the common book

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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The common interactive book



The common interactive book

written by the project partners

Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. A meeting with Anne

3. In The Reptile Room

4. Satan from the 7th grade

5. The legend of Spud Murphy

6. Girls and Maťko and Kubko

7. Frightened Kate and Julie

8. Kate began to read...

9. Pigs Budkáčik and Dubkáčik

10. Helping the ants

11. Ending



Once upon a time, somewhere in Europe, in a school library,

an unusual happening took place. A group of students

decided to check, what's happening in the library at night.

Children have heard, that during this time ghosts use to

appear, characters come out from books and the library

becomes a magical place.

They spent in the library a few hours on joyful games and

plays, but nothing weird happened. A little bit disappointed, a

while before midnight, they got home. But not everyone.


Two best friends, Kate and Julie, had hidden earlier in a

corner and had a little gossip talk. They haven't noticed that

everyone had already left, and the librarian had locked the

door. As they discovered that they are alone, it was too late.

They were screaming and knocking, but nobody heard it.

The clock chimed midnight and something weird happened.

The girls heard a rustle behind their back. They carefully

looked behind bookshelf's and saw a book gnome, which was

strolling between the shelves. Shyly they approached to him

and that was when he spoke.

- Don't be afraid, it's fine you're here. Finally someone new.

Every night I meet the same characters. Let me show you

some interesting books.


Kate, who wasn't really into reading, answered:

- What for? They are all boring anyway.

On the other hand, passionate book lover Julie was very glad.

The gnome said:

- Wait, maybe you'll change your mind. We start a magical

journey through different books. Feel invited.

We also invite you to the magical journey in the

world of books. Each part of our book is about

another characters and different adventures.

Have fun.


The book gnome invited girls to such place in the library, that

they haven't ever been in and they didn't even know about

its' existence. There was a lot of bookshelves filled with old

books there. In the middle stood a red chair.

Smitten Julie shouted:

- Look - how many books!

Disappointed Kate grunted:

- Why to read if you can watch a movie instead...


Julie noticed her favourite book „Anne of Green Gables”

L.M.Montgomery. She took it in her hand, and the gnome


- Sit on the chair, it's big, you'll both fit.

When the girls sat down, Julie said:

- Some day I would like to meet Anne of Green Gables and to

see Canada - the country of her origin.

That was the moment, when unbelievable thing happened.

On the cards of the book a shadow of Anne appeared. It was

growing little by little and finally became Anne Shirley. The

red-haired character took the girls by their hands and in a

second they relocated on Prince Edward Island, right in front

of her home.


Wikimedia Commons

Anne showed to girls her house and her favourite places.

They met Anne's best friends - Diana, and were even able to

see Gilbert Blythe from a little distance. Anne talked about

her biggest failure - she was trying to get rid of her plaits

which she hated and she painted her hair green.

Panorama of Green Gable farmhouse and grounds - Wikimedia Commons

She took them to the Ghost Forest and to a glade full of

violets. Girls laid on a grass to smell the flowers and, as they

opened their eyes, they were back in the library again, and on

the red chair there is the gnome waiting for them.


Curious Kate decided to borrow the book "Anne of Green

Gables" to discover further adventures of Anne.

Now go HERE and play with Anne from Green Gables.

How do you imagine the Green Gables and girls' stroll with

Anna over the Prince Edward Island? Make a comic book

about it in a programme called Pixton. See our example.

Create a portrait of Anne from Green Gables in a programme

called Voki. Introduce yourselves as you were her.


Only just when Kate and Julie managed to get back from

their journey to Green Gables, the book gnome brought them

another guest. That was Violet Baudelaire, one of main

characters from A Series of Unfortunate Events, a series of

books written by Lemony Snicket.


Violet is the oldest among her siblings. She has a younger

brother Klaus and a sister Sunny. Violet has a talent to

construct inventions, which help her and her siblings in tough

situations. Her recognition sign is a tape, which she ties her

hair with.

Violet approached the girls. She smiled a little bit. She took

them by their hands and pulled them in the

direction of the red chair, which engagingly

jumped and twisted on one leg. As

everyone sat on it, in one moment the

library changed into Uncle Monty's


Violet said, that she took friends in the place, where she feels

well and most comfortable, almost as in real family. The

guardian of Baudelaire family was at the moment dr.

Montgomery Montgomery -herpetologist. His passion

were reptiles. He had a huge collection of snakes gathered in

The Reptile Room and was still planning a research trip

to Peru.


Violet introduced the girls to her sister Sunny and brother

Klaus. She showed them Incredibly Deadly Viper, which,

despite the name, was really humble and made friends with


How do you imagine an Incredibly Deadly Viper and Sunny?

Paint them HERE.

The children told Kate and Julie about their misery: the loss of

their parents and another guardians, which cared only about

their huge wealth. Together they walked around The Reptile

Room and met Uncle Monty, who invited them to have a cup

of hot chocolate.


Tired friends shut their eyes for a moment and when they

opened them, they were in the library again. Curious about

tough life’s of Baudelaire siblings, they agreed to read every

part of A Series of Unfortunate Events.

If you want to be with likeable Baudelaire siblings for a little

while longer, go HERE and play.


Best friends Kate and Julie, which stayed in the library for a

night, meet another characters who come out from books.

This time the book gnome brought them a young, bright-

haired boy, in which the girls recognized Adam Cisowski - the

main character of the popular Polish book Satan from the 7th

grade, written by Kornel Makuszyński.


Adam Cisowski is a smart and logically thinking student of 7th

grade (of past Polish education system), with a nickname

"Satan", who is distinguished by his detective skills, thanks to

which he already managed to solve a few problems.

Adam asked if the girls wanted to help him solve a mysterious

case. When they agreed, the red chair took them to a Polish

castle in Kliczków, near Bolesławiec. That was the place

where Adam told them about worries of castle's owners. It

appeared, that every night another door of castle's

accommodation disappears. Professor Gąsowski asked Adam

to solve the mystery.


After many adventures it occurred that one of the doors hid a

sign informing about a concealed treasure. The girls got really

involved in searching’s, they were running all around the

castle and finally got lost. They ended up in a huge, empty

hall, where the only thing was the red chair. They understood

that it's time to go home.

What do you think the girls have done?

You can choose from two versions.



They sat on the chair and in a second they were back in the

library. They didn't know if Adam managed to solve the

mystery and found a stealer. They decided to necessarily

borrow the book and find out how the story ended.

Maybe they liked such adventures? What do you think? Write

it in a comment.

Try to make a short movie about Adam's adventures.

Use a programme called

See our example.

The girls got lost in a labyrinth of castle's corridors. Help

them to find a way out.


They enjoyed a walk around an old castle and a cooperation

with handsome Adam so much, that they decided not to go

back to the library.

How could their future adventures look like? We are curious

about your ideas. Write in a comment your vision of


Adam tried to catch the doors stealer. How do you imagine


Create his portrait in

See our example.


Kate pulled from bookshelves book, on the cover showing a

potato gun.

- Another horrible book, I am sure - she said.

- There is nothing worse than when your mom during the

holidays entered the library, and you've got between her

musty shelves every day to spend two hours. It is the

perfect scenario for the debacle.


Julia looked at the book and laughed.

- Of course, you do not know this story. It is so funny.

Gnome approached:

- The book about five brothers in one house? Yes, there

things often get out of hand. When Dad has ‘had enough’, he

decides that Will and Marty should spend the afternoon in

the Library. But he doesn’t know about the librarian, Mrs

Murphy, neither did Mom.


Kate made her eyes around:

- Can Will and Marty survive the legendary librarian and her

gas-powered spud-gun?

- How the two brothers and the librarian bring about change

the library needs is a funny and exciting adventure with

touching consequences - confirmed Julia.

Gnome was sure that this is a perfect story for reluctant

readers as well as keen readers. Perfect for Julia and Kate as

well. Follow-up fight with the librarian is also interesting

because of remarkable and entertaining illustrations.


Kate and Julie decided to take another adventure with the

book gnome. He grabbed their hands and they all were began

to wiggle all. After a while they discovered two figures. They

had hats on the heads, clothes were as Walachians. Everyone

started rotated and rotated and suddenly they appeared in

the mountains...

Girls found, that Maťko and Kubko are shepherds sheep.

They have got a dog. Suddenly they prepared a fire and tried

to jump over the fire. Kubko suddenly started to scream and

jumped around Maťko and Kate. They thought that Kubko is

dancing. Only later they found that Kubko‘s trousers were

burning. Julie jumped on Kubko and she put his hat on his

burning bottom. There left a big hole on the back of the



They were going to the chalet and Kubko tried to sew big

hole. He gave into the needle long sewing and he stitched...

But the sewing was too long and he was stitching, he ran out

of the chalet where he turned around and came back ...

And while he was stitching he stitched pants on hat. They cut

away the hat and the hole was even bigger.

Then Maťko advised to Kubko to

give the pants Kate and Julie. Girls

called for help the book gnome.

And in the morning were trousers

sewn. They were even more

beautiful than before.


Kubko was so happy that the girls donated two sheep. Maybe

can help them find their way back to the library ...

Your task: Print and find a right way to sheep:


Kate and Julie find themselves alone in the library. There was

only darkness and silence ... After time they saw a little stars.

They were all around them. And the stars gradually changed

on various monsters.

Girls know the ones that made with their friends from Poland,

Slovakia and the Czech Republic in their Lexicon - for example

Zobitriočko, 48 očko chlpaté, mummy, Dlhozubec, Kníhdupák,

Knihomňam and the others.

They were afraid and Kate started screaming and shouting

that if all the ghosts disappear, so she’ll begins to read books.


Suddenly they heard a fight of two girls. There appeared also

a book gnome and lit up. Before them stood two exactly the

same girls. They were called Danka and Janka.

Everyone fell silent, ghosts disappeared and twins Kate

brought the book Danka and Janka from writer Mary



They told her that if she read a story about Gevenducha then

she’ll understand why ghosts disappeared. Kate said thanks

and she started to read.

Your task

Try to get pieces with monster in the righ place:


Kate still sat with Julie in the library.

Kate started read a book about Danka and Janka, but when

she read the story about the ghost Gevenducha, she closed

the book. She was angry.

She didn’t find why ghosts disappeared near Danka and


You do not know get advice for her?


After a while Julie ran up to Kate.

She found a book gnome how he doing something with dog

and cat in the corner of the library.

When she loves books and she had read the book about dog

and cat she knew that they making a cake.

They gave into cake everything - soap, ketchup, jam, mustard,

bones ....


However, after a while they disappeared. Kate was curious to

see how it ended with their strange cake.

Smiling book gnome snapped his fingers and immediately was

given to Kate a book I had a dog and a cat written by a

writer Jozef Čapek. Kate began to read ...

Task for you:

Do you remember words from our dictionary?

Help dog and cat to fill the crossword. Try instead Slovak

words to English words. You can to print this crossword.


Girls had very funny with the story about the dog and the cat.

Kate even began to read and she very laughed with a fairy

tale how the dog and the cat were cooking the cake together.


When she was reading a book gnome stopped her, because

the ghost Kníhdupák wanted to catch him. He was angry that

the book gnome does not want to show him a book about

two little pigs.

Julie already has heard about them. These two pigs are

called Budkáčik and Dubkáčik and this book was written

byJozef - Cíger Hronský. They are funny stories about two

funny pigs and Kníhdupák does not like them. He wanted to

find and destroy the book!


Therefore Julie decided that she finds this book and hides it

before Kníhdupák. Kate told her that she help her. Try it too?

Can you help them?

Your task:

Search for words. Then you can go to the library. Lend a book

Dubkáčik and Budkáčik - you'll rescue them before



The book gnome came to Kate and Julie and said:

Dear girls, one of my good friends asked me to help him.

It is a good ant Ferda who lives in the ant hill and takes care

of everything there.

Nowadays they have big problems there – they have many

new babies nad too few nannies to look after them.

Come please and help them.


The girls agreed so they followed the gnome to the red chair,

sat on and immediately they occurred in the middle of

the ant hill.

There were many ant babies crying, so they gave milk to

them and put them to sleep. Then they helped to tidy up all

toys and prepared other milk.

Ferda offered them a tour though the ant hill, explained and

described the life there. He also devoted a book to them full

of stories from his life outside and in the anthill.

The girls then returned back to the library looking forward to

reading about Ferda (Ondřej Sekora) and his friends.


Colour the picture:

Watch a story from the anthill:


The Ending

Girls, so busy with books, didn't notice that outside there was

getting brighter. Exciting reading was interrupted by the book

gnome, who said:

- Soon there will be morning, so I have to say goodbye to you

two. In the library there will be readers, who will take place

of gnomes and ghosts.

I'm curious if you liked meetings with book characters and

our journeys through their worlds?


Girls shouted together:

- It was fantastic! We will never forget those adventures.

- And you, Kate, what do you think about reading now?

- I didn't know that reading is fun, and books hide such great

adventures. (See why)


So, you won't be bored in next few days I suppose. I will

disappear in a moment, but firstly I will tell you one more

secret. I will leave you with a magical bookmark. If you ever

had a wish to get back to the world of books, take it in your

hands and think about me.

Do you want to know, what will happen next?

- Yes, sure! - answered Kate.

- Let's try, then.

As they all touched the magical bookmark, they moved to a

strange hut full of books. Some of them were really old and

covered with dust, some were brand new with shiny covers.


That is the magic house on a tree. Sometimes children like

you come by - they are siblings: Jack and Annie. When they

discovered this place they loved the story of dinosaurs.

On one of the pictures Jack saw a pteranodon during a flight.

He touched the picture with his finger and said "I wish I could

see him flying".

As he did that, the house trembled, spinned, and the children

moved to the era of dinosaurs. If you want to know the rest

of their adventures, read the series of books called „Magic

Tree House” - Mary Pope Osborne.

When they discovered this place they loved the story of.


- Great, I wish I could do the same.

- You will be able to travel, but under one condition: you have

to do it together and only once. Later the bookmark will

become just a piece of paper.

Girls rushed to check all the books and

didn't even notice as

the gnome snapped his fingers quietly

and dissapeared. On the place where

he was standing on, little flickering

stars appeared. There were more and

more of them. Shortly the whole

house was shining with colourful

lights. Stunned with the beauty and

very exhausted, girls sat on a couch

and fell asleep.

In the morning they woke up in their

beds and, amazed, on their night

tables found lists of books to take

from the library.


Before lessons they visited the library to take the books and

as soon as they got there, the librarian gave Kate

the bookmark saying, that she had found it in a book which

yesterday the girl came to the library with.

What do you think, what will the girls do?
















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The project "A Night in the library”:

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