the - democrat (1895-1897...est to nebrasltans that are...

Post on 23-Apr-2018






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THE Thicleeth Year. WAVN'K, WAVNK COUNTY, ;NKBRAl:>K~.

Rail~ay Time-table; Mere Mention. -.-"-'-T-.---O-:~,8-T-.-P-.. -•. &o.~ ~r~s~a:s r~~I~,(.,gt'nt:zol~(tl"aft·t,-\.tr '\'~.II',",)tn~tNltT'~r~ \\". ~.-lvoty. 'Dentist,. Wayne, ~,,-=-c-=,-. ,.." ,.... . ':~A.II'I O •• 'rlnu(l pnuetiier:-j :r·~n;:·".)(:- dally" pape~ they read at other times. 'L. F~. Hunter Sundayed in I:.,., ... _, Ulrick Htll~ l'Il!'l!lt'lll(er 9·'J.'". J,.)t., -. . '. field. ~_.~J_~:_lI_. _~~_~"llllll~)(hHII'" ,,:w-¥W during the leg-\slat1\'e ses::.wns thS;y " ••• 1.1 V ... BLuUMt'U,.LLJ n~.\l;-('-(l-:.-':E.A.-'''I ~nust get~the Lincoln State Journal if ~~uatDr Jones goes to Lill'Co.ln to-

In. reponse to an inquiry Iowa Agricultural College by The Democrat in re/:"ard to the approxi­

, illi1tt:ya.l\le tif turn - and coal-for ftrei; ~7:~A.II'1 M! .... eti-. ----I tI::~A.M thpy wa.ilCall the news. The Jounia~l Ulorrow~ .-2: ... P.II. _ • fl.:ltl...!.:.! can HOIl. Joll-tl-T .. Bressler ,,,cut to (9m-

Fred-Stone and MiS"5--EUltl'la were united fn -max'-rage by Rev.

the following courteous and inte'rest·f·elle~Uo-t1-.-~~_-l><IH\j'f-<'fl>:pe­iug rcplys were receiYed: ~ , T. W. -MORAN •. \jott'llt. latest doiug~ of the lawmakers and aha-·1\<Ionday.

,~r~ted "brutty H. 1896 frequently gh-;.es the news one day Joho. T. Marriott was JIP from Wake-hart, last ~uesoav, at the .LUU1.ran AMlt3, IOWA, Dec. 29, 11l'i6.I·reo:re,,,"t

earlier than the 0111aha. papers. The field Monday. -flUE COnTT UWSPRPEBS. JOllrnal's Washi'tlgton correspondent.

:Mr. Autlin. keeps the Journal readers

parsollage. MR. W. S. GOt.PII~ .•

A. Hllton"1 ,sketch by (he oS Ii" I I thorou~hly posted on matkrs of inter-crmon zcr. est to Nebrasltans that are ftappening

---- at tile nabona.l capital. The Journal is mailed at '=;0 ceuts p~r 11lo~th with·

(Continued fromla.t week.) out Sunday or 65 c'ents:pernonth with In the spring of 1894 Prof.' ,Yo M.

~ SI.! I_t. __ .~~ __ a-_t:re __ at_._p_ap_e~. Martin, an old school teacher of many __ J _ years experience, who had recently Pierce Leadt.~r: It is snrprising- to become a convert to the doctrinc ~f note .. tllc.,Hl1, .. ' .. OJ, •• V"' •.. t,....a.;;s. ... :a.ll.QL_~'~.,y.~:. the populi$t party., conceived tbe idea

right sclthhucss mani,fested by

editors. in this conntry~ but of a

Miss Agnes Dorman is \'isitillg her par,ents at. Wisner.

The nabbiest styles of fall suitIngs at Holtz's tailor shop_

Titt:' grocery fakirs arc catching lots of.suckers about Bancroft.

R. E. Menor a-nd two little girls ;:~re~Yisftillg- at l\[alvern Iowa.

z\f. L-. I .. si$enrinl~ was. I1p from I ... es­lwl.-'cinct s-\CCJ:...tlle_~l!1LlJath,.

and Mrs.· Cosle \~isited over of publishing a paper in the int~rest of -that.-party, and intere.l-ed---{;ol. J"as. Brittc)tl in the scherde to the ex~

tent of the latter purchasing ~tlfficient type from The Delllotrrat, and in a

I)raska:p ub lfslICrs---S-:- T. -"\--ofl n g ",-n,,-j-"'"=",,>'­){artingtbn Herald tal<c"'-; the cake for weight ot shelled corn.

Yours Truly, being the un:t~unate possessor of the

short time -, above undesirable trOLits. \\Then lle llad t.he county printitlg ... _tax_1Jst.-an-a job work cvcl-ything was ali rig-ht, but THE FOKt'M-­

the g. o. p. didn': haxc .... 1. dead .mortal


.Mr, ~~~st~;l'S letter. is as.follo",vSj uIn response to your inqutry I have

looked up the relative heating power

. e0U11;any l1leet~ the 1st Earnest ,Vilsey of I-lyons ac~oUl- of coal aua corn and,fi~ld tHe facts to Tues'day jtf January at ';:30 p. lit: pauied Mr. and Ml-S'-, Inl. Ric1Hl-rd:s'up be as fO,l1ow·s: \

uProf. Thnrstorl ...... p.'!' 199 of ~Manttal 4.11 elegant line of non Bons in 1 11, from that town last week and helped of Steam Boi1ers~ gives the totaltheo ..

rN(~Al.r.·s GIh)e~N.\, furnish music at the Cht'isttlla~ dt,nce. retical 'heating eff~c't of Pennsylvania Attv H. I .... J{imball at("- Christma .... l\lr~ \V.ilsey is p fille violinist, ant1u:acite coal as about 14000 Bt-ltisb

was launched -with James Britton pro· vrietot", and 'V. M. Martin editor. The press work of the new paVer was done on The Democrat's presses and the paper was conhnued until late in tlll' fall of 18114, whcll Cl)1. Britt~)11-llnditlg­the paper simply a l,i11 of e~ pense gave it iHl:-------prur.-----Martir: the~ to work to orgatiTze a-sto.C1<"'Oftl1"'-"'-l'+>~.;w.. and secured l-)leQges ell.s~gh so that he

t\lrke~witl1higparents 'nWakefiei~d~ .. lftHT~h;e.r.e;p.o~r~~S~_fqr~o4h~'tt~~~rl~.'~'~~'~'t~~.~~'.j~~;~.~~~~~~~~.~~;a~n~d~o~f~;~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~ - . Pure Cf(l~--;' -vi~;;"g~l-r at tile

was e.nabled to go to Outalt' --.. --chase~·pr~sse;and new type, pi»ying a

certain percent.a~e down, the balance _~_.!.o be paid by in .... taIitllynts e\"t~r}' three

six, nine· and·· t-wclyc lllunth::)., A~­-thougli 'Ma.rtin ;I~~~~ ... ~ l'~ortl~ll a

.. ~~!E.."c_ri}Y;~\!"}.l.~,.filc_d, ~ to r.es1:raiii· ... thc county· from paying the bill.:.,. Such au action, prompted 'only by sctfis11ness, shotlld CilU .... u ci\'"~

ilizcu mC1l1UL;l".~ of th'c craft to point thefing-el- of shame at l'it1ch irre ..... pon­

grocery; just hle thlng fat­Fil·e.....lw;U£~~~··i;;--l.h.e···· "., r·· .. •· .. -········.·c·~t'ie~rlt'iclinfti."·lirf11flS-c!m:tltfiI5s .","t;'''irl-,,~~:'~~~~::;~~:~;~,~-~:,~,_:'·~;,d;:.:;;Hj{\j!~'llJi~~lelI.p.;~=m~

--flm'exponen! oftl"e Populi,t party. he I paid but little attention, t.o local matters, and the paper was not a sue· cess. Subscribers to the stock fell be­hind ,in theIr paYtlH.~nt~~~ the- i:tts;ll. ment payments were deferred, and at the ,expiration of abottt- a year o! bard struggle on tqe part of the ~dito.r and manager; the ~"'orU}n turued~up its toes to the daisies, and became ~only a remem!>_rav:c.e of the P_'!§.t, Pr_(!l.J~~ar­tin afterwards reluoved to Solon,


N. Y. Appll's $2.15 a bhL I

' .. ~-:JWGXT.T;~-(jN.Q~"ER\:'.

sible ~e\yspa]1er men who have ildut;d Geo. \\~ikox is pIHtilll·" in twetity no more. _diL:·uily to the professjon ,gav-~ it+-Hastings, M"inn., fc·r tapping

than lIas this 1l1:11l of protest and till. ,l'trnthlet" fame, t,o' J. Young.

Ponca Gazette: Th~ clocutiorrary entertainment given by 1\1'iss \Villiatus of"\Vayne, at the Presbyterian church last Ftiday evening is worthy of great praise. The program consisted of

-l?onca. Journal: Tl;--e---,uale quartet of this p1~l~e ~nd Miss \"illiams~ the WaY~le eloe\ltio~_i.~.h"<.i:CC9ml.mni~iLQ.y_.a. t1umbei.:of'P~~lca ladies J.!"a,<e all ef1~ terfaTri;;~ent in l:few Ca:itle ~t1e8day night. ~

Tetter; c-.:zema and all similar skin

Miss \V j 11 i a m s. a fe w-t<~-<), __ !'.G.t-W-i:-sn-€r-c-s:i"H'ltC -Cluc.lstm..lL8--1-il<;:"""",--C-7--~"


you are taking fhem. They g-np'ing, yet they act cLuicldy and most

educational charac;ter, althoug-h strict-1~ speaking one was b~t the effspring­

I and successor of the other. Soon after ! the fo-unding- of the Ncbrasl<;:t Not"mal

College five years aOgo, its president, Pco{. James M. Pile beg-an the publ'i-

thoroughly, Such hre the famous little given above for COrtI I tl1ay~ not be dj· pi11k l{tlOWI{ a~ Dc\'i,'itt's r ... ittlc Early rectl): comparable with those "for coal Risers. Sll1all in s.i'l.e, g fl.'at in resll1ty by u. 'constdcrabl~~ per c<.~trt. Some


a 4:column 16mo, devotcli to cducatllJll·

Norfolk News: Thel'c are ill the Norfolk asylulll 142 lI1<:ilcs, 51 f~lIIalcs;

- ,11 - purposes, bn t---=me- e&j'<><r-ia.l4'­

advertising the new college.' It wa:5 published bi-monthly, the printing done at .. The Detll~ocrat ollice, until 1894, when the goodwill of the College Journal _was purchased by· two stu­dents of the Colleg-e, Ellner Lundberg

before t he ~ exam i lilng"CC1iaot""'"-:--ftrc1~='" c~c ;:'''~ "lYcnt to a total of 19-3 inmates. Fiftt!l"11 deaths

occun-ed <lUring the biennial period, a percentage 03 ouly. 3.-,-0 Qf the w number treated. _ The legis~aturc will be asked to appropriate $113,000 for npcds of .the instituion for tl;e '29 lllot\ths ending- Aug. 30, 1899,

Doherty and H.e\,. lr:cin'g p, J.ohnso~, at Brownell hall. He 'Was then ex­amined by the BishOp and being snc­cessful there was advance1 to the priesthood 011 Sunday 'l.t Holy 1"~initv

and Dorr H. Carroll, who purchased church. Lhlcoln, and. returned to hi! type and issued the pa-per from the H'lr~ing·ton charge 'l'ucsd.ay,

Ci~ltiorl meeting of teacher.s!-

Emerson Times: A boy ba by ar­rived at the home of. MI· .• uld Mr. J. W. :McGinty \Veun('~cla.y last.

l-.llx\,.'d .111(1 Broken Candies lOe a III ., INCA].I:S GH.OCE){Y.

11,i8S;ij~1l1l1l·a SIH{IZ will attend the CARIT-OF THKNE.;:;. tt'achers' association at .oes-

Herald -effice. unde~ the name of. THIC COLr,.EG}<~ BUDGHT.

This arrangement co~tinlted for about a year when the Budg-et pas-sed i13to ·the hands of w.. E. Howard -and

For and 011 behalf of the' c1111drcn :Moines while spending" her vacation anrl relatives of the late Nrs, R. H. \Viibur., I desire to rct.u 1"11 lUrt~O nIl

Dorr Fl. Carroll, when its name was those who so kindly as'sisted and ad~-again changed to mit1istered to tILe, ~:yants of mother

'tHE 'tEACHER'S B l"DGE't" ng her sicl<ness and d~ath theIr thanl{s for the many <lcts of kilulness

and its place of p~b1icatio~ changcd be~towcd which will be ever rClllcm. Wayne to Winside. :Mr. Carroll

newspaper at that place,

monthly was ever a paying

in Io,"va.

<..~. \V. RAley writes more hfsurance than any otl~cr agent in the county. Yo.!! will find him at r£hc Democrat OlTice.

Miss Leona Hunter accompa.nied by her friend Miss ·Purinton came un from W...i.a-n-er last week to spend the holidays at nOUle. /

'fhe "Kood tiU;CH" are beginning- to be felt in Nebraska, especially ;:UIlOUg­

elevaLor ~a.rd-s. A number are being laid off and all arc enjoying the delightflll sensation of having their salaries trimmed dow.n. Mark lIIillcr of -the Edwards & Brad· ford It~mber company a.t Randolph IS

atuoug the former, and he doesn't find 'it neceS8~ary to swear o~~ from work this New~Year's day.

E .. Griggs has lreerr appointed

the burst


1"eave'Chicago every Thursday. Courl-. cil Bluffs or Omaha e'vcry Friday vii the Union P.aeific. No change of cars to Ogden, S.l n Fr-anf;ilSco- or I-loS An­geles.

If:Wayne w~A. Cottrell LeMars, Iowa, to build a telephone

line Hom Sioux City it - wilJ be wane looking than it is today.

::week was due to gross carelesslles~ on the part of janitor Jett, anti Ihe won­der is that the wholt building was not blown up. Running ?Old water int0l'a red-hot, empty. \miter has, the s,ame eJffect on it as shooting McKinley con· fide nee -into a--.;ank~busts t em. Mr. Jeft ought to m~k;e a good prohibWon

"""" L-~'-~re-r_-----sittce he believs in pouring

Special attention paici to ladies trav-~li-Gg alon~. -

water on the hert places.

I have made for. average ((~nt corn, taking the anaJysis ~(t\!en on pa~e 390 and 391 of tfle Handbool< of Expe-ri" men t· Sta tiotl \-Vork, 1893. and the heat equiva.lents of similar sub­stances as given by Dunge, would in .. dicate a heatin~ dfect for corn of abont 7500· Brjti~h rfhermal Units.

Hence, we may say that the_ heating offect of sott coal is pl'obably at leaso.t 13000-':'7.100, cqltal to about 1;: times that of dent cornL and may be 1300-623-~)~~r t~~~tit11~s that of ~orn,

H As the two fuels would ue burned in a stove tllcre lltight be a, difference of the above ratios il) fav0r of corn, oWJ"n.g to more perfect' Cl?plbustion of the latter. I d{) not tllink "lhe . differ­ence would be. great; probably the

effect of coal ~~ burned in a SCUJ¥.C_w-uu."u be_ at loast 1


As The Democrat understands 'the above it gives the~proportiot1ate heat­

quali~ie. of.'coal' al!l,rcorn, 'but

'l'lla-I'O Waa Nune to ~ow llis Shlr~ iluttons on Nor to OlLl'cssll\s (~ul'lY Locks Wllhnt\atll'ODSelahl

, (~ulIIlmbhel,s-iO(ikU'-))fhecry. j'-rom to the Golden'elate, ~rom

. l'COlllalld'l:\ Icy Mountains to Iudtu.'s so':rel GU.ij~tHj, ~'rulU lJu.n tu- llell'Sh-eBought 'the CllUnniug News Wttij Sent. 1.1'1'0111 .0,863,8181"

H1'~,H9,\\li31In~.,02.\I:)'j,42f1,OJ(), lfldl' MaMene Cluno MiHslvol:l ot 'l'end,)I'qyulPQ.thy, Tullio", Him lIow r:I.'hcy Would J.lI,e ,,\I:' SUde Him Down Theil' Uclila' llool' and Duck H!ol. in----' the l(,tulllmn'ol, 'l'housnndR UJlon l'hoUBB.nde They {'{lltle. {~nt 11 t he lI'l't~H Oal'S !tunnin,,­lnto- Wln.slda. WOl'e r,oaded £ven -Four

CarrmrlJiiI~ In':HJl'led }I'ollowlng:

"uUI,Ule 'tIHlH1~h~ llml'li i~ NoT, adAeRtIs. 1:i :1"'1'1' \t WI,-~. ric tluNt -wuNtluGalmaR'" l'lll)) uN'!'l liM J;I)TI:l ,teD-e, 'yot L'yeIt guFina llS§ IEMtuellHhl(', won't- YuU."

(tiul<hc-VII,tl'gc Jlim 10 ceot!!! B Une JJtt'lllgilt, upd Ulel:l~lIl'e nonp'.ll'ell.}

:\1()~tAl,-_\dverLislllg I'qys,

* •

with her arm arvund a cushlon. Glve on the

* ..

Speed and safetl' ;i're tbe wat.,;bword8 ofthe age:- One Minute Cougb Cure ,actS speedily, safely and neTer fail •• Asthma, br~richitis, coughs allG. cold. : arecu~ed by it.-P. H. KOHl..


. '';''l!e f~i'lowiog'Is a list of lehc:r\!<,.etc. \. re!nainiq,g In the postoffiee at Wayne;::,' Nebraska, . fvr· the_ wrek .. /tl1dlDIr:;'.

and it was soon after its removal Winside put qUietIy to sleep, while the tea:'cher's column beca1.ue a feattlr~ of the lVinsid~ Tribune, which paper was .sent to fill out the unexpired sub­scriptions of tbe Budget. About th~ time of the demise:-'6f.the "Budget, Prof. Pile res-umed the P11blication ,of t11e

Normal College 'Journal, \vhich has been prinf€d[ since July of la·st year. While ·these paper have not been sue:' cess'fu! as ~loney-' making institutio'ns, they have,' in 1!IY opinion, been of

'great benefit. t.o U.e- teacher.s.of the

Mfs. Fletale'~·· returned - with·' her sister, I\1is~ Da-lton: to Omaha M0-1I~ day-_eX~l.L~ng, __ and_ from there' to tlle Stafe Association ?r-u'esday

P-r·6f. aJ'd . Mrs. .

Tribune: HartyG. Knight unce"r promis'e oJ, tn,ar·

ruined Lid'a Keyser. ~~rds for ~ •. "",m[',.elre .is-sued 'but on the

not answer which would Qurn and give a certain amoullt"of beat for the greatest length of time.- -What we oS ebra-sk1tns_ want.-t(l know-<s . soft coal ¥t $8 per ton wlu keep 9-)lOUs.e warm for as ma-ny dctys as a ton of ear corn, which is worth just One rarmer 111alflfain-s that"coal is clteaper;'"fo-r the reasot;k tb:at--wherf1lle'~"""=!"-':.

Wm. Blackfgt<k,:Vern I)ela":' , Goodill, :!iIrs.

~ , . .I~

is hpi • poisonous- :11'(>3. ":-;'urt"l" one maY waru \Vht!B tho'lights IH'xt casp pf~" ~ , ~3.W a ruanwalli alonCT the ··\Yho is itP,j) sho asked

"~o. no," f;ha interl'upted. I ta.l~o t1te chair Lcs~de Ad." He leant"'d . throllg'h a narrow openi-ttg'. , mC're pT i jn(liec ott your part. '1 fOl"wHrd to sD~ak to l\1r~. Ives. This "Allan Spencer. Is my wife bete?-neH'r ltl~> ~tl0ng wO~:~('n~ _I trust 0' 1 was probahly'tho brother of whom ..\(\.a ",No. She lC'it twenty minntes ago.-bh,e .h~s b:~d troubre. but .h~;r st D..::.J..hnd spoken. He was dressed as a gen~ Her voice had the ring of falsehood. fiP!llt bas 1lfte(l her ab(IYc It. I. 1 tleman and a di!lmonrl s )al'l~ll'(t on, "I alll sony to contradict you. MJ

"Yery ,"ell!" he as"ontcd, \"itb , In- i his 1in~('r n,.!; he s.truked lishe~l.\"ydflr' wife i~ hl~ro nn mils see tJr n .. w:1...rd dTI::S"cnt. HI Rh~\l1 Dot be the I Dlustaebe, but somcthin~ in his man- ~t:\Iltly." ho returnod in an imper:ltivi tu \\l'l"lk (lnr ClHhpal't." nel' as Iw bent towards Ada madc AI- ton{~.

That \\:\s tl\{~ b'-'Il·wning. 11e: !:tn furltll1Q, .. IIo hat('d tho man nt "~he re!ll1y is l1nt h(!r~,'J Aaid .Mrs.. 1'J.wnlhs ago. I'~\pr Sllll'O Hi:"! tll1ll I on("{'. tC't it "n~ not 8-0 milch an at .. In's in 1\ coudtJatory voice. "1 aIll had lwrn dl itt1n~ ap,lt't and thlS

f I tack of the an~ragt) masl'ulin(l jca.l- sort'y--" .

ra<ll'sliip \\ith 'Jlrs, hcs was altl til(; Oll:::W, which ('(HnCS so readilY to the A sound of distress from within. rl==~~.m'Wllu...:n:.l1IL=..1J::!.ill~lli!.-E:!.j-,-.lJ::'~)(~to~'~IT~1Jtt~~(I~"~' ~h;l"~':~lC~l~"_!tftn I st1rfaec~ns 8 dec!, ,listrust an~t horror i\Ir~. lvcs WGuld have closed the door,

of the pair bpt\\ (Jen whom Ada. was but lIe crowded jn past her. "How I Sllud)'t'icllt'·d. Tilt) rna'n had a sinister dare you intruLie?" she gasf}ed l bu.t I air in spito of his gentlemanly exte· hastening through the opel!

-~-'~------_-.-.. ~ .... -... -.-.--"- ... --ct~f~\f0~~~~~~~~;~~~~1~;~~'~i~~~-·j_~~~~~L~;~~~~Ee~~t~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~'~Vfh§Y~l~,a~(~I~n~o~i~A~d,~a~'.~~~p~u~rf_e~~i~n~-+f~~~~d~o~o~r~t~o~t~l~le~l;eif~t_~,B~Y~t~h~e~d~im~._-c __ I he Saw Ada, wlth closed was Il I panionsilipi aad n.;:tlt"!l'abl(l. un1loly spell at the bendinO' over her.

-THE, GREATEST RINDNESS:-' A Pr"rry nook ('ov.r. I ...... PryOP Gh' •• Morn .. Pr"otJral I!julnr..... The ~ovp.rlng of boo);:s with ('bnmols..

Hon. tor $easolu,';le Cbal'JU-;_. sllk, or flne UJWU has COIUn t~ 1>0 n. I I eoD.lder tb~ blA'licst nnd Illost ohnr- positive nrt. lIy !UOUDS, or It, u paper­

.... tabl. of acts tbat klndu(>s9 which r('· hOllud vohml(' 11) ly bf" tl'nnl!ol'med In.tat .. aiid pla"ccs In a Ilosltion of luto SOHIPthlng rlCll linti r:.1nlJlty by 1\

.. "",,alD ••• the mnD or genlll~ .... nnd f("'. pnll' of C}(,'H't lwwJA n't hOOle. A vu1-IlDliment; who may hU\It', lllro\1~h slid- UIlI(' ('opy of "Old Lovt~ ].C'tterR" "-ali 40 &I1d untOrt'8t't'n mtH(ortuDP, bl\~'n 8(,('11 J\ot )J:\lug Il!;O which had IH'PD

p-;-.4'PlIl1'~d"~UI.!'AllllL!!'-'I!L(~.Il<1!.!.QI.!!.(,!'...!,oJ dlRllHtn~1y dc('oratl'd by the outer 811,1) _y. hi. tellaw reasons Wl!'i<-h~-~lllr rnn<te- of -"·hitt-·-tli-··'COtl!.,,I-H till. &r_' the.e: The ~:tpahllltJes or Bucb "sn<k>olor.t!" sill<. -On It the title ,.1'8011& to be emlnelltly IIseful Is been ,>mbroldenm In Rllljdl1ed tints. A i'fO&l The 19uoruut and vulger true l~w~~l"'.g J;;:llOt cUein:Jf'd the wor(1s\ demand, and should receive our IH·lp and fromJt n few·s,·altered forget-me­"hen tbey Bulter, but tbelr pOBslblU- nots were drooping. The elIeet wu Un of uBef\1hl'C'1!J8 are small by eotl1~ exquisite, nnd yet It 'Was done by no

with. those of ed\}('nt~d nnd rl"- exp~rlllncl'd (owhroluerel', .... _ ............ tIlen. llnd wonmll. rro euueute ... - ............ -+ ~~--~ .....

them and ra i til" lower to the the 'lah1!~ rs--Il grand clUU"lty; but Ita !'Uults must be more or less doubt­till. The tor<:h {lut by cliarlty Into

8omctim~g thc:r c~;cort. I' her? It wag useless to scout sue 'ng her hand. Herobr;,eathlng-opened his mouth to protest he c!c>sed iclcas. Tho trutb of them in other waG laborecl. Altan Was alarmed. Had it a~ain. le~t' his speech should sr1v~r cases had bee.,!! rro'\cd beyond ~3.vil. they inuuced ,a hypnotio sleep, or of jl':llnusY. Allan \\ as ill a fc,-er of ngitation. were th'8'y weaving some Satanio spell

t;radnallv he and Ada bcc~rne 8.1- The: mclodiouff w'5tf'lttn~ of ··:Fiirta. around h~r. I

most strangers. tion" fl'0111 the orohestra failed. to "\Vhat vill:1inv Is this?" ho asked. Allan grew restive nnder th.s regi· make his blo(hi tingle with dosire to "She Was s{'ized. with 8 peculiar at-

mp. But he k"ept np a show of good "trip the \ligh,t f~ntustic toe" "to the tack," Baia the man, with his fingen I f;P:l'its and g')\ the habit. of dropping tnPllsnre. He \vns carrying a good .. on her pulse, in an easy RE!Sllmption of I ill if) l'f'n .'\d:\'~ eotl",in, MrR, Dixl'JP. t\ SICZ II 8ection of hell "in his breast jnst the professional nil'. h\Ve tbought. i' i H\'oly littlo lady, who l'ullirti.ilim un· theu. .For a. rnomonLor twoi.he lig-hts nQt to aLllllit--" I men'lfnllv UJV)ll Ada.'s til'sertlon, "I swam, 110 hnd a. vjsion of Ada float.. \Vllh a glance of disgnst a.t the could !la'vl) t,ohl ) on ~sile was, t~cklB ing away beyond his rca"Cll and being SCo\HIJrt~l A:bn took Ada in his arml

'- I s~lghtctl mo. ~~~ !el, ~~~ Qo_rllG::-A"o~.!l ... .tU!~ dense darkness be- ni\d carried h~r out into the parlor I . wltll cll,armlllg 8.UdacICy; r tween loathesome, shaiTQ,,'v ,lw'ms oft which lie had first entered. - H"'8' thre-w 1 "')on rue J.llstly pUlHshe~ _ ~ _ L.eru.~~be~~t moment; tha lights i open the window, unheeding'Mrs. Ives'

~ Allan "'n~e~l under th~ Cl~nrge of I went don-nl and. Aunt pcncI...O:peap·ll-pre.sclIce in his grQat anxiety, and hcklt'ness, bllt declared Ius faIth ,that I penred "!,Oll- the 8£.'''' i.oUowed by trmd ta..bJ;i,,*,._hCLlJtICk LQC!Lnsc.\Q\!a~ _ ~~4 eOlllO baok_.Ql' l~cr fa, -N-u~-±"", ___ ll'~ltML.Ir.i§!) !ll'_9tgtlu_s,'l.-_~1l" "lOoped >l:ith\:.~ JO do so would pro\'e they (hd not be· in his month and the cOhtcnts O([-~lOt; lOS as if strllc .. ...,linO' aO'ninst fear-' rng tog-l,)tbl'r~ :'\\'O ~hnll ~et,·--whn.t I an express wag-on in his r.u:ms. It all! fn1 ~dd;. III) kne\;~son~tl;tng of psy- . '

IIno \-uil bllllg louud,_hQ saId, hOEc" I scerned tamo fUll to Allan. He won~ I[ chic~ lTI)stCl'lCS and aimed to concen-I fully. .<' . , '". _ I dercd "hat (he wcn-bsrd lau!(ht:r ana trate all tho spiritual fOre." !'. could ! As l\h D!xon \\:1:::> n charmml"'" COI.l 1 apnl<.1..u~a._wcrt3 for: J!.e f~mCle(l that mu~tel" to nullify the enl lllfluence

::,~~~~i4-.c:;;:" ~. P:1I11')!1 aud iH'l" hnsband a la:1!e-:l-:e-~-{"t •. Iertow pressin'l' Ada's hanll in the! which hall bNm thrown over her. -He

1-c~""""--"'lillllLlli.l'y bile,,,,,,, <t lx~ot ·'It;9' a l){)(.)r ... outlook for a. happy Illl llis o,'wn a~)~(>n?('. AI,1an actuully ~ot ! lvhich she could not resent, lUrs. Ivcs, lips, and presently, with a gasp and

. ......... -- ~Hl f~llow, who trusted her lIDpllcltly i glooml

lllsulti~g her by f<l.miliarity I spoke her name tendnrly,. kissed hel"

new ~('I.~r." Allan ~lwll('cr \\OS thlHk- I ul)~mlld Ihl'!~twn. \\rth her and lIe- Ion the other side trbeLting' him. whisp'er, she ope"ned her eyes and l\l~ .. ~oll('rl\'.as he-":l5 blo\\ 1y trudging g t,n .to \\o~lder If .t~b fl'~edon~ !l'otn. rc- I When'It wns light ngaIn Ada1~ face [lOOked up at him. ~

Broad \\:\ \. : 6:la~l1t nIl h wlw h nll pal ttes "ere I was unduly flushed, and she n~eJ hl§r "011, Allan!" she whisf)orrn., 1(1 am 80 - .... D&----+-=4i-;.:~:,;;'~'I1I1TSTIitt--cn-mp}etMv--f\-'t+t--&t----.lii!Jlsheu ~as no-..Llliudtlal state nft8..!J...:w.hltB_.f!~t.her fan ill an excited faSh:t*'lad it is ,'j0ll. 1 havo hu.d.. such a

F;('~ and I~Rdy to quanol \, Itil tw.; u\\ n nIl. . • . . I ion. The situation looked Sel'l0U3 to rearlfui dream ~------~--~\Oi~--t11<':1I: a~ ill' broo(lC'd m ('1 til:, (?'itr,tugc- \ ~~1~t ,11)(' {brl aiI~n p.all::£! after a tm~e! I Allan. Slldd~nly !\frs. hC5' fa co "I kJleW ) ou were in peril." be wbis': Itlt'Il1 b('t\\I'(,tl hll1lc;clf UI](I Ada,,.,.It a~ l.IS tllo new yeal ... ame on AILl1l] showed in prQhle, anll she lh'n'~hed the I perpd.

ben9'ffil ..... 'e to bp. thnt t~xt('llljpd to the unfortunntn g{~ntlplllnn, 1'ur In ad~

. 4ltlon to the liang_ of "O\'el·(,. II!' r,>d. the stfugl:i of nn outt~llgt'd 8Pll!:ill~lllty.

HARA A. PInon .•

hatl S{ t'nwd \cry· 1·1ti'!op:\f, tIl(' ('om· \\l,.;jlt'.t! [w ~'ould tltlfr-t"Yf':E a. ncw leaf. llair ot! hel' templc,\\irh n qnick, cbar~ j "t..,eo. Al('('k, "he is better," g:l.ldl\Irs. n~r thpy Intll. m:\d~' Ht the IH'gll1nJllg' y~(' :',:Ill b:~:\{'v('ll tIl(' n~{'ory of nn~tnes: \ actl'rbtie I~I'~' ,At:. that, m,()mC~lt In:os. \\110 had'l)('cn standin!! sUll, WIth...

'ift---t,+-1,ilwi",-,ll1CI'l'i""-+k"J'~"L.)·!~,·,--",g,),,--,~ l! ltlt1..l fllll.OJU to be c( lJll1.}:OS I Hl(,lItlty. I,\' ('a1rforl1l[1, i her hand l(',:;tin~ nn tho I-Jlallo.

ThIs city en n bonst ot mnny won"o1'­rill things. bnt one of tho most wonder­ful fillll IncoIlc('h~able stOl'!ies reached thi' ear or n l'~r.porter reC'cntly. The un· thor or the 811)ry is' a dlr~~ct dt'8cendnnt Df l:eor~e 'Vnshington' nnd his ver!lc·

18 uf'yond question. A few doss !lgo hIs dal1~ht('r lost n v~lll1ahlc ~:tr~ t'fug', 'Vl1en thl' loss was nnuoun('ed the entire fumily and even the- lwig-h .. hors s('otu'pd .tEl) grounds about tho 111lHSC ntHl C\'('l1 the streetsl for block. lH'.Y(Hld, hut the !-H~llrch ptl)ved fruit .. l<·s~, [lIH1 t lit' fltu'l'mg hnd seemingly lli:sapPt'ur('l1 toren'I". ~

The f:tlnlly whf'1'Pin the lO~!=I 'o('('llrrpd POHR.£sSl\r~ of n l'nl'g'(' nnd hnnd~o1ll6

tubby ("ut. r1'lw unllllul 1~ u -gt'('ft-t pet or tht' family nnd it hUli thp nUl or the

tire hUllst', OlH~ or ItH· hits 15 t.o

, w~)rd, \~ithout jpal'Hlsy.

"\\'o shall SP(I 1: marrie>d 1'" '\111'1'.1.11-

not ("u'h otller's~"tll\ Jdualit,Y/'

am q . 1lw "doctor" atlcllll'tcll to tuk" her

\\;1 isLe ......

"Keep off with your vile tonch.· ("onll1l::1.ntiod Allan \l ith th~ 8tr~)n.'!th of t~'n llH'1l t10\\lt1g' into hinl, al:)Il~ '\ Ill! a <.\c ... irfl to lim:; the other O\l~ ot tll{' \\ 11Hlow. ...

"You In1 ... 0 a sin~(Jlnr vi(~\V 01 the C~i'lP,!1 snid 1110 dnelor f'ileerfnl1y. "I w!~h YOIl !!,ood l'vPllin,;{, l\!1 s. Sponcer.­

bo ui.l.d .. cd Oll to o[ LUC rOulll

n Arb hfLd resumed her cl-oak and h~t All.l.l1 tnr~p(l to lVlr,\. IH'S, ,vho stuod \\' ill! a mocking 8 Oll her

SWto~ t' ~w .'pl' All 016 h(rd~ 1_1(" ~IJ glng' ~Wt('t! R", t ~ 'I'h(> blOl''H:hHn l~ JI'-l If! 1111)..:1

h.I~M ~ rr ~rn ttl( nll I,)~\ And }. "~i~ flom til(; \\llll h. hHIi 1 I/-: ~ ou ",,0 hI Illn 1 11g­Ana Ins!'Ilng } U'\1 good. 11 gill · Sta~. a IIttl"" golden curb hrl~l\l"'n.nh

(?oj {'sof hluE' Tho ,,10 ets aro listenmg flH the hn l J}

Ft(>pS of' Oll ""h~ '\\ hlte ro<::{> b1d~ VOIl 'W"-t"1 .... "Mt'l!":"' thP rf'O

-- ~~~~~;j'~:<:-rrOl tne faJHng or :) our f t t

~wt"('t' R"f'f'tl~

:\!l('~~) W~I~t~r-e <:lnp,!1l The blo<='son1 heHs al rm,:;: 1\'"

KIssES fronl the 1 cd lOS." KISsing J au g-ood morn ng And k "'-smg YOU 8,)<0J n gh

_ Flunk L Stanton, .h Chl~O: '] lit ald

Yl'5. UnkIyled Sl"l~to-tb"lIOraand_p" pedlbe tlow '-<\! ~-'!!rtller·. n&mltl_ The look. til. mce, the manne:r ot Ibe g'"

bad~, made the!'

ny-a recent order Boston~-enlt!l"~---­promolfe~anmg asalnst any

upl'.ght objeot durmg,.bours.

';"++t~ ........ ~ ...... ++t.""'''''''''''''''''~ -... . A Thumbscrew Torture to the BIGGEST NERVE Is ~ I f 'T'rA USE 1 SCIA 1,-, . St. Jacobs Oil I f It turns back the strew. -It unwinds the twist -IT SOOTHE'~ IT CURES.... , ~ -,. NO FURTHER PAIN. ~4 ................................. ++t++t++t .... t+t++++++t+t ..............

"- '\



The had sing-Ie dollar of the state's' eral' fUlHlin the'state

I .'

roubles? - ----.-"- ---,;;-- ---' -"._-WAYNI!.°I'lI!BltASKA, SiouxCi~ ~Tribune: It is a

W~OOLDIE, Edlto'f au Pub~ deplorabfu-fact that--a--iu3jority --.-. -::"~>-'-------'-- of. men fail in-bllsineN', but tbrre

It will be U'j comA 11" a week is consobtic)n iir'lhe Fact that

week ,we:' Texas Trust Dallas; T, ~ " with liabilities $2,OOO,OOi~. , o 0. ,'Tile Atlas Katilm<ll Bank of gninst

from next MondaY'. they have the right t<II:ry IIg;lin. . ." . .

Chicago gone into liquidation with: liabilities ()f $1,150,000.

Lockp;ll'~ &, . Co.,pf Chicago, Lockport, rind 1tollleo, III., Kiagllra Falls, N.Y.

cxce.8S of the mont',}" funu. 'bO/~Ot tell tJum to a POZiCPltUIll .•

"A Happy New-Year?" ,~ell' it. ill qU8stion!lble;

Chas. T. (hillin, who 'bas so ably edited the BurtoUlBR;has bt!en 8uoceeded by J. B. (i~\Itry,

No surprise is manifested over the report that l\lark- Hanna is afttlcted' wltblDsomnn.. conscienoe neyersleeps.

It is nQw_ beyond qnestion that Maceo's, physician had . his pn.­

. tient'8prescfijjHons~com pounded

at the opposition drug store.

ltappe8l's that Adv~nce Agent MoKinllly is 80 Bllcce6flll ill his

'~vOl!ntiotrftmth htls htlfr-R 11

her of at!eistanls at work the past w8fk.

. Please pay up your s\lbscdp­

lion to tllis fireside lUl:niullryor the oil will get 110 low that 'will onty get a sll1udge. Come, whack IJ-jl.

Christmas to Xll1ll~

would prof.anely nil me to .r. Chri~t .

ceive 1\ welcomo waa given him 1!l()() )'CIIl:S. ngo,

"- . . IOWa..W1l8 fifty yem's old Moll -

'dayaud Sioux, qt.y 'l'nbulle slly~ the hasn't 1\ gray hail! on it.

''''\lOUU'''. though, that

The Kansan of Pittsblll'g, KILn., :8agely remarks .thtlt to nevP.l: "permit a community to do for itself anything that a eOl'p(ll;ation c&n make monGy out of, is a fundamental ru~c of '\'epublicun-

"return of c'Oll4idellce ailll perity". the real owners of wealth ehipped'''all

iug prOiiiUTg$(TTh­

How COUles it that UtirtTeyl;:is' pia~ed~$ o-encral fund mO;ley in

Bid Ileazj,:elllluto flw followin{l propOsition

'rhe Van Nortwick 13:i-iavis, 1fI~ failed ~londaYIor

o positorie~?

What kind \1£


" no","" ,oinfO," •• 'n ,-SO .D~ WE). thought that a multitude were rr recipientH of charily. Even from ,The Rink of Sup!)rior suspend- . Th~~Co"."o\ntrauon o"'W""~l~'-: l~--t--~.-T·-lt-.(l~r-e-£'-ll-C-,,-,-H-(-'I-'e-'n-£-tc-'-I-'_0._1'0 all p!\i~l ill. advanee subscrirers. to T~!e' the standpoint of the philanthro- "~[allr cit<, the 0",,,·, .. ,,,.,,,i<'11! - '1 d d'

cd Monday. It is "supposed" wealth ;;'" fei\' hands """1<'",,"",, oqtho ])(\l1l0emt liT will furnish for all CIvil, criminal, matrimoma an " IVers pist It is ·d"plorablc. Every dell(}SI'tore \\'1'1\ be jlaid in fnll. farnH'r'.pn\',.'rty .. bnt.i,.' ;:<t,. t. 1l:lt. "".""'i'.l,·.n, 1 f 1 th f tl . all m

• - :'t.lits:'-' tlllltttorup., .itLproolwuie .. _.o_l'.' e e. lll, . fl salJle .o~ Ie. sm sn . . 11 merican citizen who Is honest . N rr. otlwr countnc. wlth ,hIT"r"nt .,.,'.'1 "1IIS. • ,

- The Laconia Car Co. of . , Thrr~ is un Co!llltry '" l\i~h "ivilj'lj" or 1\ "ease" pe·rcns~.Thltt IS if yon pn{y?ur~uhscriptiou inltivnuce-11l1d industriou~-al1d most men failed Mondl!)"; lillhilitics' $!l17- tion in lruich it is so [",d, ,'m'!'t.' hoth old flllcluew sl;bscribers, we wi!; ~gree to furllishyou It first-class

h Id '... h' C"h t ·kll~cl in arc-s ou . uave IS own 1'18 - (Joe. two wiJern nHomey to pl'OSecllte o"r defenl'Lany. cnse you wish to take into court,

~vn honl·e~':t-_:!J~~;_.n~~J~~r~~'~~~~'~~'~~~~~f.i'''' __ 1~~~Y_ .... _._.~~;;;~~ __ ~h,~.lS~·~i~~t\~·~J!nJ(~li~v~o~r~ce~s~u~i:t~t~o~a~~cn~s~e~fo~'~~~ll~i~g;h~w~a~y~ro~~b~b~e~ry~:f~o~r~.,~,~,~,~,~,~,,~,~,~-,~:,~,~·.~.~, ____ , 8urrollndeu by others of W hoin he oldest hall k crs' 6f Chicago, sho. ___ rt_ .. 0 N

j,; himselCn. pill't.-·- l himseif,Sufirhly. lIls hank failed, per CflHO, nnd gil'e leglll al1viceFH~E. The right to live, as the Dis; In Sionx City the Azcnt COIll:- USUl:tWS, Chaltellllortgflge Sharks, Rn,ISurc-Thing-Mell generally

patch has tiaid' repeatedly, is in- mClIced worl;; at t 11"0 o'clock. 011 '. p('{eu(i'YOljr_CRSe and it will .cost ,_

lIleveJ'Y-·lllau.-.. l\.Ild..."the~~ln1rtft'tV-nlmw='41lttlrith('-VVhTtll+--tilMmrrt:,:,~r--"';'[1~860. were them ge, mueh they will be forced out of the bus·ineils. . system that takc~ !'pportUlllty & Howe Hho~ Co., and later in alleged to he iu 'There 18 about 1,200 Uee HIlvel' voters living in ,Vayne county and away from those willing to w()r1, the Uay the Union r .. )r)' Go&d~ this nat.ion,,(loz· o'lly 700 of th~'llllt 1ll'<)H8Ut rpnd Th,rDocmocrat, .. _Our.Behe. me is to

('11 11l ii lionaircs. • _ 7)

is 110t only wrong-it i~ ll\- Co. dosed for want <if"" $2\>,()()O. To,lny thl'''' are plaee Tlie UemoCll'llt--in e\'cTY hmlsehold in-ihis-cf)Uuty that-belieVGSin' __ _ ('llllon,. 'at lenst 5,OQUand l'rue Democracy arid. Bimetallism.···-Do yon see the point? In good

probably UJ'any - I.ll_.tJli;<··St:.e~_ ('OUlll .. )-,--~ere to the wall at l\linne- mal'o. On this times tile sen ices of IIi lll\~yer' cost you nboqt Twenty-five doIrars

should bc no pauper ClUBS. j\. IIp<iiis.thlS we~i~; also a-bank at 1l1l"Td'iimmr'/ltltl--tlte- prf>S.~ctSca£e_that.:we._wilLha".e __ _ h Id I . I 'f uu im pe:lchab!e . . '

t ere WflU 1e no pauper c a.8S I Boatrice. N. Y, Herold. testimony 'Iud thenl until 1909. "You willll~ve many Trol,lbles to encounter before crafty indil'iduaiiiliad-liot built -HUI;d~~C"(8-;;f .lcs8erftiTrui;e~ oc- an -uu\,iiTllii"gwitjjeSlf, Early iu BrV~lij:''-pl'8iiaelft,'thtmrrorebeoollltl-'t~-I'ffi4Ill: Ilf the pest 1Illd--

'I I' 'f l 'lSH2 HOll. t~os\Yell O. Horr, tarill' ecli- d f lIt f L 18 . up unreUSOllau y' [U~~C or nues curred wbich ~c(Juire teo much tor of the New Yoi'k Tribune, starred newsiest pnl,ler ill tile county an fI W !I( vnn_ll:ge 0 ... Qur ega ureau, hy tlUestionnble methods. . space to lIltmtion, out tJ:Lprovj') that protection'did uot ere, It will do you good,

Of coursc;-it IS 1Yeltll1' ~(rf\lr- "Ilow do'you like H u~ at~~~~;.io~~r~irect.ioti· n very careful ........................... ; ................ i· ......... .. nish tQe stnning -IviLh food HUlll yo~'vl) got?" ~ census was taken in eVllF part of the it would be to let them pertsh, United States by . ........ The Tr'bullo'S. an·(f .... ili·e·Sulvatioll Army·deserves THAT TIHED agents, The lists

praiseior its heroic eft'orts ill wero pUbliehed­weekly in The

cticllI c.hari Tribullo'for cor-

If pilltoerats em'mot S'CD that a ChristnJ:lH day with porhaps lOO,O()() .. mendicHnt:; on' the

~trects of Cllll'Hgo is II menace to ~o"iety tlnd to th'JIl1~(JI\',,~, thn Disptlleh is sorry for Illntoer:wy,

t-lt. LoUIS pri~st ,,'lI8 d lip l"ohhcd ill hi8.clmrch~_

dOl not. at. pre';"llt pit}' fllr of reliahlo e:i,h bahn!'(". -- Lin­coln ,./ollrnal.

The edit(Jl·ial ill our ('ot(,l'lllcd

"Auil"hO\\: were. th~~ l'PRt madu?" ':rIll.' l'llOn;lOU~ 1a1l~1 grants aud snbsi­

diE'S to ndll'o;l{ls lll:ule a fl'w dozens like Stanford, Cl'o('lwl' nnd Ifuntiugtoll. The Budlkll gl'owth o[",yt'strl'll cities duo to the hotlHll1!.!t\ Rystf'm of forcing (levrlop­InPut lJ1:tlk n few hUlldrcd!'. Dozf'})s like Jay Goul<1 and h~s fellows wero made by the ~y!'h'lU of rnilroad wl'l'eking-. .Many Wl'l'U 11l;Hh~ by Rpf'enlntioll in

Speci.a! attention paid to faaner .. Meals at an hours;

GOOD,WARM MEAL When in town call1.n4 (et.a

. LUNCH. , In any Styl.

-"speculations all

pbn'c 1.0 be di~a8(rolls" itl these

era' f.ulI<lupon the shaky which arc ,tate dCJ,ositorie" dcs­iguated anu al'prOl'cdby a bo'!rd of \\:hieh the' pOl'uli"t. gOlcrnor i:; II memiJer. Thi~ is abn pro-

3, ·That i11 COlHWQUCllcr: of tho much W" ,!\T b . Rcpnjl'ing ora]} kinds pl'omptlyatterHled. P d N b. greatr'l' iucrcaso of populati0i-.and'pro- ~yn~, J."fe. OR.IIOr meH.nd I wil]d~ YOl1~ood. _en er, e dUCtiOll t.hau of tho lU('tuls, if there han

Everyhody fail" thc,ci claY', (,)I'cn tho feHows who I'romis(>.\-o whnrk up their suhscription.


beell lill d('lllOIH'ti~ai:i(lllf both gold Hull ~~~ .... * •••••••••••• ,* •••••• " ..................... , silYer 'would han' ghhH'c1 greatly in yal- -;-ne flillCO 1873. Tho villainy q,f mOI1O­

nwtallifun. lin; ill tlw' fact t·hat. all tho (hl<.·(~ll a~ an agaill~t tho gaill has l\(l(11l ('(11H'('ntratpd ill g'(11,1. By d(~p()~it(H'y law, and a~'" ~lI('h COI1- way of g(~l\t'l"al eOlleiu:-;ioll, I bl}lll'vll that

. . I' - ._- lll(llltlllldalh-!-lH-t fH-l' t·lw \\'orI{l is i-tllpos-tIUH::! ~{)lllC,lnOl'lt. Jut, as a 1l1:Lt- ~ibh\' amI that, Europe ollly n~ailltai~18 tel' of fact, thc'l'(\' ought not be n it on thl' COllditi01J that ot.her liatiollS do

not. In fact, if' it h; to Le lllailltailleu in thil'l CnllU11'Y nncl Enl~(lpp, 'VI..: lllUlit pr(1lJ~nc fur :uHltlwI' "hl;illkagc SO

J. H.GOLL, Proprietor.

-Jrcsh, Salt-~Smoked Meats, . '.


the people that .it is so dul! in , G()n. l\1aceo 18 alive. lIe 'VUti

.' Sioux .(Jity that business hOllse8 olidty,wolluded lind,' ,hpqrt.ed 7 f~iljUbt to make employment' llecljhllt hC.Ipigltt.l~c .!a~cii re~eivers. Tho Tribune ii fear- -

place of l:cfuge ttl r09ujlera.te ..

ful least a_~ ___ ~~~=t---::---1~=~~~~--=:--+~~~~~4~L;'~~::;'iii~~~iL!'-1l~0ri0;,--,;: 'them.

i'Oood"\d limes, you 'dep.,ltd:D1~re lipon, one's .

. of mhld.than upon bill W()i'l4tt ceil"eUtMtanee$; ::: .. -:-:l:t:;-.-: •• iS:jcCiln~iilJj~\ID""Cililfl~ie'ffirgii-QYt;;

~~largelya m&tter- ot l:.1U8g1uati~u . J; .. lind· . . fllith," . explains tl}e

We EineWines 'ai1fiLiqu6fs

.... ;. 1-

. ' Ii';::. ::Ifillar!d "ent til Ohio Aloud",.

T T '::~"~"~"'~-'~'-"';<!~'U'.l"'~+ __________ -t_' James Bdtton 'Went to ~radison )"e$.~ wo or hree Wayne" Wakes'" I Mr. aud Mrs. Art4ur came . T~t Were Occasions of ' up froUl SiouxC_~ty lastnigihLt(l-spenn t~r:C3.Y:

~ . y' 'fin Ft'JizhT W.iS in Norfolk la.:-.t OJ'ellt Rej~yclng. - e,"\" ear's ,Day Wllh r"latins. . 0\'0";"10(.

~i::o.~. O'E"-canor sister o:f Mrs J J , Br ad)' who u~~d tu derk lU'\Y~n'u~~. \~as . Comll1is~i\..l11~r H.~rrig:ft."ldt is lU

A HAPPY NEW YEAR. . I la\i.>ly 1ll .. H(il·tl h) ,l Ft. n(\dl~I..~~thif'"tti.'Y ~llY t~.d,{:. I .:\1 ;. •. \\' okh ~·"11·1'\.1 i 1\<,<1 !:,'r >'\lll.l.t ,··1 .\\::~) t\<· .C':\1\1 ty h'!'lll llf cOllrt lllods

~ ____ ~ __ , _ : ._":-~';. __ ,,-----L~C~lOOl ~as~ "",oltl: .... g~\I!t~' of, p:hi\\ ,-lex I '\F: I. 111 , li~. " . _ _ _ _ THE DE1\K80H.~_ ~~~~~ .~~~l\. ,~ t1 -:tt0Uua.-Y-1,"·-(,'-YlT-r:--g-. - -------.--:-t=.u1l-u....~l\l'~ltling Vi.H.',}ti011

tnany long. years. .be s,)'tlOnymausJ ~.\~nt.i~\)~d;'CHl (:~\~S l<l~t ~J\ttl1day l.:\': '\"; n; Bradf.wd and WilC Christ· ilrclush~e.

'tli and li"ran.k A. pear'born wilt furl Mt'~. \\'111. \\'right t..'tltt'rtdiul·,l ht'!'1 Wit!l his p'Jrt"nts. -----...., -

terms thatwJl1 ever hnd a happy l',,:-s'l Ct1111g'. l)llo.~lLl at SiOtlX City.' , • . ". , pon~e in the hearts of a bosh.'f ',ayne 11 l\Ii~" )'1~1n' -:'.ud The,) S, .l\.'l~ :,;t\"c a H E - -~.,,~:-. . ~~ t ,"" 1 'ft 1"~ I tue SClCutlfie adJU8tn)(~llt of _~~~ TM +1.... ' _" _.: ' -:-.. .• ~~ •• ~on an~. llH"t.' ~ .\:s. taeles ahd (lye-o'lases to

. ~. ug~_ raUl a.lll1_~hIi::g~_~!-lit!li ~~.~1:l1'1h.,1" yOltl2:'; t.'H'l;ix.~J~·flH~ Oakda1c. • .• .. ~ I ,

~lud claUl~ed_ "the earth:' \\ itlwut.l 't~i)~~ that '\r~~:s grL';atly Ct;j'J)·.',-L- -JOY and' good.fellQ\Yship 'rcig-ned l!U I '...... . '\~ill FralZil'r' t1'1" f: U11l HlI'lalJ;1 Correct' all "'Errors of

.. ~1zss. CnJr~l Phll~eo g-o~s tu Bclkyue ~('yt::ral ~.~l.)'" this Wt'~k. • prell!.e at th~ Dearborn residence. It Col1e:.:e. OH1~llia. ~rOll~ay. was a star party of the first 'Y,lter,I 'I" ...... ,., . . . .w Pro-f. ~\. H. )Iilkr r.s 1:~,1UC: froul

d h D . .l.\ 1;"~. ,,'('!Il~ Spt:':ll'S 1:-; tcaci1ln,r llltH'! R .

an. t e ~U1ocrat scribe tltust f.liI, mil('~ L'a::.t, ~ .. uudolph f~)r the lwlida)~. miserably, In attempting- t1.1 expn'~:s 1 _.. PIOf. .. \: H.~ Sheldon of the Pilg-cr

thehl. eyesight 01' glns:5cs oltU1tH(t+---··----'\l~.·

sec I;im. Chiluren' and-colli

one o~ the .harpiest'-~CC;~SiOUS C\'L-r ~~·l~~t:~:~I..:::~ll~~'<~h ~(lillt1C'r p,arty Tll~~· t;l1Y l~ \\'ll11l1r and ,r .. ~[ "'-ri,,?ht e:ttedeus€s a spceialt.v. the "fullness'l of his appn.'ciabon of I I'lOf. and ~lr:s PI1e cntel'ta11let.! '<1 Sdl0til." \'i~itcd hen:- :\Jot1da~.

expenencedlnthesopal hfe of our ~ ,.. • .• ~ ~",,~.,.,... I\\~-h' \\.I'l!l' ,\tt'lr!l('\'~' ilr\\'il'l::o.1dL' I":x:l!nintttion~ FI·(~l~. city. ~ ~ , :rIle \\ 11l~thng-:' <':l,uJ~<l'l,i their Tl1<..';'::itl~ty. - ~' " H('l~n~l\'<","'-

The spacious and handsome parlur::. II fl'l<.nd", ,yen:' r\.. Jally l'llt('l ;'{I[jC(l1.~II~""-1 ~.', -~-~'-'- - -.---~- -----\-l-l'ol..~('\I\\Il~tol\.llc\U1,\lI\1. of ~Ir. Dearborn's residence arc most l l1i'~ L~(,l1illg' ~hy l\!r~. N,,'ls. ~;l :.d·,:t:'y I;, );,~:l ( ~ll::Hl.:~ h~111,l,I\ •• ~tl, (j1,1 (kUl,OI~al' Dr. W,'\~:-\o,l\.d\·\ft\!'\t. fin-- 1- d .. s l'r,lUI\l'ui'c""'II "/-:.111l"ll100' 1I1.,'t.\ .. 'lh-lo1,uj .• (.l.'11hr1thL:-.l\f(,;ld~t

lng ya apte-d to C"l1tertall11111! --w J,'~' ~.\!'- 1\\, :tlt: .dd)._ Frank's g-enial and g-cuer ... ,us 'hO~I'i- ~aml's . .ltll nelT--nl~fil,'IT:l1d :line (it \ tality with his -fnends -can- u-n-ty-bc tI:t' ten. 1:\·in:-.i(~t' rl iihl1l'c: lh--'ll. .lllt1 l\l.\~ commented on in terlll~ of prJ.lhc. ~rr. :\l~~kr ;ul'lvl'c11d:-.t Sdtm':l,ty Tura vhit

_~ __ !f:arborn·was ably assisted in rec(>i\'~ !.lr;..;,c 1111mb( r \\fth ~ht: II. I":. :\Iir1I.'r 'f,\mi:.\.

in~r'~~!~~~:~~~~:::~~~~~~;~~~~:i'~~~:~~:~::~~:::~?~~~~~~:~~~~~;~!r.:::~~:~,~~~~:~~,~~~,:~~~-~;~,~~~-ti~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;S2~~~-------::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~--~~lJ Et~tin Perrine anc" Dell Blan~hard Fitteen tables accomU1odateQ, the bi.rlJ O.r:1(h

five players, and the game 'was k<.~"'pt -~-w;th grm-f~est,--=nlf"t'r1u~l1g1ed

with H~vanas; lemonatiC', <. t('. (wti}

10:30 when covers were 1ailt and .l

sumptuous repastservetl. In t1h~ l':ltd

\/\Jolltest M«jssrs HCllry Ley, \Yill "~it­! t-er .. John Gaertncl', F'rank 1·'\11kr .LIltl

lS-lgin Pcrrin-c ca&h \\'0\1 Vi :~,Illl(':-;, and in the dl'aw ~11·. \Yittt>r gut first, ',1

handsome pearl paper knife, and Mr, - I4e,)' 8~OOJ -t'l- lovcly __ .£

The birlth of the New lear W.IS

,nen bid their host a· Happy New and Good Night· Messrs: J. T. Br~sslcr H. C. Wright C. A. Chace T. "T. ~loran L. E. A. Smith

Elgin Perrine W. He McNe~1 Dan Harringtoll A. T. Witter S. Theobald Ii". M. Northrol-' E. Cunnln~ha1ll H. Kimball

J .\5. BtittOll Dr. "~jg-htmat1 A. A. Welch

J. P. Gaertner

Ix. ~I. G,dbr;:llth

A. F. Brenner. N~al Han:lllgtnll Will Witter Dr. Hammond l~. Bllllter

"', S. Guldie' 1':. \\'<.'\lb('l'

Regrets were rccciycd from al-ld 'Vill Web<.'r, Charley 'l'lll'llcr Ran Fr~zicr. - --

Mr •. A. H. EllIS tn:l

:i\II~. s. JrL('ob<ll.l'~,IVt' ,1 pk.~c.i

h.i.t llUI1{lH.?f ~'f "~tlt1ng pe{'p1:-t" {'rl

.l\lotld.\.\~ ('\~~nill~ ill1ulIl,'1'(,i"I}lt' f"()llllg'

\'t:\lkgc' !'.tlllh'nt':s h'(Ql1c LII" ti\<,> lwL~

111'."f, 1'~\ erll Laugillin. 'l'h~obald, Ckll'cnt Tllcob.lh:. Horace 'l'hl'ol>ald. l~d\Yiu !3drilct:.

Mere Mention. lSq ,

Ju~t a.liU-lc ulder.

11..1\:',1. tlil"--i l'll'rllll1~~, i'li~ ly

\\'d: .I1\tI 011 ...... 1)1','1", \\1 ;,t :n:(lll

\ : ... ill'll tl\'l'r ~!ln.1 \)' III UH', :ty.

.1. \\', 1\I.tlw].u 11.1'" ",)ld 1'1" i.U'I!.1

11('.11 il)\\'ll jur .::..";. =-(1 lH'!-:t ,',> tt\ '1 i('1l1~\ r ... ~IYlllal.l.

TL\ lI"lll'l!':'l'r~ (If tl1~' d"nl \~ ft,,' Jdll.

tained a large number of laciIc'S ,yhile on Tuc~dtt). the old year ebbed away its, last fe,.... Dan Sul1iV,111 call1chomC' [rolll Dixon hour~. It was a large party in 'a Tu~:,;clay llig-llt where he ,l'ttcl1d~(l tile broader sense than mezc. number~,

and it iii not to be questione<1 that tl~c ladies ,.didn't play eycn \nth "the lords.f creation" gathercd dt the Dearborn domicile. 4ftcr a !e,'v jolly

- .,games of high five covers w('rl~ laid for the following g-llcstS:

MesdWl1f's Mitchcll, Wllllam ... , Fulll'I, JOtlPij Theoba.ld, A. T. and Will \-\.:.Ittcr.

---.F.--;--M--;--Stnith, L E. A. loLlith. ,-10l;1l1, \!l'J101'~

Wtlson,SwHIl. t.;llhert, lle:'lIhullJ, L(:y, ,,­Weber, Wl'igll(,IIt.wkert, ,,J'llll,,ll", ~n\llln Chaco, \\ lJelllcl', t'oylt', (h:u(\e. (uril\! :lllll

Mr~. McCleo8 bt Ch\cn~n,

of young people assist her in p~yitlg-

proper respect~ to the old year and a happy greeting- for the new. .

The Christmas dance givcn <:Lt the

JnllCl-al of an uncle.

",:\t1el')' tlf ::\Jd\:llllcy's 11')­

tUliuu..., "l'utltldeuce" l~"t(kl.'-i \\"ts ill

~ln~ cIty l.tst SaillrdLlj';-

(;, P. IIitchcocl .. \\'a~ G"llc(l to l~Jall y('~tcfllLl)" owjl1~ to :thc~ ~1Hldcn dt:',l1ll

of IdS" hl"otht>t'~it;-law, lUr, C,lrt ..... ~L

/ opera house was one of'the most joyable and the Q-i.ggcst- in attend,}llce eve:(: given in the citr, t--h1o!re being- 12,=:' gentlemen pt'esent and nearly 10n ladie;gs~,- fi1te''''toei!~hltee''';cl-b'~*"'H-j-Mu:'''..K;'t the fluor 1\oor were excc, 1~.'11.h....J~l!>!~~~~~_".".~~c-":~~ '!capt e~eryon,C: _Hon ,

four o'cl9Ck./ Saturday ___ .-.morl1

the dancers._"

~:;i III \. l' I t '\ ,

~l" ~ 11' 1 l)lll l'l \:-. "pl'tllllni-, her \'d .\tll d ,\ \ \\' .tL.cft "1,L

1~( ;, .L,Lll ~ICI 111 11\ 11~Llin\'1('w wa~

Oll "iiI" ~tr(', h S.I.tll1lLlY·

dallg ltt('r dot .A kxant11'la.

~lr~. TuUl lkll and ~·hi1<.1rell arc ,::pl'tH1i11;"; (,ltrisll11'1~ i;~ \'\'akcficl~1 wlih

he1' si;-,t('f -;\tr-., Jl1 lig(' lh1\'\'Il1,Ul.

Prl'd~'}li!l:', ~HIlI~" \ lllllj nillg .L1so C\ "l1ill.', ,\1 the ~\~, [,~. church ncxt

SU'ld,l,Y Llt \'kYVll a 111 il.t1d 7:30 l' til.

Charlil' (~()X f(lr~?l-ly _~f tlIit-. place bul no,'" n.ll Jan, la. is Vbltil-lg- -at h;·mo--·T'1'l"'"

hOllle a lid "'b'lking' hand:'. with. his

",;0<' " .. "'C';, or ,'"",,,,.,,,". ENOLT(;1l TO , I] JJ;_'11t \ '('1(' :1;1 1:!t 1 (, 11\J:l~(' v,ril­

e}''';, 1~'( J'I '.ddt,1 ~'I\l III ()U;, 11, i(l th'(, l ii'I (1 '1 " , ! 1,(. \ {d . 1\' (ll' IJlIl1H 'y'i~ t111'

1)1 l,'. II: -th' f~r'HI ral IJri{'(' J

--'-~ -,c'LJ;l;it:Y;""WN'O'.Y-A",~tv, -- ............ '"'~,~-.•• -~...:

A ~~lHllt":h UCI'lll,ii!'"p :,c\\"~JI"pel', Ably I Edjte~. . XI '\'ilj-; Ji:flTcFflrt,,;illg" t\llft- l'trrgt't·ssive-.

The J(,U1l\nl'i'\: HftlA-lI 11'-<.'l1t 1l(l"~~{'I\'lcl' Kl1d lIsltHtl,lY :il1eclnl'ft.:aloree _ .r-'

DIRECTORS. ' M. 8truhan George BOllah.. Frauk M. Northrop. Fr:.nk -F-ulle- ...

., . John 'r. Breeeler. Frank E, 8trnhnn. H. }'. Wilsoll, -A(hmeral Bn.11king Bnffinf'RA dm)f'l. Acconnts of Merchants sed }4fB'r~era·8ollQited


· r

&It KindR of Runl0rA Afloat In Re.. ladon to t,lip." lUukeup ~ 0" tbe

Cubinct. ~uaJ;ol" AlII ...

son Still in It.

Kt>l~ ~\\""est. DlK'. 30.-Havana. p:.llWr:S H'e sa, .tge in ~xpr-2$Sions again..-qt tb~ Cn.i-t~l Statcs r especially aga'lust tIlat '. 1olic:v- that pel tnlts 'fiUbush~iing steam-\'1;:., t,) It'il"\i' },lort, and also thf''1l'ess )f th,'> Am"llcall l)r~ss to prd~,t "am.'"­thing to tlt:sC'n."'ITit Spam;' :}.S they put it J:ha.storv ()[ th'E' Three FCl(~nds expedl-twn a:~nutli'd in N~wYork-1S used a~

- - --1' - .l tC'xt La I"U(,d.S l~ eSllt ('lally b1ttl2'l~

Canton, 0., l'Jec. 2&,=\Valll.t i:--we;-'k iwd S,Ht'a:-!tk m iu. {',-.mn1l'nt~ st . .lttn~ the pres;dt>-ltt-e-lt>et wl~l ph)bably corn- rh ~t a 'mt"lct-llary, l:d.ll~ prt's~ 1~ to menee work on his lnaugul'al 1\ddl'~::;~: ;\1 tnH I'nl half 1..lw "'J.l' lrmblu.1,...-- AI , Iad-. mRl_ .. _k~

np a.od otber afttcJ~S' of attlrt" wo.rkoo ,y themselves. When any Jl,ell)b~r or 1M hOUllebold I. II! meUlcLnes pour In 'rom .. II ll'\ -ts ot !I'~ worl.). aria 'iit ebrtstmas the queen Is th.:o reoipl~n:t ot lOme hUlldred.s. or ehr,stm,iS carctlJ, nany o! ,them Qf the most t'~p'>nsiv€' nil.

and it will not tnkt.' h.m many <-\ays to .\it.wl,s UlhHl tlw :-:uhmhs in ~l.nt.l '.~ ---'~:'~'-_-~'-":'-~="-'~"-""f-''''~~~ :.;>.1"'-'----t--''''>--I<, ~s-\\:clL.1l.x£.d,--1ll !\,.dunti 11(1\ \11.1. I'd.v,,"' ht'' tlal1~' .-J.r-~_

t:ure. "'~.

A D~ tublon has arh~E·R In ~cotch t.l.1untry bouses during the- la.. __ t few ,.al'll. All aportlng men !!k~ I"OrTldg.. ~Ol" bre&1c$ut. Now it 18 not a- pretty. ,~tacle- to see musta.chf'(l and bearde<1 nen eat porridge and ('ream; so now :ha.t delectable comPound Is placed upon , side table behind a screen, or In a lit ... IJe and when the lords or 1reatlon Btroll down on a Sunda.y 01" lUsh down on a week day to breaktast. ,ccordlng to up to date etlquH!e, the)! ;at their ~tlrltt bt-eaktast course 8tand~ Itg. Tbis fasl\lon reminds an It tile Russian habit of eating ~.~~v •• o.~,

d'oeuvre, at ... side table In room betore d.scert<1lng to the

Since U18 Invention of long range" rlfl~ (Una the--f<it'trea& et, Tn evel')" .ense of the Word, controls toe entrance '0 tbe MedIterranean, tOt at the narro~

r •• t part ot the strait there are onl;, Jlght •• n'mlles between Europe and At· "ca, and the IfUu ot the fortress cah

-~ __ • &0 ... "" .. 11. It· ......., ..... ry .... Jhe African short. Tb. military author­Ities ot Olbralt&r, howe-veri do not d" ..

. Hnd upon ,be trUliI ,,' the tortllloat!on& - "1Ol'DfOOlUnTll\illINcIf!1'rraru;i!.ll,--cor

IIlbroa ... there I ... Iw .. ys stationed .. I •• t of powerful ships wb~cl1 can be I&lIe<1 Into service to a""lst Id detend' Ittr the .tralt..,.allHlt tMofta''''''-''''.''II---l-,f a foreign powe!';

In LO..tovllle an ~rdlnanCe has been .. jIltroduC<!d p.".tdh, .. l!talif any tle'r80cn---I---: 'Ih,,!! Iplt or expectorl\te or o ... t. throw

Ir d"poalt upon &I1Y slcHwa1k tnr peW-..JI­ITtana, or In orLupon any corrldor, ,-esu­lule or atalrway. or In any public room .. In any publlo buildIng, In the cIty of ~utItV1l1e, retuse toba.cco-. IIputum of any emanation or secretion of the head, throat or lungs, Or mouth, be shall' be ruUlY of a. 'miademeano,r anrl shan b. lned notleDtnan $I nor nlOfe nir5-t~'~n::~~~:t~~'i!~~.~~r,~Ir:~:r;~t~:~~;~~l~~~~~~~~£~~f.fil1~~Q ~r e&eh. otrense,

fttln-s Uetwet"n th-e agelll or ;"i 18 ¥('ars -Is 20,099-.383. or thls number tht"re \\~('rl' .nroll.d In 1~94 13,960,28S \>\lll!ls In tho "Istrict or public 8£;hOO181 ul1d~'r the in· ~tl'uotlt)n ot 388,ll:11 toach.,.,.. The avcI·· tg"- iT:llTy-aUellC1unce oT t1n'-p1rrp1Itlf-Irl-tJIy-'m!:It!l~~cItl~~lill!~~3-!~-!?-~J4,---,,---=.:=~llil..l'l::I':l:.:::J'\iH'L::i~ __ -'--l-il1in~>hJJLllJ!Q\l

_ th~.e .choo~ Iq !I,20R,896. ----.-.----

Th(' New York health "-pthorlUe-. have lugp;t'sted that au a. me:lIlS to aid 1n P1e: vonUng the 91lrel'd qf COT\,taglolls an<1 In· fectious dlsea'St'1lJ th~ public a-eROGl chll ... ~l'efl bt" examlnNl by a corps of 1@ physicians., appoi-nted f~}r that S!pf'clal

~- P\tt'}:lflst". -q'hi-s--f»-an h-Ag b~pll- 1n- P-l-'.nc .... tical optratlon In the Boston M('hoois for ROm(' time, gl'('atly to tht) bcm'lllt ot' tIll' Iw~llh of the pupils. ----, ....... ---

The Eltatl~tlcs. ~hnw that since lil~t July the sMpment of apples tt.l EuruI''' la\ trlml 1:10000 to 17;),000 baIrt'l~ " wCf'k. th(> lotlll up to "D_CAU~.J,· 1 f'X­~ef'{llJlg 1,7&0.000 lHuTel~, which tt~r· 'QS$es all prtivlous rl't~OnlH, Thts fA '{JnH

.,r thl' Am-erlcll)1 ~IlFiJ~U\ for whlrh the ·0i:t\I~n ,1l~m.\nd l~ ('(ln~tl\ntly InCf"e-ns-

tJ'"~~-'."~ 11m's of thought he \\ lshes to 'i:"'ltt;~ .. nl1\\ Saturday nl:{ht nring cduht \.l< .. ·\~lup .lud the su!'{g:~lons tw ll-\.,""u,l in the. dty propN', \\h!l~> 111-e

t~ n:htk~·. ,Alter .:\lajQr "~~~~~~~~~~'I~~'--="*~~~:'!:::P'~~ c..ould..-..ea~lly bi! finished his adurf'sshp-" f.;t'(.ll. t l'xtr..l tr.uOl)S his urn€! to the wor~ of ~ e~tt 1 J,;1;} fut' ,J,ual'd duty. .\d\'\cps (rom admlrustratlon, an"t'Lhe may go south Artl:-'ll'\b;;a l'f'})I.1 t desultolY fightlng, a:'l for a. few \\eeks All order to €njoy a. Rlvet,l's tMn 1 nl<;ldt:' seVC.'lal dashes at shopt period of rest and cOI11.lli.Jra,dve tht Sp<lni:-;h I nlulllns, and in two 1u­sehtude befo,fe sett~ng out for ""ash~ i5tallct'"~ Innw~ed <"OllR-ldE'l"a,ble )O~:3""S. 1 mg-ton. Thp b,lttalwll of ('uena. ne.,lr Matd,u-

Major McKm]f"Y has. aceordmg to the d,' w. \\ R'~ ~h'i up\m by a la],gl.' Cu'ban -bellef of those who hA\e \\atch02d the :1\)}l't> .Uht l'l.IlYlpejl::d to rett,"at U!1(kl' tilt' matter clos"l;y~ ~n\li€'d no one SH.1ie ),11'. g\ln~ of thl' tLnt <.It ).IaninH1R .... It hh':: Hanna to become a Inf:'mb('l" Of ftig cab~ 1\\ \"nty~tt TIl(lH wTJUmler!. rrird--lctltf'l't,­inN\. It is Undt'lfilnod 110\\ V\.'N, 'that tl1(' Cuhan lLl~.-I b.'lug ,thout U\(' sanw Nelsl.lll A. DinGl(~y nf Mo.t l}(~, \\Jl} pIob- '1'h0 ~IM,nl>u<-1l::1 l()st n~ld l~qulpnwllt~ of ahly be made ~.('ll'tal'.v ilf. till' tlt"asl11Y. ll'ntH anJ nHUl~ .\l'1tl8 ami one gmllll Ow tng to the Ulh'omtnOll 1m.POl'ta11Cl' or foreign relatlons at thls tlm~"" .I, great deal of intelest Cl'ntE:'lS about the IJ08:. tion of of statE', and then.' lS KANSAS SHORT ONE ELECTOR

~\~ H. 1.J\11)On Found to Be a ~)(~St·l·tCl',

I"rorn I:h*" t.;UiCHt Artny.

charg~- -~

Out he is a de-serte.!", and leading Kau­W-ashmgl.on ..a.i:.torneY'S-SaV~ that.

"--+7,"~~':: noqlH::stlon that llndeI the con_ stitutIOIl- of Kan8as, "hieh prevents d€­'3o.;::ftersfr()m voting or holding offi.{,f', ht> is dIsqua.lified from Rervi~~

;':;:-ISU;ps'-wUl-"" taken to pr,"vent him ta~ ing part In the electoral college.

I • •

'!\lurder Case n~cnlJe(l. Chambellain, DeC', 30.-The de('iSlOn

Judge James \Vaymll'e The t\~o lQrm("-l~._"" have had ('ongl€'RslOnal eX1Y'I'lt'IlCC', and JudgE" l\IcKenna. was appoin ted to the Druted ~tatl~s bench rt)~ I'n KidEmt IIal­l'1son. :\Iajot' )IcKlnley IH~r.sollally

kno,,'~ JlIl of theRe n11 n It is tlH' \\ Ish of th{~ C,lHfornm. and l.lhll l'Plmblll'an:l from the far \\E'sL lh-tt 11w :;eerl-talY­ship of the inteI lUI lX" gl\ "n Olw_of lilt If

Alger N()t in. the B.\pe

Ex-Governor M€'rrIam of Minn'sota, General=Alger of MlchIga.n, HenlY C. Payne of Wiscons,l1, me a.ll strong cabinet possibIl1c1{,,~, but g< ogt'aphlcal eonsideranolls, if 11 )Ualng elsl;:', 'lwl.lw It imposs1ble th:l.t they all Hhould be sc::o' lected, It is ob" lOllS lhat If Sena tor

Schroedel StllL,--nc~d to l~nl1lr1.S..Qnment~

Ow ~iol:lx FallR pelllttntlary, where hE" noW 1"'. and Phelps \\ aH sentenced to !)e hanged, hUl d~p(l before the tIme fOJ thf'- ('xE'(u·h('In '.vlle- d02(teF-Th-i:flat Oll (Jof the Sl~t(~l to a\ E'llge the roUl der of her brolher had mUl h to do \\ .th the ~pe('d" and lE'ltntl('RS pros€'( utlOn 01 the men I'he cmHS of lh~ (a:-k, \\ hH'h \\ as bIt-

k~~Y' (;~~l~~<:~t'(;:Uti~~;O~l~~e~u;~ ,~~~~~ zl11g. but hal.l not completr;;d organiz­<ltwn at tlw tl111~' of the murder. It

blought su.t agamst the for thE' amUU~\hlCh hag-no\\ a\\alded to It b~ the decls on of

-'C;OIlU'''Z Pa!o;s('s t))O 'I',-oi'hu...

:;,rt\~YOIkt Dt:~_ :0, -T~ CUbMI_Jt!.n~_" __

\\c(>k p'ls:-;ld Ow ea5~c0rn--itoL'ha_at ~folon, g'L).ne,- \W-,,,,t Oth r advl(:(~9 from !jQlllt;Z i:;tate that the'" ----!lC~


An Ac~!)mmodation Train ~ F rom a High Trestle. ~-

__ !lIenty-SeVlm People Known

Have Been Killed.

!'I.HI)· Uoth('~ of tht' \ "·{ian .... ( 1 ('tUll

tcq,. 1!,~ UH.~ Burning- ('.u"S-r"·


Brought In {ot"

nt·~-Ogu-1UO.n.._ <th~uul Pnnucf'fhh' Tl_'k (h('(> tru.~ • \ cn~·zur.-lu" MaUer .

• " .sh,~gton. D('(' ~ Ohwy '\. sh u1!;)' he-ld So llmg (.'on'i:(>Tence with'

JUJ.Rtll Pa\Ult.'€'1'Ot<', til!' amaas .. ~ LdQr t't.'.Mivo to the St3.tU8 of tht"! Yeno·

('t"""w.~M;,"""~~"-+-='"'--=lti,,,"'ellt and the gcncul ~(>.aty -of btJt\\~n tho t:rnITetl Stam

1 an t Grea.t Bt'lt,un TIlt' 1 estllts or tho

I ~'()nft'Iel1f'-t' ~ert· guarded with thJ' \, ~N~rCl'~" in1 t t1H:'r~ is goOt\ 1 N\.son· to bt'-

)( 4 ltt,\(\ that It "as tho ocC&Slob t'or'GolnS' OV-\ [\'1 $('\ Noal new pha'S('s or the '\':ent'&uelan

f~ta'!'oItlon \'1I1(1h ha"c lh·\('lOl"C'Q. with tlu' Lx.elull\ or the oflh'i,\l!§. trOll), {"tl.ra('Q.s. " Tho om\·t!tl~ tlwmselvctol are -cxtrel'l'\coly : 1'1 ttel)nt and will say only In gl'n~r3.1 terms

tllll..futhe lll'osP€'ct of an acceptanco of the I titettlemt'tll hy V~n""'zU01a-"'8 good>- It 18 UU'" I d(lrstdod. how('\" .. J', that HUH e are Import­\ ant Umit:1 tlolls to this H.cceptancc, which I an,l)(la.r to_nuke tho ('ase less hop.eful ot

,l.n immt'lliate and 8atist'a<."torJt conclusIon than haa ht~en expe(·te<l The plan of"the l"xtra session or the Vcnezuplan congress

but the


-Physician and SurgeoD r

':-~~realtllent of galvanic and foradic , electr~l': and oXl'gen ill chronic cases

AU call$ promptly' attended, on­aunation in English and G.rm~ .. '

', • .t!. q. LEISENRING, M, D,

Physician and Surgeon,

Otl.oeovor Hughes a. t..oc~'a store.

·\ •.. '

, f Pevokd -to tl1~'; intere~ of the Teac:hen come amous la;rgely for what it : . .' WOYM County' , U(1e8 not know. Contemplating -'----'-... ' .. the wonderful prosperity now QUOTATIO:<S:' FOR, Tn E TEACHIiR'S l'5E,

vi~ible to the naked m'o iil m\:rh Kind ICrok$ and'smiles 80 loving. " And duti •• prolt),ptlv don~." '

IIh1l8ed MeXICO, the .Jolln1lll f('oIs 0 thes.will Ulak":the sdlOol-rooUl to ';'Xplll.ill.,' '1\l1e Seelnbrighter than the sun,"

, \, Then "ic,t us clll keep trying To dotbe'llc'st 'we'can''-' .

To make 'our school life pleasanL -For 'tis the wisest plan."

.' . /

~lon. w. J.'8~~yan'slrook AL,Lwho are}nt;rested infurthel'ing the sale of.Hon;

.tv.J. BFyan s .Ee~ book should correspond hn­,:,,,,\,.lIt;'.L',II,I:'lY, with the publisners. ) The work,Will ~tain


LocoIOlU'll'eon forlhe C. St. P •• :" 0: ... oHtiuI'e, •• UtliOD. Paolt!o Ban .aVI.. '.

the reason t,hat good. timE\s.~p- clear, pear to .exist inl\~exico is h~lJ,aus~: The; night w.hen none 'can work'fast

The Me:xica~ possesses."I'cl' cb~!tenh~d ' draweth near." , ~

~~i;~:::~~~. a:Il~~ h:" :~~~Of ~~:-"':: "Thitlk for thy self, one good idea. which to lay his blanket a'tid ten cents !tnt known to be thine own, .-in his·l'oc,kel. with 'which to purdiase Is better than--" ·thousal1<1,·.gleaned.

1"'rched, corn for hi. next From fields b'y others sown." 's subsistence. He toils not. "Is it .raining little fio'Yer?

Real Estate'Agent. WAYNE NEB neither does he spin. until the dime is B~ g,lad of raitt;.. '

primary would ·afford valuable ~",{r.",;"(m' I>hysio~ogical'stenci1 charts for duction on the black~baarJ llHly

bined cheap and would be a help in all' grades,


w. B. CONK[Y:COMPANY, IIPublisherS;-341·351 Dearborn St.; •• CHICAGO.

"<:' ...... gone .. nd he fe~ls that it i. incumbent To much'sun would wither thee;

, __ ... ,_,~ __ -. __ ...... ~.~~,~~~~x~~"t~o~P~Ust~i~,_a __ d.a_.,y~._._w_,_or~k.:t~o~~e~a~r~n~a~~c~o~U~Pl~e~!~'~T~W~i~I~I~S:h~in~e~a~g~a~i~n~;L·:LU'c,UOU',~,,_· ... ,. __ ~~~~~~Jll~~JL~rrLQj;r(~~~.r1~,~§§~~~====~~~~==============~~~~==========~==~~==~= But j .. st b'ehind it,shines


'SDoemakBI, no ..... p.Irl"l or &ott ,and Shoe. "wlth neat-

nl.1 .~d It reu"nJllh\e price.

This explanation will be inter­e,ting to those who are in !1 po­

sition to know th'lt the good timcs in Mexico lire eyidcnced hy \hat char.lIder 'of improvc­mClltd al~d cnterpri~e w'hich Clln

be.tho outgrowth ()L"ivil­It mil)' bl\ nf.interest to

liThe ~u n 's text is: .. Begln t!!;~.~~~-+.f1I1.QI:S.-"-.hllY..2Jllll~LbJL~;Q:~!Yi~kl-lflll~",,~I.IlUI-Il:-i~~"'I··;_o~l:IFI'l=llf~nrll:1I1I--" With shini~g purpose atlyway. 'l'he rains; HLet tears ,fall only where Thev'1l111ake' the world 1110fe light and

fa,ir." -

every tp.mUv withIn five hundred miles of Chlcaro may have on 'tl,e dll)' of ~a1~~a~o~~rn~::w~l!~perf ~o6t1.Dg thouaand.a of dollat'll to pr04uee-" not know, with the expiullutioll 'love."

'£I1rui''o'Lii1ii_,n_,''':':'-!...,..".., 1\lt!Xicau Hel'illiJ; 110- en;·'-------.;.;!-- - ~-~·~+m"~n;_;=:;t';;'<;1·-<:<~:""TlV~"r1fi>i1'.'-I--:;;:,-": ErfVEARFO,R THE 'DAILY. POST­PAID. ---------.--.. --.... -;-.. - tirely r~linbl~ newspaper, und I l'HYS1~r~OGy,-HOW 'l'0 TEACH I~.

one 'cel'tl1luly iu a positiou. to I The obl~ct of ' the study of phYSlOlo­know whereof it Bpeults. The II g-y is not to m"~c physi':la~S but to ill-

gentlemanly little Nebraska Stale JOI\l"IlIlI, wHich ~cems' ,to have forgotten holV ·to ~ay grace lor the' forgi\;eness of its own siu8;

A,. t.. .•. tu"it~:dent, e. D. NIT~!fc~'p~~ •• D. C. NA'lN , C •• blu,.

CITIZENS' BANK, __ , __ ' __ " WAVNE, NEBRASK .... _,_,~_,

Capit1ll Stock - - - - - ,$75,000 ",RPLua "NO UNDIVIDED PR?FITS '25,000

Draftl on'all Foreign Countries. 'Agen~1!I fl..1r

'. .' '., strllct chIldren In the pr}tlclpals WhICh Me,XICl\ll, H.erald Bny~: ' form correct physical habits, MallY

J..t is itlfercsting- to ~otc that just as1 chi1dren are o~~iged to. l~ave s~hool Mexico is spreading her before they arrive at the age 'whell

7ERMS TO SUSSCRIBERS: Da,'!!~ Onl,Y' One Ye!i',,, ••. ,.,,$3,00', S"I1!!.ay pnly, One Year"H..-o:.-S2.oo...,

.. ' .. Six Months"" ... -1,50 .. .. Stx Months" •• 1.00' '" " Three M9nths... .75 II u Three M.nth8~· .50

" at . One Mon'th. ....•. .25 at at- One Month ..•• '. ~5 Dally anc;! Sunday, ,$5.00 per year. Parts of a year, 500 per!1'onth.

Cun.ttl \In. St •• m.ohII>-t}1lK8tJl. -+,"-""J'J~'<J'<:"'''-,!.<;:''''!!.''!'..~

adopted- to p-r-ima-i'ywork than any inquiry into anatom.y. It IS better to try to teach the children such habits

=~'-=-,.=c,"=:.;;].-=,_-==-,=-=~ --+'finl"",,-a:-tnrtttr ot'-gettltlg-lItvltllmu!i m;":I-t'he-'ri~~Itt-"'hl,pe,"tll-a-n*~<>a,ch".h"""'H ..... ,P,,",p.tOO~,\iiii.i.t;il!l1;:.iJi""'i~i9';'~i:,~(,,;p.tHx c eedi ng l~,liQ w ip 1" ice s

,-advertise,nent in'a a 'good,~i:r~utation in your

immediate vicinity is worth mor than it would be-in a P!lper wit

or 400. It will pay you to in­vestigate,

of their enterprises, '1'hetreasllrY is ber anel nallles of the bones in the oll"all kinUs' ot Furniture During, the Holidays,. full, and a s1Irpius confrollts Its. Min- body. Rather strive to show that the .'- M" t Y;;Y d istet Limant<1ur find!.olo th~' finances so muscles are devedoped by right exer- rle u_res A rame satisfactory th~t he abandorts SOll~ of cise, and that the "muscle 'properly used the economies needed itt OUf Hda" of is the sfro~g muscle than to waste smaller ~hittgs. II Pre$ident Dia~'

ample.brain'is teem'ing with progr.cs-

Ybu can get goocl interest on on good habits 11loney here, and th~ trusts and Emphusize' the

combilles of the United :States have practice 'them in the school r00111. not.all crossed the, borcl,er "I"!.. w -A'pply the le8sons to everyda y life. sharp teeth set like a.paCt, of hungry --'i'lie~foiiowing is·something lik'" an wolves eage~ to" fatten '011 Mexican QUtlillC which I mal<e and follow,in prosperity. , _ g~ving my l~ssons q.nd Which -would

Mexico- sta:llds, a great, :big. lumin- do for oral1esso-ns in ntral schools. OUS, solid silver example ot 'sound TIU£ 11I'Pl:f,H. l':X'fliHMI'!'lF,S: goveriltl1ent, sound fin,att~e and ~sollnd 1. Give parts.-as arm, wrist, hand~ t11()ne-y~__ __ ._ _ 3. Give pO!:lition of each pit.rt. '

Whatever the gold ql'gans mlly 3,: Give conneGtiQII. . ...1 4-. Give pOSition and pal'ts of halld, as uO they CRllIlOt longelL keep the ' back, palm, fingers. Amel'iCBn'Pllople in th~ark con- 5. Give use of hand. cerning tho true cpndit ion of a-'1'o carry food. to the mouth.

. b-'1'o work, , Thlt countriY· IS en]' oy­

c-F"c.,r protection. ing a most remarkabl<l prosperity 5, Give care of hand and nails, <

while the United Stutes 18 only a-Keep clean.

'I ~\'iththe latest'styles of moulding, A uic)Il pic­true in one .of our HRndsome Fr~ines would makr all ui)propl'iate. und" cheap present, for yOlU wife-;-dllUghtCI Pi sweeLhmLLL.,

aim to Please in Styles and Prices. Price Il~Y goods, before -buying.

C. A.Wa tso ri~ L..6....otr...." •••.••••••••••••• " ••••• ! ••..• '!.._ ••••••••••••• "t,.,.

Palace Liveryf~Feed Stable ELIJoNES, PFfOPRIETOFf-:-.

Godd'Sing!e and Doub Ie ~igs at Reasonable Rates·~ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIV;EN TO COMMERCIAL MEN'.

~seI)f f.1ll' fiflIl'lIT)~ €4's er,®. ®fiZ(1)JflIl'J ®o30:1es ------- ---' --

waiting 1\1I,d W!lit,i~n~g~.a:-n;;d~h~o~p~c:-i~n~g~J .J[Q.Q\1?;j.<J'",nso~t.~I",IIt~I~I, ~j,o,!iinl,~t£",-;' E<!.~ibtm4.~~U',;~!&'~~~~~Ml~~~;;t:!'ill~~"'~~=~--~~===~~,~---,---.-.-c'-"=~=~=--==~~===-'-...L==


In "Boyd Annex. / ,/'

'You kn.,w·lt .11 C.

If you read'"'t1:e ~ioux Olty

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