the changing relationship between journalists and their audience

Post on 09-May-2015






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Lecture for Kingston University journalism students


The changing relationship between journalists and their audience

The audience - before

The audience – after the digital revolution

The new media universe



Citizen journalism – a definition

Media produced by the former consumers ofmedia, otherwise known as “the peopleformerly known as the audience.”

Jay Rosen, professor of journalism at New YorkUniversity.• Jay Rosen spells it out

Social media – a real time snapshot

• Social media counter

Iran – students used Twitter and Youtube to publicise their protest to the world during the Iranian elections last year

Citizen journalism – Arianna Huffington explains

• Founder of influential US blog the Huffington Post

Citizen journalism – a force for democracy and good?

Has the internet made the media more democratic? Should everyone have their say, including racists, homophobes and

political dictators?

The world is not (yet) Twitter-shaped...

• Just 10% of Twitter users generate more than 90% of the content. Most of the users are men. (Harvard study of 300,000 users, 2009)

• 62% of Twitter users are in the US, followed by Britain and Canada. (Sysomos survey, 2010)

Do citizen journalists need to be ‘trained’ journalists?

Citizen journalism – the big questions

• Who checks the facts? Wikipedia watch out!• Who knows what a ‘story’ is? And does this

matter?• Who checks the quality of the writing, the

spelling, the grammar and the punctuation before it goes into the world?

• Who can ensure that quality information rather than lies or rumours are produced?

Social media: impact on old media

• “Once the users take control, they never give it back.” Dave Winer, one of the founders of blogging, 2004.

• Is this a viable scenario for the future? Will we see the death of ‘professional’ journalism?

• “You don’t own the press, which is now divided into pro and amateur zones. You don’t control the production on the new platform, which isn’t one way. There’s a new balance of power between you and us.” Jay Rosen

The new media world: the people formerly known as the audience hold journalists to account...

Last year, Daily Mail reporter Jan Moir wrote an article linking the "strange and lonely death" of Boyzone star Stephen Gately to the fact that he was gay.

By 3pm on the day the article attracted more than 500 comments on the Mail website. Moir’s article provoked a storm of protest led by veteran Tweeter Stephen Fry and others

on Facebook, leading to thousands of complaints to the Press Complaints Commission.

Old media gets in on the act

• Facebook and Twitter are two digital platforms where anyone can publish news whenever they want, without any editorial control. Facebook alone has five million members.

• ‘Old’ media organisations are keen to use these ‘new’ media to reach and find new audiences and source news

Old media uses new media to get stories

• Ruth Barnett, Twitter correspondent for Sky News explains her job

Old media harnesses citizen journalists to do the journalism for them...

• Teeside Evening Gazette has 22 ‘local’ news sites with around 400 registered contributor

• Brighton Argus even has an allotment correspondent ‘our man in our shed’

• The Guardian was the first national newspaper to harness the power of bloggers with the site Comment is Free

• But the vast majority of citizen journalists including bloggers don’t make money!

Old v new media: the path does not always run smooth!

• Andrew Marr lets rip on citizen journalists at the Cheltenham Literature Festival last month

Fair comment or deranged rant? Asked Tory blogger Iain Dale...

“My goodness! Just how out of touch is he? Where's he been?”


• “They hate us because some bloggers do more work on stories than they do. They hate us because we don't cosy up to the liberal elite. They hate us because we can say things they cannot. And they cannot tell the truth or report the facts because they have to follow the "line". Wrinkled Weasel

• “And proper journalists like Richard Littlejohn don't write angry articles ranting about everything and anything? I thought it was also well known that journalists of Fleet St were always drunk in the afternoons.Sadbutmadlad

The last word?

“Andrew Marr’s underestimation of the blogosphere reveals the old guard’s inherent fear of new communications.”

Blogger Brett Gerry

• Read the full debate at:

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