the 26 language techniques booklet

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Language techniques


There are 26 different language techniques in this booklet, some you will know and some you will not know. So for those you do not know search them on the internet or ask your teacher.


An onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it refers to.

For example,

Plop = refers to having a poo

Bang = refers to something banging


Generalization doesn`t allow for individual difference.

This means as a whole.

Everyone has the same say and view it does not allow individual difference.


Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds

The vowels are


For example:

A apple awaited Austin. The repetition of the a sound.


Descriptive technique is describing something in detail.

For example:

The old fragile women sat alone with nothing but a scruffy black and white poodle.


Paradox is the contradiction seemingly false at first but is found to be true later on.

For example:

You cannot open the door the the quad (2:15pm)

Yes you can open the door to the quad (2:34pm)

This means someone said something earlier but said something different later on. Like your mum saying you can play out and your dad saying you cannot play out.


The instructive technique is to inform/enlighten and instruct people.

For example:

“Get out of my house now!”

This is an instruction which is instructive


Euphemism is an acceptable/mild expression for something not very nice.

For example:

Sucking a lemon is not very nice so you pull a face. But some people pull not a face to say “yuck that`s horribly” a face to say “yeah that`s nice, but really it`s horrible”


An oxymoron is when 2 words are placed next to each other to show contrast.

For example;

Crash landing

Crash = hurt, flamesLanding = soft, comfortable

The contrast between them.


Personification means giving human qualities to something that is lifeless.

For example;

The sun opened his eye with a sudden flash of light.

The sun cannot open a eye because it doesn`t have one.


Parody means conscious imitation of another word.

Search examples on the internet and write below.






Repetition is the repeat of words or phrases consistently.

For example,

The cat sat down. The man fed the cat. The cat started to eat the food. The man got some milk for the cat. Thecat was sick. The man went for a towel. The mancleaned the sick up. The man phoned the vet. The vet came. The cat was fine. The end.

The repetition of the words THE, CAT AND MAN


Formal means conventional and sensible.

For example;

Dear jean

I am writing you to today to see how you are feeling. I heard about your fall and wanted to make sure you were well.

This is formal. Not teenage text like wuu2 and coz.


Denouement is the resolution of the plot.

Search an example on the internet and write below






Discourse means the way of communication, usually associated within a group.

For example;

Ill speak first then Adam will speak then Thomas will speak and finally Beth will speak.


Emotive means to create emotion

For example;

Jenny sitting next to her father has his eyes slowly shut and he left her alone forever.

This creates a sad emotion and tension towards the reader.


Hyperbole is deliberate exaggeration for effect. Over the top

For example;

She so was up set and so ugly. That girl had a unicorn in her bag and was so lce, bbf, omg,


Jargon means technical terms specific to a particular subject.

For example;

The sun is made of 99.9 % hydrogen 00.1% helium and in the core nuclear fusion takes place creating sunlight which can take millions of years to reach us because plasma can deflect light and send it back to where it came from.

This is technical.


A metaphor is something that is said to be like something.

For example;

Tracy your hair is like a bush.


Contrast means to show difference when comparing.

For example;

The food in the canteen is fantastic with a variety of dishes both for meat eaters and vegetarians. However, not a lot of people like food from all around the world so the kitchen looses business.

There has been a difference in comparing by not just focusing on the good bit of the canteen.


Symbolism is images used to represent an idea

For example:

This represents someone has come up with an idea.


Informal means more appropriate in spoken language and not very sensible.

For example;

Hey up cus

How r u, wuu2, me nm. When u coming over coz am off to shop for some fags yeah c u ltr coca.


Similes are words and sentences that show something is similar.

For example;

Tracy your hair is similar to a bush.

That food wrapping is similar to that one.

It is not saying it is like it is saying it is similar

Rhetorical questions

Rhetorical questions are questions that do not require a response.

For example;

What would you do if this homeless boy was you?

This does not require a response.


Tone is how something sounds

For example


The capitals and exclamation mark give the tone is shouting, and angry tone/impression.


Colloquial means relating to conversation.

For example;

“Jaglin court might be getting knocked down and rebuilt” “where have you heard that” “Janet told me at the shop”

We are relating to conversation by including conversation and relating to a previous conversation.


Alliteration is the repetition of sounds.

Harry`s hungry hippopotamus

The repetition of the h sound.

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