the bigger yields flowering system® magalog

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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The Bigger Yields Flowering System® eliminates the need to buy and replace expensive pH and PPM monitors and adjusters... By simply following the easy mixing chart supplied with each of the bundled growing levels, growers are guaranteed to supply maximum nutrition and vitality to their crop. The combination of the pH Perfect® Technology, simplified mixing rates and level of chelation in the balanced nutrient ratios ensure that crops always have access to the highest level of nutrition and vitality boosters possible.



BIGGERBUDS Plus,GREATNewsForGrowersWhoWantA Complete,DoneForYouSystematicSolution ToGrowingAnd Much, MUCH MORE! .................. Page 8 The Japanese Engineering Breakthrough Thats Allowing Growers To Multiply Their YieldsWithin The Same Bloom Time! ........................ Page 14 TheSecretGrandMasterGrowersHaveUsed ToWinEveryMajorGrowingCompetitionIn TheWorld! ............................................................... Page 18 HeresHowGrandMasterGrowersForceMore Nutrients Into High-Profit Plants, Incredibly FAST! ......................................................................... Page 24 DiscoverHowThisEasyWayOfBoostingYour PlantsRootsGetsYouBiggerHarvests.. Page 34 Getting The Biggest YieldsFrom Your Bloom Booster ............................................................................. Page 38

A Brain Dead Simple System

Now You Can Greatly Speed Your Plants Growth Phase And Give Them The ExtraStrength They Need For Maximum Size, Weight andPotency When They Finally Bloom! ............................. Page 108


AdvAnced nutrients

CHARTER Of RESpONSIBILITY AND ETHICS (C.O.R.E.)ADVANCED NUTRIENTS BELIEVES THAT a business that earns money from its community has a social responsibility to put that community first, directly support, be an integral part of, and give back to that community, it must have a deep respect for individuals inside and outside of the communities of which they are a part of. And that's why Advanced Nutrients has a progressive, non partisan responsibility to help meet human needs and eliminate social and economic injustices and inequalities in our local, national and international communities by integrating our principles into practices. What's more, we feel we have a moral and social obligation to take a stand when our community is being treated unfairly or with prejudice. Especially when those injustices are coming directly from other companies that are making a profit from our community. We also understand our clients and communities power to make a difference and will work with and support those individuals and organizations who are actively committed to making a difference for our community and the people in it. Look running a business that is ethical and responsible isn't the easiest thing to do. But it's absolutely the right way to run a business-and the only way. We believe leadership comes from the front and must set an example for other businesses in our community, and because we are an international organization the companies that we touch and do business with around the world must see this. Moreover, we believe we have no choice because we are doing this as a lifelong commitment. In fact, it's that very belief that drives the C.O.R.E. of Advanced Nutrients team members and is our way of doing business on a daily basis. Talk soon, Big Mike :-)


whats different

hen you decide to buy an Advanced Nutrient product what youre really buying is peace-of-mind. Heres why. Youre a client to us not a customer. Whats the difference? A customer is somebody you do business with and then for all practical purposes forget about. A client is under the care, guidance and protection of an expert in the field. Think about it, because thats a very important distinction. Moreover, all Advanced Nutrients team members take this responsibility seriously. In fact, they realize the importance of putting your success first. Thats one of the reasons all team members are so passionate about getting you using the best products, information and results for your crops.


about us

amount of pressure on every team member in our entire organization to continually give you the very best products, information and drives constant innovation -- anything less and we would have to suffer the embarrassment of having to send you to one of our competitors. And this isnt lip service. Its absolute doctrine at Advanced Nutrients, you are a client first and foremost, your long term success is the essential part of our company culture. You see, Advanced Nutrients is the Hydroponics industries thought leader and innovator. When you use any Advanced Nutrients product you are getting the best technologies available to you. I realize this may sound like a bunch of yea sure thats what they all say to you. Maybe it is to you... But maybe its not. And if its not. Then what? So I want you to take the time to consider this for a moment. Advanced Nutrients has created more Industry firsts for our growing community than any other hydroponics company, period. In fact, heres your very long list of them. Take a quick look and judge for yourself...

Advanced Nutrients has created more Industry firsts for our growing community than any other hydroponics company, period. First to do testing on the types of plants you grow, and in the types of gardens you grow in. First and still the only Hydroponics company to have an all out real PhD staffed research team. First to develop and deploy a self adjusting pH line of base nutrients and supplements so you wont have to balance or adjust your nutrients pH ever again. First to invent and use beneficial microbes to balance and maintain pH. First to use 100% chelated micronutrients giving you full protection over an ultra wide pH range. First to use chelated macro nutrients. First to use a new class of pH buffering technologies. First to invent pH activated and balancing molecular technologies. First to do daily tissue samples in relevant garden settings. First to invent sealed grow rooms for the hydroponics community with total environmental controls (these rooms are known in the industry as The Perfect Room). First to create patented engineered fertilizer programs.

Because they realize anything less, and theyll be putting you at a disadvantage. And that doesnt mean just using Advanced Nutrients products, if there is a better product out there they have been given very clear instructions to recommend that product even if its a competing product with one of our own products. Now when you think about that last statement it obviously puts a tremendous

Advanced Nutrients: The leader in developing cutting-edge scientific solutions for your unique hydroponic needs.6

First to give you beneficial bacteria and fungi.

First to give you root zone enhancers. First to offer you toll-free and online technical support. Invented the feed chart. Invented the nutrient calculator. First and only company to offer a 100% performance guarantee. First and one of the few to use hot water manufacturing for superior dissolving of all liquid products. First to use multiple element filtering of all products. First hydroponics company to use bloom cofactors, and other specialty components that stimulate growth to get you bigger yields. First to use ultra-purified reverse osmosis water for manufacturing products. Most hydroponics nutrient companies still use tap water to manufacture their products. First to use standardized reverse osmosis water tuning in all manufacturing facilities and labs. This enables all water used to manufacture and test with is exactly the same anywhere in the world. And is the same technology used by Coca Cola, Pepsi and Anheuser-Busch to ensure you always get the same consistent product. First to use hormone-producing microbes. First to use beneficial enzymes. First to offer varietal nutrient mixture ratio and formulation. First to offer email tech support, entertainment media, and gardening videos. First to create products that stimulate plant immune systems. First to offer symbiotic synthetic-organic hybrid fertilizers. First to make hydro-organic formulas that work perfectly no matter what garden you use them in. First to do competitive product testing. First to offer products in easy to use packaging, foil pouches, and hydrofriendly configurations.

...if there is a better product out there they have been given very clear instructions to recommend that product even if its a competing product with one of our own products.So you start to take a walk around and see merchants everywhere. As you come around a corner there he is, the great master himself, Leonardo da Vinci sitting in a chair surrounded by all these really wonderful inventions and beautiful works of art. So you stop and stare at all of his original works and inventions. Advanced Nutrients: The Da Vinci of hydroponics companies. First to offer a total system that takes care of your entire plant. First to offer beneficial microbes and other products that protect grow rooms without toxic effects. Invented carbohydrate supplements for plants. First to use amino acids in bloom boosters. First to identify the specific ratios of macro and micro nutrients your plants need for bigger yields. First to have perfectly balanced cations and anion based nutrients that control pH in your growing medium. Ok enough already, and Im sure there are lots more that I havent remembered yet. Its a fact the entire hydroponics nutrient industry has been chasing and imitating us for years. Which brings me to something else... Imagine just for a few moments you could jump into a time machine and be transported back to the year 1504. Boom! There you are ... its Saturday morning and youre standing in the outdoor market in Florence Italy. Its a sunny day, the sky is clear blue, the temperature is in the mid 70s, and theres a gentle breeze blowing across your face.7

To your amazement theyre all for sale and when you reach into your pocket -- sure enough -- you have plenty of money. So you start to negotiate for one of his works of art. But just before youre ready to hand him your money you notice another merchant 30 feet away and he has what looks like some of the same stuff Leonardo has. So you approach him and ask him his price. He offers you better prices and he says to you that he has a similar work of art like the one you were just looking at, in fact he even claims its exactly the same as Leonardos work. However under very close scrutiny you discover its not just the same. In fact, the workmanship is shoddy and it lacks inspiration. Well which one are you going to buy? The answer is really obvious. Isnt it? So why would you want to compromise when it comes to buying your hydroponics nutrients? Truthfully, you wouldnt knowingly do so, would you? And personally, I dont want you to either, thats why I listed all of Advanced Nutrients hydroponics industry firsts and leading inventions for you More importantly, I want you to be absolutely sure when you make your choices -- its going to be the right one for you and your plants. Thanks for taking the time to read this, youll find the rest of this magazine interesting and informative. Enjoy:-) BigMike


pHPERFECTTired of pH Pens and Complicated Feed Charts?Amazing Breakthrough Brain-Dead-Simple Flowering System Uses New pH and PPM Technologies So You Can Throw Away Your Pens and Meters Forever!l Proven


Think about it, a Flowering System that will give youBigger Yields l Potent, Easy Mix & Use Formulas l New, Powerful, Flower Fattening Formulas l Formulas That Work Together For Your Biggest Yields l A Driving Push That Flowers Your Plants To Their True Genetic Potential TM l pH-Perfect - No More Balancing Your pH And PPM Ever Again!8

World Exclusive!


ave you had enough of all those mind numbing complicated feed charts, schedules, pH-PPM pens, meters, different feed rates and all kinds of other hard to figure out gadgets? Its messy. Its time-consuming. Its virtually impossible to figure out, let alone get it right. Plus, all those bottles of calibration solutions, pH-up, pH-down chemicals and the tiny holes they burn into your shirts and pants. Youve been frustrated asking: Hey, will somebody just give me a fast, easy and simple to use bigger yield getting nutrient flowering system? Advanced Nutrients listened to you. The answer is yes. Youll find out how in just a minute. But first a little about the charts, schedules and programs. Heck we invented the things to begin with, and since then all the other nutrient companies have got in line and followed like a shadow with their own feed charts and take on things. This whole nutrient thing has gotten out of hand, and a whole lot more complicated. We never intended for it to get this way. We had created an industry wide monster and had to make things right... because there had to be an easier way.turn page


Now You Have the Nutrient Flowering System You Asked ForWhen we decided to create the worlds easiest to use and most powerful flowering system, it was important that we get it right. So we interviewed hundreds of growers worldwide, just like you, to find out exactly what you wanted from your hydroponics nutrients. And guess what? It was back to work we went. We gathered up the team of 12 scientists with their army of research assistants and worked our butts off over the next 33 months, reworking everything from the ground up and made it purpose-built to give you a continuously bigger yield producing punch than ever before, streamlining your workload. Thats why youll certainly appreciate The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM. It takes all the guesswork out of you getting the biggest yields, no matter what level of gardener you are.

I realize youre probably saying to yourself right now, what the heck does this have to do with me getting bigger yields? Just hang with me for a few moments and I will explain it all. Its because the McDonalds system is powerful, consistent, simple and so comprehensively effective that owning a McDonalds franchise is literally a license to print your own money. And thats not all, even first-time business owners make big bucks running the McDonalds system. Because the entire well being of your business has been thought out and everything your business needs is taken care of for you. All you do is follow the system and harvest your big piles of cash. What does all this have to do with you? The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM provides a rock solid complete, consistent and comprehensive system that automatically takes care of your entire plant for you at every stage of growth, from its roots to the very top of your flowers and everything in between. Stop and imagine what it would mean to you to walk into your garden and see the kind of crops youve always known were possible and always dreamed of. Big fat juicy harvests with towering buds, so sweet and succulent that when other growers see pictures of your crop they ask: damn what the heck did you do? and when your friends and customers look at your finished product and take those long intoxicating smells... theyll have that look on their face, which says it all. Heres how The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM will continually deliver your dream harvests

From Hamburger Millionaires to BiggerHarvest Hydroponics How You Can Use the TimeProven-Power of a System and Get Your Bigger Yields Advantage Right NowEver wondered why so many savvy people spend millions of dollars to buy a McDonalds franchise?

Amped-Up Base Nutrients, Special Supplements and the Simplest Bigger Yields Flowering System Ever Devised!You told us you wanted to spend even less time and fuss in your garden while getting still bigger harvest rewards. So

New Breakthrough Formula

Connoisseur, Sensi Bloom and Grow-Micro-Bloom now contain & combine at a higher level with these extra products to give you even Bigger Yields Guaranteed10

Finally Someone Who Gets ItNever being one to get in over my head, Ive always kind of stuck with a base nutrients two-part and a bloom booster. My friend said Id see bigger harvests using your System, but I was scared it would make more work for me. But when I looked at your System I realized you guys really understand what its all about and have it all figured out. So I got two Bigger Yields Bundles (Hobbyist and Expert) and put them together like the chart says, along with the new Sensi base. Not only was mixing this stuff easier than ever, but I didnt have to pH it and I also found that the plants grew quicker and the bloom time was shorter but a larger harvest. Your system worked better than expected. Much thanks for getting it right.Mark, from Gainesville, Florida we developed the System to have a bold and broader range of nutrient availability than youll ever find with any other companys nutrients. How did we do it? The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM nutrients are coated with multiple sources of unique and powerful compounds, causing your Macro and Micro nutrients to become powerful microscopic magnets attracted to your plants roots. These coatings give your nutrients tremendous flexibility to work at an extremely wide pH range. Opening up your plants cellular floodgates to rapidly inhale everything you feed them so they steadily make larger and fatter flowers to give you branch-bending-bounties.

University Developed


Chemists ensure all your nutrients give you the widest pH absorption range without any nutrient precipitation or lockout.

Imagine Never Again Having to Check and Adjust pHLet me be a bit more specific... The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM has a proprietary technology called pH-PerfectTM that automatically puts your nutrient solutions pH and PPM into the sweet spot for optimum growth and flowering, and its built into every growing level of The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM eliminating you having to fool with pesky pH meters and PPM calculations. Heres how easy it is: if the water you use to mix your nutrients has a pH between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (and thats pretty much everyones water) then youll never have to balance your pH or for that matter ever add a single drop of pH up or down to your reservoir. And how about never again having to remember complicated measuring and application data? Well, we heard you. All the base nutrients have been standardized at 4 ml per Liter, so mixing and use is ridiculously easy. Now get this, all the supplements have been standardized as well.You only need to mix 2 ml per Liter. In fact its this way for all the supplements used in all four of the growing levels: Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Master with each level stacking on top of each other, then you choose your base nutrients, and away you go, thats how The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM works. Incredibly simple, isnt it? turn page 11


Microbiologists meticulously select all beneficial microbes for super strains to guarantee you a bigger root mass and plant development.

Who Advanced Nutrients Is NOT ForOur nutrients are certainly not for everyoneonly growers who want to see a difference and take their gardens to the next level, growers who want to really increase the quality of their product and get bigger yields. Advanced Nutrients is not the right fit for those people who...l Are Looking for Cheap Nutrients and Could Care less What Goes Into Them Advanced Nutrients cost more because you get more: High quality and bigger yields, but in order for us to give you that it cost us a lot of money. We use premium ingredients and run a full blown research staff of 12 PhDs, full tech support and a 100% guarantee on all products. l Dont Take Pride in Their Crop If they dont care about the quality, appearance or outcome of their harvest. They can look elsewhere. Because everything Advanced Nutrients does is all about our pride in carefully crafting

products for growers that do just that: Create off-the-chart quality, pristine appearance and bigger yields.l Dont Have Compassion For Their Fellow Man If theyre not willing to give a helping hand to people who are in need of their assistance or expertise. Then listen up: Advanced Nutrients gives all the time. Weve donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in nutrients and equipment over the years. Obviously giving is the right thing to do.

No Dinosaurs Allowed: Unleash Your Plants True Genetic Potential and Get 9 Products for the Price of 4Its now really easy for you to realize the fact that your grower friends are stuck in the old hard way, formulas and charts that, well... qualify as dinosaurs. Not you though because youll be using new state-of-the-art flowering technologies and five brand new hydroponics industry breakthroughs that like a world class athlete, will push your plants to their true genetic potential. Even Better, youll save more money with the new Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM when you buy the all new 5 in 1 Connoisseur, Sensi Bloom or Grow-Micro-Bloom base nutrients along with the Hobbyist Bigger Yields BundleTM. Because its exactly the same as getting 9 products for the price of 4, Sensi Bloom or Grow-MicroBloom base nutrients now contains and combines at a higher level the award winning products H-2, F-1, Wet Betty and a special blend of Amino Acids; when you buy the Hobbyist Bigger Yields Bundle which contains Big Bud, VooDoo Juice, B-52 and Overdrive, youll also get the Overdrive for Free. Actually we do mean it when we say award winning products and breakthrough technologies. Let me explain, and these are absolute facts, were not trying to brag or anything like that (well ok ... maybe just a little), and because youre probably not aware of these facts, and of course theyre important ones when youre buying The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM. l Advanced Nutrients has won every major growing competition in the world, no other nutrient company has even come close to our continuing string of victories. l Advanced Nutrients is the hydroponics industrys technologies leader responsible to date for 31 technological breakthroughs and patents that has elevated the science of hydroponics for the

GET THE STACK!Hobbyist Bundle Expert Grower Bundle Professional Grower Bundle

Start Stacking your Bigger Yields Bundles for Eve


entire industry and made your growing easier and more profitable, including the five new pioneering technologies employed now in The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM. Anyway, back to what I was saying, heres the deal. At the Expert Grower Level you get Final Phase for Free. The Professional Grower Level gives you SensiZym for Free and at the Grand Master Grower Level youll receive your Rhino Skin absolutely Free. So go right now and ask the store owner or one of the staff to show you The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM and remember to ask for your Bigger Yields Bundle. As you have clearly discovered getting bigger yields and bigger savings has never been so easy. Enjoy.

Inside Look

Company Founders NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEEWhen you use the Bigger Yields Bundles along with one of our new and improved super-potent base nutrients, you get the easiest, most valuable, biggest yields ever. And in addition to that... you never have to bother yourself with pH or PPM again when you use your Bigger Yields Bundles with any of our base nutrients. Thats right just mix your Bigger Yields Bundle formulas and our base nutrients in any type of water with a pH range of 4.5 to 8.5 and youll see your plants rapidly inhale all the nutrients they need for bigger yields. No pH metering or adjusting needed! And get this: your Bigger Yields Bundles continually fattens your flowers while making them taste so much better. Special carbohydrates and other natural ingredients make your flowers taste like cotton candy. Unique chelates rinse unused nutrients from your crop to give you a clean, sweet taste that everyone will crave. Your entire plant - from your huge root mass to the tops of your gargantuan flowers is automatically taken care of when you use our Bigger Yields Bundles along with one of our superb new and improved base nutrients. Best of all, youre using the only pH-PerfectTM nutrients The System guaranteed to give you bigger more consistent yields, much less work and you never risk even one penny because if for any reason you are not absolutely delighted just return this Bundle for a full refund. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.


pH- balancing technologies automatically make sure your plants get maximized feeding no matter what pH your water is.


Cellular pathways are powerfully activated so you get increased quantity and quality of yields.

Big Mike Straumietis

Eugene Yordanov

Robert Higgins

To watch pH-PerfectTM Technology in action go to:


en Bigger Harvests and SavingsGrand Master Grower Bundle

Bud building amino acids are paired with special proteins that immediately transfer the L-amino acids for enhanced floral growth.



Immerse your roots in highly active bud potentiaters that surge through your plants to get you thicker bigger buds.


12 Plant PhDs Discover The Japanese Engineering Breakthrough

Multiply Their Yields

Thats Allowing Growers To

Within The Same Bloom Time!


e all want our plants to get into peak bloom phase faster and to yield a bigger harvest. Now, a team of one dozen plant PhDs and their research assistants believe they have found the answer 14

The secret, says Dr. Savov, Is we implement the Japanese engineering principle of continuous improvement called kaizen into developing a better 2-part premium bloom base fertilizer. The principle of kaizen states that small, continual improvements at each step of a multi-part process equals a much larger, compounded total increase in performance in the final product.


CoMpound IMproveMenT The MoST poWerful, plAnT GroWInG forCe In The unIverSe?uch like Albert Einstein called compound interest, the most powerful force in the universe these small, continuous improvements at each phase of a multi-part process yield a very powerful, impressive end result. So, when it comes to a premium bloom base fertilizer a team of 12 PhDs working for Advanced Nutrients in a leading Bulgarian research lab simply found multiple ways to improve upon each stage of the two-part process of growing plants. In the end, it worked exceptionally well to achieve a bigger, compounded, yield in at least one documented head-to-head, consumer trial over 40% bigger!

floral production, the scientists developed a proprietary blend of floral growth co-factors to activate and control these core issues.

Lets examine how the scientists improved these phases in developing the ultra-premium, 2-part bloom base nutrient for Grand Master Growers Connoisseur! Instead of using low-quality, questionable ingredients the team at Advanced Nutrients


hoW ThIS SCIenTIfIC BreAkThrouGh GeTS Your plAnTS InTo BlooM fASTer And MulTIplIeS TheIr YIeld WIThouT InCreASInG Your BlooM TIMeirst, the scientists wanted to improve upon the actual ingredients used in their 2-part formula. The idea was to give you better building blocks for your plants to use to get bigger yields, more colorful flowers, a stronger aroma and maximum potency. This was the first stage the team improved upon. Next, they wanted to enhance your plants abilities to get the maximum absorption of these nutrients because having the highest quality ingredients without ensuring your plants can fully absorb them is worthless. The scientists discovered that most growers arent seeing bigger yields with other fertilizers because their plants arent able to effectively absorb the nutrients being used. Obviously, improving the absorption abilities of your plant greatly compounds the effectiveness of the high quality ingredients being used! Lastly, in an effort to maximize every part of your plants deepest core levels of plant bloom metabolism andA team of 12 scientists completely reengineered every aspect of bloom phase base nutrients and discovered how to get your plants into bloom phase faster so you get bigger, more potent buds that are worth more to you, your friends, and your associates.15turn page



These co-factors include amino acids and amino acid precursors essential to protein formation which promote cellular metabolism, replication and other bloom processes. In addition, other proprietary co-factors create enhanced changes in how plants carry out bloom phase functions.


invested heavily in putting to use only the most potent, most effective, most proven ingredients possible (ingredients no other company uses because of the high cost to both source and manufacture these ingredients into bloom fertilizers!)



hoW To enSure Your plAnT GeTS The MAXIMuM upTAke of nuTrIenTS ...o start with, every single one of the micronutrients used in Connoisseur is chelated so you get maximum absorption and uptake of these amino chelates into your plants. With a theoretical absorption range of pH 1-10, this in effect means you get the highest absorption rate possible of these life-giving micronutrients for as long as your plant is alive! Whats more, Advanced Nutrients, has also invested heavily into chelating a high percentage of the macro-nutrients used in Connoisseur to get your plants to bloom faster and keep them in that bloom phase longer!

Connoisseur actually changes your plants bloom metabolism and timing so your flowers go into peak bloom earlier and stay there long, giving you more essential oils and size. The kicker is that your bloom phase doesnt get any longer. You get heavier, more devastating buds, in the same amount of time as your previous crop cycles! you get more satisfied and repeat customers!

hoW GroWerS of hIGh profIT plAnTS Are MAkInG More MoneY WITh ThIS one, SIMple SCIenTIfIC BreAThrouGh ...f you count on your plants to make you money, youre going to love Connoisseur! Heres why commercial growers of rare and profit-producing plants love this comprehensive hydroponics fertilizer formula l


The bottom line? You get more profits per each crop cycle!

WhY noT GIve ConnoISSeur A rISk-free TrY TodAY?l

Youve seen how the proprietary 2-part fertilizer formula was developed by a team of 12 PhDs working for the leading plant growing research laboratory in the world Youve seen how the unique principle of small continuous improvements to each phase of the 2-step base formula produces a more powerful, compounded total yield in your plants Youve seen just a few of the most potent, most pure, most effective ingredients that went into the Connoisseur blend Youve met other growers like yourself, who were skeptical at first but now praise Connoisseur because its giving them up to 40% increase in their harvest yields And you know Advanced Nutrients fully stands behind Connoisseur and every other product they sell with their


You get a faster time to peak bloom time meaning you get to sell your plants faster! You get more flowers and more weight per flower which means more money per plant! You get more aroma, more taste, and more color in your plants which means16






Connoisseur gives you the worlds leading flower-boosting base nutrients formula. 100% full money back guarantee. Either youre ecstatic about the results you get in your plants or you get your money back. How Youre Guaranteed To Get More Size, More Flavor and More Value From Your Plants In The Same Bloom Time


donT deCIde noW ... puT ConnoISSeur To The TeST WITh Your plAnTS!irst, make sure theres enough space in your grow room to handle the increase in size youre going to be seeing in your plants in just a few short weeks. Next, simply go to your favorite retail shop that carries Advanced Nutrients products and tell them you want to try out Connoisseur. Then when you get home, follow the simple, step-by-step directions included to put it to the test with your plants. Then watch in amazement as you see your flowers go into peak bloom phase faster and develop in peak bloom longer. The only thing left will be answering all your friends questions about what youre doing when they want to know whats causing the bigger growth more flavor and more color in your plants.17

Company Founders NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEEConnoisseur was specifically built for growers just like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use Connoisseur it must perform flawlessly for you. Youll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods youre looking for. Whats more..., Connoisseur will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, soil or sphagnum growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it. And when you use Connoisseur youll never have to risk even one penny because its 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason youre not absolutely delighted well refund all your money back its that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.



Part A

Part B

Its The Latest In Scientific, 5-in-1 Bloom Phase Technology

The Secret Grand Master Growers Have Used To Win Every Major Growing Competition In The World!ow, you dont have to be an expert, grand master grower in order to get bigger, juicier, more aromatic, and more potent buds from your plants. All you have to do is put the same secret grand master growers have used to win every major growing competition in the world to use with your plants. Heres the story: recently, a respected team of over a dozen plant scientists and graduate assistants discovered, after 109 man-years of research, how to combine 518


different plant improving formulas into one breakthrough 2-part bloom base nutrient. Whats more: youll never have to worry about pH issues again because these scientists have completely eliminated the need for pH-PPM metering or even adjusting pH levels with their patented pH-Perfect Technology. All this in effect means it is now possible for even the most inexperienced hydroponics rookie to start experiencing pro level juicy yields and buds!

The Secret 5 Part Plant Maximizing Formula and How Science Ensures Get You Bigger, Juicier Buds From Your Plants Because of It!Ingredient #1 ensures that the nutrients in this formulation get into your plants as quickly as possible. Its an organic surfactant called Wet Betty and it does something every plant grower wants Surfactants are wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid (in this case, nutrient-rich water) allowing easier spreading and uptake of nutrients into your plants. Which of course means your plants will get the organic nutrients they crave faster and more efficiently than ever before which greatly increases your plants bloom yield. Ingredients #2 and #3 are humic and fulvic acids. These organic acids give your plants an edge when it comes to growing quicker, stronger, and bigger with less stress than with any other formulation. Heres how The humic provides natural carrier compounds that transport nutrients and vitamins into plants more efficiently, so your plants grow faster and have stronger cellular processes. In addition, the fulvic here gives you quicker nutrient absorption, nutrient transport, and more cellular metabolism. Together, they work synergistically to maximize the time your plants spend in bloom. And ingredient #4 completes the package because its ...

How To Get The Optimal Amounts Of Micro and Macro Nutrients For A Bigger YieldTo ensure your plants get the most out of the nutrients youre feeding them, the scientists rely on chelation to enhance absorption. In fact, this 5-in-1 formula contains the optimum number of chelated macronutrients that your plants need for faster growth and bigger blooms. In addition, the following micronutrients are 100% chelated: iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, copper, boron and cobalt which of course means your plants more easily absorb and use these nutrients giving you bigger buds and more yield from the same bloom time!

The Bodybuilding Secret That Gives Your Plants Bigger, More Potent Buds!In the sport of bodybuilding, athletes supplement with amino acids to help fuel muscle growth because theyre the essential building blocks on which protein growth is based. But your plants can benefit from the addition of amino acids too! Thats why the 4th ingredient in this one of a kind 2-part base nutrient is amino acids. These amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that fuel metabolic pathways for enhanced floral and essential oil production. Ingredient #5 is, of course, the actual plantmaximizing nutrients themselves. But, you should know

Sensi Bloom contains surfactants, amino acids, fulvic acid, humic acid, macronutrients, secondary nutrients and micronutrients scientifically combined to power your flowers to bigger value, potency and weight.19turn page





How This New Plant Growing Technology Maximizes Your Bloom Phase So You Get A Huge Harvest You Can Be Proud OfThis team of respected scientists and their graduate assistants worked around the clock to ensure this nutrient worked unlike any other: You get earlier flowering with more budding sites You get a shorter internode length and more buds per stem You get thicker diameter flowers with better floral structure because the powerful, pure ingredients feed your plants more effectively You get more time in peak bloom because your plants flower earlier giving you more weight, more aroma, more color and more potency If they had stopped there, you would still have seen an impressive increase in your total yield.










AWARD. TRY SENSIBLOOM NOW, AND YOULL SEE WHY. Growers just like you whove compared Sensi Bloom to competing bloom bases say that Sensi Bloom kicks ass, but the other nutrients are disappointing, not worth the money, and a waste of time and electricity.


Why Youll Never Have To Worry About pH Levels AgainHowever, in developing this advanced 2-part bloom fertilizer Sensi Bloom this team of scientists went the extra mile! If youve ever experienced off-color leaves, slow growth or low yield with your plants then youve probably noticed these problems coincide with mysterious pH and PPM fluctuations. Its one of the biggest obstacles to getting pro level yields from your plants. In fact, many growers find that manually checking and adjusting pH levels two times per day, to try to keep their plants growth stable and maximized is tiring, time consuming and one of the biggest challenges of trying to get bigger yields. However, these scientists discovered how to completely eliminate pH checking forever with their proprietary pH-Perfect Technology. In short, as long as your water falls between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (which is pretty much everyones water) this technology adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered there throughout your plants bloom cycle. Which means youll never have to manually adjust your pH youll never have to worry that your plants arent in the premium growing environment

How do you get bigger, higher quality flowers without working extra hard to do it? Use Sensi Bloom and youll get more from your plants with less work and time. Thats because Sensi Bloom is pH perfect, so it feeds your plants faster and more efficiently, with no worries about pH metering!20

all you have to do is add the bloom base nutrient Sensi Bloom and the pH-Perfect Technology takes care of all that for you!



You see, your plants use a small amount of phosphorus during flowering, but what they really love to use is nitrogen and potassium. The scientists at Advanced Nutrients discovered this only after taking thousands of weekly tissue samples from buds, stems, leaves and roots of many varieties using gas chromatography analysis throughout all phases of plant growth. Other nutrient companies are over-using phosphorus in hydroponic bloom fertilizers. And to compound problems, they use high levels of ingredients like mono ammonium phosphate (MAP) or diammonium phosphate (DAP). These substances are what give some plants their harsh taste. But the good news is: with Sensi Bloom youre guaranteed to have the correct nutrient ratios for your plants!

Youve seen how the addition of Advanced Nutrients proprietary pH-Perfect Technology makes it possible for you to never worry about pH or PPM monitoring ever again Youve met other growers like yourself, who were skeptical at first but now will never use anything but Sensi Bloom because its giving them nearly double the harvest yields and up to 3 inches of growth per day And you know Advanced Nutrients fully stands behind Sensi Bloom and every other product they sell with their 100% full money back guarantee. Either youre overjoyed about the results you get in your plants or you get all your money back.



I cant afford some of the better fertilizers you offer. I have a student loan to pay off and a rusty car. I have to be careful with my money. One day I will be able to afford Connoisseur, which I have heard is the most powerful two-part bloom fertilizer ever made. Until I can afford it, I am quite happy with Sensi Bloom two-part. I have nice, juicy harvests from it and its easy to use. It costs less and it works just fine. Thats all you can ask for in a bloom fertilizer. Good price and good value.

So why not get Started today?

Irv, from Bend, Oregon

How You Are Guaranteed Bigger, Juicier, More Potent Yields From Your Plants ...Advanced Nutrients offers a 100% money-back guarantee of satisfaction with this product.

ISnt It tIme you gave SenSI Bloom a no-rISk try?l

Youve seen how a team of scientists found a way to combine 5 different products into one powerful 2-part bloom fertilizer

Scientists designed Sensi Bloom to increase the yields of your plants.21turn page


Its a known fact that the further you move away from feeding your plants their ideal nutrient ratios, potency and yield rapidly deteriorate.


The Ideal Ratios, Already Dialed In For You ...

Youve seen how Sensi Bloom started with only the purest, most potent ingredients and then was improved upon with the addition of amino acids fulvic and humic acids and the correct use of both macro and micro chelation to ensure you get only the best, most effective components

Theres No Need To Decide Now Put Sensibloom To The Test With Your Plants!


pH or PPM monitoringjust add the nutrients as directed.) Then youll sit back and watch as your plants grow bigger and heavier and with more color than ever before. The only thing youll have to do after that is tell your friends the truth about how youre getting bigger yields, more flavor, and more potency from your plants with almost no more effort than before.


If youd agree that getting bigger, juicier, more colorful, more aromatic and more potent plants with your next cycle is something youd love to see. If youre tired of wasting time adjusting pH or monitoring PPM levels yet you refuse to accept anything less than maximum growth from your plants If you will accept nothing less than the most potent, most pure, most effective ingredients combined with the most advanced methods possible of ensuring your plants more effectively use those nutrients And youre convinced that only companies that fully stand behind their products with a risk-free money-back guarantee are worth your time and loyalty Then theres only one logical thing to do. Simply go to your favorite retail shop that carries Advanced Nutrients products and tell them you want to try out Sensi Bloom completely risk-free. Then when you get home, follow the simple, step-by-step directions included to put it to the test with your plants. (Remember, this is as simple as it gets, no need to worry about

Company Founders NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEESensi Bloom was specifically built for growers just like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use Sensi Bloom it must perform flawlessly for you. Youll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods youre looking for. Whats more..., Sensi Bloom will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, soil or sphagnum growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it. And when you use Sensi Bloom youll never have to risk even one penny because its 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason youre not absolutely delighted well refund all your money back its that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

Now youve found your big-flowering base nutrients formula!22

Force More Nutrients Into High-Profit Plants, Incredibly FAST!R.K is a Grand Master Grower of high profit plants from Santa Rosa, California. For over 15 years he used the same 3-part General Hydroponics fertilizer in his 20-light grow room. In his own words: You know how it is when you get used to something. You stop paying attention to whether you can do better. Its like inertia. Its easier to stay the same than to change, even if you could do better My yields were not all that large and sometimes I noticed that the same mix amounts of this general hydroponics stuff would create a way different pH or PPM. Once or twice I saw that I was losing an entire crop, but it was hard for me to figure out that it was the general hydroponics fertilizer, not diseases or other problems. It was hard to admit I needed to change what I was using in my hydroponics system.24

If You Want the BIggest, Most Colorful, Most aroMatIC, and Most IMpressIve floWerIng possIBle, heres hoW grand Master groWers

But luckily, R.K. heard about a brand-new 3-part formula and he had a lot of clones he could afford to try a new fertilizer on. Although he was sceptical, he decided to test this new scientist-developed formula against the fertilizer he had been using for over fifteen long years in a straight up, head-to-head, growing test. And the results amazed him Right off the bat, it was easy to see that my clones grew faster, they were greener and stronger, and they were ready for flowering about two weeks earlier. My bloom cycle was more productive I used less fertilizer overall and got better growth and yield. I guess I learned to keep an open mind and to always look for the best way to do something, not just the way youre used to. Now, Grow-Micro-Bloom (GMB) is the solid foundation for my 20-light garden!

Why Big-Time Growers Of High-Value Plants Demand A Superior 3-Part Formula

Thats why they demand only the best when it comes to: l Using 3-part formulas designed for their high-value plants l Using formulas with the most potent nutrients and ratios l Using the most advanced, state-of-the-art, carrier molecules to ensure their plants get the maximum amount of nutrients in the least amount of time l Using the formulas which have been proven, in multiple scientific studies, to get more color, more aroma, more size, and more potency from our plants l And using formulas which are not only highly-advanced and easily customizable, but easy to mix and use In fact, Grand Master Growers have found Grow-Micro-Bloom (GMB) from Advanced Nutrients is the only 3-part formula on the market which meets all these criteria. Heres why the others dont measure up ...

Now you can use the only 3-part hydroponics base fertilizer tested and designed by scientists to give you guaranteed larger harvests and more convenient use.even if you do manage to get a formula with nutrients which are good for your plants (which, as youve seen, most dont have) then youre probably still wasting most of those nutrients because those formulas dont have carrier molecules to drive those nutrients straight into your plants faster and more efficiently. This is actually a big problem because most of your nutrients are not getting into our plants which wastes your money and this causes longer crop cycles which wastes your time. But it doesnt need to be this way

The 3 Biggest Problems With Other 3-Part FormulasIf youve been growing for any amount of time, these three problems will be very familiar to you: Big Problem #1: Most 3-part formulas are not made for the types of plants we grow because youll discover theyre about the same as the little $3.50 bottles of granulated fertilizers the average homeowner uses on their garden flowers. Theyre made in generic ways with generic ingredients. Big Problem #2: Is directly related to the fact other 3-part formulas are not made for high-value plants like ours and that is theyre hard to mix and monitor and are the direct cause of many of your plant growing problems. Many include artificial dyes of an unknown amount and molecular structure which could harm your plants (instead of harmless, organic dyes) they dont have the right PPM or pH they burn roots they dont feed plants the right nutrients leading to slow growth and reduced harvests and they may contribute to other growing problems. The bottom line? They basically wreck crops and waste your gardens potential! Big Problem #3: If youre using other, different, formulas

How You Can Get At Least 31% More Nutrients Into Your Plants At Least 37% FasterOne of the most important ways GMB gives you faster growth and bigger yields is through the special ingredients it contains that drive more of the nutrients in the formula into your plant faster than ever before. These nutrient delivery compounds are called chelates which are25turn page



While a premium 2-part formula like our Connoisseur is actually the most effective way to precisely dial in the exact nutrients and ratios your plants need many growers enjoy the simplicity of an easy-mixing 3-part formula and they still want the most effective formula possible.

compounds that bind with nutrients and help them get inside plants so the plant cells can use them more quickly and more efficiently. Its these chelates which give GMB an almost unfair advantage over every other 3-part formula on the market because it drives the nutrients into your plants in the most efficient, fastest manner possible. In fact, these exclusive chelates are so effective that tests (with our types of plants) show they deliver at least 31% more nutrients into your plants at least 37% faster! Consider this also: your plants will make better use of the formula you give them which means youll save money on fertilizers, equipment and electricity because youll have a faster, more productive crop cycle. Grand Master Growers everywhere understand its especially important when youre using nonsoil hydroponic systems including rockwool, aeroponics, NFT and other types of materials in indoor gardens to make the most out of every ounce of nutrients you feed your plants.



Only for Your Type of Plants



Faster Absorbing

Easy Mixing and Use

Maximum Flexibility

But Chelation Is Useless Unless It Helps Deliver Only The Most High-Quality, Bud-Potentiating Nutrients Into Your Plants!While chelation is extremely important because it helps your plants get more total nutrients and faster you have to make absolutely sure youre feeding your plants the correct nutrients in the first place! Thats why GMB contains only the most proven, most potent and most effective nutrients in the correct ratios you need to get maximum growth and yield from your plants in every stage of your crop cycle. During the growth phase: when your plants need nitrogen, calcium and other necessary nutrients, GMBs chelates force these nutrients directly and immediately into your plants roots, leaves, cells and flowers greatly speeding the growth phase. During the bloom phase: GMB feeds powerful chelated potassium, phosphorus and other nutrients that boost flower size and weight directly into the heart of your plants so they get the maximum size, weight and budding possible. And if this still wasnt enough, heres 26

Youll see the widest range of harvest-boosting benefits from this powerful 3-part formula.

What Grand Master Growers Do Differently To Get Huge Yields And Impressive Harvests From Their Crops!As weve seen: if you want to dial in the exact nutrients and ratios your plants need, its best to use a premium 2-part formulalike our exclusive Connoisseur blend. But, one big benefit of GMB is even though its a 3-part formula you can now customize it more fully than any other 3-part blend to work better with your plants. While many hobbyists and growers with small gardens will choose to stick to the standard, extremely easy-to-mix and use 1-1-1 ratio you also have the option to customize this 3-part formula for the specific strain youre growing. Heres how: a band of scientists, mathematicians, and computer experts spent years developing and testing a nutrient calculator (available on Advanced Nutrients website) that helps you create the optimum growing blend so you can make adjustments to get the absolute best growth and production from your plants. The formula is studied, buffered and constantly upgraded

Together, these five products combine to create the most effective 3-part formula possible. Just how effective is GMB?

Plus, You Will Never Have To Worry About Your pH Again!Now, off-color leaves, slow growth and low yields because of pH and PPM fluctuations are a thing of the past because GMB contains pH-Perfect Technology which eliminates the need to manually check and adjust pH levels two times per day. In short, as long as your water falls between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (which is pretty much everyones water) this technology adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered there throughout your plants growth and bloom phases. Which means youll never have to manually adjust your pH youll never have to worry that your plants arent in the premium growing environment all you have to do is use GMB as directed and the pH-Perfect Technology takes care of all that for you!

What You Can Expect When You Put This Grand Master Growing Secret To Work in Your Grow Room!Imagine walking into your grow room after using Grow-Micro-Bloom (GMB) in your next crop cycle Youll own a plush, productive garden where clones, seedlings or transplants grow way faster than ever before theyre bushier theyre bigger and theyre way more aromatic and potent. even better is: youre spending less time fussing with your nutrients, PPM and pH because the formula is better balanced and mixes easy. l Your plants mature faster and are ready for flowering earlier. l They start putting on more flowers sooner. l The flowers are bigger and more developed. l The plants are greener, more lush and healthier because theyre getting the right nutrients at the right time and in the right way. l These happy plants resist pests and diseases and give you a beautiful harvest you can be proud of and count on for profits. In fact, your friends might just hound you to know how you got such big buds such delicious smelling plants and such potency!

Heres How GROW-MICRO-BLOOM (GMB) Is Actually 5-Products-In-One!The fact of the matter is: GMB offers you more value for your money than any other 3-part formula on the market and its simply because you get 5-products-in-one with this formulation. Heres how l GMB now contains Wet Betty which is an organic surfactant that lowers the surface tension of your water, allowing easier spreading and uptake of nutrients into your plants. l The second ingredient is humic acid which provides natural carrier compounds that transport nutrients and vitamins into your plants more efficiently, so they grow faster and have stronger cellular processes. l The third ingredient is fulvic acid which gives you quicker nutrient absorption, nutrient transport, and more cellular metabolism. Together, these two acids work synergistically to maximize the time your plants spend in bloom. l The fourth ingredient in GMB is the highly-potent budpotentiating nutrients themselves that feed your plants

Why Not Give GROW-MICRO-BLOOM (GMB) A Risk-Free Try Today?l Youve seen how the proprietary 3-part fertilizer formula was developed specifically for growers like you and our high-value plants 27turn page


You can get as in depth and involved with your plants as you want or you can simply stick to the basic 1-1-1 ratio of mixing and never have to worry about pH, PPM, or any of the other problems associated with other 3-part formulas!


based on dozens of international research projects conducted in hydroponics, aeroponics, indoor gardens, and commercial agriculture projects across the world so that you get the absolute best 3-part formula for whatever strain of plant you want to maximize.

exactly what they need for fast, high-powered growth and impressive finishing harvests. l And the fifth and final ingredient is the specialized chelates weve already talked about that get these high-powered nutrients into your plants as fast and as efficiently as possible!


Now You Can Join The


That Saves You Time And Money While Increasing Your Yields

Hobbyist Bundle is:TM

l Specially designed for use with all hydroponics, soil and l

l l l l


sphagnum growing mediums. Developed for use with any and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT or flood and drain growing systems. Youll get guaranteed bigger yields over any and all other feed programs, formulas or charts. Bigger and more consistent yields. Fast, easy and simple mixing so you save time. Bigger Yields Flowering System is the only flowering system that takes care of your entire plant from roots to the very top of your flowers and everything in between. No-Risk 100% Guarantee or your money back.TM

Turn page for more information 29

i, its Big Mike here. I havent met you personally, but I bet I can describe you pretty well. Youre a resourceful, free-thinking person whose friends and family see you as forward-looking and someone who is open-minded. And thats exactly why Im betting youll join with Advanced Nutrients to create a new generation of growers wholl stand the hydroponics industry good ol boys club on its head and prove what those hydroponics experts said couldnt be done, actually has been done. Its the hydroponics equivalent of Putting A Man On The Moon, and Took A Total Of 109 Man Years to develop. Let me be a bit more specific... remember how youve had it drilled into your head that your plants will suffer or even die unless you spend lots of money and time using pH meters, ppm meters, pH up and pH down? Well its not true; you can now slay the pH-PPM dragon for good. Heres how, with this Hobbyist Bigger Yields Bundle and any of the new 5-in-1 Base Nutrients. Because together they have a new built in proprietary technology called pHPerfectTM that automatically puts your nutrient solutions pH and PPM into the sweet spot for optimum growth and flowering. Eliminating the need for you having to fool around with pain-in-the-butt pH and PPM metering and adjustments.


But, Big Mike, How Can It Be That The System Totally Revolutionizes Hydroponics Gardening?Lets rememberyou wanted to be a grower, not a chemist. You dont really want to fool with meters, calibrations and all those foul-smelling pH adjustment chemicals stuff that will burn your skin and puts little holes in your shirts and pants no matter how careful you are.

The Hobbyist BundleTM and the Flowering System are designed by a team of PhD plant scientists whove spent years discovering the secrets of how your plants grow and bloom. You get exactly the right ingredients for larger, more potent flowers. Being once a grower for over 20 years of my life, I realize your pain, so I worked together with our 12 scientists and their army of research assistants and created a Nutrient Flowering System that helps you grow massive, astounding flowers without having to fiddle around like meter-addicted lab rats when all we really want to do is put nutrients into water, listen to the pump hum, and kick back while our plants deliver gold coins into our hands. The team and I worked our butts off testing all kinds combinations of edgy formulas, proprietary compounds, chelates and secret stuff, Id be a fool to tell anyone about, because then our competitors would try to copy us just like theyve always done ever since we designed the first professional approach to hydroponics nutrients. And my biggest fear today? Other nutrient companies are going to wreak havoc on everyones crops because theyll be forced to compete with unproven technology (I dont


Hobbyisthave to tell you, some companies may never figure out this technology) and theyll try and sell you their undeveloped copycat formulas.

BUNDLEstandardize your products. You use just 4 ml per liter for the Systems base nutrients and 2 ml per liter for all supplements. So mixing and using them is ridiculously simple and quick. Im proud youve chosen to experience the power and simplicity of the weightshattering Bigger Yields Flowering System, so you just plug and play, go have fun, and watch your flowers get significantly more valuable than you ever thought possible.

No More pH-PPM Metering Or Adjusting, Its All Done For YouHeres how easy its going to be for you, if the water you use to mix your nutrients has a pH between 4.5 and 8.5 (and thats pretty much everyones water) then youll never have to balance your pH or for that matter ever add a single drop of pH up or down to your reservoir. Youll have to agree that really makes growing a whole lot easier for you, doesnt it? From roots to shoots and everything in between, your Hobbyist Bigger Yields Bundle contains the four proven formulas that will deliver precise nutrition to every part of your flowering plants VooDoo Juice beneficial microbes. Hundreds of university studies have shown that bigger roots equal bigger yields. VooDoo Juice produces an enormous root mass during your flowering cycle and that means your plants will support bigger flowers. VooDoo Juice also makes your plants roots grow faster so your plants will inhale the maximum amount of nutrients quicker for larger, faster-growing flowers. B-52 contains a unique blend of 9 different B vitamins keeping your plants healthy and driving hard during rapid flower formation. Big Bud, watch as your flowers swell up week after week. Your Bigger Yields Bundle contains legendary Big Bud, the bloom booster containing the perfect ratio of flower building L-amino acids and other awesome ingredients that power up flower metabolism and production. Overdrive bloom enhancer, youve always wanted to maxout your flowers at the end phase of your bloom cycle, and thats why were giving you Overdrive absolutely free. You use it in the last two weeks of bloom phase so your flowers really pack on the weight.

... join with Advanced Nutrients to create a new generation of growers wholl stand the hydroponics industry good ol boys club on its head and prove what those hydroponics experts said couldnt be done, actually has been done.Big MikeHeres something you should be aware of, Ive staked my entire company on the revolutionary new formulas you hold in your hands right here, right now, inside this box. So heres my promise to you, and you can take this to the bank: you buy this Hobbyist Bundle box, along with one of our base nutrients, right now today, follow the easy instructions, and you are absolutely positively 100% guaranteed to get bigger yields while spending less time metering, mixing and measuring your nutrients. PS- If your hydroponics store tries to sell you somebody elses nutrients, ask them if those other nutrient feeding programs, wheels, schedules or whatever give you the Systems pH-Perfect rock solid performance, a 100% Money Back Bigger Yields Guarantee, and free products.

Heres The Bottom LineThe bottom line is the mighty band of scientists and research assistants have succeeded in liberating you from ever having to care about pH or PPM again. As if that wasnt enough... they also figured out how to31





Youre about to discover how easily you can enlarge the power dimensions of your plants roots and guarantee yourself bigger harvests with custom-designed microbially active supplements ... These powerful supplements create ideal root zone environments better able to intake nutrients resist stress and diseases and your roots stay stronger because beneficial microbes break down old root material, providing nutrition while enabling roots to repair themselves and create new tissue.

Plus, microbes help oxygen to penetrate more into your roots capture nitrogen and help pump more phosphorus into your plants. The question has now becomewhat is the best way to install beneficial microbes into your hydroponics root zone? To answer this question, Advanced Nutrients scientists conducted a multi-phase research project on a unique suite of beneficial microbes contained in VooDoo Juice.

VooDoo Juice enhanced

control plant

Root mass of tomato plants, same seed, same age,same number, harvested after 42 days of growth. Plants on left received VooDoo Juice. 34

l l l l l l

Most hydroponics companies save money Your roots have more branching, root density and root on costs by hiring a third-party company mass to bulk produce/bulk combine microbes Increases in your root size up to 117% without testing them for specific plant Faster, more efficient intake of nutrients; saving you appropriateness or microbial compatibility. time and money Not only that, but their process includes a generic view of microbes. For example, Your plants give faster growth, larger flowers when someone talks about the microbe Your roots are more resistant to heat, stress, drought, bacillus subtilis, that strain name is really nutrient burn and other common problems just the tip of the iceberg its exactly like saying General Motors to describe a car, Not All Beneficial Root Microbes and you have no idea if its a Pontiac or a Formulas Are Created Equal Chevy.

And if its a Chevy, it could be either a Malibu or Corvette. So if youre lucky, you got the Corvette but youre still left guessing if your Corvette has the 430 hp motor or if its a ZR1 Corvette with the 620 horsepower The answer is that there are two very distinct processes motor! Thats how much difference there is manufacturers use when they want to offer microbes between individual types of bacillus subtilis microbes. Obviously we absolutely make products ... sure VooDoo Juice microbes are always the ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower motor, not the Chevy Malibu! You know beneficial microbes will help your plants, but it can be confusing when you go to the store and see so many of these formulas made by different manufacturers. The obvious question is which one will give you the best bang for your buck?

Heres How Its Done...l

Advanced Nutrients hires the sharpest microbiologists in the world. One of them is especially impressive: she has three Ph.D. degrees! We have a team of scientists testing and breeding hundreds of sub-varieties of bacillus subtilis and other beneficial microbes in a continual research program. In fact over the last two years VooDoo Juices root-producing abilities have been increased by 117% Specific beneficial microbes work better with certain plants than others. Thats why we put so much time and money into our breeding program. Were driven to find the needle in the haystack of microbes that work absolutely the best for the plants you grow Our scientists demand that we buy themturn page


Make the direct connection between larger, more powerful roots and bigger, more valuable buds.

l 35


Faster-developing roots on your seedlings, transplants and clones


They discovered, when used as directed, VooDoo Juice provides:



rates and we have to ensure total uniformity and maximum colony forming units (CFUs). After breeding, the microbes are taken to the evaporation tower and dried, and then all eight strains in VooDoo Juice are carefully recombinedl

To ensure VooDoo Juice has very long shelf life and superior viability, VooDoos microbes are put into hibernation with an antagonist compound that keeps the microbes dormant until you mix VooDoo Juice into a nutrient reservoir and the antagonist is diluted As soon as the antagonist is diluted, VooDoos microbes immediately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into action for you by wrapping themselves around and penetrating into roots, creating flower-boosting hormones, and increasing root size and function


The bottom line is: VooDoo Juice feeds your roots so you get safer, healthier plants, and more aboveground growth of larger, mega-potent flowers. Its a basic but important step you can easily take today to upgrade the health and productivity of your garden immediately.

VooDoo Juice contains designer microbes created by leading microbiologists. These superstrain microbes fatten, strengthen and supercharge your roots , and the result is more valuable harvests.


VooDoo Juice Benefits

all the expensive, precision equipment needed to identify each microbial strains special characteristics and compatibility with each other that make them SuperStrains. Thats why our microbes are also extremely fast-replicating so they quickly colonize root zones for rapid results (Yes, we test for fast versus slow replicating microbes)l


VooDoo Juice is not outsourced. Were the only hydroponics nutrient company in the world manufacturing all our microbial products ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist personally supervising all aspects of production at all times. (The same is true for our Piranha and Tarantula root zone products) Each microbe strain is individually bred (not in a bunch of vats or tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor. This is a very critical, time consuming step, but its necessary because different strains of beneficial microbes breed at different36


ROOT MASS INCREASEBigger roots that more than double in mass are the foundation for faster growth and bigger yields.


QUESTION: Will VooDoo Juice make my roots too big? ANSWER: Your roots will get much bigger, but only in the most efficient way for your root zone so you get larger harvests. QUESTION: If I use VooDoo Juice, why would I use your Tarantula beneficial microbes and your Piranha beneficial fungi formulas too? ANSWER: Each of these three products contains unique beneficial microbes that contribute to the healthiest root zone so your plants grow better via different pathways. The individual microbe formulas in these three products combine in a synergistic fashion with your roots and each other to provide even more root enhancement and protection. QUESTION: Does your previous version of VooDoo Juice work with your new version? ANSWER: Yes, our previous VooDoo Juice works well in all types of gardens and systems, and is compatible with our stronger new & improved version of Voodoo Juice. Always store our beneficial microbes formulas in a cool, dark place to extend shelf life. QUESTION: Is VooDoo Juice compatible with an all-organic fertilizer program? ANSWER: Yes, VooDoo Juice, Tarantula and Piranha are organic supplements that work perfectly in all-organic gardening (and all other types of gardening).

MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through 2 of your flowering phase, and during weeks 1 through 2 of vegetative growth. GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Master Growers

I live in the desert near Tucson. I grow outdoors and two big problems are heat and dry, sandy soil. After using VooDoo, the plants were wilting a lot less and their color was much better. When I removed them at the end of the season, their roots were better than any plant Ive ever grown. Im sold.

Jorge, from Pima County, Arizona

Company Founders NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEEVooDoo Juice was specifically built for growers just like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use VooDoo Juice it must perform flawlessly for you. Youll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods youre looking for. Whats more..., VooDoo Juice will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. VooDoo Juice has been developed for use with any and all hydroponics, aeroponic, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use VooDoo Juice youll never have to risk even one penny because its 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason youre not absolutely delighted well refund all your money back its that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

Fast FactsPRODUCT TYPE: Beneficial Bacteria Root Booster GARDEN TYPES: VooDoo Juice has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. VooDoo Juice has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. WHEN TO USE: Early Veg Phase, Early Flowering, Cloning, Transplanting, Growing from Seedlings




Frequently Asked Questions




Most likely, youre one of the 91.7% of growers who use bloom boosters every bloom cycle, because you want to be sure your boosters give you the biggest yields possible for your garden ... to be precise ... you look for bloom boosters that give you: l l l Larger, heavier, denser flowers Flowers with more essential oils, aromatics, terpenoids, phenols and other potency factors Measurable, significant increases in overall harvest weight and market value38

Worse, almost all bloom boosters have incorrect ratios or types of phosphorus and potassium. Most provide double the amount of phosphorus to potassium. Thats not useful. Your plants need much more potassium than phosphorus during bloom phase. And when too much phosphorus is dumped into your plants, it creates a potential for phosphorus toxicity that works against flower production and overall plant health. Not only that, your crops may taste harsh so they hurt your throat and lungs.

Why the special emphasis on these four L-form amino acids? Heres why: Your plants utilize L-tryptophan to create an important floral growth hormone called indole acetic acid (IAA). Boosting synthesis of IAA creates larger flowers with more potency. L-Cysteine provides sulphur, and along with L-Glycine is a prime element in formation of an internal plant protectant compound called glutathione. Plants respond to bloom phase stress by making glutathione, which has a number of functions including helping plants deal with heat stress, other environmental stressors, and free radicals. Because many hydroponics nutrients provide no amino acids, and because indoor gardening is inherently stressful

Potassium And Phosphorus Are Only Part Of The Real StoryTheres a lot more to fueling bigger flowers than giving your plants correct ratios and types of potassium and phosphorus. Studies show floral production revs up most when your plants get the full range and correct forms of substances

You need a bloom booster proven to make your buds bigger and more valuable.39turn page



But most bloom boosters dont measure up to these goals. In fact, until recently poorly-absorbed forms of phosphorus and potassium (P and K) were the main ingredients in most bloom boosters.

called amino acids (which are building blocks of proteins, terpenoids, phenols and alkaloids). This means you want to give 20 L-form amino acids to your plants, with especially important doses of L-tryptophan, L-Cysteine, L-Glutamate and L-Glycine.




to plants, tissue samples show many plants have glutathione deficiency ... slowing metabolic functions ... and ... results in lower yields. Now that you know the crucial role amino acids play in floral production and overall plant health, its important to have the L-form of amino acids rather than the less-complex D form aminos. This is because your plants cells need all 20 amino acids, but even the bloom boosters that do provide amino acids, contain aminos that are hard for your plants to create or absorb, because theyre less water soluble, called D-aminos.

How do most bloom boosters stack up in meeting these goals? Not as well as they could. In fact, until recently poorly20% absorbed forms of phosphorus and potassium (P and K) were the main ingredients in most bloom boosters.



Make Your Flowers Bigger By Helping Your Plants Breathe, Metabolize And ProduceFor this reason, please remember, only L-form amino acids are the ideal forms for easy absorption and proven yield increases. Youve seen how bud builder product research shows that precise and appropriate ratios of potassium and




BIG BUD ABSOLUTELY DELIVERS LARGER YEILDS Big Bud absolutely delivers larger yields than any competing THAN ANYCOMPETING BLOOM BOOSTER! bloom booster!


phosphorus create larger flowers, and that L-form amino acids help plants make larger, better-formed flowers that carry more potency and value. The bottom line is ascorbic acid, all 20 L-form amino acids, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium are found in the correct ratios in the easy-to-use liquid bud potentiator created by our scientists called Big Bud. Heres what youre guaranteed to see when you use Big Bud:

l l l l l

More flowers Bigger flowers More potent flowers Flowers with higher market value Liquid formula for easier mixing and absorption

Get yourself the worlds most popular and legendary bud builder that put the BIG in your buds!40

When you look at the facts and see the results, you agree that Big Bud offers you a convenient, reliable way to deliver a unique suite of bud potentiator ingredients into your flowering plants. Get Big Bud today and feed L-aminos and other plant maximizing ingredients to your plants and youll see larger, richer, more glistening flowers in less time than ever.

PRODUCT TYPE: Bloom Booster GARDEN TYPES: Liquid Big Bud has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, and soil growing mediums. Big Bud has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. WHEN TO USE: Peak bloom phase. MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 2 through 4 of your flowering phase. GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Master Growers COMPANY FOUNDERS NO-RISK, 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If for any reason youre not absolutely delighted, well refund all your money back its that simple.

Claude, from Mobile, Alabama

Frequently Asked QuestionsQUESTION: Can I use Big Bud as my only bloom booster or should I use it with other bloom boosters you recommend? ANSWER: Big Bud can be used as a stand-alone bloom booster and you will see bigger buds as a result. Additionally, our research shows using our bloom booster series (Bug Ignitor, Big Bud, Bud Candy and Overdrive) will result in even larger and more market-valued products. QUESTION: Will I have problems with overfertilization when I use Big Bud with your potent base nutrients? ANSWER: Our scientists have designed customized programs for each of our base nutrients so you use Big Bud as directed by the base feed chart and get bigger buds with no worries about nutrient burn. When you use Big Bud as part of the Bigger Yields System, the System is configured to balance pH and PPM to optimum levels so you dont have to be concerned about them. QUESTION: Why does Big Bud come in a liquid formulation? ANSWER: The liquid formulation provides more absorption and is easier for growers to use. QUESTION: What can I count on as regards the crop size increase that Big Bud gives me? ANSWER: Depending on your strain, growing conditions and what level you are on in our Bigger Yields System, you could see as much as 27% increase in harvest weight from Big Bud.

Company Founders NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEEBig Bud was specifically built for growers just like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use Big Bud it must perform flawlessly for you. Youll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods youre looking for. Whats more..., Big Bud will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum or soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponic, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Big Bud youll never have to risk even one penny because its 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason youre not absolutely delighted well refund all your money back its that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.




When I used the other bloom booster, the PPM would spike. The damage was clear, and once I had to flush everything. Since I started using Big Bud my friends keep asking: whats your secret?

Fast Facts



GETTING BETTER HARVESTS?IT BOOSTS YOUR PLANTS STRENGTH, IMMUNITY AND OVERALL HEALTH TOO!fuels flower growth.) ... B1 strengthens plant immune systems to avoid disease and stress ... activates Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), which is what happens in humans when a vaccination produces an increased immune response to future disease attacks. Plus, B1 assists in root development so your plants get more nutrients faster, and are more resistant to shock from transplanting or cloning.

Youre already giving your plants the best environment and nutrients possible, but did you know you may need vitamins too? In fact, scientists tested identical clones side by side in identical systems. The clones are fed the same diet, except that half of the clones receive a vitamin that the other clones do not receive. Both sets of clones were closely monitored during growth and after harvest with scientists taking plant tissue samples to measure plant metabolism, nutrient absorption, and overall plant health. Plus, total yield size, quality and essential oil content are also measured. Using statistical analysis and other criteria, scientists determined if the vitamin had any effects, and if so, what those effects are.

How B VITAmINS ImpRoVE YouR plANTS ANd YouR YIEldFortunately our scientists have repeatedly run hydroponics tests showing many B vitamin benefits for your plants, including:

Folic Acid helps plants maintain healthy metabolism and DNA and upgrades the weight and quality of your harvest. But because folic acid breaks down easily (especially under intense lighting), its a good idea to supplement with folic acid in your plants. Vitamin B5 is essential because without sufficient B5, plants die, grow slowly, or are susceptible to stress disorders and pathogenic diseases. Enough said! Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) helps your plants use and create carbohydrates so your plants have enough energy for strong growth and production of flowers and essential oils. It also helps your plants use of phosphate (which42

As you can see, B vitamins are absolutely essential. Truth is: your plants cant synthesize enough B vitamins from the nutrients you feed them fast enough to get fast growth, earlier maturation, stress/disease resistance, and heavier, more potent harvests.


When you provide additional vitamins, your plants have less metabolic work to do

In fact, there are several stressful times in your plants life when they need extra B vitamins, like when your plants are seedlings, new clones, transplants or flowering ... when youre using CO2 augmentation ... and when your plants are under other stresses like seed production, extreme temperatures, or pest and disease attacks.

Randall, from Missoula, Montana


Vitamins help plants grow stronger and more vigorous. Maximum blooms are heading your way.43turn page



and they use more of their nutrients for growth and floral production because they dont have to make B vitamins themselves. Plus, studies show when plants are stressed (which is when they most need B vitamins), thats when they are least able to make their own vitamins.

I had a complete feed program with high-end nutrients. But something was missing. I found what I lacked with B52. Now I have stronger plants and more weight in my harvests.


A B VITAmIN FoRmulA THAT BooSTS YIEld Too?Scientists discovered a B vitamin formula is an ideal platform for vitamin-rich components that double as yield-boosting substances. For example, our B-52 formula contains kelp and seaweed extracts which contain a variety of compounds, including auxins that increase cell replication and stimulate roots and stems. Plus, several







B-52 pumps up your plants stamina, energy and productivity so you get larger harvests.


studies show B vitamins, combined with seaweed and kelp extracts, assist in floral development and ripening, with increases in floral weight and potency as much as 31%! Combine this with the crop protection provided by: Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Enhances systemic resis-

tance so your plants are less susceptible to common grow room diseases that often disguise themselves as nutrient disorders while insidiously harming your crops.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin): An essential substance that contributes to your plants metabolism and other basic life functions. Insufficient amounts of B3 lead to slow growth, poor yields and lowered disease resistance. Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Involved in enzymatic activity, carbohydrate energy production and amino acid synthesis. All three of these areas are implicated in the basic health and productivity of your plants.

Your plants benefit from the best scientists, the best labs and the best research in the world.44

Compounded with the B vitamins mentioned above, B-52 contains humates and other sources of plant nutrition that are more easily absorbed by your plants because they are administered with B vitamins. And these substances aid the transference of B vitamins into your plants. With B-52, you can feed either the roots or foliarly, which makes the healing, stimulating and protective effects of B vitamins immediately and completely available to your plants. Plus, B-52 works in all types of growing systems and root zone material, including aeroponics, rockwool, soil, coco coir, hydroton, ebb and flow, and all the other hydroponics gardening methods.

QUESTION: Why do I need to give B-52 to my plants when I am already feeding them a highnutrition fertilizer? ANSWER: Plants can make B vitamins from some fertilizers. But, they expend energy and nutrition to make the vitamins. When you provide B vitamins in B-52 your plant a readymade vitamin source ... your plants can focus on floral production. QUESTION: Ive heard that B-52 is really good for young plants. Is this true? ANSWER: Yes, B-52 is definitely a powerful anti-stress tonic that increases survival of transplants, seedlings and clones. QUESTION: I am growing all-organic. Can I use B-52? ANSWER: We make the only all-organic B vitamin supplement, called Organic B, which you should use if youre growing only organically.

FAST FACTSPRODUCT TYPE: B Vitamin Supplement. B-52 BENEFITS: BetterSurvivalRateForSeedlings, Transplants, Clones PlantsMoreResistantToStressAndDisease IncreasedGrowthAndYield StrongerRootsForMoreNutrientUptake GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Hobbyist, Expe

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