the elements of beauty (some of them) bu javier cañada

Post on 07-May-2015






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Some of the elements that make things seem beauty, explained from a universal perspective to applied design.


The elements of beauty (some of them)By Javier Cañada

What makes things beautiful?Is beauty permanent? Do we see beauty in things that were beautiful 20 years ago? Will this beautiful object be beautiful in 30 years from now?

Is beauty a cultural construct? Do we see beauty the same way Asian or Africans do? Can something be beautiful globally?


Humans have a tendency towards geometrical shapes. The simpler the more we like them.

We arrange and align everything, from our icons on the computer to our papers on our desk, according to geometrical, linear patterns.

Basic shapes such as the square, the rectangle and the circle, along with simple 90º or 45º curves are our favorite.

In London’s Underground Map (the mother of all metro maps) line paths, although very different one from another, were all represented in curves of 90º and 45º angles to simplify its reading.

VW Beetle is another example of geometrism through the reduction of its shape to 3 circles

Band & Olufsen speakers come as cones, circles or reclangles

The rectangle, and specifically the one aproximating golden ratio proportions, have been used and prefered since the early Greek period.

Now check your iphone’s screen size.

UnityUnity is defined as the state of being undivided or broken. In product design it is the tendency to use as few percievable shapes as possible in the form of an artifact.

Unity may be achieved through the simplification of materials, shapes or permiteters.

Simplifying form goes in hand with reducing the number of functions in an artifact, which ends up simplifying the product and its use.

Fewer parts, shapes, materials and colors.

NeutralityNeutrality is the quality of not expressing anything. Neutral design uses neutral colors (white, black, grey or transparent) to minimize its visual impact.

Neutral objects merge better with any environment and allow for user expression instead of product expression.

some examples of neutrality in iconic productsnote how they are also good examples of geometrism and unity

TimelessnessNeutrality, geometry and unicity make for timeless objects. Timeless designs are not subject to trends, they are always formally valid.

The business advantage of pursuing timeless design lies in the fact that a timeless product needs less or none design revisions to stay the current trend.

Braun SK2 radio, was designed in 1962. Its design could be from any decade.

Polypropylene chair has sold more than 20 milion units since it was first produced in1963

Google’s homepage has remained almost the same for the last 10 years

Its shape is also a golden ratio rectangle!

SymmetryOur association of symmetry with beauty may be rooted on our animal nature. Symmetry is usually a sign of health and a good inmune system since successful attacks to our bodies tend to leave marks and effects on any of our sides. So the more symmetrical the healthier one is and the more attractive it is for mating.

Symmetry relates to any of the x, y or z axes in an object. That’s why we consider the sphere (symmetrical in all axes) to be the most perfect shape.

Volkswagen is always a great example of geometrism and symmetry. The Beetle is symmetrical to three different axes.

Suggested readings

“Taste for Makers” by Paul Graham

Inside Steve’s Brain (pages 68 to 89)Leander Kahney

Ornament and CrimeAdolf Loos

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