the comparison of mass and surface area of molluscs from the intertidal zone of magellan bay,...

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  • 7/25/2019 The Comparison of Mass and Surface Area of Molluscs from the Intertidal Zone of Magellan Bay, Lapu-Lapu City


    The Relationship of Mass and Surface Area of Molluscs retrieved from the Intertidal Zone

    of Magellan Bay, Lapu-Lapu City1

    Arombo, Julianne Marvin B.

    November 2015

    1A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in ZOO 111

    (Invertebrate Zoology) A.Y. 2015-2016 under Prof. Marjorie D. Delos Angeles and Prof.

    Brisneve Edullantes of the BS Biology Program, Sciences Cluster, University of thePhilippines Cebu.

  • 7/25/2019 The Comparison of Mass and Surface Area of Molluscs from the Intertidal Zone of Magellan Bay, Lapu-Lapu City



    The marine invertebrate molluscs within the intertidal zone are predominantly

    comprised of gastropods and bivalves. Both of these classes has the delineating

    structure of the number of shells each molluscs synthesize. In investigating the

    phenotypic plasticity, a phenomenon which allows diversity of shell morphology,

    shell growth is regarded. Shell growth in general affected greatly by two factors-

    mass and surface area. These coping mechanisms for growth allows an association

    in lieu of correlation. The study aims to answer the problem of the type of

    correlation that the aforementioned factors exhibited towards their contributing

    scheme. The specificity of mass and surface area was performed with the use of dry

    mass and maximum estimated surface area. As these variables treated in equal

    matter within a parametric set-up, the morpho-anatomical features of each samples

    is also included as supplementary information. With the use of Pearson Product-

    Moment Correlation, the investigation turned out that there is a strong positive

    relation between the two variables regardless of its effect to one another vis-a-viz.The use of correlation to the study portrayed the effects of phenotypic plasticity due

    to the efficiency of shell growth within the various kinds of mollusc regardless of

    shell type and number as they enact upon the adaptations of the organisms.

    Keywords: Phenotypic plasticity, Shell Mass, Shell Surface Area, Molluscs,

    Bivalves, Gastropods.

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    Background of the study

    The phylum Mollusca is remarkably a diverse taxon group of its own, as it

    defies an ideal organism predominantly due to its diversity and phenotypic

    plasticity among the species (Pechenik, 2014). A general feature of the

    aforementioned phylum is the synthesis of shells yet not referred as a defining

    characteristic (Pechenik, 2014). The varied morphological structures of shells

    manifests within certain time frames and environmental changes. Shells are indeed

    subjected to phenotypic plasticity. Although phenotypic plasticity are remarked to

    have ecological and environmental consequences, a possible and relative reason is

    due to adaptation which ratifies the benefits within (DeWitt, Sih, & Wilson, 1998).

    Moreover, the phenotypic plasticity exhibited by the molluscs is due to increased

    environmental tolerance which promotes survival amidst heterogeneous

    environments (Via, et al., 1995). In marine gastropods, the existence of various

    shell forms allow defense against predation (Palmer, 1979). The molluscan shell

    phenotypic variations then allows study of their variation and also their growth

    mechanisms and coping factors.

    Shells in general are yet to be more than for aesthetic and ornamental

    purpose solely, as they provide factual information with their corresponding

    organisms with their phenotypic expressions (Rice, 1998). These phenotypic

    expressions also adhere to the growth factors not only of the molluscan organism

    but also the shell which it manifests. In some studies, it is concluded that the

    aperture opening is directly proportional to the body mass which excludes the shell

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    (Rice, 1998). Inferences from specific shell factors obtained are indeed highly

    essential to the study of relationship or association in two out of the abundant

    contributing factors to growth as usual means of correlation. Relationship of factors

    are obviously limited to two in order to investigate the ratio and proportion in each

    of the quantitative measurements.

    Through statistical methods, variables set forth in research studies will

    manifest inferential and methodological results. Within the bounds of statistics,

    variables of mass and surface area in shell are evaluated in terms of their

    association. Hence, a measurement of how two variables are correlated to one

    another regardless of the variable affecting another variable as such in controlled

    experimentation using linear association denoted by r is obtained through finding

    the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (Lund & Lund, n.d.).

    The shell mass and surface area, with their correlation, will be used to

    investigate the functional significance of shell morphology among one-shelled

    molluscs (gastropods) and two-shelled molluscs (bivalves) and their delineating

    factor of shell numbers or valves.

    The assessments of quantitative factors in shell will also be conglomerated

    with other biological concepts within the scope of morphology, anatomy, and

    taxonomy through identification of the specimens with their contributing factors to

    the growth mechanisms of molluscs particularly the gastropods and bivalves with

    the primary focal aspect of difference in shell number as secondary to the


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    Statement of the problem

    This research study answers the association of growth variables in

    molluscan shells particularly the gastropods and bivalves with the main tenets of

    mass and surface area as two variables associated and compared to one another.

    The following sub-questions are sought to be answered:

    1. What is the functional significance of shell morphology with regards to one

    shelled and two shelled molluscan body type?

    2. What are the part and parcel of morphological and anatomical structures

    present both in gastropods and bivalves which makes the classes delineated

    and innate from one another?

    3. What is the importance of obtaining the surface area as a preceding data

    before the overall area of the shell?

    4. Why is the dry weight of shell considered to be feasible in the correlation

    rather than the wet weight of molluscs in general?


    The general objective of this study seeks to find the correlation of shell dry mass

    and maximum estimated surface area in both gastropods and bivalves, with each

    variables treated equally. Meanwhile, the following are the specific objectives of

    the study:

    a) To assess visual comparison of specimens to theoretical and previous

    images of molluscan shells in identification of collected organisms through

    morphological and anatomical structures.

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    b) To evaluate the specific mass and surface area set forth in the study, and

    that generalizing the two variables will result to misconceptions and

    inaccuracy of data.

    c) To study the phenotypic plasticity among gastropods and bivalves and their

    relation to the functional significance of their delineation.

    Significance of the study

    The correlation of dry mass and surface area of shelled marine invertebrates

    allows a bridge between the scientific studies of invertebrate zoology and

    theoretical mathematics (algebra and calculus). As the two fields of sciences

    intertwined together, this will allow a yield of more factual and valid data especially

    in research. The study highly manifests interdisciplinary studies which yields

    holistic learning ang exploration through heterogeneity of academic parcels without

    ostracizing other relevant aspects of various fields of knowledge.

    Moreover, obtaining the ratio and proportion of dry mass and maximum

    estimated surface area of the shell allows synthesis of formula that can be used for

    further study in shell growth and morphology of the molluscan phylum.

    The study of shell morphology and anatomy allows training in identifying

    organisms which is highly essential in creating taxonomic relationships. In

    addition, the study allows cognitive advancements in differentiating and finding

    similarities among shell-producing marine invertebrates, with the familiarity of

    possible shelled invertebrates present only in marine or saltwater.

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    Finding relationships with factors affecting shell morphology will also garner ones

    comparative skill via statistical procedures, as it is intended for scientific

    exploration. Growth, as not limited to shells, can be also used to other aspects even

    outside of the study. This can be applied to other fields of knowledge as well.

    Scope and limitations

    This study was conducted within three assessments: morpho-anatomical

    assessment which allows comparison of collected specimens to available credible

    database in the internet and identification of basic parts of the shell which

    demarcates the shell morphology between gastropods and bivalves, taxonomic

    assessment with the construction of a dichotomous key, and mathematical

    assessment which includes weighing of the sample and measuring the maximum

    estimated surface area of each shells both in estimated and exact quantities. The

    estimated surface area will be measured through forming segments along points

    and establishing a polygon excluding the curvatures present in shells whereas the

    exact surface area allows the inclusion of curvatures.

    The assessments aforementioned were the only factors conducted within the

    study. In terms of the statistical aspect of the study, parametric measures were

    observed due to the ratio or scale data of mass and surface area, the sample which

    exceeds or equals 30 (n=30 or n>30), and the use of Pearson product-moment

    correlation coefficient. Due to the variables set forth and the random sampling, the

    study will not investigate factors related to biodiversity such as population index or

    density within the vicinity.

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    Phenotypic Plasticity

    Phenotypic plasticity is rather a predominant feature in animals than plants,

    as most animals adjust within the scope of environmental conditions than plants

    (Doughty & Reznick, 2004). Moreover, phenotypic variations allows evolutionary

    mechanisms to modulate differences acquired by individuals of different wide

    range of organisms (West-Ebhard, 1989). This feature modifies animals within

    certain aspects of variations in environment, allowing morphological features to

    change in comparison to their descendants. An anecdote of which includes

    migration of animals which support the optimal reaction norm for morphological

    variations to procure (De Jong & Behera, 2002). A feature of this is considered to

    be an advantage. Nonetheless, one of the disadvantages includes difficulty in

    classifying species of type especially in cladograms which takes account ancestral

    traits. The phenotypes, controlled by genotypic combinations from ancestral traits,

    will be limited due to non-genetic regulation of traits such as variations of instincts

    among individuals of the same kind (DeWitt, Sih, & Wilson, 1998).

    Although most scientists regard phenotypic plasticity as an adaptation due

    to natural selection, it must not be assumed due to the existence of delocalized

    adaptation (Hollander, Collyer, Adams, & Johannesson, 2006) in which changes in

    morphological trait is seen only within a specific part of an organism. Moreover,

    the coping mechanism of phenotypic plasticity as means of environmental

    heterogeneity allows a vague sense of certain factors that are not subjected to

    phenotypic variation but also depending upon the situation (Hollander, Collyer,

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    Adams, & Johannesson, 2006). Hence, natural selection is just one of the factors

    which affects morphological variation, as it acts not only within a single domain of

    trait solely, either correlated within another factor affecting an organism, but also

    within the trade-offs between competing factors in the overall system of an

    organism which allows reduction of particular parts present in their ancestors in

    terms of evolution (Reznick & Travis, 1996).

    In the scope of marine invertebrates, evolution of phenotypic plasticity is probably

    due to factors of architectural constraints such as shell form of the body mass and

    growth (Trussell, 1999). Within this particular study of his, the shell form, body

    size, and strength was taken into account (Trussell, 1999).

    Growth Factors

    Growth of an animals is highly associated with factors affecting upon it.

    These can be in the forms of either quantitative or qualitative attributes.

    Quantitative factors such as height and mass are highly studied due to their

    empirical results.

    A study of factors affecting growth with their specific correlation takes

    place within marine invertebrates. In the study of length and mass relationship for

    adult aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates in California, development of animals

    with their complexity associated due to phenotype changes is also associated due

    to length-mass relationship (Sabo, Bastow, & Power, 2002). Moreover, the method

    of their research involves the determination of r-value to correlate length and mass

    in both aquatic (marine) and terrestrial animals. Another study involves

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    determination of biomass via regression of dry mass in body length (Rogers,

    Bushcbom, & Watson, 1977). Other factors that are quantifiable involves empirical

    relationship of mass and linear body relationships in terms of aquatic insects which

    is said to be useful in ecological researches since they provide a rough estimation

    of body length given its complementary factor such as mass (Johnston & Cunjak,



    In November 21, 2015, there were collected at least 30 specimens in no particular

    order. The specimens hence are randomized. The parameters of the collection

    within the intertidal zone of Magellan Bay, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu was observed.

    The sampling collection occurred in two specific regions of the intertidal zone. The

    first was the collection of samples with predominance of the gastropod shells (10

    18' 43.3656'' N, 124 0' 51.5700'' E), and the second with the predominance of

    bivalves shells (10 18' 46.2528'' N, 124 0' 52.1100'' E). The given coordinates

    were in approximation.

    The specific parameters such as the length or area at which the specimens were

    taken is unimportant with the study, as this entails only the correlation of variables

    set forth and not with the biodiversity or population size of bivalves and univalves

    present. It is important to take heed of the notion that the samples were taken at

    once in a particular region of the intertidal zone as this study is in lieu of random


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    In the experimental protocol, two quantitative measurements were taken: the shell

    dry mass, and the surface area. These two protocols were done to all the 30 samples


    The shells were dried and left exposed to air to evaporate the moisture present on

    each shells. It is important to take notice that prior to the weighing of the samples,

    the shells must not contain any moisture as it affects the accuracy of the dry weight

    data. After taking the moisture out of the shells, they were weighed with an

    analytical balance to obtain accurate data. In gravimetric or any weighing

    procedures done, the prior notice must set forth to the bubble within the balance as

    it must be centered within the apparatus. Adjusting the knobs on each corners of

    the balance will make the bubble within the center indicating that the apparatus is

    significantly correct, as the obtained weight were crucial in the scope of the study.

    After the weighing process, each specimens then were placed with labels along the

    shell integuments using a marker. The labelling must be done after the weighing.

    Moreover, the use of surgical gloves or tissue paper while holding the shell was

    done as fingerprints or any particulates other than the shell will also affect the data.

    In obtaining the maximum estimated surface area, each shells once dried were

    traced within a graphing paper. In graphing the two shelled molluscs such as the

    bivalves, the dorsal and ventral valves were separated along their hinge. Both of the

    valves were traced. Nonetheless, the maximum between the two valves will be

    regarded as data in the surface area. Meanwhile, the one shelled molluscs such as

    the monoplacophorans and gastropods were traced in accordance to the maximum

    outline of the shells surface. Hence, the curvatures of each shells were included in

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    tracing. With respect to the accuracy, the pencil used for tracing must be pointed

    and dark enough for clarity.

    The traced surface areas were now set with relevant points of relative extrema

    (relative maximum and relative minimum). The calibration used was based on

    centimeters. With this, the standard graphing paper which has a scale of 0.5 cm X

    0.5 cm was used. The traced shells were assumed to be within a Cartesian plane,

    with the x and y-coordinates serving as point of reference.

    The traced shells in graphing paper would be transferred according to the points

    lying within the curvatures and segments formed. This will allow surface area

    measurements via graphing calculators and software. A software used for obtaining

    the surface area is through the aid of GeoGebra , a free of charge computer

    application retrieved from Significant points from the

    shell trace were obtained. Such points referred were the x-intercepts, y-intercepts,

    points within the intervals of 0.5 cm, and critical points of increasing and decreasing

    functions indicating relative extrema.

    As the points previously obtained were part of the inputs, the formed shell within

    must be that of approximately similar to the previously traced. The graphing

    software would provide an estimated surface area, as the quantity obtained excludes

    the area of the curves but only obtaining the area formed as segments. Manual

    computation for the areas on each curve using integration, with the summation of

    these area between the curves and segments, would provide the exact surface area

    of each shells.

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    The morpho-anatomical assessment was conducted by obtaining documentation of

    specimens and comparison through online databases which offer taxonomic

    hierarchy of the identity of the specimens. The database used particularly for this

    specimen was retrieved from


    The results of this study both incorporates the taxonomic genus and species level

    of each gathered specimens through phenotypic comparison such as the

    morphological features which sets them distinct from one another and the

    correlation of shell dry mass and estimated surface area represented via scatter plot

    which includes the r-value in terms of PPMC.

    Within the scope of the phenotypic comparison as part of morpho-anatomical

    assessment, specimens are generally juvenile or not mature as compared with their

    adult counterparts.

    The following documentations include the shell with their frontal and abfrontal

    features shown.

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    Figure 1.1. The bivalve shells gathered during the field assessment. The left exhibits

    the external morphology of the two-shelled molluscs as the right exhibits the

    internal morphology. The first three specimens named according to their number,

    Fimbria fimbriata (Linnaeus, 1758), were documented in varying sizes. The

    perceptive sizes indicate their stages or age in general. Within the documentation,

    an error was procured as both the third and fourth specimens were exchanged in

    terms of their position within the documentation. The fourth specimen,

    Laevichlamys squamosa(Gmelin, 1791) exhibits evident horizontal rings within its

    frontal portion whereas the fifth specimen, Mirapecten moluccensis (Dijkstra,

    1988) exhibits vertical rings.

    Figure 1.2. The bivalves and gastropod shells gathered during the field assessment.

    Similar instance applied from the previous figure. The last specimen gathered

    which belongs to class Bivalvia was similar that of the first three. As a concluding

    summary, there were seven bivalves gathered, four of which are F. fimbriata

    (Linnaeus, 1758). All of the bivalves gathered are Lamellibranch. The rest of the

    specimens (6-30) are of gastropods. Specimen number 7 and 8 are Aloconatica

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    kushime (Shikama, 1971). Meanwhile, specimens 9 and 10 are Vexillum tusum

    (Reeve, 1845).

    Figure 1.3. The predominantly prosobranch and ophistobranch shells, the two of

    the three subclasses of class gastropoda. The abfrontal region was presented at the

    left while the frontal region was on the right. Specimens 11 and 12 are Canarium

    sp. (Roding, 1798). Meanwhile, specimen 13 is Theliostyla albicilla fasciata

    (Krauss, 1848) which is similar that of the specimen 15. Lastly, specimen 14

    Maculotriton sp. (Deshayes, 1834). All of the specimens gathered so far based on

    this figure are all prosobranchs.

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    Figure 1.4. The gastropod shells gathered. The left portion was the abfrontal region

    of the shell as the frontal region was on the right portion with the exposure of


    Figure 1.5. The gastropods shells gathered similar to the previous figure given.

    Figure 1.6. The last gathered gastropod shells within the locale of the study.

    The samples collected within the intertidal zone of the Magellan Bay, Lapu-Lapu,

    Cebu City, Philippines ranges from 0.5143 g to 10.4441 g in terms of dry weight.

    The shells are also similar to one another as it also distinguishes the stratification

    of shell variances within the locale. The taxonomic classification of the specimens

    was obtained via phenotypic comparison. The taxonomic classifications then might

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    be subjected to visual biases. Hence, there will be a biased assumption of the

    structure within its proximity or relativity and not with a guaranteed accuracy.

    The collected specimens are predominantly gastropods, as the most collected are of

    in the taxonomic classification of subclass Prosobranchia (Pechenik, 2014) of class

    Gastropoda while the bivalves are predominantly of subclass Lamellibranchia

    (Pechenik, 2014) of class Bivalvia. The tabulated taxonomic classification of the

    specimens gathered will give a crude estimation of the predominance of gathered

    species which attests the statement aforementioned.

    Table 1. The taxonomic classification of the specimens gathered based on the class,

    subclass, and genus and species taxa expressed in binomial nomenclature (scientific




    Class Subclass

    Scientific name based on

    morphological similarities

    1 Bivalvia Heterodonta Fimbria fimbriata (Linnaeus, 1758)

    2 Bivalvia Heterodonta Fimbria fimbriata(Linnaeus, 1758)

    3 Bivalvia Heterodonta Fimbria fimbriata (Linnaeus, 1758)

    4 Bivalvia Heterdonta

    Laevichlamys squamosa

    (Gmelin, 1791)

    5 Bivalvia Heterodonta

    Mirapecten moluccensis

    (Dijkstra, 1988)

    6 Bivalvia Heterodonta Fimbria fimbriata (Linnaeus, 1758)

    7 Gastropoda Prosobranchia Aloconatica kushime

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    (Shikama, 1971)

    8 Gastropoda Prosobranchia

    Aloconatica kushime

    (Shikama, 1971)

    9 Gastropoda Caenogastropoda Vexillum tusum (Reeve, 1845)

    10 Gastropoda Caenogastropoda Vexillum tusum (Reeve, 1845)

    11 Gastropoda Prosobranchia Canarium sp. (Roding, 1798)

    12 Gastropoda Prosobranchia Canarium sp. (Roding, 1798)

    13 Gastropoda Prosobranchia

    Theliostyla albicilla fasciata

    (Krauss, 1848)

    14 Gastropoda Prosobranchia Maculotriton sp. (Deshayes, 1834)

    15 Gastropoda Prosobranchia

    Theliostyla albicilla fasciata

    (Krauss, 1848)

    16 Gastropoda Caenogastropoda Vexillum tusum (Reeve, 1845)

    17 Gastropoda Caenogastropoda Cypraea sp.(Linnaeus,1758)

    18 Gastropoda Prosobranchia

    Perotrochus sp.

    (Fischer & Bernardi, 1856)

    19 Gastropoda Prosobranchia Maculotriton sp. (Deshayes, 1834)

    20 Gastropoda CaenogastropodaCypraea sp.

    (Linnaeus, 1758)

    21 Gastropoda Prosobranchia Canarium sp. (Roding, 1798)

    22 Gastropoda Prosobranchia Maculotriton sp. (Deshayes, 1834)

    23 Gastropoda Caenogastropoda Vexillum tusum (Reeve, 1845)

    24 Gastropoda Prosobranchia Canarium sp. (Roding, 1798)

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    25 Gastropoda Prosobranchia

    Theliostyla albicilla fasciata

    (Krauss, 1848)

    26 Gastropoda Prosobranchia Canarium sp. (Roding, 1798)

    27 Gastropoda Caenogastropoda

    Chelycypraea testudinaria

    (Linnaeus, 1758)

    28 Gastropoda Prosobranchia

    Aloconatica kushime

    (Shikama, 1971)

    29 Gastropoda Prosobranchia

    Theliostyla albicilla fasciata

    (Krauss, 1848)

    30 Gastropoda Orthogastropoda Mipus vicdani(Kosuge, 1980)

    Fig. 2. The correlation of shell dry mass expressed in grams (g) and maximum

    estimated surface area expressed in square centimeters (cm2).

    y = 0.8072x + 1.4947

    R = 0.5044










    0 2 4 6 8 10 12


    Shell dry mass (in g)

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    The correlation of the two variables were obtained and investigated through

    quantitative measurements. The test used in finding for the r value which denotes

    relationship between the two variables was Pearson product-moment correlation

    (PPMC). In obtaining the data, the shell dry mass was assumed as x values whereas

    the estimated surface area as y. The r value represents a crude estimation of

    interpreting the strength of correlation. The graph includes the r2 value.

    Nonetheless, the r value is used for evaluating the strength of the correlation.

    Hence, the r- value is 0.710309293. The r- value is obtained by the formula:

    The inputs based on the formula were as follows: Summation of x and y values

    (xy) = 541.696163, summation of x (x) = 95.8746, summation of y (y) =

    122.2032, summation of the squared x values (x2) = 493.5824877, summation of

    the squared y values (y2) = 739.7175888, and the number of samples (n) = 30.

  • 7/25/2019 The Comparison of Mass and Surface Area of Molluscs from the Intertidal Zone of Magellan Bay, Lapu-Lapu City


    Fig. 3. The result of the maximum estimated surface area as sample for this research

    study. The surface area documented above is for the first specimen which is a

    bivalve. The points given in forming the surface area involves the intercepts, points

    forming the curvature, and points within the lines. The measurement used was in

    centimeters. The segments are formed by connecting the points. This will form the

    surface area excluding the curves. The exact surface area will be obtained by

    finding each area under the curve indicated by the white color whereas the

    estimated surface area is indicated by the orange color.

    The estimated surface area involves the product of all the distances formed from

    points a and b as segment a. Meanwhile, the exact surface area is relatively difficult

    compared that of the estimated surface area, as one involves integral calculus. The

    formula for the area under the curve is in the form:

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    The integration takes place by obtaining the f(x) which will be the equation of the

    line segments formed by points a and b. These points represents the upper and

    lower limits. This formula allows the area under the curve. The product of all the

    areas under the curve added with the estimated surface area will give the exact

    surface area, which was the data used for the correlation.

    According to the intervals set forth as standard, the r- value denoted a very strong

    positive relationship within the two variables. Hence, there was a strong positive

    relationship between the mass and surface area in lieu of shell growth. Moreover,

    the given crude estimation allows Nonetheless, the relationship of the two variables

    were not connoted as independent and dependent variables as the inexistence of

    cause-and-effect relationship within the parametric standards of this study was


    The data highly suggests a strong positive relationship to shell mass and surface

    area in general in which there is a direct proportionality between the two factors in

    shell growth. Therefore, as the shell mass increases, so does the surface area vis-a-

    viz within a linear association.

    Table 2. Data obtained from the specimens in terms of dry weight and maximum

    estimated surface area.

    Specimen No. Shell weight (in g) Estimated Surface Area (sq. cm)

    1 8.0838 8.6944

    2 8.9413 11.4400

    3 2.5737 4.4100

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    4 2.1089 4.3800

    5 4.1715 4.7800

    6 5.5722 14.1200

    7 2.2105 2.0000

    8 10.4441 5.0800

    9 4.7273 3.4500

    10 4.3492 3.7700

    11 1.4179 3.5800

    12 3.3231 4.1600

    13 2.0074 2.9700

    14 2.0098 2.0000

    15 3.4434 3.8100

    16 4.225 4.1200

    17 1.2522 1.9700

    18 4.082 3.3300

    19 0.6572 1.2000

    20 1.2976 2.1300

    21 0.8254 2.2500

    22 0.6494 1.2000

    23 6.4274 6.1600

    24 2.3327 5.3000

    25 2.0914 3.7088

    26 1.8385 3.9600

  • 7/25/2019 The Comparison of Mass and Surface Area of Molluscs from the Intertidal Zone of Magellan Bay, Lapu-Lapu City


    27 0.5143 1.4500

    28 1.8195 2.6700

    29 1.4688 2.9200

    30 1.0091 1.2200


    In general, the correlation of shell dry mass and maximum estimated surface area

    was obtained using a Pearson product-moment correlation. The result was a strong

    positive relationship among the two supported by the r-value of 0.710309293. The

    variables treated equally within the experiment proper was observed to increase the

    likelihood of potential phenotypic plasticity to molluscs due to efficiency of shell

    growth. Although the shells were not investigated neither during their

    developmental phase nor their aging indicators, the shells were identified with

    factors indicating their growth coping mechanism. Moreover, phenotypic plasticity

    present among the molluscs allow diversity yet being similar with the factors

    contributing to their shell growth in general.

    Therefore, the functional significance of the adaptation in one-shelled and two-

    shelled molluscs represented by the gastropods and bivalves respectively was not

    just due to adaptations to their environment but also due to their shell growth which

    allows differentiation in appearance as part of phenotypic expressions yet with

    similar factors of growth contributing schemes such as mass and surface area that

    enables them to be varied as a phylum.

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