the brain for entrepreneurs by maya elhalal levavi

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The Frontal Lobe vs. The Amygdala. The inner battle of 'the seat of entrepreneurship' and 'the brain's panic button'. And how you can win.


Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

The BrainFor Entrepreneurs

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

The Brain• How it works

• Why it can be a fickle friend to entrepreneurs

• How thoughts change its structure

• How to design yours to be your ultimate partner

• How to speak Brainish to clients and investors

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Top GoalThe primary task of the brain is to keep you in an optimal state relative to the environment. In every response to stimuli and action generated, the #1 motivation is maximizing your chances of survival. In the process, it also generates experiences. They are highly subjective.

The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Pizza Brain

If you smoothed out all the wrinkles in the cortex, the brain would cover the area of a large pizza.

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

UltraConnectedThe brain has 100B neurons. That’s more potential connections than atoms in the universe.

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi


Neurons transmit information at a speed of 1-100 meters/second

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

"God gave men a brain and a penis and only enough blood to run one at a time."

Robin Williams

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Brain magic happens when millions of neurons collaborate. They communicate in impulses - brief ‘spike’ of electricity traveling through a neuron.

Like so...

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Nerve Cell & Axons

The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Electrical Impulse

The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Impulse is Ion Wave

The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi


The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi


The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi


The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Communication Protocol

Our image of networks leads us to think they are, but neurons in a network are actually not in physical contact. They’re separated by incredibly thin gap.

To pass nerve impulses among themselves they use communications sites called Synapses.

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Crossing the Gap

The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Opening Channels

The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Triggering the Target

The Human Brain Book by Rita Carter

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Lizards to Humans

1. Reptilian Brain - balance and coordination

2. Mammalian Brain - automatic & 4F (that F too)

3. Neocortex - seat of awareness

To go to the top of the food chain, our brain evolved:

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Emotional BrainEmotions are physiological responses designed to push us away from danger and toward reward.

Much of the time we are unaware of them. That doesn’t mean these emotions don’t effect our actions and decisions. They sure do. Subconsciously.

When emotions cross a certain intensity threshold we experience the electric storm as a conscious “feeling”.

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”

Jerry Seinfeld

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Brain Panic Button The amygdala is our panic button. It“tastes” all stimuli and signals others area to produce appropriate emotional reactions. Like “fight or flight”. It kind of failed to adapt to modern life and may see a pitch to investors as a bear that’s chasing you. Often, it’s triggered at the most inappropriate timing. Like when you’re about to step out of your comfort zone and take a risk doing something new or bigger or better.

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

Marianne Williamson

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Frontal Lobe is the seat of entrepreneurship.

It allows us to hold a thought like: “I’m going to observe a different outcome. And I’m going to hold on to this observation, independently of the feedback from by body, environment and time.”

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

“The frontal lobe gives us permission to make a thought more real than anything else. To hold on to a concept, an idea, a vision  or a dream, independent of circumstances. And those are the traits that we secretly admire in all great people”.

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Such ideas clashe with Brain Goal #1.

Specifically, your Amygdala doesn’t enjoy that kind of thinking. And it may sabotage your efforts consciously and subconsciously. Procrastination, fear of public speaking, and creative rationalizations to drop your idea are just a few tricks to keep you away from what it perceives as risk.

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Mental Training

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Navy Seals Are trained to override amygdala commands with frontal lobe decisions by:

• Goal Setting

• Mental Rehearsal

• Self Talk

• Arousal Control

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

“Scientists have proven that it's impossible to long-jump 30 feet, but I don't listen to that kind of talk. Thoughts like that have a way of sinking into your feet.”

Carl Lewis

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Why Lift a Finger?

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Power Visualization

1992 Journal of Neurophysiology

• Group A: repeatedly pulling on a string

• Group B: visualizing pulling the string

• Control Group: doing nothing

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi


A month later

• Group A: 30% increase in muscle strength

• Group B: 22% increase in muscle strength

• Control Group: no increase

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Specialized Areas

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Functional MRI shows us how they light up.

Cells that fire together, wire together.

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi


The re-creation of past experiences by the synchronous firing of neurons what were involved in the original experience.

Where were you when The Twins fell? What’s the next idea your where going to talk about?

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Photographic Memory

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Memory Loss

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Memory Growth The Enlarged Hypocampus of London Taxi Drivers

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi


• Nature and Nurture

• Learning changes our synaptic wiring

• It can even override genetically programmed modules

You have the capacity to wire your brain

How could we have overlook this for so many years?

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

The Missing Link

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Biggest Science Hoax

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

“Science advances one funeral at a time”

Max Planck

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Mechanistic Bias

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

ThoughtsChangeBrainStructureNobel PrizeEric Kandel, 2000Physiology of Memory

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

"As a Man thinketh in his heart, so he is"

The Book of Proverbs chapter 23, verse 7

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Acquired HappinessMattieu Ricard

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Placebo Effect

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Pain Killing VR

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

My FavoritesBooks That Made Me Change My Mind

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

“I saw people rewire their brains with their thoughts, to cure previously incurable obsessions and traumas.”

Norman Doidge

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Explaining how thoughts can create chemical reactions that keep you addicted to patterns and feelings—including ones that make you unhappy. And how to grow better habits.

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

With some super cool interactive brain imaging maps and videos

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Rule #4

We don’t pay attention to boring things.

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

To predict ad and message effectiveness, we can now use eye tracking

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

and EEG

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Hemispheric sensitive design: Images on the left, text on the right.

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Leverage the brains natural attraction to novelty and familiarity

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Feed it puzzles

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Brains love





Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Show human faces

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Lead with emotion

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Help men advance

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Men are motivated by competition

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Sex sells. Sometimes

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Appeal to men’s spatial awareness

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Help women connect

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

Women are wired to look at infants and young children.

Neurofocus - The Why of Buy

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi


Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

“There are always three speeches for every one you actually gave: The one you practices, the one you gave and the one you wish you gave”

Dale Carnegie

Oct 4, 2010 IDC Herzliya - Zell Program, Israel Maya Elhalal-Levavi

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