the early cold war & civil rights - · the marshall plan george marshall marshall...

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The Early Cold War

& Civil Rights Unit 11

Chapters 25-28

A rivalry and difference in ideology between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

which stopped short of direct military intervention. It was verbal warfare. The goal was to get as

many countries on our side as they had on theirs.

The Cold War (1945-1991)

Mutual Mistrust 1.  Ideological

2.  Conflict of Interests

Mutual Mistrust �From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the continent.�

-Churchill March 1946

US Cold War Philosophy: Containment

George F. Kennan

Containment in Practice: The Truman Doctrine

1. $400 million in aid to Greece & Turkey

2. Support for free people fighting oppression

The Marshall Plan

George Marshall Marshall Plan Poster

$17 billion

16 nations



Crisis in Berlin - 6/1948

Crisis in Berlin - 6/1948 Berlin Airlift


Dwight Eisenhower 1949


Dwight Eisenhower 1949 Warsaw Pact - 1955

An Arms Race

Aug. 29, 1949

In present day Kazakhstan

Nov. 1, 1952

On Eniwetok Atoll in the Marshall


Cold War in Asia


Chiang Kai-shek Mao Zedong


Cold War in Asia Korea

38th parallel Kim Il Sung

Syngman Rhee

Korean War 1950-1953


Eisenhower & the Cold War

Eisenhower & Dulles

• �Brinkmanship�

• �Massive retaliation�

“A New Look”

Eisenhower & the Cold War

• Korean Armistice - 1953

• Fall of Indochina - 1954

-Ho Chi Minh & Dienbienphu

• Division of Vietnam

Eisenhower & the Cold War

Sputnik - 1957



Eisenhower & the Cold War

Batista Castro

Jan. 1959



Eisenhower & the Cold War U-2 Incident

May 1, 1960 - the end of �peaceful coexistence�

Kennedy & the Cold War Flexible Response

Kennedy & the Cold War The Bay of Pigs Invasion

April 1961

Kennedy & the Cold War

Berlin Wall Aug. 1961

Kennedy & the Cold War The Cuban Missile Crisis

October 1962

1.The Second Red Scare Smith Act of 1940

•  Dennis et al v. US (1951)

Loyalty-Security Program

• 1947


The Hollywood Ten

The Second Red Scare The Hiss Case (1948)

Whittaker Chambers

Richard Nixon Alger Hiss HUAC

The Second Red Scare The Rosenberg Case – (1950)

Ethel & Julius

The Second Red Scare

Joseph McCarthy Margaret Chase Smith

2. Fear of a Nuclear War

Federal Civil

Defense Act

Fear of Nuclear War

3. An Increase in Defense Spending

NationalHighway Act - 1956

Election of 1948

Truman - D Thurmond - Dixiecrat

Dewey - R

Truman�s Fair Deal 1. Raise minimum wage

2. Extend social security

3. Federal aid to K-12 schools

4. Expand civil rights legislation

5. National health care plan

The Election of 1952

Dwight Eisenhower Adlai Stevenson

Dynamic Conservatism Goals

1.  Reduce size of government

2.  Balance Budget

3.  Cut taxes & Spending

The Affluence of the 1950s

The Television Revolution

The GI Bill - 1944

The Baby Boom

Baby Boom & Youth Culture


Levittown � 1950s

The �Other� America

Galbraith �The Affluent Society�

Election of 1960

Kennedy Nixon

The New Frontier 1. Fight Poverty

2. Federal Aid to Education

3. Health Care for Elderly

4. Civil Rights

The Kennedy Assassination

Nov. 22, 1963

Lyndon Johnson

�The Johnson Treatment�

LBJ�s Great Society 1. Economic Opportunities Act (1964)

a.  VISTA b.  Neighborhood Youth Corps c.  Head Start d.  Neighborhood Legal Services e.  Office of Economic Opportunity

LBJ�s Great Society 2.  The Elementary & Secondary

Education Act (1965) 3.  Medical Care Act (1965)

a.  Medicare b.  Medicaid

4.  Immigration Act of 1965

LBJ�s Great Society

The Modern Civil Rights Movement

Jackie Robinson (1947)

The Modern Civil Rights Movement

Executive Order 9981 (1948)

Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s

Brown vs. Board of Education - (1954)

Linda Brown Marshall


Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s

The Little Rock Nine (1957)

Orval Faubus Central High

Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)

Rosa Parks Martin L. King, Jr. SCLC (1957)

Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s Civil Rights Act of 1957

Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s Greensboro Sit-in

Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s Letter from Birmingham Jail (1963)

March on Washington

Aug. 28, 1963

24th Amendment (1964)

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Civil Rights Act of 1968

Black Power

Malcolm X Stokely Carmichael

Huey Newton & Bobby Seale

The Black Panthers

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