the complete guide to naturally healthy hair and skin v3 · denser hair growth while others may...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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Table of Contents

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Hair Types

Hair Growth

Dry Hair

Skin Tightening

Dry Skin

Glowing Skin

Keeping your hair healthy starts by knowing what type of hair you have. Not only that, but it will help you nd the right hairstyles

and products. For the most part, hair typing isn't commonly discussed because general care is similar across all types of hair.

However, if you are going to make the most of naturally healthy, beautiful hair, you have to know its type so that you can give it

all of the appropriate care that it deserves.

Hair types go well beyond basic descriptions like curly, wavy, or straight. There are actually 12 categories and subcategories

that have a uniquely specic description. Although there are many systems for hair typing, Andre Walker's method is much

more well-known and discussed. For the sake of this chapter, we'll be using that model to help explain the various types of hair

and the care required for them.

Remember that pictures alone cannot tell you your hair type. You shouldn't rule out one type or another solely based on the

pictures shown. Instead, read the description of the types and gure out where your hair ts best. In addition to the chart, you

have to look at the texture of your hair, which typically describes how thick it is and how it feels.

It can be hard to visualize hair types based on a description alone. Since the information discussed is being based on the Andre

Walker typing system, we have taken the time to include a graphic below that showcases what each different hair type looks

like based on its classication.

As you can see in the chart above, there are four types of hair

within this system and types 2 through 4 have subcategories, as

well. These 12 classications do a fair job of covering all the

possible types of hair based on the amount of curl in the strands

and how tight those curls or kinks are wound. Straight and wavy

hair might seem simple, but those also require special care and


You can also nd other hair type charts for the various typing

systems, which all focus on their own methods of determining

what type of hair a person has. Many of these systems are

becoming obsolete with new systems developed often

reecting some variation of the Andre Walker system, which is

the one pictured above and discussed within this ebook.

Chapter 1: Hair Types

Hair Type Chart

Hair Types

1 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c

Understanding your hair type has a large impact on how well you can care for it. There are a lot of factors that affect what type

of hair you have, including the curl patterns depicted in the chart above. Other elements that determine your hair type include:

Type 2 hair is wavy hair, which also falls into different classications based on the level or amount of wave. Strands of hair

seem closer to the head, in most cases, than they might with curly hair. For many with Type 2 hair, creating denition and

volume is their biggest concern or struggle. Mousse and blow-dry styles are common for those with wavy hair, as both

options offer volume and added denition and control.

Frizz is a common issue for wavy hair, as well. A moisturizing mask weekly can do wonders, and people with this hair should

utilize product that is designed to add volume and control frizz. Remember to choose light products that won't weigh down the

curls that do exist or remove the natural waves completely

Technically, any hair that isn't Type 1 (straight) is going to be some variation of curly. However, for the sake of hair typing, these

are classied into the categories of Wavy, Curly, and Kinky, or Type 2, 3, and 4, respectively. For this section, we will focus on

Type 3 curly hair.

Keep reading for more information about specic types of hair and what special care they may need.

Diameter: the width of the actual hair strands, which may also help determine texture.

Porosity: how porous, or likely to absorb moisture, the hair is. Check out this explanation of hair porosity and how it

affects your styling routine from L'oreal Paris.

Greasiness: Some people, especially with ne or thin hair, have greasy or oily hair. Those with thicker hair usually have

the opposite issue.

Density: Also referred to as thickness, this is how much hair you actually have on your head. Some people have

denser hair growth while others may have a sparser growth. This can also change over time with age-related thinning

and male-pattern baldness.

Elasticity: This is the durability of the hair, or how well it resists breakage. Typically, thicker hair will be less likely to

break and split than thinner types.

Natural Hair Types

Type 2 Hair

Curly Hair Types

This hair is usually straight(er) when wet and then curls up as it dries. Curly hair is dened by springy, obvious curls that are

relatively easy to style. Moisture is always a concern for those with curly hair, which is why extra-moisturizing conditioners

and moisturizing masks should be used frequently by those with curly hair.

Within this hair type, there are three different subcategories. Each has its own characteristics, aws, and maintenance and

care requirements.

Type 3A hair has decently dened curls that offer a thick texture. These curls also feature plenty of shine, but also have a

tendency to be frizzy. This hair could benet from a quality moisturizing conditioner.

Type 3B curly hair is much tighter and usually features multiple textures. The curls may still have some shine, but frizz will also

be a concern. A serum or leave-in conditioner can help these curls.

3C hair is the tightest curly hair, according to this typing system. Hair that is classied as 3C will t over a pencil, offering much

tighter curls than 3A and 3B hair types. Tight curls often just need a scrunch spray and a good leave-in conditioner or oil.

Type 4 hair includes all kinky hairstyles. Subcategory 4A refers to all hair that has well-dened kinks or curls. It also has a soft

texture and tighter kinks than other styles. Kinky hair with this texture needs light products to hold its shape and prevent it from

being weighed down.

4B type kinky hair is tighter, but also less dened. The texture is much softer and more fragile. It is more likely to be damaged

by heat and product. Therefore, you should utilize products for ner hair or choose shampoos and conditioners that reinforce

and strengthen hair.

This style of kinky hair is most unique because the kinks are so tight that it might not even appear curly. It is also more sensitive

to product and heat and may have a softer texture. 4C hair requires the most care when choosing styling products and

hairstyles because of these considerations.

3A Hair Type

3b Hair Type

3c Hair Type

4a Hair Type

4b Hair Type

4c Hair Type

different hair types

Texture also has to be considered when you are trying to determine your hair type. Knowing where it falls on the “straight-to-

curly” scale is helpful, but that information doesn't tell you all that you need to know to keep your hair healthy and strong. There

are three different hair textures, which usually describe the feel or thickness.

The rst type is ne hair. This fragile hair is often hard to style because it is so thin. It is also known for being greasy or oily and

is prone to being weighed down by styling products. People with ne hair often struggle with breakage and damage more than

those with thicker hair. It is very rare for someone with curly or kinky hair to also have a ne texture. This is usually reserved for

those with straight or wavy hair and only consists of two layers: the cortex and cuticle

The majority of people have medium hair, which is slightly thicker than ne hair. This hair consists of the cortex and cuticle, like

ne hair, but may also contain a third layer. This layer is known as the medulla. This type of hair will hold style better and is less

prone to damage or breaking. It also is known to have more volume when compared to ne hair. People with straight and curly

hair alike could have medium thickness.

Finally, there is coarse or thick hair. This hair contains all three layers and provides a much fuller look than medium and ne

hair. This hair is usually more durable and will tolerate heat and product better than other textures. Thick hair also resists

breakage and damage better but can be notorious for frizz and difculty in managing longer hairstyles without plenty of


hair growth products

Chapter 2: Hair growth

Taking care of your hair means making sure that it is growing properly and healthily. Whether you are struggling with baldness

or thinning, or you just want to keep your hair growing strong, there are a lot of things to consider. Between the available

products on the market to assist with hair growth and the environmental factors that might be affecting how your hair grows,

you have to understand this process to make the best decision about how to improve your hair's overall health.

Hair growth is often only discussed in tandem with hair loss, but you do not need to have the latter to be interested in the

former. Prevention, after all, is usually the best tool when it comes to your hair health. For those struggling with healthy,

“normal” hair growth, there are many potential causes, but there are just as many possible solutions and remedies available.

The market is rich with products claiming to help restore hair growth, promote new growth, or help prevent further hair loss.

How well these products work depends entirely on the individual product. You can't assume anything on a general level,

because some solutions really are effective. Others might seem like y-by-night solutions that offer an unlikely “miracle” cure

for hair loss. Those are the ones that you need to avoid.

Choosing the right hair growth products depends on your specic needs or intentions. There are plenty of different products,

including oils, shampoos and conditioners, vitamins, and more. A walk down the hair care aisle at your local store will offer

dozens of options for hair growth support and products that promote healthy growth or assist in preventing premature hair


Hair growth oils are popular for those who want a solution that is easy to apply and doesn't require a long process of any kind.

Oils can usually be applied during or after a shower. Some are applied at night and then covered with a wrap (like plastic wrap

or a shower cap) to allow the oil to soak in and provide the most assistance to the hair and its follicles.

Oils may include ingredients like coconut oil, almond extract, biotin extracts, conditioners, vitamins, and other ingredients that

are designed to moisturize, strengthen, and thicken hair. There are a number of products available, including organic and non-

organic oils, that can help stimulate hair growth or block hormones that are causing hair loss.

Hair Growth Oil

There are a number of different vitamins that can be taken to assist with hair growth. Vitamins B and D are known to promote

healthy hair, as are substances like zinc, lycopene, and biotin (which will be discussed below). Substances like zinc and

lycopene block DHT, which is known for causing baldness.

Iron and many B-complex vitamins are essential to healthy hair and growth. Iron is responsible for carrying oxygen to the

body, promoting hair health through proper circulation. In addition to blocking hormones, zinc also helps with nutrient

absorption and building healthy cells in the body. Vitamin D promotes positive follicle cycling, while B vitamins add strength

and promote thickness.

You can look for hair products with these ingredients for best results. You can also consider dietary changes (which we'll

discuss below) to increase your natural intake of these nutrients. If you prefer, there are over-the-counter supplements for

almost all of these vitamins, which you can add to your diet to improve your overall hair health.

Like any product, hair growth shampoo may or may not work for everyone. There are a number of products designed for hair

loss and hair growth, which operate by using a variety of ingredients, including vitamins, to help stimulate new growth and

improve hair health overall.

Provided that your issues with hair growth are not related to another vitamin deciency or medical condition, shampoos may

offer assistance in improving the overall health of your hair. What these shampoos won't do is magically restore a full head of

hair to someone who is balding.

Hair growth shampoos may not be effective for everyone. However, they are typically divided into one of four categories to

address the cause of the hair growth issues: DHT blockers, caffeine-based products, anti-inammatories, and those that

increase blood ow to the scalp. Thus, they should offer some assistance but information on detailed research and long-term

success rates are limited.

Like all areas of hair care, hair growth is often treated at home by people who want a more effective or affordable solution.

There are a number of home remedies that people have tried over the years to assist with hair growth. Some have been more

successful than others. The important focus is on adding nutrients to the treatment that are known to assist with strength,

growth, and overall hair health.

Keep in mind that because these are home remedies, they have not been studied or tested for effectiveness. They may provide

some assistance with hair growth, or they may produce no results. People do prefer home remedies, in some cases, because

they are affordable and accessible. With so many different methods out there and no real guaranteed way to increase hair

growth, it certainly doesn’t hurt to try these remedies to improve the health of your hair.

Hair Growth Vitamins

Hair Growth Shampoo

Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Biotin is a member of the B vitamin family. It is often suggested as a treatment for hair health because biotin deciency can

cause thinning hair. Thus, adding more biotin into your diet or using products with this ingredient may help stimulate hair

growth and improve thickness.

Studies are limited on this product as a hair supplement, but many authoritative health and beauty sources regularly suggest

Biotin supplements for those struggling with brittle or thin hair and nails. There are supplements in tablet or pill form, oils and

hair masks, and shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin for added strength and thickness.

Although the entire family of B-complex vitamins can assist with healthy hair growth, biotin is, by far, the most effective

substance identied to this point.

Your diet can actually have a bigger impact on your hair growth than you might realize. While most people aren't going to see

drastic changes by making a few dietary adjustments, there are denitely some red ags to look for. By increasing your intake

of hair-supporting nutrients and vitamins, you can naturally promote healthier hair.

Red meat, eggs, poultry, and vegetables are ideal for increasing your iron intake, which you need for proper circulation to

promote hair health. You can nd plenty of vitamin D in milk and dairy products, mushrooms, sh, and grains. B-complex

vitamins are plentiful in whole grains, eggs, avocados, and other fruits and vegetables. Zinc is a nutrient that is found in many

vegetables and meats.

If you have thin hair or suffer from breakage, you may also want to consider increasing your oil intake. Either by consuming

more oily foods or taking a supplement like Fish Oil, which promotes healthy skin and hair by increasing the healthy fatty acids

in the body, you have a lot of ways to get the nutrients that you need to promote healthy hair growth right from your own diet.

Low-level laser therapy has been used to assist in hair growth for a number of years. The process uses photons to stimulate

scalp tissue and encourage growth. It is generally accepted that laser hair growth is a safe, less-invasive alternative to hair

transplant procedures and more effective than other remedies.

The results of laser hair growth vary from one person to the next, which makes it hard to nd consistent information about

whether or not it is actually an effective treatment option. Keep in mind that some people may experience better or worse

results based on their specic situation and why they are struggling with hair loss in the rst place.

Biotin for Hair Growth

Food for Hair Growth

Laser Hair Growth

The positive side of laser treatment, despite its expense, is that it is non-invasive and practically painless. There are no side

effects or adverse reactions to worry about, and the process is designed to increase hair strength while stimulating new

growth. It is usually only chosen by those who have not seen effective results with other remedies for hair growth.

Laser therapy is a more time-consuming process and it can be cost-prohibitive for some because insurance usually doesn’t

cover the cost of these procedures. Hair treatments are generally considered cosmetic, so for that reason, you will be on your

own to pay for laser therapy if you consider it for your hair growth needs.

Studies have shown that laser hair growth treatment increases hair growth by as much as 40% over a period of 3-4 months, in

males aged 18-48. Other studies have also shown this to be a safe and effective option for hair growth in men and women

alike. Although it has its downsides, for those who have no other options, this may be the solution that you need.

Chapter 3: DRY HAIR

Dry hair is an issue that plagues a lot of people. In fact, there are more people that deal with dry hair or scalp issues than those

with oily or greasy hair. This is evidenced by the sheer number of products on the shelves today, as well as the growing

demand for more effective and long-term moisturizing solutions. Anyone with curly or kinky hair may also struggle with dry

hair and scalp.

Part of the solution for dry hair is to nd the appropriate shampoo and conditioner for everyday use. In addition to occasional

deep conditioning treatments and other solutions, having a good daily hair product is essential for those ghting with dry scalp

or hair.

Of course, if you can gure out why your hair is dry in the rst place, you can learn a lot about how to treat it and perhaps even

repair some of the damage. A lot of dry hair comes from overuse of curling irons or styling products, for example. Others

might have a scalp condition or have damage as a result of too many chemical coloring treatments. In addition to generic dry

hair treatments, there are specialty products designed to assist with dryness caused by a number of factors.

Although there are dozens of different shampoos out there designed for people with dry hair, they are not all created equally.

Some shampoos will utilize products like cocoa butter and almond milk, while others might focus on tea tree oil for scalp

health and coconut milk for moisture.

When shopping for a shampoo that is designed for your dry hair, you also need to consider your hair type in your purchase. For

example, someone with thick, curly hair might need a heavier product while someone with ne hair might need something

lighter. Read product labels and remember that salon-quality brands are popular, but not always the right choice. The right

shampoo for your hair might be something from your local drugstore, and that's ne too.

The vast number of conditioning products can be somewhat intimidating, for every dry hair shampoo, there are probably at

least two conditioners or conditioning products on the market. You should use the same shampoo and conditioner for your

daily or regular shower routine whenever possible.

Shampoos and conditioners are made in pairs for a reason, after all. Generally speaking, you can choose a shampoo and the

matching conditioner will take care of your dry hair issues. Some people choose their conditioner rst and let the shampoo

follow suit. Either way, the set should be a solid choice


Best Shampoo for Dry Hair

Best Conditioner for Dry Hair

Choose conditioners that have similar ingredients to shampoos: coconut milk, almond milk, and vitamins. Conditioners may

also contain oil and fruit extracts to protect and add strength to your hair, which is especially helpful for those with ne or brittle


In the event that you have tried combining the same shampoo and conditioner from a single product line with little success,

you can branch out and try other products. First, however, you should consider a deep conditioning treatment. That way, you

can get your hair on a more level playing eld for your daily-use conditioner.

A deep conditioning treatment is just one option for dry hair treatment. Intensive treatments may be required for hair that is

excessively dry and damaged. This can happen for a variety of reasons, as mentioned previously. This means that the

treatment solutions might vary based on your situation.

At-home treatment remedies are available, including hair masks made from oil-rich ingredients like eggs and mayonnaise.

There are also store-bought dry hair remedies that offer a one-time intensive treatment for your hair. These could be in the

form of deep conditioning treatments, hair masks, leave-in conditioners, and oil or hot oil treatments.

Those with curly or kinky hair that struggle with frizz also have a number of specic treatment options for dry, frizzy hair.

Formulas with smoothing ingredients are ideal. There are serums available, along with one-time conditioning oils and other

products that focus specically on moisturizing and controlling frizz.

There are multiple options for using a hair mask to treat your dry hair. The primary choice is between whether you will

purchase a treatment mask or if you will create a mask from ingredients that you have at home. Many people rely on home

remedies for hair masks and conditioning treatments for dry hair. They may be effective for some people.

Some of the most popular ingredients used in homemade hair masks include:

Keep in mind that none of these remedies have been proven as effective as conditioning treatments. You can nd many home

remedies and recipes for natural hair masks online if you want to try them on your dry hair.

Many people opt for store-bought hair mask treatment. These products are readily available at local drugstores, big box

retailers, beauty stores, and salons around the country and they come in a variety of formulas. There are also masks designed

for different hair types.

Dry Hair Treatment

Hair Mask for Dry Hair

Coconut oil or coconut milk





Oil (Olive or Cooking)



As it would stand to reason, oil is a very effective treatment for dry hair. It can be especially useful for those who also struggle

with dry scalp or lack the ability to produce their own scalp oils. There are hot oil treatments available for purchase, along with

many home remedies that involve using oil or oil-based products to treat dry hair.

Hot oil treatments are especially helpful for split ends and frizz control. These products work better when activated by heat,

which helps the oil better adhere to the scalp and hair and create a protective cover.

Natural oils can stimulate hair growth and help remedy damage caused by styling, products, or environmental causes. They

also nourish the hair and combat dry scalp while helping prevent future damage. This is not a daily remedy, but it can be an

effective occasional treatment to assist your regular shampoo and conditioner.

Oil for Dry Hair

Chapter 4: Skin Tightening

The tightness of your skin can change with age, and due to a number of reasons. Most people notice this loosening of skin

around their face and neck, although it can occur just about anywhere. A surgical lift can be an option, but this is also highly

invasive and can be expensive for many people. Plus, what do you do when you don’t need a solution as serious as plastic


Fortunately, there are a number of less-invasive and non-invasive options for skin tightening. As you age, collagen in the skin

is often lost. This can lead to sagging, loose skin in many areas of the body. Usually, it is seen most frequently in the neck, with

women being the most likely to seek assistance to get rid of the excess skin. Topical treatments and dermatological tightening

solutions are both options, with a variety of treatments available in both areas.

People can nd themselves struggling with loose skin caused by weight loss or pregnancy, as well. When you gain and then

subsequently lose a lot of weight, it affects the elasticity of the skin. Less severe losses and gains may tighten back up on their

own, but when you have extreme cases, you may need assistance getting your skin back in shape after having a child or losing

a signicant amount of body weight.

If you are struggling with loose or excess skin, regardless of the cause, here are some good ways to get started on improving

your skin health.

When it comes to skin tightening, there are two major methods that are used: mechanical and chemical tightening.

Mechanical refers to the use of surgical procedures or mechanical movements to adjust the tightness of the skin. This is what

you would see in the case of a neck lift. Chemical tightening involves reintroducing valuable nutrients into the body and skin

and helping to promote collagen production.

DDermatological treatments, including laser therapy, are also available to assist with skin tightening. These treatments use

various methods to either promote collagen production or to shrink the excess skin and help it regain its original shape and

elasticity. For those who want to avoid serious cosmetic surgery, this can be a more effective solution than topical creams and


Note: Facial “exercises” have been promoted to assist with skin tightening since the 1960s, but the results have proven to be

minimal, at best

How to Tighten Skin

The neck is one of the most prominent areas for excess skin for a lot of people. Usually, the best options for treating loose neck

skin are topical lotions and products. For minor skin tightening needs, these can be effective over time and offer a solution in

an area that makes people very self-conscious. Firming creams that include retinoids and collagen-boosting ingredients are

going to be most effective.

Retinoids are responsible for preventing damage caused by free radicals, which can eventually lead to collagen damage and

loose skin. They also help increase collagen production and help to maintain the elasticity of the skin. Supplements, such as

additional collagen or protein supplements, can also be helpful in tightening neck skin. For more severe cases, you can

consider laser therapy or radiofrequency skin tightening, which both offer more effective results without invasive procedures.

Stomach skin is often more difcult to tighten because it covers a larger area. However, it is also an area that you can assist by

doing exercises to help tighten the skin and improve its elasticity. Weight training exercises can help build muscle and

decrease the appearance of loose skin that is related to weight loss.

In some situations where fat is present in an area for an extended time, it can cause the skin's elasticity to weaken. Thus, when

you lose weight, it may be harder for the skin to go back to where it used to be. By replacing the fat with muscle mass and

toning your body, you can help eliminate a lot of sagging and loose skin in the stomach area.

There are a number of topical creams on the market designed to assist with skin tightening. The cream-based products are

thicker and may be ideal for use on the neck and face because they offer a simple solution. A lot of creams are applied

overnight and designed to soak in while you sleep. There are even some products available for people with sensitive skin or

other skin issues. This offers solutions for a variety of needs.

When shopping for skin tightening products, look for those that include ingredients that promote healthy skin and collagen

production, such as B vitamins, retinoids (discussed above), protein and amino acids, and vitamin C. Collagen supplements

are also available.

Like creams, a lotion that is designed for skin tightening should include ingredients that promote skin health and elasticity.

Lotions are thinner than creams, typically, and can be applied throughout the day or as part of a morning or nightly routine.

Lotions may not offer as much coverage as a cream and may also leave a greasy residue that some people don't enjoy.

There are, however, a number of lotions available for various skin types and levels of severity of loose skin. Look at reputable

brands to nd the best options. Remember, also, that creams and lotions are designed for use on less serious skin tightening

needs. If you have a severe case of loose skin, you may need to consider a more intensive treatment option like a

dermatological treatment.

How to Tighten neck Skin

How to Tighten Stomach Skin

Skin Tightening Cream

Skin Tightening Lotion

Facials are available for a number of skin issues and beauty treatment regimens. There are skin tightening facial remedies

available that you can create at home and products that you can buy at the store. There are even clinics that offer personalized

facial treatments for skin tightening, which include things like facial massage, exfoliation, and a nishing serum to leave skin

glowing and promote proper collagen production after you leave.

Radiofrequency skin tightening is one of the most popular methods chosen for people who have more severe issues with

loose skin. Collagen production is stimulated by using radiofrequency energy, which also contracts the skin surface and

promotes healthy skin growth.

Utilizing this treatment allows doctors to treat loose skin issues from the outside and the inside at the same time. The rst

wand goes over the skin to treat the surface while the second goes under the skin, where it will emulsify, or liquify the fat in the

affected area, which can help rm the skin and lead to fewer issues with loose skin in the future. This procedure is minimally

invasive, as only a small puncture in the skin is needed to treat the affected area.

While this treatment is most effective on the face and neck, it is also being offered for full-body treatment when people need

something more intensive than a standard cream, serum, or facial treatment. For those who have lost excess weight, there is

not enough power in this method for effective results. They may want to consider laser treatments or plastic surgery to

remove excess skin.

Plasma skin tightening treatments are new in the cosmetic industry. These treatments are designed using plasma to help

tighten the tissues under the skin and promote positive collagen production. The procedure involves using a pen to deliver

plasma energy to the skin's surface, which then is transferred to the tissues underneath.

This is a minimally-invasive procedure that can be done at a dermatologist's ofce or a day spa, and it can be done on just

about any area of the body that needs skin tightening assistance. Areas often treated include eyelids, crow's feet, stretch

marks, stomach skin, neck skin, lines and wrinkles near the mouth, and more. The ability to alleviate loose skin without actual

cutting is what makes procedures like this one popular.

This process usually takes about six to eight weeks and will require a different number of appointments for each individual

depending on how severe their issues are and what areas need to be treated.

Skin Tightening Facial

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

Plasma Skin Tightening

Laser treatments are used to send heat into the deeper layers of the skin without affecting the top layer. This treatment is quite

effective for body treatments, including tightening loose skin on the upper arms and stomach areas. Usually, this process can

take two to six months to complete and could require anywhere from 3-5 treatments, depending on the severity of the loose

skin that you are dealing with.

This is often the last procedure that people will try before they seek out surgical solutions for loose skin. Since it is a cosmetic

treatment, it is rare that it will be covered by insurance, so keep in mind that there is a cost involved in a procedure like this that

uses expensive laser equipment to treat the skin and body.

Laser Skin Tightening

Chapter 5: dry skin

Dry skin plagues millions of people and has many causes. It can be caused by weather conditions, chemicals or topical

products like makeup and cleansers, and even underlying medical conditions like dermatitis. This condition is marked by

scaling, cracking, and itching in the dry areas. Some people have naturally dry skin, while others may only develop dry skin


Lack of moisture in the skin can affect almost any area of the body. It is most commonly found on hands, arms, legs, and feet.

However, facial dryness is also an issue for a number of people. In a lot of cases, over-the-counter products and small lifestyle

changes might be all that is required to resolve dry skin issues. Those with underlying medical conditions or actual dry skin

conditions should consult a doctor for the best treatment options.

The causes of dry skin are vast, as mentioned above. Contact dermatitis refers to skin inammation and dryness caused by a

reaction to something that touches the skin, such as the acid in many face wash products or a bleaching agent. This can

include allergic reactions to specic substances that result in inammation and/or dryness, as well.

Eczema and psoriasis are two common skin conditions that result in dry, scaly skin patches on the body. These conditions

could be the cause of your dry skin or something else could have caused the conditions to occur. Eczema is more common

among children, but both conditions can affect people of all ages.

You might be surprised to learn that type 2 diabetes may also cause dry skin issues. Other risk factors include age, bathing

habits, and medical history. Those who have a family history of skin conditions or allergies will be more prone to dry skin.

Dry skin on your face is usually a result of overexposure to environmental factors or chemicals, such as using makeup

products or harsh chemical cleansers to remove those products. A daily moisturizer that contains an SPF will provide

protection for your skin from dryness and also help prevent UV damage and other potential skin damage that could lead to


Dry skin patches can appear just about anywhere. These can be the result of many factors, just like any other dry skin

problem. Typically, these patches will be localized to the hands or feet, or perhaps even on joints. Some dry skin patches are

the result of dehydration and poor nutrition. In this situation, adding more vitamins and nutrients to your diet, and improving

your water intake, can provide a lot of natural relief from dry skin issues.

Dry Skin Causes

Dry Skin on Face

Dry Skin Patches

Dry skin around the eyes is usually an issue that comes with age. It can result in aking, scaling, or even cracking of the skin

around the eyes. Usually, this issue can be resolved with a topical cream or moisturizer designed for safe use around the eyes.

Dry skin on the eyelids can be especially irritating. You have to be able to open and close your eyes comfortably throughout the

day. When you have dry or cracked skin, it can be difcult to treat on an area like the eyelids because you have to nd products

that are safe for use around the eyes. It's best to moisturize your eyelids at night so that they can absorb the maximum

moisture while you are sleeping.

While most people have oily ears due to wax buildup, dry skin can occur in the ear canals and the folds of the ear itself. Again,

this can be a tricky area to treat because of where it is located, but usually, a simple moisturizer will do the trick. When

outdoors in extreme weather, make sure to protect your ears to prevent as many issues as possible.

As mentioned earlier, your feet are one of the most common areas where you will nd dry skin. This is especially true for

people who are required to wear closed-toed shoes that don't breathe for work, such as in the case of steel-toe boots. During

the day, the feet sweat excessively and moisture is absorbed by socks and shoes. Then, when they are removed, the feet are

left dry. If not properly moisturized, this can become an ongoing issue. A simple lotion before bed should do the trick.

Dry skin around your mouth is usually related to weather exposure or seasonal dryness. Dehydration may also be a factor.

Some people develop dry lips because they use Chapstick regularly and cause their body's own moisture production to slow

down. You should make sure that you are drinking enough water and use a moisturizing product designed to actually resolve

dry skin issues.

Also known as the “t-zone”, your nose and forehead may be prone to dryness. Flaking and peeling around the nose is usually

remedied with a topical moisturizer, so long as it is not the result of another condition.

Dry Skin around Eyes

Dry Skin on Eyelid

Dry Skin in Ears

Dry Skin on Feet

Dry Skin around Mouth

Dry Skin around Nose

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of different remedies for dry skin. Finding the right remedy depends on the type of dryness

you are facing and where the issues are occurring. Typically, lotion or moisturizer that includes vitamin E, humectants,

retinoids, and/or hydrocortisone will be most effective for topical treatment of dry skin.

Those who have underlying medical conditions may need to obtain prescription topical medications that include steroids and

other prescription ingredients that are designed to improve the moisture and health of the skin from the inside out. If topical

treatments aren't effective or your dry skin seems to persist no matter what you do, it is probably best to consult your doctor

and get a referral to a dermatologist.

Lotions and creams that provide more coverage are better suited for dry skin on the body where a larger area may be affected.

The best lotion for dry skin will contain ingredients similar to those listed above that are also found in moisturizers.

A moisturizer that is going to be effective will contain ingredients like:

The biggest difference between a moisturizer and lotion is that a moisturizer is designed for small applications,

and usually is best for facial use.

Dry Skin Remedies

Best Moisturizer for Dry Skin

Best Lotion for Dry Skin


Hyaluronic acid

Glycerin and glycerol

Alpha hydroxy acids


Sunscreen (SPF 30+ recommended for best protection)

Vitamins C, D, E, and/or K

Cocoa butter or shea butter

Fatty acids

Coconut oil


Glowing skin is the goal of anyone who has less than a lustrous appearance. Anyone who has oily pores or extra-dry skin can

feel like it will be impossible to get that glowing complexion, but there are options for people with all skin types. Glowing skin

refers to skin that has small pores, a surface clear of blemishes, and an even complexion. It is moist, soft, and very healthy.

There are numerous ways to improve the health of your skin and create that glowing complexion that you crave, no matter

what your skin issues might be. From home remedies and lifestyle changes to over-the-counter products, skincare solutions

abound to help you create a healthy, beautiful complexion. Take the time to explore the available solutions and nd what is best

for your skin. Usually, that’s going to be a combination of solutions or methods.

The best way to get glowing, healthy skin is to stay hydrated and know your own skin type and behavior. This will help you take

a proactive approach and avoid much of the damage that comes from using the wrong skincare products, overusing makeup

and harsh chemicals, and other issues. Natural skincare solutions, like dietary changes and lifestyle changes, are quite

effective for many people. Of course, combining those with topical treatments or skincare products may prove to offer an even

better outcome.

Drink more water: Especially in the harsh summer months, staying properly hydrated can go a long way to help with

glowing skin.

Eat more fruits and veggies: Fruits add moisture to the body organically. There are also many nutrients in fruits and

veggies that can promote healthy skin, like vitamins B and C, retinoids, and antioxidants.

Use makeup with moisturizers: Makeup is a skin problem for a lot of people. Make sure that your routine includes a

moisturizer before applying makeup to your face, or buy a foundation with a moisturizer built-in.

Look for products containing ingredients like ceramides and retinoids, which are found in many topical skincare


How to Get Glowing Skin

Here are some quick tips for improving your skin health:





An important way to guarantee beautiful, youthful skin is by consuming a multi-collagen powder. There is a lot of science

behind this amazing protein supplement. By simply ingesting collagen protein you actually replenish your body’s natural

collagen that unfortunately depletes with age. Science recognizes that collagen is vital for hair, skin and overall wellbeing.

Add all ingredients to a blender + blend on low speed for 30 seconds to break up the frozen fruit. Continue to blend on high

speed for 1 minute or until smooth.

Now, let's delve a little into the specics of various treatments to give you the glowing skin that you deserve.

• 1 Cup strawberries

• ½ Cup frozen pineapple chunks

• ½ Cup frozen mango chunks

• 1 Banana

• 2 Tablespoons multi-collagen peptides

• 1 Cup nut milk


Glowing Skin Products

Over-the-counter skincare products are plentiful. Of course, they are not all created equally. Some are designed to reduce oil in

the skin, while others are created to help improve moisture for those with dry complexions or combination skin. Products that

will be most effective contain moisturizers and ingredients that promote overall skin health, because that's essentially what

glowing skin is.

Moisturizers, day and night creams, serums, and other products are available to assist with creating a glowing complexion,

no matter what your skin type or conditions might be. Collagen and elastin are ingredients that you will see a lot of, as well as

ingredients that support the healthy production of these two elements. Having enough of both in the skin provides optimal skin


Other common ingredients in skincare products that are designed to improve the overall appearance of your skin include:

pomegranate oil, CoQ10 (ubiquinone), vitamin E, vitamin C, tea tree oil (to assist with irritation and dryness), green tea extract,

coconut oil, cocoa or shea butter, retinoids, antioxidants, glycerin or glycerol, and exfoliants.

If you're looking to avoid the harsh chemicals or high cost of over-the-counter skincare products, there are natural ways that

you can improve your skin health. From changing your diet and lifestyle to using home remedies and face masks, you will nd

plenty of options for improving your skin without buying products or visiting a dermatologist.

The right routine for face care can make all the difference. Start with a cleanser that is mild and designed for your skin type.

Then, follow that with a toner and a moisturizer to nish it off. Make sure that your moisturizer includes SPF for sun protection

to prevent future damage. This regular routine will help you naturally create glowing skin and result in a reduced need for repair

and restoration down the road.

There are a number of homemade face mask recipes that are designed to help you improve the look and health of your

complexion. To get glowing skin, consider a DIY face mask like the ones listed below.

Other common ingredients in DIY masks for glowing skin include cocoa powder, coconut oil, avocado, pomegranate,

cucumbers, citrus fruits, green or white tea, oatmeal, and egg whites. If you try one with little success, feel free to try a

different recipe next time.

Pumpkin Smoothie Mask: combine ½ cup frozen canned pumpkin, one cup almond milk, half a frozen banana, a

teaspoon of cinnamon, and honey or syrup to taste. Blend until smooth. Set aside one tablespoon for your face

mask and drink the rest. Apply the mask and rinse off after about ve minutes.

P eaches and Cream: this recipe calls for ½ cup of almond milk, ½ cup of Greek yogurt (plain), two sliced

peaches, and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon. Again, this is a smoothie and a face mask, of which you'll need about one

tablespoon for a full application.

Coffee Turmeric Mask: Combine one tablespoon each of instant ground coffee, Greek yogurt, and powdered

turmeric. Apply this to the face, including under the eyes. Leave it on for 20 minutes and remove with a warm,

damp washcloth.

How to Get Glowing Skin Naturally

DIY Face Mask for Glowing Skin

Diet often has a huge impact on the health of your skin, as seen by the common food ingredients used in the face masks

discussed above. If you are looking to change your diet or add better food items to improve skin health, consider those listed in

common face mask recipes.

Bananas are great for skin health because they are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Other recommendations include

changing to a diet that includes lean protein, healthy oils and fats, ber, raw vegetables and fruits, and certain spices that are

known to promote skin health and help ght free radicals.

Food for Glowing Skin

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