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The Australian Academy of Hypnosis

Final Examination Paper

Name: ……………………………………….. Date: ………………..

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Post to – The Australian Academy of Hypnosis – PO Box 847, Port Melbourne, Vic 3207

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The answers to all of the following questions can be found in your training manuals and/or

your workbook (The Essentials of Hypnosis)

A minimum of one hundred and forty correct answers is required to pass this examination

Use this examination paper and write legible answers in the spaces provided below each

question, you may also use other reference material excepting NLP books which will often

contain different and non-congruent information. If you choose to use other information you

must reference the answer; circle Yes/No – A, B, etc.

1. Who coined the term “Neuro Hypnotism”?

2. NLP is;

A. Classical hypnosis?

B. A hybrid of classical hypnosis?

3. If a subject appears highly resistant to hypnosis, you should;

A. Give up?

B. Adapt, Improvise, Overcome?

4. Why did Freud abandon hypnosis?

5. What is The Stanford Hypnotic Scale?

6. Name the now deceased American Psychiatrist considered by many to be the father

of modern hypnotherapy?

7. Who is the recently deceased American showman often considered the Dean of

MODERN stage hypnosis?

8. What is Glove Anaesthesia?

9. What is the hypnotic term for a subject capable of achieving deep trance?

10. What two brain frequencies are most predominant during the hypnotic state?

11. In what year did Franz Anton Mesmer leave France and move to Switzerland and

then Meersburg in Germany?

12. What is a positive suggestion?

13. What is a negative suggestion?

14. What is a content suggestion?

15. What is a process suggestion?

16. What is a post hypnotic suggestion?

17. Briefly explain the difference between hypnosis and meditation?

18. What is an ideo-motor signal?

19. Name three different types of hypnotic inductions?

20. What does rapid eye movement indicate in a hypnotised subject?

21. How long does it take to induce hypnosis?

22. Explain the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

23. Does the NLP theory of eye movements and other postulated representational

system responses have any proven scientific validation?

Yes / No

24. In relation to Human Sensing Systems, what is a receptor?

25. What is the scientific term for brain cells?

26. Who said “I never liked to get into debates with the sceptics, because if you didn’t

believe that remote viewing was real you hadn’t done your homework?

27. What are two essential traits of an effective hypnotist?

28. What should you do if a hypnotised subject won’t come out of trance?

29. What should you do if a hypnotised subject begins to display discomfort during


30. What should you say to the subconscious mind to ensure that the conscious mind

will accept and comply with a suggestion given during trance?

31. What is the minimum number of times a suggestion should be offered to a subject in

hypnosis so that the suggestion becomes embedded into the subconscious mind?

32. The practice of hypnosis is?

A. Difficult and technical?

B. Everything and nothing?

C. Very misunderstood?

D. All of the above?

33. Name the Scottish surgeon who performed at least seventeen documented limb


34. Between what Hertz (or cycles per second) is the Theta frequency?

35. Is hypnosis mind control? Yes / No / Can be?

36. Can hypnosis be used for mind control? Yes / No / Sometimes

37. Is hypnosis a panacea (cure all)? Yes / No

38. Does a hypnotist have power over their subject? Yes / No / Sometimes

39. A hypnotist

A Makes people go into trance?

B Leads people into trance?

C Both?

40. Should a psychotic person be hypnotised by a Lay hypnotist? Yes / No

41. Can a person be hypnotised against their will? Yes / No / Sometimes

42. What is Psychosis?

43. What is meant by the term “Post Hypnotic”?

44. When might hypnosis be dangerous or unhelpful?

45. What is the term for a hypnotised subjects arm floating up into the air in compliance

to the hypnotist’s suggestion that it do so?

46. What is Hypermnesia?

47. Who was “Valentine Greatrakes”?

48. The in-trance, phrase “That’s Right” was coined by Dr Milton, Who?

49. What is the difference between Mesmerism/Magnetism and Hypnosis?

50. Is Mesmerism Hypnosis or Animal Magnetism?

51. Which hemisphere of the brain in most active during the hypnotic state?

52. Why are finger signal responses (ideo-motor signals) used during trance?

53. What is a handshake induction?

54. What is the maximum amount of thoughts that the conscious mind can hold and

process at any one given time?

55. What is meant by conscious - subconscious transference?

56. How many subtle directions should you suggest to a subject (to create a “Yes Set”)

before you perform a trance induction?

57. What does “re-framing” mean in the hypnotic context?

58. Hypnosis is?

A. An art?

B. A science?

C . Both?

59. Is hypnosis?

A . A “stand alone” therapy?

B . A facilitation to assist the effectiveness of other therapies?

C . Can be both?

60. What should you do if a hypnotised subject, for no apparent reason, spontaneously

opens their eyes?

61. Describe what or how cultural and/or religious issues may affect the practice of


62. Can children be hypnotised? Yes / No

63. What is the minimum age of consent for hypnosis in Australia?

64. Should you touch a client whilst they are in the hypnotic state and if Yes, when?

65. Name three things, feats, acts, or changes that hypnosis CAN NOT achieve?

66. Briefly describe a hypnotic deepening technique?

67. How many times should a suggestion be given to a subject whilst in the hypnotic

state to ensure that the suggestion is correctly anchored?

A. Once?

B. Twice?

C. Three?

D. At Least Four?

68. What (if any) is the minimum number of sessions a subject will require to achieve

their desired result?

69. What should the hypnotist be thinking about and concentrating on during a hypnosis


70. Is it necessary to keep accurate and relevant notes and documentation about a

client’s treatment progress?

71. What should you do if a potential client informs you that they are under psychiatric

care for ANY ISSUE?

72. What should you do if at any time before, during, or after treatment a client suggests

that they are feeling suicidal?

73. Name four psychiatric disorders for which hypnosis could be unhelpful?

74. What is a Neuro transmitter?

75. Who after initially rejecting hypnosis as dangerous made the statement “The only

danger about hypnosis is that it is not dangerous enough?”

76. Martin who? is Australia’s most recognised international stage hypnotist?

77. Can a rapid induction be used to begin a hypnotherapy session?

78. Can the presence of hypnosis be recorded by (FMRI) functional Magnetic

Resonance Imaging?

79. Who re-named Mesmerism/Magnetism, Hypnotism?

80. Name the village where Dr Mesmer spent his last days before his death?

81. Does thought move through the THIRD or the FOURTH dimension?

82. What is a Conversion Reaction?

83. What gland does the Third Eye Chakra supposedly relate to and activate?

84. Hypnosis appears to be activated within what major gland in the brain?

85. Explain what is meant by a “Post Hypnotic Trigger Mechanism”, suggested by the

hypnotist, for a client to use at any later time?

86. Is it absolutely necessary to use finger signals when you have a subject in hypnosis?


87. Is there any SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to prove the validity of having lived a past life?


88. Name three “Hybrids” of hypnosis?

89. Around what age do children become susceptible to hypnosis?

90. Although they are two different aspects of a similar practice, can hypnosis and

animal magnetism be combined by the hypnotist during a trance induction?

A) Yes?

B) No?

C) Sometimes?

91. Explain why you believe that you will be an effective hypnotist?

92. Who was Emile Coue?

93. Quote the affirmation still used to this day which Emile Coue became famous for?

94. What is a pre-supposition?

95. What finger of the left and/or right hand is considered the most powerful and effective

for projecting energy?

96. Name the German Doctor who theorises the controversial “Shock Conflict”

mechanism of Cancer?

97. What is the approximate weight of the adult human brain?

98. Do the left and right hemispheres of the human brain operate:

A) Together?

B) Independently?

C) Inter-dependently?

99. What is meant by: “The hypnotic trinity”?

100. Loud noise during trance, or trance induction, is more of an issue for

A) The Hypnotist?

B) The Subject?

C) Both of them?

101. What nationality was Dr. James Esdaile?

102. Who was Justinus Kerner?

103. Isaac ....................? was a scientist who is paid positive credence in Franz Anton

Mesmer’s thesis?

104. Is there any reliable and documented evidence that Mesmerism was effective for

curing various illnesses and performing surgery? Yes/No

105. Who discovered and named Somnambulism?

106. Who was Karl Wolfart?

107. What was “The Society of Harmonies?

108. Explain the difference between Mesmerism and Somnambulism?

109. What is a Baquet?

110. Who was the French doctor who offered Mesmer support and also used

Mesmerism in his practice?

111. How many sessions of Mesmerism does it take to perform a healing?

1. One Session

2. Two Sessions

3. Three Sessions

4. However many it takes

112. Did Mesmer leave France or was he banished?

114. What was the name of the blind Pianist whose sight was restored by Mesmer?

115. The French and British medical academies were strongly opposed to Mesmerism;

what was the position of the German Academy of Sciences?

116. Explain Neuro Linguist Programming (NLP)?

117. Explain the difference between the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind?

118. Why was medicine so strongly opposed to Mesmerism?

119. Is Somnambulism Conventional Hypnosis? Yes/No

120. Who was JJ Gassner?

121. Does a hypnotist/hypnotherapist have to be licensed or have any specific training to

practice in any of the States or Territories listed below.

Western Australia: Yes / No

New South Wales: Yes / No

Australian Capital Territory: Yes / No

The Northern Territory: Yes / No

Victoria: Yes / No

Queensland: Yes / No

South Australia: Yes / No

122. Is it necessary for a hypnotherapist to be a licensed psychologist to practice in any

of the States and Territories of Australia? Yes/No

123. Who regulates the practice of hypnosis in Australia?

124. Is it a legal requirement for a professional hypnotist or hypnotherapist to belong to a

hypnosis association? Yes/No

125. Is it a legal requirement for a hypnotherapist to be licensed to work with children in

any State of Territory of Australia? Yes/No

126. Who was Dr. George Estabrooks?

127. Did Dr. Milton Erickson ever practice Traditional Hypnosis? Yes/No

128. How many “Propositions” did Mesmer accredit to his theory of Animal Magnetism?

129. Who was Sir William Crookes?

130. What did The Royal Society commission Sir William Crookes to undertake?

131. Finish this statement below, from training manual one, regarding what Hippocrates

said to Tacitus

Hippocrates, the ‘father’ of medicine, is reported by Tacitus to have said: ‘It hath oft

appeared, while I have been soothing my patient, as if there were some strange property in

my hands to pull and draw away from the afflicted parts aches and diverse impurities, by

laying my hand upon the place, and by extending my fingers towards it.’

132. Baron “who” introduced Dr. John Elliotson to Mesmerism in 1837?

133. Who Said?

“I believe in the existence within myself of a power.

From this belief derives my will to exert it.

The entire doctrine of Animal Magnetism is contained in the two words:

Believe and Want!

I believe that I have the power to set into action the vital principle of my fellow-men;

I want to make use of it; this is all my science and all my means.

Believe and want Sirs and you will do as much as I.”

134. Who was Hippolyte Bernheim?

135. Briefly describe “Critical Mass”?

136. Name or describe ten different types of sensing receptors that have been discovered

by conventional science?











137. What were the activities of The Scole Group in the UK?

138. When counting a subject deeper into trance should you count up or down?

139. When counting a subject out of trance should you count up or down?

140. What year did the British and American medical associations approve the use of

hypnosis (not Mesmerism) as a valid treatment for certain medical conditions?

141. List five ethical and moral considerations for a hypnotherapist?






142. Can hypnosis be induced while a subject is standing on their feet? Yes/No

143. At which University was Franz Anton Mesmer awarded his Doctorate in Medicine?

144. What is “Trance Logic”?

145. After being hypnotised does a subject thereafter become more and more susceptible

to the hypnotist? Yes/No

146. Who founded the Nancy School?

147. Upon his return to Scotland from Calcutta in India James Esdaile observed that it

took; more time, or less time to induce the Mesmeric condition in a fellow countryman than

what it did to mesmerise natives of India? More/Less

148. What is Symptom Substitution?

149. How deep is the “Hypnodial State” of hypnosis?

Light / Medium / Deep

150. Is there such a thing as the “Hypnotic Nerve” and if yes, where is it located on the


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