the connection...him will never thirst. indeed, the water i give him will become in him a spring of...

Post on 23-Aug-2020






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3/1 - Jerry Batis

3/8 - Emily Thomas

3/15 - Cathy Courtney

3/22 - LC Courtney

3/29 - Brenda Simmons


3/1 - Patti Batis

3/8 - Leigh Karnes

3/15 - Nancy Swidersky

3/22 - Faye Egbert

3/29 - Tillie Poe

U.S. Postal

Permit #5


Trinity, TX

75862 P O Box 112 / 201 N Robb St

Trinity, TX 75862


Traditional Worship / 8:15 AM Small Groups / 9:30 AM

Contemporary Worship / 11:00 AM Evening Bible Study & Youth Activities / 6:00 PM


Children’s & Youth Meal / 5:00 & 5:30 PM Adult Meal / 5:00 PM

Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting / 6:00 PM Children’s & Youth Activities / 6:00 PM

Worship Choir Practice / 7:10 PM

H A P P Y B I R T H D AY ! 3/1 Robert Corley Shaun Harberson 3/2 Sierra Fish Dianna Barak 3/3 Ray McBryde 3/4 Wesley Tatom 3/5 Kaylan Cash John Chamberlain 3/6 Jennifer Ramey 3/7 Lee Wilkes Randy Beakley Manuel Soria 3/8 Ethan Horn 3/9 Mary Ellen Thornton 3/10 Muriel Andrews 3/11 Lori Cleary

3/11 Judi Teas Juliana Briggs 3/14 Carole Boney Donnie Sanders 3/16 Donna McBryde 3/17 John Robertson Beth Richards 3/21 John Poe 3/23 Jim Cooper Elijah Kitts 3/24 Jim Wood 3/27 Melissa Jackson Adelina Caceres 3/29 Daniel Quan 3/30 Symone Rains 3/31 Chelsy Herring

Deacons on Call for March

Roy Karnes 936-661-6139 John Kaufman 940-736-9287 Roger Lowrie 936-327-6947

The Connection



3/31 Emily Espinosa

March 2020


3/6 - Carriage Inn Visitation

3/8 - Daylight Saving Time Begins

Mission Trip Meeting

WEEM Meeting

Deacon’s Meeting

3/11 - Business Meeting

3/12 - Sr. Adult Game Day

Youth Mission Trip Camping Event

3/20 - Carriage Inn Visitation

Men’s Night Out

3/21 - Family Game Night

3/27 - Sr. Graduation Dinner

3/29 - High Attendance Day

Fellowship Luncheon

WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday’s at 4:30 PM

Marriage Enrichment Class

Monday’s at 10:30 AM

Revelation Class (ends 16th)

Tuesday’s at 9:30 AM

Ladies Bible Study Class (begins 24th)

Tuesday’s at 11:30 AM

Mat Ministry

Thursday’s at 10:00 AM

Conversational Spanish Class

Thursday’s at 6:00 PM

Griefshare Class

Election Day, Tuesday, March 3rd

Youth Mission Trip and

Camping Event!

The Youth will be going to Tyler State Park for a camping/mission trip March 12th—14th.

They will be serving on the inside/outside of Hope Haven of East Texas.

Any youth wishing to go on this trip need to contact Sam for additional details.

Please be in prayer for this ministry trip!


We want to say a special “Thank you” to the ladies ministry and those who helped by cooking spaghetti and preparing garlic bread and who traveled with us to serve and then came back to the church to help get things cleaned up. We couldn’t have done it without each of you.

We were able to feed and minister to over 100 hungry BearKats despite the nasty rain that day. The students were very appreciative!

High Attendance Sunday School & Fellowship Luncheon

March 29th Recognizing that the S.S. program (as our primary small group structure) is critical to overall church growth, a plan is in the works to promote outreach and “in-reach” within our S.S. classes. A short one-month promotion has been planned for the month of March, culminating on March 29th with a church-wide celebration including recognition of our S.S. classes and a luncheon im-mediately following the 11:00 worship service.

On Sunday, March 29th the church will gather for S.S. at the normal time, and then worship together at 11:00 o’clock. NOTE: There will not be an 8:15 ser-vice on this day. Following the worship service all worshipers are invited to attend a luncheon provided by the church. We hope you will make plans to participate in the celebration and take part in encouraging others in your class to join us as well.

Spring your clocks forward on Saturday, March 7th

The Fall Festival will be held on

Thursday, October 31st at 6:00


As always, this is a free event

and an awesome way to minis-

ter to the community.

We have plenty of candy for

the event, but what we are in

need of is volunteers to help

work the various booths. If you

Marriage & Relationship

Many moons ago when I was a boy, we had a pet bassett hound named Agnes who made a habit out of running off. She would generally return of her own accord when she got hungry, but none-the-less when she was out on one her jaunts, we would send out the search party. We were afraid that she would fall victim to one of the speeding predators that would make its way past our house at 55 plus miles an hour…though bassett hounds are faster than they look, they are still slow. One evening, (I don’t remember the exact time, but I know it was dark) I was out searching for that old hound dog. I would throw my head back and holler Aggggnesssss! Aggggnesssss! I made that two-syllable dog’s name stretch out as long as I could. I sounded a little bit like I was gargling (so I’ve been told) but I was doing my best to find my dog. You could probably have heard me for miles and I’m sure that Agnes probably did hear me and if dogs can laugh, she did! I wasn’t the bravest of lads at this time in my life. Ok, catch your breath…I know that comes as a shock to most of you. So just to be outside when it was dark was a big deal for me. As I walked along the ditch bank in front of my house, I continued hollering for my dog. Suddenly a car that I had not noticed had eased up in front of my house and stopped. Now that was unusual. The only time a car stopped in front of my house was because they had been going too fast and had driven into the ditch. I was scared to death. I was sure that the folks in the car were up to no good and their idea of fun was going to cause me great pain. I thought quickly and immediately tried to put my best line of defense (my legs) into action. There was only one problem…they wouldn’t work. My most valuable defense had failed me in my moment of need. So I called on my second line of defense (my voice) and it too failed me. I tried to holler for help, but nothing would come out. I was paralyzed and fading fast! So just about the time I was going to die of a heart-attack as a very young teenager, a voice from the car called out, “Greg have you found Agnes yet?” It was the voice of one of my sisters (also members of the search party) checking to see if I had made pro-gress. My sisters will have to forgive me, but that was the first time in my life that I was glad to hear one of them calling my name. Just when I thought my life was over, just when I thought there was no hope of rescue, just when I thought there was nowhere to turn…a voice called out to me and revived my spirit. Drama aside, some of you may be feeling spiritually a little like I felt that night. You need to be revived. You need to be re-energized. Or maybe you need to have spiritual life breathed into you. As Jesus said to Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” (John 3:7) It is amazing to me that when we have difficulties in our lives, we readily try the remedies that the world proposes. We spend our hard-earned money and give of our valuable time seeking a cure that will not come. In doing so we ignore what will bring heal-ing in our lives…the presence of Jesus. In John 4 Jesus speaks to the Samaritan woman and says, “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14)

Yes, we will face difficulties. Yes, there will be hardship. Times may even come when we feel defeated. But in the midst of our trials Jesus will be a “spring of water welling up to eternal life.” We need to hold on to this truth that there is more to our lives than the present hardship. There is something greater. There is something that will outlast. There is something that is eternal, “a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.” (2 Corinthians 5:1) And God’s people shout, “Amen and Amen!”

Each week, the folks at Dorcas Wills gather for Bible study in Sunday School and spend time together in worship. I en-courage you to attend these meetings and allow God to mold you. Come expecting to be changed. Pray that God will do a great work in His church beginning with you. Come to be challenged. Come to be revitalized. Come to be revived!

If a timid teenager can overcome his fear and trembling because of the voice of one of his sisters, then you can overcome your spiritual paralysis because of the voice of God! Come and hear Him proclaimed during our services throughout the year. See you Sunday, Pastor Greg

Youth News

Spring Break Camping Mission Trip! Students, come join us for an EPIC camping mission trip over Spring Break. We will be camping and doing mission work in Tyler on Thursday the 12th-Saturday the 14th. Come ready to serve the Lord and have a lot of fun!

This last month we had our 30 Hour Famine! Students came out for a weekend of fasting, service, Bible studies, and activities. The youth were able to be instruments of God’s love while serving the hungry at the Good Shepherd Mission in Huntsville. Thank you Church for all your pray-ers, and for your generous giving to end world hunger. Our theme verse for the famine was Ephesians 3:20.

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work

within us.” Ephesians 3:20 ESV For His Kingdom, Samuel Brubaker

Please make welcome our newest church members:

Gary & Crystal Rowe and Eli Rowe

163 Rowe Rd., Trinity / 936-662-5961

Barbara Fank

208 Kelly Street Apt. 5, Trinity / 936-355-0866

Russell & Clara Fite

126 West Lake, Trinity / 936-671-2823

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved

children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ

loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant

offering and sacrifice to God.

Ephesians 5:1-2

Great faith comes from trusting in the Lord. But sometimes we wonder…. Fight or Flight? Do we give up or keep fighting? So many people in this church have been such an inspiration to me. Praise the Lord! When faced with, what seems like, endless health issues, troubles with family and more, their faith in God never wavers. Yes, He is on His throne and is in control. Our part is to trust and obey. Keep fighting, God is not finished yet! Thank you, Lord!

Worship Choir

“Living Hope” is the name of our musical for Easter. Please pray that it will all come together. We will be presenting it Sunday, April 5th at 6:00 pm.

-Mark Taylor


“Concrete & Cranes”

Building On The Love Of Jesus

June 22nd - 26th

VBS Director, Teresa Searcy is currently looking for volunteers to help out during the week of VBS. If you would be interested in sharing the love of Christ with children in our community, please contact her at 936-661-2583. There’s a place for everyone at VBS!

Ladies Spring Bible Study The Patriarch; Jacob

A Ladies Spring Bible Study is being planned and will be offered on Tuesday’s from 9:30—11:30 AM be-ginning, March 24th through May 12th. Childcare is available for this class, but you must RSVP as soon as possible to Debbie Quan at 936-594-3321. There is no cost for the class and ladies of all ages throughout our community are welcome.

5th Sunday Singing

March 29th

The Huntsville Community Choir, under the direction of Cynthia Cross will be leading us in worship on Sun-day, March 29th beginning at 6:00 PM. The choir is made up of 35 members from different churches in the greater Huntsville area.

We hope you and your family will come and join us!

Summer Mission Trip

Informational Meeting

A third Mission Trip is being planned to Quito, Ecua-dor! If you have been praying about joining us and would like to learn more about the trip and what we will be doing there, please make plans to join us for an informative meeting on Sunday, March 8th at 4:45 PM. A 2nd meeting is also being planned for those that are unable to make that meeting time.

The trip is tentatively planned for the second week in July. We would love for you to join us!!

If you have any questions about the trip or the cost, please contact Suzanne Kitts at 757-376-1649.

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