the business of dentistry

Post on 03-Feb-2018






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  • 7/21/2019 The Business of Dentistry


    The Business of Dentistry: Patient Records and Records


    Natalie Kaweckyj, LDARF, CDA, CDPMA, COMSA, COA, MADAA, BA; Wendy Frye, CDA, RDA,

    MADAA; Lynda Hillin, CDA, MADAA; Li!a L"#erin, CDA, CDPMA, MADAA; Linette Sc$%itt,

    CDA, RDA, MADAA; Wil$e%ina Lee&w, MS, CDA


    Classifications of Occlusion


    Anle(! cla!!i)icati"n !y!te% i! a %et$"d c"%%"nly &!ed t" cla!!i)y #ari"&! "ccl&!al

    relati"n!$i*!+ $i! !y!te% i! -a!ed &*"n t$e relati"n!$i* -etween t$e *er%anent %a'illaryand %andi-&lar )ir!t %"lar!+

    Class I (or neutrocclusion). /n t$i! cla!!i)icati"n, t$e %a'illary )ir!t %"lar i! !li$tly

    -ack t" t$e %andi-&lar )ir!t %"lar; t$e %e!i"-&ccal c&!* ") t$e %a'illary )ir!t %"lar i!

    directly in line wit$ t$e -&ccal r""#e ") t$e *er%anent %andi-&lar )ir!t %"lar+ $e

    %a'illary canine "ccl&de! wit$ t$e di!tal $al) ") t$e %andi-&lar canine and t$e %e!ial $al)

    ") t$e %andi-&lar )ir!t *re%"lar+ $e )acial *r")ile i! ter%ed %e!"nat$ic+

    Figure 11a.

    Normal Occlusion

    Class II (or distocclusion). /n t$i! cla!!i)icati"n, t$e %a'illary )ir!t %"lar i! e#en wit$,"r anteri"r t", t$e %andi-&lar )ir!t %"lar; t$e -&ccal r""#e ") t$e %andi-&lar )ir!t %"lar i!

    di!tal t" t$e %e!i"-&ccal c&!* ") t$e %a'illary )ir!t %"lar+ $e di!tal !&r)ace ") t$e

    %andi-&lar canine i! di!tal t" t$e %e!ial !&r)ace ") t$e %a'illary canine -y at lea!t t$e

    widt$ ") a *re%"lar+ $e )acial *r")ile ") -"t$ di#i!i"n! i! ter%ed retr"nat$ic+

    Figure 11b.

    Class II Malocclusion
  • 7/21/2019 The Business of Dentistry


    Class II, Division 1"cc&r! w$en t$e *er%anent )ir!t %"lar! are in Cla!! // and t$e

    *er%anent %a'illary central inci!"r! are eit$er n"r%al "r !li$tly *r"tr&ded "&t t"ward t$e


    Class II, Division 2"cc&r! w$en t$e *er%anent )ir!t %"lar! are in Cla!! // and t$e

    *er%anent %a'illary central inci!"r! are retr&ded 0*&lled -ackward t"ward t$e "ral ca#ity1

    and tiltin inward! t"ward! t$e t"n&e+

    Figure 11c.

    Figure 11d.

    Class II Division 1

    Class II Division 2

    Class III (or mesiocclusion). /n t$i! cla!!i)icati"n, t$e %a'illary )ir!t %"lar i! %"re t"t$e -ack ") t$e %andi-&lar )ir!t %"lar t$an n"r%al; t$e -&ccal r""#e ") t$e %andi-&lar

    )ir!t %"lar i! %e!ial t" t$e %e!i"-&ccal c&!* ") t$e %a'illary )ir!t %"lar+ $e )acial *r")ile

    i! ter%ed *r"nat$ic+

    Figure 11e.

    Figure 11f.

    Class III

    Class III Anterior Bite

    $ere are !e#eral de#iati"n! in t$e *"!iti"n ") t$e indi#id&al teet$ wit$in t$e jaw!+ $e

    )"ll"win ter%! de!cri-e! t$e!e #ariati"n!2

    Anterior cross-bite. an a-n"r%al relati"n!$i* ") a t""t$ "r a r"&* ") teet$ in

    "ne arc$ t" t$e "**"!in teet$ in t$e "t$er arc$; t$e %a'illary inci!"r! are lin&al t" t$e

    "**"!in %andi-&lar inci!"r!+

    Distoversion. t$e t""t$ i! di!tal t" t$e n"r%al *"!iti"n+

    dge to edge bite. t$e inci!al !&r)ace! ") t$e %a'illary anteri"r teet$ %eet t$e

    inci!al ede! ") t$e %andi-&lar anteri"r teet$+

    nd to end bite. %a'illary *"!teri"r teet$ %eet t$e %andi-&lar *"!teri"r teet$

    c&!* t" c&!* in!tead ") in n"r%al %anner+

    !nfraversion. t$e t""t$ i! *"!iti"ned -el"w t$e n"r%al line ") "ccl&!i"n+

    "abioversion #Buccoversion$. t$e t""t$ i! ti**ed t"ward t$e c$eek "r li*+

    "inguoversion. t$e t""t$ i! lin&al t" t$e n"r%al *"!iti"n+

    Mesioversion. t$e t""t$ i! %e!ial t" t$e n"r%al *"!iti"n+

    O%en bite. )ail&re ") t$e %a'illary and %andi-&lar teet$ t" %eet+

  • 7/21/2019 The Business of Dentistry


    Overbite. #ertical "#erla* reater t$an "ne3t$ird #ertical e'ten!i"n ") t$e

    %a'illary teet$ "#er t$e %andi-&lar anteri"r teet$+

    Over&et. t$e $"ri4"ntal "#erla* -etween t$e la-ial !&r)ace ") t$e %andi-&lar

    anteri"r teet$ and t$e lin&al !&r)ace ") t$e %a'illary anteri"r teet$, ca&!in and a-n"r%al


    Posterior cross-bite. an a-n"r%al relati"n!$i* ") teet$ in "ne arc$ t" t$e

    "**"!in teet$ in t$e "t$er arc$+ $e *ri%ary "r *er%anent %a'illary teet$ are lin&al t"t$e %andi-&lar teet$+

    'u%raversion. t$e t""t$ e'tend! a-"#e t$e n"r%al line ") "ccl&!i"n+

    Torsoversion. t$e t""t$ i! r"tated "r t&rned+

    Transversion #Trans%osition$. t$e t""t$ i! in t$e wr"n "rder in t$e arc$+

    (nder&et. "cc&r! w$en t$e %a'illary anteri"r! are *"!iti"ned lin&ally t" t$e

    %andi-&lar anteri"r! wit$ e'ce!!i#e !*ace -etween t$e la-ial ") t$e %a'illary anteri"rteet$ and t$e lin&al ") t$e %andi-&lar anteri"r teet$+

    /n t$e early 5677(!, a denti!t -y t$e na%e ") 8+9+ Black de#i!ed a %et$"d ") cla!!i)yin dental carie!

    acc"rdin t" it! l"cati"n "n t$e t""t$ !&r)ace+ $i! %et$"d i! kn"wn a! Black(! Cla!!i)icati"n ") Ca#itie!and i! &!ed in denti!try t"day+ Black "riinally de#i!ed )i#e cla!!i)icati"n!, -&t a !i't$ wa! later added+

    $e!e ca#ity cla!!i)icati"n! are &!ed w$en rec"rdin "n t$e *atient(! c$art t$e ty*e ") carie! )"&nd "n t$eteet$ 0Fi&re 5:1+

    Figure 12. Cavity Classifications

    Class I

    Found in pits and fissures of: occlusal surfaces ofpremolars and molars; buccal or lingual pits of themolars; lingual pit near the cingulum of the

    maxillary incisors.

    Class II

    Found on the proximal (mesial and distal) surfacesof premolars and molars.


    Found on the proximal (mesial and distal) surfacesof incisors and canines.


    Found on the proximal surfaces of incisors andcanines, but also will involve the incisal edge.

  • 7/21/2019 The Business of Dentistry




    Found on gingival third (the area near the gingiva)of the facial or lingual surfaces of any tooth.



    Involve the incisal edges of anterior teeth and theocclusal surfaces of posterior teeth that have been

    worn away due to abrasion.

    dapted from !etivier, ntoinette "., and #land, $imberly %. & 'eneralhairside ssisting: eview for a *ational 'eneral hairside +xam.merican %ental ssistants ssociation, -/. ourtesy oldwell0ystems, hampaign, I1.

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