the dyslexic reader 2010 - issue 56

Post on 07-Apr-2015






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News & Feature ArticlesA Totally Davis Family ........................... 1, 3, 4No I Won't Read...................................... 1, 5Davis Facilitators at BDA Family Day............. 6The Gift of Dyslexia I Discovered................... 7Why ‘Tyrannosaurus’, But Not ‘If’? Part 2.... 8-10The Ballad of Johnny Jacobs........................14¿Por qué ‘Tyranosauro’Pero No ‘Cual’? Segunda Parte...............19-21Rise Above................................................. 22Riddles....................................................... 22





Louis Breithaupt first came to me in September of 2009 for a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. He was 10 years old, and could not read at a second grade level. By the end of the week, he was able to comfortably read at the third grade level, and felt quite proud of himself. Both parents, Anne and Lou Breithaupt, came for the support training session, and agreed on who would do what to assist in Louis’ follow-up work. The follow-up work at home became a family affair, with a table set up in the family room to keep all materials ready for use. Louis returned in November to master the ADD concepts. He had been having


Louis with his Davis Facilitator, Cathy Dodge Smith

By Cathy Dodge Smith, Ed. D., Davis Dyslexia Program Facilitator and Autism Approach Facilitator/Coach in Oakville, Ontario, Canada

No!… I won’t read!!!


News & Feature Articles A Totally Davis Family .......................... 1, 3, 4No I Won't Read ..................................... 1, 5Davis Facilitators at BDA Family Day ............ 6The Gift of Dyslexia I Discovered .................. 7Why ‘Tyrannosaurus’, But Not ‘If’? Part 2 ... 8-10 The Ballad of Johnny Jacobs .......................14¿Por qué ‘Tyranosauro’Pero No ‘Cual’? Segunda Parte ..............19-21Rise Above ................................................ 22Riddles ...................................................... 22

Regular FeaturesIn the Mail .................................................. 2Q&A .................................................... 11-13 Lazy Reader Book Club......................... 15-17 Famous Dyslexics ...................................... 18New Davis Licensees ................................. 23Davis Workshops ..................................26, 27

By David C. Rosen, Davis Facilitator in San Rafael, CA, USA

I work with special needs young people who have dyslexia. I help them overcome their difficulties in reading, writing, speaking and thinking clearly, and focusing attention. Dyslexia is not just a learning disability. It carries with it enormous emotional frustration, shame, and lack of self-worth. Every once in a while you get the privilege of working with a young person who is so ready to make major changes–not only in their reading and

writing, but also in their relationship to life in general. When 8-year-old Jordan first came to my office for a dyslexia assessment, he was extremely quiet. He barely looked at me. His hair covered his eyes, his shoulders were slouched down, and he answered questions minimally, mostly a “yes” or a “no.” When it came to the reading part of the assessment, he quickly put his head down on his folded arms on the table and in a loud, firm voice exclaimed, “No… I won’t read!” His mom, sitting behind us, put her head down and sadly shook her head. Quietly, I moved around the table and sat next to Jordan. “If I read with you, would that help?” Jordan looked up at me. There were tears in his eyes. He looked directly at me for a time and then said, “Maybe…” “Ok, we will share the reading… I will start, OK?” He looked at me and sat up.I picked the simplest, most visually based page in the reading choices. I told him a bit about the story we were going to read.

(continued on page 5)

difficulty with several aspects of ADD, including time awareness and management, shifting gears from one activity to another, and being bullied at school. He could not see his own role in setting himself

up for teasing and bullying. He did all the concept work, and then returned for

(continued on page 3)

The follow-up work at home became a family

affair, with a table set up in the family room to

keep all materials ready for use.


The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI)1601 Bayshore Hwy., Suite 260, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA. Tel. +1 (650) 692-7141. OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles; and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all people’s abilities and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD: Laura Zink de Díaz, Alice Davis & Abigail Marshall. DESIGN: Michael Troller. SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US, add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACK ISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI. SUBMISSIONS & LETTERS: We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. VIA FAX: +1 (650) 692-7075 VIA E-MAIL: INTERNET:

The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis®, Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis Math Mastery®, Davis Autism Approach®, Seed of Genius®, and Davis Learning Strategies® are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright © 2010 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

In The Mail

New Hope for a Family

Dear Ron Davis, I wanted to offer you some feedback about the correction method contained in your book, The Gift of Dyslexia. I am a senior at Liberty University, in Lynchburg, VA. I am an online student working on a BA in Psychology to enhance my family counseling capabilities as a full time pastoral staff member at a church in Lafayette, Louisiana.

correction sessions that made the difference, but my son has stated that he is able to recognize disorientation when it happens, and interrupt it. He even added a verbal cue to complement moving back to the orientation point: “lock and load.” I thought that was neat! I want to thank you for writing this book and turning your own experience into such a marvelous contribution to others who are struggling to understand their gift. You have given this family new hope. Thank you!

Sincerely,Rick H., Lafayette, LA

The society which scorns excellence in

plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates

shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity

will have neither good plumbing nor good

philosophy: neither its pipes nor its theories

will hold water.

John W. Gardner, Secretary of Health,

Education and Welfare under President Lyndon Johnson (1912 - 2002)

I discovered your book while working on a research project involving my son, Trevor. He was diagnosed with mild dyslexia in the 4th grade. He is now 16. I wish that in all of our floundering trying to understand and help our son with his dyslexia, we’d come across this wonderful book sooner, rather than so much later. In my research project, I used your correction procedure with my son. In the tenth grade his grade point average spiked dramatically. Before we performed the correction procedure, his average for the year was 2.4. His GPA for the last mid-term report was 3.43. Perhaps it is too early to say that it was the orientation


With food in his jaws and powerful pawsHe climbs a tree. Then he eats. Then sleeps. All through the day he dozes about When nightfall comes, he wakes and sets out.He takes a little midnight stroll. Trusting his senses he looks for food. Suddenly, he smells something yummy.He follows the smell then, he sees an impala. Wasting no time he drops to the ground. Stalking his prey as silent as the night. Once he is right behind the impala, he stops. He takes a breath. Then, he leaps! Gliding through the air with claws unsheathed, He lands on its back and takes it to its knees,And kills it without much fight. Then, with food in his jaws and powerful paws,He climbs a tree.Then he eats. Then Sleeps.

A Leopard’s RoutineBy Louis Y. Breithaupt, 10 years old, Grade 4

one more day to specifically work on the bullying situation. At the end of that day, I went to the family home to guide Louis through the exercise for establishing order in his room, an exercise the entire family found intriguing, and we celebrated, sharing a glass of wine (for the adults).

A Totally Davis Family (continued from page 1)

The way in which Louis and his entire family embraced the Davis methods is making sure that Louis will henceforth be an enthusiastic and successful learner.While Louis was working with me in November, he shared a poem he had written for a school project. It is reproduced here for your enjoyment!

Louis' reflections It was a great experience. I think other people would enjoy it. Before I did the reading program, I could not read very well. But when I got out of there, I was in a brand new world! I could read! Whenever I went to the library, I could pull a book off the shelf and read it – it was great! I love to read! Before the Ron Davis program, I dreaded reading. Then I heard the word “dyslexia” and thought, “Oh boy, mom and dad are about to teach me some weird thing again.” But it was not weird. It was great and fun (even today).Homework can be boring at times, but is all worth it (which is the clay model I made for the trigger word “but”). The clay is great fun too. Now at school my favourite class is reading and I am a good reader and love books. I just finished my first big long book The Dragon Boy - 245 pages. It feels so good to read by myself (besides, it is such a good story, you should read it too!). Then I heard about the math program and I thought “This is so exciting, I can’t

wait!” So I did the math program and it was great. It was fantastic to get the feeling of math and understanding it. I used to have a hard time at school understanding simple arithmetic and my classmates would laugh at me. And nobody laughs

at me anymore. Thank you Dr. Cathy for being such a great teacher.

Louis’ Father Speaks Some time ago, I began to suspect that my son, Louis, might have dyslexia. He was quite a gregarious child who loved people and loved life, but he was

(continued on the next page)

In March of 2010, Louis came back once more to complete the Davis Math Mastery Program. At the completion of that program, he wanted to know if there wasn’t another program he could do, and his little sister is quite determined to have her own week with “Dr. Cathy”, even though she is showing no signs of dyslexia! I think she loves the clay and the big red exercise ball in the waiting room.

We all learned that dyslexia isn’t a synonym for shame. Louis’ brain is simply wired differently, and therefore traditional

teaching methods weren’t working.


A Totally Davis Family (continued from page 3)

struggling in school. His pediatricians said that writing numbers and letters backwards was a phase many children go through. When Louis was in Kindergarten, professional school system consultants, including a doctor of child psychiatry from the Hospital for Sick Children, suggested we put our son on drugs, Ritalin or Concerta. “Why wouldn’t we want to open a portal to learning,” she seductively asked, “he’s borderline ADHD!” Ritalin was her answer to it all, supposedly a lifetime cure. At that time Louis was just five years old!! “Really,” we thought, “Ritalin?” Then one day, someone called “Dr. Cathy” referred to what was happening with Louis as, “the gift of dyslexia.” I beg your pardon? A gift you say? Who is this Dr. Cathy? It turned out, she was Dr. Cathy Dodge Smith, a disciple of Ron Davis, author of the book, The Gift of Dyslexia. Dr. Cathy offered to do an assessment. We waited for the date, then the time, then the results. Dyslexia confirmed. Several deep breaths. Now what? We had the opportunity to hear Ron Davis speak. He came to our city to share his concept, his life story, and the remarkable outcomes for those with challenges like his own, dyslexia and autism. The Davis approach seemed to work for so many others, turning their lives around, and we met many of them the evening we heard Ron speak. We enrolled Louis in the Davis Program. It involved only 5 days of coaching. Somehow “coaching” doesn’t seem to describe the program, which was much more than coaching. We all learned that dyslexia isn’t a synonym for shame. Louis’ brain is simply wired differently, and therefore traditional teaching methods weren’t working.

By then Louis was 10 years old, in grade four, and he learned to read in that one-week program. Five intense and fun days. When the week began, Louis wasn’t even sure of the alphabet. A month later he was reassessed as reading at the fourth grade level. This is the good news. The new bad news is that he won’t stop reading! If we can’t find him, it always turns out that he’s curled up somewhere in the house, reading. The library is our new best friend. He reads stories to his 6-year-old sister at bedtime. True, the writing/spelling/grammar part is still

catching up, but Dr. Cathy assures us the gap will narrow with time, as he practices, and hones his reading skills.

When the week began, Louis wasn’t even sure

of the alphabet. A month later he was reassessed

as reading at the fourth grade level.

This is the good news.The new bad news

is that he won’t stop reading!

As a parent, I know we were lucky. It was mere chance that we found a solution for Louis. But they say

coincidence happens for a reason. (Perhaps that’s why you’re reading this now. I wish you and your child luck on your journey.)

The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program works, not just for my son, but clearly for many others. If only school boards, governments, and the medical community would embrace it, the world could truly be a better place for thousands more. The Davis solution is powerful. It requires effort and commitment, but what better gift can you give your child? v

“ ”The library is our new best friend.


No! I Won't Read (continued from page 1)

I started, and then I urged him to read the words. He struggled tremendously. He was hardly able to get through most words. We did a very short reading, and then I praised his effort, and ended that part of the assessment. The initial program with Jordan took five days. We started with the alphabet. He was unable to write or speak most of the letters. There were lots of reversals and confusion. He would confuse the sound of a letter with its name. I am sure he had proper instruction in school, but it was not well suited to Jordan’s thinking style, predominantly visual. It took nearly two full days, with lots of breaks, to identify and correct issues he had with letters of the alphabet. The reading exercises we did were initially very challenging for Jordan. One day I took him for a walk to a nearby shopping center. As we walked I asked him what his favorite stores were. Without hesitation he pointed to the video game store. He saw the name of one of his favorite games on the store window, and some writing under it. “What does that say?” he asked. “Let’s do the reading exercise together on that!” Jordan moved quickly towards the window. Slowly we did a reading exercise that helps to ensure the person is seeing and saying each letter in a word and tracking his eyes across the word left to right. Usually we do this exercise in my office, drawing a large index card across the letters one at a time. But this time we walked up to the window. My hand became the card and we did the reading exercise right in front of the store with people watching us wondering what we were doing. Jordan made good progress that day! In the mall he read a number of signs of interest to him, visibly excited about his new-found skill. That walk became part of our daily routine. The rest of the program went quite well. Sometimes it was slow going, but Jordan was starting to feel accomplishments, and there were daily breakthroughs. On the last day we

explored the “dreaded” dictionary and how to look up words. To my surprise, Jordan did not complain, or even hesitate. He worked with me to understand how to look up words, and I read the definitions to him. He clearly enjoyed it. We kept it fun and gradually increased the difficulty of the words. After a short time, he was able to look up most words on his own. Several weeks after the initial program, Jordan’s teacher called. I had made him aware of the tools Jordan acquired during our work together and had shown him the reading exercises and dictionary skills.

“I cannot believe the enthusiasm Jordan has for learning right now! I’ve never seen this in him. Today after class he walked up to me and handed me his dictionary and asked, ‘Can you help me look up

words?’ When we did the reading exercises, Jordan finished several sentences without difficulty, smiled at me and said, ‘What does that word mean?’ We explored this in his dictionary. He is slowly gaining the ability to read short sentences. When he finishes a short reading, he initiates a conversation asking me, ‘What does that mean?’ David, this is quite interesting and wonderful to see what is opening up for Jordan. Let me know whatever I can do to help him further develop his skills!” A few weeks later Jordan’s teacher called again. “Something interesting happened today. Jordan was trying to do a project in the classroom and several students next to him were talking very loudly. Without any notice Jordan yelled at the top of his lungs ‘Be quiet!!!’ There was a dead silence in the room. This was so uncharacteristic of Jordan! Then in a roll that spread throughout the room, everybody started giggling, then laughing, and finally clapping. Even Jordan smiled and enjoyed the whole event.”

I suggested, and the teacher agreed that somehow his new-found abilities had opened up Jordan’s energy. That cork on his energy was a result of his frustration and shame when reading and writing. Now it was opening up. To my delight, Jordan’s teacher told me that after the outburst and laughter, he humorously told Jordan in front of the class that it was good to be energetic and expressive in his relationships, but maybe eventually he should find a way to communicate that did not involve shouting! Jordan smiled sheepishly and nodded his head in agreement. Throughout the next few months I got weekly reports from Jordan’s teacher about his progress. One morning Jordan and I worked on writing a simple story. Slowly but steadily we worked on selecting a topic (rock climbing!). Then I helped him develop a way to sequence all the aspects of his subject. Sequencing can be very difficult for dyslexic individuals. When we finished writing the three paragraphs of his story, Jordan briskly put his pencil down on the table and smiled ear to ear. When his parents came to pick him up he very proudly showed them his writing. Then he said in a loud voice, “Wanna hear me read it?” It took several tries for him to get all of the words right. The last reading was almost a play, with Jordan as writer, actor, and director! Success stories like Jordan’s make working with dyslexic youngsters

completely worth it. Beneath the complication, shame, struggle, and behavior issues they suffer, they are intelligent, creative, motivated, and immensely talented people. I’m very fortunate to have the wonderful job of helping them unlock all that potential! v


Sometimes it was slow going, but Jordan

was starting to feel accomplishments,

and there were daily breakthroughs.


The Davis Facilitators’ Association (DDFA) in the United Kingdom hosted an exhibit at the British Dyslexia Association’s Family Day on June 19, 2010. One of their activities that day involved clay, and the children in attendance were keen to take part in it. They each picked up a card bearing two written words, one noun and one trigger word. One card might say, for example, tyrannosaurus and the other if. The children were asked to make a three-dimensional model of each word.

There were some beautifully crafted models, and a selection of them will be displayed at the British Dyslexia Association’s art exhibition in London this coming November. Also in attendance at the Family Day was Edward Vickerman, who was named New Teacher of the Year in the UK in 2009. Vickerman was featured in the first issue of The Dyslexic Reader in 2010. Upon receiving the award, Vickerman said, “I was told I could never be a teacher, so this…is for everyone like me who is dyslexic but who wants to teach.” He has been described as witty, funny, innovative and an absolute dynamo in the classroom, and the colleague who nominated him said: “He is the most talented, exciting and enthusiastic teacher we have ever had, with skills way beyond our expectations.” At the Family Day he told the Davis Facilitators in attendance, “My dyslexia is a gift – it is the reason that I teach the way that I teach.” Davis Facilitators also had the opportunity to meet Louis Barnett. Barnett is a gifted dyslexic who started his own chocolate business at the age of twelve. Today, at the ripe old age of 18, he is a hugely successful entrepreneur, and is featured in Famous Dyslexics Remember in this issue. In addition to running his business, Louis is very involved in charities dedicated to protecting endangered species, such as the orangutan. At the Family Day, 14-year-old Megan Stewart, a Davis graduate and daughter of Davis Facilitator Jacqui Stewart, was nominated for the Young Achiever's Award. Ultimately, Megan didn't win but, after all, just being nominated is a fantastic honor! She will receive a runners-up award at the Annual General Meeting of the British Dyslexia Association later this year. Megan’s nomination form described some of the challenges that she faced and conquered. At nine years of age Megan was unable to read her own handwriting and had a reading age of four years. This affected her self-esteem and self-confidence, so she embarked

on a Davis programme that gave her the tools to control the negative symptoms of her dyslexia. In the four years since her program Megan has achieved a ‘B’ grade in the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) test in science taken

UK Davis Facilitators Association Active at BDA June 2010 Family Day

By Sara Kramer, Davis Facilitator in Wimbledon, London, UK and Jacqui Stewart, Davis Facilitator, in Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK

A great dinosaur modeled by a young girl during the BDA event in June

A model of both “dog” and “again”

Megan Stewart, Young Achievers Award Nominee for 2010

Talking with parents in front of the Davis Facilitators Association boothA young girl busily models a dinosaur

at the Davis Facilitators Association booth during Family Day

Not surprisingly the children produced a good number of dinosaurs and dogs, but very few attempted to create models of the abstract words, which are difficult to visualise. That fact gave rise to considerable conversation about this issue with the parents, who looked on with interest as their children worked the clay.

two years earlier than would be expected with no additional time or reader present. Megan is an avid reader now, even sharing books with her mother. She has also worked for a year as a volunteer with the program “Buddy Scheme,” helping children with disabilities live fuller lives by providing support at events and during days out. As part of this program Megan was also part of a small team that successfully applied for lottery grant of a £2,000 to fund an event for the group. She also secured a place at Plumpton College to undertake a Higher Diploma in Land Base & Bio-diversity Studies. But Megan has decided to keep her subject options open, because she wants to become a teacher!

Megan’s mother says of her, “I am so very proud of Megan and all that she has achieved, always giving it her best shot and being strong. She has received a Davis Programme and demonstrates the use of her tools exceptionally well in academic situations. What makes me the proudest of all is that she has always been true to herself, always been her own person and is proud to have a dyslexic style of thinking.” v


Many people think that dyslexia is a disorder. But I learned that it is a gift when treated properly. I have learned how to make dyslexia a convenient gift for me to use daily in both academic and physical areas, in and outside of school. This is my story: My mother and father (Stacey and Larry Smith) were trying to find me a school to enroll in for grade one. We came across a certain school where they said they would let me take part in the school if I passed a qualification test. The first question they asked me was, “What’s your name?” I simply answered, “Sierra.” “And, how do you spell that?” “My name? Ummm... S... And I don’t know the rest.” Of course they wouldn’t take me because I could not answer any of the questions on their enrollment test. I was eventually accepted at another school near Spring Bank. Then I moved to a school called Red Deer Lake. I remember taking 30 seconds to read a single, simple word at that school. It was a word like “the” or “and” and many more. These are called trigger words. My parents put me in their Davis Dyslexia Correction Program so that I could start learning to overcome my reading struggles. They taught me that dyslexics think way faster in pictures than the normal person does in words. Since dyslexics think in pictures they need a picture for every word they come across.

For example:

Cat = On the other hand, The = ???????

Dyslexics can’t find a picture for “the” until they make a correct one. So, my parents worked with me. We used clay to make the word “the” and a model for me to get a picture of what the meaning of “thet looks like. They also taught me how to be oriented and aware instead of disoriented and unaware. Since then I have improved in academic, social and physical skills that are important for succeeding in life. In the past year I have earned a lot of recognition for my development of skills by being awarded the following:

• The Winston Parker Award- for being respectful and academically rounded (given to one person in all Junior High – voted on by the staff). • The Citizens Award-for being a helpful student (given to one person in Junior high – voted on by the students). • Took part in 14 extracurricular activities. • Got 2nd prize in the Science Fair at Red Deer Lake School. • Came in second in Zones Shot Put. • Came in second in our grade’s foot race and 15th at the divisional foot race. • Received a grade of 94% in Band. • Received honours in four subjects (one was in Language Arts).

The Gift of Dyslexia I Discovered By Sierra Smith “

”Dyslexia is not

an obstacle, but a gift that I am grateful for.

Sierra Smith is the daughter of Stacey Borger-Smith and Lawrence Smith, Jr., both of whom are Davis Facilitators and Autism Facilitator/Coaches.

They founded and operate the Rocky Point Academy in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Quotable QuotesFear paralyzes; curiosity empowers. Be more interested than afraid.Patricia AlexanderAmerican educational psychologist

We never understand a thing so well, and make it our own, as when we have discovered it for ourselves.Rene DescartesFrench mathematician and philosopher

I feel all this has happened because I learned how to make my dyslexia a talent, not a disability. Dyslexia is not an obstacle, but a gift that I am grateful for.


v Argentina

Silvana Ines RossiBuenos Aires+54 (114) 865 3898

v Australia

Brenda BairdBrisbane +61 (07) 3299 3994

Sally BeulkeMelbourne +61 (03) 572 51752

Anne Cupitt Scarness, Queensland+61 (074) 128-2470

Mary DavieCaringbah NSW+61 (02) 9531 8106

Jan GormanEastwood/Sydney+61 (02) 9804 1184

Bets GregoryGordon NSW+61 (4) 1401 3490

Gail HallinanDLS Workshop Presenter-MentorNaremburn/Sydney+61 (02) 9405 2800

Barbara HoiMosman/Sydney +61 (02) 9968 1093

Annette JohnstonRockingham WA+61 (8) 9591 3482

Eileen McCarthyManly/Sydney +61 (02) 9977 2061

Marianne MullallyCrows Nest, Sydney+61 (02) 9436 3766

Jayne PivacParkdale Victoria/Melbourne+61 (0) 420 305 405

Jocelyn PrintKalgoorlie-Boulder WA +62 (04) 5868 3830

John ReillyBerala/Sydney+61 (02) 9649 4299

Heidi RosePennington S.A. +61 (8) 8240 1834

v Austria

Annette DietrichWien +43 (01) 888 90 25

Jacinta FennessyWien +43 (01) 774 98 22

Ina Barbara Hallermann Riezlern +43 5517 20012

Marika KaufmannLochau +43 (05574) 446 98

InternationalDavis Dyslexia



The Davis Dyslexia Correction program is

now available from more than 450 Facilitators

around the world. For updates, call:

(888) 805-7216 [Toll free] or (650) 692-7141 or visit

Why ‘Tyrannosaurus’, But Not ‘If’? Part TwoBy Richard Whitehead, DDA Director, Great Malvern, Worcestershire, UK

Richard Whitehead offered a free on-line course designed to help teachers understand why some smart students struggle so much to master basic academic skills. Richard has kindly given us permission to publish his course in The Dyslexic Reader in several installments. The first part appeared in our spring issue, and here, for your reading pleasure, is the second part of this valuable course.

Energy Management – A Simple Key to Turbo-Charging Our Students’ Learning Imagine you’re in hospital for a major operation. The surgeon comes bouncing into the room at about thirty miles an hour, shakes your hand vigorously, rubs his hands with glee and announces how much he’s looking forward to the operation. His energy levels are super-charged, and he reminds you of Tigger from Winnie-the-Pooh. I guess you’d be running down the corridor in your hospital gown, looking for the nearest exit, wouldn’t you? Because a job can go wrong when it’s done with too much energy - or with too little. Every task needs to be done with the right level of energy. Too little, and you lack forward thrust. Too much, and you lose control. Musicians know this very well. When mastering a new piece, they’ll practise the difficult passages slowly, then gradually speed up as they gain mastery and control. Yet in the classroom, students often do the opposite. Have you noticed how a child with a reading difficulty will often speed up when asked to read out loud? The increased energy level is a result of mental tension – but it leads to mistakes that otherwise wouldn’t have been made. In the Davis approach, we have our students create an imaginary dial which they can use as a tool to match their energy level to the task in hand. The Davis Dial has had dramatic effects

on people with energy management problems such as hyper- and hypoactivity. Great fun can be had with it in role-playing exercises, juggling, and other games. Full instructions on how to administer the Dial are in Davis’s second book, The Gift of Learning.

One Thing at a Time – The Importance of Task Analysis and Sequentially Ordered Learning Imagine arriving at a hospital to visit a sick relative and being handed a scalpel and asked to finish a brain operation on a certain patient because the regular surgeon has just fainted on the job. Imagine your driving instructor turning up to your first ever lesson in an articulated lorry and suggesting you take a drive in it on the motorway. Or being invited to ride a unicycle across a tightrope during a circus visit when you have barely learnt how to ride a regular bicycle across terra firma.


If appropriate, have a lesson with your class on human energy. Have your class role-play progressively “energetic” activities, starting with being asleep and gradually moving to higher-energy activities such as running a race.

Think up some fun activities – card games, dance manoeuvres, tongue-twisters or challenging activities such as patting your head while rubbing your tummy – and have your students try them out: first slowly and on a low level of energy; then on medium energy; and finally, on a high level of energy. Have them tell you which energy level seemed best for each activity.

Finally, discuss some common classroom activities and ask your class which energy level seems best for each of the activities. In subsequent lessons, remind the class to check their energy levels before important tasks, or whenever students seem overly tired or unruly.


v Belgium

Marian de Bruin Tervuren/Brussels+32 (2) 768 13 23

Ann Devloo-DelvaVeurne +32 (058) 31 63 52

Inge LanneauBeernem +32 (050) 33 29 92

Peggy PoppeAntwerpen +32 (474) 50 23 32

Chantal WyseurWaterloo +32 (486) 11 65 82

v Brazil

Luciana Borelli Noronha Batalha Brasilia, D.F. +55 (61) 8185-6442

Ana LimaRio De Janeiro+55 (021) 2295-1505

Viviane Resende da Costa Melo Brasilia, DF +55 (61) 3349 9998

v Bulgaria

Daniela BonevaRuse +35 (988) 531 95 06

v Canada

Rocky Point AcademyStacey Borger-SmithAutism Training Supervisor Lawrence Smith, Jr.Autism Training Supervisor Calgary +1 (403) 685-0067+1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free)

Darlene BrownSmithers/Prince Rupert+1 (250) 847-3463

Paddy CarsonEdmonton/Alberta+1 (780) 489-6225

Marcia CodeKanata, Ontario+1 (613) 284-6315

Dyslexia Resources CanadaShelley CottonSharon RobertsWaterloo, Ontario +1 (519) 746-8422+1 (800) 981-6433 (Toll-Free)

Elizabeth Currie ShierOakville (Near Toronto) +1 (905) 829-4084

Cathy Dodge SmithAutism Facilitator/Coach Oakville/Toronto+1 (905) 844-4144+1 (888) 569-1113 toll-free

Kimberly DoyleDundalk, Ontario +1 (519) 923-5420

Sandy FarrellHudson, Quebec+1 (450) 458-4777

Renée FiglarzMontreal, Quebec+1 (514) 815-7827

Sher GoerzenMaple Ridge/Vancouver+1 (604) 290-5063

Corinne GraumansMedicine Hat, Alberta +1 (403) 528-9848

Sue HallWest Vancouver+1 (604) 921-1084

D’vorah HoffmanToronto +1 (416) 398-6779

Sue JutsonVancouver, B.C.+1 (604) 732-1516

Your reaction would most likely be one of panic and fear. On a larger scale, perhaps, but not dissimilar in quality to the reaction that some of our children face on a daily basis when asked to complete learning tasks. Every skill we have is based on other more basic skills, some of which are in turn based on yet more basic skills and so on. As an example, let’s look at handwriting. To be able to write, you need to be able to hold a pen. This in turn is based on the ability to grip, which is based on the ability to move and control your hand. You also need to be able to move the pen across a piece of paper in a controlled fashion, maintaining equal pressure. This involves fine motor control and the ability to use shoulder, elbow and wrist movements in combination. Next, you must be able to make the shapes of all the letters, which involves a whole range of skills. First, you must know the letters, and be able to recognize and distinguish one from another. Next, you need to be certain where to start each letter, what direction to move in tracing its shape, how to join it to the next letter, and which letters (like capitals) are not usually joined to the letter following. As most letters are started at the “top,” you may be confused by this idea unless you have grasped that when working with a flat piece of paper, “top” refers to the part of the paper furthest away from you, even though the paper is on an even surface and no part is actually higher than any other. If you and your class speak a European language written from left to right, you must be able to distinguish left from right. What’s more, in order to understand the idea of “starting” at the top and on the left, and where you go “next,” you need awareness of the flow of time. Finally, to produce new pieces of writing (as opposed to copying) you will need to have knowledge of language, and be aware of the purpose of words. You must also have mastered the spelling of the words you plan to use, which again involves grasping the concept of sequence and the fact that words consist of a particular combination of letters in a particular sequence from left to right. Some of these skills may sound too obvious to mention. But the reason we don’t teach one-year-olds to write is that many of these skills are not yet mastered at that age. More importantly, a thorough understanding of the component skills of handwriting, and the component skills of those component skills, etc, will enable you to help a person with handwriting difficulties. When people have difficulty writing at an age when their peers have mastered it, the cause lies with one or more component skills that have not been fully mastered.

When a component skill has not been fully mastered, you may need to look at other components of that skill until you find an the “problem” skill that is “ready” to be mastered. A skill is “ready” to be mastered when all the component skills of which it is composed have already been mastered. For educators, the ability to “see” the component parts of a particular skill, and the component parts of those component parts etc., is essential, whether we are designing a lesson plan, a scheme of work, a course book or a curriculum. It is also our key to troubleshooting why a particular student is unable to accomplish a task we have set him. If you have learned to drive a car, you will know the difference between learning and mastery. You will recall the time when you were receiving instruction and had to think about every


Choose one or two skills from the following list that you yourself have mastered. See if you can work out the component skills that you needed in order to master each skill. Also check whether each component skill in turn consists of others. See how long your list is:

1. Reading music2. Riding a bicycle3. Laying a patio4. Speaking a foreign language5. Reading a book6. Composing and sending email7. Playing tennis8. Painting a picture9. Making a chair out of wood10. Managing your diary11. Tying your shoelaces

Note that to perform each of these tasks you must be so accomplished at each component skill that it comes automatically, without the need to think or try to remember anything. If you have completed the above exercise fully, the reasons for this will be obvious. If you must think about even a quarter of the component skills prior to execution, your list will simply be too long for it to be practicable to accomplish the task.


v Canada (continued)

Mary Ann KettlewellLondon, Ontario+1 (519) 652-0252

Helen McGilivray Oakville/Toronto +1 (905) 464-4798

Carl NigiKanata, Ontario+1 (613) 232-7555

Susan Nikolic-VicenticNewmarket/Toronto+1 (905) 953-1716

Maureen O’SullivanNewmarket, Ontario+1 (905) 853-3363

Tina PanaritisMontreal, Quebec+1 (514) 690-9164

Sharon PermackThornhill, Ontario+1 (905) 882-9292

Bernice TaylorRiverview, NB +1 (506) 871-5674

Tracy TrudellWallacetown, Ontario +1 (519) 762-2001

Kim J. Willson-RymerMississauga, Ontario+1 (905) 825-3153

Cheryl WoodHuntsville, Ontario+1 (705) 783-2763

v China

Yvonne Wong Ho Hing Autism Facilitator-CoachHong Kong+852-6302-5630

Livia WongHong Kong+852-2756-6603

v Colombia

Laura Zink de DíazBogotá +57 (1) 704-4399

v Costa Rica

Maria Elena Guth BlancoSan Jose +506 296-4078

Marcela RodriguezAlajuela +506 442-8090

v Cyprus

Alexis MouzourisLimassol +357 25 382 090

v Denmark

Moniek GevenBryrup +45 7575 7105

v Ecuador

Gina Liliana Alvarez Altamirano Ambato+593 (3) 242 4723

Ana Magdalena Espin VargasAmbato +593 (2) 854 281

Santiago FernandezAmbato+593 (3) 242 4723

Nora Cristina Garza Díaz Ambato +593 (3) 282 5998

Cristina Mariela Lara Salazar Ambato + 593 (2) 854 281

Germania Jissela Ramos Ramos Ambato +593 (3) 242 4723

Inés Gimena Paredes Ríos Ambato +593 (2) 854 281

individual action you needed to take. Mirror, signal, manoeuvre, footbrake, clutch, gears – remember the intensity of thought involved? It could leave a person feeling quite tense and tired.Yet once you have passed your test and have been driving for a while, these functions become mostly automatic. You may even be able to daydream, listen to the radio or hold conversations while performing them. When all the component skills of a new skill have been not just learned, but mastered, acquiring the next level of skill becomes easy. People who experience the Davis methods often wonder at how easily and quickly they can acquire new skills that challenged them for years before. A key reason for this is sequencing.

How To Support Struggling Learners And Stimulate Advanced Learners At The Same TimeFor us, as teachers, one of the biggest challenges we have is supporting and nurturing struggling learners while also helping more advanced learners to move forward. Sometimes, it feels as if we need to clone ourselves, as there just isn’t enough of “me” to go around. And yet there’s an interesting thing about struggling learners. Struggling learners are often visual-spatial thinkers. They can be imaginative, curious individuals who have just failed to respond to traditional auditory-sequential learning methods. But interestingly, very able learners are often also visual-spatial thinkers. They too can be imaginative, curious individuals who enjoy “getting the picture.” The difference is, they’ve managed to adapt to auditory-sequential learning methods and thrive within the classroom as it is. So we find that, when we teach to visual-spatial learners, it interests and stimulates advanced learners while also supporting the struggling learner. Because actually, there’s not as much difference as we might think between how these two groups think, and therefore how they learn. Visual-spatial thinkers learn fast when certain key principles are applied:

Ownership of learningVisual-spatial thinkers learn best what they have created for themselves. Primary level teachers have sporadically dipped into creative media like clay over the years. When applied with a clear philosophy and direction, they constitute a powerful explorative learning medium.

Imaginative learningTo retain information, visual-spatial thinkers have to “get the picture.” For example, visual-spatial students who struggle with reading may frequently stumble on small abstract words such as “a,” “the,” “if” and “but.” This happens because it is more difficult to create a mental

picture of what those words mean than of words like “elephant” and “tyrannosaurus.” Coaching struggling readers into recognizing these words by their phonemes may not work. Targeted sessions creating clay models

of the definitions of these words using Davis Symbol Mastery, engages curiosity, imagination and creativity – typical visual-spatial strengths.

Learning through experienceVisual-spatial learners respond far better to investigative approaches than to memorization. They will not succeed in memorizing the times tables until they have grasped why they are true.

Sequentially ordered learningVisual-spatial learners need to fully grasp a skill at base level before building more advanced skills on top. They do not respond well to being rushed through a subject.

Relaxed focusStruggling visual-spatial learners are particularly susceptible to stress. They will not learn if asked to “concentrate” – they will do wonders if trained to pace themselves and “go easy.” And relaxed focusing skills also benefit advanced learners. The Davis approach to learning is founded on these key principles. When applied to mixed-ability classrooms in three schools in the United States, not only were special needs referrals eliminated from the Davis classrooms, but Talented and Gifted Education referrals soared to levels far above the national average. When appropriate, try out these principles with all our students and see what happens. v

“When we teach to visual-spatial learners, it interests and stimulates advanced learners while also supporting the struggling learner”

Richard Whitehead offers Davis Learning Strategies Workshops for Primary Teachers throughout the UK. Please visit:


v Estonia

Olga KnutTallinn +372-56-509-840

v Finland

Elisabeth HelenelundBorga +358 400 79 54 97

v France

Christine BleusSaint Jean de Gonville/Genève +33 450 56 40 48

Corinne CouelleLyon +33 (628) 38 84 41

Jennifer DelrieuVoisins le Bretonneux/Paris+33 (01) 30 44 19 91

Françoise MagarianLegny/Lyon+33 (0474) 72 43 13

Carol NelsonBoulogne-Billancourt/Paris+33 (0) 1 49 09 12 33

Odile PugetSegny/Geneve +33 (0) 450 418 267

v Germany/Deutschland

Theresia AdlerBannewitz +49 (0351) 40 34 224

Ellen EbertAmmern +49 (03601) 813-660

Gabriele DoetschBad Windsheim+49 (098 41) 688 18 18

Cornelia GarbeBerlin +49 (030) 61 65 91 25

Monika GrafStuttgart + 49 (711) 538 0033

Astrid Grosse-MönchBuxtehude+49 (04161) 702 90 70

Christine HeinrichSchwäb Gmünd+49 (0717) 118 29 74

Sonja HeinrichSupervisor-SpecialistDDA-DACH DirectorGarbsen/Hannover+49 (040) 25 17 86 23

Kirsten HohageNürnberg +49 (0911) 54 85 234

Ingrid HuthBerlin +49 (030) 28 38 78 71

Mechtild HyllaKassel +49 (0561) 602 78 20

Rita JarrarMünchen +49 (089) 821 20 30

Inge Koch-GassmannBuggingen+49 (07631) 23 29

Angelika KohnSteinheim-Kleinbottwar+49 (07148) 66 08

Marianne KranzerKönigsfeld+49 (07725) 72 26

Anneliese Kunz-DanhauserRosenheim+49 (08031) 632 29

Jutta MeissnerStuttgart +49 (711) 882 2106 Margit Pleger Wetter/Dortmund +49 (02335) 84 87 60

Angela Przemus Shönebeck+49 (3928) 845 159

Markus RauchFreiburg+49 (761) 476 25 81

An Ounce of Prevention Q: Can dyslexia be prevented?

A: We believe that if individuals are given the right tools early enough in their education, the problems associated with dyslexia can be prevented. That is, children can learn to read and write and keep up in school, if they are taught with methods that are a good match for their learning style. These would include tools to prevent disorientation. That is also the theory behind our Davis Learning Strategies methods for primary level classrooms.

Creation through DisorientationQ: How do dyslexics use disorientation to work things out?

A: In the 3-dimensional world, it can be helpful to figure out the solution to a problem by imagining it from different perspectives. For example, Einstein imagined what it would be like to be riding on a beam of light, and this

daydream helped him work out his special theory of relativity. If you need to solve a real-world problem - for example, fixing a broken appliance - it would helpful to be able to mentally move around the object and look at it from all angles. If you wanted to build something - perhaps a chair made of raw wood - it would help to have a picture in your mind of the finished product from all angles, in order to know what pieces you would need, how to cut them, and fit them together.

Disorientation lets you do all that in your head, with your imagination. People who do not have the “gift” of dyslexia often have to rely on following written, step-by-step instructions to accomplish many of the creative tasks that dyslexic people can carry out in their heads.

Don’t Mess With My Wiring!Q: If you’re dyslexic are you just stuck with the problem? Are dyslexics simply “wired” so differently that the most they can expect is to improve a bit?

A: We are happy with the part of dyslexia that’s a “gift,” so we wouldn't want to get rid of it or change it. We don't see dyslexia as a disease that needs to be cured, because, after all, reading is not a natural process. Alphabets are simply an invention that provides a means of transmitting information. It's a great invention, and it would be best if everyone could access it, but we can't “cure” a person of having a hard time using a specific technology any more than we can “cure”

a person of not knowing how to speak Japanese, or not knowing how to program a computer.It doesn't make much sense to try to change the way a brain is wired just so the person can use an invention or piece of technology. Instead, we need to ask whether we could convey or teach the same thing in a different way. In our experience one of the gifts of dyslexia is the gift of mastery. That is, the dyslexic person has the ability to truly understand and integrate any sort of knowledge or skill. For dyslexics, the key is simply understanding how their mind works, and following the right learning approach.

by Abigail Marshall

“Einstein imagined what it would be like to be riding

on a beam of light, and this daydream helped

him work out his special theory of relativity. ”

“ Alphabets are simply an invention that provides a means

of transmitting information. ”


Aiming for the 70%Q: Why aren’t your methods used more often in schools?

A: Some schools do use our methods, but the reason we probably won't find them widely used is simply that only a minority of students are dyslexic. Even if 30% of students were potentially dyslexic, that would mean that 70% are not. Most schools want to use the one or two teaching methods they believe are appropriate for the majority of their students. So most schools tend to stick with educational approaches that are easy to implement and seem to work well for non-dyslexic kids. Another problem is that the method we use for addressing dyslexia is not really teaching or tutoring, but rather, a process that gives particular students the tools they need and shows them how to use them. This is great for self-motivated, hands-on learners, and it would be a good fit at schools where project-based or self-exploratory

learning is emphasized. But most schools still engage in what’s called “direct instruction.” That is, the teacher teaches, and the students listen.We believe that the creative process is essential for learning, especially for dyslexic learners. So any school for dyslexic students would need to provide an avenue for creative exploration of just about any subject or topic covered in the curriculum. There are some schools organized around this principle, which is sometimes called a “constructivist” approach. Unfortunately, this individualized and exploratory approach is considered inefficient by most traditional educators. They would prefer to stick with a single set of lesson plans for all their students.

The Best Point For ReadingQ: In The Gift of Learning, on page 162, there is reference to orientation point locations for specific senses, in addition to the one optimal point recommended for dyslexic students. Where are these others points located, and what senses do they relate to?

A: Each person would have to experiment to locate the optimum point for a specific sensation or activity. We have not made any effort to study these or collect even anecdotal data about them, because they have no particular relevance to our work. That is to say, our focus is on achieving optimum orientation for reading and communicating, not on other activities. The text you referred to reads as follows:

“There is only one optimum orientation point where all sensory data is most accurate. However, there are other orientation locations, one or more for each of the senses, where that sense will be very acute. The one for balance is two feet or more directly above the head, or forward of the center of gravity.” The reason Ron Davis specifically mentioned the athlete's or dancer's point referenced on page 162, is that it’s easy to run into problems during Orientation Counseling if we are not aware of that point, and it is fairly common for us to encounter it in our work. An individual with a strong sense of balance will naturally tend to revert back to that very comfortable point when we do the fine tuning step, because fine tuning is based on achieving balance. Unfortunately, we know from experience that the “athlete’s point” is NOT optimal for reading, and in fact may actually cause letter reversals. That's why Ron goes on to explain, “When working with athletes, dancers, (anyone with excellent balance), make sure that they are oriented above and behind the head and not directly above or in front of it. Having students look down while checking should ensure this.”

v Germany (continued)

Colette ReimannLandshut+49 (0871) 770 994

Brigitte ReinhardtOffenberg+49 (78109) 919 268

Ursula RittlerStuttgart +49 (0711) 47 18 50

Christiane RosendahlDortmund+49 0(231) 75 81 53 02

Phoebe SchafschetzyHamburg +49 (040) 392 589

Margarethe Schlauch-Agostini Volklingen +49 (0689) 844 10 40

Gabriela ScholterSupervisor-SpecialistAutism Facilitator-CoachAutism Training SupervisorStuttgart +49 (0711) 578 28 33

Sylvia SchurakGarlipp +49 (0) 39 32 44 82

Carmen Stappenbacher Gundelsheim +49 (0951) 917 19 10

Beate Tiletzek Waldkraiburg+49 (08638) 88 17 89

Andrea ToloczykiHavixbeck/Münster+49 (02507) 57 04 84

Ioannis TzivanakisSpecialist TrainerWorkshop PresenterDDA-DACH DirectorBerlin +49 (030) 66 30 63 17

Ulrike von Kutzleben-HausenDeisslingen+49 (07420) 33 46

Dr. Angelika WeidemannUlm +49 (0731) 931 46 46

Gabriele WirtzStuttgart +49 (711) 55 17 18

v Greece

Evagelia Apostolopoulou- ArmaosPatras +30 (261) 062 21 22

Zoe DeliakidouThessaloniki +30 (231) 054 0008 or +30 6934 662438

Theano PanagiotopoulouAthens +30 (21) 111 953 50

Irma Vierstra-VourvachakisRethymnon/Crete+30 283105 8201 or 69766 40292

v Iceland

Áslaug ÁsgeirsdóttirMosfellsbaer+354 861-2537

Gigja BaldursdottirReykjavik+354 562 2840

Sigrún Jónina BaldursdóttirSnaefellsbae+354 586 8180

Gudrún BenediktsdóttirHafnarfirdi+354 545 0103 or +354 822 0910

Gudbjörg EmilsdóttirDLS MentorKópavogur+354 554 3452


Most schools tend to stick with educational

approaches that are easy to implement

and seem to work well for non-dyslexic kids.


We know from experience that the ‘athlete’s point’ is

NOT optimal for reading, and in fact may actually cause letter reversals.


v Iceland (continued)

Hólmfridur GudmundsdóttirGardabae +354 895-0252

Sigurborg Svala GudmundsdóttirMosfellsbaer+354 867 1928

Ingibjörg IngolfsdóttirMosfellsbaer +354 899-2747

Sigrún JensdóttirMosfellsbaer +354 897 4437

Valgerdur JónsdóttirKópavogur +354 863 2005

Sturla KristjanssonHafnarfjordur+354 862 0872

Jon Einar Haraldsson LambiAkureyri +354 867 1875

Ásta OlafsdóttirVopnafjordur+354 473-1164

Thorbjörg SigurdardóttirReykjavík +354 698 7213

Kolbeinn SigurjonssonMosfellsbaer+354 566 6664

Hugrún SvavarsdóttirMosfellsbær+354 698-6465

v India

Kalpita PatelRajkot, Gujarat +91 (281) 244 2071

Carol Ann RodriguesMumbai+91 (22) 2667 3649 or+91 (22) 2665 0174

v Ireland

Veronica BaylyDublin+353 (86) 226 354

Paula HoranMullingar +353 44 934 1613

Sister Antoinette KeelanDublin +353 (01) 884 4996

v Israel

Luba AlibashRamat Hasharon/Tel Aviv +972 (052) 272 9532

Goldie GiladKfar Saba/Tel Aviv+972 (09) 765 1185

Judith SchwarczSupervisor-SpecialistRa’anana/Tel Aviv+972 (09) 772 9888

v Italy

Stefania BrunoNuoro, Sardinia+39 (388) 933 2486

Elisa De FeliceRoma +39 (06) 507 3570

Antonella DeriuNuoro, Sardinia+32 059 32 96

Piera Angiola MaglioliOcchieppo Inferiore/Biella+39 (015) 259 3080

Removing Barriers to Reading SuccessQ: Some research suggests that multiple reads of lists: words, phrases, paragraphs, are one of the best things that parents can do to increase reading fluency in their children. Sally Shaywitz, in Overcoming Dyslexia, says three to five reads of a paragraph or two of a story will wire the words, meanings, sounds, visual images into the brain. Each time the student reads a word, all of those components become stronger and process more quickly the next time. Is this also Davis procedure? I like what I’m reading in The Gift of Dyslexia, but I wonder if Sally Shaywitz and Ron Davis would agree on this point?

A: Dr. Shaywitz is a brain researcher, not a teacher or educational researcher. Some of what she reports in the part of her book about reading research appears to conflict with statements in the first part of her book, about brain differences in dyslexia. This is probably because the reading research reported in the second part was carried out by other researchers, on typical, nondyslexic, or undifferentiated populations of children.In the first part of her book, Dr. Shaywitz makes it clear that the dyslexic brain is wired differently, and that the dyslexic students she studied did not seem able to develop the ability to store whole words in the “visual word form area” of the brain used by capable readers. She also states that dyslexic students tend to be top-down, whole-to-part learners, who do not do well with rote learning. I would agree with the view that it is important to gain practice with reading in order to build fluency, and that one way to do that would be through multiple readings of a the same material. I believe that Dr. Shaywitz is right that such exercises will help “wire the brain” in most typically developing readers. Ironically, those exercises are probably strengthening connections in the very parts of the brain that Dr. Shaywitz' own research shows are not used by the dyslexic readers. Her research also seems to show that the

most capable teenaged dyslexic readers appear to read using alternate neural pathways – again, a point that is consistent with the notion that the dyslexic brain is wired differently. The problem is that dyslexic readers struggle so hard to decipher the words, often through a veil of perceptual confusion, that they simply

don't get to the point where they can benefit from mere rereading of material. They just don't have the underlying ability to take advantage of that approach to studying. Before individuals can benefit from such practice, they must first be able to read the material accurately and with comprehension, even if their reading speed is slow. If the goal is to “wire the words, meanings,

sounds, visual images into the brain,” then those elements have to be there in the first place when the student reads the word. The dyslexic learner simply isn't yet able to put those elements together.The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program

addresses the barriers that stand in the way. Davis Orientation (or Alignment) gives the individual the ability to self-monitor and correct perceptual distortions. Spell Reading and Sweep-Sweep-Spell help build the habit of processing the letters of the word separately in correct left-to-right sequence. They also help build a habit of paying attention to the visual appearance of the letters and the sound of the whole word. Picture-at-Punctuation builds the habit of associating mental imagery with what is read.

Of course, the clay modeling we call Davis Symbol Mastery, is built around an effort to connect meanings, sounds, and visual images in the brain, through a creative, hands-on, multisensory approach. The trigger words identified by Ron Davis overlap with the Dolch word list, and comprise the basic sight vocabulary that all readers need to have in order to gain reading fluency.

Dyslexic readers struggle so hard to decipher

the words, often through a veil of perceptual

confusion, that they simply don't get to the point where they can

benefit from mere rereading of material.

(continued on the next page)


v Italy (continued)

Sabina MansuttiTricesimo Udine+39 (349) 272 0307

Alessandro TaiocchiSettimo Milanese +39 (333) 443 7368

Silvia WalterFirenze+39 (055) 22 86 481

Rafaella ZingerleCorvara In Badia+39 (0471) 836 959

v Kenya

Manisha ShahNairobi+254 (0) 721 492 217

v Luxembourg Nadine RoederLuxembourg+352 691 30 0296

v Lebanon

Samar Riad SaabBeirut +961 3 700 206

v Malaysia

Hilary CraigKuala Lumpur+60 (36) 201 55 95

v Mexico

Silvia B. Arana GarcíaMexico, D.F. +52 (55) 5540-7205

Cathy Calderón de la Barca Davis Workshop Presenter México D.F.+52 (55) 5540-7205

María Silvia Flores SalinasDDA DirectorSupervisor – SpecialistGarza García Monterrey NL+52 (81) 8378 61 75

Alejandra Garcia MedinaHuixquilucan+52 (55) 1085 5608l

Maria Lourdes GutiérrezMexico D.F.+52 (555) 593 18 22

Hilda Fabiola Herrera CantuCuliacan, Sinaloa +52 81 6677 15 01 19

Laura LammogliaTampico, Tamaulipas +52 (833) 213 4126

Maria Cristina Lopez-Araiza GonzalezMéxico, D.F.+52 (55) 5536 5889

Ana Elena Payro OgarrioCorregidora, Queretaro +55 442 228 1264

Ana Menéndez Porrero Puebla+52 (222) 750 76 42

Lucero Palafox de MartinAutism Facilitator/CoachVeracruz+52 (229) 935 1302

Magarita Saucedo Alvarez Icaza México, DF+52 (55) 3538 5240

Lydia Gloria VargasGarza García Monterrey NL+52 (81) 8242 0666

Mauro Salvador Villagomez Santana Celaya Guanajuato+52 (461) 614 9892

After a child completes a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program, I see no reason why a teacher couldn’t work with a dyslexic child to build fluency in the way recommended by Dr. Shaywitz, assuming the child is willing. With older children, we generally see a marked improvement in reading fluency simply by going through the Davis program. But of course, continued reading practice is necessary to sustain the gains achieved and to enable continued reading growth. However, as Dr. Shaywitz also notes (and of course, we agree), dyslexics tend to be highly creative and imaginative. Some might find it boring to read the same passage several times. An alternative might be to use curriculum

materials or exercises structured to give those students repeated exposure to selected vocabulary words or phrases in varied contexts, in order to keep the student motivated and engaged. The specific technique of rereading material in order to gain fluency is not part of the Davis Program, but it is certainly a learning technique that may be used by a student after completion of the program. The goal of a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program is to eliminate the barriers that stood in the way of learning, and to provide students with the ability to progress on the same footing as others. We can anticipate that after a program, students will be able to benefit from other strategies for reading and studying that may have previously been too difficult or frustrating for them. v

The Ballad of Johnny Jacobs

Mariah Siegmann is the daughter of Davis Facilitator Michele Siegmann of Mason, NH, USA. Mariah wrote and illustrated this poem when she was a freshman in high school. It was based on a classmate who Mariah, as a corrected dyslexic herself, thought might have benefited from a Davis program, as teachers at her school had long since given up on him. v

by Mariah Siegmann

Poor Johnny Jacobs is a sweet, young chap,But society has led him to worse things than rap. Sometimes he drinks and sometimes he swears,And sometimes he says, “I don't give a care.” How and when it started, I wasn't there to know,But he warned me this: the way he'd gone not to go. Poor Johnny Jacobs - he could save the world,Like Rosa on the bus, or the stars n' stripes unfurled. He stands by his beliefs like a lamppost in the snow,Iron 'til the end, despite the winds that blow. But in the vast ocean his battles are just krill,The ones who count - the ones in charge - have marked him as a pill. Poor Johnny Jacobs is branded like a cow,To teachers his forehead says, “Send to principal's now.” And they don't bother to question it,Johnny's a bug, a problem, a pit. And he may finish high school the very same way,Because no one stopped to hear what he'd say.

Unlocking the Power of DyslexiaA brief look at the life of Ronald Davis and the impact of his remarkable discoveries. DVD: $8.00 (Run time: 15 minutes)

The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program This documentary film provides an excellent overview of Facilitators at work with Davis clients,explains how dyslexics thinkand perceive, what causes dyslexia, and what occurs during and after a Davis Program. DVD: $8.00 (Run time: 18 minutes)

Davis Dyslexia Correction Orientation ProceduresThis detailed instructional DVD provides demonstrations of each of the Davis® procedures for assessment and orientationdescribed in The Gift of Dyslexia and The Gift of Learning. These methods help focus attention, eliminate perceptual confusion, improve physical coordination, and control energy levels. DVD: $85.00

Davis Symbol Mastery and Reading ExercisesFeatures 27 examples of Facilitators and clients using the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit and practicing the Davis ReadingExercises. Included are mastering the alphabet, punctuation marks, pronunciation, and words; and reading exercises to build visual tracking and whole word recognition skills, and to improve reading fluency and comprehension. (This DVD is included with Davis Symbol Mastery Kit) DVD: $85.00

Dyslexia – The GiftThis documentary introduces the concepts and methods inThe Gift of Dyslexia. Viewers of all ages will find the interviewsand animated sequences highly informative and entertaining.

Gift of Dyslexia Audio CD SetThis 4 CD set contains full narration of The Giftof Dyslexia, read by author Ron Davis.

Video or DVD $39.95

4-CD Set $29.95 $39.95

ReadOn Interactive SoftwareA comprehensive learning tool, designed to assist peopleof all ages learn to read or overcome reading problemsassociated with dyslexia. Operating Systems: Windows 98,ME, NT4 (SP 6), Win2000, XP Languages: English only

Software $195.00

I Can Do It – The Confidence to LearnTeachers, parents, school administrators, andstudents speak about the many benefits ofusing Davis Learning Strategies at ValeElementary School in Oregon.

DVD: $9.00 (running time: 12 min.)

DVD/Audio CD/Software

Davis Symbol Mastery KitContains everything needed to do Davis Symbol Mastery: A manual in checklistformat, 117-minute instructional DVD,laminated alphabet strip, letter recognitioncards, dictionary, grammar book, punctuationbooklet, pronunciation key cards, and clay—all in a sturdy nylon shoulder bag. Suitablefor working with students of any age.

Symbol Mastery Kit $139.95

Davis Young Learner Kit for Home-UseProvides parents with theinstructions and materials neededto provide 5-7 year olds witheffective and fun learningstrategies for improving pre-reading and language arts skills.

Young Learner Kit for Home-Use $129.95

Davis Dyslexia Association BookstoreBooks & Tools for Doing it on Your Own

NEW!The Gift of Dyslexia:Why Some of theSmartest People Can’t Read and HowThey Can Learn (Revised and Updated 2010 edition)

$15.95 Softcover

Features a new Foreword by Dr. Linda Silverman and two new chapters on Davis methods for correcting Dyslexia.

Davis Symbol Mastery Deluxe KitProvides additional materials forimplementing the Davis methods that address disorientation, build attentionfocus, and improve balance andcoordination. Includes everything in the regular Symbol Mastery Kit plus:• The Gift of Dyslexia-Classic Edition • Deluxe Kit Manual• Davis Orientation Procedures DVD • Two Koosh Balls

Deluxe Kit $219.95

The Gift of DyslexiaClassic Editionby Ronald Davis, Eldon BraunExplains the theories behindDavis Dyslexia Correctionmethods, and details basicprocedures in an easy-to-follow,scripted format. Large type,illustrations and photos makethis book dyslexic-friendly.

Softcover $9.50 $15.95

The Gift of Learningby Ronald D. Davis, Eldon M. Braun

Expands the Davis Methodswith theories and correctionprocedures that address the three basic areas oflearning disability other thanreading, which children andadults experience.

Softcover $13.95 $15.95

Strong-Willed Child or Dreamer?

by Dana Spears & Ron Braund

A must for parents of childrenwho are imaginative,sensitive,moody, stubborn, andcompassionate.Softcover $9.25 $12.99

You Don’t Have to be Dyslexic

by Dr. Joan Smith

Case histories illustrate auseful and easy-to-usecollection of assessmentmethods, skill-buildingexercises, and learningstrategies geared to thedyslexic learning style.

Softcover $15.95

Attention Deficit Disorder:A Different Perception

by Thom Hartmann

Explores the benefits of an ‘A.D.D.’ mind, andprovides good reasons for ‘distractable’ people to celebrate their creativethinking style.

REVISED EDITIONSoftcover $8.50 $12.00

The Myth of the ADD Child

by Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.

Essential for any parent of anactive child. Detailed profilesof behavior patterns are keyedto suggested strategies forgetting each child on track,without drugs or coercion.

Softcover $11.00 $15.00

Learning Outside the Lines:

Two Ivy League Studentswith Learning Disabilitiesand ADHD Give You theTools for AcademicSuccess and EducationalRevolution

by Jonathan Mooney & David Cole

Softcover $9.80 $14.00

In the Mind’s Eye

by Thomas West

An in-depth look at theconnections between creativeability, visual thinking, andacademic learning difficulties.Explores the minds of famousdyslexics from Einstein toChurchill.

Hardcover $20.00 $29.00

Smart But Stuck: WhatEvery Therapist Needs to Know About LearningDisabilities and ImprisonedIntelligence

by Myrna Orenstein, Ph.D.

Deals largely with ndiagnosedlearning disabilities in adults.

Softcover $13.95 $19.95

Teaching Kids withLearning Difficulties in the Regular Classroom

Find proven and powerfulstrategies and techniques to help any student become asuccessful learner.Softcover $29.50 $36.95

The Right Mind: Making Sense of theHemispheres

Explores how our brainhemispheres worktogether to make senseof language andaccomplish other tasks.

Softcover $8.40 $12.00

Beyond ADD: Hunting forReasons in the Past &Present

by Thom Hartmann

Explore a variety of theories as to why ADD has become so prevalent in modernsociety, and solutions relatedto many of the theories.

Softcover $9.10 $12.95

Learning How to Learn:Getting Into andSurviving College When You Have aLearning Disability

by Joyanne Cobb

Softcover $13.25 $18.95

El Don de la Dislexia

The Gift of Dyslexiain Spanish. Newly revisedwith additional chapters,illustrations and photographs.Published in Spain by Editex

Softcover $28.95

Getting The Horse To

Drink: How To Motivate

Unmotivated Students

by Suzanne H. Stevens

Practical teachingstrategies for motivatingstudents who have lost allinterest in academicachievement.

Softcover $9.95


Everything Parent’s GuideTo Children With Dyslexia:All You Need To Ensure

Your Child’s Success

by Abigail Marshall

A “must read” for every parent

who knows or suspects their

child has dyslexia.

Softcover $13.45 $14.95

The Secret Life of the

Dyslexic Child: How She

Thinks, How He Feels,

How They Can Succeed

by Robert Frank, Ph.D.

with Kathryn Livingston

Full of gentle advice and

practical suggestions for

parents to help build

self-esteem and confidence.

Softcover $10.50 $14.95

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by Irene Duke

The Language that let’s

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and listen with your eyes.

More than 300 easy-to

-follow illustrations, including

expressions, songs,

emotions, ASL alphabet,

money, and time.

Softcover $10.50 $14.95


All Cats have AspergerSyndromeBy Kathy Hoopman

Insightful and humorouslook at the AspergerSyndrome, especiallyendearing for cat lovers.$10.50 $14.95 Hardcover

Ten Things Every Child WithAutism Wishes You Knewby Ellen Notbohm

A must have for parents to readand share. Provides the insightneeded to better understand, loveand support an autistic familymember Softcover $10.50 $14.95

Born on a Blue Day by Daniel Tammet

First-person account of

living with synesthesia

and savantism, a rare

form of Asperger’s


Softcover $9.80 $14.00

Cursive Connectionsby Kathryn LibbyOver 70 reproducible pages fordeveloping cursive writing skillsSoftcover $15.99

How to Read Music by Roger Evans

Fundamentals of Musical Notation Made EasySoftcover $7.95 $11.95


Math-a-pedia: A visual

mathematical reference forintermediate students

Homework Without Tears: A Parent’sGuide for Motivating Children to doHomework and to Succeed in School?by Lee Canter & Lee Hausner, Ph.D.

Detailed, step-by-step approach to turning theresponsibility of homework over to your children.Hardcover $9.95 $13.95

Barron’s Mathematics Study Dictionaryby Frank Tapson

Comprehensive definitions and explanations

of mathematical terms, organized by concept.

Geared to ages 10 to adult.

Softcover $14.99

Yes You Can! Help Your Kid Succeed in Math Even if You Think You Can’tby Jean Bullard & Louise Oborne

Advice for parents and strategies for overcoming

math anxiety and other barriers to learning.

Softcover $18.00

Math on Call

by Andrew Kaplan,

et al


$17.00 $23.00

Charlie’s Challenge

by Ann Root & Linda Gladden

This richly illustrated story offersa positive view and encouragingnews for youngsters struggling inschool. Geared to ages 5-9.

Softcover $13.45 $14.95

The Hate to Write But Have To Writer’s Guideby Jim EversPractical tips and guidelines help visualthinkers improve their writing skills.Softcover $5.00 $9.95


Math-a-pedia: IntermediateHardcover $34.95 each

Math-a-pedia: PrimaryHardcover $24.95 each

UltimateVisual Dictionaryby DorlingKindersley Publishing(672 pages)Hardcover $32.00 $39.95

Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools You Should Know About Even If You’re Not a Straight-A Student by Loren Pope Softcover $10.50 $14.00

Math at Hand

by Great Source

Education Group Staff

Softcover $17.00 $23.00


AUTISM BOOKSThe Everything Parents Guideto Children with Autism:Know What to Expect, Findthe Help You Need, and GetThrough the Day

by Adelle Jameson Tilton

Softcover: $13.45 $14.95

From finding support groups toplanning for their child's future, this book pro-vides parents with all the information they needto ensure that their child's – and their families’ –needs are met.

A Parents Guide toAsperger Syndrome & High FunctioningAutism by Sally Ozonoff, Geraldine

Dawson and James


Softcover: $13.25 $14.95

An indispensable guide packed with real-life success stories, practical problem-solving ideas, and matter-of-fact advice.

UnderstandingControversial TherapiesFor Children with Autism,ADD and Other LearningDisabilities

by Lisa Kurtz

Softcover: 17.95 $19.95

A comprehensive guide to just about everyoutside-the-box therapy you might runacross, and then some. An absolutelyessential reference for anyone who wantsto know and explore available options

Gabby's Wordspeller $25.95 SoftcoverHow do you find aword in the dictionaryif you have no ideahow to spell it? Withthis book! Lets youlook up words by theirphonetic spelling tofind its correct Diane Frank

Bumperly Bumper Bee $12.75 Hardcover A beautifully illustrated story of a bee with challenges, whose talents help him prevail. A great tale of tolerance, understanding,friendship and achievementfor ages 4 - Michael D. Davis

DAVIS DYSLEXIA MATERIALSUnlocking the Power of Dyslexia DVD . . . . . . . . . . $8.00Davis Dyslexia Correction Program DVD . . . . . . . . .$8.00Davis Orientation Procedures DVD. . . . . . . . . . . . . $85.00Symbol Mastery & Reading Exercises DVD . . . . . . $85.00I Can Do It—The Confidence to Learn DVD . . . . . . .$9.00The Gift of Dyslexia 2010 Edition . . .. . . . . . . . . . . $15.95The Gift of Dyslexia Classic Edition . . .. . . . . . . . . . .$9.50The Gift of Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.95Dyslexia- the Gift Video . . . . . $39.95Gift of Dyslexia Audio CD Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29.95Symbol Mastery Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$139.95Symbol Mastery Deluxe Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$219.95Gift of Dyslexia - Spanish Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . .$28.95OTHER BOOKS FOR REFERENCE & LEARNINGAll Cats have Asperger Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.95ADD: A Different Perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9.95Barron’s Math Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.99Beyond ADD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12.95Born on a Blue Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.00Bumperly Bumper Bee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15.95 Charlie’s Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.95Checking Your Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.99Colleges That Change Lives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.00Cursive Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15.99Everything Parent’s Guide To Autism . . . . . . . . . . .$14.95Everything Parent’s Guide To Dyslexia . . . . . . . . . .$14.95The Everything Sign Language Book . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.95 Gabby's Wordspeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25.95Getting The Horse To Drink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9.95Hate to Write But Have To Writer’s Guide . . . . . . . . . .$9.95Homework Without Tears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13.95How to Read Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11.95In the Mind’s Eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$29.00Learning How to Learn-Revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$18.95Learning Outside the Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.00Math-a-pedia: Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$34.95Math-a-pedia: Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$24.95Math On Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$23.00Math On Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$23.00 Myth of the ADD Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15.00Parents Guide to Asperger Autism . . . . . . . . . . . .$18.95Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes . . . . . . .$14.95The Right Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12.00The Secret Life of The Dyslexic Child . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14.95Smart But Stuck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19.95Strong-Willed Child or Dreamer? . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12.99Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties . . . . . . . . . . . .$36.95Ultimate Visual Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$39.95Understanding Controversial Therapies . . . . . . . . . . .$19.95Webster’s New World Children’s Dictionary . . . . . .$17.95Yes You Can! Help Your Kid Succeed in Math . . . .$18.00You Don’t Have to Be Dyslexic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19.95

OTHER ITEMSReadOn Interactive Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$195.00Young Learner Kit for Home Use . . . . . . . . . . . . .$129.95

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v Netherlands

Liesbeth Berg-SchagenVleuten +31 (030) 604-9601

Manja BloemendalDen Haag +31 (70) 345 5252

Ineke BlomDorpstraat+31 (020) 436-1484

Lot BlomUtrecht +31 (030) 271 0005

Trudy BorstBest (Near Eindhoven)+31 (0499) 471 198

Doreth BroeninkNieuw-Vennep+31 (252) 680 667

Lieneke CharpentierNieuwegein+31 (030) 60 41 539

Hester CnossenVeghel +31 (495) 641 920

Anja Derksen-MerkenHeel +31 (06) 17 38 34 45

Aline de BruijnSliedrecht+31 (18) 441 5341

Judith de HaanHeiloo (Near Alkmaar)+31 (63) 078 6483

Mine de RanitzDriebergen+31 (0343) 521 348

Christien De SmitDLS MentorSluis +31 (0117) 461 963

Marijke Eelkman Rooda-BosGouda +31 (0182) 517-316

Jolien FokkensBeilen +31 (0593) 540 141

Ina GausSantpoort-Zuid+31 (023) 538-3927

Jola GeldermansBeverwijk+31 (0251) 210 607

Perola GoncalvesMaría Hoop+31 (06) 33 79 63 44

Jan GubbelsMaastricht+31 (043) 36 39 999

Maril HeijenLandgraaf+31 (6) 4965 1754

Judith HolzapfelDeventer +31 (0570) 619 553

Mia JenniskensEindhoven+31 (040) 245 9458

Trudy JolingLaren +31 (035) 531 00 66

Marie KoopmanBilthoven+31 (030) 228 4014

Carry KulingHeemstede+31 (0235) 287 782

Edith Kweekel-GöldiSoest +31 (035) 601 0611

Imelda LamakerHilversum+31 (035) 621 7309

Irma LammersBoxtel +31 (411) 68 56 83

Sjan MelsenArnhem +31 (026) 442 69 98

Because I subscribe to The Lazy Readers’ Book Club, each month I receive an email from its founder, Danny Brassell, with a list of books he recommends for reluctant readers and those who just plain don’t have time for reading. (He knows we’re not lazy, just busy or in need of encouragement!) Since we haven’t published Danny’s most recent recommendations, here’s a sampling, with Danny’s comments on each. You can read lots more of Danny’s recommendations at the Lazy Readers’ website, There you’ll find the list of Danny’s picks, updated monthly, as well as archives of past selections by month, reading level, and page count. If you purchase books at through links at the Lazy Readers’ website, Bookends ( will receive a donation. Bookends is a nonprofit organization devoted to increasing children’s access to books, as well as community service awareness. Danny’s recommendations are always organized into categories: AD, for adults; YA, for young adults; CH, for children’s books. He always lists a page count and some brief comments, as below. Danny usually posts about 10 recommendations per month, three or four per category. At the website, you can sign up to receive recommendations by email, just as I do!

Recent Recommendations from The Lazy Reader Book Club By Danny Brassell and Laura Zink de Diaz, Davis Facilitator in Bogotá Colombia

These Children Who Come at You with Knives and Other Fairy TailesBy Jim KnipfelAD - 256 pagesPublisher: Simon and SchusterISBN-10: 1439154120ISBN-13: 978-1439154120Have you ever read the real Grimm’s Fairy Tales? They’re pretty creepy, and Knipfel does a fine job of providing his own mischievous tales. I grabbed the book for its title and came away a big fan of Knipfel. I cannot wait to read more of his work.

The Case of the Purloined Professorby Judy CoxYA - 245 pagesPublisher: Marshall CavendishISBN-10: 0761455442ISBN-13: 978-0761455448I am making it my mission to get students to read Judy Cox. This is her second story about two rat brothers who live in a cage in Ms. Dove’s fifth-grade classroom who, once in a while, escape for an adventure around the globe. Make sure to check out its predecessor, The Mystery of the Burmese Bandicoot.


v Netherlands (continued)

Cinda MustersAmsterdam +31 (20) 330-78 08

Bert NeeleMelick +31 (61) 259 8802

Marianne OosterbaanZeist +31 (030) 691 7309

Fleur van de Polder-PatonSchiedam+31 (010) 471 58 67

Guido Peerboom Eijsden / Maastricht+31 (62) 155 2959

Petra Pouw-LegêneDLS Nederlands Director DLS Mentor-Trainer Mentor-Presenter Beek +31 (046) 437 4907

Karin RietbergHolten +31 (548) 364 286

Lydia Rogowski WijnbergHelmond +31 (0492) 513 169

Hanneke SchoemakerWageningen+31 (0317) 412 437

Ilse SchreuderAalzum/Dokkum +31 (051) 922-0315

Silvia Jolanda SikkemaDLS MentorDrachten +31 (0512) 538 815

Suzan SintemaartensdijkAkersloot +31 (25) 131-26 62

Marja SteijgerAmstel+31 (020) 496 52 53

Robin TempleSpecialist TrainerWorkshop PresenterDDA DirectorMaria Hoop +31 (0475) 302 203

Romina TorozUtrecht +31 (61) 280-1821

Karima P.A. TurkatteAmsterdam +31 (020) 696 4379

Marieke UiterwijkLeiden +31 (06) 45 911 913

Mieke van DeldenLeek +31 (059) 4514985

Agnes van den Homberg-JacobsAmerica Limburg+31 (077) 464 23 22

Annette van der BaanAmsterdam+31 (020) 420-5501

Annemarie van HofUtrecht +31 (030) 65 86 700

Jacqueline van RijswijckVenray +31 (0478) 58 73 98

Mieke VerhallenMierlo +31 (492) 43 05 04

Lia VermeulenHuizen +31 (062) 3671530

Mary VerspagetAlmere +31 6 53 797 197

Christien VosAutism Facilitator/CoachTolbert +31 (0594) 511 607

Lucie Wauben-CrutsElsloo +31 (046) 437 0329

Gerda Witte-KuijsHeerhugowaard+31 (072) 571 3163-

Elisabeth Weterings-GaaikemaAl Harkstede+ 31 (623) 045 369

The Chain LetterBy Julie SchumacherYA - 208 pagesPublisher: YearlingISBN-10: 0440420113ISBN-13: 978-0440420118I don’t know how I missed this book. You have to grab a copy of this funny, intelligent page-turner. Twelve-year-old Livvie throws away a chain letter, only to be reprimanded by her superstitious friend, Joyce. Hilarity and suspense ensue.

Don’t You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphreyby Margaret Peterson HaddixYA- 126 pagesPublisher: Simon PulseISBN-10: 0689815433ISBN-13: 978-0689815430Margaret Peterson Haddix is one of the most popular young adult authors in America, and the reason is because of her mastery to create realistic teen characters in realistic situations in much the way that filmmaker John Hughes managed to capture teen dilemmas during the 1980s. I use this book to inspire middle schoolers to write, especially as I have taught girls like Tish Bonner who sit in the back of the class and think they are too good for school.

Heaven Looks A Lot Like the Mallby Wendy MassYA - 256 pagesPublisher: Little, Brown Books for Young ReadersISBN-10: 0316058513ISBN-13: 978-0316058513Great book! We need more books for teens that emulate this tone, a sort of It’s a Wonderful Life-like tale for teens. Mass accomplishes what great authors aim for: she makes you laugh, cry and think.

Bedtime for Mommyby Amy Krouse RosenthalCH - 32 pagesPublisher: Bloomsbury USA Children's Books# ISBN-10: 1599903415# ISBN-13: 978-1599903415In this delightful role reversal, a little girl tries to get her Mommy to go to bed, despite Mommy’s protests to stay up later. Any parent will be tickled, and kids get a kick out of the story and LeUyen Pham’s illustrations.


v New Zealand

Rochelle BoothWanganui +64 (027) 306-6743

Kirsteen BrittenChristchurch +64 (3) 348 1665

Vivienne CarsonAuckland +64 (09) 520-3270

Catherine ChurtonSupervisor-SpecialistAuckland +64 (09) 815 8626

Maria CopsonDunedin +64 (03) 479 0510

Ann CookWarkworth/Auckland+64 (0) 9 422 0042

Melanie CurryChristchurch +64 (03) 322-1726

Martine FalconerChristchurch+64 (03) 383-1988

Konstanca Friedrich-PalzerMotueka/Nelson+64 (03) 527 8060

Tina GuyNelson +64 (03) 547 4958

Wendy HaddonMosgiel +64 (03) 489-8572

Sandra HartnettNelson +64 (3) 548 8087

Alma HoldenAlexandra+64 (027) 485-6798

Glenys KnoppDarfield +64 (03) 317-9072

Leila MartinHawera Taranaki+64 (027) 721-3273

Raewyn MathesonDLS Mentor Inglewood+64 (027) 411-8350

Tania McGrathChristchurch +64 (03) 322 41 73

Shelley McMeekenDDA DirectorAutism Facilitator-CoachAutism Training Supervisor Dunedin +64 0274 399 020

Colleen MortonGore +64 (03) 208 6308

Wendy PersonHastings+64 (06) 870 4243

Alison SymeDarfield +64 (03) 318-8480

Lorna TimmsDavis Autism Trainer Supervisor-SpecialistChristchurch +64 (03) 363 9358

Alicia TrentUpper Moutere

Margot YoungAuckland +64 (0) 9 638 3627

v Norway

Heida Karen VidarsdottirStavanger+47 958 03 822

v Philippines

Imelda CasugaBaguio City +63 (744) 42 29 01

Freddie TanSan Juan, Metro Manila+63 (2) 725 7137

Book Review By Cathy Dodge Smith, Ed. D. Davis Dyslexia Program Facilitator and Autism Approach Facilitator/Coach in Oakville, Ontario, Canada

Down, Down, Down: A Journey to the Bottom of the Seaby Steve JenkinsCH - 40 pagesPublisher: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children# ISBN-10: 0618966366# ISBN-13: 978-0618966363Let’s put it this way: if you are a teacher or parent of young children, I suggest you feed your kids, clothe them and buy them books by Steve Jenkins. He is one of the greatest children’s authors out there, as his books inspire kids to ask all sorts of questions, and his illustrations are simply beautiful. I’ll add this book to my growing list of essentials by Jenkins: Actual Size, I See a Kookaburra, etc.

The Circus Shipby Chris Van DusenCH - 40 pagesPublisher: Candlewick# ISBN-10: 076363090X# ISBN-13: 978-0763630904What a treat! The local residents of an island in Maine are not too pleased when the animals of a wrecked circus ship scatter about – until a tiger saves a baby. Then it is the residents who disguise their new friends so the circus owner cannot take them away. Funny and heartwarming.

The Horse Boy: A Memoir of HealingBy Rupert Isaacson

The Horse Boy is the heart-warming story of an autistic child and his parents. His mother, a psychologist, and his father, the author of The Horse Boy and other books, had no idea what to do with their non-verbal ball of rage and tantrums. This book takes you on a ride to the outer reaches of Mongolia with parents who are determined to find help for their son. Mr. Isaacson had work connections with old-world healers in Africa. An excellent horseman himself, he noticed that his son seemed calmer whenever he took him horseback riding. Isaacson’s experiences with African healers led him to decide that the best thing he could do for his son would be to take him to Mongolia, a part of the world where horses and traditional healing intersect. Once the family arrived, Isaacson and his wife saw that in the presence of shamans his son was solemn and calm. And it became apparent that the child had an amazing ability to communicate with horses. The story is intense and intriguing. As an added bonus, it is very well-written, making the reading journey a pleasure. While most people who have an autistic child do not have the resources–physical, mental, or financial–to undertake such a journey, they and anyone interested in autism will be able to relate to the struggles and triumphs of this amazing family. It has the ‘happy ending’ with which Davis Facilitators are so familiar. A good read for the summer!


v Poland

Agnieszka £ubkowska Warsaw +48 (22) 658-2237

v Portugal

Cristina Rocha VieiraCoimbra +35 (123) 943 7732

Sofia Vassalo SantosLisboa +35 (191) 911-2565

Cristina Maria VieiraLisboa +35 (191) 921 4808

v Republic of Singapore

Phaik Sue ChinSingapore +65 6773 4070

Constance ChuaSingapore +65 6873 3873

v Russia

Mira AshushMoskva+ 972 (3) 635 0973

v Serbia

Jelena RadosavljevicKraljevo+381 (063) 76-28-792

v South Africa

Sharon GerkenDurban +27 (82) 82 85 180

v Spain

Silvia María Sabatés RodrigoMadrid +34 (091) 636 31 44

v Switzerland/CH

Tinka Altwegg-ScheffmacherSt. Gallen+41 (071) 222 07 79

Monika AmreinZurich +41 (01) 341 8264

Regula Bacchetta-BischofbergerHorw/Luzern +41 (041) 340 2136

Priska Baumgartner Wettingen +41 (056) 426 28 88

Renate Blum-MullerFull-Reuenthal +41 (56) 246-18 66

Michelle BonardiCastel S. Pietro, Ticino+41 (091) 630 23 41

Vicki BrignoliLumino +41 (091) 829 05 36

Brigitta DünkiRafz + 41 (079) 318-8300

Susi Fassler St. Gallen +41 (071) 244 5754

Ursula FischbacherOrpund +41 (032) 355 23 26

Heidi Gander-BelzDLS Presenter-MentorFehraltorf/Zurich+41 (44) 948 14 10

Katharina GrenacherBern +41(31) 382 00 29

Elisabeth GutGrut +41 (044) 932 3242

Ursula Hirzel EglerStäfa +41 (01) 926 2895

Christa JaegerRiehen +41 (061) 641 4667

Famous Dyslexics

Louis BarnettLouis Barnett is an 18-year-old entrepreneur and chocolatier in the United Kingdom. He always found school hard, and was relieved to find out why, when he was diagnosed with dyslexia, dyspraxia and problems with short term memory. By the time he reached high school age, his parents decided to home school him. Barnett began his career in chocolate making a Belgian chocolate birthday cake for an aunt. It was such a hit, he began to receive requests for it. By the time he was twelve, he was so busy filling orders, he decided to set up his own business. At fifteen, Barnett was the youngest

supplier of chocolate to several prestigious British stores. He has appeared on several TV and radio programs, in Britain, Japan, Russia, Belgium Spain and the USA, and has often been featured in local and national newspaper articles. Barnett studied chocolate intensely and discovered that palm oil, a common ingredient, was wreaking havoc with animal habitats. He eliminated it from his products and uses his popularity to communicate the idea that we must protect wildlife and the environment to ensure a sustainable future. At his website he states, “As a passionate conservationist I decided to use chocolate as a medium to both raise awareness of global climate change, animal endangerment and human impact and raise funds to charities and organisations that truly made a difference! These are called “Biting Back Bars.” Each bar of chocolate gives 10 pence from every bar sold to a charity or organisation.” In February of 2009 he received the Lord Carter Memorial Award in recognition of his outstanding achievement in the food industry and his active participation in charitable causes in support of wildlife programs. “We are all living in a time where things are tough, but I feel we need more emphasis on being positive and encouraging young people to get involved.” You can read more about Louis Barnett and the charities he supports at his website,

Jerry Pinkney Artist and illustrator, Jerry Pinkney was born in Philadelphia in 1939. As a child Pinkney struggled with reading. But he began drawing at just four years of age. His ability and love of art bolstered his self esteem while he was in elementary and secondary school. "In all that time, the word dyslexia was never used, nor

did anyone try to find out why it was so hard for me to read. Little was understood about learning disabilities or a child like me that was eager to learn, and was trying his best. I drew great satisfaction from making pictures and was acutely aware of how drawing centered my being, enabling me to focus.” Jerry was good at figuring out ways to compensate for his literacy challenges, so much so that he graduated from elementary school with honors. When he completed high school, he received a full scholarship to The Philadelphia Museum College of Art (now known as The University of the Arts). Pinkney began his artistic career designing greeting cards, but soon opened his own studio in New York. He has a reputation both as a fine artist and an illustrator of children’s books. He has even designed a dozen postage stamps for the US Postal Service Black Heritage series. Pinkney has won the Caldecott medal and multiple honors for his work as an illustrator. He also has wise words for youngsters at his website ( “For the young person who is struggling in school, never forget there are many different ways to learn. Be curious. Do not be afraid to try. Do not be disappointed when making mistakes. You will discover your own unique way of understanding the things being taught. Learn from mistakes. Everything that happens to you will frame who you are, and who you will become. Your path to success will follow.” v


v Switzerland (continued)

Consuelo LangLumino +41 (091) 829 05 36

Claudia LendiSt. Gallen +41 (071) 288 41 85

Beatrice LeutertStein am Rhein +41 (052) 232 03 83

Erika Meier-SchmidBonstetten+41 (01) 700 10 38

Verena Luisa MoserRiken +41 (076) 346 93 34

Maya MuraroStäfa +41 (079) 704 03 07 Christine NoisetChavannes+41 (21) 634 3510

Véronique PfeifferZürich +41 (01) 342 22 61

Hilary RhodesChesieres-Villars+41 (024) 495 38 20

Regine Roth-GloorMohlin/Basel+41 (061) 851 2685

Benita RuckliRuswil +41 (041) 495 04 09 or (079) 719 31 18

Lotti Salivisberg Basel +41 (061) 263 33 44

Sonja SartorWinterthur+41 (052) 242 41 70

Marianne SchutzZofinger+41 (62) 752 8281

Andreas VillainZürich +41 (076) 371 84 32

Margit ZahndGerolfingen+41 (079) 256 86 65 or (032) 396 19 20

Judith Zapata PrangeBasel +41 (061) 721 7501

Claudia Ziegler-Fessler Hamikon (Near Zurich)+41 (041) 917 1315

v United Arab Emirates

Linda RademanDubai +9714 348 1687

v United Kingdom

Joy Allan-BakerLondon +44 (0757) 821 8959

Kim BalaskasWestcliff on Sea, Essex +44 (0) 789 482 8084

Nicky Bennett-BaggsGt. Gaddesden, Herts+44 (01442) 252 517

Sarah DixonRanmore Common, Surrey +44 (01483) 283 088

Susan DuguidLondon+44 (020) 8878 9652

Dyslexia Correction CentreGeorgina DunlopAutism Facilitator/Coach Jane E.M. HeywoodAutism Facilitator/Coach DLS Mentor & PresenterAscot, Berkshire+44 (01344) 622 115

Christine EastKingsbridge, Devon+44 (01548) 856 045

Nichola Farnum MALondon +44 (020) 8977 6699

¿Por qué ‘Tyranosauro’Pero No ‘Cual’? Segunda Parte Por Richard Whitehead, Director de DDA en Great Malvern, Worcestershire, Reino Unido

Richard Whitehead, ofreció un curso gratis en línea, diseñado para ayudar a profesores a comprender por qué algunos estudiantes inteligentes luchan tanto por dominar destrezas académicas básicas. Con mucha amabilidad, Richard nos concedió permiso de traducir y publicar su curso en The Dyslexic Reader en una serie de capítulos. Presentamos la primera parte en la edición de la primavera. A continuación sigue la segunda parte de este valioso curso.

El Manejo de la Energía – Lo que Afina el Aprendizaje de Nuestros Estudiantes Suponte que estás internado en una clínica para una intervención quirúrgica. El cirujano entra en tu habitación de mucho afán, te da la mano con mucha energía, y te cuenta lo emocionado que se siente de tener la oportunidad de operarlo. Su energía está altísima y se parece a “Tigger”, personaje loquito, del libro Winnie-The-Pooh.Me imagino que saldrías corriendo por el corredor de la clínica en busca de la salida más cercana, ¿no es cierto? Porque ciertos trabajos pueden quedar mal hechos si se hacen con un exceso de energía. O con muy poca energía. Hay que dedicar a cada tarea el nivel de energía debido. Muy poca,y no podemos completarla. Demasiada y perdemos control. Los músicos tienen muy en cuenta esta verdad. Al aprender una nueva pieza, practican despacio las partes complicadas. Solo comienzan a tocar más rápido después de desarrollar su dominio y control. Pero en el salón de clase, muchas veces los estudiantes hacen lo opuesto. ¿Te has fijado que cuando le pedimos a un niño con retos en la lectura leer en voz alta, a veces lee muy rápido? La energía excesiva es el resultado de su estrés mental – pero conduce a errores que en otra situación no cometería. En el Método Davis nuestros clientes forman mentalmente un Disco Selector imaginario que pueden utilizar para ajustar su energía al nivel apropiado para cada tarea. El Disco Selector de Davis puede tener efectos muy dramáticos en personas con dificultades en su manejo de la energía, como la hipoactividad o la hiperactividad. Y es bastante divertido utilizar el Disco en juegos de rol, malabares y otras actividades. En el segundo libro de Ronald Davis, El Don del Aprendizaje (The Gift of Learning) encontrarás instrucciones para el establecimiento del Disco Selector.

La Importancia del Análises de la Tarea y la Secuenciación del Aprendizaje Imagina que llegas a la clínica para visitar a un familiar enfermo y al entrar te entregan un bisturí y te piden que completes la cirugía cerebral del algún paciente porque el cirujano que comenzó la intervención se desmayó. O imagina que el profesor de autoescuela viene a tu primera lección manejando un bus articulado y te dice que lo manejes en la carretera. O que te invitan a andar en uniciclo por un cable en el circo cuando acabas de aprender a montar a bicicleta en la tierra. Seguramente reaccionarías con pánico y miedo. Estos ejemplos quizás te parezcan exagerados, pero son semejantes a lo que enfrentan los niños a diario cuando les pedimos que completen ciertas tareas académicas. Cada una de nuestras destrezas se establece en base de otras destrezas más básicas, algunas de las cuales, a su vez, se basan en otras destrezas aun más básicas, etc. Como ejemplo, consideremos la escritura, la letra. Para poder escribir, debes saber asir el bolígrafo en la mano. Esta destreza se basa en la habilidad de mover la mano con control. También es necesario tener la habilidad


Si lo consideras apropiado, prepara una lección sobre la energía humana. Que el grupo haga actividades con la energía, comenzando con dormir, y siguiendo poco a poco hacia actividades más enérgicas como competir corriendo.

Incluye algunas actividades divertidas – juegos de naipes, pasos de baile, trabalenguas, etc. Que los estudiantes hagan estas actividades, primero despacio, con poca energía, después con un nivel de energía intermedio, y finalmente con mucha energía. Que tengan en cuenta cuál nivel de energía es el mejor para cada actividad.

Finalmente, menciona algunas actividades normales del salón de clase y pregunta qué nivel de energía les correspondería mejor. Después, recuerda a los estudiantes que deben chequear su nivel de energía antes de comenzar cualquier tarea importante, o cuando se sientan muy cansados o desordenados.

(continued on the next page)


v United Kingdom (continued)

Jacqueline Ann FlisherHungerford Berks+44 (0) 8000 272657

Maureen FloridoHarleston, Norfolk+44 (01379) 853 810

Carol ForsterGloucester+44 (1452) 331 573

Achsa GriffithsSandwich, Kent +44 (01304) 611 650

Axel GudmundssonLondon +44 (020) 8341-7703

Tessa Halliwell Autism Facilitator/Coach Barrow upon Soar, Leics+44 (01509) 412 695

Karen HautzLondon +44 (0207) 228-2947

Annemette Hoegh-BanksBerkhamsted, Herts+44 1442 872185

Phyllida Howlett Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire +44 (01437) 766 806

Angela JamesReading, Berkshire+44 (0118) 947 6545

Liz JollyFareham, Hants+44 (01329) 235 420

Lisa KloossLondon +44 (0208) 960 9406

Sara KramerWimbledon/London+44 (0208) 946 4308

Marilyn LaneRedhill +44 (0173) 776-9049

Isabel MartinCrowborough, East Sussex+44 (01892) 667 323

Stuart ParsonsLowton/Warrington, Cheshire+44 (07754) 534 740

Shilpa PatelEaling, London+44 (0778) 631 4375

Fionna PilgrimKeighley, West Yorkshire +44 (1535) 661 801

Maxine PiperCarterton, Oxon+44 (01993) 840 291

Elenica Nina PitoskaLondon +44 (020) 8451 4025

Ian RichardsonLondon +44 (07846) 734-320

Pauline RoylePoulton-le-Fylde, Lancs+44 (0125) 389 987

Rosemary SavinsonLondon +44 (0208) 316-1973

Janice ScholesLiversedge, West Yorkshire+44 (0) 8000 272657

Judith ShawSupervisor-SpecialistSt. Leonards on Sea/Hastings, East Sussex +44 (01424) 447 077

Elizabeth Shepherd Crowborough, East Sussex +44 (0189) 266-1052

Jacqui StewartEastbourne, East Sussex+44 (01323) 748 933

de mover el bolígrafo horizontalmente por el papel de manera controlada, manteniendo una presión constante, que no varía. Esto involucra la motricidad fina y la habilidad de utilizar el hombro, el codo y la muñeca de manera coordinada. Después, tienes que poseer la habilidad de crear las formas de todas las letras, lo que involucra toda una serie de destrezas. Primero, tienes que saber las letras, poder reconocerlas y distinguir una de otra. También, tienes que saber en qué posición comenzar a dibujar cada letra, en qué dirección mover la mano para formarla, cómo unirla a la siguiente letra, y saber cuáles de las letras (como las mayúsculas) normalmente no se unen a las letras que les siguen. Como es necesario comenzar a trazar la mayoría de las letras de arriba para abajo, esta idea puede confundirte si no hayas aprendido que cuando trabajamos con una hoja de papel, la parte superior se refiere a la parte más lejos de tí, a pesar de que la hoja se encuentre en una superficie plana, y ninguna parte de la hoja está más alta que otra. Si tú y tus compañeros de clase hablan un lenguaje europeo, escrito de izquierda a derecha, debes tener la habilidad de distinguir entre la derecha y la izquierda. Además, para comprender el concepto de “comenzar” en la parte superior a la izquierda, y saber adónde seguir después, te hará falta tener conciencia del flujo del tiempo.Finalmente, para producir nuevos escritos (a diferencia del copiado) te será necesario tener conocimiento del lenguaje y comprender el propósito de las palabras. También deberás haber dominado el deletreo de las palabras que piensas utilizar, lo que involucra captar el concepto de la secuencia y el hecho de que las palabras consisten en cierta combinación de letras, y en cierta secuencia de izquierda a derecha. Algunas de estas destrezas parecen tan obvias que ni siquiera hace falta mencionarlas. Pero no tratamos de enseñar la escritura a los niños de doce meses precisamente porque algunas de estas destrezas son demasiado avanzadas para niños de esa edad. Y aún más importante, si tú posees un entendimiento completo de las destrezas componentes de la escritura y de las sub-componentes de aquellas destrezas, podrás ayudar a las personas con dificultades con la letra. Porque cuando las personas tienen dificultades en escribir a la edad en que sus compañeros ya lo han dominado, la causa es que no han dominado del todo una o más de las destrezas componentes o sub-componentes. Cuando el estudiante no haya dominado del todo una destreza componente, es recomendable que examines los sub-componentes de esa destreza con el fin de identificar la destreza “problemática”


Escoge una o dos de las siguientes destrezas que tú mismo has dominado. A ver si puedes definir las destrezas componentes que se requiere para dominarlas. Mira también a ver si cada destreza involucra a otras. A ver qué tan larga será tu lista: 1. Leer música2. Montar a bicicleta3. Construir un patio4. Hablar otro idioma5. Leer un libro6. Redactar y enviar email7. Jugar al tenis8. Pintar un cuadro9. Construir una silla de madera10. Mantener al día tu diario11. Amarrar los cordones de los zapatos.

Observa que para hacer cualquiera de estas tareas, debes saber la destreza componente tan bien que se vuelve automática; que la haces sin tener que pensar o recordar nada. Si has completado bien este ejercicio, la razón será aparente. Si para ejecutar tienes que pensar en siquiera la cuarta parte de las destrezas componentes, tu lista será tan larga que no podrías llevar a cabo la actividad.

que el estudiante debe primero dominar. Sabrás que está “listo” cuando todas las destrezas componentes en las que se basa el objetivo, ya las haya dominado. Para los educadores, es esencial la habilidad de “identificar” los componentes de una destreza específica, ya sea para diseñar una lección, una esquema, un texto o un plan de estudios. Es también la clave que nos permite comprender por qué un estudiante no pudo completar la tarea que le pusimos. Si has aprendido a manejar, sabrás la diferencia entre el aprendizaje y el dominio. Recordarás la época que en aprendías y tenías que pensar en cada acción que te tocaba hacer. Espejo, intermitentes, maniobras, freno, embrague, engranajes – ¿recuerdas el enfoque intenso que involucraba? A veces te dejaba en un estado bastante estresado y fatigado. Pero después de sacar la licencia de conducir y manejar durante algún tiempo, estas funciones se volvieron automáticas. Es posible que ahora puedes escuchar la radio, conversar, hasta soñar despierto mientras manejas.


v United Kingdom (continued)

Drs. Renée van der VloodtSupervisor-SpecialistReigate, Surrey+44 (01737) 240 116

Frank WalkerWest Kirby Wirral+44 (0151) 625 6705

Evelyn WhiteWalton-on-Thames, Surrey+44 (01932) 230 624

Paul Francis WrightBarton-Upon-Humber, North Lincolnshire+44 (077) 9684 0762

The Blueberry CenterMargarita Viktorovna WhiteheadDDA Director+44 (0)1684 574072 Richard WhiteheadDDA DirectorDLS Presenter-MentorFundamentals Presenter+44 (0)1684 574072 Great Malvern, Worcestershire+44 (8000) 27 26 57 (Toll Free)

v United States


Lisa SprattHuntsville +1 (256) 426-4066


Dr. Edith FritzPhoenix +1 (602) 274-7738

Nancy KressGlendale +1 (480) 544-5031

John MertzTucson +1 (520) 797-0201


Rebecca LandesMulberry/Fort Smith +1 (479) 997-1996


Cyndi Cantillon-ColemanLadera Ranch/Irvine+1 (949) 364-5606

Janet ConferIrvine +1 (949) 589-6394

Reading Research CouncilDyslexia Correction CenterRay DavisDavis Autism TrainerRonald D. Davis, FounderBurlingame/San Francisco+1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll-Free)+1 (650) 692-8990

Anette FullerWalnut Creek+1 (925) 639-7846

Angela GonzalesRiverside +1 (951) 710-9616

Richard A. HarmelMarina Del Rey/Los Angeles+1 (310) 823-8900

David HirstRiverside +1 (909) 241-6079

Suzanne Kisly-CoburnManhattan Beach+1 (310) 947-2662

Nicole MeltonNewport Beach+1 (949) 873-2008

Karen PongsNewport Beach+1 (949) 873-2008

Cheryl RodriguesSan Jose +1 (408) 966-7813

David Carlos RosenSan Rafael+1 (415) 479-1700

Cuando el estudiante haya aprendido y dominado todas las destrezas componentes de una nueva destreza, avanzar al próximo nivel es fácil. Los que experimentan el Método Davis a menudo se sorprenden de lo fácil y rápido les es aprender destrezas que antes les retaban. Pero la clave es la secuenciación

Cómo Apoyar a Estudiantes con Retos y al Mismo Tiempo Favorecer el Interés de Estudiantes Avanzados Para nosotros, como profesores, entre los temas más importantes figura el de apoyar y cultivar los talentos de los estudiantes con retos, y al mismo tiempo ayudar a avanzar a los altamente capacitados. A veces, quisiéramos clonarnos, para poder responder a las necesidades diversas de todos nuestros estudiantes. Sin embargo, hay algo interesante que debemos tener en cuenta respecto a los estudiantes con retos. Muchas veces son estudiantes con talentos viso-espaciales. Muchos de ellos son imaginativos y curiosos, pero los métodos pedagógicos diseñados para la mayoría que aprende de manera secuencial-auditiva, no les han servido bien. Pero es también interesante que muchos de los estudiantes más capaces también poseen talentos viso-espaciales. También son imaginativos y curiosos. La diferencia es que han aprendido a adaptarse a la enseñanza secuencial-auditiva; por lo tanto les va muy bien en los cursos tradicionales que predominan hoy. Entonces hemos descubierto que cuando diseñamos actividades pedagógicas para los estudiantes con talentos viso-espaciales, interesamos y estimulamos a los estudiantes más capaces, y al mismo tiempo respondemos a las necesidades de los estudiantes con retos. Porque en realidad, entre estos dos grupos, en cuanto a su estilo de procesar y aprender, no hay tantas diferencias como suponemos. Los que poseen talentos viso-espaciales aprenden muy rápido cuando aplicamos los siguientes principios básicos:

Responsabilidad del aprendizaje. Los estudiantes con talentos viso-espaciales aprenden mejor cuando la lección involucra su creatividad. Los profesores al nivel primario han

experimentado a veces con medios creativos como la plastilina. Aplicando el uso de estos medios con una filosofía clara y con dirección específica, podemos fomentar un ambiente de aprendizaje exploratorio muy poderoso.

Aprendizaje imaginativo. Para recordar la información, los estudiantes viso-espaciales se sirven de imágenes mentales. Por ejemplo, los que luchan con la lectura pueden tropezar con palabras cortas y abstractas, como “un”, “los”, “si,” o “pero”. Esto sucede porque es más difícil crear una imagen mental del significado de este tipo de palabra que de palabras con definición concreta, como “elefante” y “tiranosauro”. Muchas veces la enseñanza con enfoque en la fonética no conduce al aprendizaje de aquellas palabras cortas. Pero con sesiones enfocadas, en que los estudiantes forman modelos en plastilina que representan las definiciones de tales palabras (técnica llamada Dominio del Símbolo Davis), podemos despertar la curiosidad, imaginación y creatividad, fortalezas típicas de personas con talentos viso-espaciales.

Aprendizaje experiencial. Los estudiantes con talento viso-espacial aprenden más del estudio enfocado en investigación, que de la memorización. Por ejemplo, les puede ser difícil aprender de memoria las tablas de multiplicación si no hayan comprendido por qué son ciertas.

Aprendizaje secuencial. Estos estudiantes necesitan comprender totalmente las destrezas básicas antes de pasar a destrezas más avanzadas. No aprenden bien cuando en clase estudiamos los temas superficialmente y con afán.

Enfoque relajado. Los estudiantes viso-espaciales con dificultades en el estudio se estresan mucho. Si les pedimos que “se concentren” no aprenden bien. Pero sí avanzan muy bien cuando aprenden a establecer su propio ritmo y a mantenerse relajados cuando estudian. Y aprender a aprovechar del enfoque relajado también beneficia a los estudiantes más capaces. Estos principios básicos forman la base del Método Davis para el aprendizaje. Cuando aplicamos estos principios en tres colegios de EEUU, en grupos de estudiantes con variados niveles de habilidad, ninguno de los estudiantes fue remitido a “educación especial”. Al mismo tiempo, el porcentaje de niños remitidos a programas para estudiantes talentosos subió a niveles más altos que el promedio nacional. Tú puedes experimentar un poco con estos principos en tu grupo, a ver qué sucede. v

“Cuando diseñamos actividades pedagógicas para los estudiantes con talentos viso-espaciales, interesamos y estimulamos a los estudiantes más capaces, y al mismo tiempo respondemos a las necesidades de los estudiantes con retos.”


California (continued)

Dee Weldon WhiteLexie White StrainSunnyvale +1 (650) 388-6808


Annie GarciaWheat Ridge / Denver+1 (303) 423-3397

Crystal PunchDLS MentorCentennial/Denver +1 (303) 850-0581

Kristi ThompsonDLS Presenter-MentorWalsh +1 (719) 324-9256


Random (Randee) GarretsonLutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg+1 (813) 956-0502

Tina KirbyNavarre +1 (850) 218-5956

Rita Von BonNavarre +1 (850) 934-1389


Lesa HallPooler/Savannah+1 (912) 330-8577

Martha PayneSuwanee +1 (404) 886-2720

Scott TimmWoodstock/Atlanta+1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free)


Vickie Kozuki-Ah YouEwa Beach/Honolulu+1 (808) 664-9608


Carma SutherlandRexburg +1 (208) 356-3944


Kim AinisChicago +1 (312) 360-0805

Susan SmarjesseSpringfield +1 (217) 789-7323


Myrna BurkholderGoshen/South Bend+1 (574) 533-7455


Mary Kay FrasierDes Moines+1 (515) 270-0280


Karen LoGiudiceAmesbury+1 (978) 337-7753

Carolyn TylerFairhaven+1 (508) 994-4577


Molly Scoby Greenville +1 (231) 250-7260

Kathleen McNallyJackson +1 (304) 382-5612

Sandra McPhallGrandville/Grand Rapids+1 (616) 534-1385

Cinda Osterman, M. Ed.Charlotte +1 (517) 652-5156

Dean SchalowManistee+1 (800) 794-3060 (Toll-Free)+1 (231) 250-7260


Cyndi DenesonSupervisor-Specialist Edina/Minneapolis+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free)+1 (952) 820-4673

I lived in a paint box of colors and sound,Sketched rainbows through air, with visions unbound.Then waves sucked me under, my mind grew jumbled,In a dyslexic world, my spirit slowly crumbled.Words spiraled and twisted like a backwards reflection,Could no longer steer, lost my sense of direction.Didn’t know who to trust, or who had my back,Caged in angst and confusion; dreams drenched in black.

So broken for years, thrashing through rubble,‘Til the light broke through, like looking through Hubble.Learned what I want, let go drama and pain,Learned who I am, learned to salsa in rain.Learned to find heaven from the embers of hell,Found growth and rebirth, breaking free from my cell.For those who sowed seeds through my hazy past,I’ll pay it all forward, live each day as my last.

The joy is in giving, gets me out of my head,The rush is in living, now awake from the dead. Life is a treadmill, jogging at my own pace,Thirsting for knowledge, my purpose, my place.I won’t be kept down, won’t slip through the crack,Confident and strong, I’ll take my life back.Rebuilt, reconstructed, empowered with love,Shedding scales of despair, I will rise above.

R i s e A b o v e – by Casey McGrath

Casey McGrath completed a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program in with Marcia Maust, Davis Facilitator in Berlin, Pennsylvania. The Dyslexic Reader featured Casey in early 2008 when she won admission to Georgetown University, and published her personal essay, Stepping Past Labels, about how her life changed once she learned to “rise above adversity, push myself to discover my potential and welcome life’s challenges.” Ultimately, Casey chose to enter the University of Pennsylvania where she is in her sophomore year of nursing school. A Hillman Scholar, Casey has committed to work for two years at a New York City hospital when she graduates. Since she loves babies, she plans to work in a neonatal unit. She says the line of the poem that talks about the light breaking through refers to Ronald Davis and the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program.

RiddlesBy Michael McGuinnesSubmitted by Lesa Hall, B.S. Ed., Licensed Davis Facilitator in Pooler, GA

Michael McGuiness is 11 years old. In 2009 he did a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program with Lesa Hall. Now he reads Shakespeare with understanding! He has also completed the Davis Autism Approach Program and is currently working on the Davis Math Mastery Program. Michael says, "I have always had a great passion for animals, reptiles and birds in particular. Many people see animals as inferior

to humans, but I feel that is not true. Animals have much more intelligence than most people give them credit for. It is so awesome to be able to read for myself about animals now since completing the reading program with Mrs. Lesa."

I have no shape to call my own yet prisoners live within me free. What am I?

I run my fastest in swamp or bog. I fly my best in a fog. What am I?

I’m not hungry, yet I’m not full! I’m bright, yet I don’t give off my own light. What am I?

1) Water 2) An Egret 3) The Moon



Clark BrownRoach+1 (573) 552-5772

Cathy CookColumbia+1 (573) 819-6010 or 886-8917

Gretchen FitzGeraldKansas City+1 (816) 806-8611


Elsie JohnsonManhatten +1 (406) 282-7416


Shawn CarlsonLincoln +1 (402) 420-1025

Elaine ThoendelChambers+1 (402) 482-5709


Barbara ClarkReno+1 (775) 265-1188

New Hampshire

Glenna GiveansLebanon+ 1 (603) 863-7877

Michele SiegmannMason/Manchester/Boston+1 (603) 878-6006

New Jersey

Lynn ChigounisMontclair +1 (973) 746-5037

Charlotte FosterSupervisor-SpecialistBernardsville/Newark

New York

Lisa AndersonSeneca Falls +1 (315) 576-3812

Wendy RitchieHolly/Rochester+1 (585) 233-4364

North Carolina

Gerri W. CoxDLS Presenter-MentorShallotte/Wilmington+1 (910) 754-9559

Ruth MillsPineville/Charlotte+1 (704) 541-1733

Jean MoserWinston-Salem+1 (336) 830-2390


Lorraine CharbonneauMason/Cincinnati/Dayton+1 (513) 850-1895

Lisa ThatcherMount Vernon/Columbus+1 (740) 397-7060


Ashley GriceTulsa +1 (918) 779-7351

Rhonda LacyClinton +1 (580) 323-7323

Linda WrightDuncan+1 (580) 641-1056


Nicole CatesMilwaukie+1 (586) 801-0772

Newly Licensed Davis FacilitatorsNewly Licensed Davis Facilitators

Doreth Broenink “As a teacher I see the daily struggle learning to read, spell and do maths of more and more! children. All of them are very gifted one way or another but find it hard to cope with the demands of the ‘regular’ school

system as it exists in the Netherlands. Reading The Gift of Dyslexia I began to understand why the current methods for working dyslectics don’t provide the results we want. Now I feel blessed to be part of a ‘family’ of Davis Facilitators who, together, help these beautiful people gain confidence in themselves and express their talents and gifts.” Doreth, praktijk voor dyslexiebegleiding. Rhienderstein 69, Nieuw-Vennep, Netherlands 2151HJ +31 (252) 680 667

Germania Jissela Ramos Ramos Llave del Aprendizaje. Av. Rodrigo Pachano, Centro Comercial Caracol L – 22 y 23, Ambato, Ecuador. +593 (3) 242 4723

Gina Liliana Alvarez Altamirano Llave del Aprendizaje. Av. Rodrigo Pachano, Centro Comercial Caracol L – 22 y 23Ambato, Ecuador +593 (3) 242 4723

Santiago Fernandez Llave del Aprendizaje. Av. Rodrigo Pachano, Centro Comercial Caracol L – 22 y 23, Ambato, Ecuador. +593 (3) 242 4723

Heida Karen Vidarsdottir “I struggled all through my school life in Iceland, and I can say that I began cheating on exams from my first day in a classroom. It wasn’t that I was too lazy to learn. It was just that I could not

remember what I learned, though I spent many hours studying. I finally found Davis Dyslexia Correction. After completing a Davis Program I went back to school, and for the first time in my life I could stay oriented, listen and understand what the teacher was saying, I could read a book in one day and remember what I read. And my grades improved. After doing the Davis follow up work at home, I graduated from The Commercial School of Iceland.” Mollegata 81, Stavanger 4008, Norway +47 958 03 822

Judith de Haan “In January 2009, a neighbour gave me the address of a nearby Davis Facilitator. My 10-year old son (dyslexic and ADHD) was still struggling in school despite a lot

of guidance and many failures. After reading the website I had the gut feeling that this could be the answer to his learning difficulties and behavior at school. I read the book and signed up for the basic workshop so that we, his parents, could give him good support. I never imagined that, as have many others before me, I would be so enthusiatic about the Davis Program that I ended up doing the whole training program! I don’t know how I managed to find the time to do it all, but here I am now, a Davis Facilitator, about to start my own business! I work at a school for children with special needs because of their physical and/or mental handicaps. I hope that my enthusiasm will result in bringing the Davis Program into the school.” De Krommert 23, 1851 ZB Heiloo, Netherlands +31 (63) 078 64 83

Margartia Saucedo Alvarez Icaza “Centro especializado en problemas de aprendizaje.” Smart Start: A New Way of Learning. Av. Revolución # 1176-2094, San José Insurgentes, Distrito Federal, Mexico CP 03900+52 (55) 3538-5240

Mauro Salvador Villagomez Santana Marte 243 Colonia Zona de Oro, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico CP 380240. +52 (461) 614 9892

Mieke Verhallen “Through my work as a French teacher I have seen many children suffer from dyslexia. I noticed those were often the most bright, sociable and very broadly interested children. Therefore, I

wasn’t surprised to hear from my food friend Irma Lammers, who was already a Davis Facilitator at the time, that dyslexia is a gift. It fully corresponded with my experience. The decision to become a Davis Facilitator soon followed. Recently, I was appointed counselor for the students with learning challenges at my school. Of course, I implement elements of the Davis tools in my teaching methods. The remarkable thing is that students do not only get better at school, they also become happier people.” Burgemeester Pankenstraat 285731 LW Mierlo, Netherlands +31 (492) 43 05 04


Oregon (continued)

Rhonda ErstromVale +1 (541) 881-7817

Melissa SlominskiTigard / Portland+1 (503) 957-2998


Marcia MaustAutism Facilitator/Coach Autism Training SupervisorBerlin/Pittsburgh+1 (814) 267-5765

Puerto Rico

Ines Grajales PaganCaguas +1 (787) 743-0605

South Carolina

Angela KeiferGreenville+1 (864) 420-1627

South Dakota

Kim CarsonDLS Presenter-MentorBrookings/Sioux Falls +1 (605) 692-1785


Kellie Antrim-BrownFt. Worth+1 (817) 989-0783

Success Learning CenterRhonda BrownDLS Presenter-MentorColleen MillslagleDLS Presenter-MentorTyler/Dallas+1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free)+1 (903) 531-2446

Shari ChuHelotes/San Antonio +1 (210) 414-0116

Jodie HarberAustin+1 (512) 918-9247

Lori JohnsonBoerne/San Antonio+1 (210) 843-8161

Leslie LedouxAmarilloAutism Facilitator/Coach+1 (806) 331-4099 or +1 (877) 331-4099 (Toll Free)

Casey Linwick-RouzerSugar Land/Houston+1 (832) 724-0492

Frances Adaleen MakinGreenville/DFW +1 (903) 268-1394

Paula Marshburn Tyler+1 (903) 570-3427

Donna NorthcuttIrving+1 (214) 315-3698

Dorothy OwenSupervisor-SpecialistDallas/Ft. Worth+1 (888) 392-1134 (Toll Free)+1 (817) 919-6200

Edward OwenDallas/Ft. Worth+1 (888) 392-1134 (Toll Free)+1 (817) 919-6200

Susan Stark OwenDallas/Ft. Worth+1 (888) 392-1134 (Toll Free)+1 (817) 919-6200 Laura WarrenLubbock +1 (806) 790-7292

The Davis Facilitator Training Program consists of eleven training steps, and requires 450 hours of workshop attendance, practice meetings, and supervised field work. The Davis Specialist Training Program requires extensive experience providing Davis programs and an additional 260 hours of training. Specialists and Facilitators are subject to annual re-licensing based upon case review and adherence to the DDAI Standards of Practice.

The Davis Autism Approach Facilitator/Coach Training Program is available to experienced and licensed Davis Facilitators. It requires an additional 200-250 hours of specialized training and field work to become licensed to work with autistic individuals and their families.

Davis Learning Strategies Mentors and Workshop Presenters are experienced teachers and trainers with 2-3 years of specialized training and experience mentoring classroom teachers of children 5-9 years of age.

Davis Training Programs

For more information about training and a full directory of Davis providers, visit: or or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or +1 (888) 805-7216 toll-free in the USA.

Clark Brown “I was introduced to The Gift of Dyslexia by a parent whose child was in my Special Education Class. She challenged me to read the book because she saw her son’s difficulties described in the book. I read it, saw several of my students described in the book as well, and wanted to get a better understanding of the program. So I entered the facilitator training. Having worked with a variety of individuals and seeing how it has changed their lives, I feel honored that I can facilitate others, allowing them to understand how they think and go forward in life with confidence. When students finish their program they leave knowing that learning can be a fun experience rather than an intimidating ordeal. For me, creating life-long learners, unafraid to explore, create, and be themselves, is what teaching is all about.”Southwest Missouri Dyslexia Center, PO Box 402, Roach, MO 65787, USA. +1 (573) 552-5772.

And of special note...Congratulations to Dorothy Owen (Texas), Anne Mataczynski (Wisconsin). Leslie Ledoux (Texas), and Yvonne Wong Ho Hing (Hong Kong) on completing their Autism Approach Facilitator/Coach training!

Congratulations to Stacey Borger-Smith and Larry Smith, Jr. of Rocky Point Academy in Calgary, Canada on completing their Davis Autism Approach Supervisor training!

A special welcome back to Karen Pongs of The Learning Curve in Newport Beach, California and Heidi Rose in Pennington, South Australia!



Donna KouriRockville+1 (804) 240-0470

Angela OdomDLS Presenter-MentorMidlothian/Richmond+1 (804) 833-8858

Jamie Worley Yorktown/Williamsburg +1 (757) 867-1164


Aleta ClarkAuburn/Tacoma+1 (253) 854-9377

Renie Royce SmithSpokane & Everett+1-800-371-6028 (Toll-Free)+1 (509) 443-1737

Ruth Ann YoungbergBellingham+1 (360) 752-5723

West Virginia

Allison BoggessElkview+1 (888) 517-7830

Gale LongAutism Facilitator-Coach Autism Training SupervisorElkview/Charleston+1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free)+1 (304) 965-7400


New Hope Learning Centers, Inc.Darlene BishopMargaret Hayes Milwaukee+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll Free)+1 (262) 255-3900

Anne MataczynskiAutism Facilitator/CoachWausau +1 (715) 551-7144

This Directory is current

as of August 31, 2010.

It is subject to change.

Between newsletter issues,

new Facilitators are added,

and occasionally, some

become inactive. However,

the Davis Providers list at

is always up to date.

Based on the Davis Dyslexia Correction methods, this Kit enables parents of children, ages 5-7, to home-teach and help young learners to:• focus attention• control energy levels• improve eye-hand coordination• learn the alphabet• learn basic punctuation• develop and strengthen pre-reading and basic reading skills• prevent the potential of a learning problem• improve sight word recognition and comprehension• establish life-long “how-to-learn” skills.

The Davis Methods for Young LearnersDavis Focusing Strategies provide children with the self-directed ability to be physically and mentally focused on the learning task at hand.

Davis Symbol Mastery enables children to master the alphabet letters, punctuation marks and basic sight words with a simple, easy and fun alternative to pencil-paper activities and drill.

Davis Reading Exercises improve accuracy with word recognition and comprehension.

The Kit is priced at $129.95 (Shipping and Handling will be added)To purchase a kit, use our secure on-line ordering at: call our toll-free number: 1 (888) 999-3324

Note: For older children (ages 8 and up), we recommend the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit.

The Kit includes: • Instruction Manual • Sturdy nylon briefcase • Reusable modeling clay (2 pounds) • Clay cutter • Webster’s Children’s Dictionary (hardcover) • Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet • Two Koosh Balls • Letter Recognition Cards • Laminated Alphabet Strip • Stop Signs for Reading Chart

Young Learner Kit for Home-Use


Basic Workshop for Primary Teachers

Teachers, would you like to…• Improve the reading skills of all the children in your class regardless of their learning style?• Manage your classroom more effectively?• Prevent the onset of learning disabilities?• Use research-based methods that are flexible and easily fit into and enhance any existing curriculum? This two-day workshop provides Primary Teachers (K-3) with unique and innovative strategies for improving reading instruction and classroom management, and equips young learners with proven life long skills in “how to learn.”

Instruction includes:• Theory and Reasoning for each Strategy.• Video demonstrations of each Strategy and classroom implementation suggestions.• Supervised experiential practice on each Strategy.• Q&A and discussion about each Strategy.

Materials include:• Detailed Manual with suggested year-long guides, black-line masters, and numerous tips for each implementing each Strategy in various curriculum activities. • DVD demonstrating each classroom Strategy. • Teacher Kit: alphabet strip, letter recognition cards, clay, cutter, dictionary and two Koosh® balls. (Classroom materials sold separately)

Workshop hours: 9am-4pm with one hour lunch break.Cost: $595 per person (US only) Academic Units or CEUs (US and Canada only)Two Quarter Units are available through California State University. Cost is $65 per unit, plus $35 administrative fee. A written assignment, which can be completed before and during the workshop, is required.

Would you like to bring a DLS workshop to your school/area? Call 1 (888) 805-7216, and ask for Paula McCarthy.


Date Location Telephone

United States

Sept. 23-24 Springfield, MA +1 (903) 531-2446

Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Clinton, OK +1 (806) 790-7292

Oct. 7-8 Tyler, TX +1 (903) 531-2446

Oct. 11-12 Richmond, VA +1 (804) 833-8858


Jan. 6 - 7 Tyler,TX +1 (903) 574-5505

June 20 - 21 Richmond, VA +1 (888) 805-7216

June 21 - 22 Denver, CO +1 (719) 324-5825

For more details, visit

“In the forefront of what I liked most was how easily the Davis strategies fit into many areas of Kindergarten curriculum. It relieved me of a paper-pencil approach and gave me a hands-on, kinesthetic approach. It helped develop the little finger muscles to move on to coordinate paper-pencil activities. Creating the alphabet over time also accomplished the development of ownership, responsibility, and a sense a pride in all the children. I believe all Kindergarten children would benefit from Davis Learning Strategies.” –LB, Kindergarten Teacher, Mission San Jose Elementary School, Fremont, California


The Gift of Dyslexia WorkshopFundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction® based on the best-selling book The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis

DAY ONEBackground and Development of the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Procedures• Research and discovery. The “gifts” of dyslexia. Anatomy and developmental stages of a learning disability. Overview of the steps for dyslexia correction.Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment (a screening for dyslexic learning styles)• Demonstration and Practice SessionSymptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms, strengths and weaknesses; set goals; establish motivation)• Demonstration and Practice Session



For updated workshop schedules visit:

DAY THREEOrientation Review Procedure (a method for checking orientation skills)• Demonstration & Practice SessionDavis Symbol Mastery® (the key to correcting dyslexia)• What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay?Mastering Basic Language Symbols• Demonstrations and Group ExercisesReading Improvement Exercises• Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-Punctuation

DAY TWODavis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods to control, monitor and turn off perceptual distortions)• What is Orientation? Demonstration & Practice SessionRelease Procedure (method to alleviate stress, headaches)Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling)• What is Alignment? How is it used? Group DemonstrationDial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling energy levels)

FranceOctober 30 – November 2, 2010ParisPresenter: Ioannis TzivanakisLanguage: English/FrenchEmail: info@dyslexia.deTel: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 GermanyNovember 18 – 21, 2010HamburgPresenter: Ioannis Tzivanakis Language: German/EnglishEmail: info@dyslexia.deTel: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 MexicoOctober 20 – 23, 2010Guadalajara, JaliscoPresenter: Cathy CalderónLanguage: SpanishEmail: davis@davislatam.comTel: +52 (81) 8335 9435

NetherlandsSeptember 24 – 26, 2010 St. Odiliënberg (Limburg)Presenter: Robin TempleLanguage: English/DutchEmail: training@davisdyslexie.nlTel: +31 (0) 475 33 11 94 New ZealandJanuary 31 – February 3, 2011Christchurch CanterburyPresenter: Lorna TimmsLanguage: EnglishEmail: +64 (3) 477 0056

United KingdomDecember 16 – 19, 2010 Malvern WorcestershirePresenter: Richard WhiteheadLanguage: EnglishEmail: uk@dyslexia.comTel: +44 (0) 1684 566 300

United StatesOctober 5 – 8, 2010Burlingame, CAPresenter: Loma TimmsLanguage: EnglishEmail: answers@davistraining.orgTel: +1 (888) 805-7216

January 22 – 25, 2011Burlingame, CAPresenter: Loma TimmsLanguage: EnglishEmail: answers@training.orgTel: +1 (888) 805-7216

March 9 – 12, 2011Orlando, FLPresenter: TBALanguage: EnglishEmail: answers@training.orgTel: +1 (888) 392-1134

To register for US workshops call toll free 1 (888) 805-7216

Materials included with workshop

DAY FOURFine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting orientation using balance)Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words• Demonstrations• Group Exercises• Practice Sessions Implementing the Davis Procedures


Based on the best-selling bookThe Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. DavisThis 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a combination of lectures, demonstrations, group practice, and question and answer sessions. Attendance is limited to ensure the highest quality of training.Who should attend:• Reading Specialists & Tutors• Parents & Homeschoolers• Resource Specialists• Educational Therapists• Occupational Therapists• Speech/Language TherapistsParticipants will learn:• How the Davis procedures were developed• How to assess for the “gift of dyslexia.”• How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus attention.• The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading.• How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a teaching, home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting.See page 27 for more workshop details.

DDAI-Int’l, Canada & USA1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 260Burlingame, CA 94010Tel: 1-888-805-7216 Fax: 1 (650) 692-7075E-mail:

DDA-Latin AmericaCalzada del Valle #400 Local 8Colonia del ValleGarza García, Monterrey Nuevo LeónMéxico, CP 66220Tel: 52 (81) 8335-9435Email:

DDA-NederlandKerkweg 38a 6105 CG Maria Hoop, NEDERLANDTel: 31 (475) 520 433Fax: 31 (0475) 301 381E-mail:

DDA-DACHDeutschland-Austria-Switzerland Wandsbecker Chausee 132D-22089 Hamburg

GERMANYTel: 49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Fax: 49 (040) 25 17 86 24E-mail:

SWITZERLANDTel: 41 (061) 273 81 85E-MAIL:

DDA-UKDavis Learning Foundation47-49 Church StreetGreat MalvernWorcestershire WR14 2AATel: +44 (0)1684 566300E-mail:

DDA-Pacific295 Rattray Street Dunedin, New Zealand 9016Tel: 64 (0274) 399 020 Fax: 0064 3 456 2028 Email:

Enrollment limited v Classes fill Early v call 1 (888) 805-7216 or 1 (650) 692-7141For updated workshop schedules visit

For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask for our booklet.

For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.

The Gift of Dyslexia Workshop2010 – 2011 International Schedule

Questions? Call Dorothy Owen Davis Training Consultant:Toll Free: 1 (888) 392-1134Email:

U.S.A. Workshop Information:

The Dys•lex •́ic Read•́er1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 260Burlingame, CA 94010






U.S. Course Schedule • 8:30 - 9:00 Registration (first day)• 9:00 - 5:00 Daily (lunch break 12:00-1:30) U.S. Fees & Discounts – Special Rates for 2010-2011• $925 per person, normally $1175 ($200 deposit required)• $875 early bird discount with full payment, normally $1075• Advance registration required• Includes manual, one-year DDAI membership, verification of attendance, and Workshop Kit• Academic units and CEUs available

Sept 24 – 26, 2010 St. Odiliënberg (Limburg) Netherlands

Oct 5 – 8, 2010 Burlingame, CA USA

Oct 20 – 23, 2010 Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico

Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2010 Paris France

Nov 18 – 21, 2010 Hamburg Germany

Dec 16 – 19, 2010 Malvern Worcestershire UK

Jan 22 – 25, 2011 Burlingame, CA USA

Jan 31 – Feb 3, 2011 Christchurch Canterbury New Zealand

Mar 9 – 12, 2011 Orlando, FL USA

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