the business of home automation is enabling the internet of things

Post on 15-Nov-2014






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The business of home automation

Today I will share you some information about home


If we think about the homes that have a broadband

connection today as the total addressable market for

home automation, the home automation market size turns

out to be around $8.8 billion at $100 spent per home or

$880 billion at $10,000 for example in the U.S. If we are a

little more conservative and say that only those

broadband subscribers who use smartphones are targets,

the range turns out to be about $5.63 – $563 billion. In

order to capture this opportunity a number of business

models have come into play. While these are not new

business models, it is interesting to see how this

opportunity is being captured.

The Free approach: Here home builders are

embracing the the art of negative margin by giving away

connected devices for free as part of home sales. In doing

so home builders appear progressive and invested in

home innovation with the goal of attracting more buyers.

DIY: Before IoT became more mainstream, the rich

and the famous built fascinating homes using custom

service providers that build connectivity into the

home. This business model will continue to exist but will

account for a smaller percentage of the home automation

market over time as IoT devices mature, become cheaper,

easier to install and use.

The promise of double digit sales growth is attracting

a number of players, big and small, to the home

automation market.

There is a company Wulian,supply the whole set of

home automation,which with simple installation.If you

want to konw more information , please

search : , or email


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