the by-laws of the constitution · web viewthe office of a called teacher is the authority...

Post on 19-Jan-2020






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Section A – Eligibility for Communicant Membership

All applicants for communicant membership in this congregation must fulfill the requirements listed in Article IV of the Constitution.

Applicants not familiar with the doctrines and confessions of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod shall be required to attend a course of instruction, and to make profession of their faith either before the congregation or, at the Pastor's discretion, before witnesses who are members of the Board of Elders before being received as members. These professions of faith may take the form of a written application for membership at the discretion of the Board of Elders and the Pastor(s).

Applicants from other Evangelical Lutheran Churches with whom we are in fellowship shall request a Letter of Transfer from their former congregation to establish their eligibility for membership. The Board of Elders, acting on behalf of the Voting Membership, shall receive these applicants by transfer.

Applicants whose previous membership in a Lutheran congregation has lapsed shall arrange for a period of re-instruction prior to reaffirmation of faith. Upon completion of the requirements for the specific case noted in the above paragraphs, the Pastor shall recommend approval of the applicants to the Board of Elders, which shall have the authority to act on such applicants on behalf of the Voting Membership. The roster of new members shall be publicized in the various news media of the congregation.

Section B - Privileges and Duties of Communicant Members

It shall be the privilege and duty of the members of this congregation to do the following:

1. Grow in the Christian faith and life through faithful use of the Means ofGrace, searching the Scriptures at home and in fellowship with other members of the congregation and its agencies, and partaking of the Lord's Supper


2. Live a morally decent life before God and man, abstaining from open works of the flesh (Galatians 5:18-21), and so conducting themselves at all time as to bring credit rather than blame upon the church of Jesus Christ;

3. Provide for the proper Christian training of their children by instruction at home and through the agencies of the church;

4. Contribute to the maintenance of the congregation and the extension of the Kingdom at home and abroad to the extent of their financial ability;

5. Place their God-given talents and abilities at the disposal of the Pastor(s), the officers, and other agencies of the congregation as set forth in its Constitution and By-Laws, so that the purposes and functions of the congregation may be effectively implemented.



Section A - Eligibility for Voting Membership

All male and female communicant members of this congregation who are at least eighteen (18) years of age or over, shall be eligible to apply for voting membership at the second consecutively attended regular voters meeting. After attending a regular voters meeting, application shall be made at the next regular voters meeting. Upon affirmation by the applicant of his or her intention to fulfill to the best of his or her ability such duties as are required by a Voting Member, he or she shall be eligible to become a Voting Member with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. A majority vote of those Voting Members present constitutes acceptance into the voting membership. He or she shall be required to sign the official copy of the Constitution at the time of his or her acceptance into voting membership.

Section B - Privileges and Duties of Voting Members

It shall be the privilege and duty of a Voting Member of this congregation to do the following:

1. Conscientiously and prayerfully exercise the right of suffrage in all measures that will advance the work of Christ's Kingdom both locally and in the Church at large;

2. Willingly serve in any office or capacity for which his or her talents and ability equip him or her;

3. Faithfully attend all meetings of the voting membership;

4. Assist with whole-hearted diligence in administering the temporal and the spiritual affairs of the congregation; and

5. Encourage by personal example, friendly interest, and judicious counsel such eligible communicant members who are not yet Voting Members to consider seriously accepting the responsibilities and privileges of voting membership.

Section C - Removal from Voting Membership

1. After one year of unexcused absence from the regularly scheduled Voters Meetings, the name of said Voting Member shall be removed from the official roster of the voting membership of the congregation, and the quorum adjusted accordingly.

2. Termination from communicant membership for any of the reasons listed in Article III, Section A, also results in termination from voting membership.

3. A communicant member who has not communed at Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church for three consecutive months will be removed from voting membership. Eligibility to reapply for voting membership as provided in Article II, Section A of the bylaws shall be restored if the responsibilities of communicant membership set forth in the bylaws are met. Under special circumstances (e.g., business trips, extended illness), an exception from the requirements of this paragraph may be granted to a communicant member, only with the approval of the Pastor and a majority of the Board of Elders. The Board of Elders must be notified of a request for an exception to be made, and of the explanation for the request.


ARTICLE II.1 - Emeritus Membership Status For Retired Members

It is the policy of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Orange, California, to grant a special "emeritus" status, upon request of the Voters Assembly, to former Pastors and Teachers and longtime members who have retired from Immanuel Congregation and who desire to remain associated with the Church/School even though they must, for good reason, join another congregation.

Such emeritus status entitles the retired member to retain a limited membership, exclusive of the right to vote, but inclusive of the freedom to receive all ministry from Immanuel as would be afforded a full communicant member in good standing.

This policy is forwarded with a grateful heart to God for the years of faithful service rendered by such members (Philippians 1:3)


All discipline in this congregation shall be administered in accordance with the order of discipline laid down in Matthew 18:15-20, and other related New Testament passages. The following procedures shall be followed under the direction of the Pastor and the Board of Elders.

Section A - Communicant Membership - Termination

1. Transfers: A member desiring transfer to another Lutheran congregation with whom we are in fellowship shall apply to the Pastor. Upon approval

of the Pastor, a Letter of Transfer shall be issued and reported to the Board of Elders. The Board of Elders shall report such transfers to the congregation via church publication and to the Voters Assembly at the next regular meeting of that body.

2. Joining Other Churches: In cases where communicant members of this congregation have joined a congregation with whom we are not in fellowship, they shall, upon the decision of the Pastor(s) and the Board of Elders, be deemed to have terminated their membership in this congregation, forfeiting all rights and privileges of such membership. Their names shall be removed from the membership list of the congregation, and the removal reported to the congregation via church publication and to the Voters Assembly at the next regular meeting of that body.

3. Whereabouts Unknown: The names of members whose whereabouts are unknown and cannot be established within a period of six months shall be removed

from the membership list of the congregation and placed in a file designated "Whereabouts Unknown." Such membership is terminated, and shall be reported as such to the congregation via church publication and to the Voters Assembly at the next regular meeting of that body.

4. Excommunication and Self-Exclusion: Out of concern for the spiritual well-being of our total membership, the following policy shall be

established for the members of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church.

a. When a member of Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church has not communed for three months, the member will receive a visit from an Elder, and shall be admonished and encouraged.


b. If such a member has not communed after six months, the member shall receive another visit by at least two members of the congregation, one the respective Elder and the Pastor, or some other concerned member of the congregation. Additional admonition and encouragement shall be given.

c. If after nine months such a member still has not communed and is not attending the worship services of the church, the member shall be evangelically admonished more firmly and told that if such neglect continues for another three months it shall be interpreted as impenitence and lack of faith in Jesus Christ and indifference to church membership, privileges and responsibilities.

d. If, then, after twelve months the member has not responded to Christian admonition as outlined above, the member's name will be

presented at the next Voters Assembly meeting. If no extenuating circumstances or unknown factors are brought to light, the member shall be notified by registered mail, and shall be declared to have excluded oneself from this Christian congregation. Under special circumstances, at the discretion of the Board of Elders, the time limit for this final action may be extended as long as it is felt necessary to deal

properly in Christian love and concern for the individual involved.

Such self-exclusion releases the individual from all responsibility to this congregation, but it also excludes the member from the privileges of church membership, such as: Christian burial, Holy Communion, transfer to a sister congregation, and any claim against the properties of the congregation. Such a person, however, will at all times be cordially welcome to attend all the divine services of our church.

Excommunication is to be applied to any member who acts in an unchristian manner, i.e., to one who openly adheres to false doctrine, gives evidence of an immoral and offensive life, or willfully despises the preaching of the Gospel and the Lord's Supper. A member shall be proposed for excommunication only by a 100% recommendation of the Board of Elders. A member will not be excommunicated unless the recommendation is confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the voters present at a duly called Voters Assembly Meeting (see Quorum Requirements, Article IV, Section E). Persons who have been removed from membership for whatever reason shall be restored with all privileges and rights when they repent and ask forgiveness through the pastor(s) and the Board of Elders. Both acts of discipline and restoration shall be made known to all communicant members by whatever method the Pastor(s) and the Board of Elders deem most suitable.

Section B - Provisions Pertaining to Church Officers and Directors

Any officer or director of the congregation who willfully neglects the duties of office may be deposed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Voting Membership present in a duly called meeting of the Voters Assembly. The Board of Elders shall initiate such disciplinary action. When an office is made vacant by deposition, resignation, death or excommunication of the incumbent, a successor to such office or directorship shall be elected by the Voting Membership at the next meeting.

Section C - Provisions Pertaining to Pastors, Teachers and Other Workers

Sufficient grounds for deposing a Pastor or duly called or contracted teacher or 09-18-18


other worker shall be persistent adherence to false doctrine, scandalous life, willful neglect of official duties, or evident and protracted incapacity to perform the function of the sacred office. Charges on any of these counts shall be carefully investigated by the Board which administers the called worker. Should such charges be sustained by clear evidence, the individual involved shall first be given an opportunity to resign his or her position in the congregation. Such opportunity having been given and declined, the above mentioned Board shall, after consultation with the appropriate officers of the Synodical District, notify the Voting Membership of the situation, and shall submit the matter for action at a special meeting of that body. A three-fourths majority vote of the required quorum shall be required to depose a pastor, teacher or other worker. Should the occasion to depose a pastor, teacher or other called worker ever arise, the intended deposition shall be announced by the Director of the Board of Elders at the regular divine service on the two Sundays preceding the special meeting of the Voting Members called for that purpose. All members shall be notified by mail at least two weeks in advance.

"Willful neglect of official duties" is defined as two consecutive evaluations administered by the responsible Board which indicated poor performance with little or no attempt to improve.


Section A - Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Voting Membership shall be held five times during each calendar year on or about the third Tuesday of the following months: February, April, June, September and November. Dates and times of all Voters Meetings shall be set by the Parish Planning Council. The February meeting of the Voters Assembly shall include the consideration and acceptance of the budget for the following fiscal year. The fiscal year for both the church and the school shall run from August 1 to the following July 31. All may, with the consent of the Voting Membership, submit recommendations to participate in a discussion of any given item of business before the Voting Membership. Every meeting of the Voting Membership shall be announced at worship services on the Sunday preceding the date of the meeting.

Section B - Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Voters Assembly may be called by the President or the Board of Elders with the Pastor(s). Such meetings may also be requested of either of the aforesaid by any one of the administrative boards, or at the request of ten Voting Members of the congregation. Notice of the date and time of such meeting and of the nature of business to be transacted shall be given at the Sunday worship services immediately preceding the time of the meeting. Written notification shall be sent to all Voting Members of the congregation at least one week prior to the special meeting. The business conducted at a special meeting shall be restricted to that which was announced.

Section C - Order of Business at Regular Meetings

Regular meetings of the Voters Assembly shall proceed as follows:

1. Scripture reading/prayer2. Roll call of Voting Members3. Reception of new Voting Members4. Minutes of previous meeting(s), including special meetings.5. State of the Parish Report by Pastor(s) 6. Treasurer's Report7. Reports from committees of the Voting Membership


8. Reports of administrative boards 9. Unfinished business 10. New business 11. Adjournment

The President may, with the consent of the Voting Membership, vary the above order in the interest of efficiency. In general, for purposes of order, Robert’s Rules of Order , Newly Revised shall prevail.

Section D - Restrictions Pertaining to Voters Assembly Meetings

Attending Voting Members of a properly called Voters Assembly Meeting shall constitute a quorum except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and By-Laws for dealing with certain specific situations herein defined. In the event of a tie on a voice or rising vote or a show of hands, the President shall cast the deciding vote. In a ballot vote, the President always votes, but is limited to that vote. There shall be no voting by proxy.

Section E - Quorum Requirements

For amending the Constitution or By-Laws, for the purchase or sale of real estate, for the calling of a pastor or a teacher, for the removal from office of a called pastor, teacher or elected officers, or for cases of excommunication, 51% of all Voting Members shall be required for a quorum.


Section A - Procedure for Securing a Pastor or Teacher

After consultation by the Board of Elders with the President of the Synodical District or his representative, candidates for the Pastoral Office shall be proposed at the next regular meeting of the Voting Membership or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

In the case of a called teacher, the Board of Day School Education shall consult with the appropriate District representative and shall present a list of candidates in the same manner as described above. In either case, additional candidates may be proposed by any Voting Member at the meeting called to discuss the candidates. The Voters shall then adopt a list of candidates. At that meeting, or at a subsequent regular or special meeting of the Voting Membership, the voters shall elect one of the proposed candidates by ballot and majority. It shall be the duty of the President to see that notice of this election is delivered promptly to the candidate in whatever manner the Voting Membership shall deem advisable.

Negotiations for contract teachers (new or renewal) shall be delegated to the Board of Day School Education, and such negotiations and terms shall be agreed to by the Parish Planning Council before the contract is offered.

Other called or contracted workers shall follow the above outline procedure with the respective board or boards acting as search committee.

Section B - The Pastoral Office

The Pastoral Office is the authority conferred upon Pastors by God, through a call of the congregation (the holder of the priesthood and of all congregational authority) to exercise in public office the common rites of spiritual priesthood on behalf of all. The Pastoral Office is the primary office in the congregation from which all other offices of the congregation issue. However, the congregation may


establish as many auxiliary offices as its needs require, and determine what work is to be assigned to such offices.

Upon being installed, the Pastor is authorized and obligated to proclaim to the congregation, jointly and severally, the Word of God in its full truth and purity as contained in the canonical writings of the Old and New Testaments and professed in the Book of Concord of the Year 1580. He is further:

To administer the Sacraments in accordance with their divine institution;

To discharge towards all members of the congregation the functions of a minister and curator of their souls in an evangelical manner, in particular to visit the sick and dying, and to admonish indifferent and erring members;

To spiritually guard and promote the welfare of the members of this congregation;

To instruct the catechumens, both children and adults, in the Word of God and Luther's Small Catechism and thus prepare them for communicant membership in the church;

To guide the congregation in applying divinely ordained discipline of the church;

To provide spiritual leadership and oversight in the educational agencies and the various adult and youth organizations within the congregation;

To serve as an example by Christian conduct and to do all that is possible for the upbuilding of the congregation and the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.

By reason of his position, the Pastor is not only a servant and steward of God, but also of the congregation. The Pastor(s) shall have the authority and responsibility for supervising the musical portions of all worship services in conjunction with the Board of Elders and the Director of Music so that it is at all times in harmony with the doctrine and practice of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Members of the congregation are obligated to accord the Pastor(s) honor, love, respect and obedience in his ministry of God's Word, and to support his ministrations with diligence and faithful prayer; to help him in the discharge of his duties by cordial one-mindness, by willing readiness, by peaceable conduct, and in every other way possible to provide for his maintenance in accordance to the ability of the congregation. In calling a Pastor to preach the Word of God and to administer the Sacraments on their behalf, the members of the congregation exercise their royal priesthood and by no means relinquish it. This is the privilege and responsibility of all members of the church.

Section C - The Office of Teacher and Principal

The office of a called teacher is the authority conferred upon a teacher by God, through a call of the congregation, to perform the duties of the office in all its parts according to the Word of God and the needs of the congregation. Upon being installed, called teachers are authorized and obligated to diligently and faithfully instruct and train the children under their care in the Word of God, as contained in the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, the confessional writings of the Lutheran Church, and the Book of Concord of 1580, to base such instruction on the Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther, and to accord the children a thorough Christian education in branches of learning prescribed by a course of study adopted or approved by the congregation.


Called teachers are to maintain Christian discipline in the school, and to this end employ such means as are in accordance with the Holy Scripture and within the bounds of Christian reason and justice and serve the congregation as examples of Christian conduct.

They are to endeavor earnestly to live in Christian unity with the Pastor(s) and fellow teachers, work under the supervision of the Pastor(s), principal and the Board of Day School Education, and, by the grace of God, do everything possible within the sphere of their calling towards the promotion of the school and the general advancement of the Kingdom of Christ.

To this end called teachers are to model, by personal attendance in Bible study, the importance of on-going spiritual growth for every member of the congregation.

They are also to perform whatever duties are in the interest of Christian education and the welfare of church and school, have been mutually agreed upon, and as time and ability permit.

Contracted teachers are expected to conform to the above guidelines.

The following duties are assigned to the Principal:

1. Represent the school whenever necessary and to work for school efficiency.

2. Exercise the office in a climate of Christian unity, and serve as educational leader of the school.

3. Lead all colleagues in zeal for, and devotion to, school and its improvement as an educational agency and a Christian institution. To that end, the Principal has the following supervisorial duties over the faculty:

a. To arrange for each teacher to be supplied with an adequate course of study for all subjects and a daily lesson schedule program.

b. To visit as frequently as possible all classes in session and keep a confidential record of observations regarding the efficiency of instructions, Christian training and discipline.

c. To keep informed on the progress of the classes and assist teachers when difficulties arise.

d. To supervise the giving of standardized tests. e. To supervise the School Library.

f. To counsel, correct and admonish as a situation may require.

g. To provide a preliminary proficiency rating of each teacher at the December Board of Day School Education meeting and submit a final evaluation at the February Board of Day School Education meeting.

h. To plan and arrange for regular meetings of the faculty for the consideration of educational topics, curriculum, trends and school problems.

4. Keep the Pastor(s) fully informed as to the school activities and problems,

counsel with the Pastor(s) and strive to manage and lead the school in 09-18-18


accordance with the Pastor(s) spiritual advice based on the Word of God.

5. Serve as Executive Advisor to the Board of Day School Education, keep the Board informed as to the course of study outlined by the appropriate Synodical Board, the local and the State Department of Education and administer the policies established by this committee.

6. Periodically submit a report regarding the school at regular meetings of the congregation.

7. Supervise instruction and be responsible for enrollment, attendance, hygiene, sanitation, decorum, safety and records.

8. Be responsible for supervising the school lunch program.

9. Show interest in all endeavors in the field of Christian education and perform such other duties as are assigned by the congregation.

10. Endeavor to advance professionally.

11. Prepare and administer the school budget in cooperation with the staff and the Board of Day School Education.


Section A - Nominations Procedure

Prior to the February Voters meeting, in an election year, the Parish Planning Council shall determine the maximum number of members required for each board and announce this number at the February Voters meeting. The Council shall also announce its selection of four qualified Voting Members who, together with the Pastor, shall serve as the Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee, as soon after the February meeting as possible, shall prepare a list of candidates from among communicant members of the congregation who are at least 18 years of age, either male or female, and from the list submitted by the voters. By April 1, this list shall be made available to communicant members of the congregation. Only male candidates shall be eligible for the following offices or boards: President, Vice President, and the Board of Elders. Following the publication of the Nominating Committee's list, any communicant member of the congregation may submit to the Committee additional names for inclusion on the list, and such names shall be placed in nomination by the Committee along with the candidates already chosen, provided:

1. That such names shall be submitted at least ten (10) days before the date of the April meeting of the Voters Assembly, and

2. That the Nominating Committee, through consultation with the Pastor(s) and the Board of Elders, shall have investigated the status of the proposed candidates and find them eligible for office and willing to serve.

The Nominating Committee, at least one week before the date of the April meeting, shall post conspicuously on the church bulletin board the list of candidates for the following offices: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Directors of the various administrative boards, and board members of the Board of Elders, Board of Day School Education, and the Board of Church Properties. Elected Directors of the other administrative boards are to submit to the Parish Planning Council their recommendations for the appointment of the remainder of their


board for approval at the June Voters Assembly Meeting. No person may serve on more than one elected board.

Section B - Election Procedure

From the list of candidates for each elective office submitted by the Nominating Committee, the Voting Membership shall, at its April meeting, elect by ballot and majority, the following in order herein indicated:

1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Eight Directors, specifically nominated for the directorship of one of

the following Boards: Elders, Evangelism, Congregational Christian Education, Day School Education, Stewardship, Church Properties, Parish Ministries, and Public Relations

6. Members for the Board of Elders, the Board of Day School Education and the Board of Church Properties.

7. Financial Secretary.

Only candidates defeated for office may be placed in nomination by the Voting Membership at the election meeting for any office not yet filled. No person may serve on more than one elected board.

Section C - Installation and Term of Office

Those elected shall be installed on the last Sunday in June, and shall assume their duties of office as of July 1.

The term of office of those elected shall be two years, terminating on June 30 of the second year.

None of the following may be elected more than three consecutive times: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors of the eight administrative boards.


Section A - The Parish Planning Council

The Parish Planning Council shall consist of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the eight Directors of the Administrative Boards or a Board Member designated by the Board Chairman, each having one vote. The Pastor(s) of the congregation and the Principal of the day school shall be members of the Parish Planning Council, but their roles will be advisory without the right to vote.

If a staff problem is to be discussed, the President has the right to call an executive session excluding all staff from attendance. After the problem has been defined and discussed, the Biblical principles of Matthew 18 are to be followed to arrive at a God pleasing solution.

It shall be the specific function of the Parish Planning Council to:

1. Serve as a point of liaison between the Pastor(s), the officers of the


congregation, and the various administrative boards in planning the total work of the congregation.

2. Settle jurisdictional disputes between the several administrative boards.

3. Present to the Voters Assembly at its September meeting a yearly plan of activities for the entire congregation, as well as long-range plans for the

development and expansion of Christ's work in our midst. 4. Review all items to be brought before the Voters Assembly.

5. Prepare and distribute to all members of the congregation the agenda for all meetings of the Voters Assembly.

6. Appoint Nominating Committee as required.

7. Fill unexpired terms or shortages of personnel by appointment. The Parish Planning Council shall normally meet on or about the second Tuesday of each month. Additional meetings may be called by the President of the congregation and/or the Pastor(s) as required. The Parish Planning Council is not primarily an administrative body, but serves as a forum where the activities of the administrative boards may be discussed, evaluated and coordinated, and where all such activities may be integrated into an overall congregational program. The Parish Planning Council shall be available at all times, however, for any additional functions which the Voting Membership may wish to confer upon it.

8. The Parish Planning Council shall keep a permanent record of minutes for

each meeting, and such minutes shall be the property of the congregation.

9. At the August Parish Planning Council meeting each board that is responsible for paid workers is to submit a member of their board to serve on the Compensation Review Committee. These appointed board members, the Treasurer, the Director of Stewardship, and a member at large appointed by the Parish Planning Council shall constitute the Compensation Review Committee. The Treasurer shall chair the committee.

10. At the August Parish Planning Council meeting each board that is responsible for paid workers is to submit a member of its board to serve on the Budget Committee. These appointed board members, the Treasurer, the Director of Stewardship, the Financial Secretary, and a member at large appointed by the Parish Planning Council, shall constitute the Budget Committee. The Director of Stewardship shall chair the committee.

11. At the August Parish Planning Council meeting each board that is responsible for paid workers is to submit a member of their board to serve on the Health and Welfare Committee. These appointed board members, the Treasurer, the Director of Stewardship and a member-at-large appointed by the Parish Planning Council shall constitute the Health and Welfare Committee. The Principal shall be an ex officio member of the Health and Welfare Committee.

Section B - The Administrative Boards

1. General Duties and Powers: Each administrative board shall submit a record of its activities at each regular meeting of the Voting Membership, and on such other occasions as the Voting Membership shall require. Such reports shall include specific recommendations (if any) for congregational action and/or approval. Each administrative board shall initiate and carry out such activities and programs within the congregation as will enable it to effectively perform the functions and duties


assigned to it by the Constitution and By-Laws or by specific resolution of the Voting Membership. Each board shall be empowered to administer all funds set aside for its work by budget appropriation or by special resolution of the Voters Assembly, provided that the Voting Membership may, at its discretion, restrict such expenditures to conform with the actual financial condition of the congregation at any given time period. Each board shall be jointly and severally liable for all expenditures not authorized either by the budget or by special resolution of the congregation. Each board shall keep a permanent set of minutes for its meetings and such minutes shall be the property of the congregation.

2. Organization and Meetings: Each administrative board shall be under the direct control and supervision of the director of that board. Following the election of the director of each board and the election or appointment of the number of board members required, the director of the respective board shall appoint from among the board members those individuals who are to be responsible for various phases of the work of that board. Such appointments are to be made within two weeks of the day of their election or appointment and notification of such assignment is to be given to the President of the congregation for publication to the members in the manner he deems most advisable.

The time and frequency of board meetings shall be at the discretion of the director of the board and the board members, except that for good and sufficient reason, either the President of the congregation or the Pastor(s) may call a meeting of the board at any time. Meetings thus called shall be classified as special meetings, and each person involved shall be notified of the date, time and purpose of such a meeting.


Section A - Duties of Officers

1. The President

The President of the congregation shall preside at all meetings of the Voting Membership. He shall, to the best of his ability, enforce the Constitution and By-Laws of the congregation and carry out the express will of the congregation as embodied in the Resolutions of the Voting Membership. All Boards, committees, auxiliaries, groups, etc. in the congregation shall be responsible to the President, and he shall be welcomed at any and all meetings of such groups, either in person or as represented by his Vice President. He shall also call and preside over the meetings of the Parish Planning Council and shall endeavor to coordinate the functions, plans and activities of the congregation in all its parts for the total furtherance of the work of Christ's Kingdom in our midst. The President shall be authorized to sign checks. The Secretary shall be present at all Voters Meetings of the congregation and at all meetings of the Parish Planning Council, and shall enter the minutes of all meetings of said groups in a permanent record book over his/her signature. The Secretary shall conduct all official correspondence of the congregational boards and committees under the supervision of the President. The Secretary shall perform all the duties normally pertaining to office and such additional duties as the Voting Membership may delegate.

The President shall submit to the September Voters Assembly Meeting two qualified communicant members of the congregation other than the Treasurer and Financial Secretary, to audit the financial records of the congregation.


2. The Vice President The Vice President of the congregation, in the absence of the President, shall act for and in the stead of the President, with the exception of the authorization to sign checks. He shall be available for whatever duties the President shall assign to him as his representative. The Vice President shall, in the occurrence of a vacancy in the Chair of any of the designated Boards, act as Chair of said Board, in order to continue the operation of said Board, until such time as a qualified and willing candidate can be elected.

3. The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

a. Be responsible for accurate recording of congregational receipts and disbursements, budgeted and actual expenditures according to proper accounting procedures, and, as deemed advisable, shall suggest for congregational consideration improved methods and systems for keeping financial records. The Treasurer shall chair the Compensation Review Committee.

b. Present a preliminary report at the Parish Planning Council meetings and a written, duplicated financial report at Voters meetings.

c. Submit permanent financial records for annual audit.

d. Be responsible for monthly remittance of offerings for missions and church agencies and for prompt payment of salaries and bills authorized by the congregation or the boards and directors as duly constituted sources.

e. Furnish the congregation a surety bond in the sum designated by the Voters Assembly, and such bond shall be procured and the premium paid by the congregation.

f. Coordinate the flow of monies from the treasury to the various boards in such a way that an adequate balance is retained for the payment of

salaries and other regular expenses.

g. Reimburse professional workers of the church for documented expenses while attending professional workshops, conferences, conventions, etc. approved by the board under whose jurisdiction they function.

h. Receive from the Financial Secretary a report of all monies received through worship services, special offerings, or any other source as recorded.

i. Sign all checks for payment of bills, salaries and other financial commitments of the congregation.

j. Have available for all boards a current record of their disbursements and budget allotment.

Section B - Duties of Administrative Boards

1. The Board of Elders The nature of the duties of this board requires that only men noted for their Christian knowledge, zeal and experience in the spiritual work of the Kingdom of Christ shall be elected to membership. The board shall consist of at least eight (8) members, including the elected director.


The basic objectives of this board are the spiritual welfare of the Pastor(s) and congregation members, individually and corporately, and the supervision of everything pertaining to congregational worship.

That the objectives of this board may be carried out, the Board shall:

a. Pray for the Pastor(s) and other spiritual leaders.

b. Encourage the Pastor(s) in his work by word and action.

c. Be concerned about the spiritual, emotional, and physical health and welfare of the Pastor(s) and his family (adequate compensation, housing, free time, vacation, assistance in times of illness), and specifically review these items once a year.

d. Assist the Pastor(s) in counseling with difficult cases and in finding peaceful and God-pleasing solutions to personal problems within the congregation.

e. Review yearly the salary and performance of the Church Secretary(ies) and make appropriate recommendations to the Voting Membership, or, in case of vacancy, interview and hire a replacement in conjunction with the Pastor(s).

f. Exercise leadership in gathering call lists, and calling a new Pastor when a vacancy occurs.

g. Maintain discipline within the congregation according to Scripture, the Lutheran Confessions and Article Four of the Constitution, and Article Three of the By-Laws of this congregation and exercise discipline when required.

h. Take spiritual charge and oversight of the geographical or familial groupings assigned to them in liaison with the Pastor(s) and other concerned boards of the congregation.

i. Insure that the congregation functions in accordance with the established doctrine of the church as listed in Article II of the Constitution.

j. Determine eligibility for membership of all individuals and families applying for membership in this congregation according to Article Four of the Constitution and Article One of the By-Laws.

k. See to the prompt transfer of all members who move away and of new Lutheran families moving into the community.

l. Engage in member conservation and discipline training in conjunction with the Board of Evangelism and the Board of Stewardship.

m. Engage in continual review of communion and church attendance of all members, make calls on delinquents, follow-up on all newborn children in the congregation until they are baptized. Recruit, train and maintain an adequate corps of Deacons who make at least two calls per year on active members.

n. Train and supervise a Visitation Committee and engage in visitation of all sick, hospitalized, aged, and shut-ins in the congregation



o. Investigate cases of severe financial need within the congregation and, with input from the Pastor(s), administer the congregation’s

Welfare Fund.

p. Be concerned about and supervise thorough instruction of youth and adults for confirmation and church membership.

q. Be responsible for a friendly personal welcome of visitors at worship and for orientation and integration of new members in conjunction with the Board of Public Relations and the Board of Parish Fellowship.

r. Be present for periodic training as determined by the Pastor(s) and this board.

s. Encourage spiritual programs within the congregation.

t. Provide for vicars, assistants, substitute pastors and guest speakers as needed.

u. Assist the Pastor(s) with communion distribution, reading of the Scripture, preaching, etc.

v. Set the time, schedule and number of communion services in conjunction with the Pastor(s) and Voting Membership.

w. Plan and coordinate drivers for medical treatment and food donations for members in need.

x. Submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time requested by the Board of Stewardship.

1.1 The Worship Committee.

The Director of the Board of Elders appoints one member of the Board of Elders to be chairman of the Worship Committee. The Worship Committee consists of the appointed Elder, four (4) appointed members, and the Director of Music. This committee shall fulfill the following objectives:

a. Staff, train and supervise the ushering staff.

b. Approve new forms of worship, liturgies, and hymns for use in public worship.

c. Recommend to Board of Elders for approval at Voters Assembly, hymnals, lectionaries, agendas, etc.

d. Supervise the Altar Guild in the care, use and maintenance of the sacred vessels, the altar, the altar furnishings and vestments.

e. Maintain an adequate supply of expendable items for worship, such as communion cards, pencils, communion wine and wafers, baptismal napkins, candles, etc. in conjunction with the Altar Guild.

f. In conjunction with the Board of Public Relations, plan and publicize the services for the year.


g. Maintain and supervise adequate nursery facilities and personnel.

h. Train and oversee the acolyte program, including care and maintenance of acolyte robes.

i. Clean and repair choir and Elder robes.

2. The Board of Evangelism

The Board of Evangelism shall consist of at least eight (8) members, including the elected director.

The basic objectives of this board are to bring the Gospel to the unchurched, the enrichment of all God's people in the work of spreading the Gospel, the deepening of the faith and activity of the congregation while spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.

That the objectives of this Board may be carried out, the board shall:

a. Assist the Pastor(s) or Minister of Evangelism in the entire program of proclaiming the Gospel to all people.

b. Encourage prayer with sincere evangelistic concern for people outside of the church.

c. Offer a climate of evangelism which encourages members to witness Christ to one another, the weak, and the unsaved.

d. Emphasize evangelism through an annual education program.

e. Maintain an ongoing visitation program (Ambassadors) offering people more than membership in a church - a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

f. Together with the Board of Public Relations, be responsible for a program of community relations which identifies the congregation with the Gospel of Christ.

g. Utilize the evangelism potential of Synodical and other Christian programs.

h. Emphasize evangelism and suggest evangelism projects throughout the congregation.

i. In conjunction with the Board of Congregational Christian Education and the Board of Day School Education, emphasize child and youth evangelism.

j. With the Board of Elders, canvass the congregation and effectively record, study, and utilize the results in churching the lost and the straying.

k. Maintain and follow-up a "Prospect File".

l. Be responsible for the maintenance and follow-up of Friendly Visitors. m. Conduct special visitations to witness for Christ and to invite

prospective members to attend Pastor's instruction classes.

n. Be genuinely concerned for those moving into the community (both members and prospects) and those moving into other areas. Use all available means for maintaining such contacts.


o. Study and consider suggestions by the Evangelism Department of Synod, District, and Circuit.

p. Annually review methods and progress of the board's work.

q. Together with the Pastor(s), study the possibilities and recommend implementation of offering spiritual services and care to hospitals, homes for the aged, prisons, and other institutions within the community.

r. Submit to the Board of Stewardship, in the appropriate form and at the time requested, a budget request for the coming year's work.

3. The Board of Day School Education

The Board of Day School Education shall consist of at least four (4) members, including the elected director.

The basic objectives of this board are to plan and administer the total educational program of the Day School, to determine policies, to select personnel for various positions, to provide the necessary means and facilities for the proper operation of the school.

That the objectives of this board may be carried out, the Board shall:

a. Provide for active expression of Christian love and concern as an integral part of the Day School education program.

b. Approve curriculum, analyze performance, and seek constant improvement.

c. Be concerned, together with the Youth Ministry and the Board of Congregational Christian Education, about the assimilation of newly confirmed youth.

d. Work with organizations and other boards and committees to coordinate educational activities within the congregation.

e. Exercise leadership in gathering lists of candidates for vacancies in the teaching staff and for properly calling or contracting professional teachers.

f. Positions approved by the Voters Assembly, i.e., School Secretary, Sports Director(s) Teachers Aides, Coaches and other part-time employees, must be approved for hiring by the Board of Day School Education. Annual evaluation of these positions should be submitted by the Principal to the Board of Day School Education at the February meeting.

g. Supervise the conduct of professional teachers on the staff.

h. Be concerned about the spiritual, emotional and physical health of the staff and their families.

i. Annually review and make recommendations concerning the adequate compensation of professional teachers.

j. Strengthen families as basic units of Christian education through the promotion of parent-teacher organizations, conferences, etc.


k. For administrative purposes and program development, supervise the work of the Parent-Teacher League and other such agencies.

l. Consider provision of special education opportunities for mentally retarded and other handicapped persons.

m. Provide and budget for the professional growth of the Day School staff through conferences, conventions, continuing education, etc.

n. Provide and promote the use of educational aids (audio/visual and printed materials, etc.) and maintain the library.

o. Provide and promote subscriptions to educational periodicals.

p. Study and consider suggestions by the education departments of Synod, District and Circuit.

q. In conjunction with other boards, establish and maintain a continuing program for the recruitment of full-time workers in the church at large, such as pastors, teachers, deaconesses, etc.

r. Annually examine educational facilities and equipment, make recommendations to the Board of Church Properties as to upkeep, repairs, replacements and new equipment.

s. Regularly check the safety of educational facilities, i.e., steps, handrails, lights, exits, housekeeping practices, fire drills, etc.

t. Prepare and submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time requested by the Board of Stewardship.

4. The Board of Congregational Christian Education

The Board of Congregational Christian Education shall consist of at least four (4) members, including the elected director.

The basic objectives of the Board are to plan and administer the Christian educational program of the congregation (excluding the Day School), to determine policies, to select personnel for the various agencies, to provide the necessary means and facilities for the organizations, and to direct and supervise the entire Christian educational program of the congregation.

That the objectives of this Board may be carried out, the Board shall:

a. Be responsible for the Christian nurture of children, youth and adults in the congregation and, through them, in the community and beyond.

b. Establish objectives, set policies for, and supervise the total educationprogram in the congregation, including the personnel; i.e., for Sunday

School, Bible Classes, and all other educational groups.

c. Provide for active expression of Christian love and concern as an integral part of the Christian education program.

d. Approve curriculum, analyze performance, and seek constant improvement.

e. Continually review programs to determine whether all age groups are being served, and recommend revisions and additions as deemed advisable.


f. Make annual analysis, by age groups, to determine the degree of participation of the membership of the congregation in its total educational program.

g. Maintain a "people accounting system" to record members' participation in the educational program and to follow up on the uninvolved.

h. Together with the Youth Ministry and the Board of Day School Education, be concerned with the assimilation of newly confirmed youth into appropriate congregational Christian education programs and activities.

i. Work with organizations and other boards and committees to coordinate educational activities within the congregation.

j. Encourage increasing participation of every congregation member in Bible study, privately and in groups.

k. Delegate administration of Christian education programs and activities to qualified persons.

l. Exercise leadership in gathering lists of volunteers for vacancies in the teaching staff.

m. Enlist and continue to train lay teachers and leaders as needed.

n. Establish a system of commendation and recognition of faithful service by all persons involved in congregational Christian education.

o. Encourage Christian educational programs in societies of the congregation, such as the Lutheran Laymans League, Saturday Night Lutherans, Lutheran Women's Missionary League, etc.

p. Consider providing special education opportunities for mentally retarded and other handicapped persons.

q. Encourage growth of the Christian educational staff through conferences, conventions, etc., and request necessary funds for same.

r. Maintain, improve and promote the use of a church library, including audio visual aids.

s. Provide and promote subscriptions to church periodicals.

t. Study and consider suggestions by the education departments of Synod, District and Circuit.

u. Establish and keep current a permanent file of all children and youth of the congregation by age, grade level etc.

v. Establish and maintain, in conjunction with other Boards, a continuing program for the recruitment of full-time workers in the church at large, such as pastors, teachers, deaconesses, etc.

w. Annually examine Christian educational facilities and equipment and make recommendations to the Board of Church Properties as to upkeep, repairs, replacements, and new purchases.

x. Prepare and submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time requested by the Board of Stewardship.


5. The Board of Stewardship

The Board of Stewardship shall consist of at least five (5) members, including the elected Financial Secretary and the elected director.

The Director of the Board of Stewardship shall be authorized to sign checks in an emergency, if the Treasurer and the President are unavailable. The Director shall chair the Budget Committee as provided in Article VII, Section A, paragraph 11.

The basic objectives of this Board are to initiate programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes among the members of the congregation regarding time, talents and treasures, and provide for their training and utilization through a developed program of dedicated, proportionate, first-fruits giving.

That the objectives of the Board may be carried out, the Board shall:

a. Study the Scriptural principles regarding the total stewardship calling ofeach Christian.

b. Maintain a program to discover and enlist, for Kingdom service, the talents God has given all members.

c. Be responsible for maintenance of a current congregational talent file and provide for the immediate recording of the talents and abilities of incoming members.

d. Annually conduct a program to involve each member personally in basic Biblical stewardship principles and practices that are Gospel motivated, joyous, worshipful, liberal, proportionate, first-fruits giving in response to received blessings and recognized needs.

e. Annually prepare a God-pleasing work program, determine anticipated receipts and recommend a budget for adoption at the February Voters Assembly Meeting.

f. Foster support for missions and charities through an ongoing program of mission information and education through educational agencies, committees, and organizations, rallies, festivals, audio/visuals, written materials, appearances of missionaries, etc.

g. Plan and recommend a year-round program of support for Lutheran World Relief (financial gifts, clothing drives, etc.) through the various agencies and committees of the congregation.

h. Annually prepare and submit as part of the budget of this Board a selected list of charities for the congregation and suggest the source of revenue designated for that purpose.

i. Evaluate and make recommendations for gifts to the congregation.

j. Screen all outside appeals for funds, present to Planning Council for review, and make recommendations to the Voters Assembly.

k. Screen all offers of non-solicited gifts, present to Planning Council for review, and make recommendations to the Voters Assembly.

l. Evaluate various programs for endowments, remembrance of the congregation in wills, bequests, etc. and suggest ways of implementing them.


m. Study and maintain a list of available social agencies for help with problems such as alcoholism, drug addiction, delinquency, mental retardation, emotionally disturbed individuals, unwed mothers,


n. Encourage and enlist the youth of the congregation for full-time service in the church as pastors, teachers, etc.

o. Together with the Treasurer and Financial Secretary, be concerned with the safe deposit and recording of all funds, monthly remissions of offerings for missions and church agencies, and prompt payment of salaries and bills as authorized by the congregation and the appropriate Boards.

p. Regularly evaluate the offerings of the congregation, and share these evaluations with the members of the congregation.

q. Encourage stewardship programs in the societies and auxiliaries of the congregation.

r. Annually review the budgeting procedures of the congregation in conjunction with the Treasurer and Financial Secretary and recommend to the congregation any necessary improvements or revisions.

6. The Board of Church Properties

The Board of Church Properties shall consist of at least six (6) members, including the Director. The basic objectives of this Board are the maintenance and repair of church property, the representation of the congregation in all matters pertaining to church properties, and the general protection of the congregation against loss or damage of whatever nature.

That the objectives of this Board may be carried out, the Board shall:

a. Make an annual inspection of church properties, furnishings and equipment, and recommend to the Voters Assembly needed repairs, improvements or replacements. Report should be submitted with annual budget proposal.

b. Conduct an annual inventory of all church properties, furnishings, equipment and supplies, including acquisition date and approximate value of each item.

c. Carry out all resolutions of the Voters Assembly on purchases, repairs, replacement of church property and equipment in conjunction with the congregational Purchasing Agent.

d. Determine and engage, with congregational approval, adequate custodial help. The Board shall also meet periodically with custodian(s) to discuss the care of the buildings, needs and problems in custodial service, etc.

e. Prepare for the custodial help a detailed list of the required daily, weekly, monthly or annual maintenance of the facilities and equipment of the congregation.

f. Annually review and recommend compensation for all custodial help and study and recommend policies regarding employment practices.

g. With the approval of the Voters Assembly, determine and establish 09-18-18


regulations governing the use of church property and equipment, including setting policies and fees for rental, use and lending of church properties.

h. Coordinate the schedule of planned repairs, improvements or replacements with the church master calendar.

i. Procure and issue keys for church properties, and maintain and annually review a list of the keys issued. Keys are to be recovered from those leaving office.

j. Supervise, maintain, control and recommend adequate storage facilities of all church property, equipment and supplies.

k. Annually check the adequacy of all types of insurance for church properties, furnishings and equipment and negotiate insurance contracts to maintain an adequate level of coverage based upon current replacement values.

l. Check all property quarterly for fire hazards. Included should be inspection for proper maintenance of fire protection equipment such as portable extinguishers, fire hoses, etc. Areas requiring improvement should be corrected without delay.

m. Enlist work crews for special repair, improvement, cleaning, painting, decorating, landscaping and other projects as deemed necessary.

n. Arrange for immediate repairs of an urgent nature. Funds not exceeding $500.00 may be used for these repairs without prior approval.

o. Obtain legal counsel pertaining to deeds, contracts, etc. regarding church properties.

p. Negotiate service contracts for the organ, office machines, etc.

q. Make an annual inventory of official documents and their location and enter this information in the official minutes of the congregation.

r. Sign official documents and contracts associated with church properties that have been negotiated and approved by the congregation. The Director of the Board shall appoint two members of the Board of Church Properties to serve as Trustees for the congregation as co-signers of said documents.

s. Maintain current information on the laws governing non-profit organizations.

t. Submit an annual budget request to the Board of Stewardship in the form and at the time requested by that Board.

7. The Board of Public Relations

The Board of Public Relations shall consist of at least two (2) members, including the elected director. The basic objectives of this Board are the presentation to the public of a Christian image which will reflect favorably upon the work of Christ and of the congregation as His instrument, the publicizing of the work of the congregation through various channels, and the general integration of the congregation's work into the life of the community.

That the objectives of this Board may be carried out, the Board, shall:


a. Represent the congregation in community activities, and keep the congregation informed of social, political and economic developments within the community.

b. Together with other appropriate Boards, be concerned with the congregation's role in the community and develop useful means of becoming a better servant to the community.

c. Work with other churches to improve the Christian image to the community and to implement the church's mission.

d. Establish and maintain a program of publicity for the congregation and its activities which will reflect favorably on the congregation and its commitment to the Gospel of Christ.

e. Maintain all church bulletin boards and develop appropriate messages and themes for publications.

f. In conjunction with the Board of Stewardship, publicize a program endowing the congregation through wills, bequests, foundations, etc.

g. Work for the overall enhancement of the congregation's image in the various news media and publications of the community.

h. Establish and maintain friendly relationships between the congregation and the professional, community service, and governmental agencies within the community.

i. Work together with the Board of Elders in making visitors feel welcome in our midst.

j. Submit an annual budget requested by the Board of Stewardship in the form and at the time requested by that Board.

8. The Board of Parish Ministries

The Board of Parish Ministries shall consist of at least six (6) members, including the elected director, the chairman of each ministry, and the chairman of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League and Lutheran Layman’s League or their designated representatives.

The basic objectives of this Board are to involve all members of the congregation, provide for their spiritual growth, and promote genuine Christian fellowship.

That the basic objectives of this Board may be carried out, the Board shall:

a. Coordinate with the church secretary congregational activities through establishing a calendar posted in the church office. Resolve any conflicts in usage.

b. For administrative purposes and program development, supervise the work of fellowship groups established by the Voters Assembly.

c. Encourage involvement of all members in the congregation’s work, thus enhancing a planned parish program for all aspects of service and


d. Develop a program for the social fellowship of all ages of the 09-18-18


congregation, including various recreational activities.

e. In conjunction with the Pastor(s), publicize Christian events which would benefit the congregation.

f. For administrative purposes and program development coordinate the work of the Lutheran Layman’s League, Women’s League and Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.

g. Submit an annual budget requested by the Board of Stewardship in the form and at the time requested by that Board.

8.1 Youth Ministry

The Director of the Board of Parish Ministries shall appoint one member to be chair of the Youth Ministry. The Youth Ministry shall consist of at least four (4) members, including the appointed chair. Advisory members from the High School Group, Young Adults, and Youth Staff may be added at the discretion of this ministry. This ministry shall fulfill the following objectives:

a. Actively engage in the selection and training of leaders for the youth programs.

b. Together with the Pastor(s), plan and observe an annual congregational Youth Sunday.

c. Plan a special event to welcome the newly confirmed youth of the congregation and invite them to join the high school age youth group.

d. Provide for continual education of the youth on topics of current interest to them.

e. In conjunction with the Board of Public Relations, provide for recognition of various youth achievements.

f. Plan and coordinate activities for youth with other Lutheran youth groups at various levels.

g. In conjunction with the Board of Evangelism, train and involve the youth of the congregation in bringing others to faith in Christ.

h. Together with the other Boards, encourage youth for fulltime service in the church as pastors, teachers, etc.

i. Welcome and use college students during the summer months for various youth activities. During the school year, provide opportunities for students at Concordia University, Irvine to become involved with our congregational life.

j. For administrative purposes and program development, supervise the work of the children's groups such as Boy Scouts, and other agencies.

8.2 Senior Adult Ministry

The Director of the Board of Parish Ministries shall appoint one member of the Board of Parish Ministries to be chair of the Senior Adult Ministry. The Senior Adult Ministry shall consist of at least four (4) members, including the appointed chair. This ministry shall fulfill the following objectives:


a. Provide for continued education of senior adults on topics of current interest to them.

b. Plan and coordinate activities for senior adults with other Lutheran senior adult groups.

c. Encourage participation with the Children’s groups; such as Sunday School, Day School, Boy/Girl Scouts, and others.

d. For administrative purposes and program development, annually evaluate the work of the senior adult groups in the congregation.

8.3 Fellowship Ministry

The Director of the Board of Parish Services shall appoint one member of its Board to be chair of the Fellowship Ministry. The Fellowship Ministry shall consist of at least four (4) members, including the appointed chair. This ministry shall fulfill the following objectives:

a. Promote attendance and involvement of the congregation in all possible activities which will further its goals.

b. In conjunction with the Board of Congregational Christian Education, provide for the continuing spiritual growth of the congregation through Bible study, prayer and Christian service.

c. Provide for the integration of new members and their families into the Congregation through a Sponsorship Program, orientation, etc., in

conjunction with the Boards of Elders and Evangelism. Review their progress after six and twelve months.

d. Provide counseling for the spiritual, moral and social involvement of the congregation.

e. Provide opportunities for involvement as servants in the life of the community, i.e., civic, school, cultural, recreational, and social groups.

f. Cultivate and oversee the Small Group Bible Study Program with a goal of maintaining a 60% congregational participation. This allows for intimate fellowship (6 to 12 persons).

Section C – Duties of Associated Offices

1. Financial Secretary

The Financial Secretary shall be elected by the congregation and shall be a member of the Board of Stewardship. The Financial Secretary shall:

a. Be responsible for the accurate counting, recording and depositing of all receipts for the congregation in a local financial institution or

institutions and to that end shall enlist a staff or recording secretaries and a Finance Committee. The recording secretaries shall record all contributions by members for whatever purpose and shall notify the Board of Stewardship and the Pastor(s) concerning contributions by non-members. The Finance Committee shall be responsible, under the direction of the Financial Secretary, for the prompt counting of Sunday and other receipts.


b. Prepare and distribute envelopes to all communicant members of the congregation at the beginning of each fiscal year.

c. Be responsible for issuance of regular statements to members, showing their offerings to date.

d. Furnish the Treasurer with a duplicate deposit slip for all deposits.

e. For the protection of those transporting monies, and for the protection of the congregation, the congregation shall provide the necessary messenger insurance coverage. At the Parish Planning Council meeting subsequent to taking office, the Financial Secretary shall submit a detailed report listing its counting and recording procedures for the approval of the Parish Planning Council.

Section D – Removal from Church Board Membership

A communicant member who has not communed at Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church for three consecutive months will be removed from church board membership. Eligibility for church board membership shall be restored if the responsibilities of communicant membership set forth in the bylaws are met. Under special circumstances (e.g., business trips, extended illness), an exception from the requirements of this paragraph may be granted to a communicant member only with the approval of the Pastor and a majority of the Board of Elders. The Board of Elders must be notified of a request for an exception to be made, and of the explanation for the request.


These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the Voting Membership (see Quorum Requirements) by a majority vote, provided:

A. That a motion to submit for consideration such a proposal to amend has been made at a prior regular meeting of the Voting Membership.

B. That the entire Voting Membership has been advised at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the nature of the proposed changes and of the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be acted upon.

All amendments to the By-Laws or to the Constitution shall be recorded in the Official copy of the Constitution and By-Laws in the possession of the current Secretary of the congregation.


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