the desmos graphing calculator: elegant intuitive flexible free!!!

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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The DESMOS Graphing Calculator:





There are a lot of good reasons to consider using

the DESMOS graphing calculator as a tool for

mathematics instruction in TD classrooms. Here

are ten of them:

10. It meshes with NCTM, CCSS & TDS recommendations & practices:

• From Principles to Actions - Tools and Technologies: “an excellent math program integrates the use of mathematical tools and technologies as essential resources to help students learn and make sense of mathematical ideas, reason mathematically and communicate their mathematical thinking.”

• From The CC Standards of Mathematical Practices: ”make sense of, model, persevere, reason, look for precision, use structure, look for patterns” (selected words and phrases from the eight practice standards)

• From the TDS Transformation Manual: “In a TDS school, student centered classrooms provide cooperative learning and critical thinking (and) allow sufficient time for not only explicit instruction but also modeling, demonstrating and exploring.”

9. It is platform and device agnostic:

• Works on both Apples and PCs

• Works on desktops, laptops and tablets

• Can be accessed from the internet or downloaded onto a device

8. It has built-in interactive functions for display and exploration:

• Linear: six including slope/intercept and point slope

• Parabolas: four including standard and vertex form

• Trig: five including all trig functions and unit circle

• Transformations: four including translations and scaling

• Conic Sections: four including circle and ellipse/foci

• Polar Graphing: four including polar rose and logarithmic spiral

• Calculus: four including tangent and secant lines

7. Multiple representations can appear on the same page . . . or not (your choice). It can represent all of our four-ways template categories:

• Tables

• Graphs

• Functions

• Written Explanations


6. Built-in and student-created slidersmake every variable interactive and easier for students to explore and understand

5. Although the learning curve for Desmos is not at all steep, there are quick, easy, online tutorials available at

• Check out this site for things such as:

• A downloadable, printable Quick Start Guide

• The Just Add Sliders interactive tutorial

• The Tables of Data interactive tutorial

4. You won’t be alone: teachers across the country are using Desmos, writing lessons for it and sharing information about it with other teachers

• Check out these addresses for some examples of what teachers and students are doing with Desmos



• Just type Desmos into your search engine to check out what’s new

3. Putting domain or range restrictions on functions is a snap!

2. Projects can range from basic to advanced:


“We’ve finished conic sections. Now, use what you learned to create your favorite cartoon character.”

“We’ve finished measuring the growth rates of our plants in different soil and weather conditions. Now, graph the data points and work up an equation that will come close to showing the growth rate of each one.”


1. Saving and sharing work involves nothing more than creating a free Desmos account for a class, for a course or for a student.

Did you catch the slide where it mentioned that the Desmos graphing calculator and everything about it is totally free?

Well it really is free. It doesn’t cost a single penny.

“In times of change learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists”- Eric Hoffer

Without question we are in a time of change and we need

to help students become learners ands well as become


So, here’s my suggestion:

Go to the site, download the

calculator and experience for yourself its power

and potential as an instructional tool. I think

you will find that it is worth doing.


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