the allies turn the tide. the attack on pearl harbor brought america into wwii america joined the...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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CHAPTER 11The Allies Turn the TideReviewThe attack on Pearl Harbor brought America into WWIIAmerica joined the side of the AlliesBritain, France, Soviet UnionAllies began to stop the advances of the Axis powersBattle of Britain Battle of Coral SeaSo.How did the Allies turn the tide against the Axis powers?People and VocabularyPeople and Vocab.DefinitionsDwight D. EisenhowerGeorge S. Patton Jr.Erwin RommelChester NimitzTuskegee AirmenUnconditional surrenderSaturation bombingStrategic bombing

Commanded the Allied invasion of North AfricaTank Commander known as blood and Guts who led forces under Eisenhower to fight German forces in North AfricaGerman general who commanded the Afrika Korps aka German forces in North AfricaCommander of U.S. Navy in the Pacific

African-American fighter squadron who played a key role in the campaign by escorting bombersGiving up completely without any concessionsDropping massive amounts of bombs to cause maximum damageBombing key political and industrial centersAxis and Allies Plan StrategyAxis PlanSelfishGermanyHitlerWanted to dominate Europe and eliminate inferior peopleItalyMussoliniThe Italian empire to stretch from the eastern Adriatic to East AfricaJapanTojoControl the Western Pacific and Asia

Axis and Allies Plan StrategyAllies PlanUnifiedEurope First strategyGermany enemy #1Had resources to:Bomb BritainFight U.S. and British navies on the AtlanticInvade the Soviet UnionItaly and Japan no long term threatUltimate GoalFight and win a two-front war

Turning the Tide in EuropeAllies Battle U-Boats in the AtlanticThe only thing that ever really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril,-Winston ChurchillWolf PacksGerman U-Boats patrolled the Atlantic and Caribbean Sunk over 3,500 merchant ships and killed tens of thousands of Allied seamen Allies answer in mid-1943convoys of escort carriersRadarLong-range aerial bombersUnderwater depth chargesTurning the Tide in EuropeSoviets Turn Back Nazis at StalingradBattle of StalingradFrom 1942 to January 31,1943What happenedGerman troops had trouble advancingSoviet troops counterattacked and trapped the German forcesGerman troops finally surrender because they were starving, sick and suffered from frostbiteWhy was Stalingrad so importantIt ended any realistic plans Hitler had of dominating Europe

Turning the Tide in EuropeAllies Drive Germans Out of North AfricaAllies goals in North Africa 1942Second front in FranceLess planning and less supplies needed to invade North Africa than invade via the English ChannelForcing Germany out of North Africa would set-up and invasion of ItalyGeneral Dwight Eisenhower vs. Erwin RommelEisenhowerCommanded the Allied invasion of North AfricaErwin RommelGerman general who commanded the Afrika Korps aka German forces in North AfricaLessons learned from Tunisia February 1943Needed aggressive officers and troops better trained for desert fighting

Turning the Tide in EuropeGeorge S. PattonGeorge PatonTank Commander who led forces under Eisenhower to fight German forces in North AfricaYou usually will know where the front is by the sound of gunfire, and thats the direction you should proceed. Now, suppose you lose a hand or an ear is shot off, or perhaps a piece of your nose, and you think you should walk back to get first aid. If I see you , it will be the last.walk youll ever takePatton advanced east while Britain advanced from the westTrapped Axis forces in May 1943Almost 240,000 troops surrendered Increasing the Pressure in GermanyRoosevelt and Churchill meetingJanuary 1943Two important decisions madeIncrease bombing of Germany and Invade ItalyAllies only accepting unconditional surrenderUnconditional surrenderGiving up completely without any concessionsIncreasing the Pressure in GermanyAllies Invade ItalyJuly 1943British and American forces invaded the island of SicilyResultsAllies had complete control of the western Mediterranean Paved the way for an invasion of ItalyEnded the rule of Benito MussoliniSeptember 1943Italy surrendered to the Allies5-weeks later declared war on Germany

Increasing the Pressure in GermanyBombers Batter GermanyFulfilled Stalin request of opening a second front in FranceStrategySaturation bombingDropping massive amounts of bombs to cause maximum damageStrategic bombingBombing key political and industrial centersTuskegee AirmenAfrican-American fighter squadron who played a key role in the campaign by escorting bombersParticipated in over 1,500 missions without losing a single bomber

Turning the Tide in the PacificUp to May 1942Japanese forces unstoppable in the Pacific TheaterControlled the Philippines, Malaya, Dutch Indies, Hong Kong, Wake Island, Guam, and BurmaEurope First Strategy is what again?Americans did start to turn some attention to the Pacific TheaterTurning the Tide in the PacificAmericans Triumph at MidwayAdmiral YamamotoCommander of Japanese forces in the PacificKnew U.S. Navy was a powerful threatGoalsDestroy American aircraft carriers in the PacificControl the island of MidwayIsland in Pacific that was vital defense of HawaiiForce American defenses back to CaliforniaEstablish a military presence in the Aleutians

Turning the Tide in the PacificAmericans Triumph at Midway cont.Admiral Chester NimitzCommander of U.S. Navy in the Pacific Knew of Japanese plans to attack Midway through code talkersJapan had all there forces spread across the PacificU.S. concentrated forces near MidwayBattle of MidwayTurning point of the war in the Pacific

Increasing the Pressure in GermanyBattle of MidwayJune 4, 1942Most important naval battle of World War IIJapan lost 4 aircraft carriers and 250 planesU.S. lost 1 aircraft carrierWhy was this Battle important?Japan would never threaten Hawaii or Pacific dominationJapan was now on the defensive

Increasing the Pressure in GermanyAmericans Take the OffensiveAugust 1942Guadalcanal in the Solomon IslandsU.S. marines drove Japanese off island after 3 months of intense fightingU.S. Strategy in the PacificHave 2 fronts Southwest Pacific frontCentral Pacific frontCapture bases to bomb the Japanese home islandsNow in classAnswer the questions as well as fill out the chart attached with this packet

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