the civil war. identification (4 points) 1.fort sumter

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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The Civil War

Identification (4 Points)

• 1.Fort Sumter

Answer One

• Fort Sumter was where the first shots of the Civil War occurred. The North felt as though they had a right to resupply their fort while the South felt that the fort was within the boundaries of a Southern State (South Carolina).

Identification (4 Points)

• 2.Robert E. Lee

Answer Two

• Robert E. Lee was the South’s best general. He was offered command of the Union troops but remained loyal to his State of Virginia which had seceded.

Identification (4 Points)

• 3.Martial Law

Senator Thaddeus Stevens

Answer Three

• Martial Law is the suspension of civilian rule and constitutional rights and replacing them with military rule. Lincoln used this extreme strategy in the border states such as Maryland and Kentucky to maintain order and keep those states in the Union.

Identification (4 Points)

• 4.Emancipation Proclamation

Answer Four

• Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves in the conquered territories of the Confederacy. It renewed spirit in the north and turned the war into a moral crusade against slavery.

Identification (4 Points)

• 5.Ulysses S. Grant

Answer Five

• Ulysses S. Grant was the commander of all the Union armies at the end of the war. He employed a strategy of attrition, utilizing his superior numbers to defeat the rebels.

Identification (4 Points)

• 6.Vicksburg

Answer Six

• Vicksburg was the site of a great union victory for Grant. After this victory, the North controlled the Mississippi River and effectively split the western states of the Confederacy from the eastern states.

Identification (4 Points)

• 7.Antietam

Answer Seven

• This was the bloodiest day of battle in the Civil War. McClellan forced Lee back to Virginia and stopped him short of Washington D.C.

Identification (4 Points)

• 8.Clara Barton

Answer Eight

• Clara Barton was a famous nurse in the Civil War who went on to found the American Red Cross.

Identification (4 Points)

• 9.Radical Republicans

Secretary of War Stanton

Answer Nine

• Radical Republicans were a group of Republicans in the Senate and House who sought to punish the south and abolish slavery in the United States. Lincoln needed their votes in Congress and was forced to go along with some of their demands.

Identification (4 Points)

• 10.Habeas Corpus

Jefferson Davis

Answer Ten

• Habeas Corpus requires people who are arrested to be brought to court to show why they are being held. Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus during the Civil War as a measure to keep order and arrest people who stirred up trouble in the North.

Identification (4 Points)

• 11.Conscription

Answer Eleven

• Conscription was the drafting of soldiers into the army. Both the North and South conscripted soldiers during the civil war Draftees could buy their way out of the draft by paying the government $300 inn the North.

Identification (4 Points)

• 12.Appomattox

Lee Surrendered in this Home

Answer Twelve

• Appomattox is the place in central Virginia where Lee surrendered to Grant. This was the final act of the hostilities in the Civil War. Grant was generous to Lee and his men when dictating conditions of surrender.

Identification (4 Points)

• 13.John Wilkes Booth

Answer Thirteen

• John Wilkes Booth was a fanatical supporter of the Confederacy who assassinated Lincoln at Ford’s theater on April 14,1865.

Identification (4 Points)

• 14.Andrew Johnson

Answer Fourteen

• Andrew Johnson was selected by Lincoln as his Vice President for his second term. He was a Democrat from Tennessee who remained loyal to the Union and took over for Lincoln after he was shot.

Identification (4 Points)

• 15.William T. Sherman

Answer Fifteen

• William T. Sherman was a Union General who was assigned the task of taking the western confederacy and the deep south. He burned Atlanta to the ground as well as destroying much of the south as he led his troops to Richmond.

Short Answer One

• List and explain the 3 advantages discussed in class for the North and South at the onset of the Civil War.

Railroads in the North


• North• Population- Could wage a war of attrition• 80% of the manufacturing in the country/banks/

transportation- Could finance and support a strong war effort

• United Government- Federal government could make decisions and implement them more easily than the south.

• South• Defensive war- South knew the land and could fight

defensively rather than offensively• Fighting for a cause- Had motivation• Help from Europe- counted on Europe’s need for cotton for

her textile plants.

Short Answer Two

• List and explain 3 wartime strategies discussed in class for the North and South.

Lincoln at Antietam


• North• 1.Blockade southern ports- take away south’s economy of

importing and exporting.• 2.Split the Confederacy in three- cut off parts of the south

from one another• Capture Richmond- capitol of the south

• South• 1. Defend against raids- make the war into a defensive battle• 2. Get Europe to Intercede- Have Europe as an economic and

military ally• Wait until the war became unpopular in the North. Make the

war last long.

Short Answer Three

• Why was the Battle of Gettysburg so significant?



• Gettysburg is significant because it is seen as the turning point of the war. There were 23,000 Union casualties and 28,000 Confederate casualties. The south never fully recovered from this loss of soldiers as they did not have the population of the North to replenish the dead.

Short Answer Four

• Describe the strategy that Grant used to defeat the South in the Civil War.

U.S. Grant


• Grant believed that the best way to win the Civil War was to use the overwhelming number advantage that he had in soldiers to crush the south in a war of attrition. Many of his plans included massive losses to the North of people as a cost of gaining land and slowly wiping out the smaller southern army. He also believed in nothing but unconditional surrender for the south.

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