the easy way to natural gout relief

Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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DESCRIPTION By following simple dietary alterations and some simple lifestyle changes you can greatly reduce the occurrence of gout attacks.


The Easy Way To Natural Gout Relief

Get natural gout relief through simple home remedies

Gout, being a painful inflammatory condition, affects your normal life severely.

But fortunately there are many types of natural gout relief for getting quick relief

from the suffering.

Normally the big toe becomes hot, swollen, and tender with unbearable pain.

The body is reacting to uric acid crystals depositing in the joints.

The gout attack can last up to a week’s time.

There are many natural home remedies available to get quick relief from gout pain.

These help you regain control over your life during a gout attack within a short period.

Also, by following simple dietary alterations and some simple lifestyle changes you can

greatly reduce the occurrence of gout attacks.

Gout attacks are mainly caused due to regular use of alcoholic drinks, eating protein rich foods, heredity,

lack of exercise and stressful lifestyle.

If you want to avoid getting debilitated by gout, you have to avoid certain foods that

are very rich in purines that produce more uric acid in your body.

Cherries are found to be one of the best in giving effective natural gout relief.

All types of cherries, sweet or sour can give the desired effect against gout attacks.

During a gout attack take at least fifteen to twenty cherries a day and thereafter you

can reduce it to ten cherries after the symptoms of gout have subsided.

Fresh cherries are best and if they are not available you can use canned cherries also,

either in the form of fruits or juice.

Some vegetables have a natural tendency to reduce uric acid in the blood, as well as act as

good natural anti-inflammatories.

Raw juices of carrot, cucumber and beet are found especially beneficial to a gout patient.

Mix 100 ml of beet juice and 100 ml of cucumber juice with 300 ml of carrot juice

and you have a good and effective natural gout relief.

Likewise the use of string or french beans is also effective in treating the pain

due to gout.

When about 150 ml of the beans juice is taken daily you can find a considerable

reduction in flare up of gout.

Apple is said to give relief to a gout patient during an attack and can

help in considerably reducing the severity and frequency of gout attacks.

This is a simple but very effective natural gout relief.

Bananas are also a good treatment for gout and during a severe attack or

when you anticipate an attack you can try a diet of only bananas for two or three days.

This should help reduce the gout pain considerably.

The citric acid in lime is very good for a gout patient.

When half a lime squeezed into a glass of water is taken frequently it will give

quick relief from pain.

This can also dissolve the uric acid crystals and bring down uric acid levels in blood.

Water is one of the best forms of natural gout relief.

When you drink abundant water, your body gets hydrated and this will help your body to

excrete the excess uric acid through urine.

If you feel an acute gouty arthritis attack coming then increase your intake of water

before it arrives.

If you feel an acute gouty arthritis attack coming then increase your intake of water

before it arrives.

Diet is the most important natural gout relief and you must completely avoid food items

that are rich in purines.

This will help you bring down the production of uric acid in your body. This can be combined

with proper natural foods that have the capacity of dissolving and eliminating the uric acid

from your system.

For more details and information to get rid of gout forever,


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