the changing nutritional needs across the life cycle

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy

The diet can affect both the MOTHER and FETUS

If the mom does not eat foods containing the proper nutrients, nutrients may be taken from the mother’s BODY

FOLATE is needed to prevent neural tube damage (Brain and Spinal Cord) and should be taken by women before they even become pregnant

The mother will need more PROTEIN to support the growth of the fetus, yet most people already eat enough to support the increased need

CALCIUM is needed to form bones

An IRON reserve needs to be built up before birth, since breast milk is not a rich source of iron

The mother should eat an extra glass of milk and leafy green vegetables each day

The mother should also take a PRENATAL vitamin each day, but should consult their physician 1st

The mother should not gain more than 25-35 lbs, based upon her height and pre-pregnancy weight

BreastfeedingThe mother will need to make

sure she gets enough nutrients to replace those in the breast milk and she eats enough to cover the ENERGY needed to produce the milk

They will need to drink 2-3 quarts of liquid a day to provide water for the breast milk and meet their own fluid needs

Don’t drink ALCOHOL or drugs, for they can be passed to the baby through the milk

InfantsThey will use their IRON reserve, because

breast milk is low in iron. They will need all Fat soluble vitamins, and

various water soluble vitamins including riboflavin, niacin, B-5 and vitamin C.

If formulas contain iron, the iron is often difficult to ABOSRB

By the end of the first year a baby’s weight will TRIPLE, so it is important to give them the nutrients they need.

Newborns need to fed 7 or 8 times a day, by 2 months only 5 times a day.

Breast milk is recognized as the best food to foster BRAIN development

Infants should not be given COW’S milk until they are a YEAR old, and they should be given whole milk because they need the FAT for growth and development

Children can start eating solid foods around 4-6 months with Rice baby Cereal, due to allergies.

They should be introduced to VEGTABLES next, followed by FRUIT. Fruit is sweet, so they may like vegetables less after being introduced to them

Lastly they can be given strained meat and poultry

They should only be introduced to ONE new food at a time to prevent food allergies

Between 4 and six months they can begin drinking out of a cup

Parents can add chopped food by one year, if babies’ TEETH appear.

School Age Children

Serving sizes/portions for children are SMALLER than adults. Generally, offer children 1 TABLESPOON of a variety of foods per year of age.

Children need a VARIETY of nutrient-dense foods in small amounts, FREQUENTLY

Be sure they eat Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

SNACKS can provide added nutrients if they have trouble eating enough at meals

Expose children to new foods one at a time, not all at ONCE

Do not use food as a PUNISHMENT or REWARD

Children’s taste buds are SENSITIVE.Avoid SWEET foods as snacks. Schedule snacks

1 ½ to 2 hours before meals.Make foods interesting and inviting for children:

COLOR, texture, shape, size, and temperature.Note: The eating habits and attitudes of children

usually do not change in ADULTHOOD.Encourage eating a variety of foods from the five

food groups daily.Encourage the consumption of nutrient-dense

foods such as milk, meat, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Do not restrict NUTRIENT- DENSE foods just because they contain some fat.

Parents should urge kids to eat a good breakfast. Include low fat milk or yogurt, high fiber bread or cereal, protein from peanut butter, cheese, lean meat, fruit or 100% fruit juice.

Be careful with soft drinks. CAFFENIE can dull appetite and may lead to excluding more nutritious food.

Children who drink too much JUICE risk gaining weight and losing their appetite for milk which provides protein, calcium, and other vital nutrients.

Children under 2 should drink whole milk; children over 2 should drink 1%.

Recommended dietary fiber is 8 grams per day for 3 year old children to 23 grams per day by 18. Get this by eating lots of fruits & vegetables and high fiber cereals and breads.

Diets for healthy children should foremost provide ENERGY and NUTRIENTS to support optimal growth and development.

Obesity Obesity is common among CHILDREN. Parents should

encourage their child to be ACTIVE provide healthy snacks provide moderate PORTIONSavoid insisting that they clean their

PLATES at mealtimesallow the child to stop eating when

they are FULL

Adolescents (Teens) This is a time of great activity and rapid

GROWTH Teenagers need a VARIETY of nutritious foods

throughout the day. Follow the recommended number of servings from the Food PYRAMID

Girls will need approximately 2,200 calories and boys need 2,800 calories per day

Teens should include foods that contain calcium (bones), iron( support increase of blood volume and muscle mass), Zinc, vitamin A ( reproductive maturity),vitamin E and C ( healthy tissue and immune system).

Nutritious snacks are especially important.

Nutritional HABITS originating in adolescence often persist into adulthood.

Obese adolescents often become OBESE adults.Remember that fast food meals usually contain

more FAT and SODIUM than home-cooked meals.Most common pitfalls in the teen diet:

Too much fats and oils, salt and caffeine.Too many SWEETS.Too few fruits and vegetables.Too little fiber.Not enough IRON.Skipping breakfast and/or lunch.Eating the WRONG breakfast foods.


Teen AthletesCarbohydrates, fats, and proteins all contributes to

stored nutrients that help produce ENERGYMuscles are built by EXERCISE and NOT by extra

protein.High energy output requires more NUTRIENT -

DENSE foods.Meals should be eaten 3 - 5 hours before an athletic

event.WATER is essential! This nutrient should be

replaced quickly after participating in athletic activities. 2 cups of water for every POUND lost is recommended.

POTASSIUM replacement is recommended by eating(1) dried fruit;(2) low-fat milk; (3) most fruits and vegetables rather than by taking


AdultsMetabolism SLOWS DOWN. Generally

total food intake needs to be REDUCEDDue to busy SCEDULES, nutritious meals

are replaced with fast food and snacks.It is important to get fruits, vegetables,

whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy, while avoiding foods high is sugar and fat

Sedentary lifestyle creates a greater need for daily EXERCISE

EXERCISING is the key to balancing food intake and output.

Elderly Aging adults have les sensitive TASTE BUDS.

Also, they are less sensitive to SMELLS Adults overs the age of 50 need to increase

their intake of vitamin D, calcium, Folate,B6 and B12

Because they are less active they need: (1) less fat, sodium, and calories in their diet, and (2) more nutrient-dense foods. Some form of daily exercise is still important.

Elderly who live alone have a harder time eating a variety of nutritious food. MALNUTRITION is a concern.

Many health concerns and diseases incident to aging affects eating habits and food choices.

Healthy Eating for All AgesStudents will work with a partner on a healthy

eating guide for the different stages of life Students should have one page for each of these

stagesEach page should contain the following

1. Most needed nutrients and explanation for the particular need.

2. A daily meal planner including Breakfast, lunch and Dinner that provide an opportunity to fulfill the necessary nutrients

3. A Modifed pyramid for the life stage4. Recommended physical activity time with an example. 5. At least 3 images per page (one can be food pyramid/ my


Healthy eating guide for ……

Most needed Nutrients: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

My Pyramid (find the individualized pyramid)

Daily Meal Planner (one day- make sure it includes the nutrients needed




Recommended Physical Activity:(how long and what kind of activities)

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