the basketball trainer’s website marketing automation...

Post on 17-Mar-2020






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BluePrint The Basketball Trainer’s Website Marketing Automation

How to Improve your Online Marketing Strategy to Attract the

Long Term Clients you Really Want

01. INTRODUCTION 4 Overview & Breakdown









In today’s world, the most essential element of growing your

business online is your website. It is the foundation of building a

successful online presence for clients to find and interact with

your business. While this is true, simply having any old website

is just not the solution for a company’s longterm success. 5 to

10 years ago, maybe, but the way individuals are making buying

decisions has drastically changed. If you don’t have a website

developed to capture leads, nurture them through email mar-

keting automation to turn the into clients, you’re missing out on

the Massive Opportunity and most essential way to systemati-

cally generate new clients online.”

Enter Inbound Marketing...

Inbound marketing has been the most effective marketing

method for doing business online. Instead of the old usual mar-

keting methods of buying ads, direct mail, buying email lists, and

generally hunting for clients, inbound marketing focuses on cre-

ating quality content that attracts the people who want Your

fitness training services.

Today, the average decision maker is doing most of his or her

shopping and buying research online, long before they contact

you. In fact, according to The Conference Board, 60% of the

buying decision process is completed before a company is ever


This is why a comprehensive, systematic approach to marketing

is so important for your training business. By the time you get

to the hard sell, the process is almost over. You need a prov-

en strategy that guides your potential client’s decision before

they reach the hard sell, showing them every step of the way

why your training delivers the best service to meet their needs.

Spending the time to do so will allow visitors to learn from you,

and with their new found knowledge, your prices become auto-

matically justified. This is because you’ve taken the time to edu-

cate them on the importance of the foundamentals, strategies

and basketball skills in a way they’ve never viewed it before. So

you become an expert in their eyes with the solution to solve

their problem.

If your inbound strategy is inefficient or incomplete, you won’t

be able to accomplish this. If you don’t build the necessary

foundation first, the ultimate sales pitch will be less likely to land


If, however, you have a comprehensive, fully realized inbound

marketing plan, you’ll be able to ultimately increase your reve-


So how do you create a comprehensive inbound marketing

strategy that will drive sales? We provide you with the insight of

four core services to help you. In this ebook, we’ll take a com-

prehensive look at each of them and show you how best to use

them to your advantage.


The first step in any inbound marketing strategy

is to drive customers to find you online and make

them aware of your brand. Perhaps you already

have a Facebook page that you update occasion-

ally, and maybe even a blog with a few posts. Or

maybe you’re starting entirely from scratch. Either

way, it’s important to lay the foundation for your in-

bound marketing strategy by creating a strong on-

line presence that will drive customers your way.

Generating more traffic for a website is like baking:

you will need lots of complementary ingredients

that work cohesively to get a good result. There is no single tac-

tic proven to produce worthwhile results by itself. Rather, it’s a

set of strategies and supporting tools working together. Those

tactics include...


We lay the groundwork for success by

hashing out a solid search engine optimiza-

tion strategy. Meeting or exceeding traffic

goals is impossible without this. Targeted

keywords, based on what your potential

customers are interested in (Ball handling,

in-game moves, defense, ect.) are placed

in your blog post content (More about

this in the next tactic). This way, when those customers search

for those terms going forward, your website will be displayed

among the search results.

Finding the right keywords and phrases to target, and doing

upfront research to ensure that the keywords you’re focused

on are attainable and worthwhile. Identifying key bloggers and

industry influencers with whom to build relationships and cre-

ate back-links is necessary to increase the site’s authority with

search engines.


Each page on a website is an opportunity for a potential cus-

tomer to find your company. This is why content creation is so

important. You will also need to understand What a blog is and

the importance of blogging, Topics for blog posts are infinite.

Regular and frequent blog posts show the site is active, current,

and “fresh,” which helps boost your site’s ranking on search en-

gines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.). Blog posts influence purchase

decisions because you’re leveraging customer language and

topics. The most effective and innovative companies leverage

their blogs as a sale tool during sales consultations and normal

conversations with individuals who may fit your ideal clients per-

sona. Create blog posts about past or current clients who’ve

gotten results that new potential clients may want to gain. This

builds credibility with prospects and shows you have a proven,

documented track record of delivering results. Think about ev-

ery question a past client has asked you,

“What’s the best drills for improving my handles?“,

“What can I do to improve vertical?”

“How can I gain confidence on the court?“

Think about the answers and write a blog post explaining each

topic. If one client asked for your expertise on the subject, you

can bet a few hundred more will have the same questions. This

positions you as an expert in their eyes, seeing that you not only

have the answers but detailed, information written by you on

the specific topic. This gives them something they can take with

them once they leave your session or consultation and builds

front of mind awareness for you on all things basketball. On top

of that, it’s something prospects can pass around for you when

they’re around their circle of influence.

Get creative with your blog posts to attract the ideal clients

you’d like to work with. The possibilities are endless.

C) SOCIAL MEDIA SHARINGIf a blog gets posted in the forest, will anyone read it? Point

being, although lots of time and effort can get spent creating

keyword-rich blog content, creating and optimizing content isn’t

enough on its own. You can’t simply sit around waiting for clients

to come to you. You need to be actively promoting your blog.

That’s where social media comes in. Establishing a presence for

your company on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, and oth-

er social platforms gives you an outlet to share your blog with

people who are interested in basketball training and your ser-

vices as solutions for helping them. What’s more, social media

provides a perfect opportunity for your audience to share links

they find interesting with their own social circles, thus extending

your reach even further to more potential clients.

You’ll use clever and provocative language and imagery to post

content on networks such as Facebook and Twitter and gener-

ate interested clicks, and links, back to your site. Having an Opti-

mized Hoops Institute website gives visitors the ability to easily

share what they just read directly with their followers just by

clicking on the share blog post link, streamlining this process for



Take this scenario: You’ve been consistently blogging creating

educational and informative posts using the right key-words,

and your search rankings are improving as a result. You’ve been

promoting your site to the right audience. You’ve developed an

editorial calendar that you’re sticking to, and two to three blog

posts get published 1-2 weeks. You’re sharing those links in so-

cial media, and are actively participating in online conversations

around keywords and phrases.

Things are happening. Monthly traffic has started to point up

and to the right. But actual sales and revenue are still in the

same place. What’s the problem? Well, generating traffic is the

first step. Those website visitors need to be converted into us-

able leads, which can then be converted into sales. How is this

done? By having landing pages, with premium content designed

for lead generation.


You’ve successfully generated a significant amount of web traf-

fic. Now, you need to separate the action takers from the tire

kickers, and find out who’s really interested in what you have to

offer, and who’s just passing through. How do you do this? By

developing more premium content offers: things like white pa-

pers, ebooks, webinars, and other content that goes into more

depth about the specific areas of mentality, skills training, etc.

Often, these offers help solve a problem for the potential cli-

ent, or provide a step by step process for how to do something

that they need (Example: How to build Stephen Curry handles

in 5 weeks). This content is generally provided free of charge,

but in order to access it, the prospect needs to sign up to your

email list on your website, providing their name, e-mail address,

and other contact information. THIS IS THE PROCESS OF LEAD


These offers move potential customers deeper into the sales

funnel. If they’re willing to take the extra step of signing up on

your email list with through your site and downloading the con-

tent, it shows that they have an active interest in that topic.

When a visitor fills out the form to access this content, a lead is

created. You can then use what you know about that content,

and your client’s target buyer prospect, to build out both an

electronic and human follow-up process.

Example: A visitor comes to your website and sees an ebook that says, “How to practice to

develop Kyrie Irving handling in 5 weeks .“

They download the ebook filling out their name, email and phone number. This creates a

“lead”. By them downloading the ebook, you now know they want to improve their ball han-

dling. You offer a 1-on-1 training program that’s dedicated to helping them do just that.

The best part, you now have a reason to contact them and already know what their goal is.

So you call them to follow up with them. Explain who you are, if they got a chance to read the

ebook and how did they like it. This leads to you setting up a consultation to discuss their bas-

ketball goals and a potential long term client has just been created!

Now image having this work over and over and over for you for

years to come in your business. To learn more about this pro-

cess and how you can improve your lead generation through

your website, click here. If you who want to convert leads from

traffic successfully, you must be able to craft compelling premi-

um content and offers, landing pages, and call-to-action (CTA)


While this process is important and necessary to your market-

ing success, it’s an extremely time consuming process. Hours,

days and weeks of creating premium content, ebooks and spe-

cial offers for your potential clients. Time that you don’t current-

ly have do to your client training schedule and other areas of

your business that require your attention. Fortunately, Hoops

Institute provides you with a proven tested Done-for-You ebook

selection, with follow up lead nurturing email sequences to save

you weeks of creating content and everything from scratch. To

Learn more, click here.

For businesses seriously considering their website as an enabler

of growth, the efficiency in this process can be quickly under-

stood. And from a sales perspective, leads generated from pre-

mium educational, ideal-client-targeted content are hugely pro-

ductive because that ideal client content needs were met.


You need to have lots of targeted content throughout your

website. From a “leads into customers” perspective, it’s import-

ant that the content spans the length of the buyer persona’s

sales funnel. Educational information such as industry trends

and “how-to” blog posts are proven winners for the top of the


However, the middle part of the ideal client’s buying journey calls

for content that is tied more closely to your products and ser-

vices, and is delivered to them in the format they prefer, wher-

ever they happen to be looking, on any device — in order to turn

a lead into a client.

WHAT DOES THIS CONSIST OF?All leads, who have downloaded your content, must either have

a human follow-up with them personally, or an automated pro-

cess must do so. Automated follow-ups can be used in moder-

ation with the email sequences we build for you, but in general,

you are likely to want to reach a potential customer and con-

nect with them for the follow up. People love personalized con-


Some of that follow-up should be deeper content and offers,

which invite them to access more of your content, or come in for

a free consultation, or try your 15 day Offensive Improvement

challenge. Let the quality of those leads set the priority for how

deeply you follow-up. This is great because these leads keep

self-qualifying whenever they opt into these offers! The offers

are typically presented through email marketing and marketing


You’ll offer them additional relevant content that answers the

different questions they’ll have at the various stages in their

buying journey. Such lead nurturing and segmented email cam-

paigns are used to better target leads and are intended to gen-

erate sales. If you understand the importance of having an ef-

fective marketing solution through your website to bring in more

qualified leads and are ready to get started, click here to find

the best option for you.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation to get started, click here

to book yours now.

If you want your efforts to be indisputably connected to sales

and revenue goals (and we strongly suggest you do), you must

be able to connect the dots between how content feeds and

nurtures leads at all stages of the sales funnel.


You’ll want to create unexpected, valued, positive moments for

your clients that are indelibly inscribed in each client’s mind. Per-

sonalized moments that can be reproduced time and again with

still more clients. Moments so awesome that clients can’t stop

talking about what they experienced to everyone they know —

online and offline.

Think about the cashier at Starbucks that greeted you by name

and remembered your favorite drink after she only took your

order once... A week ago! Or the cashier at Chipotle that gave

you extra meat and a drink for free. You’re still telling those sto-

ries, aren’t you?

When customers or clients can’t stop talking about their amaz-

ing experiences, they’ve become advocates, evangelists, de-

fenders, apostles, supporters..... Promoters. Ask an Apple cus-

tomer, or the owner of a Canon Camera. These individuals are

willing to turn down a cheaper product to keep doing business

with these brands. They’re energized by their chosen brand. Ap-

ple customers are willing to stand outside, in any weather con-

ditions (sometimes for days!) waiting for the latest iPhone to be

released, texting and tweeting others to join them! Now that’s

Brand Loyalty! This is where you want to be, this is the goal for

every client you train. Rather brought in from online or a referral

client a current client, you want every single one of them talking

about your training business as if they were your salespeople.

(Because they technically are!)

Various studies show that delighted customers can be worth 10x

[or more] of the value of their initial purchase. Advocates buy

more, more often, and actively convince others to buy as well.


The ingredients for creating brand advocates are right at your

fingertips: personalized communication, paired with education-

al information that’s useful and relevant. You to make your cli-

ents feel like they’re cared about and taken care of, not just as

clients but as individuals and as human beings. When you’re a

Hoops Institute member, you’ll receive all the tools you need

to make this happen out of the gate with your New Optimized

website, your blog, the premium done-for-you content, email

templates, and marketing automation to attract, convert, and

close. Aided by us, you’ll create personalized and eagerly antici-

pated digital brand experiences for your clients.


If you’ve made it this far, you understand the importance of building an Online marketing engine to setup your business up for longterm success. Schedule your consultation to discuss your online

goals and get your Game Plan demo to Level Up your Basketball Business.

Free Consultation

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