the duke of edinburgh’s award 2015 oakgrove school

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 2015

Oakgrove School

What is the DofE?…the world’s leading achievement award

for young people.

Its balanced programme of activities develops the mind, body and soul in an environment of social interaction and

team working.

It encourages young people to live life as an adventure.

Principles of DofE Non-competitive Achievable by all Voluntary Personal development Personalised Balanced Progressive Achievement focused Demand commitment Enjoyable

Please be aware

You need to be 14yrs old by the date of the expedition to be part of the award this year.

Practice expedition:

26th September 2015 – 27th September 2015

The Award.

The award is made up of 4 sections;

Volunteering– 3/6months work, and at least 1 hr per week, of supporting or helping an individual or group

e.g helping neighbours, charity work, guides/scouts, school support

Skills – 3/6months work, and at least 1 hr per week of developing either an existing skill or learning a completely new skill.

This can be in school i.e music, art, drama, collections (but not anything physical)

Physical recreation – should be conducted out of school hours, and extra curricular can be included in this. This is an activity that is going to help improve your fitness.



• Photos are often the easiest evidence to submit.

• However you will need to submit a variety of photos for each section


• Keeping a personal log of what activities you have carried out on a regular basis is fantastic evidence, and very easy to upload.

• A reflective summary of your activities is also a good way of reinforcing your evidence sections.


• Ask your activity supervisor to sign next to your date that you did the activity

• This is should not be a family member, but a qualified coach/supervisor.


• At least 1 photo, a date log and 1 written statement for each month that you carry out your award.• The expedition should have your own log of the events and a good selection of photos.


What participants will learn?Navigation and map reading

Camp work Pitching tents Cooking Camp craft

Team work

Emergency procedures First aid Drastic weather conditions


Distance 30km approximately over 2days

Fitness important

Food and water

• In order to support the students through this, a company called A-Z expeditions have become partners with Oakgrove School to help us deliver the best quality expeditions.

• All of the necessary skills will be taught in preparation for the expedition on this course.

The Expedition –

This comprises of two parts,

The Practice

The Assessed

The Practice.

Pre-expedition training – School

Saturday 12th September 2015

10.00am – 4.00pmPractice Expedition – Near School (location to be decided)Saturday 26th – Sunday 27th September

Students will need all equipment from the kit list and are invited to bring their own tents and cooking stoves if you wish.

It is strongly recommended that all participants have their own walking boots.

Prepared for all weather conditions

Team effort in groups of 4-7


The Expedition - Assessed

Qualifying Expedition – Near School (location to be decided)

Saturday 10th – Sunday 11th October 2015

One last thing....

Enrolment Payment Deadline There is an initial cost of £21 - £17 for

Your D of E place, £4 admin costs – Please can you pay

this by May 15th to reserve your place – there are enrolment forms here tonight

For the expedition, the total cost for the whole programme of training and expeditions is £225 per person.

To reserve your place on the expeditions with A to Z, we require a £45 deposit to be paid to the school before 29th May 2015

Remaining balance of £180 to be paid to the school by 15th July 2015

More information.

Website:Oakgrove School

Academic Duke of Edinburgh

Any Questions?

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