the age of jackson. regional economies create differences industry took off in new england, whose...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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The Age of Jackson

The Age of Jackson

• Regional Economies create differences

• Industry took off in New England, whose economy depended on shipping and foreign trade.

• Eli Whitney’s invention the cotton gin made it possible for Southern farmers to produce cotton more profitably.

The Cotton Gin

Balancing Nationalism and Sectionalism

• Clay’s American System-establishing a protective tariff, fix the national bank, and develop transportation systems.

• Missouri Compromise-Maine was admitted as a free state and Missouri as a slave state.

The Election of 1824

The Election of Andrew Jackson

• The Election of 1824-Jackson lost the election to John Quincy Adams.

• Jacksonians accused Adams and Clay of stealing the presidency by making a corrupt bargain.

• Jackson wins presidency 1828

The Election of 1828

Jacksonian Democracy

• Jackson’s ideal Political power for all classes. He sought to give common people a chance to participate in government.

• The spoils system-New administrations hire their own supporters to replace supporters of the previous administration.

Jackson Administration

The Indian Removal Act

• The federal government provided funds to negotiate treaties that would force the Native Americans to move west.

• Worcester v. Georgia• "John Marshall has made his

decision; now let him enforce it!"

The Indian Removal Act

• Trail of Tears-forced marches the Cherokee followed from Georgia to the Indian Territory.

Nullification and the Bank War

• In 1824 and again in 1828 Congress increased the Tariff of 1816.

• The Nullification Crisis-Calhoun developed a theory of nullification to try to free South Carolinians from the tariff

• If a state found an act to be unconstitutional, the state could declare the offending law inoperative within its borders.

Jackson’s Bank War

• Jackson tried to kill the Second Bank of the U.S. by withdrawing all government deposits from the bank’s branches and placing them in certain state banks.

The Panic of 1837

• Pet banks printed money in excess of gold and silver they had on deposit.

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