the code of life

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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The Code Of Life.Collection of great thoughts. It may probably make you smile!

01Life is too short. Don't waste time. You are here for a purpose. Live every moment to the full extent.


You already know what to do. Don't worry. Just be happy!


You are not going to stay here. Just move on. Go..go..go!


Leave your kama, krodha, lobha, moha, madha and matsarya behind. Not clear? Well, Google knows them!

05Choose to be happy when you don't feel good. That state is temporary. It's automatic that you are happy when things are good.


Surround yourself with the content and people related to your path.


Everybody has their own set of problems. If somebody is trying to create a problem for you, remember, it's ‘their’ problem.


Love is an action. Do it wherever possible. Don't expect anything in return!


If you feel lost or sad. Enjoy that state quickly, because it's not gonna stay.


Open-up. Experiment, Experience and Express.


Everyday you need to deal with "People". They are just like you.


Everybody else is trying to make a good life for them. They all love you!


All experiences are created for you to learn more and become stronger.


You are a travelling soldier in a war. You need to win the war!

15You must be at a higher levels of spirits always to think creatively. See how you can get into that level always. You see the things differently from there.

16If you feel that something is wrong, just remember, you are the 'way' to reach your goal. And you need to 'walk through' all of such phases.


Live with your heart. Your mind always pulls you back with logic and reasoning. Life exists beyond logic!


Remember, everything that has a beginning has an end.

19What you are thinking about "what others must be thinking about you" is wrong most of the times. Most of them don't have time to think about you. You can't change them!


There is no tomorrow, it only exist in your imagination. Past is already gone. "You" exist only in the present.

21Love Yourself, you will automatically love others. We all are human beings and we feel good when we love or being loved. It makes the impossible possible!


Make someone happy everyday!


You see the world as you are, not as it is. That's your copy of the world. That means, you own it and you can do anything you want!


Money is the most stupid thing in the world. Make sure to manage it well. The best place to keep it is your vallet not your heart!


You are like a computer. Software runs hardware. Your mind runs your body. To run your life smooth, all you need to have is the right software (mind).


Be satisfied with what you have. It eliminates unnecessary desires. Don't get confused between desires and dreams! They are different.


Just tell to yourself “I don’t need anything. I have got a lot. I give to others" and see the magic!


Little things make up a BIG thing. Don't ignore the little things!


Be sensitive to connect with nature and people around you. That gives you the power of understanding.

30Dare to dream. That creates the vision to move ahead. Without vision you are not navigating in the stream but you are just going along with the stream. That's dangerous!

31Remember, No body in this world can decide you or your future. You got to decide it yourself. You are the owner of your life.


32Others can only inspire you, positively or negatively. You should decide to take it or leave it. YOU CONTROL YOUR LIFE!


Incidents that create a bad mood should not be an excuse for you to keep your eyes off your goals.


Today's difficult situations make you ready for a better tomorrow. Protect your dreams and have that hope always!


Whatever you do is good unless it hurts others.


There is a fine line between vision and expectation. Expectation creates pain when it is not met.


You ‘live’ when you create something. Your creation will still be alive after you ‘leave’. Go create something today.

38You need more courage when you are happy than when you are sad. You may feel fear of loosing your happiness. Just remember, it’s gonna go. Enjoy every bit of it. And remember that nothing is permanent!

39Thoughts control everything for you. Some are automatic and some are manual. Automatic - you can't do anything except accepting that they are automatic. Manual - you need the power to manage them.

40Your mind only recognizes the things that you 'see', 'hear', 'feel', or 'imagine'. Imagination is the most powerful weapon for you. Use it to the full and use it wisely. Your imagination can direct your brain.


‘You’ are not there. Let the things pass through you. Don't stop anything!


"YOU" must become the change you want to see.

43Your mind is like a machine. You need to start it every day in the morning, fine-tune it. That will make it function at the desired level. Meditation does the same.

44Your inner wisdom comes out when in you are in a company of love and acceptance. Nothing can beat that feeling.


Be truthful to at least one person in your whole life.

46Your efforts never go waste. They may not show the results immediately. Remember, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

47Do lots of action. If you look back, you will only remember your actions, which you did out of the box. Do something which you never did before and see the magic!

48Everyday you have 2 choices. Be Inactive and live a dull life, just going through the flow. Be active and create the experiences you want (some may not work out!). You live that day if you choose to be active.

49It's easy to react. Learn to be proactive. Being proactive means, you don't respond to situations, instead you continue with the actions that you want to do to reach your goal.

50Fear, the most powerful force which can stop your life. Your belief must make you overcome the fear and create confidence and make you ignore the unnecessary things.


The future is not there yet. You need to create it! Go, start creating it!


Just remember, everything happens for a reason!


There is a bigger force beyond you. If anything happens beyond your control, remember that is the magic of that force.


FREE your mind. Smile a lot!


Could not smile? Well, restart the presentation!!

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