thank you volunteers! readers: hospitality team: review...

Post on 15-Feb-2018






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• Review last week • Worship & Program Attendance Sheet • Fine Furniture Sale on Saturday 9:00am to 12:00pm • Wedding in Chapel on Saturday at 4:00pm • Church Information Class on Sunday, Oct 16th, 11:

2:00pm (childcare?) • Staff Lunch on Wednesday, Oct 19th at 12pm • Budget Season (start planning) • Staff/Session Christmas Party • Staff Retreat Follow-Up (rule of life, goals, covenant, • Quarterly Mini-Retreats

Worship Service 10:15am February 26, 2017 Thoughts for the Day

“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time – waking and sleeping. It does not change God – it changes me.” ~C.S. Lewis “Our prayers must not be efforts to bend God to our will but to yield ourselves to His.” ~Catherine Marshall “Prayer is bringing your wishes and worries to God; faith is leaving them there.” ~Anonymous “We can be sure our prayers are answered precisely in the way we would want them to be answered if we knew everything God knows.” ~Tim Keller


The Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole is a church where every member is a minister,

called to pass on the faith, as we… Gather to love God and others;

Grow to know and follow Jesus; and Go to make a difference

in the world.

1251 South Park Loop Road P.O. Box 7530

Jackson, WY 83002 307.734.0388

Thank You Volunteers!

Readers: Hospitality Team: 8:00: Michael Adams Susan Hawkins, Maggie Heumann, Sandra Zender, 10:15: Jackie Montgomery Katie-Chloe Stock & Jennifer Baki Gift Counters Welcome Table: Alicia Neathery Ingrid Watsabaugh Barb Huhn Pinnacle Newsletter Volunteer: Barb Huhn

Accounts Payable Volunteer: Louisa Sandvig

Special thanks to Karen Brennan and the Deacons for arranging our Bluegrass Sunday reception

Volunteer Opportunities: Wednesday Bus Drivers for JOY After-School (1 hr)


"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion,

for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Giving generously is essential to our spiritual life and reflects our gratitude to God. There are many ways to give

in addition to the baskets passed in worship…

Mail - a check to the Church office (Please don’t send cash)

Online - by clicking on the yellow Donate button on the bottom right of the screen,

Text - by texting a dollar amount to 307-200-2175. (You will need to provide billing information the first time)

Credit or debit card payments, please contact Kim Bogen at

Thank you for your generosity!

PHOTO OF THE WEEK JOY After School students skating on the Town Square



Sunday Worship Services: 8:00am – Traditional Worship in the Chapel 10:15am – Contemporary Worship in the Sanctuary


Wednesday Community Dinners – As a church we are intentional about gathering as a community during the week. Our Wednesday dinners are 6:15-7:00pm, September through May. Before and after dinner we offer great programs and classes (see below). Contact Chef Christine Goodman if you would like to be involved in this ministry, 307-690-1199.

Dinner Groups – If you would like to join a monthly fellowship dinner group, please contact Meg Womack,


Good Samaritan Mission – PCJH prepares a meal at the local mission monthly, the second Thursday of every month, 5:00-6:15pm. Anyone is welcome to provide a dish for this meal and groups are encouraged! Contact Katie-Chloe Stock,

Stephen Ministry – PCJH provides trained Stephen Ministers who are available to meet with you one-on-one to provide regular support and care for you during a difficult time or season in life. Please contact Pastor Ben if you would like to meet with a Stephen Minister.


Interim Communications Coordinator Originally from Missouri, Liz Collins has a background in environmental education and worked in Jackson during 2015. She’s excited to be back in the valley and to have the opportunity to work for PCJH.

Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday, March 1st at 7pm Join us for worship in the PCJH Chapel. This special service will follow our community dinner and replace 7:00 classes.

Little Lambs Registration Current LL families and PCJH members will have priority registration the first week. Registration opens March 1st online at Please contact Effie Edwards with any questions at

Lenten Season The Lenten Sermon Series this year will be called The Healing Cross. Devotional books are available in the Lobby.

Reveal Survey The PCJH Vision Team asks that you join us in assessing the spiritual life of our church through a survey called “Reveal”. The survey will take 15-20 minutes and will be live though February 27th. Get started at!

Habitat Build Day Saturday, March 4th, 8am-5pm Please join your PCJH family as we head to Alpine to work on the new homes Habitat for Humanity is building there. We'll carpool from PCJH, departing at 8am. Contact Katie-Chloe Stock at

Cross Country Ski Group Please join us Sundays after church for a ski as well as après. Feb 26: Two Oceans. Meet at 1:15pm at Dornan’s parking lot. Contact Patricia Scott for more info, 479-263-1997.

Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays at 12:00pm with Pastor Ben in the Matthew Room

Men’s Bible Study Thursdays at 12:00pm with Pastor Ben at Jackson Whole Grocer

Ascent (20’s & 30’s) Wednesdays at 7:00pm with Pastor Ben in the Matthew Room. Join us for fellowship and study.

Book of Acts Sundays at 9:00am with Pastor Tammy in the Genesis Room

Discussing Mere Christianity Wednesday at 7:00pm with Pastor Tammy

The Meaning of Marriage Wednesdays at 5:15pm with Pastor Ben. DVD study by Rev. Tim Keller

Fresh Air Study Sundays at 9:00am with Sandra Zender. DVD study by Chris Hodges


Nursery 0-3 years old

Sundays, 8:00-11:30am Wednesdays, 5:15-8:00pm

Sunday School We gather weekly during the 10:15 worship service and have classes based on age groups: 4yrs-K, 1st-2nd grade,

3rd-5th grade and 6th-8th grade. We strive to develop a loving personal relationship with each child and help them grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. On First Sundays, we

offer a large group activity in the Chapel for all ages.

Little Lambs Preschool Little Lambs provides a loving environment that promotes the social, physical, intellectual and spiritual development for your child. Little lambs runs from September – June. Classes are available 9:00am - 3:00pm, M-F, plus before and after care. Please sign up online, Contact Effie Edwards, JOY After School Our After-School program is offered for any children in Kindergarten through Fifth grade. The program includes pick-up at school and runs from school dismissal until 6:15pm on Wednesdays. We have a healthy snack, homework time, Bible devotional, music, and organized/free playtime. Please contact Renee Knutson, Middle School Sundays at 4:30pm Come join us at PCJH for fellowship, fun, games and snacks! Contact Pastor Tammy,

Music Ministry Adult & Children’s choirs, and music lessons (piano, guitar, strings & voice). Contact Kenny Hadden, Listen to our worship music on the ‘pcjhmusic’ playlist on Spotify.


Pastoral Staff Rev. Ben Pascal Senior Pastor x 101

Rev. Tammy Letts Associate Pastor x 104

Office Staff Cindy Dahlin Church Administrator x109

Liz Collins Interim Communications Coordinator

Pam Flores Office Assistant x107

Program Staff Kenny Hadden Worship Coordinator x123

Effie Edwards Little Lambs Director x111

Renee Knutson Interim JOY After School Coordinator x121

Ruling Elders

Ruling Elders are the spiritual leaders of the church. Session meetings are the third Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm.

Class of 2017 2018 2019

Katie-Chloe Stock Barb Andrews Alan Lund* Missions Youth Ministry Finance

Patty McDonald* Pat Wright Barbara Carlsberg Personnel Stewardship Worship

Ken Blount Peter Keenan Aaron Nydam Clerk of Session Buildings & Children’s Grounds Ministry

Kerry Murphy Warren Meg Womack Nominating and VanGenderen Congregational Member Assimilation Adult Ministries Life


Deacons provide the ministry of compassion and service for those in need.

Class of 2017 2018 2019

Nancy Brumsted Jen Baki Liz Jorgenson Jackie Montgomery Dylan Wade Annie Mueller Carol Poole Paula Jorgenson Marge McCallister Sandra Zender Erin Rosenberg Tom Deltz Karen Brennan* Deb Keenan Dorothy Neckels Joanie Shipman* Yvonne Henze* Alicia Neathery Julie Whitlock* Tena Webb* Susan Hawkins Randy & Robyn Barb Huhn* Kenlyn Long* Reedy*

*serving second term

HOSPITALITY Sunday Fellowship Snacks for the Lobby are welcome and

appreciated. Please contact Pam at

Second Reading James 5:13-20 page 856

Time for Reflection and Study Rev. Ben Pascal

Faithful in Prayer


The Benediction When We All Get To Heaven

Fellowship in the Lobby (Please help us keep our sanctuary beautiful –

leave the area around your seat clean when you leave)

John Merritt, guitar ⋆ Dave McCann, bass ⋆ Kathy McCann, Fiddle Thomas Sneed, mandolin ⋆ Max Ludington, banjo


Website: Facebook

Weekly Email Newsletter Let us know if you would Available for pick-up in like your email added, the Lobby, view online, or by mail upon request

Sermons Online Prayer Requests


If you are new to PCJH we want to welcome you – we are glad you are here! We hope you feel at home here and experience God’s presence and grace today. We would love to get to know you, so please leave

your information on a welcome pad, located in each row. Nametags are available at the welcome table to

help us all greet one another.

Childcare 8:00am - Children are welcome to worship with their family. The nursery is available during the service.

10:15am - Children are encouraged to worship with their family during the first part of the service. After Time with Children, pre-k through middle

school children are dismissed to Sunday School. The nursery is available for children 0-3 years old during the entire service. High schoolers are encouraged to

remain in the service.

Want to know more about PCJH? Please stop by our Welcome Table in the lobby.

Our next Church Information Class with Pastor Ben will be on Sunday, April 23rd from 11:30am to

2:00pm. Lunch and childcare provided. Please RSVP with Cindy at


Song of Gathering John Three-Sixteen

Welcome and Opening Prayer

Songs of Praise I’ll Fly Away

I Saw the Light

Responsive Prayer of Confession* One: Almighty God, your interventions into this world have always shaped who we are and what we are to become. When you called Abram to a new land, you shaped a faithful response. When you gave Moses the Ten Commandments you shaped proper behavior. When you called David your friend, you shaped the nature of spirituality. When you gave your only son our Lord, you shaped the nature of love. When you guide us through trusted friends, powerful insights, and divine scripture, you reveal your continued presence as you shape our lives today. Thank you. All: God of Holy Love, often we resent your attempts to shape us. We don’t like being “clay in the Potter’s hands.” We don’t like the image of being sheep guided by a Shepherd. We are intelligent people who can do things ourselves, without you, without others. Forgive us our arrogance, O Lord. Forgive us for the many ways in which we injure others because we don’t follow you. Help us to learn from Jesus who did it right. It is in his name that we come to you in prayer seeking forgiveness. Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness

Song of Response When We All Get To Heaven

Passing the Peace of Christ (Take a few moments to greet one another)


Time with Children (Children are now dismissed to Sunday School)

News of the Church Family (Please sign and pass the welcome pads)

Songs of Reflection Cold Jordan

Talk About Suffering

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (Forgive us our sins)

Giving Generously of our Tithes and Offerings (Electronic giving instructions are on the

back bottom of this bulletin)

Drifting Too Far From the Shore


First Reading Psalm 4 page 384

Special Music Standing in the Need of Prayer

*Prayers for Worship and Reflection by Rev. Dr. Paul E. Hayden

Nametags on Sundays Please remember to wear your nametags to help us get to know one another better

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