the 10 lost principles of learning

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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A unique view of the growth, maturation, and developement of the human individual; used as a basis for instruction of,"The Trivalent Understanding": the next stage in the evolution of humanity.


The 10 Lost Principles of Learning

By Kwaku Larry Carlisle Woods


Principle #1

• All people are composed of three separate elements: a body, a mind, and a spirit. All three must function in harmony to be fully functional person. All three are present before birth and grow/develop at different rates.

Principle #2

• The body goes through 8 states according to function. The are: Pre-birth (developmental), Infancy (birth to 10 months), Childhood (2 to 10 years), adolescence (10 to 13 years), Puberty (a period of sexual maturation that may take form 6 months to 3 years to complete-usually starting between 13 and 15 years), Adulthood (18 to 30 years), Maturity (over 30 years).

Principle #3

• The mind goes through seven levels of development each very dependant on the previous level. If a person fails to master a particular level of development, they can not go on to another and will be forever stranded at that level of interaction.

• People are in a sensate level of mind development prior to birth, only conscious of sensations and random thoughts about sensation. At birth, these are the only parts of mind available to consciousness.

Continue #3

• Humanity goes through a concrete stage from shortly after birth to about 3 years. During this time you learn language, objects, places, people, and pleasure.

• From about 4 years old to 10 years, most children are building relationships both outside of themselves with others and inside of themselves with understandings about the world they live in and the people that inhabit it.

Continue #3• This is a very precarious (sensitive) time since

the child will be taking into himself most of the thing that he or she hears sees, feels, or experiences, using these things to construct their world. Peaceful, trusting, loving experiences will create peaceful, trusting, loving children. Violent, frightening, vulgar, or abusive experiences produce aggressive, frightened, abusive, children. Expose them to combat, they learn to fight. Give them indifference and they earn to cluster together.

Continue #3

• From ages 9 or 10 to about 16 years old people start having the ability to conceive abstractions. Things like love, honesty, trust, courage, for which no concrete object exist. They have heard of these things for years but now the can start to actually realize what these abstractions symbolize. People can also start to have the ability to think about thinking during this period of development.

Continue #3

• From 12 to about 20 years old the mind is advancing to dealing primarily with concepts and paradigms. They are still performing all previous operation but this ability starts to be manifest about this time. The mind has the ability to conceive of other ways of thinking and being than the one it has experienced. People can advance or refute lines of logic or reason, individuals should be able to now think.

Continue #3

• The rest of the development of the mind appears to be degree and capacity. That is, the mind can only develop familiarity and expertise at the previous stages of development if is not trained. A minds capacity however, can be enhanced, enlarged, and extended beyond the bonds of the imagination if it is trained.

Principle #4

• All mind activity takes places in two planes, the conscious or the unconscious. The conscious planes is often called the voluntary plane because you have, so called, voluntary control of this aspect of your mind. The Ancients, however, referred to the two parts of your mind as “the aware” and “the half aware” mind. One part of your mind you were aware of (thinking, sensations, movement), the other you were only half or sometimes aware of (breathing and heart beat, motives, and reasons, drives and instincts, memories not regularly called on, sensations or experiences outside the realms of normalcy, or mechanism for the operation of your mind).

Principle #5

• There are exercises and strategies to maximize not only abilities of the mind but a more cohesive operation of the mind/body interface that most would find amazing.

• One of the simplest involves a set of practices to increase the minds ability to direct a specific function required by activation through visualization of the area of the brain where that function is stored.

• Another is to increase the percentage of reality your mind can manipulate by increasing the percentage your “half aware” mind makes available to your “aware” mind (simple consciousness expansion).

Principle #6

• The human spirit is the element that has been given the most thought and highest priority by the Ancients. It monopolizes the later half of the document that the translations were made from but is barely taught at all, at the majority of our present centers of learning.

Continue #6

• It seems that the Ancients had a saying, “the body respires (breaths), the mind inquires (asks), and the spirit inspires (provides inspiration and power).” They placed most of the spirits duty in inspiration, revelation, and recognition of universal truths. It also had the power to transform its ideals into reality. It could make impossible things, according to most scientific thought, occur.

Continue #6

• The Ancients sensed that the spirit of man is a point of contact and transducer (translator) of information from the divine. Or at least the passage by which the mind receives images and concepts that have never existed in this reality.

Principle #7

• The human spirit seems to be mature and in developed form before birth but needs information and direction to be effective. This is the responsibility of the family, community, and culture. This did not seem to be a religious issue to the Ancients but a concept involving acknowledging and fostering expression of this spiritual nature. Through the arts, in dress, music, and culture the spiritual nature of humanity was celebrated.

Continue #7

• The spirit seems to seek both purpose (what is this life’s purpose?), and path (in what way shall I pursue this purpose?). Once these are delineated and made known, spirit provides the “psychic push” to accomplish its purpose over all obstacles in the way.

Principle #8• Spiritual power seems to be involved

with a concept that translate closest to our concept of “vision”.

• It was not only seeing the goal of desire but regularly envisioning the steps along the way being negotiated that gave the surest path to success. Most of the Ancients also wrote that envisioning the assistance of a loving and concerned


..“Higher Power” was often the cause of miraculous occurrences. In any religion and with any people, all who investigate find consistent reports of the amazing power of spiritual visualization. It is the primary power behind the effects of prayer, the laying on of hands, and most alternative healings.

continue #8• The translations explained that the

spirit operates by creating a template or image of the desired object or effect, similar to a film in a movie projector. The ”will” or faith” was then used like the light behind the film to project the image into reality.

Principle #9

• The translations describe exercises and practices to develop the vision both externally and internally. These practices are part of a daily regimen to increase the ability for spiritual visualization. These activities enhance the operation of both the spirit and the mind through which most of the effects of the spirit are experienced.

Principle #10• Finally the secrets reveal a system for

exercising and training the spirit, mind, and body. It discusses the benefits derived by the person in being in functional equilibrium and assisting the society by being directed and advancing in the direction of the holistic being. The Trivalent Being that mankind ever was, and shall be again? The name of this system is Ako-Ben. “A word that is a symbol, a symbol that is a message. Hear the word, know the message”. What this means we are investigation but I just had to tell somebody!



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