the 5-day kickstarter - if:gathering · this 5-day kickstarter will equip you to believe that you...

Post on 05-Jul-2020






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B R O U G H T T O Y O U B Y :

T H E I F : G A T H E R I N G

t h e 5 - d a y k i c k s t a r t e r

t o d i s c i p l e s h i p

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

the 5-day kickstarter to discipleship

We read about following God and making disciples in Scripture, and we nod along, agreeing that it’s

God’s primary means of changing the world. But what about our involvement? We say there’s no time.

We don’t know enough. It feels awkward. We don’t know where to start. So here’s where we’re going to

remind you of the truth: you were created for this. You were created to give God away, contribute to the

kingdom, obey in faith, invite others in, and connect with them. It’s time for discipleship to become an

integral part of our lives.

This 5-Day Kickstarter will equip you to believe that you were created to make disciples and challenge you

to take steps towards living out your calling.

day 1: created to give god away

Main idea: If you have the word of God and the Spirit, you have what you need for making disciples.

day 2: created to contribute

Main idea: God made us unique. He gave us each our own strengths, and we are all a necessary part of

making disciples.

day 3: created to obey in faith

Main idea: Courage does not precede obedience. Obedience precedes courage. To step out in faith, trusting

Jesus to provide, is how we live our lives as disciples and disciple makers.

day 4: created to invite others in

Main point: Jesus did the basic routine of life with people so that there would be opportunities to minister

to them. He prioritized people over His schedule and time. If you do not invite people into your day-to-day

life, there will be no disciples to make.

day 5: created to connect

Main point: True connection with people is scary, because it requires intimacy and vulnerability.

Our model in this is Jesus, who took on the vulnerable and intimate form of a human. We pursue real

relationships with others because Jesus did that for us.

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

Welcome to the 5-Day Kickstarter to Discipleship! For 5 days, we’re going to provide you with a simple

reminder that you were made for discipleship. We’re going look at the lives of some of the disciples in

Scripture to be encouraged that they weren’t any more special or holy or gifted than you are. They just

followed God and gave Him away--the same thing He’s asked of all of us.


We read about following God and making disciples in

Scripture, and we nod along, agreeing that it’s God’s

primary means of changing the world. But what about

our involvement? We say there’s no time. We don’t

know enough. It feels awkward. We don’t know where

to start. So here’s where we’re going to remind you of

the truth: you were created for this. You were created

to give God away, contribute to the kingdom, obey in

faith, invite others in, and connect with them. It’s time

for discipleship to become an integral part of our lives.

Put simply, discipleship is when somebody who loves

and follows Jesus helps someone else do the same. There’s no magic formula. There’s no perfect process.

It’s just the messy work of relentless gospel love. Yes, it will be hard. Yes, it will be long. But it will be worth

it, because we will all get more of Jesus. God has left us here on earth so that we could do this (John 17:20),

so let’s cling to His promise to be with us while we do (Matthew 28:20). Discipleship is God’s primary

means to change the world. It’s time to live as if we believe that is true.

day one : : who disqualified you?

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

day one :: created to give god away

What have you learned about God recently? What have you watched Him do? Have you read something in

His Word that needs to be shared?

We need to start thinking differently about what it looks like to give God away. It doesn’t have to be polished.

It doesn’t have to be pretty. It just has to be real. And it has to actually be happening. The world around us

is dying. They are desperate for the love of God. Are we choosing comfort over the cross? Are we choosing

convenience over His cause? Are we ready to change the world through making disciples, or do we still need


The disciple Thomas needed convincing. He had been following Jesus for three years, but he didn’t believe

the other disciples when they said Jesus had risen from the dead. Did Jesus really have that much power?

Because if so, that would mean something. If so, that would cost Thomas a lot. When he finally looked at

Jesus’ scars, Thomas knew it. He fell at Jesus’ feet declaring, “My Lord, and my God!” (John 20:28) Thomas

would spend the rest of his life giving God away. We know that in 72 A.D., Thomas was martyred for the


God never intended for us to get Him and keep Him. Jesus’ plan was never to stay on earth and live with the

12 disciples for 50 years. His plan was always to train them, die for them, rise again, give them His Spirit,

and unleash them into world. The same is true for us. Jesus gave us His Word and His Spirit then said, “Go,

make disciples” (Acts 1:8). Plain and simple.

And guess what? We already hold exactly what we need in our hands. The Bible is the living, active Word

of God. Our job is simply to open the Bible and let God speak (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Paul said he came not with

words of wisdom, but by the power of God (1 Cor. 2:4-5). If you are a Christian, then you have something to

give away. This is what you were created for.

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

day one challenge: U N D E R S TA N D I N G G O D ’ S W O R D & S H A R I N G I T

Remember that you have everything you need. Today, read the passage below, write it down in your own

words, and share what God taught you with someone else. Let’s get started:

read luke 10:25-37 ( The parable of the Good Samaritan).

• Summarize it in your own words in your journal.

• Text a friend who God brings to mind to encourage them with what you learned.

• Text another friend who you have seen go out of her way to show up for you or others.


F O R D I S C I P L E S H I P.

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see deepening wrinkles and growing imperfections?

Do you see your past failures and present shortcomings? Or do you see a woman empowered by the Holy

Spirit (Rom. 8:11, Gal. 2:20), who possesses the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16, John 15:15), and is able to do

all He has asked of you (Eph. 3:20, Phil. 2:13)? Do you see someone who was created to contribute to the

kingdom? Someone who must contribute? Someone who possesses strengths the kingdom needs in order

to flourish? Even if you don’t see this, God does.

After Jesus forgave Peter for denying Him three

times, Peter asked Jesus what would happen to the

disciple John. Jesus said, “Don’t worry about him.

You follow me!” (John 21:21-22) So let’s stop worrying

so much about what other disciples are doing. Let’s

stop comparing. Let’s stop thinking because we aren’t

gifted in a particular way, or because we made this

or that mistake in our past, that there is nothing for

us to do in the kingdom. God wants to redeem your

entire story and your entire identity for His purpose.

He made sure every single moment of your past can be

used to testify to His faithfulness and goodness today.

He also made sure that you would be gifted in a way

nobody else is (2 Cor. 12:12-31), and that you would need other people’s strengths just as much as they need

yours. So nobody - not even yourself - can tell you that you’re not needed, not qualified, or not worthy to

make disciples (Col. 1:12-14).

Satan loves when we feel insufficient, or when we disqualify ourselves from contributing. Jesus, on the other

hand, made us sufficient by His blood (1 Peter 3:18a) and qualifies us by His sacrifice (2 Cor. 5:21). Our

confidence is not in ourselves, but in Him (Phil. 3:3-8). There is no more condemnation for those who are

day two : : created to contribute

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1). There are only stories of grace. Only narratives of mercy. Only words of hope.

Only gifts to contribute.

day two challenge: Y O U W E R E M A D E F O R T H I S

Your gifts, your strengths, and your personality are all part of God’s creation and are needed in the kingdom.

Let’s figure out what you’re trying to hide that we all need to see:

Call 2-3 of your closest friends of family and ask them to tell you what your strengths are. It’s going to feel

a little odd to ask and then sit and listen, but don’t fight it! It’s not your time to respond, it’s your time to

listen to what people who care about you see in you. Write down their responses.

Write down all the ways you feel disqualified. Next to your list, write down what God says about you.

In what way could God be using your _____ to help someone else?

YO U W E R E M A D E F O R T H I S .

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

day three : : created to obey in faith

When Jesus said to Peter in Luke chapter 5, “Put down your nets,” Peter had reason to doubt that would

work. After all, they had been fishing all night and caught nothing. But instead of laughing Jesus off or

ignoring him, Peter said, “Because you say so, Jesus, I will do it.”

A lot of times, “because Jesus said so” isn’t enough for

us. We know what God has commanded, but we let our

doubts and fears stand in the way of those commands.

We are afraid of what someone else will say or think,

or we are paralyzed by our own inadequacies. And we

probably have legitimate reasons for our fears. Maybe

we have been burned in the past. Maybe we have tried

one too many times with no success. Maybe we just

don’t know where to start.

But now is the time to ask ourselves, If not me, then

who? Who are you expecting to take the gospel into

your places? Who are you hoping will do the work of

the kingdom right where God has you? Let’s stop looking to our right and our left. Let’s stop sticking our

head in the sand. Instead, let’s behold Jesus, and let’s do something about the need around us. In faith, let’s

take ownership of discipleship where we can. Let’s do what Jesus asked us to do.

But what exactly did Jesus say to do? What is our job? Well, it’s certainly not to save people (Eph. 2:4-5). It’s

not even to change people (2 Cor. 3:18). Our job is to simply to offer Jesus. Yes, this is still a big job. Yes, it

might be intimidating or nerve wracking, but it is certainly not impossible. After all, nothing is impossible

with God (Matthew 19:26).

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

So this is the year we declare, “Because you said so, Jesus, we will do it.” This is the year we step out in faith

for the sake for the gospel. We do this because we believe Jesus is real, that He actually saves souls. We do

this because this is why God left us here: to change the world through discipleship.

day three challenge: I F N O T, I S G O D S T I L L G O O D ?

Exhaustion. Burn out. Fear. They all get in the way of following God. Instead of worrying, let’s figure out

what is still true of God if our circumstances don’t play out the way we want them to:

journal the answers to these questions and

anything else that comes to mind:

• What is your greatest fear about discipleship?

• How would you feel if a woman you want to disciple says no?

• What would you think if the women you are discipling seem to not be growing in Christ?

• If these things happened, will you be okay? Why?

• What is true of God if the person you disciple doesn’t respond the way you want them to?





the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

day four : : created to invite others in

Think about a person who knows you best. Is it a coworker? Your coffee barista? Your childhood best

friend? Your spouse? Why does this person know you so well? Because you’ve spent lots of time in close

proximity to them over the years. They’ve seen you at your worst, and they’ve seen you at your best. It’s safe

to say there is no use faking it with this person, since they could see right through that anyway.

When Jesus called His disciples to come after Him,

He didn’t keep them at arm’s length, inviting them

to the synagogue once in a while, or stopping by their

house every so often. Jesus asked them to come do

life with Him. Jesus knew if the disciples were ever

going to learn from Him, change because of Him, and

endure for His name’s sake, they needed to have close

proximity to Him.

Jesus was all about proximity. He knew that

proximity fosters relationships, and relationships

bring opportunities for ministry, and ministry builds

faith, and faith changes the world. Leaving everyone

at arms’ length offers little opportunity for ministry. Bringing people in to equip them and unleash them is

how, little by little, God’s kingdom expands.

The problem is that it’s hard to invite people in. You might think you’re not gregarious enough, not informed

enough, or even not pretty enough for others to want to spend time with you. But Jesus was not particularly

handsome, formally educated, or entertaining. Jesus simply knew who He was and that He had a job to do.

The same is true for us. We are God’s daughters and disciples of Jesus. Our job is not to save people, but

simply to offer Jesus. It’s not all about you and what you can bring to the table. It’s about Jesus and what

He brings: new life and hope for all who believe.

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

So invite people into your life because of Jesus. Invite people in so they will behold His glory and experience

His love through your messy, unpolished, chaotic existence that is constantly in need of His grace. Invite

people in so that through close relationship, you might minister; and through ministry, faith might increase;

and through faith, obedience might abound. Then God’s kingdom will come, and the world will change.

day four challenge: C O M E A N D S E E

Time is the biggest barrier to our ability to invite other people into our lives. But what if we’ve made it

harder than it needs to be? Invite someone to come and see Jesus by evaluating how you spend your time:

Pull out your planner or calendar. Is there a part of your day you could cut out and use for intentional time

for discipleship instead? Be honest with yourself-- if you spend 30 minutes catching up on social media

(which isn’t on your calendar!), could you use that time to meet someone for coffee instead?

We all have full schedules. List the pieces of your life that you can invite people into. Ex: grocery shopping

with you, riding along for carpool pick-up, exercising with you, grabbing lunch.

Invite someone this week to coffee or to ride along with you to pick up your kids and spend time talking

about what God’s doing in their lives.

G O D ’ S T O O G O O D N O T T O TA L K A B O U T.

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

day five : : never alone

Can discipleship be done on the Internet? At IF:Gathering, we believe the answer is no. This may sound

funny coming from us, since we are primarily an online community. Don’t mishear us. There are a lot of

things that can be done on the Internet, but discipleship - at least in its fullest form - is not one of them. Why?

Because discipleship requires an in-the-flesh, face-to-face, hands-grasped-together kind of connection.

At its core, discipleship is all about connection because

it flows into the One who left heaven to connect with

us. It shows us that God did not attempt to disciple

us from afar, but chose to move toward, to draw near,

and to become like us. It’s simple, really. God took the

first step in connecting to us, so we make the next step

in connecting to others.

Sadly, isolation, disconnection, and loneliness are

running rampant in our culture. As disciples of Jesus,

we can combat these destructive forces by moving

toward others and seeking them out. The time for

disengaging out of insecurity is over. The time for

avoiding intimacy and vulnerability has passed. Any barriers we might face, from outright rejection to

passive disinterest, are not reason enough for us to avoid trying. Let’s remember we were made for this.

Let’s remember this is why God has kept us here. Let’s remember that because of our secure connection to

God in Christ, we can be brave and connect with others.

the discipleship collective • the five-day kickstarter

day five challenge: N E V E R A L O N E

Connecting with other people begins with bravery and vulnerability to share who you are and allow other

people to do the same. Christ pursued us, so we must pursue others!

72% of Americans say they experience loneliness. 33% of those say they feel lonely at least once a week

( This doesn’t need to be the case!

This week, ask a friend or new acquaintance this question that goes deeper than surface level: What is one

regret you don’t want to have at the end of your life?

As we wrap up these 5 days, we have more challenge for you! This week you have the opportunity to commit

to intentionally spending a year discipling two women in your life. And you don’t have to do it alone.

You’re invited to join the Discipleship Collective -- A global community of women who are reclaiming the

priority of discipleship as God’s means to change the world. By joining the Collective, you will:

Get empowered to overcome the fears and insecurities that hold you back from believing you are qualified

to disciple.

Discover that discipleship is possible no matter your season of life.

Receive monthly equipping tools that will help you to better understand the Bible and Jesus’ model for


Share in wisdom from women who are very experienced in discipleship about the relational aspects of life-

on-life investment.

Every month, you’ll be provided 4 resources for your own personal growth, as well as activities and challenges

to do with the women you choose to disciple. You’ll also be invited into an online community of women that

is active and engaged in following Jesus to encourage you, pray for you, and walk alongside you. You won’t

have to go about this alone or wonder where to even start. We’ve got that part covered for you.

Registration for the Discipleship Collective is open now!

Learn more about the Discipleship Collective at

D I S C I P L E S H I P C O L L E C T I V E . C O M

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