the connecticut independent agent - 07-01-12

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July edition of monthly magazine


The Connecticut Independent Agent

This Issue’s Features

Big “I” Disappointed with Supreme Court’s Decision To Uphold President Obama’s Health Care Law 03 IIABA - NARAB II Letter of Support Sent to Senate 03 Annual Membership Meeting & Installation of Officers Recap 04 ACT: “Bring Your Own Device” Opportunities & Risks 05 IIABA - Hurricane Season Opened June 1st 07 FloodSmart - Let’s Talk Flood 08 InVEST Awards Scholarships 09 Month In Review 10 Insurance Department Bulletins 23rd Annual IIAC Golf Tournament (Sponsored by the IIAC Young Agents Committee) 11 NEW IIAC Member Benefit Introduced! 12 RLI Stand Alone Personal Umbrella 15 Swiss Re 15

In Every Issue July and August Continuing Education Courses 13 Events 16 Big “I” Advantage Programs 17 About Us 22

Associate Member Index Associate Members - Insurance Brokers & Services 18

Associate Members - Insurance Companies 20

“The Connecticut Independent Agent

is the official publication of the Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut

30 Jordan Lane Wethersfield, CT 06109 Phone: (860) 563-1950 Fax: (860) 257-9981

Warren C. Ruppar President

Tracy Hearn Office Manager / Event Planner

Ed Meaney, CPCU Education Director

Laura Szatkowski E&O Program Administrator

Rosemary Mullaly

Lawyers’ Liability Program RLI

This publication is intended to provide accurate and authoritative information on the subject matter covered. It is dis-tributed with the understanding that nei-ther IIAC, nor any contributing author, publisher or contributor is rendering le-gal, accounting or any other professional service and assume no liability whatso-ever in connection with its use. Further, the electronic links to our associate mem-bership found in this publication are pro-vided as a courtesy to our readers and do not necessarily indicate an endorsement by IIAC. News items will be accepted / printed at the discretion of the IIAC. No paid advertisements are accepted in this publication. Please contact Warren Ruppar for further information.

IIAC Staff

Independent Agents Services Staff

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 3

On June 12, 2012 a group of 10 insurance trade associa-tions sent a joint letter to every U.S. Senator in strong sup-port of S. 2342, the NARAB II agent licensing reform leg-islation introduced in April by Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Mike Johanns (R-NE). The letter (click on to read) was organized by the Big “I” in coordination with the National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors (NAIFA) and the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers (CIAB). The sign-ers of the letter include those three major producer trade associations as well as AAMGA, ABIA, AIA, IRI, NAMIC, NAP-SLO, and PCI. The Big “I” has worked exhaustively over the last few weeks in order to ensure that every major p/c in-surance trade association signed this letter of support, and we are pleased with today’s result. In addition to today’s letter, the Big “I” has also been con-ducting a number of individual and joint coalition meetings with Senate offices in support of S. 2342. Since the legisla-tive conference, two key Members of the Senate Banking Committee [Sens. Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Roger Wicker (R-MS)] have agreed to co-sponsor the bill, and we have sev-eral other Senators that are close to signing onto the legis-lation. We will continue our efforts and will let you know if we need specific help with any Senators. We will remain in communication with you all on any other major developments, and will also have an article in this week’s IN&V on the letter and our recent efforts to advo-cate for NARAB II in the Senate.

High Court upholds President Obama’s health care law.

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America expressed disappointment with the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Patient Pro-tection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The association opposed many aspects of the PPACA and has been involved throughout congressional debate and implementation. “The Big ‘I’ is disappointed with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the PPACA,” says Robert Rusbuldt, Big “I” president & CEO. “Our association, economists and other industry leaders and experts agree that many of the provisions in the PPACA are causing more harm than good. The Big ‘I’ will continue to work with Congress to repeal provisions of the law that negatively impact our small busi-ness members and the customers they serve.” Since the PPACA was upheld in its entirety, except for the narrowing of the Medicaid enforcement, implementation will move forward as scheduled. Importantly for agents, the detrimental medical loss ratio (MLR) provisions first imple-mented in 2011 are also still in effect. These provisions have led to cuts in compensation of up to 50% in some ar-eas of the country. “The PPACA’s MLR provisions threaten the livelihoods of health agents and brokers and establish perverse incentives that make it challenging for smaller insurers to enter the marketplace,” says Charles Symington, Big “I” senior vice president of government affairs. “These MLR requirements have produced cuts in agent compensation of up to 50% in some areas of the country and made it a challenge for many agents to maintain the level of customer service and quality of advocacy traditionally provided at a time when such assistance is needed more than ever.”

IIABA NARAB II Letter of Support Sent to Senate

Big “I” Disappointed with Supreme Court’s Decision Regarding PPACA

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 4

IIAC Annual Membership Meeting & Installation of Officers

On Thursday, June 7th, IIAC held its 114th Annual Membership Meeting and Installation of Officers at Saint Clements Castle in Portland, CT. IIAC elected the new officers for the 2012 – 2013 term, which will begin on September 1, 2012. The new officers are: Chairman: Michael Gergler, CIC - Wilcox & Reynolds Insurance, LLC, Storrs Chairman-Elect: Jim Suzio, CIC – Suzio Insurance Center, Inc., Meriden Treasurer: Kim McGillicuddy, CPCU – Pierson & Smith, a division of First Niagara Risk Management, Norwalk Secretary: Jared Carillo – Charles S. Carillo Insurance, Windsor Locks State Director: James Byrnes, III, CIC - Byrnes Agency, Inc., Dayville Immediate Past-Chairman: Tom Wilson – The Wilson Agency, Inc., Shelton In addition, Mike Rivers of Tracy-Driscoll & Company in Bristol was elected to the IIAC Executive Committee. Bill Pierz, CIC of Shoff Darby in Norwalk and Mary Pursell, CPCU of Abbate Insurance Agency in New Haven con-tinue their term on the executive committee.

The Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut would like to thank all of the attendees at this event. They would also like to recognize and thank the sponsors whose support helps to keep this event accessible to the membership. (Clicking on the sponsors name will bring you to their website.)

Platinum Sponsors Travelers

Gold Sponsors

Acadia Insurance Company Andover Companies

C.N.A. Chubb Insurance

Connecticut Underwriters InsurBanc


Silver Sponsors American Commerce Insurance Company

American Integrity Restoration The Main Street America Group

MiddleOak NLC Insurance Companies

Quincy Mutual

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 5

Employers see the inherent value in a more mobile, more connected and more productive workforce. Many employ-ees and managers have no problem connecting and ad-dressing work issues after hours and/or on the weekends. It can be considered a motivational strategy.

What Are the Security Risks? BYOD mobility offers access to enterprise data, systems and corporate email. Employees can store and process data and connect to networks.

While BYOD may be considered necessary and convenient, this type of connectivity can raise significant data security and privacy concerns which lead to potential legal and li-ability risks.

Consider: 1. The device gets lost or stolen with access to company

data and systems. 2. The device contracts a virus or has malware installed

that can obtain company logins and data from that de-vice.

3. The personal device user — however good his/her in-tentions are — can in effect be circumventing company security standards.

4. The company cannot control the use of the personal device should the employee allow children or friends to use the device.

5. The employee may use the device to place files in per-sonal applications in the cloud which may not be se-cure.

6. The employee plugs a mobile device into the USB port of his or her office computer, thereby transmitting a virus to the office desktop.

Here are some facts to consider when trying to balance personal device access with security:

Employees don’t perceive the risk. Many employees per-ceive the use of their own devices at work as placing no extra burden on technical support. But dealing with any data or system security issue requires know-how and tech-nical resources.

Executives perceive the risk, but aren’t fully ready. In August of 2011, a Deloitte webcast poll of more than 1,000 U.S. information technology and business executives found that 28 percent of respondents believe there are un-authorized personal digital assistants (PDAs) and/or tablets connecting to company systems, especially to email serv-ers. About 87 percent of respondents think their systems

About this article: The mingling of personal devices into the business environment is now commonplace. Technolo-gists are concerned about how the “bring your own de-vice” (BYOD) trend influences the security of the employer’s network, applications, and data. This article gives an over-view of the trend and provides some practical guidance in-dependent agencies can use to manage the BYOD phe-nomenon. It discusses opportunities and risks presented by BYOD practices, which are driven by the outflanking of busi-ness technology by personal technology.

“Bring Your Own Device” Opportunities & Risks

Employees expect it; but employers need to manage the risks

By Danielle Johnson, Director of IT, InsurBanc

The consumerization of IT revolution — sparked by the iPhone — has shifted the IT culture so that the users are the ones getting the latest, cutting edge technologies first, and they want to bring those devices to work.

— PC World Magazine, Dec. 20, 2011, Tom Bradley “Pros and Cons of Bringing Your Own Device to Work”

What Is BYOD? Many workers today expect the companies they work for to allow them to use their personal mobile devices and per-sonal computers at the office, and/or to provide remote connectivity to the office via personal devices. Technolo-gists dub this trend “BYOD” (bring your own device).

Why is BYOD Important? Mobile devices — along with their applications and on-the-go Internet access — provide attractive options for speed, connectivity and productivity. Many people wouldn’t think of spending their workday without a Blackberry, iPhone, Android, iPad or other device to access company systems and data. Most important, senior managers want to use these devices and are using their organization’s technology more because of them.

Many employees see their own personal devices as supe-rior to those provided by their employers. Employees also tend to believe they are more productive if allowed to use their own devices for work and data syncing between office and home.

Thus, BYOD is significant because employee-owned devices are now accessing company systems and being used for work purposes presenting security and privacy concerns to the employer.

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 6

Security Solutions If an enterprise is allowing employees to use their own mo-bile devices, the following security measures should be im-plemented.

1. Require strong phone startup PIN which is at least 6 – 8 characters long. If not supported, use the maximum allowed. Reduce the PIN required timeout setting to no longer than 10 minutes.

2. Require specified encryption and anti-malware soft-ware on each device.

3. Require and install mobile tracking software/applications which allow online access to track the loca-tion of a lost/stolen phone and the ability to perform a lock/scream and/or remote data wipe. Secure em-ployee’s authorization to take these actions on the de-vice if the device is misplaced, lost or stolen, as a condi-tion to giving the employee access to the business’s systems and data.

4. Do not allow “broken”/”rooted”/“jailbroken” devices on your network. These phones have removed limita-tions installed on the phone by the carrier allowing the user to run apps and files not approved by carriers. This process opens the device up to security risks.

5. Large enterprises monitoring multiple devices and plat-forms should consider Mobile Device Management (MDM) software. MDM software centrally controls and protects the data and configuration settings for all mo-bile devices in the network. MDM can also provide a secure document delivery platform and end to end data transmission encryption.

The opportunities of BYOD are present — and here to stay. As an analogy, home security is more complex for a bigger house with more entrances and windows. So too is sys-tems security more complicated as smartphones and other remote devices present new entry points to be analyzed and protected.

All of the security tips presented here are simply guide-lines to aid agencies in diminishing security and privacy risks and managing them. However, none can be guaran-teed 100% effective.

Danielle Johnson is the VP, Director of Information Technol-ogy at InsurBanc, which IIABA and the W.R. Berkley Corpo-ration established to assist independent agencies with their specific banking needs. This article reflects the views of the author and should not be construed as an official statement by ACT.

are at risk for a cyber attack originating from a mobile secu-rity lapse, the poll reported.

The same poll found 40 percent of respondents are un-aware of whether their organizations have strategies or controls to enforce mobile security. Further, it found that only 24 percent of respondents believe that “all devices connecting to my intranet are authorized.” Only 17 percent reported that they monitor for rogue connections.

Malware is on the move. Malware that targets mobile devices is increasing, reported IBM Security Solutions researchers in a fall 2011 white-paper. Citing an IBM security research report, the white-paper presented statistics showing that mobile operating systems vulnerabilities tripled from 60 to a projected 180+ from 2009 to 2011.

Enterprise systems and mobile systems are catching up with each other. While many corporations have for years allowed Blackberry-based access to email and other company systems, users are now demanding that iPhone/Android-based smart-phones and tablet computers be provided access to these same services.

How do you proceed once BYOD is determined necessary? Since there are risks to the mingling of personal devices and work systems, companies must take the lead in assessing and managing the risks so as to safeguard their systems and data. Some simple steps include:

1. Institute a strong written BYOD Policy that is consistent with the organization’s Employee Handbook policies such as the IT Policy and Acceptable Use Policy.

2. Determine which data to protect. 3. Define what devices will be supported. 4. Determine which employees need remote access via

personal devices. Do not open BYOD participation be-yond those employees that have a strong business rea-son for mobile access.

5. Define security requirements 6. Train and educate employees concerning policy and

BYOD use. 7. Monitor employee mobile devices for compliance with

your organization’s policy. 8. Secure employee’s authorization to “wipe” the em-

ployee’s mobile device remotely (restore to the original factory state), as a condition of giving access to any of the business’s systems.

9. Place controls over access to and use of the company’s wireless internet. For example: do not broadcast your wireless SSID, restrict access to employees only using MAC address filtering in the router and invoke WPA 2 on the router

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 7

Click HERE to read more about the disaster preparedness survey. For more specific disaster readiness and recovery tips, click on the corresponding headline. Hurricanes Flooding Tornadoes Earthquakes Wildfires I want to start my disaster preparedness plan. Where

do I start? How do I prepare a home inventory? How do I storm-proof my home?

Trusted Choice® independent insurance agents provide disaster preparedness and safety tips as hurricane season begins. Although hurricane season officially started June 1st, named storms got an early start this year and were whirling around the Atlantic Ocean for days keeping meteorologists busy and independent insurance agents nervous as Congress went down to the wire in extending the National Flood In-surance Program (NFIP).

The NFIP, which was given a 60 days extension on May 31st, is an essential public-private partnership that protects 5.7 million consumers and 22,000 participating communities from the dangers of flooding.

According to a 2010 survey by Trusted Choice® and IIABA, many Americans are unprepared for a disaster. More than half of respondents (51%) admitted they are only some-what prepared, and more than a fifth of households (22.7%) reported that they were not prepared at all. Al-most 36% said they don’t have or don’t know if they even have adequate insurance coverage to help them through a disaster.

Trusted Choice® independent insurance agents can address these issues and more as extreme weather bears down on much of the country and can also offer disaster-specific readiness and recovery tips for consumers. Trusted Choice® experts can help:

Sort through coverage confusion when severe weather damages or destroys residential or busi-ness property

Advise how business interruption coverage is im-pacted by hurricanes and other disasters

Explain hurricane safety and flood readiness tips, including home and business inventory prep and utilities check-listing

Supply information on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

Detail safe evacuation procedures Discuss how to recover from storm and flood

losses, whether or not the property is insured Provide suggestions on emergency repairs and re-

building Offer tips for “drying out” safely and replacing be-


IIABA Hurricane Season Opened June 1st

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 8

Here are four easy ways to partner with FloodSmart:

1. Encourage others to understand their flood risk and talk with an agent or find one at

2. Show that you’re FloodSmart—add FloodSmart tools and resources to your website. These tools are share-able, so they can be taken from our website and em-bedded on yours.

3. Show property owners in your community how much financial damage can be caused by a few inches of wa-ter in their homes or businesses; how levees and dams work and how they can fail; and a wide array of flood-ing scenarios due to rain, snow melt, tropical storms, and more.

4. Identify ways to raise community awareness of flood risks in your area.

Please visit our Community Resources page to learn more.

Share your success stories with us at

FloodSmart Spotlight

We are pleased to introduce Jason Butcher of West Vir-ginia’s Office of the Insurance Commissioner, who hosts an insurance show and has illustrated that he truly is FloodSmart.

1. Why do you think flood insurance is important? People do not realize how quickly floods can destroy your life’s work. I’ve seen floods wipe out entire communities—on numerous occasions—leaving uninsured homeowners wondering, “What am I going to do now?” If you have flood insurance, all you have to do is make a call to your insurance agent who can help guide you through the re-building process.

Hurricane Season 2012 Outlook: Colorado State University forecasters issued the first hurricane forecast of the year, predicting a “below aver-age” hurricane season. This season could produce as many as 10 tropical storms, two of which could become major hurricanes, according to forecasters. The potential for an El Niño effect this year could make it more difficult for storms to grow into hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. The 2009 Atlantic hurricane season, the last time that a “below average” hurricane season occurred, produced nine named storms, two of which were major hurricanes. Those storms were responsible for six deaths and more than $77 million in damage.

Hurricane Season 2012 Outlook: Colorado State University forecasters issued the first hurricane forecast of the year, predicting a “below average” hurricane season. This sea-son could produce as many as 10 tropical storms, two of which could become major hurricanes, according to fore-casters. The potential for an El Niño effect this year could make it more difficult for storms to grow into hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean. The 2009 Atlantic hurricane season, the last time that a “below average” hurricane season oc-curred, produced nine named storms, two of which were major hurricanes. Those storms were responsible for six deaths and more than $77 million in damage.

Regardless of the forecast, it’s important for property own-ers nationwide to ensure they have adequate coverage in the event of a tropical storm or hurricane. Remember, homeowner’s insurance policies do not protect properties against flooding. Only flood insurance provides the finan-cial protection that home and business owners need for hurricane season flooding. There is a 30-day waiting period before a flood policy goes into effect so remind people in your community to purchase their flood insurance soon.

Use FloodSmart Resources to Highlight Risks of Flooding in Your Community

You can help Americans reduce the devastating effects of flooding. Encourage others to get FloodSmart by knowing their flood risk and how they can help keep their home, businesses, and finances secure.

Protect Your Community from the

Threats of Hurricane Season

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 9

InVEST is a 401.c.3 affiliate of IIAC and IIABA. Its Insurance and Financial Literacy curriculum is taught in 232 class-rooms around the country. Locally, IIAC has two very active programs at East Hartford and Bloomfield High Schools with interest groups at Newington and Killingly High Schools. This year, InVEST awarded $63,500 in college scholarships to 57 students who’ll be majoring in Insurance, Risk Management and insurance related business curricu-lum. Pictured below is Haeley Mulholland of East Hartford High School being presented a $3,000 scholarship by Neal Montgomery of Travelers and member of InVEST’s Board. In addition, Robert Burns of East Hartford and Mishka Marsh of Bloomfield High each earned $500 schol-arships. Connecticut’s InVEST committee is seeking volunteers as guest speakers in the classrooms, subject experts to assist teachers, mentors for students and agency internship op-portunities (during school vacations and/or after school). Interested agents should contact Mary Pursell Additional information about InVEST can be found at

2. What have you found to be the best tactic to convey this?

The best tactic, I’ve found, is video. If someone hasn’t seen a flood—or the damage a flood can cause—you can talk ‘till you are blue in the face, but it doesn’t resonate with them. You can take that same person, show them a video of a flood and the wreckage that follows, and you can see the light turn on in their head. There is no substitute for some-one being able to see the destruction of a flood.

3. How do you use FloodSmart tools?

I use tools available on very frequently. I’ve based entire television shows on the tools available on that site. The best thing about that website is that “John Q. Citizen” can go to that site, find the flood risk of his home, the estimated cost of a policy, and an agent near him where coverage can be purchased. It is a one-stop re-source for ANYONE’S flood insurance needs.

4. We hear you host an insurance show. Can you share more information about it?

My show is a general insurance-related show called “Inside Insurance.” We shoot one show per month, and it airs 32 times per month. We use the show to get information out to the citizens of our state regarding current insurance is-sues. When we aren’t covering a current issue, I usually focus the show around flooding or home fires. You can see a list of my shows by visiting:

Visit the National Flood Insurance Program Web sites at and Email us at FEMA, 500 C Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20472

InVEST Awards Scholarships

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 10


Insurance Department Bulletins & News Releases

On June 12, 2012, the Connecticut Insurance Department Released Bulletin L-19 “Changes to Licensing Requirements for Ad-justers Who Handle Subrogation Claims .” For information on this bulletin, please visit the CID website.

In a News Release issued on June 6, 2012, Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Thomas B. Leonardi praised the passage of two new laws that give the state greater financial oversight of large, globally active insurance companies and makes Con-necticut a more attractive place for international reinsurers to do business. To read the entire News Release, please click here.

Commissioner Leonardi: New Insurance Legislation Strengthens State’s Global Oversight of Industry

Insurance Department: “Be Prepared” Web Page A Resource for Tropical Storm Season

On June 6, 2012 the Insurance Department issued a News Release regarding their web page “Be Prepared,” A Resource for Tropical Storm Season.

Changes to Licensing Requirements for Adjusters Who Handle Subrogation Claims

On June 16, 2012, the Connecticut Insurance Department Released Bulletin SL-3 “New Procedures for Filing Surplus Lines Taxes and Surplus Lines Affidavits.” For information on this bulletin, please visit the CID website.

New Procedures for Filing Surplus Lines Taxes and Surplus Lines Affidavits

Insurance Commissioner: State Receives $1 Million In Multi-State AIG Settlement

In a News Release issued on June 18, 2012, Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Thomas B. Leonardi announced that the state has received just over $1 million in fines and penalties from American International Group, Inc. (AIG) as part of a multi-state settlement over allegations that the company under-reported its premiums of workers compensation insurance. To read the entire News Release, please click here.

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 11


GOLF TOURNAMENT Open to all Agents, Clients, Company Representatives and Vendors


Sponsored by: IIAC Young Agents Committee

2012 Annual Sponsors of the Young Agents

9:00 A.M. Registration & Putting Contest


In order to reserve a foursome, please include all players in your group. Player #1 should be the “Key Contact Person.”

PLAYER (1): ______________________________________ E-MAIL:________________________________________

AGENCY/CO & FULL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________ ** Please include address for sending confirmation - INCLUDE ZIP CODE **

PHONE: (_______)____________________________ FAX: (_______)___________________________

PLAYER (2): ______________________________________ E-MAIL:________________________________________

AGENCY/CO & FULL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________

PLAYER (3): ______________________________________ E-MAIL:________________________________________

AGENCY/CO & FULL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________

PLAYER (4): ______________________________________ E-MAIL:________________________________________

AGENCY/CO & FULL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________

Check enclosed for: Player (1) _____ Player (2) _____ Player (3) _____ Player (4) _____


CHECK MUST ACCOMPANY REGISTRATION FORM (make check payable to “IIAC”) Mail Registration & non-refundable entry fee to: IIAC, 30 JORDAN LANE, WETHERSFIELD, CT 06109

Acadia Insurance

Andover Companies

Bunker Hill Insurance Company

Central Mutual Insurance

Charles S. Carillo Insurance Agency

Chubb Insurance

Coastal Agents Alliance

Computer Rescue, Inc.

Connecticut Underwriters, Inc.

Crystal Restoration Services of Connecticut

Enviro-Clean, Inc.

Glass America

Hanover Insurance Group

The Hartford

Independent Agents Services

John A. Woods Appraisers

MetLife Auto & Home

New England Excess Exchange

New London County Mutual

Northeast Surety, LLC

Plymouth Rock

Pro-Klean Cleaning & Restoration Services

Quincy Mutual Group

Selective Insurance Company

Servpro of Norwich

S.H. Smith & Company, Inc.


Utica National Insurance Group

There are limited openings. Payment must be received within seven (7) days to confirm your reservation - if payment is not received within seven (7) days, your reservation will be given to the next person in line. All payments must be re-ceived prior to the outing.

$115 PER PERSON Registration includes Greens Fee, Cart, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Prizes

Bag Lunches Courtesy of Travelers

Beverage Carts on the Course Sponsored by

Chroma Building Corp.





(860) 563-1950 or

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 12

A simple, but powerful reward. Thousands of leading merchants, everyone from Best Buy and Travelocity to Target and countless others, pay cash back of 1 - 40% on purchases of over 300 million products. You’ll be amazed by how quickly it all adds up! Shop. The rewards are waiting. Get cash back from 5,000 of your favorite on-line stores

and travel sites - tax free Find extra ways to save with coupons, discounts, and

other specials Pay the lowest price on the items you want Save time and gas, and avoid crowds by purchasing your

everyday needs and have them shipped right to your door.

New IIAC Member Benefit . . .


We appreciate your membership. As a way of saying 'Thank You', we’re excited to announce our new loyalty pro-gram, just for you and your employees, our valued members! Introducing a no-cost online shopping portal that pays YOU! Earn hundreds of dollars on purchases you’re already making.

Same stores you're shopping at today, just starting today you get more for your money — cash back. Download to your home / personal computer and use the shopping toolbar for your browser to make it even easier. Too good to be true? Not really. Just the benefit you deserve. Get started. A "tutorial" video is available to help you get started. ( So, as a 'thank you' for your business, we are excited to offer you this new money saving program. Click SIGN UP, start shopping and start earning your cash back.

“This is a great benefit for you to use for your business and office supply needs, as well as at home for your personal shopping.” Tom Wilson, IIAC Chairman

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 ACSR #2

Personal Automobile Insurance 8:30 - 4:30

13 14

15 16 17 Life &

Health Pre-Licensing

Day 1 8:30 - 4:30

18 19 Life &

Health Pre-Licensing

Day 2 8:30 - 4:30

20 21

22 23 24 Life &

Health Pre-Licensing

Day 3 8:30 - 4:30

25 AAI 83C

Agency Financial

Management 8:30 - 4:30

26 Life &

Health Pre-Licensing

Day 4 8:30 - 4:30

27 28

29 30 31 Life &

Health Pre-Licensing

Day 5 8:30 - 4:30

July 2012



All resident agents are subject to continuing education for every line of authority.

The Connecticut Insurance Department has an extensive website ( offering information on licensing, forms, statutes, regu-lations (proposed and finalized) Please take advantage of this web site for valuable information.

Individual transcript information can be obtained by accessing Once on the website, select “For Individual Agents” from the “Products and Services” menu. Under “Quick Start for Agents” (at the top of the page) select “Look Up Education Courses / Credits.” This will bring you to an “Inquiries” page. Select “Continuing Education Transcript Inquiry.” Select “Connecticut” from the drop-down menu. Enter your license number and last name and click “submit.” You will now be able to view and print your transcript. Please note that transcripts are only accessible using producer license numbers. Social Security numbers are no longer usable.

Flood Insurance Course Requirement Newly licensed agents are required to complete a flood program course during their first compliance period.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 Life &

Health Pre-Licensing

Day 6 8:30 - 4:30

3 4

5 6 7 8 ACSR #4

Errors & Omissions

Loss Control 8:30 - 4:30

9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 Laws,

Regulations & Ethics Seminar

8:30 - 12:10

17 18

19 20 21 22 ACSR #5

Professional Development & Account Mgmt.

8:30 - 4:30

23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31

August 2012



All resident agents are subject to continuing education for every line of authority.

The Connecticut Insurance Department has an extensive website ( offering information on licensing, forms, statutes, regu-lations (proposed and finalized) Please take advantage of this web site for valuable information.

Individual transcript information can be obtained by accessing Once on the website, select “For Individual Agents” from the “Products and Services” menu. Under “Quick Start for Agents” (at the top of the page) select “Look Up Education Courses / Credits.” This will bring you to an “Inquiries” page. Select “Continuing Education Transcript Inquiry.” Select “Connecticut” from the drop-down menu. Enter your license number and last name and click “submit.” You will now be able to view and print your transcript. Please note that transcripts are only accessible using producer license numbers. Social Security numbers are no longer usable.

Flood Insurance Course Requirement Newly licensed agents are required to complete a flood program course during their first compliance period.


Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 15

This year RLI has been working hard to provide you with

the tools you need to place coverage with them. They

have added Uninsured Motorist coverage, The PUP ACCESS

system to monitor your RLI business, the PUP Special rating

tier that allows placement of your more difficult to place

prospects and as always, they will write coverage over

households with no personal automobiles.

Another improvement is RLI’s new easy to use website, Please add it to your fa-

vorites list! This is something many of you asked for and

RLI has delivered a site that is simple and easy to get a

quote quickly.

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 16


23rd Annual Golf Tournament

Sponsored by the IIAC Young Agents Committee August 2, 2012

Blackledge Golf Course, Hebron, CT

Mid-Year Convention November 8, 2012

Aqua Turf Club, Plantsville, CT

Spring Conference Sponsored by the IIAC Young Agents Committee

Was Held on May 2, 2012 Wethersfield Country Club, Wethersfield, CT

Annual Dinner Meeting and Installation of Officers

Was held on June 7, 2012 St. Clement’s Castle, Portland, CT

Additional information and registration forms for the above events can be obtained by clicking on the event name above, going to the “Events” page of our website or by contacting Tracy Hearn at 860-563-1950 or emailing to

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 17

Big “I” Professional Liability As a member, you have access to the Big “I” Professional Liability program, the most respected and comprehensive program in the business offering a variety of insurance agent’s E&O products that are hand-selected for their superior reputation and exceptional performance. - Member Resources page / Or call Laura Szatkowski at 860-563-6510

Big “I” Markets Exclusively available to Big “I” members, IIABA’s online market access program features specialty/niche coverages, program business and hard-to-find markets. Unlike similar programs, there are no registration fees, no volume commitments and competitive commissions.

Big “I” Flood Big “I” Advantage operates as a managing general agency and agents participate as sub-producers for the Big “I” Flood Pro-gram. Selective Insurance Company is the provider for this NFIP Write-Your-Own program and they make writing flood insur-ance easy and profitable leaving the method of quoting up to the agent.

Big “I” Retirement/Benefits Having trouble deciding which retirement plan is right for you or your agency? Big "I" Retirement Services is here to help you choose which plan best meets your circumstances.

RLI RLI's Personal Umbrella Policy stands atop your client’s existing homeowner and auto insurance to provide an extra layer of personal liability protection. RLI’s @Home Business policy, responds to the needs of over 100 eligible business classes on an ISO BOP form. - Member Resources page / or call Rose Mullaly at 860-563-6510.

Business Resources Enjoy group discounts for a variety of services to assist in managing your agency. Caliper (employee testing) ; DHL (express delivery); Mines Press (printing); Hertz (car rental); Artizan Internet Services (Service 911, CSR 24).

InsurBanc InsurBanc is an independent community bank founded by agents exclusively for agents.

Virtual University Research Library - For those who seek a smarter way to research, the VU provides the access. Ask an Expert Service - Big "I" Members can submit questions to our "Ask an Expert" service and a response is usually sent within 3-5 business days, but often sooner. Online Courses - The VU offers a wide variety of online classes.

Best Practices The Best Practices program provides member agents with meaningful performance benchmarks and business strategies that can be adapted to improve the performance of your agency, thus enhancing agency value.

Government Affairs The Big “I” is your advocate on the issues that matter to your success, whether the issues occur in state legislatures, Washing-ton D.C., your state insurance department, the NAIC, or the judicial system.





Big “I” Advantage Programs

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 18

ACE Private Risk Services 860-828-7931

Agency Intermediaries, Inc. 203-453-2859

American Integrity Restoration 860-657-2100

Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. 860-560-2766

Astonish Results, LP 401-440-5955

Broadway Premium Financing 800-728-7255

Capitol Bail Bonds, LLC 860-899-1956

Chroma Building Corporation 203-602-8838

Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Agency 203-498-3000

Connecticut Underwriters, Inc. 860-347-9600

Crystal Restoration Services 203-853-4179

Empire State Brokerage Services 203-798-0067

Fairfield County Bank 203-431-7527

W. Ford Agency, Inc. 203-549-0005

Heimgartner Insurance Services, Inc. 860-436-3991

The Hingham Group 781-749-0841

HSB Associates, Inc. 860-722-5539

For information on how to become an Associate Member of the Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut and a complete list of benefits, please visit the “Join” page of our website or

contact Rose Mullaly at 860-563-1950 or email


(Click on the website for a direct link)


(Click on the website for a direct link)

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 19

Hybrid Insurance Agency 860-688-440

Insurance Agency Accounting & Bookkeeping 860-614-7268

Insurance Engineering Solutions 860-429-5156

InsurBanc 866-467-2262

Iroquois of Connecticut, Inc. 860-621-8412

Kapura Cleaning & Restoration 860-747-2100

Joseph Krar & Associates 860-628-3967

J.P. Maguire Assoc., Inc. 800-233-8220

McGrath Insurance Group, Inc. 508-347-6850

Maynard Insurance Group 203-318-0008

Oakbridge Insurance Services 860-906-0120

Plymouth Glass & Mirror 860-283-0276

JN Phillips Auto Glass 781-939-3400

Premium Assignment Corp. 603-421-1953

Pro-Klean Cleaning & Restoration Services, Inc. 866-463-2313

PuroClean Mitigation Services 860-516-8083

Renaissance Group, Inc. 860-307-2957


(Click on the website for a direct link)


(Click on the website for a direct link)

For information on how to become an Associate Member of the Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut and a complete list of benefits, please visit the “Join” page of our website or

contact Rose Mullaly at 860-563-1950 or email

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 20

Servicemaster QRV Regional Group 203-386-1565

ServiceMaster by Wills 860-447-3265

SERVPRO Cleaning and Restoration of New Haven, Waterbury & Naugatuck Valley


SERVPRO of Manchester-Bolton 860-649-0836

Steamatic of CT 203-985-8000

TAPCO 800-334-5579

Target Insurance Services 860-284-0088

Thompson Agency, Inc. 860-693-4999

Travel Insured International, Inc. 860-528-7663

United Cleaning & Restoration, LLC 800-835-0740

XS Brokers Insurance Agency, Inc. 617-471-7171

Acadia Insurance Company 860-331-2391

American Commerce Insurance Company A MAPFRE Company


AmTrust North American, Inc. 860-257-7286

The Andover Companies 860-257-7286

Central Mutual Insurance Company 877-281-4941

Chubb & Son Insurance 203-782-4115

Cincinnati Insurance Company 513-870-2000

C N A Insurance 860-513-6460

Connecticut Fair Plan 860-528-9546

FirstComp 888-500-3344

Guard Insurance Group 570-825-9900


(Click on the website for a direct link)


(Click on the website for a direct link)

For information on how to become an Associate Member of the Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut and a complete list of benefits, please visit the “Join” page of our website or

contact Rose Mullaly at 860-563-1950 or email

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 21

Harleysville Worcester Insurance Company 800-225-7387

The Hartford 860-409-6150

Kemper, A Unitrin Business 203-775-5846

The Main Street America Group 603-358-1352

MEMIC 207-791-3370

MetLife Auto & Home 860-668-2699

MiddleOak 860-638-5132

New London County Mutual 860-887-3553

Ohio Mutual Insurance 419-563-0959

Peerless Insurance 860-571-2201

Plymouth Rock Assurance Corporation 860-681-2766

PMA Insurance 203-379-3825

Progressive Insurance Company 800-274-4055

QBE 860-570-0802

Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance 671-770-5171

Safeco Insurance 603-358-4156

State Auto Insurance Companies 860-633-4678

Travelers 860-277-6948

Utica National Insurance Group 800-695-1914


(Click on the website for a direct link)


(Click on the website for a direct link)

For information on how to become an Associate Member of the Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut and a complete list of benefits, please visit the “Join” page of our website or

contact Rose Mullaly at 860-563-1950 or email

Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut - - July 2012 Page 22


The Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut was founded in 1899 as the Connecticut Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. The organization’s name was changed in 1913 to the Connecticut Association of Insur-ance Agents. This name was considered more representative of the membership due to the expansion of the property-casualty business coverages and the increased presence of casualty and surety agents. In 1975 the organization became The Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut to emphasize its members abilities to work with a variety of insurance companies and industry representatives. The Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut has always been in the lead on important issues for agents. The list is long as IIAC has worked with regulators and the insurance industry on important issues such as agent licensing, anti-rebate laws, ownership of expirations, banking and insurance, and agent compensation to name a few. Today IIAC offers a wide variety of products and services to its members. The education calendar offers a full assortment of choices for licensing, continuing education and advanced degree programs. In addition, IIAC of-fers several insurance programs for our members that can be purchased to protect their agency business and insurance products that members can sell to their customers. IIAC also offers technical and regulatory assistant to our members. Technical advice is available at the staff level and through the Virtual University where you can “Ask The Expert.” In addition, IIAC meets regularly with the Insurance Commissioner and department staff to discuss current market conditions and consumers issues. IIAC is a strong advocate for independent agents at our state capital and in Washington D.C. Whatever the is-sue may be, IIAC is the voice for independent agents as we represent the interests of our membership. Our na-tional association, IIABA is a predominant lobbying force in Washington and is constantly ranked among the top 10 of all the lobbying groups in the United States. The Big “I” mission succinctly captures our purpose: “to pro-vide independent agents with a sustainable competitive advantage.” To accomplish that, IIAC is the unrelent-ing advocate on the issues that shape the environment in which our membership conducts business. IIAC is the voice in the halls of Congress, the state capital and in boardrooms across the nation.


InsurPac is the Political Action Committee (PAC) of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA). It represents the unified political voice of IIABA's 23,000 member agencies and 300,000 agents and brokers nationwide. It is the largest property-casualty insurance industry PAC in the country, and is one of the primary reasons the Big "I" is rou-tinely rated among the most successful lobbying groups in Washington, DC.

"Lobbying and a well-funded PAC go hand-in-hand," says Charles Symington, IIABA's Senior Vice President of Government Affairs. "InsurPac's voice resonates through the halls of Congress on behalf of the Big "I". Every elected official knows that a contribution from InsurPac is a contribution from 23,000 small business owners."

InsurPac raises funds by asking for voluntary personal contributions from independent agents and brokers throughout the country. By pooling money together, InsurPac helps elect candidates and re-elect members of the U.S. Congress who share IIABA's business philosophy.

This concept of pooling personal contributions together for the greater good is essential to understanding the importance of PACs. As an individual, you can make the average contribution of $200 to a Congressman, or you can invest that $200 in a PAC, which in turn combines that with 9 other donors and gives the same Congressman $2,000. At the end of the day, PACs are able to speak with a collective voice that is much louder than that of an individual. It is impossible to overvalue the power of a collective voice -- of a collective InsurPac speaking on behalf of the Independent Agency system.

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