the byzantine empire the new empire in the east the new empire in the east

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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The Byzantine Empire

The new empire in the East

Geography Constantinople Location

The Bosporus strait Trade

Defense Walls Moat Peninsula

Geography and natural defenses

Economy and Politics Byzantine Prosperity

Trade (silk) Art (mosaics) Weapons (Greek Fire)

The Relationship between church and state East (Patriarch chosen by Emperor) West (Pope chooses HRE)

The Split between East and West

Christianity Language Ceremonies / Holy days Iconoclasm Married clergy Who is in charge?

The Schism of 1054 Eastern Orthodox

Church Pope and Patriarch


Justinian and Theodora (527-565)

Justinian's “Body of Civil Law” Theodora (wife) Rebuilt The Hagia Sophia Re-Conquest of the West autocrat

The Hagia Sophia

Justinian in the West

The Byzantine Empire Besieged

By 631 had lost all of the land in the West New threats (in the 7th century) will further

shrink Byzantine holdings Islam Slavs in the Balkans Vikings

Byzantine Empire by 1050

The Decline of the Byzantine Empire

Military decline 1071 The Battle of Manzikert (Seljuk Turks)

Wiped out the entire Byzantine army 1204: 4th Crusade took Constantinople 1453: Ottoman Turks Memhed II

Latin West vs. the Byzantine East

The West Language

Latin Religion Education Economy Lifestyle


The East Language

Greek Religion Education Economy Lifestyle


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