the confederate informant - was right” and many more books). his twin brother ronnie...

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The Confederate Informant

the official newsletter of the Major James Morgan Utz Camp #1815

Sons of Confederate Veterans and the

Brigadier General Francis Marion Cockrell Chapter # 84 of the Military Order of the Stars and Bars

March 2016 issue...

************************************************************************************* Commander.............................Dave Roper;

1st Lt. Commander..................Duane Mayer;

2nd Lt. Commander, Florida.............................................Rojer Snyder

2nd Lt, Commander, Pilot Knob...RobGraham;

Adjutant.........................................Brad Bludsworth;

Treasurer.....................................Bill Bowden;


Visit our camp website at...www.

Visit the Missouri Division website at…

Visit our international website at…

In this issue..................................................

Commander’s Call....Page 2 Chaplain’s Corner….Page 2 MOSB….Page 3

Camp Minutes….Page 5 Camp Calendar…Page 6 My Confederate Ancestor….Page 6 Missouri Division Reunion….Page 7

Commander’s Call:

The warm days in February have us all ready for spring. We had a great turn out

at our February Camp Meeting and Speaker David McCollisterd did a great job

with his presentation on the Battle of Sharpsburg Maryland.

Upcoming Camp Meeting: March 12

At the Community Commons/Spencer Road Library Room 240, at 1 PM. All

Camp Meeting are on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 1:00 PM in room

240. The address is 427 Spencer Road, St. Peters, MO 63376. It is just off

Mexico Road and South of the new Menards Home Improvement Center. You

can access Mexico Road from Interstate 70 by exiting either at Mid-Rivers

Mall Drive and go south to Mexico Road, then East to Spencer Road or exit at

Cave Springs and go South to Mexico Road and then West to Spencer Roads

When you get to Spencer go south a few blocks to Boone Hills Drive.

The Community Commons Building (427 Spencer Road) is located at the South-

East corner of that intersection.

Chaplain’s Corner: By Duane Mayer

William Allen Montgomery was born in Tennessee in 1829. He obtained his law degree but was a successful planter in Texas through the 1850's. A staunch secessionist, he joined the Southern army as a Baptist chaplain, serving the Army of Tennessee through the war’s end. He returned to Texas to find his fortune gone. He worked for his father in law for three years before becoming an ordained Baptist minister in 1868. He headed churches throughout the South over the next 15 years, baptizing over 1000 in his churches. He became a editor for several religious newsletters

become serving as president of Carson-Newman college for 5 years. He returned to church ministry in his final years, passing away December 16, 1905 at the age of 76.

MOSB: By Father Richard Rudd….MOSB Chaplin

Every era of American history has been plagued by an invasive foreign threat to

freedom. America’s birth was precipitated by the imperialism of a tyrannical

monarchy. Soon afterward, the tentacles of the Illuminati extended across the

Atlantic to subvert decentralized government, free market economy, and Judaeo -

Christian values. The defeat of the South in the WBTS was crucial to the success

of its program in America. Today, it promotes a liberal philosophy that produces

irrationality to a state of mental illness and amorality symptomatic of spiritual

degeneration. Next came the rise of Fascism and Communism. Then, beginning

in earnest with the oil embargo of 1973, we are now challenged by Islam, a

demonically inspired terrorist movement with a political, economic, and social

ideology disguised as a religion that culminates with physical death for its

adversaries and spiritual death for its adherents. Regardless of the form taken,

each threat has employed the same methods: lure potential followers with false

promises, intimidate resisters, disarm and disenfranchise the masses, and silence

all opposition.

More people are beginning to ask what they can do individually to deal with the

threatening situations confronting us. There are some general precautions we

should practice regardless of the type of threat or tactic used. It is always better

to hold the higher ground. We can begin by avoiding vulnerability and being

willing to take personal responsibility. First, minimize or avoid as much personal

debt as possible because “…the borrower is the slave of the lender.” (Prov. 22:7)

Know the difference between needs and wants and be honest with yourself.

Ignore alluring and seductive jingles and sound bites. Resist entertaining

distractions and social pressure to conform. Refuse to sacrifice independence and

freedom for comfort and security. Franklin said, “They that can give up essential

liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Second, it is as beneficial to be armed with knowledge as it is to be with

munitions. We must seek out truth and educate ourselves, not relying on those

with an agenda, such as politicians and bureaucrats, the media, academics, or

corporate executives. Take the time and make the effort to read, attend

meetings, ask the right questions, and dare to think for yourself.

While foreign threats against freedom assume different forms, they emanate

from the same source. To deal effectively with threats, we must first be willing

and able to identify the source -- the enemy. Ultimately, America’s problems are

spiritual. “For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against

the…world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of

wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph. 6:12) Satan knows that “…where the

Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (II Cor. 3:17)

In war, physical conflagrations erupt in many theaters. But, the real front line is

located in the mind. It is there that the causes and strategies of conflicts are

conceived. Whether for good or evil, it is not what we know, but what we believe

that motivates the actions of man. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” (Prov.

23:7) This is why the enemy plots to control the media, educational system, and

publishing. Our thoughts are equal to our actions. (Matt. 5:28, I Jn. 3:15)

How can each one of us effectively resist our arch adversary and his minions?

One of the enemy’s most effective methods to control freedom of thought, and

therefore freedom of action, is to silence opposing views that reveal truth. This is

why prayer has been removed from public education, crosses and other Christian

symbols are being eradicated from public display, and Confederate flags and

monuments are being desecrated. Symbols speak as effectively as words. St.

Paul admonishes, “Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that need

not to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” (II Tim. 2:15) But, just to

study Scripture is not enough. The Word of God cannot be contained in the pages

of a book or behind closed doors. It lives and its power is manifested when we

boldly speak, share, and live it in every sphere of life as a way of life. The apostles

propagated the Gospel of salvation through Christ alone and did good works in

His name and by His power to the consternation of the ruling authorities. (Acts 3-

5) They were arrested, imprisoned, beaten, and ordered to stop speaking and

teaching in the name of Christ. In response, the apostles set an example for us by

exposing the authorities’ sinful practices and declaring, “We must obey God

rather than men.” (Acts 5:29) “And every day in the Temple (publicly) and at

home (privately) they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.”

(Acts 5:42) Little has changed in 2000 years. As the apostles suffered adverse

reaction, so we must be prepared to do the same when we defend the sanctity of

life and marriage, proclaim salvation through Christ alone, pray publicly in His

name, wear the Cross as a testimony of our faith, or fly Confederate banners as

emblems reminding Americans of the original intent of the Founding Fathers. In

evaluating our priorities, we must have the courage and foresight to look beyond

transitory adverse consequences to the long term and eternal effects of our

beliefs and actions. The future of your children and grandchildren, the future of

America, and the fate of eternal souls are at stake. Christ said, “And do not fear

those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy

both soul and body in Hell.” (Matt. 10:28)

For now, the adversary appears to have the advantage, but we are not to be

discouraged, for ultimately Christians are on the winning side of the battle. Christ’s disciples

mistakenly thought that He had come to establish immediately His kingdom on earth and end their

persecution under Rome. In a parable (Lk. 19), Christ teaches us, as He taught them, that we are to

“fight the good fight of the faith” (I Tim. 6:12) until He returns to establish His millennial kingdom. Until

then, we are charged to, in His words, “Occupy until I come.” (Lk. 19:13) In consideration of our

enemies, Nehemiah advised, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, Who is great and terrible

(stronger than our enemies), and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and

your homes.” (Neh. 4:14) And, as Churchill insisted, “Never give in! Never give in! Never, never, never!”

Camp Minutes from our February Camp Meeting:

Raffle Tickets are in. They sell for $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. We will help sell these

for the MOSB B.G. F.M. Cockrell Chapter # 84.

Lt. Plumlee Tomb Stone Project - Several Camp Members donated money to pay

for this.

We will buy Confederate Battle Flags from Mary Hause for $2.50 ea. And we will

sell the flags to Camp Members for the $2.50 ea.

We have the “Don’t tread on me, 3rd Nationals, and the Missouri Battle flag” , plus

stickers from Bill Bowden’s supplier.

March is Confederate History Month:

Camp Calendar: March 5 – National Flag Rally Day at the Centralia Battle March 12 - Camp Meeting Speaker Duane Mayer Apr. 8 & 9 – Missouri Division Annual Reunion April 9 – No Utz Camp Meeting May 14 – Camp Meeting Speaker Gene Dressel May 22 – Confederate Memorial Day Fee Fee Cemetery

My Confederate Ancestor: Compatriot Steve Pfeil

If at all possible you need to make it to the Missouri Division Reunion.

Friday night you can meet Donnie Kenndey (co-author of the book “The

South Was Right” and many more books). His Twin Brother Ronnie who

just released “Uncle Seth Fought the Yankees.” Well also be there. The

Twins have co-author many books together. They will have their books

with them to sign and sell.

Saturday – April 9 2016

8:30 AM Begin gathering for the SCV Business Session

9:00 AM - 11:30 SCV Business Session

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM MOS&B Luncheon Guest Speaker: Ronnie


1:30 PM – 2:30 PM MOS&B Business Session

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Special Presentation by Chris Edwards “Bringing

Missouri’s Confederate Story to Branson.

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Social Hour *Cash Bar Available*

7:00 PM - ??? Dinner and Awards Banquet

Guest Speaker- Charles Kelly Barrow – Commander-in-Chief Sons of

Confederate Veterans

Editor: Dave Roper

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