the benefits of linkedin for lead generation

Post on 17-Oct-2014






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Linkedin now allows you to share information about your services directly with potential clients, you can also research them, increase your company’s visibility and most importantly generate leads! Linkedin requires a special approach for lead generation. Here are a few points First let’s talk about your profile: Your profile is your calling card, tell your story. Use it to brand yourself and to show people who you are and how you can help them. Make sure it’s complete: put all your work experience in and please don’t be bashful and put that picture in. People that will visit your LinkedIn profile are looking to solve a problem so make it easy for them to find what they need. Be specific about your talents and your achievements. Also give and get recommendations this will build credibility. Make your website and your blog readily available so your prospects can find out more about you and your company. Outline a plan / Device a strategy Think about your products or services, both, on a business level and on a personal level. To generate leads you need to have a well thought out plan. What message to you want to deliver and to whom? For example you might want to showcase your services or you are simply trying to broaden your connections. How do you want to be perceived? Outline your strengths, find out what are people are saying about you and address their concerns. What is your unique selling proposition? You may want to spend some time thinking about what sets you apart, and unique services that you offer. Whom are your competitors and what sets you apart? Be searchable Your profile is one of the most important components for LinkedIn success. Most people will first start by searching your name on a search engine. Use relevant keywords so you can be easily found on the major search engines. And use them in your title, Job description, in your professional bio and in you past jobs. Join Groups Groups are the best opportunity LinkedIn has to offer for networking and generating leads. They help build a rapport with your potential and cultivate trusting relationships. Try to find groups that are small where you can be noticed. You can join up to 50 groups that are relevant to your industry Post your updates and start discussions. If someone asks a specific question you have a unique opportunity to answer and establish yourself as an authority. 15 Minute a day Formula One of the biggest problems is time. Take ONLY 15 minutes a day to post or to interact on LinkedIn. Here is a checklist: 1. Review your keywords 2. Visit your group and join in a discussion 3. Look for connections in your group 4. Share a relevant link 5. Share your twitter updates using #in 6. Ask for a recommendation or give a recommendation. Wrapping it up Consistency is key to keep your name up on the Linkedin radar. Linkedin offers a unique opportunity for businessmen to engage virtually.


The Benefits of LinkedIn

for Lead Generation

Presented by Janette Speyer:

Online Marketing and Branding Strategist – Web Success team

Outline a Plan and Devise a Strategy

o What message to you want to deliver?

o Who is your target?

o How do you want to be perceived?

o What is your unique selling proposition?

o What sets you apart from your competition?

o What are your strengths?

Be Searchable

o People will search for your name on search engines

o Use relevant keywords so you can be easily found

o Use keywords in your job title and your professional bio

o The search engines spider LinkedIn profiles

Utilize the LinkedIn Tools

Start Talking – Join Groups!

o Best opportunity for networking

o Ask and answer questions

o Join groups that are relevant

o Start discussions

o Connect with people in your group

o Share your links, blogs and ideas

o Establish yourself as an industry authority

15 Minutes A Day Formulao Review your keywords

o Visit your group and join in a discussion

o Look for connections in your group

o Share a relevant link

o Share your twitter updates using #in

o Ask for and give a recommendation



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