the demise of enviroment canada v2

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 The Demise of Enviroment Canada V2


    Press release for immediate country wide distribution.

    The demise of Environment Canada weather reporting. Or a genuine

    way of bringing the Action Plan to every part of Canada.

    A new local model for up to the minute Weather conditions is to be phased in across the

    country over the next year, this local service is cost effective and will bring up to the

    minute weather conditions in the local official language of their choice.

    The device is to be made under the auspices of the soon to be eliminated or extended

    Action Plan depending upon who is in power.

    Material for this project is to be 100% Canadian sourced.

    The plywood for the device is from mills in Ontario,

    The paint for the project is to be manufactured in Quebec and shall be limited to two hues

    of blue, PQ blue and Conservative blue.

    The stencils for the signage are to be made in New Brunswick, Canadas only bilingual


    Brushes are to be manufactured in Newfoundland from locally sourced materials (Seal furallowed as long as the seal lovers lobby doesnt find out).

    The rope is to be spun from BC hemp in BC.

    The rock is to be sourced within a 1km radius of where the weather station is to be

    erected, to give local members of Parliament something to be photo-oped with.

    Only one prototype was constructed and found to be very durable and 100% accurate.

    This is a cost effective programme that will be entirely financed by the elimination of theEnvironment Canada weather forecasting department in Ottawa except for D. Philips,

    pending a satisfactory per calendar gratuity agreement for each one of his Annual

    Weather calendars printed.

    Local EC employees will be kept on in an on call basis to touch up paint on the weather

    stations; this hopefully will not affect their EI (Employment Insurance) payments.

  • 8/7/2019 The Demise of Enviroment Canada V2


    The rock is missing on the attached photo due to local variations of rocks to be used, and so as not to

    confuse local bureaucrats.

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