the bulls

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Large bull in black and white and beautifully drawn. Pointy horns with a huge backside, tail, and very weak looking legs.

Humungous bull looks very old. It looks very tired in the eyes, and also a little bit hungry. Big strong legs, but a large, dull horn.

This looks like grandpa bull. It has a huge head with hairs sticking out of its head. Huge, stubby legs and it looks very fat.

This bull looks more like Picasso’s style. He uses strange angles and lines to draw it so that you can see it’s a large, old bull.

This is my least favorite bull. It is a very ugly, awkward looking bull with a tiny head. The shadowing is also strange on this bull.

This is a very strange bull; it has a small face, but no supporting head. It also has one line that goes across the whole bull.

This bull looks very strange, and the body is incomplete; it looks like some sketch that only took a few minutes to draw.

This bull doesn’t even have the shape of a bull. The legs are very awkward because he spends less and less time on them.

This “bull” is just a few lines that barely outline a bull, and it looks more like an alien than anything recognizable.

This bull is very interesting. It is made with about ten lines, and the head is simply a circle with a dot for a face. The horns are strange.

The last bull simply looks like something I could sketch in about three minutes. It is about five lines and a circle for a head.

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