the 1960s josh strobel sean donelan connor sobraske

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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The 1960s

Josh StrobelSean Donelan

Connor Sobraske


The government of the 1960s was chaotic in many ways, laced with conflict in civil rights and between political parties.

-John F. Kennedy was elected president as a Democrat over Republican Richard Nixon, following the first nationally televised political debate.

Government Continued

The 1960 Census showed large population growth in the United States, with 179,323,175 people nationwide.-New York and California were the first states to exceed 15 million in population.

Government Continued

• In 1961, the United States invaded Cuba, attempting to overthrow Fidel Castro.

• In 1962, conflict in Vietnam first emerged.• The Cuban Missile Crisis began in response to

Soviet missile construction in Cuba.-John F. Kennedy ordered a naval and air blockade of Cuba.

Government Continued

• In 1963, Alcatraz Prison in California closed.• The Supreme Court ruled that the Lord’s

Prayer and Bible verses were unconstitutional in public schools.

• John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Harvey Lee Oswald; Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into office later that day.

Government Continued

• In 1964, the U.S. government passed the Civil Rights Act banning discrimination in jobs, voting, and accommodations.

• The Tonkin Resolution was passed, giving the U.S. president authority to take action in Vietnam.

• In 1965, Lyndon Johnson ordered continuous bombing of Vietnam below the 20th parallel.

Government Continued

• Voting Rights Act passed, outlawing the requirement for voters to take a literacy test.

• Protests occured surrounding the Vietnam Conflict, especially by anti-war groups of students.

• In 1966, Medicare began the program for citizens over the age of 65.

Government Continued

• The first black U.S. Senator in 85 years, Edward Brooke, was elected to Congress.

• In 1967, the Outer Space Treaty was signed.• Black riots plagued U.S. cities, with over 60

killed, 3,000 injured, and 5,000 left homeless.• Thurgood Marshall was sworn into office as

the first black Supreme Court Justice.

Government Continued

• In 1968, bombings in North Vietnam were slowed by President Johnson, and peace talks between US and North Korea began.

• Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles during a campaign victory celebration.

• Richard Nixon won presidency over Hubert Humphrey.

Government Continued

• In 1969, President Nixon announced the Nixon Doctrine for Vietnam.

• Fourteen Native American Indians took over Alcatraz Island in a standoff over issues of Indian causes.


Many scientific inventions and advancements came during the 1960s.

-Tiros I is the first satellite launched by the United States, followed by Transat I-b days later.

-Lt. Colonel John Glenn becomes the first U.S. astronaut in orbit, circling the planet 3 times, equalizing the space race between U.S. and Russia.

Science Continued

• First U.S.-manned suborbital space flight is completed with Commander Alan B. Sheppard, Jr. aboard.

• Kevlar is developed by Dupont scientist Stephanie Louise Kwolek.

• The Apollo 11 spacecraft lands on the moon, with Neil Armstrong being the first man to walk on the moon.

Science Continued

• Arpanet is invented by the Advanced Research Projects Agency at the Department of Defense.

• Valium, invented by Leo Sternbach, becomes the most commonly sold pill in the world.

• Phillips Company created the first compact audiocassette.

Science Continued

• TIMATION becomes the first satellite navigating system used by U.S. Navy submarines.


Civil rights dominate much of the culture of the 1960s along with various other cultural aspects such as the “rise of the hippies.”

-Seattle Century 21 is the first world fair held in the U.S. since WWII.

-3,000 soldiers stop riots at the University of Mississippi when their first black student, James Meredith, was enrolled.

Culture Continued

• The entire U.S. figure skating team is killed in a plane trip to Belgium on the journey to the World Championships.

• With over 200,000 participants, the civil rights march on Washington D.C. culminates with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “I Have A Dream Speech” from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Culture Continued

• The “baby boom” comes to an end, resulting in 77.3 million births.

• Olympic champion Mohammed Ali wins World Heavyweight Championship.

• The New York World Fair opens in Queens, one of the largest world fairs in U.S. history, lasting two seasons and including exhibits from over 80 nations, with over 50 million people in attendance.

Culture Continued

• MLK speaks at a civil rights rally on the steps of the Alabama State Capital, ending the Selma to Montgomery march.

• Ford’s Theater, sight of President Lincoln’s assassination, is reopened to the public.

• MLK is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, by James Earl Ray.


Art of the 1960s was shaped largely by arising influences in music.

-The Beatles formed in 1960 in Liverpool by members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr.

-The band became the most successful and critically acclaimed act in the history of pop music.

Art Continued

• The Beatles released 13 original albums between 1963 and 1970.

• The Beatles’ album “Revolver” is their best album, ranking 3rd in all-time album sales.

• Psychedelic art comes to life, embellishing bright and vivid colors and designs, heavily influenced by LSD and other mind-altering drugs.

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