the cold war presentation 2015 d j

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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PowerPoint Presentation

THE COLD WARPost WWII Era How and why did the Cold War begin?

The United States and the Soviet Union emerged from WWII as WORLD POWERS, triggering a rivalry over ideology and national security.

NOTESThe Cold War

D. Background InformationCOLD WAR: The state of tension ________ actual ______ fighting between the United States and the Soviet Union. This tension divided the WORLD into __ camps.

without2directNOTESThe ideas that represent the beliefs of a person, group, or political party. The United States had an ideology of _________ and _________ The Soviet Union had a _________ and _________ ideology.Ideology? democracycapitalismdictatorial communistD. Background InformationNOTESCAPITALISM COMMUNISMvs.Economic Ideologies Capitalism is an economic system in which resources and means of production are privately owned and prices, production, and the distribution of goods are determined mainly by competition in a free market Communism is a political and economic system in which the major productive resources in a society such as mines, factories, and farms are owned by the government (state), and all wealth is divided among citizens equally or according to individual need.

Differences?USASoviet UnionFree ElectionsNo Elections or FixedDemocraticDictatorshipCapitalistCommunistSurvival of the FittestEverybody WorksEverybody EatsRichest World PowerPoor Economic BasePersonal FreedomSociety Controlled by the Secret PoliceFreedom of the Press/MediaTotal CensorshipWatch: Are you a commie, or a citizen? NOTESFormation of the USSR: United Soviet Socialist Republics

COMMUNISM = A Workers Paradise

Under communism, people standing in line for cooking oil.Poland: Milk Rationing Card

Standard East Berlin Living RoomOrigins of the Cold War:United States vs. U.S.S.R

The Iron Curtain From Stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of central and eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest, and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in the Soviet sphere and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and increasing measure of control from Moscow....Police governments are prevailing in nearly every case, and so far, except in Czechoslovakia, there is no true democracy. - Winston Churchill, March 5, 1946

Click on image to hear Churchills SpeechE. Origins of the Cold War:Differences in ______and ___________ between the U.S. and the Soviet UnionAfter WWII, Central and Eastern Europe were under _______ domination.


goals ideologies NOTESE. Origins of the Cold Warcont.The United States wanted to stop the ____________________.American Policy of ___________ aka __________________Spread of Communism containment Containment Policy NOTES

Americas Containment Policy aimed to stop communism from spreading to any other nations around the world.

Containment Policy

Post WWII:How the Cold War StartedSoviet Block 1938 - 1948Berlin Blockade - 1948 NATO - 1949 (notes) Warsaw Pact 1955 (notes)

Eastern BlockWestern BlockIron Curtain

The Soviet border expanded into Eastern and Central Europe AFTER WWII. akaThe Eastern BlocSoviet Bloc Communist WorldCommunist Bloc

Soviet Bloc:1938 - 1948

Iron Curtain

Remnants of the actual Iron Curtain

Borders set up by the Soviets to create a physical barrier between Eastern and Western EuropeCzechoslovakiaBetween Eastern & Western Germany

Berlin Blockade - 1948

Stalins goal was to push Great Britain, France, and the U.S. out of Berlin so that the entire city would be under Soviet control. Berlin Blockade:In an attempt to force the Western Powers to give up West Berlin, the Soviets closed off all road and railway routes into Berlin. In response, the Western powers began airlifting and dropping supplies into West Berlin.

In 1948, Stalin and East Germany tried to shut West Berlin off from the rest of the world. People in Berlin were starving. The Berlin Airlift, which lasted for 11 months, provided needed supplies to the West Berliners. This was one of the first conflicts of the Cold War.Berlin Blockade, 1948

NATONATO - _______ ___________ _________ ________________Signed April 4, 1949, NATO is an organization of member states who agree to collectively defend each other

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Free World *Note: West Germany was incorporated into NATO in 1955 F. Americas Response to Communism These states make up the _____ ______ NOTESNATO Territory

Warsaw PactIn response to NATO, the Soviet Bloc established the _________ ________ ____________These 8 states agreed to mutually defend each other against NATOThey made up the _____________ _______

Warsaw Treaty Organization

Communist World May 14, 1955G. The Soviet Response to NATO NOTES

Warsaw Pact Territory

NATO vs. WARSAW PACTPost WWII Europe The Berlin Wall

1961 - 1989Put your pencils down and relax

The Berlin Wall section of the presentation is NOT in your notes!How were things gettingColder in Berlin?

LIFE MagazineEarly Days of the Berlin Wall

NPRThe Berlin Wall (1961 1989) The Cold War

The Gap in the Iron Curtain:

The Soviets had a problem in Berlin. Prior to 1961, its estimated that around 3.5 million East Germans escaped to West Germany by crossing the border from East Berlin to West Berlin, the only gap in the Iron Curtain

They decided to build a wall.

How the Berlin Wall Worked

Construction of the Berlin Wall (1961)

Construction of the Berlin Wall (1961)

History Channel:Deconstructing the Berlin Wall

Even as the Wall was going up, East Berliners continued to make escapes to West Berlin.


The Berlin Wall divided families and loved ones.

Two mothers, separated from their daughters and grandchildren.

A daughter in West Berlin, speaks to her mother who was stuck in East Berlin. Click here to read about family reunions between East and West Berlin during the Cold War.

Satellite view of the Berlin Wall.

Escapes to the West continuedHidden in carsTunnelsCheckpoint Charlie:The official crossing point between East & West Berlin

Crisis: Standoff at Checkpoint Charlie

Major Conflicts Post WWII EraBack to the NotesWhat have been the major conflicts and confrontations involving American in the Post WWII era?Since WWII, the United States has been directly involved in various conflicts that reflected the divisions created by Cold War tensions and hostilities. October 1, 1949: China Becomes a Communist CountryPeoples Republic of China

Background Info

1. Korean War: 1950 - 1953

NOTES1. Korean War: 1950 - 1953South Korea and the _____________ resisted ________ and North Korean aggression. The conflict ended in a __________. United StatesChinesestalemate

DMZNOTES2. The Cuban Missile Crisis: 1962

History Channel;The Cuban Missile Crisis(47:25) NOTES2. The Cuban Missile Crisis: 1962

Arial photos taken of Soviet missiles in Cuba.NOTES2. The Cuban Missile Crisis: 1962 The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred when the Soviet Union placed ________ missiles in _______. The Soviets removed the missiles in response to a U.S. __________ of Cuba.

SovietCubablockadeIdentify this image

NOTES3. Vietnam War: 1956 - 1975

NOTESThe United States intervened to stop the spread of ___________ into ______ Vietnam. This spread of communism in East Asia was called the _______________.

3. Vietnam War: 1956 - 1975 communismSouthDomino Theory


Domino Theory: that a communist victory in one nation would quickly lead to a chain reaction of communist takeovers in neighboring states. In Southeast Asia, the United States government used the domino theory to justify its support of a non-communist regime in South Vietnam against the communist government of North Vietnam, and ultimately its increasing involvement in the long-running Vietnam War (1954-75). - History Channel NOTES

3. Vietnam War: 1956 - 1975 Americans were _______ over whether the U.S. should be ________ militarily in Vietnam. The conflict ended in a __________ agreement in which ____ troops __________. dividedinvolvedcease-fireU.S.withdrew

NOTESHow did the Cold War tensions cause divisiveness at home?The tension between the free world and the communist world caused divisiveness at home and abroad.The Vietnam War divided Americathings would never be the same again.NOTESVietnam War Protests in the U.S.

Vietnam War Protests in the U.S.

South Vietnamese climbing over walls to reach the U.S. Embassy before the fall of Saigon to the North Vietnamese. History Channel Video: Saigon Falls How did communism collapse in Europe?The Cold WarCollapse of Communism in Europe

Breakup of the Soviet Union into Independent Countries

Destruction of the Berlin Wall

Wind of Change

F. Collapse of Communism in Europe Breakup of the _________________ into _________________ countries __________________ of the Berlin Wall

Soviet Union independent Destruction

NOTESI. Collapse of Communism in EuropeThe Cold War was the central organizing principle in foreign affairs for ____ years. 40When did communism begin to collapse in Europe? ________Breakup of the ___________________ into ____________________ countries ____________________ of the Berlin Wall 1989Soviet Unionindependent Destruction

End of Communism: New Challenges for AmericaJ. New Challenges for the United States:

1. Role of United States Military Intervention

2. Environmental ChallengesTradeJobsDiseases Energy

3. Global IssuesDigital Resources: Destruction of the Berlin Wall

The Rise and Fall of the Berlin WallHistory Channel (UK) CLIPS

The Rise and Fall of the Berlin WallHistory Channel (UK)YouTube: Part I

The Rise and Fall of the Berlin WallHistory Channel (UK)YouTube: Part II

ABC News: November 10, 1989Celebration at the Berlin Wall

TIME: The Iconic Photo of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

The Cold War Part 1: From World War to Cold War

Crash Course:The Cold War(World History Version)

Crash Course:The Cold War(U.S. History Version)Additional Digital ResourcesClick on the Big Three picture above at Yalta to read primary quotes taken from Stalins secret surveillance bugs that he placed in FDR & Churchills rooms.

Post WWII: EXTENSION Whats really behind those smiles? Yalta ConferenceFebruary, 1945Held in the Soviet UnionAllied leaders met to discuss the reorganization and future of post WWII Europe

123456789101112131415Map of the USSR Republics: 1956 - 1991Post Soviet States: After 1991

123456789101112131415Gorbachevs last act as the Supreme leader of the Soviet Union was to officially dissolve the USSR. The former communist states were now independent republics.

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