the epiphany€¦ · dec. 21st, 2016 to jan. 04th, 2017. regular hours resume on thursday, jan....

Post on 19-May-2020






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† STUDY the Scripture every day. In light of what I have read, what is God calling me to be or to do today?

† PRAY at least three times a day [Please add to your prayers]

St. Stephen’s Rule of Life

This Week’s Readings for Daily Devotion

Mon. – Ps. 103; Rev. 2: 1 - 7; Jn. 2: 1 - 11

Tue. – Ps. 117 & 118; Rev. 2: 8 - 17; Jn. 4: 46 - 54

Wed. – Ps. 121 - 123; Rev. 2: 18 - 29; Jn. 5: 1 - 15

Thu. – Ps. 138 & 139; Rev. 3: 1 - 6; Jn. 6: 1 - 14

Fri. – Ps. 148 & 150; Rev. 3: 7 - 13; Jn. 6: 15 - 27

Sat. – Ps. 98 & 99; Rev. 3: 14 - 22; Jn. 9: 1 - 12, 35 - 38

Readings for Next Sunday - January 08th, 2017 - The Baptism of the Lord

Isaiah 42: 1 - 9; Psalm 29; Acts 10: 34 - 43; Matthew 3: 13 - 17

Birthday & Anniversary


Peter Sarpong (01st)

Chinaka Keyi (04th)

Verona Foster & Tellece Woodbine-James (06th)

Housebound George Barnett, Dophne Bolden, Irene Canfield & Dophnia Lindsay.

Sick &


Olive Arnold, Arlene August, Alton Ballantyne, Dorothy Barnett, Sonia Bartley, Harold Beharry, Sekinat Bello, Courtney Bolden,

Coralee Campbell, Kathleen Ellis, Rueben Grant, Nellie Greenidge, Lily Griggs, Andrew Gunraj, Carmen Hibbert, Ena Hordatt, Rita

John, Torrette Knight, Felicia McCalla, Paul Patterson, Perlina Pitter, Kathleen Reid, Joan Singh, Joy Tennant & Rema Yellery.

Sick Friends

Abigail Barran, Rosette Bartley, Jacqueline Brady, Mohani Budhwa, Joyce Burpee, Angie Chung, Norma Elcock, Duayne Haywood,

Donna Henriques, Evelyn Hordatt, Margaret Hudson, Enric Johnson, Audrey Laidlaw, Tania Leon, Kyle McIntosh, Bob & Barb Putnam,

Claudette Roberts, Nolan Telfer & Charles Warrington.

† GIVE regularly to support the Church’s ministry [envelopes, gifts, talents and time]

† LIVE for God, our Church and others [be just, loving, peaceful and caring]

2259 Jane Street, TORONTO, ON. M3M 1A6

Tel: Office - (416) 241-4639 Fax: Office - (416) 248-5415

Church Email:

Warden’s Email:


The Epiphany

January 01st, 2017January 01st, 2017



To worship God, creating a caring, Christian community,

through growth and celebration, using our gifts and talents to reach out in love to others.


Bearing witness by faith and works.


Christian Education, Youth & Outreach.


A special welcome to all parishioners, visitors & friends.

We invite visitors to sign our Visitors Book.

If you do not have a Church home we invite you to make the Church of St. Stephen

your spiritual haven.


Before Service:

Talk with God

During Service:

Let God talk to you

After Service:

Talk with each other

Opening Sentence:

Prayer of Approach:

All: O Lord our God, your glory shines as far as

the east is from the west, from the north to the

south, so that all people may see and be

radiant, so that every heart might thrill and

rejoice. Guide us on our baptismal journey in

Christ. Overwhelm us with the joy of your

presence. May we enter your house and pay homage to him

whose infant arms were already reaching out to the ends of

the earth that all might be gathered in. In your triune name,

we pray. Amen.

Processional Hymn: 288BB - We Three Kings

Call To Worship:

Priest: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the

fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

All: And also with you.

Priest: Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the

glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

All: The brightness of God’s light shines upon all

the nations. All are welcomed to the

brightness of God’s dawn.

Priest: God gathers us from far away and carries us. With radiant eyes,

with rejoicing hearts, we receive the abundance God gives.

All: We respond in praise. With our gifts, with our very selves, we

worship God.

For The Gloria: 247BB - Let’s Worship And Adore Him

Collect for the Day: page 280

Praise & Worship: 655BB - Sanctuary / 170BB - Give Thanks

Gathering Of The Community Let’s Communicate, Connect and Collaborate

Interim Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Jacqueline Daley will be away

Jan 2-14. Rev. Margaret Rodriguez will fill in as supply clergy on Jan

8th and Rev. Samantha Caravan will be available for any emergency

pastoral care. Both priests can be reached at Tel: 416-763-2393.

Parish Office Holiday Hours: The parish office will be closed from

Dec. 21st, 2016 to Jan. 04th, 2017. Regular hours resume on

Thursday, Jan. 05th, 2017.

Envelopes for 2017: Please pick up your envelopes for 2017 which

are now available at the back of the church. If there are any changes

necessary to your name and/or address please contact the office right

away as your tax receipts will be issued to the same.

Parish Selection Committee: Please continue to pray for the parish

selection committee and the congregation. We seek God's presence

and guidance through this time of self-study, discernment and

transition as we continue the search for a faithful pastor to lead

our congregation.

Thanks for Your Tithe and Offerings: Your consistent financial

support helps us do God's work in our community such as minister to

children and youth, help those in need, serve lunch on Mondays and

Wednesdays and provide a safe, welcoming space for those in our

community and beyond. Please continue your generous support of

God's work at St. Stephen.

Consecration of Bishops: The ordination of the Rev. Riscylla Walsh

Shaw, the Rev. Canon Kevin Robertson and the Rev. Canon Jenny

Andison as Bishops will be on Saturday, January 7th, 2017, at

10:30am at St Paul, Bloor Street. All are welcome! The congregation

is asked to be seated by 10:15am.

The Service of Installation: for Bishop-elect Jenny Andison will take

place on Sunday, January 22nd, 2017, at 2:30pm at St. Matthew,

Islington, 3962 Bloor St. W.

Vestry Reports: are due by January 25th, 2017. Please ensure you

email an electronic version of your report to the office by this dead-

line. Email address is

Annual Vestry Meeting: will be held on February 19th, 2017 at

10:00am. Please note there will only be ONE service on this Sunday.

Eucharistic Prayer:

Communion Hymns:

589BB - Here I Am, Lord

54BB - To God Be The Glory

656BB - Take Time To Be Holy

Ablutions: Lead Me, Guide Me

Prayer after Communion: page 280

The Blessing:

Priest: Arise, shine; for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has

risen upon you. Get up: shake off apathy, despair, and anything

else that has brought you low. Glow: reflect God’s glory, the light

of Christ, so that others may see in you the glory of God.

All: We will follow the star to seek Christ’s light. We will kneel

before him, offering the treasure of our life; and share with

others the treasure of Christ: light in the darkness.

Priest: May the love of God uphold you; the light of Christ guide you;

and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill you with joy, now and


All: Amen! Amen! Amen!

Welcome & Announcements

Recessional Hymn: Father Let Me Dedicate

Sanctus (Lisa Narcisse)

Acclamation (Lisa Narcisse)

Doxology (Lisa Narcisse)

Lord’s Prayer (Fr. Holung)

Agnus Dei (Lisa Narcisse)

Mon. Jan. 02nd - Saints Café Closed

Wed. Jan. 04th @ 9am-1pm - Saints Café

Thu. Jan. 05th @ 7:30pm - Choir Rehearsal

Sat. Jan. 07th @ 10:00am - Youth Servers Training

Sun. Jan. 08th - The Baptism of the Lord

@ 9:00am - Said Eucharist

@ 10:30am - Sung Eucharist Th

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First Reading: Isaiah 60: 1 – 6 (Janet Morrissey)

For the Psalm: 275BB - Sing We Now Of Christmas

Second Reading: Ephesians 3: 1 – 12 (Bev Brown)

Gradual Hymn: 666BB - A Charge To Keep I Have

The Gospel: Matthew 2: 1 – 12 (Dwight RoseGreen)

After the Gospel: Alleluia!



The Apostles Creed: page 189

Prayers of the People: (Felicia Holder)

Leader: Let us pray for the needs of the world, saying, Lord in your

mercy, hear our prayer.

Gracious and Holy God, your eternal purposes, revealed to us in Christ Jesus, show that your love extends to the ends of the earth,

and stretches far beyond our own imaginings. We thank you for such expansive love and for the rich variety of ways you make yourself known among us. Lord, in your mercy,

All: hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for the church, too often afraid of the rich diversity you have designed, too often timid in its proclamation of the gospel before the rulers and powers of this world. Strengthen us in our witness, we pray. Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit that we may be bold and confident through faith in Christ. Lord in your mercy,

All: hear our prayer.

Leader: Heal divisions within the church so that we live truly as members of the same body. Cast out jealousies and suspicions until we become sharers in the gospel promise. Lord, in your mercy,

All: hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for people in positions of power in our country and throughout the world. May they govern people with justice and compassion. Give to all who control economic and military might

wisdom to choose the common good over personal or political gain. Lord, in your mercy,

All: hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for the parish selection committee and this congregation.

Lord, we seek your presence and guidance through this time of

self-study, discernment and transition as we continue the search

for a faithful pastor to lead our congregation. Lord, in your


All: hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for people who have little power according to the world’s measure of power. Defend the cause of the poor; deliver those in need; put an end to oppression; and save the lives of everyone in harm’s way this day. May all victims of violence find their lives redeemed by your love and care. Lord, in your mercy,

All: hear our prayer.

Leader: We pray for people who are seeking you this day, or searching for new meaning and purpose for their lives. Guide and direct them in their spiritual journey. Give them the vision to see signs of your promise, the wisdom to discern between what is false and what is true, and courage and curiosity in all their searching. May the joy of Christ surprise them and lead them to a place of welcome. Lord, in your mercy,

All: hear our prayer.

Leader: In our parish family we pray for Jean Stewart, Joy Tenant, Garfield Thompson, Marcia Thompson, Loretta Thorne, Chris-tian Ukaegbu, Cerlene Walker, Crystal Walker, Ricardo, Cathe-rine & Tianna Walters, Angela & Aliya Whyte, Cayo, Whyte, Kimberly & Yahannah Lansdowne-Whyte, Bosun, Ola, Olabisi & Lanré Williams, Prudence Williams, Tellece Woodbine-James, Brianna, Chanté & Ladanian James and Rema Yellery. We pray for those celebrating their birthdays or special occasions this week, especially Chinaka Keyi, Verona Foster and Tellece Woodbine-James. Lord, in your mercy,

All: hear our prayer. Leader: God whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we

find wherever we go, preserve those who travel during this holi-day season; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey’s end. Lord, in your mercy,

All: hear our prayer. Leader: Finally, we pray for those overwhelmed by personal struggles

today: the one bowed down in grief; the one overcome by depression; the one who is unemployed or in economic trouble;

the one who is struggling with illness or recovery. We pray for those who are estranged from one another and for people undergoing stressful transitions. Send the light and peace of your presence, O God, and send us, too, that we might bear the light of Christ and so bring companionship and hope by your grace. Lord, in your mercy,

All: hear our prayer. Leader: Expand the horizons of our lives, O Lord, and help us to under-

stand your mysterious and wonderful ways. In Christ, through

Christ, by the power of your Holy Spirit, we pray.

All: Amen.

Confession & Absolution:

Priest: We confess our sins to God, to whom we have access through faith

in Christ. We come in boldness and confidence, not according to

our merit, but according to God’s grace.

All: God of justice, we confess that our actions are evil whenever we

remain passive while others are oppressed; whenever we guard

our own prosperity at the expense of those who are poor; or

when we ignore the cries of those in need of help. Forgive us,

we pray, for hiding in the darkness of this world more than

loving the light of your righteousness made known to us in

Jesus Christ. Judge us with mercy, we pray, and extend your

grace to us. Strengthen our faithfulness to you and to all who

are precious in your sight. We pray in the name of Christ, our

Light. Amen.

Priest: God sent the Son into the world—not to

condemn the world, but that the world

might be saved through him. We declare

the good news of the Gospel:

All: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Amen.

The Peace:


Offertory Hymn: 676BB - O Jesus I Have Promised

Prayer over The Gifts: page 280

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