the crestwood school magazine · report by milas tatli (8i) and shauna lyttle (8i) on friday 25th...

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CrestmagOctober 2015

CrestwoodConnect Page 6

SportsPage 10-13

Hub News Page 18-19

If you need to speak to someone please call us on: 01384 816535 or Fax: 01384 816540For attendance issues call: 01384 816545 or email: attendance@crestwood-s.dudley.sch.ukOur website address is: Email us on:

The Crestwood School Magazine

crestwood connect PG 6

sports PG 10 - 13

hub news PG 18 - 19

Amazing author

PHIL EARLE visits Crestwood to promote his book

“demolition dad”Page 19

CrestmagThe Crestwood School Magazine

CrestmagThe Crestwood School Magazine


CRESTWOOD 2015-2016


20th October Invictus 6th Form Launch Day at Himley Hall26th - 30th October Half Term2nd November Staff Professional Development Day

3rd November Students Return Crestwood Sixth Form Open Eveningw/c 7 November Y10 Mock Exams

18th December End of Term4th January 2016 Staff Professional Development Day5th JanuaryStudents Return


I am delighted to see how well our Year 7 students have settled in at Crestwood. They are already displaying to us how able both academically and socially they are and we have very high aspirations for them.

Our Open Week was the busiest ever and the feedback from parents and students has been extremely positive. Whilst we expect to be oversubscribed this academic year due to our continued success, I want to ensure that every perspective Year 7 student in the area has considered us in their very important choices for September 2016.

We are now really excited to announce the opening of the New 6th Form facilities which they will soon be taking up residency in. The work should be completed during half term and I am excited as they are to see their new Common Room.

The new Prefect striped blazers have made a big impression not only in school but beyond and into the community. We have had many positive comments from parents and our neighbours.

Our brand new state of the art 4G pitch and lighting is now up and running.

Tony Bowles - Headteacher

welcome back•

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CrestmagThe Crestwood School Magazine

The whole of 8I were involved in setting up this charity event. Whether it was blowing up balloons, putting up bunting, taking pictures, or selling the cakes, everybody had their part to play.

In just five minutes most of our cakes and biscuits had gone as many students (and a few naughty teachers) queued up to buy our delicious treats.

A fantastic amount of money was raised in those fifteen minutes: over £88! This whopping total is all thanks to you at home who kindly decided to support 8I in our fantastic cake sale.

Thank you very much, and we hope for further support in any other event. Watch this space!

Report by Milas Tatli (8I) and Shauna Lyttle (8I)

On Friday 25th September it was Macmillan’s Biggest Coffee Morning. Miss Evans and her form decided they would support Macmillan and hold a huge cake sale in school, at break.

8I, Miss Evans, some helpful teachers, and a few kind members from other forms brought in lots of cake to sell at the magnificent cake sale.

What a busy break it was! All of the school were coming up and buying cake from 8I’s spectacular cake stall. There were lots of different cakes: crispy cakes, chocolate cake, fruit cake, multi-layered cakes, and many more delicious cakes and biscuits!


8I’s Coffee Morning

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Over the past year our school has truly become the heart of our community. We now have over 2000 members from the local community using the school on a weekly basis outside of school hours. We host activities such as tennis, football, countless fitness sessions, musical theatre, dance and adult learning…the list goes on and on!

A year ago we created the mission statement and brand promise:

Each day we do our absolute best to keep this promise to our students, our community and our team.

We now have a team of over 20 young adults that completed year 11 last year (most have stayed here at the brand new Invictus 6th Form!), delivering a world class service to our school and our community.

With the addition of our brand new 4G pitch this year we are looking forward to an even busier, more successful 2015/2016!

If you organise a community group/sports club/social activity of any description why not get in touch and see if Crestwood CONNECT can provide what you are looking for?

Crestwood CONNECT has been created with the aim to offer diverse, community focused, premium facilities and exceptional service to clubs, businesses, societies, groups and other schools. Allowing our community to benefit from what the Crestwood School has to offer.

We will create a ‘Crestwood Connect Team’ identifying new roles and opportunities, using current staff or recruiting the right people to deliver our brand promise. We will utilise the skills of our students whenever possible, allowing them to develop their skills that will be desirable and vital to them throughout their careers.

Leisure+Business+Learning Aspire+Desire+Acquire



Crestwood authors!

• Milly Wood • Callum Smith • Chad Baker • Ethan Mallett • Liam Fradgley • Shanon Pickett • Lewis Shakespeare • Samantha Jane Mullett • Megan Davies • Kiran Akhtar • Rachel Barnett • Conor Furnival • Isha Noor Choudhary • Molly Butcher • Jack Baker • Callum Edwards • Kayde Bills • Amy Weaver • Kelcee Round • Katey Rice • Matthew Ward • Owen York • Kaci Williams • Aimee Wright • Jordan Fullerton • Ryan Malpass • Jessica Perry • Chyna Oldnall • Jordan Lavender • Sian Wright • Qasim Iqbal • Azain Khan • Damian Lowe • Charlotte Moore • Luke Martin • Jack Parsons • Brandon Pitt • Nathan Cartwright • Harry Atherton • Charlotte Barnbrook

In May students in Year 7, 8 & 9 took part in a creative writing competition, to write a Grim Tale in no more than 100 words!

The competition was fierce, and out of thousands of entries 54 of our students were recognised in the competition, 40 of which were selected to be published in a writing anthology. On the 30th September the anthology was published, and the students and staff alike were thrilled to receive their publications! Well done to Crestwood school’s very own published authors!

English Department

Grim Tales

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CRESTWOODtrip crestwood TRIP

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On the 30th October I had the pleasure of leading 44 GCSE Geography students on a visit to Dovedale in Derbyshire, often referred to as the ‘gateway’ to the Peak District. Following an early morning start there was excitement as the coach initially struggled with one of Derbyshire’s tight country lanes and only some expert driving over a narrow bridge allowed us to cross the River Dove and reach the car park!

Dovedale is a renowned beauty spot, around 2-3 miles along the River Dove with stunning scenery and many walks. The dramatic limestone ravine is bustling with wildlife, rare flowers, impressive rocky outcrops, tranquil woodlands and the much loved “honey-pot” sites such as Stepping Stones and Lovers Leap.

The location is ideal to study as part of GCSE Controlled Assessment with students planning and conducting a series of experiments to investigate the positive and negative impacts of tourism in the area. Students were given a short talk by former National Park worker Ken Parker, who was responsible for many conservation projects in the 1970s including footpath restoration and reforesting as well as consulting the National Trust and private land owners about the sustainability of tourism in the area.

Overall, the day was a great success – the weather was perfect, the students were fantastic and the traditional Derbyshire farmhouse ice cream was delicious! A big thank you to Ian Moreton and Mandy

Walters for assisting with the trip. Finally, good luck to the students who now have to complete the write-up of the investigation which is worth 25% of their final GCSE Geography grade – I’m looking forward to reading some outstanding pieces of work.

Mr Porter, I/C Geography

GCSE Geography visit Dovedale, The Peak District

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CrestmagThe Crestwood School Magazine

Duke of Edinburgh Award Duke of Edinburgh Award

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duke of edinburgh 2015It has been a very busy year for our Duke of Edinburgh students. Luckily we have had some decent weather and everyone had a great experience!

This year we have visited:

• Church Stretton • Llangollen • Peak District • Wyre Forrest

Some fantastic locations across the UK.

I would like to say a huge congratulations to the following students, who have passed their award!

If you are interested in taking part this year please get in contact with Miss Hatton & Mr Rollason This is the first year that Year 9 students can enter the award directly.

36 Students Achieved their Dofe Award!

That’s 100% PASS Rate WOW!Next year the costing:

• Bronze Award = £110

• Direct silver = £115

• Bronze to Silver = £100

• Gold = Please see Miss Hatton for more information!

To secure your place a £30 deposit is required.

Costs include:

• Insurance • Log book • Online DofE • Rucksack • Roll Mat • Compass

• Maps • Tent • Tranger • Fuel • Accommodation & Transport • Weekly DofE meetings

Congratulations we can’t wait to present you with your awards.

• Kayleigh Boyce • Libby Richards • Taylor Perks • Harriet Mazur

• Isabella Marsh • Elise Hartill • Demi Westwood • Rumanpreet Rai

Bronze Year 9

• Jamie Barnett • Thomas Churchman • Jordan Felton • Kaitilin Jessop

• Allana Lines • Katie Stock • Meredith Penn• Nathan Petty

Bronze Year 10

• Bronze Award• Owen Atherton • Jaz Townsend • Chelsey Mason • Chada Busby • Liam Billingham • Jess Bradley-Hughes • Chada Busby

• Chloe Chapman • Cameron Noble-Smith • Sian Rudkin • Danielle Shearwood• Jaz Townsend • Callam Morrison• Emily Bywater • Katie Gorst

Bronze Year 11

• Callum Morrison• Emily Bywater

• Katie Gorst• Zoe Davidson

Silver Year 11

I thought the rowing was such a great experience! It was so nice being able to try something new that involved teamwork, co-operation, as well as enjoyment. It was so fun and it was a great laugh

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G&T PE DayThursday 9th of July 2015

On the 9th of July Crestwood PE department took a selection of G&T students on an experience day. Students were handpicked based on sporting aptitude. All students were required to try both sports and decide which one they found the most challenging.

Students got the chance to attend Pedmore Cricket Club and participate in a cricket development session. Students got to try on full cricket clothing and even used the bowling machine! They were given expert coaching by Dan Such a local cricket coach.

After lunch students attended Netherton reservoir and students got to go out in double and single sculls. Students had to work together to ensure corrected timing and also they had to guarantee that they kept the boat balanced. Students had to try and steer the boat in a straight line and most students found this really challenging. This was an amazing opportunity for our students!

After months of waiting we found out in July that our bid had been successful for a new girls football kit. We were successful in our application to the FA Players Kit Scheme (

We now have fourteen full football kits!

Also our girls had a flying start to the season winning our first game. What a fantastic way to start the season!

Football training is on a Wednesday 3:10-4:10 open to all years.

A BIG THANK YOU from all of the “girls football” team at Crestwood!

Please follow us on Twitter @Crestwood_PE

The following students were involved:

• Katie Stock • Rosie Halford • Dylan Petty • Stacey Perry • Jess Simmons • LaMarr Love • Brandon Sharp • Joe Siddaway

• Dylan Lees • Abbie Harmon • Libby Richards • Harriet Mazur • Christopher Kauczok • Demi Westwood • Callum Phipps • Kaitlin Jessop

With Big THANKS to Dan Such and Pedmore Cricket Club for all their coaching and hard work with our students. Good Luck for the future.

Well done to all students involved Miss Hatton

football news

Sedgley Golf Club have been successful in applying for free funding to engage more girls in golf.

Crestwood Year 10 girls have been given a six-week opportunity to learn new skills at the driving-range.

The girls have completely loved this experience and look forward to each session.


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PageTwelve PageThirteen


• Handball • Gymnastics • Swimming • Athletics

• Triathlon • Swimming • Rowing • Football

Our students managed to take two Golds in rowing and football!

We took 31 students to Ellowes Hall school to participate in the Secondary School Games!

Local schools were in competition against each other.

Students had a fantastic day and it was a great day to celebrate “Girls in sport”

We are extremely grateful for our new indoor rowing machines. Our students are so excited and can’t wait to use them during lessons.

girls in sport

• Maya Andrews 7VI • Samantha Allan 7DI • Ellie Phipps 7I • Abi Meese 7D

• Lauren Davies 7V • Courtney campbell 8V • Ellie Ray 7IN

Year 7

• Boh Thompson Smith 8I • Keira Rae 8D • Izzie Taylor-McGill 8E • Sharpie brockhurst 8I

• Mackenzie Horgan 8E • Mollie Mai Summers 8E • Annalese Wylde 8V

Year 8

• Lauren Baker 9I • Jordan codling 9D • Jordan fullers 9V • Jess Gaston-Parks 9V • Courtny Jones 9D • Katey Rice 9DI • Amelia Wood 9W • Jade Andrews 9W

• Harriet Groucutt 9I • Faye Grainger 9E • Georgina Broom 9V • Molly Ledington 9W • Kelly Harper 9W • Kelsey parkes 9V • Darcey Noble Smith 9W

Year 9

The following students participated: more good newsWe are now the proud owners of four new indoor rowing machines!

With thanks to British Rowing & Dudley Lets Get Active who have given us these rowers.

If you are interested in giving indoor or outdoor rowing a go please get in touch

01384 816460 or email or

In more good news our Year 9 Girls won their first indoor rowing competition. They stormed in front of their opposition to take home four very shiny gold medals.


Indoor Rowing Club: Friday Lunch Times

If you are interested in becoming a Rowing leader please see Miss Hatton.

• Libby Richards 10I

Year 10 WELL DONE!!Miss Hatton & Miss Brothwell



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numeracysupportCrestmagThe Crestwood School MagazineThe Crestwood School Magazine


Key Stage 3 Numeracy Support

EveningCrestwood School will be hosting a numeracy

support evening in our learning Hub on Monday 9th November at 6pm till 6:30pm

It will give parents/carers of students in Years 7, 8 & 9 the chance to gain a valuable insight into the ever changing techniques and exam content that our students are

tasked with each year.

There will also be a chance to purchase mathematical equipment, including scientific calculators, as well as a vast assortment of resources to take away

to assist your child at home.

Please contact Mr Chatterley via reception if you wish to receive any further information. Letters will be given out closer to the date.

The evening will focus on the following techniques:• Addition, subtraction, Multiplication and Division

• Converting between fractions / decimals / percentages • The art of problem solving

We look forward to seeing you there!

Attendance & punctuality are both extremely important at Crestwood School. Please ensure your child gets the most out education by attending every day. If possible please

make any dental or medical appointments outside the school day. We are aware that it is very tempting to book holidays during term time, due to the cost of them at that time, be we would encourage you against this. Not only will your child miss important lessons, but referral to the Education Investigation Service may mean that each parent can be fined £60 for each child.

Please see our Attendance Policy for further information.

Attendance Matters!

learn more - earn more!

poor attendance = poor attainment

National Statistics

73% of students who have a 95% or more attendance rate achieve 5 x GCSE A*- C.

Only 35% of students who have between 80-90% attendance achieve 5 x GCSE A*- C.

Poor attendance = Poor attainment National Statistics73% of students who have a 95%

or more attendance rate achieve 5 x GCSE A* - C

Only 35% of students who have between 80 - 90% attendance achieve 5 x GCSE A* - C

if you are here you will succeed!


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hub NewsHub NewsCrestmagThe Crestwood School Magazine

hub newsOnce again the Hub has got off to a magnificent start this term and our New Year 7 students have all been inducted into the Hub.

Each Year 7 form have a slot to visit the Hub during morning registration, when they are able to change their books they have

borrowed, read, use the laptops, research, learn information or watch the news to keep up to date with current affairs.

Phil promoted his book “Demolition Dad” and the students were all engaged and interacting with Phil. It was absolutely fantastic to see them enjoying listening to Phil, even the teachers were enthralled! Two students volunteered to assist Phil with his demonstrations. The first volunteer dressed up as a superhero, with a cape and a mask, whilst the second volunteer dressed up as a scary wrestler. The students were excited and thoroughly enjoyed watching their peers take part. Phil spoke about what inspired him and how to write an electrifying story, using many illustrations. Here are some comments from our students:

The second author, Phil Earle came into Crestwood School on the morning of our Open Evening, 6th October 2015. He spoke to our Year 7 students and we welcomed students and teachers from The Brier School to our event.

Phil Earle was extraordinary. He made us all laugh. I can’t wait to read ‘Demolition Dad.’ - Ellie Ray 7IN

I have enjoyed Phil Earle’s talk because he is very down to earth and very entertaining. - Brooke Hamilton 7E

This morning was amazing! I got my book signed and he called me the ‘Cold Hearted Killer.’ - Kayleigh Bagley 7DI

I learnt that if you find some really good ideas you can nick them, but swap the around and make them into your own words. - Karthan Martin 7I

Members of the Hub team did a fantastic job during Open Evening. They spoke about how they were recruited, their roles within the Hub and took parents and prospective Year 7 students on a tour of the Hub, showing them our brilliant new books, our fiction and non-fiction sections and explained all about our Future Zone. We gave all our visitors some quizzes and a bookmark with pictures of the books written by the authors who had been into Crestwood School. There was also a competition running to win a signed copy of “Demolition Dad,” by Phil Earle.

During the short time we have been in School this academic year, our students have had the opportunity to meet two authors and an illustrator.

On the 29th September 2015, a group of our students visited Earl’s High School to see author Philip Reeve and illustrator Sarah McIntyre, who were promoting their new book “Pugs of the Frozen North” This was a wonderful evening. Both Philip and Sarah were dressed up and read from the book. Sarah taught us how to draw a pug and we had such fun. It was lovely to see the smiles on our students faces when both Philip and Sarah signed their books. Here are a few comments from our students:

We went to Earls High School to see author Philip Reeve and illustrator Sarah McIntyre promoting their newest book, ‘Pugs of the Frozen North.’ Throughout the night we were entertained by interactive activities and got to draw our own PUG !! My favourite part was getting to draw your own pug, because I love pugs but I’ve never been able to draw one. Now I can! Everyone was laughing and having a fab time. - Amy Jones

What a great book... and an EVEN greater night we had! Interactive! Fun! A few words I used to describe the thrilling night! I most enjoyed the interactive game and learning how to draw a pug, courtesy of the great Sarah McIntyre...A great night with great people. - Ellie-Mae Woolley

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The Crestwood School Magazinecrestwood drama

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Crestwood is buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm for our production of the spectacular award-winning Musical ‘Our House’. With a highly talented and professional cast and crew of over fifty students across all year groups, ‘Our House’ is set to wow audiences for three performances on 8th, 9th and 10th December 2015 at 7.30pm. If you are unfamiliar with the show, here is a synopsis:

Tickets are on sale from the school finance office at a cost of £6. Or, take advantage of our special offer – buy 5 tickets for £25! Please look out for the ticket letter coming out in November.

The story follows Camden lad Joe Casey (played by Josh Armstrong, Year 10) who, on the night of his 16th birthday, makes a decision that will change his life. Trying to impress Sarah (played by Meredith Penn, Year 11), the girl of his dreams, Joe Breaks into a building development overlooking his home on Casey Street. But things take a turn for the worse as the police turn up. Joe’s life splits into two; the Good Joe who stays and gives himself up and Bad Joe who flees and leaves Sarah to run from the police.

‘Our House’ follows the two paths that Joe’s life could take after that fateful night; one path means a criminal record and social exclusion, while the other will lose him the girl that he loves. Over a period of seven years, and two alternative lives, Joe deals with the consequences of that night. Whilst one Joe fights to keep Sarah, the other is marrying her in a glitzy Vegas wedding and, ultimately, while Good Joe fights to save his house on Casey Street, Bad Joe is determined to demolish it with tragic consequences. All this is watched over by Joe’s deceased father, who pulls the two stories together.

Birmingham Royal Ballet Workshop at Ellowes Hall

Four Crestwood students had the opportunity to visit Ellowes hall school and take part in a workshop lead by Jenny Murphy from the Birmingham Royal Ballet. Zara Rose Year 12, Katie Stock Year 11, Jade Andrews Year 9 and Milas Tatli Year 8 were joined by 12 other students from the Invictus Trust Schools.

The students were put through their paces with a technical warm up. They then had a brilliant opportunity to learn the entrance of the swans, from the Swan Lake. The students were accompanied throughout the workshop by a pianists from the Royal Ballet.

As part of the workshop the students additionally learnt about the life of a ballerina, how the ballet company work and what it takes to perfom in the Royal Ballet.

The students really enjoyed the experience and where a credit to the Crestwood School. Well done!

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paris2015 CrestmagThe Crestwood School Magazine


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bonjouryear 7 & 8 paris 2015

In July of this year, Crestwood took a group of forty Year 7 and 8 students to visit the beautiful capital city of Paris in France.

We left at 8am on Monday morning and took the ferry from Dover to Calais and arrived at our hotel late at night after what felt like forever!

On Tuesday we visited Disneyland, where we experienced the thrills of the Movie Park and the main Disney Park.

The Stade de France was enormous, interesting and astounding! We had a tour of the stadium, changing rooms and even got to run out through

the tunnel onto the track and pitch! The Eiffel Tower was an ideal place to have our picnic with the amazing view as our backdrop! Les Jardins des Tuilleries was our focus for Wednesday afternoon, though it was a very hot day and we had to buy the most amazing ice creams (with our best French language) to cool us all down. The evening was spent visiting the Sacré Coeur Catherdral and eating frogs legs and snails at a French restaurant in Montmartre itself.

The relaxing boat trip along the River Seine was enjoyed on Thursday, before departing home for Calais where we were delayed due to operation stack and immigration.

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welcomeyear 7CrestmagThe Crestwood School Magazine

crestwood d&T

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D&T NEWSWhat’s happening in Autumn 2015?

This month we have launched our ‘Star Student of the Month’ display in D&T. Nominations were put forward by each member of staff in the department and because the standard of work was so high, we selected four pieces across the different year groups.

Recognition for the month of September for exceptional work has been given to:

• Ashlea Davies (7D) • Mollie - Mai Summers (8E) • Callum Smith (9V) • Teri Temple (10W)

Well done to them all for producing such amazing research and design sheets. They have set the bar high for the forthcoming months. We will be keeping our eyes peeled for some more fantastic achievements - could you be a next star student?

Year 7 Crestwood students have made some excellent progress this half term carrying out their Science induction programme. The induction programme is designed to develop investigative skills and allow students to work safely within a laboratory environment which is very new and exciting for them.

As well has carrying out risk assessments and developing their analysis skills they have also been overcoming some real world problems using scientific approaches, such as redesigning carrier bags to last longer (something which could save us all a lot of money now).

Students have also been trying to beat the world record for the longest paper aeroplane flight set this January in Japan. Whilst the Year 7 students have not yet beaten the 29.2 second world record I am sure it will only be a matter of time!

Mr. Tomkins - Head of Science

Also new for Autumn 2015: Extra Curricula Activities

Every Thursday Afterschool Y11 D&T GCSE Controlled Assessment Clinic.

Coming Soon Friday after school D&T Club for KS3.

year 7students off to a flying

start in science

On Thursday 1st October, Crestwood hosted the Year 7 Settling in Evening. The event offered an opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s progress and how they have found the transition from primary to secondary school.

The evening was a great success and there were a number of Crestwood Buddies who helped. This was wonderful for the parents because they could see how our Year 7s from last year had developed into confident school ambassadors.

settling in evening

It was great fun trying to beat the world record - Alitea Slessor 7W

I have really enjoy the active learning - Jessy Gillard 7DI

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healthy school healthy school

PageTwentySix PageTwentySeven

Panini & PudChoose filling and a Pud from the selection available.



Panini& PudClub

Desserts fromDecadesClub

Your Daily Decade’s Dessert: • 1940’s Apple Crumble with Custard • 1950’s Jam Roly Poly with Custard • 1960’s Lemon Meringue • 1970’s Angel Delight • 1980’s Mississippi Mud Pie

60pSpecial Price

Traditional Roast,Dessert & Aquajuice



Special BurgerSteak with onion rings and cheeseCheese Burger and RelishFish Burger with Salad and Tartare SauceHunters Chicken BurgerQuorn Southern Burger with Tomato Relish

Your choice each week

£1.60Special Price


BurgerBonanzaClub RoastClub


Your Hot Pot Meal choices are:1. Louisiana Potatoes and Chicken2. Smokey BBQ Casserole3. Piri Piri Pork and Potatoes4. Lamb Keema and Potato Curry5. Tuna and Sweetcorn Layer Gratin



Hot Pot &Petit PainClub




Join the school meals club today

Money saving offers every day... New seasonal specials each term

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All Advertisers/Sponsors seen here are featured on our website: Crestwood School does not endorse any of the products and/or services listed above

We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their support

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Learn to Swim







Learn to swim the Salamanda way! Call Amanda on

07879 997840 Check the website:

Team Productions Musical Theatre for Fun

Act, Sing, Dance, Perform!

With classes for all ages from 3 yrs up, everyone is welcome! Join us for musical variety shows, pantomimes,

concerts and more throughout the year.

For more information, call Claire on 07872 924562

Two Wheels, 113 Brettell Lane, Amblecote, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 4BS. Tel: 01384 394653

Mr Bowles and Senior Management at Crestwood would like to thank Two Wheels in Amblecote for their support in providing a bicycle to be used as a reward prize for outstanding attendance in School.

Thank You!


• Emergency First Aid at Work • First Aid at Work • Outdoor First Aid • Paediatric First Aid• First Aid for DofE• Bespoke First Aid Courses

First Aid Courses

Interested? Contact: Stella Adamson, Navigation Education Phone: 07813802292Website:

We have a modern sports hall, a fabulous refurbished swimming pool, gym, school hall and playing fields.Call us to check availability and prices! Tel: 01384 816535

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