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Document: 2517731



BYLAW 2279

Effective Date – January 22, 1958

CONSOLIDATED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY This is a consolidation of the bylaws below. The amending bylaws have been combined with the original bylaw for convenience only. This consolidation is not a legal document. Certified copies of the original bylaws should be consulted for all interpretations and applications of the bylaw on this subject.

Original Bylaw Date of Adoption Bylaw 2279 January 22, 1958 Amending Bylaw Date of Adoption Bylaw 2408 February 10, 1959 Bylaw 2773 July 25, 1961 Bylaw 2835 December 27, 1961 Bylaw 2855 April 10, 1962 Bylaw 2856 April 10, 1962 Bylaw 2857 April 10, 1962 Bylaw 2965 December 11, 1962 Bylaw 3381 June 14, 1966 Bylaw 3456 January 3, 1967 Bylaw 3635 March 12, 1968 Bylaw 4203 January 10, 1972 Bylaw 4469 February 11, 1974 Bylaw 4771 February 23, 1976 Bylaw 4874 December 13, 1976 Bylaw 4967 September 12, 1977 Bylaw 5437 December 14, 1981 Bylaw 5540 December 13, 1982 Bylaw 5653 December 12, 1983 Bylaw 5746 December 17, 1984

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Bylaw 5812 December 2, 1985 Bylaw 5847 April 28, 1986 Bylaw 5906 December 8, 1986 Bylaw 5995 December 7, 1987 Bylaw 6112 December 19, 1988 Bylaw 6200 December 18, 1989 Bylaw 6325 December 3, 1990 Bylaw 6342 February 25, 1991 Bylaw 6413 December 16, 1991 Bylaw 6476 April 26, 1993 Bylaw 6496 December 14, 1992 Bylaw 6529 June 7, 1993 Bylaw 6620 December 20, 1993 Bylaw 6720 December 12, 1994 Bylaw 6739 February 13, 1995 Bylaw 6825 December 18, 1995 Bylaw 6927 December 9, 1996 Bylaw 6991 December 8, 1997 Bylaw 7057 December 14, 1998 Bylaw 7141 January 24, 2000 Bylaw 7150 May 10, 2000 Bylaw 7229 April 30, 2001 Bylaw 7307 March 25, 2002 Bylaw 7367 December 16, 2002 Bylaw 7437 December 8, 2003 Bylaw 7486 July 19, 2004 Bylaw 7512 November 15, 2004 Bylaw 7558 December 19, 2005 Bylaw 7638 December 4, 2006 Bylaw 7703 December 17, 2007 Bylaw 7747 December 15, 2008 Bylaw 7817 December 14, 2009 Bylaw 7874 December 13, 2010 Bylaw 7876 January 24, 2011 Bylaw 7895 June 20, 2011 Bylaw 7914 December 15, 2011 Bylaw 7973 December 12, 2012 Bylaw 8022 December 9, 2013 Bylaw 8090 December 15, 2014 Bylaw 8152 December 14, 2015 Bylaw 8194 November 28, 2016 Bylaw 8269 December 4, 2017

The bylaw numbers in the margin of this consolidation refer to the bylaws that amended the principal bylaw (Waterworks Regulation Bylaw – Bylaw 2279). The number of any amending bylaw that has been repealed is not referred to in this consolidation.

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BYLAW 2279 A bylaw to provide for the operating and maintaining of the waterworks system in the District of North Vancouver and for the fixing of rates, terms and conditions under which water may be supplied and used.

The Council of The Corporation of the District of North Vancouver enacts as follows: Title 1. This bylaw may be known and cited as "THE WATERWORKS REGULATION BYLAW, 1957". Scope 2. The financial operation of the Waterworks including the rating and collection of Water rates shall be

under the Collector whose duties shall be as follows: (a) To have control of officers, servants, or employees (subject to any restriction hereinafter

mentioned) engaged in the financial portion of the Waterworks, including the rating and collecting of water rates, and from time to time to prescribe the duties of any such officers, servants or employees thereof in lieu of, or in addition to, any duties prescribed by any resolution or bylaw of said Corporation, but the Collector shall not have authority to hire, suspend, dismiss or reinstate any such officer, servant or employee thereof;

(b) To have the preparation, control, arrangement and supervision of the financial books; (c) To have the collection of all water rents and rates. 3. The various works and properties required for the supply of the District with water, shall be under

the charge and control of the Municipal Engineer, whose duties shall be as follows: (a) To have charge of such properties and works, and to have charge of the inspection and

rating of all buildings and premises supplied with water; (b) To have charge and control of all engineering and mechanical work in connection with the

Waterworks, and full charge of the employees engaged in such work, including the laying of pipes and services, the installation and repair of meters and house services, and the inspection of same;

(c) To have control of servants or employees engaged in or connected with the works and

properties of the said Waterworks, and from time to time to prescribe the duties of any such servants or employees thereof, in lieu of or in addition to any duties prescribed by any resolution or bylaw of said Corporation, and the Municipal Engineer shall have authority to hire, suspend, dismiss or reinstate any such employee thereof;

(d) On or before the 31st day of December in each year to present to the Council, a report on

the general condition of the works and property belonging to the Waterworks accompanied by such information and suggestions as he shall deem necessary.

Application For Turning Off Or On Of Water 4. All applications either for the turning off or on of water to any premises shall be made in writing to

the Collector not less than 48 hours before service is required and in such form as may be

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prescribed. No person shall make application to turn off the water from any premises in use or occupied by any other person until such use or occupation has ceased and the premises have been vacated. Where several services are provided to any person from connection to the main, The Corporation shall not be required to shut off any individual service until such service has been directly connected to the main at the expense of such person and according to the provisions of this bylaw.

Application For Installation Of Water Service 5. All applications for the installation of a water service connection shall be made at the Municipal

Engineer's Office by the owner or his authorized agent, who shall, at the time he makes such application, execute an agreement with The Corporation, which application and agreement shall be in the form contained in Schedule "A" of this bylaw.

Re-Use Of Existing Water Connections 6. All building permits of value $300,000 or greater will require a new water connection unless the

existing connection(s) is less than 20 years old. (8022) Using Water For Special Purposes 7. The use of water shall not be granted for any special purpose unless, in addition to the special rate

therefor, the ordinary rating of the building be paid also, according to Schedule "B" hereto. Discontinuing Use Of Water 8. In cases where a water service connection to a parcel is shut off by the Municipal Engineer at the

request of the Owner to facilitate the renovation, addition, demolition or replacement of the premises then in that event the annual water user charges payable in respect of said water connection will be reduced by a pro-rated amount reflecting the period that the water is shut off.

(8022) 8A. In cases where the existing building or buildings are demolished, destroyed or otherwise removed

from property connected to the waterworks system, the Municipal Engineer shall shut off the water service connection. (3635)

Form Of Application For Installation Of Water Service 9. Each applicant for the installation of a water service shall give a full and true statement, on the form

(Schedule "A") prescribed for the purpose, of the size and description of his premises, the number and description of fixtures, and all other information which may be necessary to form a correct estimate of the rates to be charged against him, or for water supplied for the said premises. If the statement so given is not accurate, and any additional rate shall be chargeable by reason of the statement so given being incorrect, such additional rate shall be payable forthwith without any discount being allowed thereon.

Changing Fixtures 10. No change or addition shall be made by any person in the number or description of fixtures on any

premises until notice thereof has been given in writing at the Collector's office, and written permission therefor obtained; and if such change or addition shall occasion a higher rate or rent to be payable, the same shall be paid forthwith.

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Discontinuing Of Fixtures 11. In case any person desires to discontinue the use of any fixtures or attachments, such fixtures or

attachments must be completely cut off and detached from the water supply to the satisfaction of the Municipal Engineer or his authorized Inspector, and no person shall re-attach the same without first giving notice at the said Collector's office.

Leaky Pipes, Etc. 12. An owner or occupier of real property may not cause or permit wasting of water, or the improper use

or maintenance of the water system on the real property, including by the following means: (a) leaky pipes, taps or fixtures; (b) an inaccurate water meter; and (c) any other fault in or use of the water system that causes the waste of water. (6476) Failure To Repair 12A. Where conditions set out in section 12 exist, and the necessary repairs or alterations have not been

made by the owner or occupier within 48 hours after notification, or where the condition of the pipes or fixtures is causing damage to property, then, without further notice, the Municipal Engineer may cut off the supply of water by shutting the stopcock, or by detaching the service pipe from the main; and before the water is again turned on, such pipes, fixtures or meters shall be repaired or altered to the satisfaction of the Municipal Engineer, and no person supplied from such service pipe shall have any claim against The Corporation by reason of such cutting off of the water. (6476)

13. The owner or authorized agent of any premises desiring the same to be served with water, shall

make an application therefore in the form presented as Schedule "A" hereto, to the Municipal Engineer. When the same is approved the applicant shall pay to the Collector the connection fee as set forth in Schedule "B" hereto and when the Municipal Engineer is advised that the money has so been paid, he shall provide an ordinary house water service to within 18 inches of the street line and/or boundary line, when such service can be conveniently supplied from the existing water system. If it shall be found by the Municipal Engineer that there is no municipal water supply convenient to the lot for which the owner or authorized agent has made application for the water supply, he shall be so notified by the Municipal Engineer and shall pay all costs for the extension of the water supply system to meet his requirements, subject to the consent and approval of Council. Further, where the application shall require such services, conditions and meter installations, the Municipal Engineer shall estimate the cost of such special requirements and advise the Collector of these charges, whether for immediate payment or for collection by meter or other terms as required under this bylaw. (2408)

14. Only one ordinary house service pipe, of such size as shall be approved by the Municipal Engineer,

for the supply of any single house or premises, shall be laid by The Corporation. Application For Laying Of Service Pipe 15. Any person making an application for the laying of any service in excess of 50 feet of pipe from the

main to within eighteen (18) inches of the property line shall, at the time of such application, deposit at the Collector's Office a sum estimated to be the cost of providing such service, such sum to be determined by the Municipal Engineer, and upon receipt of such sum, the Engineer shall, as soon as convenient, provide such service. If the cost of providing such service be less than the amount so deposited, the Collector shall repay to the applicant the difference between such amount and the amount so deposited, and if such cost shall exceed the amount so deposited, the applicant shall pay such excess forthwith, and before the water is turned on.

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Fire Services 16 . Where a fire-service connection has been installed on any premises, and where the nature of the

installation is such that water could be used from the said service otherwise than for fire protection, such fire connection service may be sealed by the Collector, and at all times when so sealed, except in cases of fire, shall be kept securely sealed so as to prevent the using or consuming of any water whatsoever from such connection. For the purpose of sealing such service, the Collector or any person authorized by him for such purpose, shall have the right to enter in and upon the premises to seal such service wherever necessary. When the seal has been broken in cases of fire or otherwise, the owner or occupant of the premises shall so report to the Collector within twenty-four (24) hours after the breaking of such seal, and the Collector shall thereupon have the same re-sealed.

Work To Be Done By Municipal Employees 17. No work of any kind connected with the Water Works service, either for laying of new or the repair

of old services, shall be done upon or under any streets in the Municipality by any person other than the employees of The Corporation or by employees of persons holding a contract with The Corporation for the performance of waterworks.

Depth Service Pipes Shall Be Laid, Etc. 18. All service pipes in any premises shall be laid at a depth of not less than three (3') feet, (or such

other greater depth as may be determined by the Engineer) below the surface of the ground; and where they cross under or near other excavations, they must be properly protected against settlement; and in all cases they must be laid in such a manner as to be protected from frost. Each service pipe shall be provided with a stop and waste tap, of a pattern to be approved by the Engineer, which shall be placed immediately inside the outer wall of the premises supplied, for the use of the owner or occupant of the premises in case of leaky or defective pipes or fixtures, or in cases where the premises are vacated.

19. Every branch water-service pipe serving any stand-pipe, underground sprinkler system, fountain,

fish-pond, or any exposed service, shall be equipped with a stop and waste cock so placed at the point of connection with the main service that all service pipes and fixtures may be thoroughly drained and protected from frost. Every water connection designed to serve a hydraulic elevator shall be provided with a pressure relief and check valve.

20. A sand strainer, pressure regulator, and relief valve shall be installed by the owner on the water

service of every building when the initial pressure of the street main in proximity to the building amounts to or exceeds seventy-five (75) pounds. (This clause shall not apply to premises where the total service does not exceed one cold supply tap.)

Water Meters 21(a) The Municipal Engineer may (whenever he shall deem it advisable) compel the use of water meters

by any person using or consuming water supplied by The Corporation, and may refuse to supply water to any premises whatsoever unless the person requiring water shall first sign an agreement to take, use and pay for such water according to the form provided for that purpose set out in Schedule "A" of this bylaw; and no water meter shall be used in connection with the Water Works System by any person unless such water meter shall have first been authorized by the Engineer. Every owner, tenant or occupant shall give every facility for the introduction and protection of water pipes and meters placed upon his premises, and whenever any person shall refuse or neglect to pay water rates or rents, within the time specified in the said agreement, for water registered by such water meter, or to pay the rents or rates imposed by the bylaw, it shall and may be lawful for the Engineer to cut off the supply of water; and, when a meter is blocked or is out of order, and fails to register the full quarterly amount of water supplied, or indicates that no water has been used, it

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shall and may be lawful to charge and collect the same water rates as if water had been used; such last mentioned rates shall be an average flat rate based upon the previous six months' account paid in respect to water supplied to the premises against which such meter has been placed;

(b) Subject to (a) hereof, owners of premises supplied with water by The Corporation may, in cases

where the Engineer has not required a meter, elect to be provided with metered service; PROVIDED HOWEVER, once a meter has been installed, it shall not be removed without permission of the Engineer.

(c) Deleted Bylaw 2965. (2835) 22. Owners, occupants, or tenants of premises supplied with water by The Corporation shall provide

and maintain an adequate and convenient passageway to the water meter installed therein or therefor, and shall keep such passageway reasonably accessible at all times for the reading, repairing or removal of such meter. All privately-owned meters shall be under the supervision, inspection and control of the Water Works Department.

22A. A person to whom water is supplied under this bylaw and who is liable to any special charge over

and above the annual rate for residential premises may elect to have his water service metered. Where a meter is installed pursuant to this section, it shall remain installed for a period of no less than twelve (12) months. (3381)

Interference With Hydrants, Service Boxes Etc. 23. No person shall in any way tamper, remove, bury or interfere with any hydrant, pipe, service valve

and box or other Water Works appurtenance outside of his own premises, nor shall he in any way interfere or tamper with any meter or pipe leading to such meter. Such malfeasance as referred to above shall be reported to the Collector.

Using Fire Hydrants 24. No unauthorized person shall open or use any fire hydrant for any purpose. Connection With Public Or Private Mains 25. No person shall make any connection whatsoever to any public or private main in the District

without the consent in writing of the Engineer first obtained. Watering Other Premises 26. No person shall, with a lawn sprinkler or otherwise, water any other premises than those in respect

of which he has paid the regular rates, as set out in said Schedule "B". Water Shortage Response Plan

27. (a) This section is subject to the provisions of Bylaw 7481, the “Fire Bylaw”.

(b) In this section:

(i) “Automatic Shut-off Device” means a device attached to a water hose that is spring loaded and shuts off the supply of water automatically unless hand pressure is applied to allow the supply of water;

(ii) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the Greater Vancouver Water District;

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(iii) "Drip irrigation” means a system using irrigation components which consume less than 20 gallons (91 litres) per hour and operate at less than 25 PSI (172 kPa) to deliver Water to the root zone of the plant material being irrigated;

(iv) “Lawns” includes grass growing at cemeteries;

(v) “Permit” means a permit issued under paragraphs (i) to (o);

(vi) “Person” does not include a municipality, a regional district, the provincial government, or any body appointed or created under an enactment of Canada or British Columbia;

(vii) “Public Announcement” means one or more advertisements or public service announcements in any one of:

(1) a television or radio broadcast from a station that broadcasts to the District of North Vancouver;

(2) a newspaper or other publication intended for general circulation, including one that is distributed without charge to the reader, that contains news and advertising, and is distributed within the District of North Vancouver at least once per week;

(viii) “Restriction Stage” means Stage 1 Restrictions, Stage 2 Restrictions, Stage 3 Restrictions, or Stage 4 Restrictions;

(ix) “Stage 1 Restrictions” means the restrictions on Water use described in subsections 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule C;

(x) “Stage 2 Restrictions” means the restrictions on Water use described in subsections 2.1 and 2.2 of Schedule C;

(xi) “Stage 3 Restrictions” means the restrictions on Water use described in subsections 3.1 and 3.2 of Schedule C;

(xii) “Stage 4 Restrictions” means the restrictions on Water use described in subsections 4.1 and 4.2 of Schedule C;

(xiii) "Water" used as a noun means water supplied directly or indirectly by Greater Vancouver Water District or the Corporation, whether or not mixed with rain water, gray water or recycled water;

(xiv) “Water” used as a verb, and “Watering”, mean the application or distribution of Water (used as a noun) to lands or plants but does not include the method known as “drip irrigation”;

(xv) “Water Play Park” means a recreational facility that is primarily out of doors, that includes water slides longer than 10 meters;

(xvi) “Water Restriction Announcement” means a Stage 1 Announcement, Stage 2 Announcement, a Stage 3 Announcement or a Stage 4 Announcement;

(xvii) “Water Use Plan” means a Water Use Plan approved by the Municipal Engineer for a golf course operation under paragraphs (i) to (o).

(c) The schedules referred to in this section are integral parts of this bylaw.

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(d) A reference to the “Municipal Engineer” is a reference to his deputy or to another person appointed by Council to act in his or her place by name of office or otherwise.

(e) Stage 4 Restrictions apply in the District, except that in light of economic considerations and the resources available to the District for bylaw enforcement, the District will only enforce the application of Stage 4 Restrictions in the following manner:

(i) seventy-two hours after the Commissioner or the Municipal Clerk makes a Public Announcement of the declaration by the Commissioner that the Greater Vancouver Regional District has activated a Restriction Stage, the Restriction Stage described in the declaration will be enforced in the District;

(ii) when a Restriction Stage becomes enforceable under this paragraph, a Restriction Stage that had been enforceable, ceases to be enforceable.

(f) If no Restriction Stage is enforceable on June 1st of any year, Stage 1 Restrictions will be enforced on that date without prior declaration of the Commissioner or announcement under sub-paragraph (e)(i).

(g) (i) If the Commissioner declares that the Greater Vancouver Water District has activated Stage 1 Restrictions, a Public Announcement by the Municipal Clerk or the Commissioner is sufficient for the purposes of sub-paragraph (e)(i) if it contains substantially the information set out in Schedule D.

(ii) If the Commissioner declares that the Greater Vancouver Water District has activated Stage 2 Restrictions, a Public Announcement by the Municipal Clerk or the Commissioner is sufficient for the purposes of sub-paragraph (e)(i) if it contains substantially the information set out in Schedule E.

(iii) If the Commissioner the Greater Vancouver Water District has activated Stage 3 Restrictions, a Public Announcement by the Municipal Clerk or the Commissioner is sufficient for the purposes of sub-paragraph (e)(i) if it contains substantially the information set out in Schedule F.

(iv) If the Commissioner the Greater Vancouver Water District has activated Stage 4 Restrictions, a Public Announcement by the Municipal Clerk or the Commissioner is sufficient for the purposes of sub-paragraph (e)(i) if it contains substantially the information set out in Schedule G.

(h) (i) No Restriction Stage remains will be enforced after September 30th of any year, unless the Commissioner makes a declaration under this subsection.

(ii) At any time before or after September 30th of any year the Commissioner may, by letter to the Municipal Clerk declare that despite sub-paragraph (h)(i), a Restriction Stage will be enforced after September 30th if the Commissioner by letter to the Municipal Clerk declares that the Greater Vancouver Regional District has activated the Restriction Stage.

(iii) Sub-paragraphs (e)(i) and (ii) and paragraph (g) apply to a declaration made under this paragraph (h), with such changes as are necessary, except that a Public Announcement of a declaration under paragraph (h) must state that the Restriction Stage that is continued or that commences after September 30th will remain in force until further declaration of the Commissioner.

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(i) A golf course operator may apply in writing to the Municipal Engineer for approval of a Water Use Plan stipulating:

(i) the volume of Water historically consumed by the golf course operation from the first day of June to the last day of September of each year;

(ii) the volume of Water to be consumed by the golf course operation from June 1st to September 30th of each year under the proposed Water Use Plan;

(iii) the measures to be followed by the golf course operation to conserve Water and to reduce the use of Water;

(iv) the schedule for Watering specified areas within the golf course operation for each of Restrictions Stages 1-3;

(v) that the golf course will report its actual water use to the Municipal Engineer not less than once per month when Stage 1 Restrictions or Stage 2 Restrictions are in force, and not less than once every two weeks when Stage 3 Restrictions are in force;

(vi) such other information or commitments, conditions or restrictions as the Municipal Engineer may require.

(j) The Municipal Engineer may approve a proposed Water Use Plan in whole or in part, and may amend the proposed Water Use Plan, or add such other or further commitments, conditions and restrictions as the Municipal Engineer considers advisable, if and to the extent the approval or amendment is consistent with a District golf course water regulation bylaw.

(k) If the golf course operator consents to adopt a Water Use Plan approved by the Municipal Engineer it shall signify such consent in writing, specifying the date on which the golf course operator will adopt the Water Use Plan, in which case the Water Use Plan shall come into force for that golf course on the later of the date specified in the notice of consent, or the date on which the Municipal Engineer receives the written notice of consent.

(l) If the golf course operator does not consent to adopt the Water Use Plan approved by the Municipal Engineer, the Water Use Plan shall be of no force or effect and the golf course is subject to paragraphs (e) to (h).

(m) If a Water Use Plan is in force for a golf course operation, the golf course operator must comply with all conditions and restrictions set out in the Water Use Plan.

(n) The Municipal Engineer may terminate or suspend a Water Use Plan by notifying the golf course operator in writing at least seven days before the termination date.

(o) A golf course operator may terminate a Water Use Plan by notifying the Municipal Engineer in writing, in which case the Water Use Plan is terminated on the later of the date specified in the notice, or the date on which the Municipal Engineer receives the notice.

(p) A Person who has installed a new Lawn, either by placing sod or turf or by seeding, or who has installed new landscaping on a substantial part of the outdoor portion of a premises may apply to the Municipal Engineer for a Permit authorizing the Person to Water the new Lawn and new landscaping when Stage 1 Restrictions or Stage 2 Restrictions are in force, at times specified in the Permit, at the premises described in the Permit, during the currency of the Permit. A Permit does not exempt the holder from Stage 3 Restrictions or Stage 4 Restrictions.

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(q) The Municipal Engineer, upon being satisfied that an applicant qualifies under paragraph (p), must issue a Permit to the applicant upon payment of a fee in the amount of $30.00.

(r) A Permit issued under paragraph (q) shall be affixed to a post facing the street serving the premises, beside the principal driveway from the street to the premises.

(s) A Permit issued under paragraph (q) shall expire and be of no force or effect 21 days after the date of its issue, unless the Person has been issued an extension under paragraph (t).

(t) Before or after the expiration of a Permit issued under subsection 5.2 a Person may apply for one extension of the Permit on the same terms and conditions as may be imposed under paragraph (q). Such an extension shall end on or before 42 days from the date of the issue of the Permit under paragraph (q).

(u) Every Person who violates or contravenes any of the provisions of this bylaw, or suffers or allows to be done any act or thing that violates or contravenes this bylaw, commits an offence.

(v) A prosecution under this section may be commenced by:

(i) proceedings under Division 3 of Part 8, of the Community Charter; or

(ii) prosecution of the offence in accordance with the Offence Act.

(w) Subject to paragraph (x), if a prosecution is commenced pursuant to sub-paragraph (v)(ii), upon conviction the offender will be liable to pay a fine:

(i) for a first conviction for an offence, of not more than $10,000 and not less than $3000;

(ii) for a second or subsequent conviction for an offence, of not more than $10,000 and not less than $5000 for each offence.

(x) If a prosecution is commenced against a commercial entity under sub-paragraph (v)(ii) for an offence committed while Stage 4 restrictions are in effect, whether or not a Water Use Plan is in effect for the offender, upon conviction that Person will be liable to pay a fine of not less than $5000.

(y) Sub-paragraph (w)(ii) applies whether or not a second or subsequent conviction is for conduct that preceded the conduct that is the subject matter of the prosecution then before the court.

(z) If an offence under this section continues for more than one day, separate fines each not exceeding the maximum fine for that offence may be imposed for each day or part of it in respect of which the offence occurs or continues.


28. No person (not in the employ of The Corporation) shall use water at any time supplied by The Corporation for the purpose of sprinkling any street or lane or public thoroughfare; provided that nothing in this Section shall prevent any person from sprinkling or watering that portion of any boulevard immediately adjoining his premises; provided such sprinkling shall be done in conformance with the preceding Sections.

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Keeping Service Pipes Etc. In Good Order 29. All persons shall keep their service pipes, stopcocks and other fixtures on their own premises inside

the line of the street, in good order and repair, and protect them from frost at their own risk and expense; and when a house is vacated, the stopcock on the inside wall of the building shall be turned off by the party leaving the house, or by the owner.

Frozen Pipes 30. Deleted. (4967) Increasing Supply Of Water 31. No person being an owner, occupant, tenant or inmate of any house supplied with water by The

Corporation, shall increase the supply of water beyond that fixed by the rating of the premises, or shall wrongfully, negligently, or improperly waste any water.

Selling Water 32. No person being an owner, occupant, tenant or inmate of a house supplied with water by The

Corporation, shall sell or dispose of any water or permit the same to be carried or taken away, or used, or apply it for the benefit or use of others, or to any other than his own use or benefit.

Inspection Of Premises By Engineer 33. Every person to whom water is supplied under this bylaw shall, at all reasonable times, allow,

suffer, and permit the Engineer, or any person by him authorized for such purpose (either generally or in any particular instance) to enter into and upon the premises in respect of which such water is supplied, for the purpose of inspecting the same, and the water and the water pipes, connections, fixtures, taps, meters and any other apparatus used in connection with such water supply.

Rates Or Charges 34. The several rates or charges enumerated in Schedule "B" hereto annexed are hereby imposed and

levied for water supplied, or ready to be supplied by The Corporation; and all such rates or charges shall be payable at the Collector's Office and shall be charged against the lands supplied or ready to be supplied and may be recovered in the manner provided in the Municipal Act.

Additional Water Rates, Meters, Etc. To Be Imposed By The Corporation 35. The Corporation shall have the right at any time to install a water meter in any premises, and

substitute, in lieu of a flat rate (whether already paid for or not) a meter rate according to Schedule "B" hereof. When this is done, credit shall be allowed to the consumer on the meter rate account for the balance of the flat rate, proportionate to the unexpired portion of time covered by the flat rate payment, and the balance of the meter rate will be payable from the time such meter is installed whether during any period already paid for by the flat rate or not.

General Rates Or Charges 36. The general rates or charges payable annually under Schedule "B" hereunto annexed shall be due

and payable on or before the date that general property taxes are due and payable in each and every year. (2773, 7141)

37. Rescinded 1972. (4203) 38. Rescinded 1972. (4203)

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39. Rescinded 1972. (4203) Rebate Or Refund 40. No rebate, refund or credit whatsoever of any moneys paid or payable for water shall be made save

as in this bylaw provided. Installing Apparatus Not In Accordance With Bylaws 41. No person shall install, place or maintain in any premises any water connection, pipe, fixture or any

other apparatus which is not in accordance with the requirements of this bylaw. 42. Nothing contained in this bylaw shall be construed to impose any liability upon The Corporation of

the District of North Vancouver to give any continuous supply of water to any person; and The Corporation hereby reserves the right to shut off water from any premises without giving any notice to any person from whose premises the water may be shut off.

43. The provisions of this bylaw shall be applicable to and be binding upon all persons receiving water

from The Corporation of the District of North Vancouver whether such persons shall have made written application therefor or not.

44 . Schedules "A" and "B" attached hereto are included in and form part of this bylaw. 45. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this bylaw shall be guilty of an offence, and

shall be liable on summary conviction therefor to a penalty not exceeding the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each and every offence and costs, and in default, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days.

Designation Of Bylaw 45.1 This bylaw is designated pursuant to section 934.1 of the Municipal Act as a bylaw that may be

enforced by means of a ticket in the form prescribed. (6476) Designation Of Bylaw Enforcement Officer 45.2 Members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Bylaw Enforcement Officers are designated to

enforce this bylaw by means of a ticket pursuant to section 934.1 of the Municipal Act. (6476) Ticketing 45.3 The words or expressions listed below in the designated expression column are authorized to be

used on a ticket issued under section 264 of the Community Charter to designate an offence against the respective section of this Bylaw appearing opposite in the section column. The amounts appearing in the fine column are the fines set pursuant to section 264 of the Community Charter for contravention of the respective section of the Bylaw appearing opposite in the section column:

Section Designated Expression Fine 12(a) Leaky pipe $ 50.00 12(b) Inaccurate water meter $ 50.00 12(c) Fault or use of water system that causes waste of water $ 50.00 24 Using fire hydrant $ 50.00 26 Watering other premises $ 50.00

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Use of water contrary to Water Shortage Response Plan: 27(b)(ix) • Restriction Stage 1 $ 100.00 27(b)(x) • Restriction Stage 2 $ 200.00 27(b)(xi) • Restriction Stage 3 $ 300.00 27(b)(xii) • Restriction Stage 4 $ 400.00 28 Using water for sprinkling streets $ 75.00

(6476, 7486, 8152)

46. This bylaw shall not come into force and effect unless and until it shall have received the approval

of the Lieutenant-Governor-In-Council. 47. Bylaws Nos. 1575, 1826, 1894, 1936, 2058 and 2215 are hereby repealed.

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SCHEDULE A to Bylaw 2279 THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF NORTH VANCOUVER WATER SERVICE APPLICATION Date: TO THE DISTRICT OF NORTH VANCOUVER: I/We , of , being the owner or authorized agent of certain premises situated on District Lot______, Block __ , Re-Sub of Lot , Lot in the District of North Vancouver, (being No. Street), and the holder of Building Permit No. hereby apply to have water supplied to the above property, pursuant to the following Particulars: Purpose Required: Size of building on ground: Number of Storeys: Number of Rooms: I/We agree to pay duly for all water supplied hereunder pursuant to the provisions of the District of North Vancouver Waterworks Regulation Bylaw, 1950, at the times and rates prescribed in the said bylaw. I/We further agree that the District of North Vancouver shall have the right at any time to charge for the said water in accordance with Schedule "B" of such bylaw as it may see fit; and, I/We further covenant and agree to protect and save harmless the District of North Vancouver from all claims, demands, costs, and charges of whatsoever kind arising out of or in any manner incident to or caused by any of the pipes used for the supply of water pursuant to this application, and to comply with all the requirements of the said bylaw as a condition precedent to the granting of this application. DATED at North Vancouver in the Province of British Columbia this _______________day of________. _______________________ Signature of Applicant

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SCHEDULE B to Bylaw 2279



The following annual water user charges shall apply where there is no installation of a meter under section 21 of this bylaw:

User Annual Charge

Single Family Residence $ 679.00

Row House/ Duplex $ 578.50

Secondary Suite/ Coach House $ 359.75

Multi-family $ 578.50

Rest Home per bedroom $ 128.00

Retail, office or service commercial premises • with living quarters, an additional

$ 679.00 • $ 471.00

Church $ 679.00

The annual charge for premises supplied with water for less than one year shall be paid on a pro-rated basis to the date of shut-off subject to Section 8 or from the date of connection to the last date in December. The date of connection shall be determined as follows:

• for premises where a new sanitary sewer inspection chamber has been installed, the date of connection is the date of the final plumbing inspection;

• for all other premises, the date of connection is the date of the final plumbing inspection for the first dwelling unit; for phased developments, the date of connection for each phase is the date of the final plumbing inspection for the first dwelling unit in that phase.

All flat rate annual charges are due and payable at the same time and in the same manner as the general rates and taxes. If Secondary Suite charges are billed separately, they are due and payable within 30 days of invoice date.

Any property owner who is about to remove a Secondary Suite shall give written notice of same to the Chief Bylaw Officer; the annual charge therefore shall be paid on a pro-rated basis to the date of electrical inspection by District Inspector confirming the removal of the suite.

Any property owner who installs a Secondary Suite will be charged the annual charge on a pro-rated basis from the date of the final plumbing inspection to the last date in December. Any property owner with an additional unauthorized dwelling unit contained within a building of residential occupancy will be charged the annual charge for the calendar year upon confirmation of the additional unit. All charges are for the calendar year.

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Monthly Charges

Non-Commercial/ Industrial Charges

First 1,000 cu.ft. used or part thereof $ 61.85

All in excess of 1,000 cu.ft. used-per 100 cu.ft. $ 3.83

Commercial/ Industrial

First 1,000 cu.ft. used or part thereof $ 61.85

All in excess of 1,000 cu.ft. used-per 100 cu.ft. $ 3.83

Special Purposes

Per Connection $ 970.00

Quarterly Charges

Non-Commercial/ Industrial

First 3,000 cu.ft. used or part thereof $ 185.55

All in excess of 3,000 cu.ft. used-per 100 cu.ft. $ 3.83

Commercial/ Industrial

First 3,000 cu.ft. used or part thereof $ 185.55

All in excess of 3,000 cu.ft. used-per 100 cu.ft. $ 3.83

A 2% discount will be allowed on Meter Accounts if paid within 20 days of the date of the invoice.

Special purpose water use charge inclusive of all works and water costs for duration of use.


Connection Size Connection Fee

3/4" diameter

In existing developed area $ 4,830

In new subdivision during development stage and prior to paving being installed

$ 1,782

over 3/4" - 1 1/2" diameter

In existing developed area $ 5,240

In new subdivision during development stage and prior to paving being installed

$ 3,548

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Over 1 1/2" Diameter Actual Cost

Capping Fee $ 808

Abandon Service Fee $ 2,600

Woodlands/Sunshine Water Connection Fee (A one-time charge for connection, in addition to the standard water connection fee)

$ 9,650

Where there is an existing serviceable 1/2" connection, the owner may convert to a standard (3/4") connection by payment of the full fee prescribed for a standard (3/4") connection in an existing developed area.

Where a service is to be abandoned with no intention of reuse the permanent Abandonment Fee applies. Where the service is intended to be reused the temporary Capping Fee applies.

Charges will be applied based on the year of construction.


• for single family residences $ 500

• for all other occupancies $ 640


• for single family residences (outside of working hours) $ 100


• for single family residences (outside of working hours) $ 100

(7747, 7817, 7874, 7876, 7914, 7973, 8022, 8090, 8152, 8194, 8269)

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SCHEDULE C to Bylaw 2279


1.1 Subject to subsection 1.2 of this Schedule, when Stage 1 Restrictions are in force, no Person shall:

(a) Water Lawns, except:

Residential addresses

(i) at premises with even numbered civic addresses, on Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays between the hours of 4:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and

(ii) at premises with odd numbered civic addresses, on Tuesday, Thursdays and Sundays between the hours of 4:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.

Non-Residential addresses

(i) at all non-residential premises Fridays between the hours of 4:00 am and 9:00 am.

(ii) at non-residential premises with even numbered civic addresses, on Monday, Wednesdays between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. and

(iii) at non-residential premises with odd numbered civic addresses, on Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 1:00 and 6:00 am.

(b) use a hose providing Water to wash boats or motor vehicles, unless the hose is equipped with an Automatic Shut-off Device;

1.2 Subsection 1.1 of this Schedule does not apply to:

(a) a Person who Waters Lawns or landscaping at premises described in a valid and subsisting Permit, provided the Person is and has been at all times in compliance with the Permit;

(b) Watering:

(i) public sports playing fields;

(ii) school yards;

(iii) the playing surfaces of golf courses;

(iv) turf at turf farms;

(v) artificial turf or outdoor race tracks where watering is required for dust control or safety;

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(vi) flower gardens, vegetable gardens, decorative planters, shrubs or trees.

(c) commercial car washes.


2.1 Subject to subsection 2.2 of this Schedule, when Stage 2 Restrictions are in force, no Person shall:

(a) Water Lawns, except:

Residential addresses

(i) at premises with even numbered civic addresses, on Mondays between the hours of 4:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and

(ii) at premises with odd numbered civic addresses, on Thursdays between the hours of 4:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.

Non-Residential addresses

(i) at non-residential premises with even numbered civic addresses, on Wednesdays between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. and

(ii) at non-residential premises with odd numbered civic addresses, on Tuesdays between the hours of 1:00 and 6:00 am.

(b) use a hose providing Water to wash boats or motor vehicles, unless the hose is equipped with an Automatic Shut-off Device;

(c) use a hose providing Water to wash sidewalks, driveways, walls, roofs or other outdoor surfaces, unless the hose is equipped with an Automatic Shut-off Device, and the purpose of washing the surface is:

(i) to prepare a surface for painting, sealing, or similar treatment; or

(ii) for the health or safety of any Person, or to prevent or control fires; or

(d) operate ornamental fountains.

2.2 Subsection 2.1 of this Schedule does not apply to:

(a) a Person who Waters Lawns or landscaping at premises described in a valid and subsisting Permit, provided the Person is and has been at all times in compliance with the Permit

(b) Watering:

(i) public sports playing fields;

(ii) school yards;

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(iii) the tee-off areas and putting greens of golf courses;

(iv) turf at turf farms;

(v) flowers or vegetables at commercial vegetable or flower gardens;

(vi) artificial turf or outdoor race tracks where watering is required for dust control or safety;

(vii) flower gardens, vegetable gardens, decorative planters, shrubs or trees.

(c) commercial car washes.


3.1 Subject to subsection 3.2 of this Schedule, when Stage 3 Restrictions are in force, no Person shall:

(a) Water:

(i) Lawns; or

(ii) flower gardens, vegetable gardens, decorative planters, shrubs or trees, unless such Watering is carried by hand with hoses equipped with Automatic Shut-off Devices, and is not carried out using sprinklers or soaker hoses.

(b) use a hose providing Water to wash boats or motor vehicles, unless the hose is equipped with an Automatic Shut-off Device, and the purpose of washing is to maintain visibility of lights or licence plates, or through windows, or is otherwise for the safe operation of the boat or motor vehicle;

(c) use a hose providing Water to wash sidewalks, driveways, walls, roofs or other outdoor surfaces, unless the hose is equipped with an Automatic Shut-off Device, and the purpose of washing the surface is:

(i) to prepare a surface for painting, sealing, or similar treatment; or

(ii) for the health or safety of any Person, or to prevent or control fires;

(d) operate ornamental fountains;

(e) use Water to fill or re-fill garden ponds, ornamental fountains, hot-tubs, or swimming pools; or

(f) use a hose providing Water unless the hose is equipped with an Automatic Shut-off Device.

3.2 Subsection 3.1 of this Schedule does not apply to:

(a) Watering:

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(i) turf on turf farms;

(ii) public sports playing fields;

(iii) school yards;

(iv) the tee-off areas and putting greens of golf courses, provided that water is used only to the extent necessary to maintain the viability of the grass in those areas;

(v) flowers or vegetables at commercial vegetable or flower gardens; or

(vi) artificial turf or outdoor race tracks if such Watering is required for dust control or safety; or.

(b) commercial car washes.


4.1 Subject to subsection 4.2 of this Schedule, when Stage 4 Restrictions are in force, no Person shall:

(a) Water, or engage in drip irrigation using Water, of:

(i) Lawns or landscaping, whether newly planted or otherwise;

(ii) flower or vegetable gardens;

(iii) decorative planters;

(iv) shrubs or trees;

(v) artificial turf;

(vi) outdoor tracks.

(b) use a hose providing Water to wash boats or motor vehicles, unless the hose is equipped with an Automatic Shut-off Device, and the purpose of washing is to maintain visibility of lights or licence plates, or the ability to see through windows, or is otherwise for the safe operation of the boat or motor vehicle;

(c) operate a lawn sprinkler using Water for play;

(d) use a hose providing Water to wash sidewalks, driveways, walls, roofs or other outdoor surfaces, unless the hose is equipped with an Automatic Shut-off Device, and the washing has been ordered by a regulatory authority;

(e) operate ornamental fountains;

(f) operate a Water Play Park or water slide;

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(g) use Water to fill or re-fill garden ponds, ornamental fountains, hot-tubs, or swimming pools;

(h) use Water from a hose providing Water unless the hose is equipped with an Automatic Shut-off Device; or

(i) operate a car wash.

4.2 For greater certainty, subsection 4.1 of this Schedule applies to all areas of:

(i) golf courses;

(ii) turf farms;

(iii) sports playing fields; and

(iv) school yards.


5.1 The restrictions set out in Parts 1-3 of this Schedule do not apply to a Person operating under a valid and subsisting Water Use Plan issued under section (i) of Section 26, provided that the Person is in compliance with the Water Use Plan.


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SCHEDULE D to Bylaw 2279

INFORMATION FOR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF STAGE 1 RESTRICTIONS A Public Announcement of Stage 1 Restrictions is sufficient for the purposes of section (g) of Section 26 if it includes substantially the following information:

• That lawn sprinkling is allowed only from 4 AM to 9AM • That even-numbered addresses may sprinkle only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays,

and that odd-numbered addresses may sprinkle only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays • That these sprinkling regulations apply only to lawns, and not to gardens, shrubs, trees and

flower beds • That when washing a boat or motor vehicle other than at a commercial car wash, water

hoses must be equipped with an automatic shut-off device (eg., a nozzle that shuts off automatically unless hand pressure is applied).


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SCHEDULE E to Bylaw 2279

INFORMATION FOR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF STAGE 2 RESTRICTIONS A Public Announcement of Stage 2 Restrictions is sufficient for the purposes of section (g) of Section 26 if it includes substantially the following information:

• That lawn sprinkling is allowed only from 4 AM to 9AM • That even-numbered addresses may sprinkle only on Mondays, and that odd-numbered

addresses may sprinkle only on Thursdays • That these sprinkling regulations apply only to lawns, and not to gardens, shrubs, trees and

flower beds • That hosing or pressure washing of outdoor surfaces is only allowable for health, safety or

preparing a surface for painting, sealing, or similar treatment; • That decorative fountains must be shut down • That when washing a boat or motor vehicle other than at a commercial car wash, water

hoses must be equipped with an automatic shut-off device (eg., a nozzle that shuts off automatically unless hand pressure is applied).


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SCHEDULE F to Bylaw 2279 INFORMATION FOR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF STAGE 3 RESTRICTIONS A Public Announcement of Stage 3 Restrictions is sufficient for the purposes of section (g) of Section 26 if it includes substantially the following information:

• That lawn sprinkling is not allowed by homes or businesses • That residential and most commercial gardens, shrubs, trees and flower beds may only be

watered by hand, by containers or drip irrigation • That private (residential) pressure washing is prohibited, and that commercial hosing or

pressure washing is only allowed for health, safety or preparing a surface for painting • That decorative fountains must be shut down • That hand washing of vehicles is restricted to features required for safety (windows, lights,

licenses) • That refilling of private, commercial and public swimming pools is prohibited • That when washing a boat or motor vehicle other than at a commercial car wash, water

hoses must be equipped with an automatic shut-off device (eg., a nozzle that shuts off automatically unless hand pressure is applied).


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SCHEDULE G to Bylaw 2279

INFORMATION FOR PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF STAGE 4 RESTRICTIONS A Public Announcement of Stage 4 Restrictions is sufficient for the purposes of section (g) of Section 26 if it includes substantially the following information:

• That lawn sprinkling by homes or businesses is prohibited, including using sprinklers for children’s play

• That watering of residential and commercial gardens, shrubs, trees and flower beds by any method is prohibited

• That drip irrigation is prohibited • That private and commercial hosing or pressure washing is prohibited except if ordered by a

regulatory authority • That washing of vehicles using any method is prohibited except for features required for

safety (windows, lights, licenses), including at commercial car washes. • That decorative fountains must be shut down • That refilling of private, commercial and public garden ponds, ornamental fountains, hot-tubs

and swimming pools is prohibited • That the operation of Water Play Parks is prohibited


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