the catalyst - acs local section philadelphia · professor michelle francl of bryn mawr college...

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JUNE MEETING Thursday, June 20, 2019

Luncheon Honoring 50-, 60-, and 70-Year Members

William Penn Inn, Gwynedd, PA

See the JUNE issue of the Catalyst for details,

call the Section Office at (215) 382-1589 or email

Excellence in Teaching Awards Dr. Michelle Francl

Department of Chemistry Bryn Mawr College

the Catalyst

Official publication of the Philadelphia Section, ACS

May 2019

Volume 104, No. 5


Comments From

the Chair 71

News Atoms 72

Speaker’s Abstract

and Biography 74


Contest Results 75

Calendar of

Activities 83

May 2019 Page 70

Published monthly except July, August and December by the Philadelphia Section of the American

Chemical Society. All views expressed are those of the editors and contributors and do not necessari-

ly represent the official position of the Philadelphia Section of the American Chemical Society. Edi-

torial matters should be sent to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief c/o the Philadelphia Section ACS,

Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, 231 South 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA

19104-6323 or

Advertising: Victor Tortorelli,

ACS Philadelphia Section

Founded April 15, 1899

Proof Editors: Georgia Arbuckle-Keil Kendra Luther Marge Matthews Alan Warren


COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Chair: Marge Matthews Anthony W. Addison Georgia Arbuckle-Keil Robin S. Davis Vince Gale Robert Gates Corrie Kuniyoshi Kendra Luther Judy Summers-Gates Victor Tortorelli Alan Warren

CONTENTS June Advance Notice ................................................. 69

Comments From the Chair ......................................... 71

News Atoms ............................................................... 72

ACS Career Consultants ............................................ 72

May Meeting .............................................................. 73

Speaker’s Abstract and Biography ............................. 74

Imagining the Future .................................................. 75

Volunteers Needed for Spring 2020 ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia .............................................. 77

Essential Workplace Skills for Stem Industry Professionals ............................................................. 79

CCN/Chempharma Joint Meeting .............................. 80

MARM Meeting .......................................................... 81

Directory of Services .................................................. 82

2019 Calendar of Activities ........................................ 83




News Atoms: Alan Warren Proof Editors: Anthony Addison Georgia Arbuckle-Keil Kendra Luther Corrie Kuniyoshi Marge Matthews Alan Warren


Victor Tortorelli

COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Chair: Anthony W. Addison Georgia Arbuckle-Keil Matthew Bodek Robin S. Davis Alan Heldon Corrie Kuniyoshi Kendra Luther Marge Matthews Liliana Suárez Victor Tortorelli Alan Warren

the Catalyst

May 2019 Page 71

the Catalyst

Jim Murray

The Philadelphia Section recently conducted its April meeting at

Widener University. Latham Hall was an excellent venue for the

purpose of this month’s event. At this event, we recognized our

scholastic achievement award winners. Having served over 10 years

as a department head, I had the pleasure of nominating several

students for this award. Now, as Chair of the Section, I was pleased

to greet all the winners, shake their hands, and present them with

their certificates. It was reassuring to hear that many of these young people are going to

continue their journey in chemistry, whether it be in graduate school or industry. As a Section,

we should encourage and support them to demonstrate the great benefits that careers in

chemistry can provide and to consider membership and volunteering with ACS, both at the

local and national levels. Again, my sincere thanks to Joe Martino and the Program Planning

Committee. I would like to give special recognition to Mike Vogel, a proud Widener alum,

whose tireless efforts made the evening very memorable for all in attendance.

The next meeting, to be held May 22, 2019 at the McCall Golf and Country Club in Upper

Darby, will recognize the recipients of our awards for excellence in teaching at the high school

and college levels. Having been a recipient of one of these awards I know how much this event

means to those being recognized. Professor Michelle Francl of Bryn Mawr College will give the

address, highlighting 2019 as the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT). Again, I

encourage you, and your friends and colleagues, to join us for this event and make the evening

special for our award winners.

On June 20th we will be recognizing our 50-, 60-, and 70-year members! The event will be held

at the William Penn Inn in Gwynedd, PA. If you know of anyone who would be in these

anniversary years of membership, please let me know and we will be sure that they are invited

to join us.

As we approach the Memorial Day holiday, and the unofficial start of the summer vacation

season, know that the members of the Section will still be working to assure that we have the

highest quality programming come September. (I will tell you that something unique is planned

for the September event!) If during your down time over the summer months you have any

ideas, suggestions, questions, or concerns regarding the Section please bring them to my

attention. It is only through the spirit, dedication, and creativity of our membership that new

ideas come forward and become reality.

My best wishes for a safe and relaxing summer season!





May 2019 Page 72

the Catalyst

NEWS ATOMS—Alan Warren Daeyeon Lee, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at the University of Penn-

sylvania, was named to the Penn Fellows Program of leadership development.

Jessica Anna, assistant professor of chemistry at Penn, is recipient of a Sloan Research Fellow-

ship, recognizing early-career researchers and scholars in North America.


Thyagaraja Parsaran. No further details available.

Michael John Smith, research chemist, December 13, 2018 at age 81. Born in England he

worked in the dye chemical industry for Williams Chemical. Williams was acquired by Morton

Chemical and Smith emigrated in 1972 to the United States to work for Morton for 29 years. He

then co-founded United Color where he served as chief chemist for 30 years.

Ellsworth Elias Faust, research chemist, January 27, 2019 at 86.

Gerard Gantert, chemist, February 21st at 95. He worked for Rohm and Haas and obtained pa-

tents in the field of cyanoketones.

Richard W. “Dick” King, research chemist, March 20th at 93. He joined Sunoco’s R&D de-

partment and was eventually named manager of research services, retiring in 1983. He contin-

ued as a consultant on environmental, toxicological, and regulatory issues.

Note: News Atoms seeks to report on new hires, significant promotions, honors and awards,

and those who have recently passed away from the field of chemistry in the greater Philadelphia

area. If you have a news item for this column, send it by email to or by

mail to the Philadelphia Section.


Would you like to speak to a local ACS Career Consultant? The Philadelphia Section career consultants can provide one-on-one career advice, resume reviews, or mock interviews. Please send an email request to to set up an appointment.

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Excellence in Teaching Awards


Michelle Francl

Chair and Frank B. Mallory Professor of Chemistry, Bryn Mawr College

Isotopic Tales: Exploring the Depths of the Periodic Table

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

6:00 – 9:00 PM

McCall Golf and Country Club

201 N Lynn Blvd

Upper Darby, PA 19082

Register at:


Or by contacting the Section Office or (215)-382-1589

Board of Directors Meeting

Ballroom of the McCall Golf and Country Club

4:00 – 6:00 PM

May 2019 Page 74

the Catalyst


Dr. Michelle Francl

Chair and Frank B. Mallory Professor of Chemistry, Bryn Mawr College

Isotopic Tales: Exploring the Depths of the Periodic Table

Abstract: In the eyes of chemists, to say nothing of geologists, astrochemists and biologists, the

two-dimensional periodic table found on the wall of labs and offices holds beguiling depths and

heights. Subtle and not-so-subtle differences between the chemical and physical behaviors of

isotopes of the elements provide keys to the past and expose the fundamental details of

chemical reactions, on scales that range from the cellular to the galactic. But this dimension of

the periodic table remains hidden to the cursory reader. A few periodic tables have been

designed to call attention to specific information about isotopes. What do these designs look

like, what other arrangements are possible? I will consider how might we best represent these

often-unappreciated depths of the iconic table.

For those interested in seeing the world through a technicolor lens, Dr. Francl’s guides to

aspects of the molecular world can be found via the following link:

Biography: Dr. Michelle Francl has been molding the minds of students at Bryn Mawr College

since 1986 where she recently earned the prestigious distinction of being the inaugural Frank B.

Mallory Professor of Chemistry. During her time at Bryn Mawr, she has earned numerous

awards and distinctions including being nominated as an ACS Fellow (2009); the McPherson

Award for excellence in teaching, research, and service (2003); ISI List of Top 1000 most cited

chemists (1981-1997); Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award (1994); Rosalyn R. Schwartz

Lectureship (1987-1991) and an Adjunct Scholar of the Vatican Observatory. These awards and

distinctions coincide with Michelle’s commitment to the community as she serves as a

columnist for Nature Chemistry, and as a member of the Board of Examiners (Chemistry GRE),

the OXIDE (Open Chemistry Collaborative in Diversity Equity) Advisory Board, and the C&E

News Editorial Advisory Board.

Through columns in Nature Chemistry and in research at Bryn Mawr, Michelle continues to

probe questions of chemical structure and reactivity. She has been described as “the guide the

world needs, as with her help, we may find the mystery in the quantum structure of a burning

atom, the human meaning of dirty dishes, or the poetic history of dust on a desk.” For those

interested in seeing the world through a technicolor lens, Dr. Francl has incensed us with guides

in doing so which can be found via the following link:

May 2019 Page 75

the Catalyst


The Section has completed its annual CHEMAGINATION contest for 2019. High school

students from across the Section territory were asked to write a notional article for

ChemMatters, an ACS high school magazine. The articles were set in the year 2044 and

reported on the outcome of an important discovery in 2019. There were four categories for the

articles. Each member of each team received a certificate. Additionally, the First Place winners

each received a special award along with a check for $50.

This year, we received and judged 41 entries. A total of 107 students from 5 schools

participated! This project is growing in popularity and our participation rate is more than five

times the number from just a few years ago!

Section winners will proceed to MARM level competition at the University of Maryland on

June 1st.

Section Winners and Article Covers:

Alternative Energy Sources - Tiffany Lim, Monica

Madya, Zora Nelson

“Powering Life Through Life”

John W. Hallahan High School, Philadelphia, PA

May 2019 Page 76

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Environment - Nicole DeOrzio, Tatyanna Lozada

“The Lean Green Olivine Machine”

Cardinal O’Hara High School, Springfield, PA

Medicine/Healthcare -Mya McBurnie, Casandra

Nguyen, Amelia Teti

“Futura Nerve Repair”

Cardinal O’Hara High School, Springfield, PA

May 2019 Page 77

the Catalyst

New Materials - Summer Dib, Giovanna McKinley,

Indreal Morris

“Live-Life Lenses”

John W. Hallahan High School, Philadelphia, PA

Thank you to the following Education and Outreach Committee volunteers: Christine Cocozza,

Katherine Davis, Lindsay Davis, Steve Fleming, Kathy Thrush Shaginaw, Robert Stanley, and

Deborah Walsh.

Volunteers Needed: 259th ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia,

Spring 2020

Philadelphia will be the site of the 259th ACS National Meeting in Spring 2020 (March 22 –

26, 2020). The theme of the 2020 Spring meeting is “Macromolecular Chemistry: the Second

Century.” This is the Section’s first call for volunteers to help plan: (a) items for display and

give-away at the Host Section booth; and, (b) connect with technical program organizers seek-

ing local professionals for session proposals and organizing.

We are seeking a group of volunteers with differing interests and time availability: (a) individ-

uals who can staff the host booth at the Convention Center for 1 to 2 hours; (b) individuals who

are creative and devise ideas for giveaways to attendees. We are seeking memorable giveaways

that will connect with the macromolecules theme and/or Philadelphia. Some technical divisions

are seeking local scientists willing to assist in generating session programs.

We expect to hold the first meeting on Thursday May 23, 2019. Call-in teleconference will be

available for those unable to attend the meeting in person. Please contact Sharon L. Haynie,

PhD ( to volunteer or for more information.

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Dear Colleagues, the next meeting of the Delaware Valley Enzymology Club will be on Thursday, May 9th, at Chennai Corner in King of Prussia, PA. Our speaker will be Dr. Sriram Krishnaswamy from Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA. The title of his presentation is:

Structural Correlates of Procofactor and Cofactor Function: A Final Frontier in Blood Coagulation Biochemistry

Abstract: Factor V and its close cousin Factor VIII circulate in plasma as procofactors. Their im-portance in blood coagulation is illustrated by the bleeding diseases associated with deficiencies in either of the procofactors. They are inactive precursors that require proteolytic activation to yield the corresponding cofactors Va and VIIIa. In the case of factor V, activation results from the proteolytic release of an 835-residue central B domain to yield heterodimeric factor Va which can bind the pro-teinase, factor Xa, on membranes exposing phosphatidylserine to assemble prothrombinase. The in-corporation of factor Xa into prothrombinase yields a profound increase in the rate at which its cog-nate substrate, prothrombin, is converted to thrombin. Factor V cannot bind Xa and function as a co-factor. In contrast to the extensive literature on the subject, it is not cleavage per se that activates the procofactor, but rather the disruption of a tripartite inhibitory structure constituted by a basic region (BR) centrally located in the B domain and two acidic regions AR1 and AR2 flanking the B domain. Structural work with Xa reveals that AR1, retained in Va, contributes in a major way to the proteinase-cofactor interaction. BR and AR2 in uncleaved factor V constrain AR1 in such a way as to prevent Xa binding. A new structure of a truncated form of human factor V reveals that AR1 and AR2 are posi-tioned adjacent to each other, despite being separated by 835 residues, to form a putative extended surface for BR binding. This idea is consistent with FRET studies and confirmed by HDX. Functional studies reveal that it is the single cleavage after AR2 that disrupts the inhibitory structure and expos-es AR1 and other surfaces for high affinity Xa binding and the assembly of prothrombinase. This combination of structural and functional approaches unexpectedly provides new insights into long-standing and poorly understood aspects of coagulation biochemistry. It also reveals novel strategies to down-regulate cofactor function or up-regulate procofactor function for therapeutic gain.

• Agenda: Social Hour 6:00-7:00 pm / Dinner 7:00-8:15 pm / Seminar 8:15-9:30 pm

• Cost for the dinner is $30, student $20. The seminar is of course free.

• The meeting will be at Chennai Corner Restaurant (King of Prussia, PA) For reservations or further information, contact Yixuan Qiu preferably by e-mail at Dinner reservations must be made by Friday May 3rd. Reservations not canceled by Monday, May 6th will be billed. Address: 145 S Gulph Rd, King of Prussia, PA 19406

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the Catalyst

Join the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia on Tuesday, June 18 to develop critical workplace skills for STEM industry professionals. This workshop is ideal for chemists, chemical engineers, physi-cists, engineers, and other STEM professionals looking to advance in the first 10 years of their careers. During the workshop, you will learn how to:

• Present your data more effectively to management • Organize and run effective meetings • Work more readily and successfully across age groups • Manage projects more quickly and effectively

Workshop Details: • Where: Philadelphia Marriott Downtown | 1201 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 (map) • When: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 | 9 am - 4 pm • Cost: $149 for ACS members | $329 for non-members

Your registration includes on-site lunch, as well as morning and afternoon networking breaks.

Register Now

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MAY 15, 2019



Peter D. Mlynek, PhD, MBA, JD

DATE & TIME: Wednesday, May 15th at The Smokehouse Tavern, Lansdale PA

Networking, 5:30 PM; Talk and Business Session, 6:30 PM

Click here to register

Abstract: Professionals with extensive education and experience in technical fields and private busi-

nesses, often find it difficult to work with patent attorneys to achieve satisfactory business goals. This

presentation will serve to help scientists, engineers, and business professionals understand how to

formulate a patent strategy, hire patent attorneys and work with them, integrate patent attorneys into

product development, project cash flow for funding of patent prosecution and litigation in the US and

internationally, and decide on in-licensing and out-licensing of technology. Beyond the basics of pa-

tent law, we will discuss new laws, regulations, and court holdings, and their impact on your career

and business.

Biography: Peter D. Mlynek is an attorney with 20 years of experience in addressing the legal and

patent needs of business clients in the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The focus of

his practice is obtaining patents in the US and worldwide, helping solve business problems through

the strategic use of patents, and performing intellectual property due diligence for M&A. Before enter-

ing the patent practice, Peter worked as a development scientist in the polyurethane industry. He has

a PhD in Chemistry from University of Wisconsin-Madison, an MBA in Finance, Investment and Bank-

ing from UW-Madison, and a JD from Rutgers

Location: Smokehouse Tavern, 155 Pennbrook Pkwy., Lansdale, PA 19446. MAP

Reservation: Click here to register to attend the event. Fee, including appetizers and non-

alcoholic beverages, is $15 by reservation/cancellation deadline: Monday, May 13th, 2019. Cash bar

will be available to attendees.

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May 2019 Page 82



ACS 82

Delaware Valley Enzymology 78

Micron Inc. 82

Robertson Microlit Labs 82

Tyger Scientific, Inc. 82


Contact the Section Office at or

(215) 382-1589

Put “Volunteer” in the subject line or leave a message including

contact information.

May 2019 Page 83

the Catalyst



Date and Time Event Location/Information Wednesday, May 8th

10:30 AM – 8 PM

Heritage Day 2019: A Celebration of

Science and Technology that Shapes Ma-

terial Culture and Innovation

Science History Institute

315 Chestnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19106


Saturday, May 11th

10 AM – 4 PM

The 7th Philadelphia Inorganic Colloqui-


The Science and Education Research Center

Temple University

1925 N. 12th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19122

Tuesday, May 14th

8 AM – 5 PM

Catalysis Club of Philadelphia

Spring Symposium

Crowne Plaza Wilmington North

630 Naamans Road

Claymont, DE 19703

Wednesday, May 15th

5:30 – 8 PM

Chemical Consultants Network Joint

Meeting with ChemPharma: Patent Law

for Technical & Business Professionals;

Beyond the Basics by Peter D. Mlynek,

Patent Attorney

Smokehouse Tavern

155 Pennbrook Parkway

Lansdale, PA 19446

Wednesday, May 22nd

6 – 9 PM

Philadelphia ACS Section Meeting

Excellence in Teaching Awards: Isotop-

ic Tales: Exploring the Depths of the

Periodic Table by Michelle Francl

(Bryn Mawr College)

McCall Golf and Country Club

201 N Lynn Blvd

Upper Darby, PA 19082

Thursday, May 23rd

6:30 PM Social Hour

7:30 PM Seminar

Philadelphia Organic Chemists Club:

Controlling Catalysis with Visible Light

by Tomislav Rovis (Columbia University)

Chemistry Department - University of Pennsylvania

Carolyn Hoff Lynch Lecture Hall

34th and Spruce Streets

Philadelphia, PA 19104

May 30th – June 1st MARM 2019

Seeking Solutions Through Chemistry

Hosted by the Maryland Section of the ACS


Baltimore, Maryland

Tuesday, June 18th

9 AM – 4 PM

Essential Workplace Skills for STEM

Industry Professionals

See this issue of the Catalyst for details

Philadelphia Marriott Downtown

1201 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Thursday, June 20th

Time TBD

Philadelphia Local Section Meeting

Luncheon Honoring our 50-, 60- and

70-Year Members

William Penn Inn

Gwynedd, PA 19454

Please check the individual websites for additional updated information

All content submissions are due on the 15th day of the month prior to publication

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