the business choreography language (bcl) - a domain

Post on 25-May-2022






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The Business Choreography Language (BCL) -a Domain-Specific Language for Global Choreographies

Thomas Motal, Marco Zapletal, Hannes WerthnerVienna University of Technology

Favoritenstrasse 9-11/188A-1040 Vienna, Austria{lastname}


UN/CEFACT’s Modeling Methodology (UMM) is a mod-eling approach for describing the choreography of B2B pro-cesses. UMM is developed by the United Nations Cen-ter for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CE-FACT) and currently defined as a UML profile. Thereby,it constrains the UML for the specific needs of B2B. Aswe learned, using UML as the underlying notation forUMM results in several shortcomings. Furthermore, someworkarounds are required to fit the concepts of UMM tothe UML meta model. Thus, in this paper we examine analternative notation for UMM following the concepts of adomain-specific language (DSL). The contribution of thispaper is twofold: (i) we identify general concepts for mod-eling global choreographies by taking UMM as a startingpoint. (ii) We introduce the Business Choreography Lan-guage (BCL), a domain-specific language designed to effi-ciently support the prior identified concepts. The conceptsof the BCL are exemplified by an implementation using theMicrosoft DSL Tools for Visual Studio. In fact, the BCL isan approach tailored to support the specific needs of globalB2B choreographies.

1 Introduction

In the recent past, the notion of choreography gained alot of attraction in the fields of service-orientation as wellas business process modeling. In [1], Peltz introduced oneof the first definitions for the terms orchestration and chore-ography. We would like to refine the definitions for theseterms as follows: An orchestration describes a process thatis executed internal to a company. A local choreography is aprojection on an orchestration - it contains only those tasksof a process that are visible to the outside world. These tasksas well as their order describe the required flow of message

exchanges in order to interact with the process. Thus, a lo-cal choreography has always a partner-specific viewpoint.A global choreography describes a process from a neutralviewpoint by capturing the observable behavior betweentwo or more partners – i.e., between their complementarylocal choreographies.

For the purpose of modeling global choreographies lan-guages such as BPMN [2], iBPMN [3], Let’s Dance [4],WS-CDL [5], ebXML BPSS [6], and BPEL4Chor [7] havebeen proposed. A further promising approach for capturingglobal choreographies between enterprises is UN/CEFACTModeling Methodology (UMM). UMM is developed andstandardized by the United Nations Center for Trade Facil-itation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT), known forits work in the area of electronic data interchange (EDI). Inorder to overcome the limitations of traditional data-centricEDI approaches, UN/CEFACT developed a modeling lan-guage for B2B interactions – so-called business collabora-tions. Thereby, UMM concentrates on the interactions be-tween enterprises and describes them from a neutral per-spective – it does not consider on the business processesinternal to a company.

UN/CEFACT’s UMM is built upon the UML. The mostrecent version [8] – which we co-authored – is specified as aUML profile for UML 2.0 [9]. A UML profile specifies a setof stereotypes, tagged values and constraints for customiz-ing UML [10]. Thus, the general-purpose language UMLis customized for the specific purpose of modeling inter-organizational systems. Thereby, UMM puts UML in a verystrict corset. The definition of UMM on top of UML im-poses some shortcomings and requires some workarounds.As a consequence, many stakeholders of UMM have as-sessed it as being too complex. Furthermore, the readabilityand graphical visualization of UMM models are criticized.Another negative argument is that UMM models result inan overwhelming amount of modeling artifacts.

In order to overcome these shortcomings, this paper pro-

poses to define the UMM concepts by means of a domain-specific language (DSL). The resulting language is calledBusiness Choreography Language (BCL). A DSL is a high-level software implementation language that supports con-cepts and abstractions that are related to a particular (appli-cation) domain [11]. The concept of domain-specific lan-guages is pretty mature. Parnas introduced an early view onDSLs in the late 70s by the means of program families [12].In 1985, Bentley concluded in [13] that the main task ofprogrammers is to develop small languages to solve prob-lems of a particular kind. Thus, Bentley had an early ideaof what a DSL should be. In general, a DSL model providesits own notation, which follows a set of well-defined rules[14]. It utilizes the concepts and names of the domain underconsideration.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: insection 2 we introduce the UML profile of UMM by a sim-ple example. Section 3 points out required concepts for themodeling of global choreographies. Then, in section 4 weintroduce the Business Choreography Language (BCL) thatreflects the concepts captured before. Finally, section 5 pro-vides an evaluation of our approach by comparing the BCLwith the original UMM and outlines future work.

2 UMM by Example

When the development of UMM was started by UN/CE-FACT in 1998, tool support was identified as one of thecritical issues in order to guarantee user acceptance of theUMM. Due to the growing tool support of the Unified Mod-eling Language (UML), UN/CEFACT opted for UML as theunderlying modeling notation. At this time, UMM specifiedits own conceptual meta model and provided guidelines oncreating compliant artifacts using the UML. In late 2004 itwas decided to define UMM 1.0 as a formal UML profile[15], i.e. a set of stereotypes, tagged values and constraints- in order to customize the UML meta model to the spe-cial purpose of modeling global B2B choreographies. Atthis time the UML version of choice by UN/CEFACT wasUML 1.4 [16]. We guided the editing of the UMM foun-dation module 1.0, which became a UN/CEFACT standardin October 2006. It should be noted that the UML 1.4 metamodel required several workarounds to represent the UMMconcepts, which resulted in several shortcomings. The iden-tification of these shortcomings led to the development ofUMM 2.0 [8], which is defined as a UML 2.0 profile [9] .

The UMM follows a well-defined development processproducing a set of well-defined artifacts. The developmentprocess runs through three major phases, which correspondto the three top level packages of UMM: the business re-quirements view, the business choreography view, and thebusiness information view. The interested reader is referredto the UMM paper in [17] as well as to the specification

in [8]. In this paper we do not elicit requirements usingthe business requirements view of UMM, but limit ourselvesto the relevant concept for building a domain-specific lan-guage for global choreographies. In the following, we focuson artifacts of two sub-views of the business choreographyview: the business transaction view and the business col-laboration view. The business transaction view models thebasic building blocks of a choreography which correspondto a single business document exchange and returning anoptional business document as a response. The businesscollaboration view models a global choreography built bythese basic building blocks.

In order to exemplify the described concepts we will usea simple order from quote example. The buyer has to senda quote to the seller. Depending, whether the quote will beaccepted or not, the buyer will be able to order products.The order will be confirmed by an order response. Our ex-ample business collaboration takes place between the buyerand the seller, and consists of two business transactions:request for quote and place order. In the following, weoutline how to model this example B2B scenario using theUML profile of UMM 2.0.

2.1 Business Transaction View

The goal of a business transaction is to synchronize thestate between two partner’s information systems. The syn-chronization takes place by exchanging business informa-tion between exactly two parties. Depending on the busi-ness intent, it is either a uni-directional exchange (e.g., a no-tification) or a bi-directional exchange including a response(e.g., a request/response interaction). As further explainedin section 3, a business transaction always follows the samepattern.

The requirements of a business transaction are describedin a business transaction use case. Our example involvestwo business transaction use cases: request for quote andplace order. According to figure 1, each business transac-tion use case and the participating actors are placed in theirown business transaction view. Figure 2 depicts the busi-ness transaction use case request for quote which involvesa quote requestor and quote responder.

The requirements of a business transaction are furtherelaborated using the concept of an activity diagram. Foreach business transaction use case an activity diagram iscreated and placed as a child underneath the respective usecase, e.g., in figure 1 the business transaction use case re-quest for quote (A) is refined using the activity diagram(B).

The basic building blocks of a business transaction areactivity partitions, which are used to denote the authorizedroles, participating in the transaction. Furthermore, a busi-ness transaction contains exactly two actions - a requesting





Figure 1: Package Structure of the Order From Quote Example


«bTransactionUC»Request For Quote «participates»«participates»

Figure 2: Business Transaction Use Case

action and a responding action - one on each business part-ner’s side. Between the different actions the business in-formation exchange is denoted using the concepts of objectflows and action pins. There is always exactly one objectflow from the requesting action to the responding action.In a one-way business transaction there is no flow in thereverse direction. In case of a two-way business transac-tion there are one or more object flows in the reverse direc-tion. In case of two or more object flows they are consideredas alternatives. The type of the action pins in the businesstransaction is set using business documents from the busi-ness information view, which is not elaborated in this paper.

Figure 3 shows the business transaction request forquote. On the left hand side the business transaction par-tition (bTPartition) of the requesting role is shown and onthe right hand side the one of the responding role. The typeof a business transaction partition is determined by the au-thorized roles participating in the business transaction usecase, which the business transaction refines. In figure 3 thetype of the requesting partition is set by the authorized rolequote requestor and the type of the responding partition isset by the authorized role quote responder.

The requesting partition contains a so called requestingaction (ReqAction) and the responding partition a respond-ing action (ResAction). In the example shown in figure 3 the







Obtain Quote




Calculate Quote







BusinessSuccess BusinessFailure



[QuoteEnvelope.Quote. Price != null]

Figure 3: Business Transaction: Request for Quote

quote requestor starts the business transaction by sendinga quote request envelope to the quote responder.

After the quote responder has processed the requestfrom the quote requestor he replies with a quote enve-lope. Within the quote envelope, products are quoted ornot. In the former case, the business transaction results in asuccess (i.e., both share the state that a quote is provided).In the latter case, the synchronized state between the twopartner’s system is that the quote was refused - reflectingthat the business transaction resulted in a business failure.In case of a technical exception, the business transaction re-sults in a control failure as shown on the left hand side offigure 3.

At the lower side of figure 4 the tagged values containingthe different business signal information of the requestingaction and the responding action are shown e.g. time to ac-knowledge receipt indicates the maximum time within theresponding party has to confirm a successful/unsuccessfulsyntax, grammar, and sequence validation. Further taggedvalues are: is authorization required, is non-repudiation re-quired, time to perform, time to acknowledge receipt, timeto acknowledge acceptance, is non-repudiation of receiptrequired and retry count. These tagged values are consid-ered as self-explanatory and are explained in detail in theUMM 2.0 specification [8].

As shown in figure 1, the order from quote example con-sists of two business transactions: request for quote andplace order. Since business transactions follow the samepattern, we refrain from detailing the flow of place order.Instead, we show the resulting business transaction in figure4. One should note that place order contains two alternativeresponse documents - an order acceptance envelope and

t Place Order

:Selle r






Submit Orde r:OrderAcceptanceEnvelope



O d R j ti E lControlFailure

[OrderRejection !=null]


P O d



«bESharedS...O d

«bESharedS...Orde r

[OrderAcceptance !=null]

Process Orde r:Orde r[rejected]

:Orde r[accepted]

BusinessSuccess BusinessFailure

Figure 4: Business Transaction: Place Order

an order rejection envelope. Consequently, the respond-ing business document affects the outcome of the overallbusiness transaction as depicted in figure 4.

2.2 Business Collaboration View

After the identification of the different business transac-tions the modeler creates business collaborations. A busi-ness collaboration describes the control flow between thedifferent business transactions and business collaborations.Thus, a business collaborations can also be nested recur-sively.

Each business collaboration view contains exactly onebusiness collaboration use case and the authorized rolesparticipating in the use case. By definition, a business col-laboration consists of different business transactions and/orbusiness collaborations. Included business transactions/-collaborations are denoted using the concept of include de-pendencies. Each included business transaction is definedin its own business transaction view and each included busi-ness collaboration is defined in its own business collabora-tion view.

As shown in figure 5 the business collaboration usecase order from quote includes two business transactions,namely request for quote and place order. Similar to theconcept of a business transaction use case a business col-laboration use case is further elaborated using the conceptof a so called business collaboration protocol. For eachbusiness collaboration use case a business collaboration

«bCollaborationUC»Order From Quote

Buyer Seller

(from Request For Quote)

«bTransactionUC»Request For Quote

(from Place Ord er)

«bTransactionUC»Place Order



Figure 5: Business Collaboration/Transaction Use Case

:Selle r



«bCPartition» Initial


Request For Quote


Place Order


Success Failure



«reFlow» «reFlow»


«reFlow» «reFlow»


Figure 6: Business Collaboration Protocol Order From Quote

protocol is created and placed as a child under the respectiveuse case e.g. in figure 1 the business collaboration use caseorder from quote (C) is refined using the business collabo-ration protocol (D). Consequently a business collaborationuse case is always the parent of exactly one business col-laboration protocol.

The main aim of a business collaboration protocol isto describe a business collaboration on a formal basis.Thereby, a business collaboration protocol is built usingbusiness transaction actions and business collaboration ac-tions. Thus, each action calls the respective transaction orcollaboration. In order to depict the authorized roles partic-ipating in a business collaboration, a business collaborationprotocol uses the concept of partitions. For each authorizedrole exactly one partition is created.

In order to denote the execution order of different busi-ness transaction actions and business collaboration actionsthe concept of initFlows and reFlows is used. They de-note, which role of the business collaboration initiates andresponds in an underlying business transaction. Thereby,an initFlow connects a partition representing an authorizedrole with a business transaction action/business collabora-tion action. The same applies to reFlows.

The business collaboration protocol in figure 6 definesthe exact choreography of the order from quote collab-oration. Using the concept of two business collaboration

partitions (bCPartition) the two authorized roles buyer andseller participating in the business collaboration are shown.The business collaboration order from quote starts withthe business transaction request for quote. The initFlowdependency between the buyer and the business transac-tion action request for quote in figure 6 indicates, thatthe buyer initiates the business transaction. Consequently,the buyer of the business collaboration protocol plays thequote requestor in the business transaction request forquote. The other initFlow leads from the business transac-tion action request for quote to the partition of the seller.This declares that he plays the quote responder in the re-quest for quote business transaction. The reFlow depen-dencies are not required for the unambiguous mapping be-tween collaboration roles and transaction roles. However,they are used to visualize already on the business collabo-ration protocol that an underlying business transaction is atwo-way transaction (which was a request by stakeholders).In regard to the business transaction action place order, themapping of roles follows the similar procedure.

If the business transaction request for quote fails be-cause the seller has refused the request, the business col-laboration order from quote also fails. In figure 3 thisis indicated by the control flow with the guard conditionquote.refused leading from the business transaction actionto the final state failure. Please note, that the guard condi-tions of the control flows directly match the resulting statesdenoted in the underlying business transaction (see figure4). In case the business transaction request for quote wassuccessful, the guard condition quote.provided evaluatestrue and the business transaction place order starts.

3 Concepts

In the previous section, we learned about the UMM bymeans of the order from quote example. The notation thatis used in the example is the UML profile for UMM. It isan evident goal that a domain-specific language (DSL) forUMM must at least be as expressive as the UML profile,including the UMM concepts. Thus, we must first identifythe concepts of UMM for modeling global choreographiesindependent of the underlying syntax. The following list-ings sketches these concepts (denoted as C1 to C8) detachedfrom the UML profile introduced in section 2.

• A business collaboration (C1): A business collabora-tion is a business process that is jointly conducted bytwo or more participants. A business collaboration isa complex long-running transactions and is composedof one to many business transactions. In fact, the busi-ness collaboration governs the control flow betweenbusiness transactions. Thereby, AND, OR, and XORsplit/join nodes may be used in order to realize the fivebasic workflow control-flow patterns [18].

• A business transaction (C2): A transaction is the ba-sic building block in UMM for defining global chore-ographies. It synchronizes the states between two part-ner’s information systems realized by an uni- or bi-directional information exchange. A business trans-action follows always the same pattern. The businesstransaction pattern defines the type of a legally bind-ing interaction between two decision making applica-tions as defined in Open-edi [19].

• Business transaction patterns (C3): UMM distin-guishes between two uni-directional (notification, in-formation distribution) and four bi-directional trans-action patterns (request/response, query/response, re-quest/confirm, commercial transaction). In case of thelatter, multiple alternative responding business docu-ment types may be specified. The business transactionpatterns differ in their settings for the quality of serviceparameters.

• Quality of service parameters (QoS) (C4): Businesstransactions hold a set of QoS parameters as intro-duced in section 2.1. These QoS parameters define se-curity and time-out constraints as well as the exchangeof business signals upon the receipt of business docu-ments.

• Business documents (C5) convey business informationin a business transaction. The initiator of the businesstransaction communicates a requesting business docu-ment (C5a) and the requestor replies with a respondingbusiness document (C5b).

• Shared states (C6): The notion of a state is an in-evitable concept in modeling global choreographies.In order to jointly conduct a business collaboration,the states of the participating information systemsmust be in sync. State changes in one system mustbe communicated to the information systems of otherparticipants. The synchronization of states requires thecommunication of the corresponding information. Asintroduced before, we build upon the concept of busi-ness transactions (C2) to convey information in busi-ness collaborations. In case of a two-way businesstransaction, the responding business document deter-mines the outcome of the business transaction - i.e.,the shared state. Considering figure 4, the communica-tion of an order acceptance envelope lets the businesstransaction result in the shared state that the order isaccepted. The shared state determines the control flowin the further business collaboration - e.g., an orderrejection envelope leads to a rejected order, which re-sults in an overall failure of the business collaborationas shown in figure 6.

• Re-use of business transactions (C7): One of the keygoals of UMM is to foster re-use. For this purpose,business transactions may be re-used across differentbusiness collaborations. In UMM 2.0’s UML profile,the same business transaction may be called by dif-ferent business transaction actions, since a businesstransaction action extends a UML call behavior action.

• Role mapping (C8): The concept of roles in model-ing business collaborations/business transactions al-lows to abstract from concrete business parties. In or-der to realize the re-use of business transactions acrossdifferent business collaborations, it is required to spec-ify which role of a business collaboration takes upwhich role in a business transaction. The same ap-plies when re-using business collaborations by hierar-chically nesting them.

Furthermore, we have identified some concepts that arenot yet part of UMM, but are considered to be useful formodeling global choreographies. These concepts are re-lated to the notion of events as found in the Business Pro-cess Modeling Notation (BPMN) [2]. In BPMN, an eventhappens during the course of a business process and affectsits further flow. There are several types of events defined inBPMN - in the following we describe those of them whichwe use in our DSL:

• Timer events (C9): The concept of a timer event is usedto represent delay mechanisms in a business collabora-tion. After a certain timing condition evaluates to true- which can be either relative or absolute - the event istriggered and the process flow continues. Please notethat the semantics of a timer event may already be real-ized in UMM 2.0, since UML activity diagrams permittime-based guard conditions on control flows. How-ever, since a DSL should describe a problem domainas expressive as possible, we decided to visualize timerevents explicitly.

• Compensations (C10): An exception might happen ina business transaction BT2, which is part of a busi-ness collaboration BC. In such a case, an already suc-cessfully executed business transaction BT1, whichprecedes BT2 in BC, may require a rollback. Con-sequently, a compensating business transaction BT3needs to be performed that undoes the effects of BT1.

• Event-based XORs (C11): The semantics of an event-based XOR split differs to a regular XOR split as fol-lows: While the latter decides upon which subsequentbranch is activated based on available data, the event-based XOR split bases its decision on external events.In other words, multiple alternative events may hap-pen at a certain branching point in a process. What-ever event occurs first (e.g., the receipt of a message),

the respective branch is activated. This construct real-izes the behavior of a deferred choice as specified in[18]. Please note that the initiation of a business trans-action (i.e., sending/receiving the requesting businessdocument) is also considered as an event in that sense.Thus, two to many business transaction may follow anevent-based XOR split.

In the subsequent section we introduce the BusinessChoreography Language (BCL), a DSL-based approach tai-lored to the specific needs for modeling global choreogra-phies. The BCL implements all the concepts of UMM 2.0(C1 – C8) as well as the additional concepts C9 – C11 asoutlined above.

4 The Business Choreography Language(BCL)

From a conceptual point of view, a domain-specific lan-guage is a platform-independent approach tailored to thespecific needs of a specific domain. In order to providean appropriate modeling environment and tool support, theconceptual DSL needs to be implemented on a certain plat-form. Recently, two popular platforms for implementing aDSL-based modeling tool emerged - the Eclipse ModelingProject and the Microsoft Domain-Specific Language Tools(DSL Tools). Our Business Choreography Language (BCL)is based on the latter, which allows to implement a model-ing tool on top of the Visual Studio IDE. In this paper, wedo not elaborate on the details of creating a DSL for VisualStudio, but concentrate on the concepts of BCL. For moreinformation on the DSL Tools, we refer the interested readerto [20].

We demonstrate the concepts of the BCL again by ourorder from quote example as known from section 2. In orderto demonstrate the new concepts C9 – C11 as introduced insection 3 we extend the example. The resulting examplemodeled by means of the BCL is shown in figure 7.

Again, the process starts with the buyer sending a re-quest for quote to the seller. If the seller provides a quotethe buyer is able to order products within an agreed time-frame. If he does not place the order during that time-frame,the quote expires and the business collaboration ends pre-maturely. Otherwise, the buyer sends an order, which theseller can either accept or reject. In the latter case, the col-laboration ends. Alternatively, the buyer is able to cancelthe order as long as the order has not been shipped. Therounded dots in figure 7 highlight the particular conceptsfor modeling global choreographies as captured in section3. In the following, we go through each of the concepts bymeans of our example and detail how we implemented themin the BCL.

A business collaboration (C1) comprises an arbitrarynumber of business transactions (C2). In our scenario thebusiness collaboration order from quote consists of fourbusiness transactions - i.e., request for quote, place or-der, notify shipment, and cancel order. Please note thatnesting business collaborations is not detailed in this paper.However, it follows an analogue approach to modeling busi-ness transaction. Furthermore, the diagram of a businesscollaboration comprises the roles that participate in a cer-tain collaboration. The roles are depicted by the means of aparticipants container (C8a). The container is displayed asa rectangle on the lower right side of figure 7. According toour example scenario, the participants container defines abuyer and seller.

A business transaction is displayed as a rounded rectan-gle (C2 ). The business transaction shape is designed tovisualize the most important information. The name of thetransaction (e.g., request for quote) is displayed on the topof the transaction shape. Beneath it provides informationabout the initiating role and the responding role. The di-rection is indicated with an arrow, thereby the arrow allowsleads from the initiating role on the left hand side to the ini-tiating role on the right hand side. In the BCL, there existonly two generic role types for each business transaction:initiator and responder. Using the properties of a businesstransaction, the roles participating in a business collabo-ration (C8a) are mapped to the initiating role and the re-sponding role of a business transaction (C8b), respectively.Considering request for quote as an example, the buyer ismapped to the initiator of the business transaction and theseller takes up the role of the respondent.

Beside the participants of a business transaction, thebusiness transaction pattern is visualized within the shapeas well (C3a). Similar to the mapping of participants, thecorresponding business transaction pattern is set in theproperties menu (C3b). The business transaction requestfor quote is a commercial transaction. The direction isvisualized by two concurrent arrows. In case of a uni-directional transaction only one arrow will be displayed(e.g., for notify shipment).

The properties of a business transaction are directlylinked with the business transaction shape. A change ofa property value will immediately affect the visualization ofthe business transaction. In addition, custom code can beused in order to realize interdependencies between two ormore properties. For example, there exists an interlink be-tween the business transaction pattern property and the uni-and bi-directional icon visualized in the shape. A change ofthe business transaction pattern property will automaticallychange the icon. Furthermore, the role mapping mechanismhas also constraints implemented in order to ensure an error-free mapping. These constraints ensure that the modeler isnot able to choose other roles than specified within the par-

ticipants container or to assign the same collaboration roleto both transaction roles. In addition, the properties win-dow is used to set non-visual information such as quality ofservice parameters (QoS) (C4).

A business transaction comprises two types of businessdocuments (C5): requesting documents (C5a) and respond-ing documents (C5b). The resulting shared state of a busi-ness transaction (which is a result of the responding doc-ument) governs the further control flow of a business col-laboration protocol (C6a and C6b). In our example thisis illustrated twofold: (i) the place order business trans-action contains two responding documents: order accep-tance envelope and order rejection envelope. Each of thetwo documents is the source of exactly one arc represent-ing the control flow if the corresponding responding docu-ment has been received (C6a). In this case, the shared stateis only given implicitly and not visualized on the diagram.(ii) The request for quote business transaction comprisesonly one responding business document although there aretwo alternative resulting shared states - quote.provided andquote.refused - as shown in figure 3. This means that notthe type of the responding business document, but the ac-tual content of the document decides upon the resultingshared state. In figure 7, we use shared states also explicitly(C6b) to govern the control flow after request for quote. Inthis case, the determination of states requires the setting ofconditions in the properties windows, which is beyond thescope of this paper. The event-based XOR decision (C11)allows to model a case, which was not possible using UMM2.0: the buyer can cancel his order until the seller sends anotification of shipment. The initiation of either businesstransaction in the example corresponds to an event, whichallows to model them as successors of the event-based XORnode. This example demonstrates deferred choice behav-ior. Another deferred choice is used before the place orderbusiness transaction in order to reflect a possible time-outof the quote. In other words, the provided quote is onlyvalid for a certain time-period represented by the timer-event (C9). If the time-period expires, the correspondingtimer-event is triggered, which results in an overall businessfailure.

In case an exception occurs during the execution of abusiness transaction, the effects of prior business trans-actions may be required to be reversed. Since a classi-cal roll-back (like for databases) is not possible for inter-organizational systems, compensation behavior is required(C10). Thus, we introduce the concept of compensatingbusiness transactions. Considering our example, there is aneed for compensating behavior when an exception occursin notify shipment (e.g., when the seller has troubles tocommunicate with the shipper). In this case, the effects ofplace order need to be reversed by a compensating businesstransaction. Therefore, we assign a compensating business

C1 Order from Quote





C5b C6a








Figure 7: The Business Choreography Language: Order From Quote Business Collaboration

transaction (cancel order) to place order using a compen-sation event and a compensation flow. The compensationevent is visualized as rounded port with a double arrow. Thecompensation flow is displayed as a dashed line between theport and the cancel order business transaction.

The duplicate use of cancel order also demonstrates theconcept of re-use (C7). The cancel order business trans-action has already been modeled once - see the cancel or-der business transaction on the right hand side of figure 7.Thus, we do not have to model it again (involving the defini-tion of the QoS parameters), but can re-use it. We only haveto set the roles when re-using business transaction, whichresults in switching buyer and seller, since the seller hasto send the cancellation to the buyer when place order isgoing to be compensated.

5 Evaluation and future work

In this paper, we dealt with the problem space of ab-stracting global B2B choreographies by graphical models.The contribution of this paper is twofold: (i) we presenteda detailed list of criteria reflecting required concepts formodeling global choreographies. (ii) Based on this cri-teria, we developed the Business Choreography Language(BCL). The design of the BCL was heavily influencedby UN/CEFACT’s Modeling Methodology (UMM), which

builds upon the UML.

However, as a result of our work on the UMM we havecome to the conclusion that using UML as the underlyingnotation is not an optimal solution: The reason is that UMLprofiles may indeed constraint the UML meta model, butmust evidently still adhere to it. This led into several crit-icisms of UMM by stakeholders: (i) UMM comprises anextensive set of modeling elements (i.e., stereotyped UMLelements). (ii) UMM models result in an overwhelmingamount of modeling artifacts. (iii) UMM necessitates amany re-occurring tasks (e.g., for creating the flow of busi-ness transactions). (iv) The visualization of UMM has alack in expressiveness and readability.

Due to these deficiencies, we followed an alternative ap-proach to represent the concepts. This approach permitsus to define our own language including a graphical visu-alization in order to efficiently abstract from the problemdomain. The DSL has been carefully designed in orderto comprise all the relevant concepts for modeling globalchoreographies. At the same, by using our own notationwe are able to avoid unnecessary modeling elements andmodeling steps - resulting in an overall streamlined pro-cess of designing global choreographies. This reduces thecomplexity and enhances at the same time the readability ofBCL models compared to the UMM. This makes BCL un-derstandable for all stakeholders - including business own-

ers, business analysts, and technicians.Another advantage of the DSL approach concerns vali-

dation. Although UML profiles may define constraints onthe UML meta model by means of the Object ConstraintLanguage (OCL) [21], on-the-fly validation of OCL con-straints within UML tools is currently not supported. Incontrast, the validation of domain-specific models can bedone on a much higher level using the DSL Tools for Vi-sual Studio. Due to the abstracted view on the solutionsyntactical correctness can be “hard-wired” into the model.These so called hard-constraints are modeled directly at themeta-level and ensure that instances of the model have tobe modeled according to the meta-model constraints. Thisleads to more efficiency during the development cycle sincedevelopment time decreases while quality increases. Forexample, a business collaboration may only contain busi-ness transaction elements, control flow elements, and a par-ticipants container. Already by design, it cannot hold anyother modeling elements. Another example is the simplifiedmapping of roles, which ensures that the modeler can onlychoose valid roles for the initiating role and the respondingrole of a business transaction, respectively.

The BCL introduced in this paper yields the followingbenefits compared to the UML profile for UMM:

• Increased readability and expressiveness using cus-tomized shapes

• Business collaborations and business transactions canbe modeled in a single diagram

• Simplified mapping between roles of a business col-laboration and roles of business transactions

• Reduced set of modeling elements

• Reduced amount of resulting modeling artifacts

• Simplified model validation

Future work concentrates on generating code from BCLmodels. The DSL Tools for Visual Studio include theText Template Transformation Toolkit (T4) that supportsthe generation of code artifacts. Candidate platforms forcode generation are, for example, Web Services (i.e., BPEL[22] and WSDL [5]) and Windows Workflow.


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