence a PNA-type pattern is absent. Also, the anomalousSSTs in the tropical Atlantic have not had time to buildup yet. Because this component of the ENSO telecon-nection is purely atmospheric, the comparison betweenrainfall composites of ENSO events in GOGA andTAGA should show large interensemble differences,and rainfall anomalies should be present only over thoseregions reached by the atmospheric bridge, only in theGOGA ensemble.

In Fig. 6 the difference in rainfall between warmENSO and neutral years during JAS(0) is compared inobservations (Xie–Arkin during 1979–94, top panel),and in the ensemble mean of GOGA (middle panel) andTAGA (bottom panel). The positive rainfall anomaliespresent in the tropical Pacific in observations, associatedwith the eastward shifts of equatorial deep convectionand of the South Pacific convergence zone, are repro-duced in GOGA. So are the negative rainfall anomaliesover the Pacific warm pool (not shown) and over theCaribbean and Central America. The greater statisticalsignificance of the model anomalies is partly due to thelarger number of events that make up this compositecompared to the observed composite. [The GOGA com-posite over 1979–94 also exhibits diminished statisticalsignificance (not shown).] It may also be due in part tothe fact that we are comparing one single realization inthe case of observations with the average of five real-izations in the case of the model integrations, wherecomputation of the ensemble mean results in reductionof internal variability (F. Zwiers 2001, personal com-munication). Anomalies reverse in sign during coldENSO events (not shown), and are weaker. Cold ENSOSST anomalies in the Pacific are weaker than warmanomalies, and the heating response to anomalous SSTsis nonlinear (Hoerling et al. 1997).

Contrary to expectations, an area of dry anomaliescovering Central America is still present in the TAGAensemble (Fig. 6, bottom panel), though not nearly aslarge or extensive as its GOGA counterpart. To accountfor this anomaly we call on the other known player inCaribbean rainfall variability, the North Atlantic oscil-lation (NAO). The NAO is hypothesized to affectspringtime Caribbean rainfall indirectly, through thepersistence of SST anomalies generated in winter (GKC;GCK). An anomalously positive wintertime NAO trans-lates into anomalously strong trade winds, hence anom-alous ocean–atmosphere heat fluxes and cooling of SSTsin the tropical North Atlantic (Cayan 1992; Seager etal. 2000). Extension of the NAO’s influence on NorthAtlantic SST anomalies and on Caribbean climate intothe following summer has emerged from several recentstudies. It is hinted by the recent analysis of Czaja and

15 DECEMBER 2001 4537G I A N N I N I E T A L .

FIG. 6. The rainfall response to warm ENSO conditions in JAS(0),in observations (top) (1979–94), and in the GOGA (middle) andTAGA (bottom) integrations (1950–94). Contour is 1 mm day21.Shading represents statistical significance greater than 95%.

Frankignoul (1999) and is briefly discussed in Robinson(2000, diagram 1 attributed to Kushnir on the persis-tence of SST anomalies generated by the winter NAO).It has been suggested that in the tropical Atlantic regionduring spring and summer a positive feedback in theair–sea interaction occurs over the SST anomalies gen-erated in winter in which the amount of low-level cloud-

iness changes to counter their damping via turbulentsurface flux, and thus enhances their persistence. TheSSTs used to force the model integrations bear the im-print of the observed NAO. When the 10 warm ENSOevents in TAGA are classified according to the sign ofthe observed NAO (Hurrell 1995; available online at,7 out of the 10 warm ENSO JAS(0) turn out to havefollowed winters characterized by a positive NAO index(Table 1). Comparison between positive and negativeNAO years shows that the TAGA pattern of anoma-lously low rainfall during warm ENSO events may beunderstood in terms of the negative SST anomalies inthe tropical North Atlantic forced during the previouswinter and spring by an NAO of predominantly positivesign (not shown).

b. The extratropical component of the atmosphericbridge

The full impact of the ENSO-related anomalous glob-al atmospheric circulation on Caribbean/Central Amer-ican rainfall, untainted by the impact of the delayedAtlantic SST anomalies, is best observed in warm eventsin winter of year (11) (Fig. 7). Since the delayed warm-ing of the subtropical North Atlantic is only starting tobuild up during this season, rainfall anomalies can stillbe attributed primarily to the workings of the atmo-spheric teleconnection. Once again, we expect signifi-cant differences between the ENSO composites inGOGA and TAGA.

During the mature phase of warm ENSO events, rain-fall anomalies in observations and in GOGA (Fig. 7)are positive all across the equatorial Pacific, from PapuaNew Guinea to the South American coast, and negativeto the immediate north and south. The anomaly northof the equator extends eastward into the Caribbean ba-sin, where surface divergence continues to prevail.North of the Caribbean, over the Gulf of Mexico andsoutheastern United States, is an anomaly of oppositesign obviously associated with the PNA-related low SLPcenter in the western subtropical Atlantic. In a warmENSO event the subtropical jet is displaced southwardof its climatological location, funneling disturbancesinto the Gulf of Mexico. No trace of these rainfall anom-alies is left in the TAGA ensemble (Fig. 7, bottompanel), indicating that they are purely atmospheric driv-en. Remotely forced positive SST anomalies make theirappearance during this season in the tropical North At-lantic, but they are too weak to influence rainfall evenin the absence of the atmospheric bridge, in TAGA.

c. The remotely forced Atlantic SST response

In spring of year (11), there is potential for theENSO-related atmospheric bridge and remote SST re-sponse to interact. This season usually marks the tran-sition to normal atmospheric conditions. At the same

4538 VOLUME 14J O U R N A L O F C L I M A T E

FIG. 7. The rainfall response to warm ENSO conditions inJFM(11), in observations (top) (1979–94), and in the GOGA (mid-dle) and TAGA (bottom) integrations (1950–94). Contour is 1 mmday21. Shading represents statistical significance greater than 95%.

time the delayed Atlantic SST response becomes sig-nificant. If rainfall were affected by SST variability localto the Atlantic only, there would be no significant dif-ferences between GOGA and TAGA, and the role ofAtlantic climate variability independent of ENSO wouldbecome more visible.

Warm and cold ENSO events in observations (Fig.8, top panels) display similarities in the tropical Pacific,with rainfall anomalies of one sign at the equator, and

of opposite sign poleward in both hemispheres. Theydisplay differences in the tropical Atlantic: rainfallanomalies are symmetric about the equator in warmevents, antisymmetric in cold events. We speculate thatthese differences can be explained by the duration ofENSO events. In three of the four events that make upthe observed warm ENSO composite (1982–83, 1986–87, and 1991–92; Fig. 8, top left) Nino-3 anomalies arestill above 18C in spring (11) (see Table 1, column 4).ENSO has not decayed yet, and is capable of drivingTropics-wide atmospheric anomalies. We will comeback to the ‘‘unusual’’ character of the events of the last20 years, which dominate the period spanned by theXie–Arkin dataset analyzed here. In the two events thatmake up the cold ENSO composite (1984–85 and 1988–89; Fig. 8, top right); on the other hand, Nino-3 anom-alies are already well into the decaying phase in spring(11). The rainfall response in cold ENSO events canbe explained in terms of local SST anomalies. The cool-ing of the tropical North Atlantic is accompanied in bothcold events of the last 20 yr by a warming of the tropicalSouth Atlantic (see Table 1, column 5), and the dipolein rainfall reflects the SST dipole.

Anomalies in the GOGA ensemble mean (Fig. 8, mid-dle panels) reproduce the spatial distribution of ob-served anomalies, but are overall weaker, especially inthe central and eastern tropical Pacific. As hypothesizedearlier, this is likely due to the differences in durationof the events. In all ENSO events prior to 1979 exceptthe cold ENSO event of 1949–50 tropical Pacific SSTanomalies were well into the decay phase by spring(11).

Meaningful differences appear between GOGA andTAGA composites in the Caribbean and over northeastBrazil (Fig. 8, cf. middle and bottom panels). GOGA–TAGA differences stand out especially in cold ENSOevents. North of the equator, rainfall anomalies in thetropical North Atlantic extend westward into the Carib-bean basin only in TAGA (Fig. 8, bottom right). Theyexemplify the local thermodynamic nature of the rainfallresponse to the underlying SSTs. Negative rainfallanomalies are consistent with the underlying cold SSTanomalies. The absence of Caribbean rainfall anomaliesin GOGA, in warm and cold ENSO events alike (Fig.8, middle panels), is an indication of the simultaneouspresence of competing features of the ENSO telecon-nection to the Atlantic. The atmospheric anomalies (sur-face divergence or convergence in the Caribbean basinin warm or cold events, respectively) cannot be iden-tified because the oceanic anomalies (warm or cold trop-ical North Atlantic SSTs in warm or cold events, re-spectively) cancel their impact on rainfall.

At the equator, still in cold ENSO events only, aconspicuous positive rainfall anomaly covers the Nord-este and adjacent western Atlantic in GOGA, but notin TAGA. We interpret it primarily as the effect of ananomalous atmospheric circulation remotely drivenfrom the Pacific. When ENSO-related atmospheric

15 DECEMBER 2001 4539G I A N N I N I E T A L .

FIG. 8. The rainfall response to ENSO in AMJ(11), in observations (1979–94), and in the GOGA and TAGA integrations (1950–94).(left column) warm ENSO events. (top left) observations, (middle left) GOGA, and (bottom left) TAGA. (right column) cold ENSO events(top right) observations, (middle right) GOGA, and (bottom right) TAGA. Contour is 1 mm day21. Shading represents statistical significancegreater than 95%.

anomalies are still present in spring (11) of a coldENSO event, they translate into anomalous convergenceat the surface and anomalous divergence aloft over thenortheastern corner of South America (not shown). TheENSO-related cooling of the tropical North Atlanticplays a secondary role, but by favoring a southward

displacement of the Atlantic ITCZ, it adds on to theatmosphere’s role in forcing Nordeste rainfall anoma-lies. The superposition of atmospheric and oceanic con-ditions favorable to Nordeste rainfall explains the sig-nificantly stronger rainfall anomalies just south of theequator found in the GOGA cold ENSO composite. As

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FIG. 9. The rainfall response in AMJ(11) during long warm ENSOevents: (left) GOGA and (right) TAGA. Contour is 1 mm day21.Shading represents statistical significance greater than 95%.

mentioned earlier, there are discrepancies in the bound-ary conditions between the GOGA and TAGA ensem-bles, of the order of 0.18C and most prominent at theequator (Fig. 3). In cold events these anomalies are con-sistent in sign with the GOGA–TAGA difference in theprecipitation response. Slightly cooler SSTs just northof the equator in TAGA explain the modest decrease inrainfall with respect to GOGA local to these SSTs. Thestronger positive rainfall response to the south, over theNordeste, that is seen in GOGA compared with TAGAcould be partially due to the stronger southward merid-ional gradient in SST, but that is unlikely totally so. Ifone considers an SST difference not greater than 0.18Cbetween GOGA and TAGA, at best marginally signif-icant in dynamic terms, one should be convinced thatthis SST discrepancy cannot be anointed as the onlyexplanation for a rainfall difference of 2 mm day21,which is a significant fraction of the seasonal climatol-ogy.

To confirm the dominant role of the atmosphericbridge when still active during spring (11), as in thecold ENSO events described above, we analyze warmENSO events more closely. Following Chiang et al.(2000b) we note that the majority (4 out of 6) of warmENSO events during the most recent 20 yr (1979–99)have been characterized by the protraction of the warmPacific anomaly well into this season. The rainfall re-sponse to persistent Pacific SST anomalies is evident inthe composite of warm ENSO events in observations(Fig. 8, top left). We define ‘‘long’’ as those events forwhich the value of Nino-3 is still above 18C in AMJ(11)(see Table 1). Three out of these four events occurredduring 1950–94 (the fourth is the 1997–98 event, notincluded in the simulation period). The remaining sixevents during 1950–94 are referred to as ‘‘canonical’’(Rasmusson and Carpenter 1982). During a warm ENSOevent the entire tropical free troposphere warms (Yu-laeva and Wallace 1994) and vertical stability is in-creased everywhere outside of the region of deep con-vection in the tropical Pacific. The atmospheric tele-connection interferes constructively with the northwarddisplacement of the ITCZ associated with the warmingof the tropical North Atlantic (Lindzen and Nigam1987), so that the negative Nordeste rainfall responseis enhanced when both effects are present. The impactof the prolonged presence of the Pacific SST anomalyon the global atmospheric circulation and on rainfall inthe tropical Americas is clearly seen in the comparisonbetween the average of long events only and all eventsin GOGA (cf. Fig. 9, left panel, with Fig. 8, middle-left panel). Warm Pacific SST anomalies in the longcase are consistent with the persistence of the SLP see-saw between the Atlantic and Pacific basins, of wetanomalies all along the equator in the Pacific, and ofdry anomalies in the subtropical Pacific, the Caribbean,northern South America, and the equatorial Atlantic.However, they are also associated with cooler SSTs inthe equatorial Atlantic (not shown), hence an increased

northward SST gradient. TAGA rainfall anomalies overthe Nordeste in the long-event case (Fig. 9, right panel)are weaker than in GOGA, but stronger than in thecomposite of all warm events (cf. the latter with Fig. 8,bottom-left panel), also consistent with the appearanceof this cold SST anomaly in the equatorial Atlantic.

Rainfall anomalies in the equatorial Atlantic duringboreal spring can be partially explained by at least threemechanisms: anomalies in vertical stability associatedwith the Tropics-wide warming of the free troposphere,the meridional displacement of the ITCZ largely drivenby the ENSO-related anomalous SST in the tropicalNorth Atlantic, and SST anomalies generated by air–sea interaction local to the equatorial Atlantic (Changet al. 1997). In the latter, it is hypothesized that thecross-equatorial response of the winds to SST anomaliesof opposite sign on opposite sides of the equator rein-forces the SST anomalies themselves, until wind-drivenocean heat transports cancel out the initial SST anom-alies. It is not possible to separate the roles of the at-mospheric bridge and of the local SST–surface windfeedback, since both features are present in spring (11)only when the ENSO event is still ongoing during thisseason. The observed result is that they add up to theeffect of the tropical North Atlantic warming, a more

15 DECEMBER 2001 4541G I A N N I N I E T A L .

FIG. 10. The GOGA AMJ(11) rainfall response to ENSO and totropical South Atlantic SST: (left) warm ENSO and negative tSA and(right) cold ENSO and positive tSA. Contour is 1 mm day21. Shadingrepresents statistical significance greater than 95%.

TABLE 2. Summary of the seasonal dependence of the rainfall response to a warm ENSO event in the Caribbean/Central American regionand in the Nordeste region of Brazil.


America Northeast Brazil

Summer (0)Winter (11)Spring (11)

Atmospheric bridgeAtmospheric bridgeAtmospheric bridgeDelayed North Atlantic SST response



northern location of the ITCZ, with nefarious conse-quences for the Nordeste rainy season. Ideally, wewould like to be able to compare the GOGA and TAGAensembles with a ‘‘POGA’’ ensemble, that is, an ensem-ble forced with observed SST in the Pacific Ocean only,monthly climatology elsewhere. This third ensemblewould produce only the remotely driven variability inthe tropical Atlantic atmosphere without the two mech-anisms caused by SST changes in the Atlantic. Alter-natively, an ensemble forced with observed SSTs in thePacific only, coupled to a simple mixed layer ocean inthe tropical Atlantic would allow to evaluate the role ofocean–atmosphere feedbacks.

To balance our ENSO-centric findings we explicitlycompare the role of the Pacific-driven mechanisms, oce-anic or atmospheric, with that due to the SST variability

local to the Atlantic (Fig. 10). We separate ENSO eventsin GOGA according to the sign of ‘‘tSA,’’ a tropicalSouth Atlantic SST index defined as the SST averagedbetween 58 and 258S, 408W and 208E (see Table 1). Therainfall response in the equatorial Atlantic is significantonly when the influences of ENSO-related and localforcings are concordant in sign. For cold ENSO events,in the five cases out of nine when tSA is positive (Fig.10, right panel), the cooler than average SSTs and neg-ative rainfall anomalies go together in the north, andthe warmer than average SSTs and positive rainfallanomalies go together to the south of the equator. Forwarm ENSO events, in the four cases out of nine whentSA is negative (Fig. 10, left panel) (two are the longevents of 1982–83 and 1991–92), rainfall anomalies arepositive in the Caribbean, negative over northeast Bra-zil. These findings are consistent with the vast literatureon the role of the meridional gradient in SST on Nord-este rainfall (e.g., Hastenrath and Greischar 1993).

5. Discussion and conclusions

In this study we detailed the seasonally dependentevolution of the ENSO-related interannual variability ofrainfall in the Caribbean/Central American region,where the rainy season coincides with the boreal warmseason, and over the northeastern corner of Brazil,where the rainy season is limited to boreal spring. Wefollowed the development of an ENSO life cycle fromshortly after its onset, in summer of year (0), to its decayalmost a year later. To assess ENSO’s impact on thevariability of rainfall in the tropical Americas (see Table2), we compared two ensembles of integrations usingCCM3, one (GOGA) forced with globally observedSST, the other one (TAGA) with climatological, month-ly varying SST everywhere but in the tropical Atlanticbasin, where observed boundary conditions were ap-plied. The GOGA ensemble reproduced the full ENSOteleconnection, in its atmospheric and oceanic compo-nents, as expected, whereas the influence of ENSO inthe TAGA ensemble was limited to the ENSO-relatedresponse in Atlantic SST, also as expected.

In the Caribbean/Central American region, the GOGAensemble reproduces the observed features of the impactof the atmospheric bridge. The direct impact of theanomalous atmospheric circulation associated withanomalies in the center of deep convection in the equa-torial Pacific dominates the rainfall response from soon

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after the onset of an ENSO event, during the summerof year (0), through its mature phase, during the winterof year (11). During a warm ENSO event, the anom-alous atmospheric circulation drives surface divergenceaway from the Caribbean basin, with the flow directedalong a southwest–northeast axis. Rainfall is below av-erage during the period leading to mature ENSO con-ditions. Anomalies of opposite sign characterize coldENSO events. This effect is lost in the TAGA ensemble,due to the absence of the interannual variability of thePacific source. TAGA, on the other hand, does capturethe impact of the wintertime NAO on Caribbean rainfallvia tropical North Atlantic SST anomalies, which lastthrough spring and into summer. A rainfall pattern verysimilar to the ENSO-related one found in GOGA isassociated in TAGA with the more frequent occurrenceof a positive NAO in observations during the winterpreceding the onset of warm ENSO events.

The atmospheric component of the teleconnection isalso responsible for the development of SST anomaliesin the tropical North Atlantic, of the same sign as inthe eastern equatorial Pacific, but delayed by about aseason. As the ENSO event winds down, rainfall anom-alies in the Caribbean reverse in sign in response tothese anomalous Atlantic SSTs. They have greater spa-tial extent in the TAGA ensemble, where they cover theSST anomaly from West Africa to Central America.They are not well defined in the Caribbean basin properin the GOGA ensemble, presumably because of the com-petition between the atmospheric and oceanic compo-nents of the ENSO teleconnection in this region duringthis season. In the case of a warm ENSO event thismeans that the surface divergence associated with theatmospheric bridge tends to be canceled by the positiveeffect of warm SST on rainfall.

In the equatorial Atlantic/Brazilian Nordeste region,ENSO’s impact is limited to the local rainy season be-tween the end of (boreal) winter and the beginning ofspring of year (11). In this season the climatologicalSST gradient is southward, allowing for the brief dis-placement of the Atlantic ITCZ to the south of the equa-tor. ENSO’s impact varies considerably depending onthe length of the event. Since in a ‘‘canonical’’ eventthe Pacific SST anomalies and related atmosphericbridge are usually well into the decay phase by thespring of year (11), SSTs local to the Atlantic, be theyremotely forced or independent of ENSO, determine theoutcome of the rainy season in the Brazilian Nordeste.In the absence of remote atmospheric anomalies, neg-ative rainfall anomalies are associated with the ENSO-related warming of the tropical North Atlantic. Thenorthward SST gradient favors an anomalously northernlocation of the ITCZ. Conversely, a positive SST anom-aly in the South Atlantic in conjunction with the coolingof tropical North Atlantic waters associated with a coldENSO event, can redirect the SST gradient toward thesouth, favoring above-average rainfall over the Nord-este.

Nordeste rainfall anomalies stand out when the ENSOevent lasts through the local rainy season, as has hap-pened with the recent events of 1982–83, 1986–87, and1991–92 (Chiang et al. 2000b). In this case, though thisstudy cannot separate between the roles of the remotelyforced anomalous circulation over the equatorial Atlan-tic and of the feedback of equatorial Atlantic ocean–atmosphere interaction onto the tropical North AtlanticSSTs, it is clear that both mechanisms contribute, addingup to the impact of the remotely forced anomalous SSTsin the tropical North Atlantic. In a warm ENSO event,the tendency for the ITCZ to stay north of the equator,related to the delayed warming of the tropical NorthAtlantic, is complemented by anomalous subsidenceover the Nordeste, and by a northward cross-equatorialflow at the surface. Rainfall is scarce. In a cold ENSOevent, the tendency for the ITCZ to migrate south, awayfrom the cold tropical North Atlantic waters, is com-plemented by anomalously low SLP, and a southwardcross-equatorial surface flow. Rainfall is copious, oc-casionally resulting in widespread flooding.

In this paper we focused on the features of tropicalAtlantic variability associated with ENSO. We identifiedtwo mechanisms by which climate variability of tropicalPacific source can have a remote impact on rainfall inthe tropical Americas: the atmospheric bridge and de-layed SST response in the tropical North Atlantic. It isreassuring to note that a parallel study by Chiang et al.(2000b), by taking the complementary stance of decon-structing Atlantic ITCZ variability, identifies two mech-anisms that bear a strong resemblance to those foundhere. The close relationship between the workings ofthe atmospheric bridge here presented and the Walkermechanism of Chiang et al. is self-evident. The fact thatthe ENSO-related atmospheric bridge and delayed SSTresponse in the Atlantic can add up in their impact onthe Atlantic ITCZ and on the Nordeste rainy season isborne out in the language of Chiang et al. in the ob-servation that features of the gradient mechanism appearin the Walker composites (see their Fig. 6a). In thissense, even though ENSO is not the only source oftropical North Atlantic SST variability, its impact asdiscussed here is consistent with the meridional SSTgradient hypothesis.

ENSO’s impact on rainfall over the tropical Americasis ultimately related to the tendency for a globally warm-er than average tropical climate during warm ENSOevents, manifest in warmer than average free tropo-sphere (Yulaeva and Wallace 1994) and remote oceanbasins (Klein et al. 1999). The warming of the freetroposphere translates into a more stable vertical profile,hence predominantly dry conditions away from the Pa-cific center of deep convection. The boundary layer re-sponse to the atmospheric bridge can locally contrast orenhance the Tropics-wide tropospheric anomalies. Asdetailed above, rainfall anomalies in the Nordeste regionof Brazil are enhanced when both responses are present.Conversely, when the outcome depends on the com-

15 DECEMBER 2001 4543G I A N N I N I E T A L .

petition between forcings of opposite sign, from abovein the free troposphere, and from below at the boundarylayer, as is the case over equatorial East Africa (Goddardand Graham 1999) and in the Caribbean basin duringthe spring of year (11), rainfall anomalies are less co-herent interannually.

In concluding this study, we briefly consider impli-cations for the predictability of rainfall in the tropicalAmericas.

R In the Caribbean/Central American region, knowledgeof the state of the North Atlantic oscillation duringthe winter preceding the onset of ENSO, coupled withthe prediction of ENSO onset can contribute to anincreased predictability of rainfall during the warmseason of year (0). Knowledge of mature phase ENSOconditions and of the prevailing state of the NAOduring the same winter can be exploited to predictspring rainfall in year (11).

R In the Brazilian Nordeste, knowledge that an ENSOevent is ongoing during the months leading to the localrainy season is not always sufficient. Prediction of theduration of the event beyond the mature phase is crit-ical, together with an understanding of tropical At-lantic SST variability, in particular what controls thecross-equatorial SST gradient.

The study also points to features of the climate systemthat need to be better understood in order to improveprediction of rainfall in the tropical Americas.

R What are the dynamics of the propagation of theENSO signal to the tropical Atlantic, on timescalesfaster than a month?

R How does ENSO’s impact on equatorial Atlantic SSTsrelate to the dynamical feedback mechanism hypoth-esized by Chang et al. (1997)? Can a ‘‘long’’ ENSOevent impart a strong enough perturbation to the sys-tem to initiate the feedback response?

R What causes the internal variability of ENSO, whichmanifests itself in the varying length of events?

R What would be the response to perpetual warm ENSOconditions in the tropical Pacific, which are predictedby some coupled models when integrated in doubledCO2 experiments? Would the atmospheric responseoverwhelm the delayed SST response in the Atlantic,causing a negative rainfall trend both in the Caribbeanand over the Nordeste?

Acknowledgments. This work was supported byNOAA (Grant NA86GP0515), by the National ScienceFoundation (Grant ATM-99-86072), partially supportedby NASA InterAgency Agreement W-19, 750, and byNOAA Grant NA06GP0480. Special thanks to PingChang and R. Saravanan, who shared the output of theirCCM3 integrations. Many thanks to the editor, FrancisZwiers, and referees, whose comments greatly helpedin improving the original manuscript.


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