the development strategy of dublin. urban development and … · 2014. 10. 27. · designfor...

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The development strategy of Dublin. Urban development and regeneration of the urban district North Fringe in Dublin

Prof. Elina Krasilnikova, PhDInstitute of architecture and urban development, Volgograd State University of Architecture

and Civil Engineering, Volgograd, Russian Federation

In recent years, developed many new urban concept of the city, this Greater Moscow,Greater Paris, Greater London, and others. Unfortunately, these large, complex andinteresting work is no clear concept of the development of residential areas from theperspective forming of comfortable housing and a socially oriented urban environment.Formation and development of residential areas with the prevailing function is not in thecity-forming component of these concepts, opposite are solved more "priority tasks", suchas optimization and development of transport infrastructure, increasing the number ofgreen areas, etc.Therefore for formation of a "liveable city" needed an alternative approach, in which theissues of forming a modern and comfortable living environment would be based on acomprehensive, integrated approach to urban transformation of their territories.Creating sustainable residential structures is one of the main directions of development ofurban areas. This is clearly proved by the example of foreign urban planning practices, forexample - the Swedish and Irish.The example of the urban development of Dublin - capital of Ireland, which today is one ofthe cities of Europein which has consistently carried Urban Development Policy to improvethe living conditions of for all categories of its inhabitants, and it is primarily related with theneeds of the city to its sustainable development.

In July 2013, in Dublin were was the Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning - (AESOP). This congress was devoted to contemporary problems of urban development and new approaches to expand interdisciplinary innovative approaches to teaching urban design and spatial planning. Leit motif of the Congress theme was "Planning for resilient cities and regions». Venue of the Congress, been chosen not casually as Dublin -the capital of Ireland, is today one of the cities of Europe, which has consistently carried out town-planning policy to improve living conditions for all categories of its inhabitants, and it is primarily due to the needs of the city to its Sustainable Development. The basis of this urban policy is the "National Spatial Strategy for Ireland 2002-2020: People, settlements, potential", which was developed by the Ministry of the Environment and Local Government in Ireland. The priority direction of the spatial development of the territories is not an increase in the growth of new settlements and the concentration production and economic activity in the zone of influence of the "Greater Dublin". Region "Greater Dublin" in terms of population is about 40% of the entire population of Ireland, out there population comprises 1.5 million people out of 4,581,266 people across the Republic of Ireland. Within the National Spatial Strategy proposes the formation of 4-zones of the regional and national growth for intensive integration into the global economy based on the urban and economic development of cities of Cork, Limerick, Galway, Waterford ../

The main directions of the urbandevelopment of Dublin is a compact citywith the formation of high-quality urbanenvironment and good transportinfrastructure. The strategy of developmentof Dublin until 2020, it focuses on theconcept of "Smart City that promotes realeconomic development," it is primarily theuse of energy saving technologies toimprove the energy of the city. Creatinghigh-quality, socially-oriented, culturalurban environment for all categories ofresidents of the city and adjacent to Dublinpopulated areas, is based on the urbantransformation of Dublin, this is reflected inall strategic plans for the development of itsterritories.

National Spatial Strategy ( NSS) for Ireland 2002-2020

For example, in the concept of the urban development of Dublin 9 key areas are allocated, the development of which is related with the overall priorities of the urban development of the city, one of them is the area of Clongriffin-Belmayne-North Fringe (Northern suburbs)

We will be consider in more detail on this area North Fringe hereinafter
You can see on this slide the program documents Dublin City Development Plan. You can find links to the document at the end of presentation

Event Name


Administrative division of Dublin on the 5 municipalities.

Core Strategy

The main strategic directions of urban development in Dublin

In this slide you can see the main direction of urban development in Dublin. They are directry connected which the development of transport infrastructure. It provides easy accessibility all areas of the city and link with other cities of the country.
In this slide you can see the structure of space-planning development . Pay attention of the fact that in Dublin very few high-rise buildings. Because the city has a very human scale of urban enviroment of comfortable for living.

City Centre Green Routes

On of the direction of urban development of Dublin is create ecologicaly sustainable and sefety of urban enviroment. There fore, the formation of a network of green routes in the centre part of city -is an important the task of strategy of urban regeneration.

Event Name

Context CCotONCLUSIONSContext for the Development Plan 2011-2017

In this slide you can see the Context for Development Plan of Dublin 2011-2017

Building Height in Dublin

On this slide you can see the placement of high-rise buildings in the structure of Dublin. High - rise dominant markers are the main parts of public spaces in Dublin. Thus, they are to visually accentuate the urban structure of the city , but dont violate the general concept of the historically established space-planning structure of Dublin.

Context for the High Building

On this slide you can see a detailed description of the concept of placing high-rice buidings in the structure of Dublin.

Character Areas

This sheme shaws the functional-planning zonning of Dublin.

Key Views and Prospects

In this scheme you can see the placement of the key architectural object -spatial markers which define functionality of the basic planning zones of Dublin.

Making and Legible City. Key Space and Connections

In this scheme you can see the key area of Dublin and their interconnections that are formed pedestrian routes. This approach allows to form a clear and understandable for residents and visitors of Dublin city structure .

Strategic Green Network

Urban development strategy Dublin example of the integration the basic principles and approaches of the New Urbanism and Landscape Urbanism

An important element in urban development strategy of Dublin is the formation of a Green Network. Formation of the Green Network directed to creating an ecologically sustainable and sefty urban enviroment.

Main Inner City Regeneration Areas

In this scheme you can see the main areas of inner part of the city, which are in the stage of regeneration. We will more detailed discription area North Fringe.
In this slide you can see the 11 Chapter of Dublin City Development Plan. This chapter focuses on the formation of quality housing in the compact city.

Residential complex in Dublin Docklands North, foto 2013

One of example of the formation of quality housing is a residential complex in Dublin Docklands North.
On this slide you can see the definition of primary land-use zonning categories. Z-14 - it is a zone of strategic development and regeneration areas.
On the following two slides , you can see a more detailed description and characteristics of the zone-Z14. A marker highlidhter territory North Fringe.

Connecting Neighbourhoods

In this slide you can see the strategy of relationship of the city which the surrounding territories. This is an important aspect of forming a resilient and sustainable urban development structure.

Development of the area North Fringe is based on the creation of new urban environment, which is aimed at giving anew impetus to the development of this part of Dublin, on the basis of ensuring broad variability typological solutionsin the formation of the architectural and planning concepts residential development, related to the conservation ofspecific features and identity of the territory, which should be harmoniously integrated into an existing urban context.Formation of housing in the area of North Fringe is based on the use of the mixed integrated typological structure ofresidential buildings and is an example of a collaborative approach to the creation of identity and the identity of theurban environment. Thus the application of different types of houses in a residential area, on the basis compliancewith the stylistic and compositional unity and harmonious combination of different types of houses is one of themodern trends in the formation of resilient and sustainable residential structures. Modern types of housing, such asthe houses of the mixed typology, neutral home, communal housing, home-hybrids, houses, designed on the basis ofthe conversion and renovation of industrial buildings and complexes, create the possibility of typological variability inthe formation of identical architectural and spatial environment of habitable formations in the city structure .

Now, We will focus on the exemple of urban regeneration the area North Fringe

Dublin. Urban district the North Fringe, 2013

On this slide you can see the tipical territories of North Fringe


Prospective space-planning solution forming a housingestate in Belcamp Line Site - part of the district North Fringe(Dublin), which reflects the principle of urban resilient andvariability

Detail scale model of the part of the district Forth Fringe

Схемы формирования транспортно-пешеходных связей между парком Father Collins Park и прилегающими территориями

Urban development strategy of the Dublin is based preservation and development of a system of open green space the extension of their functional structure to create a comfortable and environmentally sustainable city environment. Therefore, an important aspect of urban planning regeneration is active inclusion nature areas in the residential structures. Examples of this approach is the formation of the landscape structure of the district North Fringe. Currently, the main social and recreational dominant landscape structure of the district is the park Father Collins Park.The park was renovated in 2009 and is considered the first Irish park built on the principle of complete stability. Opening of the park was held on 27 May 2009, and was a bright and memorable event in the cultural life of Dublin, since the park's opening ceremony were the Lord Mayor of Dublin Eibhlin Byrne and the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church of Dublin Diarmuid Martin. Park covers an area of 26 hectares and is located on farmland of medieval monastic settlements, which since the Reformation were located in the north-eastern coastal areas of Dublin. The park is named in honor of the once popular and highly respected the parish priest father Joe Collins, who was instrumental in the creation of this park. Since the early Middle Ages, the park was originally a vast natural area occupied by forests and monastic lands. Currently Dublin City Council continues to own and control the territory of monastic settlements, so the question of the preservation of these historic agricultural landscapes was one of the main directions in the development of the job for the reconstruction of the park. In 2007, Dublin City Council announced an international competition to design for this park. Winners of competition were Argentine architects from Buenos Ayres - Abelleyro and Romeo Architects (Ar. Arq.). The idea of Argentine architects has been the most socially and environmentally oriented, as the authors set themselves the task to create a "self-sufficient" public park. Budget for the creation of such a unique recreational facility in the structure of the peripheral part of Dublin was 20 million. Euro.

Father Collins park. Abelleyro и Romeo Architects (Ar. Arq.). Foto 2013

The idea of creating a "self-sufficient" Park Argentine architects and brought to life in the Father Collins park, is anexample of the use of alternative energy sources, which enable around the clock use of public recreational space.Father Collins park, is an iconic landmark of sustainable technologies in the newly developed area of Dublin. Fivewind turbines located on the central promenade of the park provide energy not only the park, but also thesurrounding area. Dissipated energy turbine provides all outdoor lighting, security systems, maintenance oftransportation facilities and water installations park. Turbine in perfect harmony with the design of the park, and arean example of a promising new direction for a sustainable approach to the development of the image of a modernfleet, - the unity of technology, architecture and the natural landscape.

Dublin, North Fringe. Father Collins park, 2013

During the period 2009 to 2011 the park has won a number of prestigious awards. In 2009, the park was awarded aprize in the field of sustainable development -Sustainability Award by the Society, in 2010, the park was recognizedRIAI (Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland), the best social and recreational space in Ireland, and in the same year,the influential Association of Local Authorities of Dublin (LAMA ) awarded the prize for the best park environmentallyfriendly technologies. In 2011, the park entered the shortlisted for the European Union to the best of modernarchitecture.Thus, an integrated approach to the use of modern environmentally sensitive approaches to urban planningregeneration areas gives a real opportunity to create sustainable habitable formations in the city structure.


Planum - The journal of Urbanism -www.planum.net,d.bGQ&cad=rjt

Krasil'nikova E. E., Rusanov V. A., Kuzina L. A. Modern tendencies in formation of flexible and sustainableresidential structures,- Bulletin of Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil EngineeringSeries: Civil Engineering and Architecture, Volgograd, - VSUACE, №35(55), P.275-283.

More detailed information on urban development strategy in Dublin, you can get:

This project is funded with support from the European Commission (Project number 539369-LLP1-2013-1-ES-ERASMUS). This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.[]

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