the bulletin for november 2014 - · november 2014 news from the parish of....

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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Contact details Ministry team VICAR Rev Patrick Angier 829288

ASSISTANT PRIEST (UPTON) Rev Stephen Callis 427002


ADLINGTON) Rev Avril Ravenscroft 820041

READERS Keith Ravenscroft 820041 David Briggs (emeritus) 827824 Margaret Tate (emeritus) 829173 Gordon James 829011

YOUTH MINISTER Andrea Fitton 07586 358610

PASTORAL WORKER Elizabeth Briggs 827824

Parish Office Open Monday – Friday 9.00 – 12.00am Judith Davies 827625

Copydate for December

If you would like further information on any of the events advertised in this month’s bulletin, you’ll find the contact details for all the local groups and organisations in The Rock. They all welcome new enquiries.

If you haven’t had a copy of The Rock delivered, you may pick one up in church – it’s still free!

We’d like to include items of interest for all members of our congregations and village. Please send information to the Parish Office by 21 November and we’ll do our best to fit it in. Pieces may be edited.


For all the saints “Saints”, holy ones, is a New Testament term for followers of Jesus. But we also use “saints” in a narrower sense of those who have been recognised as examples of discipleship. At first, the Church commemorated martyrs who died under persecution, especially while Christianity was illegal in the Roman Empire. And then there were others whose lives bore particular witness to the grace of God. These came to be known as “confessors”. How should we remember and celebrate these heroes of the faith? There are two ways of using the memory of famous saints which I think are deeply unhelpful, and two which are helpful.

The first unhelpful way is to imagine saints as impossible ideals found only in stained glass windows. They tempt us to despair of growing in the faith, to forget that the school of holiness is this messy, compromised but still beautiful world. The second is to see them as being good for us, that is, instead of us. We can’t match up to their standards, so we let them do the heavy lifting of the faith, and get on with our own lives without too much bother.

And two helpful ways? When I was a nurse at St Mary’s, Paddington in the 1970s, Dr Roger Bannister was a consultant neurologist. He ran the first recorded under-four-minute mile. His record was quickly broken, but he was the first. Before Roger Bannister’s run, there were those who said a four minute mile was impossible. After his run, that claim could no longer be made.

It is easy to believe that following Jesus is impossible, but the lives, and deaths, of so many heroes of the faith refute that claim. Many of them were deeply flawed and would have been hard to live with but they show that, by God’s grace, faithful Christian discipleship is possible.

Finally, we can remember that the saints in the calendar are part of the wider fellowship of the Church. They are our brothers and sisters in the faith. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses … let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.”

Gordon James, Lay Reader


Remembering YONDER is an old word. It is a word from my childhood, a regular part of my grandfather’s vocabulary. When he died in the mid-60’s, as far as I was concerned the word disappeared from usage (apart from featuring in a Christmas carol).

Then earlier this year David and I were worshipping in a different church. Though Anglican, it was different – more enthusiastic, shall we say? One of the hymns I had never before sung in my life, yet it was not a modern hymn. There were many verses, each interspersed with a chorus beginning:

When the roll is called up yonder … and ending When the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there!

It was sung with gusto, and some fair amount of body movement. I was enthralled! And I appreciated the number of verses(!) because by the time we were midway, I’d got the hang of it and could join in. Memories of my much loved grandfather flooded back …

I couldn’t wait to share this experience with members of our house group. It came as a surprise that three members actually knew the hymn. It came as an even greater surprise to learn that one member had it on a CD in her car sitting outside our house! She brought in in and played it. A couple of days later she brought me my own copy – and I cannot listen to it or sing it without memories surfacing – and without a real sense of gratitude for the gentle grandfather who had been a key part of my early years.

This month of November we are given several opportunities to remember. It is right that we remember those who gave their lives for the freedom of our country. It is right that we remember those great saints of Church history. And it is right that we remember those whom we love but see no longer, that we thank God for them, and that we entrust them anew to the One who loves them far more than we do.

Rev Sue Hawkins


Sunday 2 November All Saints’ Day 1 John 4:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12

8.30am Holy Communion Norman Chapel Celebrant Patrick Angier Preacher Patrick Angier

10.00am Holy Communion St Peter’s Celebrant Patrick Angier Preacher Avril Ravenscroft

10.00am Holy Communion Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory Celebrant Stephen Callis Preacher Stephen Callis

11.00am Matins St John’s, Adlington Officiant Elizabeth Briggs Preacher David Briggs

11.00am Morning Prayer St Luke’s Hospital Chapel Officiant Gordon James Preacher Gordon James

6.00pm Service for the Departed

St Peter’s Officiants All Preacher Patrick Angier

7.45pm Sanctuary The Vicarage Officiant Patrick Angier

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Matthew 5:6

Sunday 9 November Remembrance Sunday Micah 4:1-5 Romans 8:31-end

8.30am Holy Communion Norman Chapel Celebrant Avril Ravenscroft Preacher Avril Ravenscroft

9.30am Family Worship St Peter’s Officiant Patrick Angier Preacher Patrick Angier

10.45am Remembrance Service

St Peter’s Officiant Patrick Angier Preacher Bishop Haydon

10.00am Remembrance Service Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory Officiant Gordon James Preacher Stephen Callis

10.50am Remembrance Service St John’s, Adlington Officiant Margaret Tate Preacher Margaret Tate

6.00pm Evensong Norman Chapel Officiant David Briggs Preacher Elizabeth Briggs

You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Matthew 5:43-44


Sunday 16 November 2nd Sunday before Advent 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30

8.30am Holy Communion Norman Chapel Celebrant Patrick Angier Preacher Patrick Angier

10.00am Holy Communion St Peter’s Celebrant Patrick Angier Preacher Patrick Angier

10.00am Holy Communion Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory Celebrant Stephen Callis Preacher Gordon James

11.00am Morning Prayer St John’s, Adlington Officiant Keith Ravenscroft Preacher Keith Ravenscroft

4.00pm Footie and Faith Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory Leader Andrea Fitton and 360 Sportz

6.00pm Choral Evensong St Peters Officiant David Briggs Preacher Patrick Angier

For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. Matthew 25:29

Sunday 23 November

Sunday next before Advent Jeremiah 23:5-8 John 6:5-14

8.30am Holy Communion Norman Chapel Celebrant Patrick Angier Preacher Patrick Angier

10.00am Baptism St Peter’s Officiant Avril Ravenscroft Preacher Avril Ravenscroft

10.00am Holy Communion Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory Celebrant Stephen Callis Preacher Keith Ravenscroft

11.00am Holy Communion St John’s, Adlington Celebrant Patrick Angier Preacher Patrick Angier

4.00pm Glitter and God Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory Leader Andrea Fitton

6.00pm Choral Communion St Peters Celebrant Avril Ravenscroft Preacher Gordon James

Then Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated.

John 6:11


Sunday 30 November Advent Sunday 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:24-end

8.30am Holy Communion Norman Chapel Celebrant Avril Ravenscroft Preacher Avril Ravenscroft

10.00am Discovering Communion St Peter’s Celebrant Patrick Angier Preacher Avril Ravenscroft

10.00am Holy Communion Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory Celebrant Stephen Callis Preacher Stephen Callis

11.00am Morning Prayer St John’s, Adlington Officiant Margaret Tate Preacher Margaret Tate

6.00pm Advent Carol Service

St Peters Officiant Patrick Angier

Therefore, keep awake—for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow, or at dawn, or else he may find you asleep when he comes suddenly. And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake.’

Mark 13:35-37

Midweek worship

Monday 8.30am Morning Prayer Norman Chapel

Tuesday 8.30am Morning Prayer Norman Chapel

Wednesday 9.00am Morning Prayer Church of the Resurrection 10.15am Holy Communion Norman Chapel

Thursday 8.30am Morning Prayer Norman Chapel

Friday 8.30am Morning Prayer Norman Chapel


Sunday 2 November 10.30am Mr A Halstead 6.45pm Circuit Service - Langley Methodist

Sunday 9 November 10.30am Rev S Bishop 6.30pm Rev F Bishop

Sunday 16 November 10.30am Rev A Halstead (HC) 6.45pm Rev H Byrne

Sunday 23 November 10.30am Mrs A Fielding 6.45pm Rev S Bishop (HC)

Sunday 30 November 10.30am Mr S Oliver 6.45pm Rev H Byrne


All going according to plan …

The piling is done, the holes dug, the ground prepared. The next stage for the church annexe is about to begin. In fact by the time this bulletin is in your hands, you may have noticed more workers on site, and more obvious activity as things hot up. As many of you will know, the work at and below ground level is massively important and quite complex, so, for what seems like a long time, there isn’t very much that’s visible and exciting to see. However, work is on schedule and going brilliantly.

So what does happen next? The foundations themselves. Strong ground beams and concrete slabs that are embedded with reinforced steel. We’re expecting further site deliveries of the pre-cast concrete elements, and in the next few weeks we should see the structural steel framework for the building arrive. So if you see some gaily coloured steel heading to the site – maybe looking rather like some modernist sculpture – be assured that it will be discretely buried inside the walls!

What about inside?

Well, the heating is back! Just in time. To everyone’s enormous relief the system was restored to its normal comfort level as the first cold snap struck. However we are still having to ask the choirs to be prepared for chilly singing as the chancel is not yet able to be reconnected to the radiators. We ask them for their patience and resilience…

The other important development is being able to have partial use of the new vestry. All the main work is complete, up to and including the carpets and decoration, but there are still some details to finish, and we’re waiting for the shelving and cupboards that are being made off site. They should be here within the month.


And the safe is back in action. So Holy Communion is gradually getting easier to set up as we now have some of our day-to-day silver. Those of you with particularly good eyesight may have noticed the two silver jugs in use again. These small details are a joy for our sacristans!

Another great delight is the effect of opening up the dais. Obviously it isn’t yet finished, but already we’ve seen the benefits. The music group has moved into the new space, bringing them closer to worship and easier to see and hear, and it enables the girls to sit and sing with them in the newly turned pews in the Legh chapel. We now sign the registers at weddings there too, which makes the bridal party closer to the congregation for the registration. This also means that when the couple come up to the high altar for the final blessing, it is the very first time that they’ve come right up through the chancel. A special moment.

On its way in the next few weeks are the lovely new display boards. In which we hope to have a much more far-ranging spread of church information than we have been able to do in the past, as well as other posters and displays. Just being able to let everyone know who everyone is will be a first! So definitely, watch this space.

We are fast coming up to our busiest part of the church year – and it’s wonderful to be able to see the new vision for St Peter’s take shape before our eyes. Advent is always a time of expectation and preparation. For us this year there will be a heightened sense of anticipation as we see the opportunities that lie ahead begin to become real. It’s been a long haul, but we’re getting there!


HOUSE GROUPS House Groups are a lovely opportunity to get closer to one another and to God. There are groups led by Sue Hawkins, Avril Ravenscroft and Jo Humphreys. For more information on all the groups, please contact Avril on 820041 or

CEILIDH SATURDAY 15 NOVEMBER: 7.30PM Prestbury (CofE) Primary School The Church of the Resurrection is holding a Ceilidh in aid of their building development fund. Dancing to local band “Maplewood”. Tickets are £12, £6 for children, including supper. Please bring your own drinks. Tickets are available from the Church of the Resurrection or St Peter’s Parish Office or Steve on 613679 or 07776 483017.


12NOON Prestbury Village Hall The Prestbury Support Group for Cheshire Residential Homes (Upton Grange) will be holding their annual Autumn Fair on 1 November. There will be many stalls including plants, cakes and produce, gifts, bric-a-brac, books and a raffle. Admission is £1 to include coffee and biscuits.

PRESTBURY ROYAL BRITISH LEGION REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY PARADE 9 NOVEMBER: 10.15AM In this Commemoration Year marking 100 years since the start of WWI and also 70 years since the D-Day landings of WWII, Prestbury Royal British Legion would like to invite anyone who wishes to march with them on Remembrance Sunday, wearing campaign medals awarded to their relatives, to do so. These medals should be worn on the right lapel or shoulder.


On the centenary of the outbreak of World War One


FAMILY WORSHIP 9.30am in church

Then watch the parade outside

REMEMBRANCE SERVICE 10.45am in church

With the two minute silence and the last post

March assembles in the Shirleys car park at 10.15am


RECYCLE INKJET CARTRIDGES, MOBILE PHONES AND POSTAGE STAMPS Don’t forget to donate your old inkjet cartridges (not KODAK or EPSON cartridges or non-original brand cartridges and not large toner cartridges) and mobile phones to raise funds for St Peter’s. To check if your cartridges can be recycled please visit and click on “wanted list”. For each cartridge recycled, St Peter’s receives £1, and for mobile phones we receive 50% of their market value up to a maximum of £70. Look out for the recycling box at the back of church, or you can bring items into the Parish Office (weekdays 9.00am-12.00noon only).

Please also continue to save all your used postage stamps. The proceeds from this collection will go towards the Church Development project. You can bring your stamps into the Parish Office.

COFFEE MORNING SATURDAY 29 NOVEMBER: 10.00AM–12.00NOON The Village Hall Prestbury Methodist Church will host their monthly coffee morning on Saturday 29 November. There will be all the usual stalls: greetings cards, raffle, bric-a-brac, home-made cakes, books etc.

ST PETER’S PARISH NEWS There is lots of news and information on the What’s new page on St Peter’s website and new resources on the prayer page – to find them go to Spiritual Growth and select Prayer from the drop-down menu.

ROCK DISTRIBUTORS We are always grateful for additional help with the distribution of our church parish magazine “The Rock”. An average round is 25 magazines and should take no more than 20 minutes. If you can help please contact the parish office (827625) or David Bithell (829175). Thank you.



Come and join Patrick and the Bible Study Group as we slowly make our way through Luke. “Study” in this group doesn’t mean poring through scholarly books or checking up on commentaries – in fact they are expressly forbidden! Study in this case means engaging with God’s Word with attention. We wrestle with the hard bits, delight in the easier bits and always find something new.

YOUNG CHURCH Children are warmly welcome at St Peter’s and there are several Young Church groups they may join

Bubbles: age 0 up to 4

Squiggles: age 4-6

Splash: age 6-8

Do ask a churchwarden or a sidesman for more information.

PRAM SERVICE THURSDAYS IN UPTON PRIORY A perfect introduction to worship for babies and pre-school children, and a way for mums to get to know each other. We currently meet at Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory at 10.15am on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month (term-time only) for songs, a story, a prayer – and coffee and biscuits afterwards. Please contact the Parish Office on 827625 for more information.

GLITTER AND GOD SERVICE SUNDAY 23 NOVEMBER: 4.00PM Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory Discover that worshipping God can involve food, crafts, fun...and of course glitter! This informal service (for children up to the end of primary school age) explores Bible stories with crafts and games, songs and prayer, and afternoon tea as well. We meet every month on the 4th Sunday. Do come and join us - all are welcome!

FOOTIE AND FAITH SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER: 4.00PM Church of the Resurrection, Upton Priory Sports coaching and life skills training based on Christian values. 360 Sportz and Ambassadors in Football are delivering this exciting and energetic mixture of learning about God through learning sports skills and abilities and developing skills for life. All children and young people aged between 6 and 16 are welcome


COMMUNITY WORSHIP 9.00AM PRESTBURY SCHOOL Wednesdays: 5, 12, 19 and 26 November


RESURRECTION (TERM TIME) Thursdays: 13 and 27 November

ADULT CHOIR 7.45PM NORMAN CHAPEL Fridays: 7, 14, 21 and 28 November

GIRLS’ CHOIR 6.45PM CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION Thursdays: 6, 13, 20 and 27 November


RESURRECTION, UPTON PRIORY Sundays: 9, 16, 23 and 30 November





PCC MEETING 7.30PM NORMAN CHAPEL Wednesday 26 November

BIBLE STUDY 8.00PM THE VICARAGE Wednesday: 5 November

HOUSE GROUPS PRESTBURY: CASTLEGATE Tuesdays: 11 and 25 November PRESTBURY: THORNE CLOSE Tuesdays: 11 and 25 November

SCOUTS 7.15PM VILLAGE HALL Thursdays: Term time only

CUBS 6.00PM PRESTBURY SCHOOL Thursdays: Term-time only

BEAVERS 6.00PM PRESTBURY SCHOOL Mondays: Term time only

RAINBOWS 4.30–5.30PM GUIDE HUT Wednesdays: Term time only

BROWNIES 6.15PM GUIDE HUT Mondays: Term time only Thursdays: Term time only


MOTHERS’ UNION 7.15PM METHODIST MEETING ROOM Andy Halstead visits Monday 10 November


METHODIST CHURCH Wednesdays: Term Time only


PRESTBURY FLOWER CLUB 1.45PM VILLAGE HALL Fun and Flowers – Lesley Smith (Chorley) Wednesday 5 November

PRESTBURY LADIES’ PROBUS 10.00AM VILLAGE HALL Small in a Tall World – Penny Dean Wednesday 12 November

BOOK GROUP The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 by Doris Lessing Monday 17 November


SENIOR FOLKS 2.00PM GUIDE HUT Thursdays: 6, 13, 20 and 27 November


METHODIST CHURCH Tuesdays: 4, 11, 18 and 25 November

FLOWER ROTA No Flower Rota until further notice

ECUMENICAL PRAYER GROUP 9.00AM WEDNESDAYS 5, 12, 19 and 26 November Anyone wishing to join the group, please call Jennifer Round (828961) or Pat Sym (820461) for details of locations this month


BELLRINGERS 8.00PM ST PETER’S Wednesdays: 5, 12, 19, 26 November

PRESTBURY GARDENING CLUB 2.00PM VILLAGE HALL Playing the plant problem detective – Dr Steve Reynolds Thursday: 20 November


PROBUS 93 10.00AM TENNIS CLUB Building the Monton Lighthouse – Phil Austin Tuesday 4 November Zulu – John Doughty Tuesday 18 November

PROBUS 91 10.00AM VILLAGE CLUB Edward Elgar: the real enigma- Geoff Scargill Monday 3 November Dynastic China – Peter Floyd Monday 17 November

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