the 4 th amendment to the constitution protects this right of american citizens:

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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The 4th Amendment to the Constitution protects this right of American citizens:

Protection from “unreasonable” search and seizure. A “search warrant” signed by a judge is required.

I was an author of the Federalist Papers and the first U.S. Supreme Court Chief


Whose profile is this?

John Jay

In what year did Reconstruction end in America?


Name one of the protections of “due process of law” given by the 5th Amendment:

Formal accusation required for serious federal crimes (indictment)

No double jeopardyCannot be forced to testify against yourself

(self-incrimination)If the government takes property for public use

(eminent domain), the owner must fairly compensated

What is the goal of an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur seeks to start a business in order to make a profit.

This was a term used by critics of businessmen that were highly successful during the Gilded Age and became very

rich, but did so using ruthless tactics and destroyed their competition…

“robber barons”

What do Jonathan Trumbull, John Peter Muhlenberg, Benjamin Rush, Charles Carroll, and John Witherspoon have in


They are all considered Founding Fathers of America.

What does the American motto “E Pluribus Unum” mean?

“Out of many, one”

Name the new technique that allowed steel production to explode in the United

States during the Gilded Age.

Bessemer process

This organization’s goal was to prevent the changes in southern society intended by Radical Reconstuction through the use of

force and intimidation:

Ku Klux Klan

These were a series of essays written in favor of ratification of the United States


The Federalist Papers

What act of federal legislation ended the “spoils system” (practice of awarding

jobs that led to government corruption)?

Pendleton Act (1883)

(created a civil service exam system to select people for jobs based on merit and

NOT on “who you know”)

Which group of Americans opposed ratification of the Constitution unless it was immediately amended to protect

individual liberties?

Anti-federalists,The amendments became the Bill of


Name the process that is being advertised with this poster.

Americanization OR assimilation

Name the act of Congress that was intended to eliminate tribal Native

American culture and replace it with farming and other forms of


The Dawes Act (1887)

Explain how the use of agricultural technology contributed to urbanization in

the Gilded Age.

Technology increased the efficiency of production so fewer people were needed on

farms; many moved to cities

What was the purpose of the “free” or “unlimited” coinage of silver

(bimetallism) that the Populists wanted?

It would increase the money supply and create inflation - this would raise crop

prices (benefits farmers) and make loan repayment less painful

I was a leader in the social reform movement of the Progressive era and organized an anti-lynching crusade. Who am I?

Ida B. Wells

Name one of the two main triggering events that pushed America into war with Spain in 1898.

The De Lome LetterExplosion of the U.S.S. Maine

I was a leader of the women’s rights movement who created an organization that demanded women’s suffrage. Who am I?

Susan B. Anthony

Which Progressive Era president promised a “Square Deal” for Americans?

Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)

Protect public health- Meat Inspection Act Pure Food & Drug Act

Regulate Transportation & Communication- help ensure fair business practices

Conserve natural resources- set aside millions of acres for the public’s use and benefit

What act of federal legislation ended the “spoils system” (practice of awarding

jobs that led to government corruption)?

Pendleton Act (1883)

(created a civil service exam system to select people for jobs based on merit and

NOT on “who you know”)

We were people who lived in ethnic enclaves, spoke little English and had

little education. We came from Southern and Eastern Europe.

“New Immigrants”

What act of federal legislation passed during Woodrow Wilson’s administration

increased the government’s power to prevent unfair business practices?

Clayton Antitrust Act

This disastrous and deadly event influenced Congress to pass legislation in

favor of unions that made working conditions better and safer.

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City (1911)

What is the primary (number one) role of the Federal Reserve Banks that were created by the Federal Reserve Act


They regulate (control) the amount of money in circulation.

***Federal Reserve sets interest rates and requires banks to leave a percentage of

deposits on reserve.

This term described newspapers deliberately sensationalizing the news in

order to sell more papers.

“yellow journalism”

I was a high-ranking member of the U.S. navy who supported imperial expansion

because I thought it was critical to America keeping a position of power in

the world. Whose profile?

Alfred Thayer Mahan

I was the ruler in Hawaii until I was overthrown by American businessmen

(landowners) in 1893. Whose profile?

Queen Liliuokalani

Name the act of U.S. foreign policy that was meant to guarantee that America has

access to trade in China.

“Open Door” Policy

This American foreign policy that was new in 1904 added to the Monroe

Doctrine the statement that the U.S. would act as “police force” in the

Western hemisphere, collecting debts for European countries.

“Roosevelt Corollary”Big Stick Policy

Part of American foreign policy in the early 1900s was to invest money in Latin America and the Caribbean region. This sometimes resulted in foreign railroads,

businesses and national banks being taken over by U.S. banks. This was


“Dollar Diplomacy”

Which American president created the National Park Service?

Woodrow Wilson

I was a muckraker who wrote The Jungle, which exposed disgusting practices of the meat-packing industry and prompted the president to clean up the food and drug

industries in America.Whose profile?

Upton Sinclair

This unsuccessful political party wanted “free silver” (unlimited coinage of silver) to increase the money supply and create


The Populists

I ran for president as a Populist against Republican William McKinley twice and

got crushed both times BUT I did give an awesome “Cross of Gold” speech.

Whose profile?

William Jennings Bryan

This term describes people who favored established inhabitants (white Protestants)

over immigrants


In what year did America fight Spain in a war and gain control of much of the

Spanish Empire?


I was a muckraker who wrote about the ruthless business practice used by J.D. Rockefeller in building his Standard Oil

monopoly.Whose profile?

Ida Tarbell

I was an American soldier who fought bravely at the Battle of the Argonne Forest. I helped end the stalement of

WWI at this battle and defeat the German Army. For my actions I won the

Congressional Medal of Honor, the military’s highest award for actions in


Alvin York

Describe a way the U.S. economy has changed during a time of major war.

• Manufacturing shifted to military needs• Minorities gained wider employment• Women gained wider employment

I was a U.S. Senator who was a leader in the effort to block ratification of the

Versailles Treaty and keep America OUT of the League of Nations after WWI.

Henry Cabot Lodge

Explain why the government has sometimes found it necessary to restrict

citizens’ civil liberties (rights) during wartime?

Because of the belief that revealing certain information or criticizing the war effort could

be a threat to national security.

So… most often Freedom of Speech has been reduced

What was the immediate effect of end of WWI on the U.S. economy?

Recession (economic downturn)

•Soldiers returned home and were unemployed•Factories closed to convert to peacetime

production•Farmers had been producing more to supply

Europe during the war

Explain the concept of Social Darwinism

The belief that different human races competed for survival just as different

plant and animal species did in the natural world.

It was closely tied to eugenics, the pseudo-scientific (false) belief that the

human race could improved by breeding, or by the removal of “inferior” genes

I was a leader of the Temperance Movement that helped lead to

Prohibition, although I didn’t live to see it.

Whose profile?

In the 1920s, New York city emerged as the capital of the music publishing


What was the name of the section of the city where this industry was centered?

Tin Pan Alley

Frances Willard

This trial pitted Creationism against Evolutionism to see if it was illegal to

teach Darwin’s theory in public schools.

Prosecutor William Jennings BryanVs.

Defense Attorney Clarence Darrow

The Scopes “Monkey Trial”

In the end, the teacher John Scopes was convicted but served no time and didn’t

even have to pay his $1 fine.

Which group of people in America was specifically targeted for deportation

during the Great Depression, in order to protect what little jobs were available –

especially farming jobs?

Mexican-Americans(Mexican Repatriation Act)

What did FDR do in response to the Supreme Court declaring some programs

of his New Deal unconstitutional?

He tried to change the Supreme Court by appointing a new justice for every one over

the age of 70½ (Court-Packing Scheme)

This did NOT win public or Congressional approval

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