the blue and gold gazette

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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Volume I, Issue II


We need your CAN: can foods that are to help support our community. NSA’s annual canned food drive was different this year than in past years, because students from the Civil Rights class volunteered to portray homeless and needy people on Wednesday, December 9th. At lunch, the Civil Rights class also put on a short presentation, including a film and short speech by senior Kenny Rice. When asked about the presentation Rice said, “Be the change you want to see in this world. You can’t expect to see things change if you continue to

Canned Food By: Curtis Hanson & Emily Stein


By: Tripp Lambdin Alexander Bischoff, NSA junior, was selected by Operation Smile to take part in a service mission in India. Operation Smile, a non-profit organization, sends volunteers on relief missions to developing and underdeveloped countries. These volunteers are dental professionals who give underprivileged children dental surgeries and students who help take care of children before and after their surgeries and assist hospital staff in setting up equipment. During his trip to India, Alexander taught children and their parents about burn care, nutrition, dental hygiene, and oral rehydration therapy. Oral rehydration therapy allows children to understand how to prevent dehydration. To teach

Blue & Gold Gazette Newsletter Date

Volume 1, Issue 2

Individual Highlights:

2 – NSA Crest, Santa 4 – Basketball, Swimming 6 – Word Search

3 – Lunch, Ring Dance, Sweaters 5 – Verizon, Horoscopes Send pics:

Imagine this scenario: you wake up in a cold, desolate jail cell. In the cell next to you there is a murderer, and on the other side a rapist. Why are you there you may ask? This punishment is becoming far more common for something many do not view as a serious problem…sexting. If you are discovered to have illicit pictures of a minor, child pornography charges may insue. At the time, it may not seem like a bad idea. However, if the information ends up in the wrong hands, you could be in serious trouble. Once these images are sent out into cyperspace, they cannot be taken back. In a recent survey by MTV, over 30% of teenagers admitted to sexting (that means three out of ten of your friends are sexting). While sexting seems harmless, actual physical harm can come of it as well. In the past, multiple teenagers have committed suicide after “private” pictures were shared with people other than they were intended for. Sexting is not a joke, it can come back to haunt you, even years in the future. What a nightmare it would be if a potential employer found scandalous pictures of you on the Internet; say goodbye to that job. These stupid decisions can ruin reputations, get you arrested, and drastically alter your future. So before you put yourself out there for the entire world to see, think twice about the ramifications for your future.

be stagnant and do nothing. I hope we as a community will take heed to the presentation and become a more empowered people from it.” During the presentation, students blindly grabbed a piece of colored paper to indicate their class, ranging from the lowest, low, middle, and upper class. For one day, these people of various classes experienced what it was like to be fed on a fixed income. Rice also urged advisee groups to bring in non-perishable items to class to help support the cause as well as make donations to the Salvation Army. History teacher Randolph Davis expressed that he believes it is “important to know that there is a great need out there” adding “ the

help we give people is greatly need and appreciated. Hopefully it will start our students on a life long process of giving.” "Because of the lunch, I learned to appreciate what I have," says senior Martin Terwilliger. With the closing of the week, the NSA community gained a new perspective. After all, we are "better together."

these classes, he had to attend a four-day training session at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA and an international leadership conference that was also at CNU. In India, Alexander, aside from taking care of children before and after surgery, visited an orphanage, where he and another student donated a suitcase full of

toys and gave out toothbrushes. He also taught the children more about hygiene and nutrition. After two weeks in India, Alexander has decided that, although high school students can only attend missions once, he will go on the next service mission as soon as possible after high school.

Nansemond-Suffolk Academy

Sexting By: Martin Terwilliger

Jared Morse and Abdelrahman Aboulatta prepare for the poverty


NSA’s School Shield created by the first president of the


NSA: Cross & Crown

By: Tyler Ames

Do you know what the symbols on the NSA school shield represent? Finally, thanks to Mr. Cabell Birdsong, we have some answers. -The open book symbolizes education and the academic opportunities available to students. -The foot with wings stands for athletics, swiftness, and protection in life’s travels. -The scales signify justice and the teachings of what is right and wrong. -The oil lamp is a symbol of enlightenment, love, and lighting the way for the righteous and wise.

Kris Kringle By: Kevin Joseph

Is he alive, dead, or did he ever exist? These questions about Santa Claus have been around for years and have never truly been answered…until now. Santa is alive and well. He still lives in the North Pole, and still makes toys for good little girls and boys. Some common misconceptions about his existence are the parts about the elves and Santa’s wife. Elves are not short, little, people with pointy ears. They are actually tall, lanky, giants who have adapted to the technological advances of today. Contrast to belief, Mrs. Claus is not a chubby, elderly looking woman; she is actually a vivacious vixen who is the backbone of the whole Christmas operation. Both Mr. and Mrs. Claus look extraordinary to be centuries old After a certain age, kids are informed that the story of Santa Claus is actually a myth that is used to enhance the “spirit” of Christmas. But the truth is that some adults have either been oblivious or don’t want the reality to come to light. Junior

“People question the physical existence of him,

but you can’t deny the spiritual existence.” --Wanda Oberdorfer

-The crossed swords surrounding the seal are symbols of peace after a struggle (i.e. receiving reward after years of working toward education.) -The laurel leaves show triumph and victory, in relation to years of “struggles” of education. Lastly, the Cross and Crown is a Christian symbol found in many churches. It is often interpreted as symbolizing the reward in heaven (the crown) coming after the trials in this life (the cross.) Mr. Birdsong, the school’s first president, said the origin of the symbol is

traced back to the Book of James 1:12, which says, “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” Although the school has always been non-denominational, NSA founders realized that this verse could be applied to everyday life. NSA’s shield is an obvious representation of the well-rounded students found within.

Bracey Par shares his youthful point of view on the matter, “It is a fallacy that something doesn’t exist just because you can’t see it.” Certain teachers like Mrs. Oberdorfer also share these optimistic views, “People question the physical existence of him, but you can’t deny the spiritual existence.” Some opponents of the belief of Santa Claus say that there in no way for one man to be pulled by flying reindeer, nor to fly around the world in one day. These shallow minded people obviously don’t realize that “reindeer” is really an acronym for the machine that breaks all scientific barriers of flight. The Rechargeable Energizing Ion Neutralizing Diesel Efficient Entra-demensional Ride is the actual carrier of Santa and his gifts. This contraption is the fastest flying object in the world, and has the highest fuel efficiency than the “greenest” automobile on the planet. I tried to obtain a legitimate quote from a source that debunks the belief of Santa, but soon realized that those in that caste try to stay incognito. I figure they (you know who you

are) would rather lie about their stance than be subjected to the punishment that comes with the audacious rebuking…shame on you. So this Christmas, if you had lost all hope in past years that Santa Claus exists, you can now sleep on the night of the 24th with the expectation that Old Saint Nick will have come “clickity-clack-clack”ing on your rooftop by the time you wake up the next glorious day. Merry Christmas!

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By Arden McNulty - Myran

While watching the stampede rush towards the cafeteria during break and lunch, one just has to ask, “why the rush?” Whether it’s their stomachs growling or just wanting something tasty to eat, SAGE-dining service delivers. SAGE has been providing NSA with delicious food for break, lunch, banquets, meetings, and other school activities since the year 1999. Senior Corey Dodson, recently commented, “ Students run frantically to break and lunch because it’s just too good to pass up!” SAGE provides NSA with a wide selection of food choices such as using the salad bar, entrée bar, soup bar, and a fried food bar. Many students take advantage of the five-dollar value meal that includes a drink,

This past Saturday, the senior class sponsored a dance in honor of the Class of 2011. The dance was held in the cafetorium of Nansemond-Suffolk Academy and was catered by Sage Dining Services. Guests began arriving at seven o’clock and were greeted by the musical stylings of senior DJ Ryan Spruiell. Dinner was served at eight and the students enjoyed a variety of pastas and sauces and a side of salad. For desert, Sage provided a delicious chocolate fondue bar, complete with marshmallows, strawberries, and pretzel sticks for dipping. During the meal, the juniors waited anxiously for their poems to be read. Ring Dance is held annually between the fall and winter breaks. Each year, students in the junior class choose a senior to write a poem about them which the seniors recite before presenting their junior with their class ring. Of course, the seniors can’t say everything they would like to say about their younger friends but the poem reading is still the

SAGE: Behind NSA’s Lunch By: Allie Thorndike and Zack Peak

Ring Dance By: Emily Miller

Keely Criddle poses with Pat Muldoon

“Students run

frantically to break and

lunch because it’s just

too good to pass up!”

entrée, two sides, and a dessert. The majority of the food SAGE provides is homemade and made from scratch, as a junior, Ryan May can tell, “Although I dislike how expensive it can be at times, the food tastes exquisite!” Students can plan ahead with the convenient menus posted on the school’s website. Many other independent schools enjoy the services of SAGE including Cape Henry Collegiate, Bishop Sullivan, Southampton Academy, and Hampton Roads Academy. More then likely students at these other independent schools enjoy SAGE as much as NSA students do!

highlight of the night. Junior Taylor Neuburg stated, “The seniors did a really good job writing the poems and they did a good job decorating.”

Even DJ Spru participated in the poem-reading by playing some background music by request of certain seniors. Junior Kelsie Halberg really liked this new addition to the dance, “It was helpful to have Ryan providing music during the poems, it added flavor.” Members of the senior class spent most of their Friday afternoon decorating for the dance. “It took forever, but it was worth it,” said senior Tripp Lambdin. They hung snowflakes from the ceiling and even had a snow machine blowing snow on the stage. Overall, the night was a success and everyone clearly enjoyed himself or herself.

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Lower School students get their lunch in the cafeteria

Old storage closets and dusty crates were finally opened, after what would seem like a century, when the senior class held a Tacky Christmas Sweater contest nine days before the highly anticipated Holiday. A frenzy of fuzzy red sweaters with knitted snowmen and reindeer roamed the halls as the seniors showed their holiday spirit. Some of these “homely” looking sweaters were loud with bells while others had simplistic pictures of common holiday clichés. The contest, held during lunch, was a fashion show of sweaters that ended with Keely Criddle wining the title of having the tackiest holiday sweater.

Holiday Sweaters By: Kevin Joseph

“ Ring dance was really well done this year the poems and decorations were great & the juniors seemed excited about getting their rings.” –Anne Stuart Riddick

“We are a young team

with no seniors, s this is a

rebuilding year and we are

just looking to do the best

we can.”

--Christ Sharrett

Boys’ Basketball By: McLeod Brown

As the beginning of the winter season rolls around, the Nansemond-Suffolk boys’ varsity basketball team prepares for the upcoming season. With no seniors on the team, the Saints knew they were in for a difficult season. On Friday the team began their season with a game at home against Portsmouth Christian. “The Cage” was filled with plenty of students who supported the Saints throughout the game. The Saints ended up losing 63-52 to the Patriots, but there were bright spots in the loss. Harrison Spalding, a junior and the starting shooting guard, scored 26 points for the Saints. Sophomore Breon Willie, another starter, scored 15 points, several coming from beyond the three-point arc. When asked about the team’s outlook on the season, junior starting point guard Chris Sharrett replied, “We are a young team with no seniors, so

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this is a rebuilding year and we are just looking to do the best we can.” The team got their first win of the season at their next game against Windsor High School. Spalding scored 35 to lead the the Saints to victory. The Saints also participated in a tournament at Christchurch this past weekend. The Saints lost both games they played but showed resilience as Spalding got hurt early in the first game and remained out for the rest of the tournament. The boys’ varsity team will also be competing in two other

tournaments over the Christmas break, one will be at St. Chris before Christmas and one will be at TABB after Christmas. The next big home game for the Saints is on January 28th against Cape Henry. If they win, that game will help the Saints prove their seriousness for the tournament. Even though it may be a “rebuilding year,” the Saints still have high expectations for themselves and the overall program.

Verizon has decided to raise its fee for breaking service contracts on smartphones. The company has subsidized prices for smartphones such as the Blackberry Storm. By subsidizing prices, the company must ensure that customers won’t back out of a contract and leave them stuck with the bill for an expensive phone. Verizon’s fee for breaking contracts is called an early termination fee (ETF). The standard ETF for Verizon is $150, but the company has decided to raise its ETF for smartphones to $350 to

1. Sagittarius: You may be slightly stressed this holiday season but don’t let your schoolwork run your life. Relax over break and you will return rejuvenated. Love Match: Aries

2. Capricorn: You need to learn when you keep your opinions to yourself. Be extremely careful with your words on the 18th. Love Match: Taurus

3. Libra: Dive into a good book during the holidays, the words will soothe you when you are feeling down. Love Match: Leo

4. Aries: You may have forgotten someone when doing your shopping this year. Not to worry – that’s what the last minute sales are for! Love Match: Pisces

5. Aquarius: This is your favorite time of year, so take advantage of it! You are full of happiness so share it with those closest to you. Love

Verizon’s Prices Going Up By: Tripp Lambdin

Horoscopes By: Emily Miller

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discourage customers from breaking their contracts. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is conducting a formal investigation of Verizon about its increased fees and expects an explanation by December 17. Congress is also introducing legislature that could regulate ETFs for all cellphone companies by capping the price at the discount given for the phone. These measures could prevent wireless providers such as Verizon and AT&T from charging excessive fees for early termination. Before

entering into a contract with a phone company, look at their phones and decide on one that will last for two years.

Match: Sagittarius 6. Scorpio: Take

advantage of the mistletoe and invite your crush along next time you do something. You’ll find that they’ve been dreaming of you too. Love Match: Aquarius

7. Pisces: Whether it is intentional or not, your tacky sweater will bring all eyes on you. This can be either good or bad, so try to use it to your advantage. Love Match: Gemini

8. Leo: All your dreams will come true this holiday season, but you may have trouble keeping your New Year’s Resolution. Love Match: Capricorn

9. Virgo: 2009 may not have been your best year so far, but the stars are aligning and 2010 is shaping up to be much better. Love Match: Scorpio

10. Taurus: There’s no place like home for

the holidays, and because of your actions on the 16th, you may not be leaving yours. Act with caution. Love Match: Cancer

11. Gemini: A friend is in need of your help, and although you may think you have better things to do. Remember: if you scratch their back, they’ll scratch yours. Love Match: Libra

12. Cancer: Watch your spending, you may soon lose your source of income. Love Match: Virgo

Nansemond-Suffolk Academy

3373 Pruden Blvd. Suffolk, VA 23434 Phone: E-Mail:

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CORRECTION: Volume I, Issue I: Football photo on page 1 by Colley Bell

Happy Holidays from the Blue & Gold Gazette Staff

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