th l ojl if you tlj - chronicling america...111w 1j tiwi91- i tile i 1 new york in the old rut...

Post on 07-Feb-2021






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  • 111W 1J tIWI91-


    I 1


    Kxoatrn OUT AGAIN ar TUB TlJOF rite HOXCMtatTAZi CITT-Tie Hrooklr Xp Vt flute WIII

    0 It AInst Vhlnton4pt AapoiiaMen Hcor VIeWer Victory Orer ClueUnd Their Flrat ItcTcrwj In Ten Day

    The present series of games at Baltimore inwhich the New Iorkand tho tem ot thatcity aro play three EamelIMI-road proved a surprise to the

    It ahardly thought alter tho wonderfulbracing up of tho local loam during the latterpart ot last week tbut they would roturn from

    rt Baltimore with lou than two victoria but otthe rate they played yesterday and on theprevious day makes It appear donbtlul of theirsecuring even one cnmo Yesterdays gams

    I resulted la several surprises the principal-one


    t belrfg the clever playing of the Chicagoteam which was too much for ClevelandThen again the easy mnnner which Bostondefeated therhlladelphlas was unlooked forand the character of the playing of the WashInton Club during tho season did not admit ofJ

    I their being beaten so handily by BrooklynThe scores of tho day wore

    4 e1Umor7i Hw ork11 Biooklyn Hi Washington 1

    Vt Jloaten 18 rhlladlnul 8Chicago I Clereland 0Cincinnati 8 Ixtnlsrlll 4

    i rittsburgh I l Louts 4-


    JE TIlE Dinnne ttWI i l d 114 474-Jq alaill1 1lootnU82 U m-uadIPpan

    tFlttaburOflEt oa VaibIflt0n IIeu 8 35IL I a7 1 rork I 13 0-1IIOnI 10 t24 Loolnile 1l-



    1i 7 xgw TOiE5BI4rouE 23It was not Capt Wards

    fault today that the Now York lost Had ther vith him playcd with hull tl0 at thePen In the ibid and on tho the rosuit-vonld hivo been altogether dilreront Jes four of tho nine hits one

    c which was a doublo sont four of the live runsx scored across the Plato and fielded his posi-


    out of sight Tlio error charged againsthimoostnotulng It WM a tumble attar twoWet out and tho runner trot no furtherthan second As far as feldlnl wentthe rest ot the visitors chancesoffered but they could not place the ball outof a Holders Homo of thorn played Inthe hardest uachluck In tho sixth inningPuller drove hard boundlnl ball over thirdAs it bounded over Bhlndlo leape-duppuiidItdownIthOflofiafld and got the

    toTlrst ThIs play was oclipsod in thobal inning by Itoltz whopltiohed a line hitY romiialdwinsbatwith his loft hand abovo

    his head within two feat of tho foul lneTho grist catch of tho day weemado by Ollourk in the eighth when Doylelilt tbe high toward the bleachers ItI looked bal homo run Tho wind through

    I out had bean blowing a gab making It ex-tremoly dlfllcult lor Holders to gauge the baLUltourke sprinted twafl the fenethe ball came his leapedupward saUn in ono hand and then toilon his back showing the baU as he wont down

    t to convince Bnyder that he hn caught ItL puller who followed a doublebut was left Burke too made a greatcatob running with the ball It was a flsMeramore than a pitchers battle Baldwinpitched a remarkable game In the tOrst inn ¬

    i lag two doubles wero made oil him In thetL second a single and in the third four singlesand a triple all of which with an orror br

    Connor netted six runs After this tho Ori-ole


    were at his mercy Oltourko was theonly Player to hit him alter this and habrought In tho only man whom Baldwin badsent to lint on balls The New forks made agreat uphill light taking advantage of ovaryt mlsDiay The scorojuuuoaa-

    ayew TORT

    la ro X-fminSleB4b

    s lnrrxi2 1 1 O flarkiLf2I 1 a O O-Tiernans Kelly nf1 02000-Biurkf rta a a 0 oL fl U 4 0 Q Ward 2d b1 4471MUUran 1st bo 1 lo 3 0 Connor 1st bO 113 0 1

    7 Tnadwayr rl loo 0 Darls UJ bU 0 0 s 0Z eurewalt32000riao00000-1slts3d bo 2 I I Fuller s aO 1020t lnioncO o u 2 cro 0100Ko-Mahcn po 0002i-totsJij7ioi710

    lf-Tknfoadlrarata blta Delehnty AllenTh 5 Puffy LOWC Pearinse Illtal111L Moab MCOIDr TICSSEPel 21CImle 1ei and Lenloobl plnLr ilaIlmaad SOIlS iiltbrjltCrly daisyI i Viied baIaXrrltt It Uleraent 1Umpire uafiney TlmI2K Attsridaflael000cnr ooI cumuim 0CoCioo Hay 21WII lhday rraetlcally lost An-ton ¬yaate4 In lb nnh muffo baant subsillited AI Mad h4lal year as the-itarplioherof tb Leant SWInE

    and < lute tolled McOlir faaeraf knellI Bring oil threehas bits which road tbeecore I la < In favor oCleveland Mauek bill the ep4er dOWIO one hit155r halt the tolls on thre bite 0 errn byBuck Ewlng scored four uo winning tbe gam Theattendance was 11OO Th scere-

    icilrioa cLITIIa-cDL1rOAs i1PPOAL-

    PTaL a S J a a a o Ocnner r If o 1 o-UaWen


    vunrlirI12dba ISO O llnrkett 1I r1 loop01 0 0 eKan-


    i 308 o111 O O-fO ICwIng2db1 iI o a

    IAnfse 1 8 U O-erlrl isib0 1 0 S1300 a r1 1 11arrott Sdbl 3 1 a y fbean 3dbl 1 O > 1-ieUtILp0 o o o lttmmere0 o 4 o O-ClarkonpoHhrlrer c u 1 3 o o o 8 U-saneLD00120 TetaliS 7s7i6 aTotals 8 U 27 10 13 00034002 002200000S-ir rnnsChloagoI It Cleveland a FIrst bass2 Cleveland 1 Left on bales

    Chicago 7i Dlereland B First baI on kails on WOhut 4 off >Iauckli oHCIarkont htOok o-

    rbMe Jill 1 ThrIbalI btisTlrtue 27Mcliean Ewing

    billrbo Daistu Syats lrIO < bit2 tiurkiOn VuolanDablen Stolen bassMOAIsr nrtbau Mdccci asd virtue by plteberCiUkSOnrrlidpitfh reseed nZlmme UmptrErnsik Tlm1i45CU-SOOMATI 81 lotnrmt 4

    IxiCTlttLtr Slay 23Jollll unstained a defeat atthe bands-battlnran

    or by the latur euperloribs home teams Inability 10 hltMnlUnaAttnoanee IOlaI-

    OCIITHUTb sooth

    I curct xin-K iaroAKiI laroAm

    Welch Itfl 131 2 IlbamMbz 8 1 o 0Brown u ro 180 u-lfeffert Merhe LdliO Olio2d b1 1 a 2 0 llolllday e fl 1 r o 0Wearer r rU 1 U o o Murphy 1 8 O urinknoySdbU u 2 2 u Canaran f2 21 u OOrlmo 1 141 0 Comlslerlbl a 10 0 0Wblstlerlstb1IV ZX u II O-JtnoloisaU

    0 SmIth s so 1 o H 1O S O 1 Rmttnrfl 1 1 o o

    Clausen p u u o 0 0 Meitanep0 1 O 8 0llemmmg PO 1 O2 U rOla812271 1TotaU 4 724 I a-IxmlsrlUo 0000100124-0Cincinnati O 2 3 S IOU 0-

    EazndruneLoulsvtUl 8 Cincinnati Pint baton erroraClnolnnatl 1 Loalsrllle 1 zen on balesLoalsrllle 8 clnounatL first has on ballMullane 4 off Hemming 2 oB Cia L ontCy Caup i by llemuilni 11 by Mnllan XCanaran raM nlt8rwn SaerlroorleI pfeDcr Itnkney Jennlruta SloThO Smith1 Mullen Double playPfeOer Pluknay andJennings lilt by hammIng 1 Imulr-McVuafd Itma PIbet1

    Xteru a-A T D 1 0 0 0 08 5 2 2 U 0 U 0 gr

    Base bits Troy Ii rtorltfenee 8 Error Troy 0Providence 3 FittheriYrlcken and iladdta-

    IT UlllrrAlbany 8 O 0 S 1 0 8 6 O 14-kprlngneia 1 OO8OOOOO 4

    flat Bprlagfleld 0 Error Albany1 tlall WTLKXIBAK-KKWllksbam


    4 021 n7B-luchamton 3 o u 0 8U

    iSsue hits Wllkubarre A Blnrbsmton a rrron-Wllkesbaire1 uiugbamtou 4 PlicflariU000llaD-diiarntt Caleafter flub inningU grounds Rain

    Other Gumstows 10 ooanu X-

    rionncrot lay 28 Drown defeated Cornn todayrather easUy pitched a goon ram and keptthe bitsI wellI scattered 1rleit pueblo In good formand waj well supported blTaylor The score tsaox i eQual

    3 1rGL L1Lrn1rW-iCk lstb2 01B 0 0 TIoIO 1 8 U 031100 1 1 4 1 a 1 8 Ii 1a 1 2 2 0luior 0 1 I 0 1Ste 1ldb0 t5lJotnon84bU 2 1f f l gMogul 34 b0 1 OlCobb 1st b0 0 1-leorge cf3 1 U U Olilamiindb0 0 0 0 1Molanlt1 2 2 0 OBILfO U 1 0 1-WSlarlrf1lAng 01 71 f j1tict1 1Ki 01 f 10 1TolIii2i II olI 2621011V-otnU 0000030002Ea-nied ronsUruwli 3 TbAH IIJabolnBacrlQc bits Steere Towl

    George Towla lint bale on balls Sexton W SteersSuch Btrvok out Jones MogUL tv Steers Lang JoInson TowS Young Uanilln Best Double play Jobn-aonandlilon Paased ball Lang UU by pitched ball

    Taylor 7110boor Umplra fiurnaTus3 WXSLXTUI 2-Mnouoowx May 2a1 Tale team came hr to-day determined to thmslret on Wslyan

    for tha deteat they reoelred two weak ago They leeseeded built was only after tbe hardest kind ot workThe acorcivats WWITaE

    LlLrOA-sBeaUBb0 0 0 0 0 smlbJbO 1 1501Case 1 1 1 lIA UUO 1 4 1 01rboolbl Ill 1 0 I 0 00 OIJeeirat0 1 01lpar 1 g OlLapbainLLl 0 1 g g-ArbuehootDbOSledges 24 b0 0 01 Seeman IibU 1 55

    U 1 2 Oilrou1p0 0 1 U 1orenA 0 I 1 0 O Lnrrlll 0 o 8DAI p I I 1 0 0 1 0

    Totals i71ij ToIals3 424g 8-g 4famed noTaa Fnl base no moTa 2Woln Stk oleVul 25 0101cc bases2 J

    case ArbuthnOt Davis fl 5 tin Iapham linamag ld baIlUreenWa7TUnS12A WI< plellay 1mnnnbnn Onsnee Today

    ninoxit iMjuit ato I> S >KU OSSOCUTM-IDaltlmor ra Nw York at BaltlmorBrooklyn rs Washington at Eastern rakBoston rs Philadelphia at BostonChicago TS ClereUnd at CbleagPittsburgh T ILou ePittsburghOTSXX emn-Kw

    GroundsYork L Cvs Yale Law School at bPoloNew Jersey A O vs Olympic at Bergen Point

    joltVrlncton TS Dnlrenlly 0Pennsylranla at PriaaStatue Island A C vs Black Olamcooa at West Stew

    BrightonHarvard vaAmbnt CambriagJasper TS llarlem A 1at Lion rub

    Debal NotesBarlobo

    Claniea b been rtleaied by Msnscifthe Rnoklra will1 not be horn on ThursdayFf Byrne bas set aside this afternoon as ladlesI

    Billy Morgan tbe exNational Lagn catcher and-oiverbandbaitptayrlsnourooI i the staff ot umpiresof the Brooklyn Amateur AIOIInPHUinxirau May 2S OoLJoho L Boor said thislcrenlng that Pitcher Taylor Wit remain with the Phil-adelphia Club sue that no other club ha any claim onlOan

    At Prospect Perk tbisafterneonibA4eipbi Academycud the Wall StrIct teams wilt meet and the letterpromise to make moC ten lbe detest ethe hands oflee schoolboys last

    Aleck Brown lb crack pitcher ef the raltena netwith a alight Injury to bis pitching baud last Paadajbat be says It will not aflecl his execution In the use ¬ciations gaIn next Datnrday

    The will play tb last lam nf lbs asaaonext rlr tome uf the I will retire until nextyeariJ ingotbssto Out u5J7 Z apoint otboThe nrst championship game between the Besolntasand Acorns Urouklyn Amateur Association

    Corset at Prospect Park last Saturday wound Bpin adispute and tb uinrtre awarded the honors to theUeiolutea by u to o The Acorns howerer bar eniciest a protest I the Associationcorerlng second has again for be Brooklynnl School team If he Is In anything like his OilIthe team will be materially trntbnd Titewili Close their K00 an Juno 14 with toePoly Uetor that timel however they liare a

    numbeof Important engagements to nil On Slay 215probably play the Albany Club ann on Doeoration hay will inset the Pougbkcpsles In two gamesInennnoan is dolor som livaly bustling toarrange big schsdle for lbS old Wao or South

    Irooklrl they wero to ha pl1dlbolr old rlulf Juuoy Cly last Sunday but tlslattrwatsnd at the last an filled So show tapTh froulshAmericane appeared as subsiltuiee butthey were no match tot the aiiarjsTompkUerlll team will play at 1U80da1Ihllecuratlaa Day ISis fbojnU Al CWUI meet the Nassau

    OH mi tsrnt rHpoJimmy Reltly of the Granite Athletic Club Is aCtionsto match bis newly acquired eerenlypounderany lad of that wfght la thu worldj As aooa asValllVI rreoilreaarspons to this challenge he will Sluuwith Titu bcao snake a inatCD POlLon Wiars Hie champion amateur runner ot tbworld In tils 447 and Mach Cooper the weiiknownhigh JninMr bay formed a cenartnerstilp for bookmaking Iher will traasaei business at all the nrtnctpat race mololo this vicinity ibIs ssssonTThe across tam of the Polrtechnlo ofBrooklyn corered Ibemselies wlnainE11 glory by adtaerria victory on Saturday the >rJspeci Pa>kparad ground orr the atrens Instltnta lesm t-

    ornllobokn Tb Brooklyn boy won by 2 goal to 1

    0nMe relva a speclsl report yesterdayr fight which toot puce at uaiiup X iibunt Steen the chpmplon of the TerritoryJubit Urallycf Wisconsin The men tough atall welg nts for a stake of SIOOO and gate money

    Brown touched au man out In tbe forll roundFred Birdwho lel a Ooh or Box aweek Jaf Uojikins caloreL againstJack uuor for a nalan nma Iae Tn 59s cfneelast night aad stated much as Iflounr was afraid to meet his man t Vouag cannotl< drawn oaiHIrd says bis otter open to gddtEireeney or Andy belly at 126 pounds

    Harry Kenmeler the English middleI weight called atTits Owl Oat yesterday and slated tatI be would bevery much pleased to arrange a match with big JimSullivan Charley White was ien tbrtlr after Kenmiser visit and be told a am reporter that Hulllraband he wr good frlnd one more and that Sullltsn-wouldngUI lbs Lnillahoan In a IJlBy at 118 pounds orat calcn welnlit White waau some of the clubs tomate a bid for the fight

    Charles MitchelLI In a latter to the Fiila Ca at datedIxinJon Nay 12 saysi SlaB I trainingI carefully andbe aland a first class chance to defeat flInwho Ido not think IIs so good as when b Jackrun Should Hall win be wilt return to America InAugust and I shall secure hll backing to stain lightriuiimrnons I have anything about Curbelt but I trust the Mm not taU throigh Itblnk W III Masterson of Dearer will assist UaU IBtralulcgiueflaebii Katrru Park 4P 1 TodayBrooklyn rs WashlngtoI ana ZBcLadles rree to grounds and lrllan Aflee DI polo Ground Today 4P UYale Ti Kt1r YorkL4J AIIUo 4mla260 Taut morning and erenlnir trams to th AdirondackI andId

    Montreal via Bv turk Unual Uglnulng hay J

    OJlGp1 EfSwordsf

    rerl words cfTorijneiiiN iwordiotDiamonds Rabies aaat Sapphires short swords long

    swords Turkish werdi tclmlert George Wathlngton swords swords tor 10swords Ihigh ai no laabort swords for emjlxxlynow at the opening ofsummer IU the Urn le buy thmthe molappropriatestyle of brooch for the season

    J H Johnston Co17 Union Square N5 V-

    wUead for Price IIt

    4portnt2tn < l




    hay the IJeats-sn Eyes IlcTlled-

    rocurlnEos u-

    BICYCLEWont cost you snore

    THAN 4Oc A DtTZ-L11T1CVLA1b3



    Tho American Ormonde Cycle CoCor XMtls Ht ansi 7lh Ar New York


    andwill make a mistake It yen do not ctCul C your moneyTHE NASSAU-

    IsIs an absnlately highgrail Pneumatic Tire

    I ells atsin If ion cannot afford toforpay the full taSte down we will 1 yon OB

    15 DOWNand In eleven months 110 per month Tonowls the bItS tIe

    il130 NASSAU fiT


    opr M co I WARRfN NYlliuoklju AKTHCV 553 fullon Ht


    10 MURRAY ST

    Brooklyn FurnitureCo-If you aro about tfurnisheither city or country inspect

    our stock and get our pricesbefore purchasing elsewhere-

    Wo can save you money

    400 Neat BrlcaBrao Tabio Solid Oak or Cherry

    Polished Finishworth 57-

    5OoLadIes Sprint latRocker Hardwood FrameBItOOKLY1 1RJHIB 0063 to 5V1 Fulton St

    OOYp rlnu C-



    ALEX JfmtmymE-


    mAST TKKnt-


    TAKE TOrE TIUJBot our absolutely BMBOltiBIVCmBri r to cur easy vayiMnt epaB yurail at our elect your wheel sad TAJtlTTOuBOWN TIME A FOIl ITTh VICTOB at 80 cent a day la a bargain

    CREOENOA for tbe price Ono be QnalM faaoatanw kenyolcallt2001d lbs use el U tike eertire season Moondhand wBnlelapSlaIn Btor and Athlstl OeoOs at-


    aOnORES Oa pzcycrxsSROADWAY Stew York 013 647344 LEKOX AT wT-FLTIUSUAY BroeUyn aA G A BalesOpen reolngs except at 148 Broadway it V



    cusniONTins vnasniaSOLO OH INSTALLMENT PLAI-

    AT 1-

    COLUMI AGENCY555 Fulton

    1218 lEDatoptLoeierBXB-BANCn





    Samples of flannels anfl prlcas on apnlicaUtts

    Wit WOOD-man GRADE SPORTIMO 0125 W l 1 J6th sL K






    SWEATERS at fLift 960 U 0and 10EATON CArS at LO-OOII AS E VAN VEO01-


    BARGAINSa r rzcpi MATIC AEhtY AT

    141 CttiiiOS nT 1LstVlp juu seeondandtlootothlrll cue lull aol a sliteentliJ A i A llitiorrlss rb m HecUn B cy rlurroIt

    Ierhapsliradleys112llitlflltlbr c 1J4 lei > ill iiiLD l 12LiiuljUurtncli li iVoVktun aget lOS IlrhrloIJ uhamilton Equity AJax 1M Under stud ListS alsoranTim 3lost BlllnlTwo to i aisln 1 Reckon 14 to Bagainst Lowlander 4i to 1 AjIII 1 tjulty 1010

    1 llunilltouil tu i SluIces isO to 1 Llizlt 40 to 1UtocalonTJUnD nrr

    The Clover Stakes for nllles two years old 6O eachwith f lGtxl added of wtilch JtXJ lu second and f luu tottilrdI lOss furlongstlsdunn hlsblee ch f Kentlitrna by GreenlandEllsto lIlt IIIUIIDSI 1J itumperi l Jrs b f tilemeiiilun 1 17 Thompson IC riaSschuanu 4 fcrnscn f MIM Lily ala iClavtoa8Milan temper Mr Ully MellonI lent illcuiacQueen Irosipstcb Dulse Token Lluabolh and LadyBrook alia roll

    Post nmncKTerTluiaSul Kentlcrna 4 to 1yictlou rtol Token 7 to I iroupatrh lOtoI 1 RemperVile fIlly 12 lo 1 Suet 16 to I Clementina ID to 1Dul iU to 1 Lady lirook 20 tol Jlieniao yueen 20to 1 Miss l4ly 4U lo 1 Uerlle 100 to 1 bllzabeluF-OUBTIC 1I4CK

    Th Gazelle Flake for Allies three year rlit 1100eacia with sir mul of which etro to second and1110111 lo thlrili one mile eel a IiiHougtv J ipierss tar f 2spbtbs by eu 1I04rt4 > p-DJl bitaims 14 Llttlenslds b fiilis Maul iiiAiorlngtoll 72Drown ± Kogers1 > t One brawn 117 Overlon aratthfal Jlinnehaha sod ffoprleiy also ran

    Time 1s61514rest BttlBfyour to 1 on ills Uande 16 to 1 Napa


    I its IS Id I Ont PreyS XO M lrreptiitySOieIra-SshtuI401e1hiaDebaba S7IPrBA0LY-

    eT tbryf ant spwanli Mlllart a sweeptakeoese1ta with 1000 a4ao of which tTOO toaecovd and loot third m furlongsi J O ri Irans b c root Jonathan 4 far Spendthrift811107 Onffln l IIItFDwyera 11 llammla MoH itambler i0 Cornehlsen ACoachb Onward ili iiirfaralj S

    Sarah llamey Beautiful Bella Johnetta Long fteachEelKood LUtf md Clio coltI unit Courtship also ran

    TIme 1144Tost netting Fleren to n against nlwoad 1 leiManiple t to 1 Onward 7 lo 1 Beautiful Bella S1iwrJoiinhn fi> to i Sarah Rmy 1C to 1 IUttl Viivo to 1 courtship Jo to 1 Long Bacb SO to 1 Johoetts4050 1 Clue eoll

    SIXTH XiCE-Tor threearoslds and apwardt aewenitt1riof lift

    each with flooo added at which 2OOiosteondnd-Kioto tblrdi slirorUnrsI

    Richard rrniers ob f Torkrlll nail 4 br Jllier1horallOLambley 1OB Mores A Cai hshJudge Morrow e 117 tCerlNrton T J3 t McDonalds iaIt Cheupeaii 0 114 Taral 8

    Illram also ranlIm11141Ioit Deltlngyir to 4 on Tortrllle Bell S to 1-

    nlnit Chesapeake 2H to 1 Judge Morrow boo telfinalelODAIlt CARD AT-


    Gn4Y5BUA Ilessry and FIT Other Race

    Will He nunThe races ot the Brooklyn Jockey Club for

    today consist of a heavy handicap and fiveother sweepstakes several of which are of theconsolation order The starters In tho handi-cap


    will make n race worth going to ace whiletho other fields promise fair sport Here arethe entries In full

    first Itaet for three yisrclds and Howard whichbaT tot won at this meeting a sweepstakes ot 1111-

    h with tluoo added of hlch S2UO to second andSitu to third sIxI futlokis-Hurllncliam 1OH Hartford 10-

    8IllscoinuAaa wnd ton 1UMr lIuuIIII fiiiitatrr-Dorlen 1103 Walt elding-

    Sernnd ftaca yor twoyearolds which bar not wona stake rae asoFrjpitakes of SIT each with SiOOOadded ot which S2UO to second and SlUu to third nycfurlongs

    fbarter 11A Lonrdsle 118-uallletSlower IIH lOitFt Maxim lot IXlclntyt

    lgig 109I

    Third Raco For maidens three years old and npwardt-asweepstakes ef sir ach with klUOUaddil of whichS2OO to second and Iluu to third one mIle and a sixtrentPt Hubert HSi-Lldirerwood

    othtntr IllM Herald M

    armen coil KM Itlon Uuck isis 81 Ltonarda Wfcajonara ml

    sooth ilacFnrallags heanr handicap asweep-atakesof Siir ese1 wIth S 1000 added ot Which S2UOto second und S10U te third six furlongsAddle 118 Rosa It 110Illoamltis-llolfro


    iandoiriietomancbe101-0liarveutlOll102 Mettolcantit102luslaratnger 200

    fifth Race For threeyearolds and upward sellinga sweep > takes of 15 earS with 11000 added ofwhich SIS to second ansi 100 to third one mile anda sixteenthKomiJ llr Sykston 11-0itirArihur207 lloraotie 105Anna II los old Dominion 104Mrrle KM Circular 1OO-

    USJerk nine 104 Stowaway 1515Joe Kelly 10O BessilcUnff

    LaS Clara coltStub Itsce For twoyearolds elllnff a sweep-

    stakes nf Sit each with HOOO added of which liOJto second ansi Slbu to thUd flee furlongsFaustina colt1010 Duke ot yief 10-Calaudoriarus-llusb

    1O3 PA100 Tremor PS

    hJrcuklet flity 14 PaulIne 150


    iEntries for tomorrow are as follows

    rust llaceFIre eKhlbs of a mil Ctrebas 103Sue hider gelding Mela II cult JOS each faxtaaad10 Lucky tliasioui Deck Torn Uail 101 each Slab

    town Roy Irrenlar 102 each Mamie D B BalladsDonut Lass 100 each Illlnk Bonnie In-Kecond RaceSix and a gnarnr furlongs ihreyIr

    eUa Tar slid Tartar lOll lyrist loll Industry W 1Honeymoon MS KtarterPellingtu 02 lelel atxX

    Third Rac Kerenelihtb of a naIl Jo Carter113i Transit 110 Annareane lOAi Jack Ftar Illenall-hallonaL Jugler lute eachi spendollne SlrlngfellnwAndrew P losS each enophone tfelllct Ueneral Slotdon Heron Kyrle II 104 eacb

    yourlu nacerontsnd a halt furlong mn paintsBed Rim 105 tech Kelm 103 Charon V8j CrocuaAnnie K Harm en I U7 eachi Uerrlttiue WO UweelAlice 8l Alga MIM Ella Sit each

    Fifth liacfMII and a sixteenth India Rubber 1141Orlstle Raleigh 10H each Prlf IOu hnapp104

    Sixth liaoellre tins of a mIll bealeu horsesPrince Teyton Diitihsm Ijitlnns Ptolomy anrt-Aoitlel Iatrocl ibId howe Keyser Somerset 110eacb Palmyra Xlajella Morning olory Thtcra alisiPint 105 each

    Favorite and Ontlder nt IlnwtborneC-niCAOo May 23Two favorites two out-


    and a second choice won tho events atHawthorne todny Summaries

    Viral ItaceRtrsnfurlongs Knthnslait lip Slaugh-ter 7 to 10 first Rear iVtiardllo mallard 2 to 1second Mattllta10U Smith 15 to 1 triirit Time164 Oaiwite and Kwcet Mlngron also rat

    Second llaee Kelllnp six furlongs Hpnft loo FCart 6 to 2 first tfttlc 104 K Taylor II10I t seeondi hercules ion Slaughter 0 to 1 tDIrd Time134 Ed Itch also ran

    Third Race selling swepitakeit fire fnrlongsSane 103 Slanght 12 to 1 ilrt Minnie Barbie uirishen IB tol second John Arthur 104 Uallard 3-

    lo 1 thIrd Time ItllW> Jennl June roihonnilhiss Mnrpny Cyrus Lucille Murphy and Lady Jimalso ran

    Fourth RaceSelling sne and oneilxteenth mileSt Albans 105 P Bell even first Iloneer St rCart B to 1 second Miss Patton 101 Von 8 to 1thlri Time 213 Crab Prince rartbian tllrabeaualso rats

    Fifth RaceSix furlongs Johnny Campbell 102ty Bell rtol tIre llaydee 1O7 Fisher even seeondi Weararman 117 Nlcols third Timer lasCol Clay rerdlnand Jurtll franco and bail Puebloalso ran


    Action by the Ilonrd of ControlA letterShorn Mr Qebburd

    The Board of Control yesterday announcedthe following decision regarding the chargesof foul riding in the Brooklyn Handicap runon the first day ot the Brooklyn Jockey Clubsspring meeting

    Xcw Thai Stay 2X-Mr M F Dwyer having applied to the heard of Coo

    Irol for an Invstlzatlon tha Hoard rinds I1 That thw Is no complaint aa to foul rlflloirln the

    Brooklyn Handicap against any person whatever2 mit the oniypersons quoted In connection with

    the matter are Mr Lortllard and Mr Gebbard3 That tbese gentlemen deny the statement Im¬

    paled to them therefore there la no case before In-board W 0 VOSBDKO Secretary

    A copy ot Mr Gobhards letter is appendedKiw Vonx May 21

    JoAn feMur natrmnn TtnnrA of GmtrelDoss Kmt I Lad not thought It necessary to deny th-

    7i> roM absurd story or the remarks put down tomenot thinking that any Important would he attributedto them or any rellinoe could be placed lIn such wildand wbo ale statements Lire istooshort to correctinlsitatenientsot the press so far as I am concernedHo much unsavory talK Sass however been occasionedby Imaginary Interviews that I now write to denyIbis report

    1 backed Lampllthter through a well tnown cameOssioner wnlfhsnoulJ be a sumcltnt answer I did nottack blra for a larr amount when 1 saw the largeStein colored on the card tearing that he might be Inlrfered witbnd said ao The same reason wouldbare ben good with every horse In the race I amvery truly yours F UFIHIID

    At the TrapsThe fifth contest for the fLags Connty Gun Club

    championship cup cresented by the Coney Island Athletlc Club took place yesterday The original eightteams were represented but the Northsid bad onlycue man to shoot Allof the other seven had theircomplement Some fine shots and good cores weremuSe specially by the Atlantic Vernons and StewUtrecht members Tho Atlantic again came to thefront yesterday winning by the score of 08 oCt of 75Thesconea

    Atlantic Seed and lan Club J D Voorheea 25 yards16 C E Morris 28 yards 16 D Monseers 80 yards11 U Bauer 28 yards ID U Morris 24 Irania 12Total 11G

    Ternon Rod and Gun Club fins Orelff 28 yards 18Dr Little la yards 10 P A Thompson 2H yards 18W H Thompson 29 yards 1S J oternont 2t yard18 Toiaic4rJw Utrecht Rod and Gun ClnbC M Meyer 28yard 12 Dr Wrnn 28 yards 12 C yuriueien Jr18 yards 18 D Deacon 211 yard 13 O E hotrand20 yards IS Total 514

    Cney Island nod and Gun ClubS Northrldie 28yards in Its hyde 10 yards 13i F Ifaender 28yards 11 C Murphy 28 yards 12 C Plate Itti yarns12 TotaL 61

    ilenmore lied and Qua Club W Harty 28 yards18 J A Epplg 3o yards i i J Gchllemaan 28 yards11 W BelorerSOjarda 10 F Ipplf 28 yards 8Total 51-

    Parkway Rod and Gun Club A Potty SO yards litJ Stake 28 yards 18 T Short 28 yarua 7 J BennettI1O yards 12 K Ilelgani 28 yards IS Total f 8-

    Crescact lea Club Cant Shepherd 28 yards 14 LHopkins 28 yards 111 C Jlebrman 28 yards 10 JRatben 28 yards 11 W Ullman 28 yards UTotal 66

    Horthslde Gun Club J K Mtyer 28 yards 10-Kferee Mr Jacob rants Scorer Mr a A DollarThe standing of the alt teams that have completed

    1htr scores to date ts as follow Stew Utrecht 817iAtlantic 8O9 Corny Island 805 Vernon 2UO Park ¬way 28U Glenmore 2HK

    The next shoot will be held en the Atlantic Rod andQuo Club grounds at Coney Island on Tuesday Jun 27

    Borrllnc Game TonightTBX IrIs L1D1TID01L TOUBXKm-

    yrercks vs Kneoht Knecht rs Bchwack Bchwacke-ra mroka

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