the dream town chronicles

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  • 8/14/2019 The Dream Town Chronicles


    The Dream Spinner Chronicles:

    Amalias Quest

    Inara Scott; all rights reserved 1

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    Chapter 1 Dream Spinner

    Amalia floated over the green lawn and through the outside wall

    of the small white house. When she got inside, she stopped and

    closed her eyes.

    Quietly, she whispered a few words. If anyone had been

    watching, they would have seen a white, ghostly shape in the

    hallway. It flickered, then became solid.

    Now Amalia looked just like a girl. She wore a white nightgown

    trimmed with lace and had long black hair. Only her ears revealed the

    truth. They were small and pointed, like an elf.

    Amalia didnt look exactly like a person, because Amalia wasnt

    a person.

    Amalia was a dream spinner.

    She tiptoed from room to room until she found the boys

    bedroom. She moved as quietly as she could. Last night, she had

    woken up two people. Then, she had to use her magic to make them

    forget her. Queen Penelope, the ruler of Dream Town, did not like the

    dream spinners to use their magic that way.

    Amalia, Queen Penelope had scolded, our magic is for

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    making dreams, not casting spells. If you use up all your magic on

    silly spells, how will you have the energy to spin dreams?

    Dream spinners got their magic from an enchanted lake in

    Dream Town. Each night they drank a glass of water from the lake

    before they went out to spin dreams.

    The magic didnt last forever. By the end of the night, the dream

    spinner would be just like a human. She could not fly or cast spells.

    But the magic was enough to make a night full of dreams.

    Amalia stopped next to the boys bed. He looked like he was

    eight or nine. He had short curly hair. He slept in sheets with pictures

    of baseballs on them. A pair of glasses sat on a table next to his bed.

    He was fast asleep.

    Amalia smiled. This was her favorite part. In a few minutes, the

    boy would begin to have a wonderful dream. Amalia would find the

    idea for the dream inside his head. She would pick out his favorite

    memories and hopes and weave them together in a beautiful dream.

    Amalia leaned over the boy and blew gently on his face. Silver

    dust sparkled in the moonlight. His eyelids fluttered. Amalia saw

    inside his memories. He loved horses, but had never gotten to ride


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    That was all Amalia needed to see. Now Amalia knew what the

    dream should be. She wove together pictures of horses and a warm

    sunny day. She put the boy on a horse with a black mane and tail.

    The boy laughed and smiled.

    He was having the best time of his life.

    When the dream ended, Amalia turned to leave the room. Then

    she saw something near the wall.

    The shape was like a person, but its outline was blurry. It

    glowed just like Amalia had before she turned into a human.

    Amalia recognized the ghostly face. Tino! How did you get


    Tino was not a dream spinner. He was an eyak a bad spirit

    that liked to cause trouble.

    He laughed. I snuck through the Portal after one of your

    friends. She never even noticed.

    Once, long ago, an open Portal connected Dream Town and

    the human world. But then the eyaks began playing nasty tricks on

    people, and interfering with the dream spinners work. Queen

    Penelope had to lock the Portal to protect the people from the eyaks.

    The only way to unlock the Portal was with a ruby crystal. The

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    dream spinner would rub the crystal between her hands, and the

    Portal would open.

    Each of the dream spinners had their own crystal. The eyaks

    did not. The only way they could get out of Dream Town was to wait

    for a dream spinner to unlock the Portal, and then sneak through

    before it closed.

    The eyaks didnt try this very often. It was too risky. If they

    couldnt find another dream spinner to follow just as she opened the

    Portal, they would never get back to Dream Town.

    That was why some humans believed they had seen ghosts.

    What they really saw were eyaks, trapped outside of Dream Town.

    The boy in the bed snorted and rolled over. Amalia held her

    breath. She thought he was about to wake up. But he went back to

    sleep. Amalia looked one last time at Tino.

    You know Queen Penelope will be furious if she finds out

    youre here, Amalia whispered. You better come back with me.

    Tino laughed. I dont think so. I am going back to Dream Town

    but Im going without you!

    Tino floated toward her. Before she knew what was happening,

    he leaned forward and grabbed the ruby crystal she wore on a string

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    around her neck. He jerked hard.

    The string snapped and the crystal fell on the floor. It broke into

    two pieces. One bounced between Amalias feet. She leaned over

    and snatched it up. Tino moved just as quickly to grab the other

    piece, which had landed a few feet away.

    Hey! Amalia said. You give that back!

    Tino smirked. I dont think so.

    It doesnt do you any good to have half a crystal, Amalia said.

    You need a whole one to unlock the Portal.

    Actually, I helped myself to a few other crystals tonight. Tino

    held out something he wore around his neck. I think youre the one

    whos out of luck!

    Amalia gasped. Tino had three ruby crystals! He must have

    stolen them from other dream spinners!

    Tino rubbed the crystals between his ghostly palms. A second

    later, a black hole appeared in the middle of the room. Tino jumped

    inside the hole, and disappeared.

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    Chapter 2 Trapped!

    Amalia stared in shock at Tinos dark form disappering through

    the Portal. Panic clouded her mind. Tino had taken half of her crystal!

    What should she do?

    Just then, the boy in the bed shot up. Hey, whats going on?

    he cried out. He looked from Amalia to the big black hole slowly

    fading from view in the middle of his room.

    Too late, Amalia realized she should have followed Tino

    through the Portal. Now she was trapped in the human world, just like

    the ghostly eyaks!

    Who are you? the boy said, looking nervously around the

    room. What are you doing in my room? And what the heck was that

    thing? He gestured to where the Portal had been.

    Amalia raised her hands. Now you see me, now you dont

    you think youll remember, but you wont!

    This was the spell she used to make herself disappear, and to

    make humans forget they had seen her. But nothing happened. The

    boy kept staring at her.

    What are you talking about? the boy said. He reached over

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    and put on his glasses. Then he turned on the light next to his bed. I

    dont know whats going on, but you shouldnt be here. Im getting my


    Amalia slapped her hand against her forehead. This was a real

    nightmare. She was stuck in the human world without her magic!

    Please, dont get your mom. I promise, Ill leave. She started

    to back away from the bed.

    The boys eyes were big and round behind his glasses. Are

    you a thief? Was that black hole some kind of trick you use to distract

    people while you rob them?

    Im not a thief, I swear. Amalia thought hard, but she couldnt

    think of a single story to explain why she was in the boys bedroom at

    three oclock in the morning. Or why he had seen a Portal to another

    world in the middle of his room.

    ImIm Her hair fell into her face, and she tucked it behind

    her ears.

    The boy threw back his covers. Hey, whats with your ears?

    Why are they pointy?

    I was just born that way, she said quickly.

    You look like an elf, the boy said. Are you an elf? Or a fairy?

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    Amalia took a few steps backward. A fairy? Thats funny. Ha

    ha. I guess Ill be leaving now. Sorry to bother you.

    The boy walked toward her. You dont have any shoes on and

    youre wearing a nightgown. You cant go outside. Youll freeze.

    Amalia stopped. The boy was right. They were in Denver,

    Colorado, and it was the middle of January. There was snow on the

    ground. Dream spinners didnt feel cold, but humans did. Until she

    got some clothes, she was stuck.

    Good point. Any chance you can lend me a coat? And some

    shoes? Ill bring them back. I promise.

    Are you kidding? This is all way too weird. I cant just give you

    a coat and shoes. The boy shook his head. If theres some problem

    with your family, my mom can help. Shes a counselor. She helps

    kids in trouble.

    I cant talk to your mom, Amalia said. I shouldnt even be

    talking to you.

    Why? asked the boy.

    Im not supposed to.

    Im not supposed to have strangers in my room in the middle of

    the night either, said the boy. So I guess were both breaking the

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    They stared at each other for a minute. Then the boy said, This

    is crazy. **Im calling my mom.

    He opened his mouth to yell, and Amalia threw her hand over

    his mouth. Dont do that adults are horrible at keeping secrets. If

    you tell your mom everyone will know Im here.

    Well then, you better spill your guts, the boy said, pulling off

    her hand. When she didnt speak, he tapped his foot impatiently. Im


    Okay. Amalia took a deep breath. She really didnt have any

    choice. Besides, there was a small chance the boy could help her.

    The truth is, Im not a real kid. Im a dream spinner.

    The boy froze. A what?

    Holy moly. Amalia could hardly believe shed said it out loud.

    She was going to be in so much trouble when Queen Penelope found


    Its really hard to explain. Basically, I make dreams. Remember

    that dream you had before you woke up? With the horses? I made

    that dream.

    The boys mouth fell open. How did you know what I was

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    Because I made your dream. I mean, I got the idea for it from

    your head, but I turned it into a dream and started it playing in your

    imagination. We call it dream spinning. And that big black hole in the

    middle of your room was the Portal. Its the door between your world

    and Dream Town.

    Dream Town?

    Thats where the dream spinners live.

    The boy looked amazed. Seriously?


    Are you a witch? he asked. Can you do magic?

    Im not a witch, but I can do some magic. She told him about

    the enchanted lake, and how she had used up her magic for the

    night. Right now Im just like a human kid.

    Why dont you go back through the Portal and drink more of

    that water? the boy asked.

    Because the Portal is locked. The only way to open it is with a

    ruby crystal. Amalia held up the broken half of her crystal. And mine

    is broken.

    The boy reached forward. Can I see it?

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    Amalia held out the crystal. Just be careful. I dont want it to

    break again.

    The boy held the crystal close to his face. The tiny stone

    glowed with a soft, red light. One side of it was sharp and jagged,

    while the other was smooth.

    He ran the tip of his finger over the edge. Wheres the other


    Someone stole it, she said.

    Another dream spinner?

    Not exactly. It was a bad spirit an eyak. His name is Tino.

    The boy frowned. Can you get it back from him?

    I dont know, Amalia said. He took it back to Dream Town.

    Half a crystal isnt enough to open the Portal?

    Amalia shook her had sadly. Without my ruby crystal, Im

    trapped here forever.

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    Chapter 3 A Clue

    The boy looked worried. Amalia didnt like that, because his

    worried look made her even more worried.

    The last thing she needed was to get more worried.

    Hey, its not a total disaster, she said. Theres got to be some

    way to get the crystal back from Tino. Now, if you could just lend me

    some shoes and a coat, I promise, I wont bother you any more.

    Where will you go? Even with a coat, you need a place to live.

    And youll need food, now that youre a human.

    Hmm. She hadnt thought of that.

    I think you should stay here, the boy said. You can sleep in

    my room. He pointed to a play tent in the corner of his room. Thats

    my fort. Its got lots of blankets and pillows inside. Youll be comfy

    there and my mom wont see you if she come in.

    Amalia smiled. Thanks, she said. I really appreciate it. By the

    way, whats your name?


    Im Amalia.

    Its good to meet you, Amalia. Dante climbed back into his

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    bed. Now, I should get some sleep. Ive got to get up in the morning

    for school.


    Youve never heard of school?

    I only visit kids at night, Amalia reminded him. I know they

    have lots of memories of something called school. Is that where you

    go to learn how to be a human?

    Dante laughed. We learn about reading and writing and math

    and science, mainly. I guess thats part of being a human.

    Can I go to school, too?

    Dante wrinkled his nose. I dont know why youd want to. But I

    suppose you could. Ill tell everyone youre my cousin or something.

    Now, dont worry about Tino. Well figure out how to get your crystal

    back tomorrow.

    Amalia crawled into the play tent and lay down on the soft

    blankets. Suddenly, being a human didnt seem like such a nightmare

    after all.

    * * *

    In the morning, Dante put out some clothes for Amalia to

    borrow, and then went downstairs to have breakfast with his mom.

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    Amalia didnt particularly like the outfit a red turtleneck shirt and

    sweatpants but she obviously couldnt wear her nightgown to


    Amalia listened at the door until she heard Dante say goodbye

    to his mother. Then she heard the bathroom door close. The shower

    started a second later. Dante told her she should sneak out of the

    house while his mother was in the shower.

    She grabbed a coat from a hook by the door. Dante was waiting

    down the block. Well have to hurry so Im not late, he said.

    They ran the next few blocks to a tall, brick building. Well have

    to go to the office first, Dante said.

    They got Amalia a visitor pin from the office. Then they went to

    Dantes class. The teacher was a tall woman named Mrs. Halloway.

    She had dark hair streaked with grey in a bunch on top of her head.

    Her eyes were bright blue.

    Welcome, Amalia, she said. Were always glad to have


    A bell rang, and Mrs. Halloway called the class to sit in a circle

    on the rug. Everyone, we have a special visitor today. Her name is

    Amalia, and she is Dantes cousin. She lives in Florida.

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    Twenty pairs of eyes turned to Amalia. She waved shyly. Im

    glad to be here.

    Mrs. Halloway smiled. Maybe you can tell our class a little bit

    about where youre from and what your school is like.

    Amalia is homeschooled, Dante said quickly.

    Amalia nodded. She didnt know what homeschooling was, but

    it sounded like a good excuse!

    Where I live the sky is always blue, she said. And it never

    gets cold, like it does here. But the best part is theres a big lake near

    me where the water is so clear, you can see right to the bottom.

    That sounds lovely, said Mrs. Halloway. Now, I would like

    everyone to go to their desks. Please draw a picture of something

    you think you would see in Florida and write a few sentences to

    describe it. Amalia, while the other children are working, you can look

    at some of the books in our class library.

    Mrs. Halloway showed Amalia to the corner of the room. Next to

    a row of windows there were two bookcases, a couple of small chairs,

    and a rug on the floor.

    The windows faced the playground. At the edge of the

    playground there was a fence, and then an open space with some tall

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    trees and a path that curved off into the distance. The ground was

    covered with white snow that sparkled in the sunlight.

    Amalia pulled a book off the shelf and sat down. She started to

    look at the pictures, but her mind kept going back to Tino. Finally, she

    gave up on the book and stared out the window instead.

    She couldnt believe what she saw. A ghostly spirit was floating

    across the lawn, heading for the trees.

    It was Tino!

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    Chapter 4 A Plan

    Amalia watched Tino move across the playground. He passed

    through the fence and then disappeared in the trees.

    He must have come back for the other half of her crystal!

    Amalia looked at books and drew pictures until another bell

    rang, and the class lined up for lunch. She got into line next to Dante.

    When they went out into the hall, Amalia practically bounced up

    and down in excitement. You wont believe this, she told Dante. I

    saw Tino outside! I think hes going to try to steal the rest of my


    Dante looked around nervously. Shhh, he said, putting a

    finger to his lips. We dont want everyone to hear.

    Good point, Amalia whispered. Can we go somewhere else

    to talk?

    We can talk when we get to the cafeteria. Its so loud in there,

    no one else could hear.

    Dante and Amalia walked down the hall. Its pizza for lunch

    today, he said. Get the cheese. The pepperoni is horrible.

    Amalia nodded and grabbed a piece, along with some peaches

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    and a chocolate milk. They walked to a table and sat at the end.

    Now, Dante said. Are you sure it was Tino you saw?

    Amalia nodded. I saw him pretty clearly. He must have

    followed us to school. Besides, he floated right through the fence. No

    person could do that!

    Dante shuddered. Thats creepy. Its like having a ghost follow

    you around.

    Maybe I should go, Amalia said. I didnt mean to bring Tino to

    your school.

    No way, Dante said. Youre not going anywhere until we get

    back your crystal.

    Thanks, Dante, Amalia said gratefully. I dont know what Id

    do without you.

    Dante took a big bite of his pizza. So what should we do? he

    said, his mouth full.

    Before Dante could reply, a girl walked up to him. She had dark

    eyes and black hair. Can I sit with you? the girl asked.

    Sure, Dante said. Amalia, this is my friend Isabel.

    Isabel smiled. Hi Amalia. Im glad youre here today. Its my

    birthday! Were going to have cupcakes this afternoon.

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    Happy birthday, Dante said. Did you get any good presents

    this morning?

    Isabel held out something on a gold chain around her neck. My

    mom gave me this necklace. Its my birthstone a garnet.

    Amalia couldnt believe her eyes. It was a dark red stone that

    looked just like her ruby crystal!

    Dante shot Amalia a look. Ive never seen a garnet before, he

    said to Isabel. Can I hold it?

    Isabel took off her necklace. You should hold it up to the light,

    she said. It looks even prettier that way.

    Dante looked at the garnet, and then handed it to Amalia. She

    held it up like Isabel had suggested. It sparkled just like her crystal.

    I cant believe it, Amalia said. Tears pooled in her eyes.

    Whats wrong? asked Isabel.

    This looks just like a crystal I used to have, Amalia said. It

    was really special to me, and I lost it.

    Thats so sad, Isabel said. Would you like to borrow my

    necklace for a little while? Maybe that would make you feel better.

    Oh yes, thank you! Amalia said. She put on the necklace.

    When Isabel was done with her lunch, she told them she had to

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    meet her mother to set up for the birthday party. Please bring my

    necklace with you when you come back, she said. My mother will

    want to see me wearing it.

    Amalia gave her a hug. I will.

    Dante picked up his tray and motioned for Amalia to follow him.

    They threw away their garbage and headed for a set of double doors.

    We get twenty minutes outside for recess, he said.

    Outside, the sun was warm and bright. Amalia could hear the

    water trickling as the snow melted. They walked to the edge of the


    I have an idea, Dante said. We can use Isabels necklace to

    trick Tino!

    He explained his plan to Amalia. She thought about it for a

    minute. I think it might work, she said. But well have to make sure

    we get Isabels necklace back. She was so nice to let me borrow it, I

    dont want to lose it!

    Ill make sure she gets it back, Dante promised.

    Amalia turned to the back of the playground. Then I guess its

    time to go find Tino!

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    Chapter Five The Portal

    Amalia and Dante waited until the teacher on duty was busy

    talking to some kids. Then they ran around the side of the fence to

    the open space behind.

    They dodged from tree to tree until they were out of sight of the

    school. Amalia had to work to keep from tripping as she ran, because

    Dantes shoes were a couple of sizes too big for her.

    How will we find him? Dante asked, panting.

    Find who? came a voice behind them.

    Amalia stopped and spun around. Tino!

    Dante gulped. Hes even creepier than I thought, he

    whispered to Amalia.

    She nodded. Maybe she had been a human too long, but

    suddenly Tinos empty black eyes and long fingers looked incredibly

    scary. He was in spirit form, and he hovered like a grey mist above

    the ground.

    Tino, what do you want? Amalia demanded bravely.

    Before their eyes, Tino changed into a solid person. He still

    wore three full crystals around his neck, but now there was a smaller

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    crystal beside them on a new, black string. It was Amalias crystal.

    She could tell from the broken edge.

    I want the other half of my crystal, Tino said with a nasty


    Its my crystal, Amalia snapped. Not yours.

    Tino waved his hand. Doesnt matter, does it? Theres nothing

    you can do about it now. Youll never get back to Dream Town.

    Amalia took a deep breath. Actually, youre wrong about that.

    She held up Isabels necklace. I found a new crystal, and its even

    better than my old one. Its prettier, for one. And bigger. I think it even

    makes the Portal work faster.

    Tinos eyes got big. Where did you get that?

    Are you kidding? Im not telling! Amalia closed her fingers

    around the necklace. Queen Penelope will be mad enough when she

    finds out you have half of my crystal.

    Tino looked sideways. His gaze turned crafty. Hmm. Maybe we

    can make a deal, he said.

    What do you mean? asked Amalia. Her heart started to

    pound. Dante had thought Tino couldnt resist having the nicer cystal.

    It looked like he was right.

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    The only way Queen Penelope will find out about your crystal

    is if you tell her.

    It isnt as if I could hide it, Amalia said. Shell see that I only

    have half of my usual crystal.

    Tino pulled the broken piece from around his neck. He held it

    out. What if we trade? Ill take the new crystal and you can have this

    one. Queen Penelope will never know what happened.

    Thats not a bad idea, Dante said. Amalia, I can get you

    some super glue. No one will be able to tell your crystal was broken.

    Amalia pretended to consider it. First, I want to make sure it

    still works, she said to Tino. Lets put the two parts of the crystal

    together. You can hold your half, and Ill hold mine. If it still works to

    unlock the Portal, Ill trade crystals with you.

    Okay, Tino said. But youve got to do the same thing. Prove

    that your new crystal works.

    Amalia removed Isabels necklace and tucked it into her fist.

    She pulled the broken half of her crystal from her pocket and held it

    between her thumb and first finger. Thats fair. But first, we try to put

    together my old crystal.

    This was the most important part of the plan. As soon as the

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    Portal opened, Amalia would throw Isabels necklace to Dante. Then

    she would jump through the Portal. Hopefully, she would be back in

    Dream Town before Tino caught up with her.

    Tino wouldnt dare try to do anything to her in Dream Town.

    Queen Penelopes magic was strong enough to protect Amalia once

    she was home.

    Tino unwound the black string from his neck. Then he held out

    the broken ruby crystal. Carefully, Amalia reached toward him, joining

    the two pieces of the crystal.

    They fit together perfectly. Amalia felt a wash of joy. Maybe this

    would work!

    Whos going to rub it? Tino asked. Our hands are full.

    Amalia blinked. She hadnt thought about that.

    Dante stepped forward. Ill do it.

    He placed his palms on either side of the broken crystal.

    Gently, he rubbed his hands together, taking care not to knock it


    Amalia held her breath. She looked around. Would the Portal


    Dante gasped. There it is!

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    Amalia craned her neck to look behind her. Right next to her

    feet, spinning in the air above the ground, was the black hole of the


    Heart pounding, Amalia snatched back her half of the crystal.

    Here, Dante! She put Isabels necklace into Dantes hand. He

    grabbed it tightly.

    Quick! Dante said. Jump!

    Amalia tensed and started to turn toward the Portal. But her

    feet were clumsy in Dantes oversized shoes, and she tripped. She

    grabbed Dantes arm to steady herself, but knocked him off balance.

    Before she knew it they were both falling to the ground and into the


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    Chapter Six Dream Town

    Amalia never liked traveling through the Portal. The ground felt

    like it dropped away, leaving her stomach somewhere behind. Her

    body floated through the air, spinning gently in a circle as she fell

    down and down.

    Luckily, the trip only took a minute. And this time, she could feel

    Dantes hand in hers. They spun through the air together, finally

    touching down softly on a hill of green grass.

    Amalia collapsed into the ground and sighed with relief. Above

    her lay the bright blue sky of her favorite place in the world.

    Dream Town.

    Dante dropped down beside her. Oh man, he whispered.

    What happened?

    Amalia squeezed his hand. Its okay, she said. Youll be safe


    They heard a cry of frustration, and looked up to see Tino

    sailing through the sky.

    You tricked me! he yelled.

    You stole my crystal, Amalia yelled back.

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    Fine, Tino said. Take it. I dont need the stupid thing anyway!

    Amalias broken crystal landed on the ground next to them with

    a soft thud. She grabbed it and held it lovingly against her.

    Dante, look! Its my crystal! Ive got my crystal back!

    Dante smiled. And Ive got Isabels necklace, too. But I think I

    better get back to school. My mom will freak out if they tell her Im


    Amalia shook her head. Dont worry. Time is different in Dream

    Town. Ill take you back and it will be like you never left.

    Dante sat up. Then Id love to look around is that okay?

    Of course! But first, we better go see Queen Penelope.

    * * *

    Amalia led the way down the hill, trying to imagine what Dante

    must be thinking. He stared, wide-eyed, at the scene in front of him.

    At the bottom of the hill lay the Enchanted Lake, the water blue

    and clear. The curly-headed Quarls guarded the Enchanted Lake,

    standing every few feet along the bank. They were there to keep the

    eyaks from stealing the water and using the magic on the gentler

    inhabitants of Dream Town.

    A wide red path ran around the lake, and at the end stood

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    Queen Penelopes Diamond Palace. Delicate towers shot high into

    the air, while brightly colored birds chirped in the air around it.

    There she is! Amalia said.

    Queen Penelope stood on the steps of the palace. She was

    beautiful, with bright gold hair topped by a sparkling crown covered

    with jewels. Dream spinners surrounded her, boys and girls of various

    ages, their faces as different as the humans they visited each night.

    Amalia and Dante ran down the path to the palace. Amalia

    dropped into a low curtsey. Dante bowed a second later.

    Amalia, who is this? asked Queen Penelope.

    Amalia told her all about her adventure with Dante. Queen

    Penelope frowned. I never thought the eyaks would be so bold as to

    steal our dream spinners crystals. We will have to be very careful in

    the future so it does not happen again.

    But Tino still has three other ruby crystals, Amalia said. Some

    of the dream spinners must be trapped in the human world!

    Another dream spinner stepped forward. She was the same

    size as Amalia, but had bright red hair in ringlets all over her head.

    Mara and Somil are missing, she said, looking worried. We havent

    seen them since the last night of dreams.

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    What will we do? Queen Penelope asked. My magic is strong

    here in Dream Town, but I cant protect my dream spinners once they

    travel to the human world.

    Dante stepped forward. Maybe I can help, he said. My mom

    is a counselor. If some kids turn up that dont have parents or

    anything, shed know about it.

    You are truly a wise and brave boy, Queen Penelope said

    gravely. We cannot thank you enough.

    Can I go too? Amalia asked. I want to help save the lost

    dream spinners.

    Queen Penelope closed her eyes. I do not like to see you in

    danger, she said. But I see no other way.

    She waved her hands in front of her, and a cloud of blue and

    green sparkles filled the air. First, Amalias crystal knit itself back

    together. Then a ruby crystal appeared around Dantes neck.

    Your own crystal, Dante, Queen Penelope said. Guard it well.

    And please, come back to Dream Town any time you need us.

    The dream spinners cheered.

    Amalia turned to Dante. It sounds like weve got a job to do.

    Dante laughed. And youre going to have to spend some time

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    at school!

    Amalia smiled. She knew it wouldnt be easy to find the other

    dream spinners, but with a friend like Dante, anything was possible.

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